The website who is always rude, violent...

>the website who is always rude, violent, and offensive towards other people makes a game about flawed insecure characters who just want to live normal lives and be accepted
What the fuck?

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It's almost like we are real human beans.

>implying Yea Forums as a whole had anything to do with KS
What the fuck?

mmm gimme the chocolate

It’s a different time it was humble and wholesome.

Yeah mostly Yea Forums

Now imagine if it was released today.

>implying any of these useless fuckers had anything to do with it
Retard. Also, the game is shit, fuck off.

Maybe I should replay this. I did the Rin route and then stopped playing mid legless-girl-what's-her-face's route cause I got bored.

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Lets be honest.
Who else got baited with the premise of cripple porn?

she has daddy issues and lets you do anal its easily one of the worst written routes

Fucking newfags.

It was Yea Forums

You Yea Forumsermin scum will never make anything worthwhile in fact you destroy anything that is

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It was made on Yea Forums not Yea Forums, everyone on Yea Forums are all worthless subhumans with no soul and I hate the living fucking shit out of all of you

>the website of virgins makes a dating simulator based on the art of a japanese porn artist
really activates my almonds

Was it anons projecting their vulnerabilities?

I'll tell you what it was:

Anons with low self-esteem enjoy the fantasy of targeting vulnerable girls; ones with a cripple or jarring skin blemish that shot their own self-esteem, thus forcing them to not be near as judgemental as the average cunt, all so gross user can stand a chance with them.

Not as wholesome as you think. It's basically for the deprived Ncel's horny predator instincts relishing the thought of easy sexual prey.

You think the people who post pepes and wojaks on their iphones here had something to do with this game that started development around 2007?

The edginess and vitriol of anons is a coping mechanism.

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i played for the feels and got tons of them
glad there was no porn


have you uh..played the game?

the original inspiration was some nip art anyway. If you want a power fantasy try saya no uta or rance. this shit is pretty wholesome for a vn

Where are you Lilly ;_; Please I need you.

are you implying there is a contradiction?

Because the rude, violent, and offensive towards other people faggots weren't the ones involved as they are useless at creating anything.

wait Yea Forums made this game? No wonder its sucks lmao


> starts playing
also its double sad that that guy who made this song had conpletly cut ties with KS, doesnt mention anywhere he made OST, actually deleted information about his involvment on his website

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Anonymous imageboards have people of all kinds, both the worst and the best of humanity. On the other side, communities where one's historical reputation is everything tend to drive both extremes away in favor of people who just want to go steady without doing much of anything.

it's almost like Yea Forums is full of flawed, insecure characters who just want to live normal lives and be accepted

>it's already been 7 1/2 years
Has anyone made it in that time? I always thought I would when I played KS and it gave me motivation, but I'm still here. We'll never have those great threads again.
>tonight is the night

You don't come to Yea Forums instead of reddit or facebook unless you're at least little broken on the inside.

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wtf this h-game has no porn?

I went in expecting to laugh and have a few faps how wrong I was about the laughs

Wait, you don't have a Facebook account with all of your personal information and hundreds of images of you? Not even a Twitter where you tweet about your everyday activities? You're a broken person and likely a homicidal rapist.

It does but its vanilla as cripples can get

>can’t see lilly

This is the one of the proofs that Yea Forums is the best board and Yea Forums is anime website.

Made it what?
Im way more functional than 7 years ago but the world just seems bleaker.

sounds good

how many times have they lost count now

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We admit we are. Many others are beyond what we are user, some are in straight up shambles, barely even surviving, but they refuse to aknowledge they have an issue, they keep on with their self destruction and never wish to improve.

If you knew what I did user. People paying for "rituals" and "witches" to avoid even remotely thinking they are in the wrong, to try and fuck over people they dont like and to get love. People paying thousands they dont have and cant earn to "loved" ones that barely stay once a year, just to dip out, pretend to be insane and then repeat for a month as they come back. People who are so desperate they accept a broken relationship, even if it hurts, just to not be alone, even if they are still miserable.

They wont ever admit they are broken. Theyl pretend to be perfect and dandy, always showing a smile in their faces and pictures, endlessly jerking eatchother off. I prefer to be honest and reject that.

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tried playing this game but who wants to play a crippled boy also i heard there isnt alot of h-scenes

The protagonist has only a heart problem, the rest of the body is fine. The h-scenes are just the cherry on the cake.

Twice at the very least

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Dude isn't even crippled in any way, he just has a non-lethal heart disease.

the story is all right, and because it is made by westerners trying to write japanese characters, there is that "aliens trying to understand human behavior" flavor to it

Lily route made my chest hurt for a month.

I felt so lonely bros

>There's no way these people aren't just merely pretending, I mean it's a VN, how much impact can hit have?
>play it
>feel more alone than I ever have been in my life
>have to start hugging my pillow when I go to sleep.
>no longer content with just rubbing one out and checking out, want a meaningful relationship with someone.

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Not that either. KS was made by a group that initially began with discussions on Yea Forums. It has little to do with Yea Forums or Yea Forums as a whole.


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phew dodged a bullet there

>MFW I have a GF that’s basically a KS character.


Not real?

Muramata-san's Secret

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Be well, my friend.

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>still trying to take credit for other peoples work
hello redd1t


Everyone is flawed and insecure about those flaws, everyone wants to live a "happy and normal" life and everyone wants to be accepted.

>four leaf studios

Actually no, if you’re mature enough to fuck off with generalizations.

Good one.

Damn you got defensive real quick
I don't think you have a girlfriend, user. Enjoy your hand.

imagine exploding over a gaffe like this


>the board where people were having genuine meltdowns and complaining that they couldn't sleep after kyoani
Yea Forums is basically tumblr at this point. /jp/ is a much better board.

Being seen for who you really are is a fantasy everyone enjoys. Average people feel as though their outside personality must be kept up, but want to be seen in a different light. They feel charming and fun in certain environments, but awkward in others.

Many famous movies and TV shows address this phenomenon. Anons are just awkward in nearly every social situation.

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It was a different time. Yea Forums wasn't so edgy back then.

I dunno bro the part where you raped her kind of shattered that idea

That was when user still had hope.

It's been nearly a decade. He is bitter and sad now

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>the bland cripple dating simulator continues to live rent free in your head for close to a decade

Hanako is my wife and i love her

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And I wouldn't have it any other way.

>Aww shit don't touch me with that hand
>fuck that skin shit chu got is contagious

>hbubu m-m-muh cripple anime girls
>guis look its so wholsome i guess Yea Forums had a heart after all
>m-muh burn scar waifu look at these CGs

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We are all gonna make it user. We gotta try.

This post is extremely low quality.

I aw him mention it one time but he was just getting upset at someone for comparing his current music to the KS OST. To be fair, although I like KS, if I were in his position and trying to be recognized as a serious musician I could see myself wanting to cut my association with KS as well.

>Imagine t he crippling illness to waste your time complaining about a game you don't like instead of doing literally anything else

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who hort you sweaty

Wrong nigger I create plenty

post proofs

Yea Forums was different then. Also the game is shit even by the standards of a VN which by definition must be shit.

my point was that all of Yea Forums did not create KS and to suggest so is retarded


I only played it once and I was pretty happy with the girl I got so never really felt like playing it again.
Kinda want to go through the Kenji route though for laughs.

based Yea Forums elitists shitting on numale Yea Forums.
t. /ck/

Who's the guy wrote Shizune's route?

Just come out clean so i can come and beat you with a wooden stick so hopefully you learn never to write a single thing in your life ever again.

>/ksg/ thread number #3680
Why the fuck does it still exist?

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>discussion began on Yea Forums
>has nothing to do with Yea Forums
based retard.

Name one visual novel without a girl with daddy issues.

Easy, Saya no Uta.

ngl this is pretty based
t. /pol/

>the website who is always rude, violent, and offensive towards other people
Are we on the same website?

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/jp/ is shit after they removed all traces of shitposting. Definition of "no fun allowed".

The absolute state of user's hand.