*kills your series*

*kills your series*

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Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck happened here? I completely stopped following after the initial reveal

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Different engine and dev team. Was a step back in every way

*goes whaling*

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>could've made GB4 with the original team and wipe New from existence
>nah let's just make mobile crap

Different team, game ran at 3 fps and whenever your parts fell off you would have to use ones salvaged from enemies, which sounds cool on paper but pisses off people who spend hours making the perfect robot

Different engine and team made it but Bamco didn't reveal that until the game was virtual out.
Plays worse than the first Gundam Breaker.

This is probably being used to get funds because NGB flopped really fucking hard.

>want to play the dlc of 3
>it's way expensive and never on sale
>the disc with all dlc gets discounted all the time
Should I just import the disc?

Who hyped for GBO2 western servers?

>NGB and GV probably flopped so hard that we won't get a new versus game in the west
Fuck my life. I even enjoyed GV, despite the weak roster and lack of local multiplayer.

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>gundam vs comes to the west
>it's shit
>gundam breaker comes to the west
>it's shit
And the real kicker is that japan is getting extreme vs 2 meanwhile we get fuck all because lo and behold, westerners don't like shitty games

Well hell yeah brother

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Why don't companies just localize the games they know are good for more sales. Baffling.

Because that requires thought

That's what I did. It was worth it.

Breakers gameplay>PS4
I don't pay extra to use my own internet connection

It's on PC too. Also in English

We're destined to get only shitty gundam games in the west

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Online f2p games on ps4 usually don't need ps+

You can literally create infinite accounts and get the 14-day PS+ Trial and share it on your main account.
You can not only play all online games without a fee but even play all PS+ games.

All F2P Playstation games do not require Playstation Plus.
And if you do manage to find one somehow it is stated that it wasn't Sony's decision to make it so. It was the publisher/developer because they didn't want to make servers.

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Swing and a miss.

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