Why are Smash players so disgraceful?

Why are Smash players so disgraceful?

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wasnt the tranny like 15yo? just a dumb kid saying dumb shit. It's somewhat a shame, but I also dont really care.

>"yikes oof yeet this person said nigger in a discord server a year ago they are cancelled PERIODT"
Who fucking cares? How petty do you have to be to look up a minor's posts a year ago just for clout on Twitter? I fucking hate twitter.

>be racist and get canceled
I dont know what this means but i still hate niggers.

>but it’s a year old!
>but it’s private!
Saying racial slurs in private is a pretty damn good indication that the person saying it is a racist. I know your aspie brain can't understand that but maybe one day your therapist will add it to your "These Are No-Nos" flashcards for you.

No it isn't you shit for brain resetera nigger. Words can't hurt people. It's just edgy humor. No wonder every other country laughs at you fat ameritards who get offended over everything.
t. spic who lets his friends call him spic

i swear ive seen this exact same post before

This isn't humor, this is pure hatred.

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Based retard



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Can you please just go back to resetera?


>We were justified in bullying and harrassing a 15 year old kid a couple months ago! Turned out she said racist things! We are the good guys!

t. smash community

I think smash games look neat, but I would never play them seriously in any way, because the smash community is by far the worst gaming community on this planet.

seems pretty based to me

But they said this player was a girl??

>defending a literal discord tranny
return to reddit

>Justifying a tranny
Fuck trannies. He deserves to be bullied.

Something about the wording on this is really obnoxious to me.

My friends joke about spics being deported all the time as a joke. I don't het assblasted over it, I find it pretty fucking hilarious cause I know there's no malice in it. So shut the fuck up, NIGGER.

It's 2019, dont be racist. Is it really that hard?

Deportation is not the same as lynching.

a tragedy.....

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I said nigger when i was fifteen

I was also bullied by niggers


Wait he's 15 and on HRT? Holy fuck based, he gonna look so fuckable in 3 years.

>fgc news
>eceleb argument bullshit
>tragic news like dehydration seizure death
>smash news
>also eceleb argument bullshit
>hilarious news like smash players doing the dumbest shit possible
>also the smell

Jesus christ you're fucking sick

the speed run went more like this:

>be tranny
>get promoted by reddit into a gig normal boys who are harder workers and better at the game only dream of
the end

why do shitty tweets like this get so many likes/retweets?
what is wrong with twitter users?

How do I get in touch with Rev Al Sharpton and Louis Farakhan? This tranny needs to go down for good.

The first woman Smash champion........ taken down by a single word......

Even as a miner I knew not to use the N-word as it wasn't "our word'. Being racially insensitive is taught. Bocci should of knew better

>over a word
you mean a racial slur he constantly said and called for lynching them, incel weebs

>caring that people are racist
are you jewish?


have sex

You've never called someone a nigger online?

>lol dude its just transgressive behavior
>wtf why are people treating my transgressive behavior as transgressive

'our word'
holy fuck are you serous cunt
no ones buying this bait

this is bait or you've never had friends to joke with in your whole life

It sort of seems ridiculous that a 15 year old is being called out for what they said with friends privately

Imagine thinking you can say the n-word 20x over and cry when repercussions hit, /pol/tards are genuine retards

Racism is not a joke, someone should show "her" photos of Emmett Till.

go back to /r/esetera

nigga please youre embarrassing yourself

I wouldn't in person so why would I online?

low quality bait, my guy.

t. black smash player

Ganbatte, Bocchi

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>not even the tranny card cant stop them from being excluded from communities


people absolutely joke about things that are uncomfortable
nobody is a perfect ascended being without faults so I'm not sure why you think a person needs to be publicly shamed for jokes said in private

It's because it's stating they're a prodigy for being okay at a video game

Man you have some deep self-loathing issues

Social justice claims another victim.

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Uncle Tom

There is an important lesson here, and it is to never succeed at anything or people will track down dumb shit you've said and ruin you. Always be mediocre.

You did it is resetera pasta

"She" wants to lynch black people, that's a threat not a joke. "She" should be in juvenile hall for a hate crime.

didnt think some twerp could be this BASED

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nice projection. he clearly can just handle bantz not much more to it.

it was a public discord though

So would the situation be the same if we switched up the roles? A black female smash player caught using slurs against trannies.

I bet he thinks his "friends" are joking when they really actually hate Mexicans.

i was either thinking that or its the same dude refreshing for threads on this topic


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lmfao you are literally a fucking cuckold

>ooh poor poor Trans person :((((
Holy fuck this place has become tumblr.

>I-I'm really sorry! To amend my mistake I've got myself a black boyfriend! S-sorry Nako!

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looks like things are getting pretty niggardly in the Smash community

and blacks murder each other all the time, no joke
they also give each other the ol' firestone special in Africa
the tranny said a word
last time I checked, thought crime was fiction

>leffen grandstanding on twitter about how NOBODY SHOULD NEVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO MAKE RACIST JOKES
I can't believe people tolerate this guy. Imagine being such a gargantuan asshole to people that you get nationally banned from your main hobby. Being an edgy teenager on discord is nothing compared to all the shit he has done.

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>kid says nigger in a private chat

Got the screencap of her wanting to lynch niggers?

>/pol/tards rushing to defend a racist trans person

Part of why I want this tranny scum to die is because "she's" dragging the real Bocchi's name down the mud. #notmybocchi

Ni- and I don't use this word lightly -gger

Smash players live in a fucking bubble. ChocoBlanka’s real good at Street Fighter, is a top-tier qt, and is an actual biological woman & not some freaky Frankenstein’s monster.

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samefagging this obviously should result in a ban

I guess I hate niggers now

So fucking stupid. Just let them tear each other apart.

>Bullying a 15 year old

All because the tranny beat someone who's allegedly good at smash

Everybody says Nigger. The person who made OPs tweet has said nigger multiple times, if not in the past few days, possibly even while writing that tweet.
If people say they don't say "nigger" they are flat out lying. Its everyone's dirty little secret. Even the most totalitarian SJW white girl says "Nigger".
They'll say "Oh, I'm saying nigga XD" Like it makes it any better for them. But no, they're saying Nigger.

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Or just never say dumb shit in a public setting. Or at all if possible.
I despise censorship and the way we treat slurs that only makes them more potent, but it really isn't THAT hard to just not say it.

you can dislike niggers and trannies at the same time
there are two issues being conflated here

>4channel is the lady active place on the internet where you can call people niggers and it doesn't cause some gay epidemic

The internet was a mistake. Take me back.

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>that's a threat not a joke.
no it's not
saying "lynch niggers" is not a threat
saying "i'm going to go out and lynch a nigger irl right now, not joking" would be a threat

jealous bc you dont have a sense of humor?

It's in this very thread, retard.

Dumb phoneposter

Stop writing like a faggot nigger

How come I don't see black guys saying "lynch trannies?"


I bet you any amount of money that you can go back and find either chat logs or footage of Leffen dropping a nigger-bomb at any point in time, the motherfucker turns into an angry gorilla whenever he gets into the Melee zone. He’s singing this tune cause he knows he’s guilty as hell.

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new to this so I havent heard but what did leffen do?

ぼっち is safe user, this person is too dumb to pronounce a Japanese name so it's more like Boatchee.

>It doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother anyone
based retard

I dont say it, It's literally not in my vocabulary incel

>say a word people don't like in private conversation
>everyone goes out of their way to ruin your life over it
>wonder why someone might shut down their social media accounts after this


>There are consequences for your actions
oh no...

>someone is gonna screencap all of this and expose us
lmao oops

>crying about DE EBIL SMASH COMMUNITY over Bocchi getting razzed on Twitter
>less than 3 weeks later they're trying to destroy this 15 year old "girl"'s life and DE EBIL SMASH COMMUNITY over "her" using bad language
Jesus christ. The e-celebs in and surrounding the Smash community are absolutely fucking disgusting opportunistic two-faced faggots, looking for any cheap excuse to condemn the Smash community as a whole. Instead of ragging on real shit the community as a whole suffers from, they swing for the cheap seats to farm likes and exposure by pandering to woke callout culture.

Grow a backbone.

Don't think I've ever read anything that submissive and cucked on Yea Forums, ever.

stupid burger drama

>That many faggots actually complaining about a kid saying nigger
Is because she is a tranny? Isn’t it? Yea Forums hates trannies even more than niggers

You made that post 10 minutes ago, dilate

Are people seriously asspained about the word nigger in this thread or am I being baited?

So why are the incels just downplaying this, it wasnt even her just saying the n word but calling to lynch them too. Quit being disingenuous, what do you think the reaction would be in a scene with a lot of black ppl?

Why the fuck does Smash attract so many degenerate abominations to its community? I'll never understand this. Go to any tourney featuring Smash. You'll see so many unwashed manchildren, sóy-guzzling numales, special snowflake Tumblrinas, and trannies. I love the game but the community itself legitimately and embarassingly the worst one in the gaming industry.

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Competitive Smashfaggots being nigger wannabes is laughable

>Smash prodigy
Yeah, I am going to put that in my job application, like Porn Expert.

You're lying.

>Yea Forums defends trannies
How the mighty have fallen
This board also worships Lowtiergod

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I think saying nigger is harmless most of the time unless you actually direct it to a black person but I know to never really say it in non-anonymous places online because it will be inevitably dug up. That's just the world we live in

Was really hoping it’d be more recent news, would’ve loved to hear about Leffen getting his ass banned from more tournaments because of all the stupid shit he mouths off about while being an internet tough guy.

Smash Bros is the one of the only fucking reasons I bought a Switch (The other 2 being Mario & Rabbids and Very recently MUA3) but the fanbase now makes me despise everything about Smash Bros

>15 year old tranny is racist in a discord server
>Said 15 year old fucking tranny gets harassed by a community of a platform fighting game starring Mario
2019 is a weird time.

Yeah because he is based. Fuck Boogie.

Just bait, people want to roleplay and scream at each other from time to time

Mario is a nigger

I just came into the thread, manlady. Letting your friends call you expletives and hold you down while you choke on their pristine white dicks, and they impregnate your countless latina sisters, sounds like the work of someone who is truly a submissive fag.

Nope. Last thing I want is to scream racial slurs if I stub my toe in a public place.

Let he who has never spoken the word nigger cast the first stone.

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So saying nigger in a private discord is enough to turn you into satan to these people?

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When push comes to shove, Yea Forums's loyalties lie with whichever side lets them say the n-word

Is LTG to the right or to the left of Boogie?

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>Yeah because he is based.

>Calling to lynch them
>In a private chat.
Its called "Fucking around."
No it isn't suddenly more than "Fucking around" all of the sudden just because you're a crybaby bitch.

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people need their daily 2 minutes of hate

I just digged up some chats from me when I was 16 years old. It made me physically cringe, especially knowing that I must've produced even more bullshit verbally

Joking about lynching niggers is enough to turn most people against you IRL as well. What's hard to understand about that?

He's way too big now. Nobody wants to stick their neck out and get his angry fanboys all riled up. Look at what happened to Salem. If you want an actual problem in the Smash community there it is. Meleefags were producing waterfalls of saliva at the thought of lynching him and none of the pro players had the balls to say anything about it because they didn't want to cross Leffen.

they're amerimutts and most aren't even white and beaners themselves you fucking retard
Nice projection

kill yourself before you reproduce and reduce the quality of humanity further

why does it matter when he's just a dumb asshole?

I wish someone would lynch you, nigger scum

what does he have to do with competitive smashfags acting as if they're black but are actually not

Get out of my country, you tranny-loving wetback

LTG is based

Wasn't this the person they all couldn't stop dickriding because muh harassment?

What kind of sissy thin skinned faggots are you hanging out with? Only fragile blacks and effeminate whites care if someone says the nigger word. Piss off.

>what happened to Salem
lmao, he got everything he deserved for being a dumb fuck


>Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark comedy or gallows humor, is a comic style that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. Writers and comedians often use it as a tool for exploring vulgar issues, by provoking discomfort and serious thought as well as amusement in their audience. Popular themes of the genre include death and violence, discrimination, disease, and human sexuality.

Humans have been making comedy of the dark aspects of our culture for millenia.


>and blacks murder each other all the time, no joke
literally everybody murders each other all the time retard

When you were a miner, eh?

Nah, born and raised in the US with legal parents too baby!
And fuck trannies too, you're just a nigger

>So why are the incels just downplaying this
People downplaying this are not incels, they are white knights.

This is why Smashfags deserve to get dabbed on by the FGC

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depends on context. it isn't something I would do at work but if it was in confidence with people who I know wouldn't take it the wrong way I would make whatever joke I felt like, including nigger lynching jokes if the topic turned to that

in this 15 yo's case it seems that the joke was just to say the most offensive thing possible, which, while not very funny, is also not some sort of moral crisis

orders of magnitude, my young retard

The internet has an inherently different culture than IRL

Where is this hatred you speak of? Words are just words. Grow a pair.

you didn't state magnitude in your post at all, retard

Because Nintendo games are a popular brand in the West and leave more of an impression on the söi-gargling manchildren who had their mommies & daddies buy the expensive Gamecube & Melee for them, and absolutely refuse to grow up from their desire to be a kid again & be the best at a flashy party game that has Captain Falcon in it.
The reason you see many more normal-looking Japanese & South Americans in a game like Street Fighter or KoF instead is because those games were popular in those countries as arcade hits in either busy sections of town or underdeveloped countries; folks were either too busy or too poor for something like a Smash Bros., so they walked down to an arcade, pumped coins into a machine, interacted with people, and went on with their lives after entertaining themselves. Traditional fightan is a side-activity for people who got out in the sun, while Smash was a lifestyle choice for coddled faggots with too much time & money on their hands.

>have sex!
>fucking virgin
Are not hatespeech

I guarantee you 100% that he's said dumb racist shit online before but as usual he'll just virtue signal and say "I've changed guys!!1"

No one in a serious professional milieu is going to keep you around if you're found out to be jokimg about lynching niggers, no one.

This t b h. Her self-esteem is low enough right now that I can swoop in and pound the boipucci

How does it feel to know the whole anti-racism worldview is doomed because the only people who believe in it don't breed?

Not at all. The internet allows subhuman extremists (you) to contact each other on twitter, despite the fact that you are at most 1/30 of the US population

There is literally nothing wrong with being trans. Scientists have already stated that gender is on a spectrum and not on a binary. But of course a bunch of autistic incels who probably didn't even finish middle school will make arguments about "muh biology" without even knowing what the fuck they're talking about.

>Deactivate 0 of 0
Seriously? Nobody is going to comment in that shit?

aren't whites' birthrates falling?????

akuma is a nigger



Something wrong?

thats why the person I initially replied to brought up Emmet Till
because lynching is so uncommon in a white on black racist context that they had to use a 70 year old anecdote
stats don't lie, stop being disingenuous
if people are gonna pretend to be outraged over the private words of an edgelord tranny teenager, why aren't they killing themselves over the actual state of blacks in america?

Yeah, but it's mostly because of urban liberals. Jesus freaks etc. still breed above replacement.

brb chopping off my dick cause I'm mentally ill

>Smah Bros prodigy

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Humanity as a whole is doomed so I'm not sure what your angle is here

Hard to say. First you'd have to be able to tell where Boogie ends.

That's right, incel. Are you gonna do something about that, basedcuck? Or are you gonna take it like the seething, impotent virgin you are?

that would only apply if more blacks lynch each other than whites lynch blacks
where are your stats

Unironically this. In a nutshell, fighting games have origins in real social interactions and interfacing with people that could easily clock you if you grabbed them too much in SF2

Smash's origins is 5th graders going to someone's house after school and people picking Fox and Roy because they're "cool"

I don't think anyone of serious professional milieu is working Smash tournaments. I'm sure that most of them have said way more heinous shit.


>whistle at white woman
>get what you deserve

This whole 'baww whitey' thing will be laughed at by future generations the same way we laugh at people from the victorian era pretending they disliked sex.

What the fuck is an org, some sort of smash team

Bullshit, nobody’s “too big” to get fucked over by stupid shit they did, Infiltration was THE Street Fighter V guy for a while, and then he beat his wife & just disappeared off the face of the planet. All it takes is one guy to sack up & brave the legions of smelly aspies to call Leffen out on some shit he absolutely cannot get absolved for, and he’ll be done like overnight. And frankly, it’d probably be the most entertaining thing to come out of a community that prides itself on 18 years worth of the same shitty 1-frame reflector battles.

That’s because gender is a social constuct. Why would scientists talk about something that trannies use as a synonym for “personality”? The sex-gender distinction only exists in the heads of trannies and their allies, and scientists exploit this distinction to carry on their work while throwing you a meaningless political bone that nevertheless satisfies (you)

the tranny already begged for forgiveness on twitter and saying they were wrong


The person in question is a hot topic in the Smash community for a bunch of reasons, and to be fair they outright said "I love dick and lynch niggers" (doesn't bother me, but it's an extra step for those who are offended). The former led to the latter spreading more, and the spreading means more upset people.

There's also plenty of people who are just dramawhores who are spreading it because it's entertaining to follow drama.


Crocodile tears

Considering how often Leffen likes to leak personal shit between him and other top players on Twitter, this would be the ultimate karmic justice.

its literally the same person samefagging.

they're using the same time of concern-trolling in every single post, its pathetically obvious.

this is Yea Forums, no one cares if you say nigger here or are unironically racist and if you have a problem with it resetera and neogaf are that way, faggots.


lynching is a charged term and I agree that unlawful hanging doesn't occur much today
however, unlawful murder is incredibly common
draw your own conclusions and stop thinking with your feelings
in 2016, without regard to the difference in race per capita, whites killed less than half as many blacks as blacks killed whites
again, stop being stupid

>/pol/tards defend trannies from rules they themselves set up

>I lvoe dick
>cuts off his own

Damn, I thought it was just a myth.
SJWs really are invading 4channel.org, huh?

Some people like other dicks not their own

You know many trans women still have their penises right? Of course you don't, you're just an incel who never goes outside and has therefore never interacted with someone who isn't a dumb fuck redneck.

>It's okay to abandon your principles as long as bad things happen to a type of person I don't like

Sasuga, Bob-san

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This is either great bait or double digit IQ logic.

This is the perfect opportunity to destroy a tranny and you're going to pass up on it? Maybe you're one yourself you dilating motherfucker.

in this same fucking graph whites killed more than blacks, which runs contrary to your statement of the state of blacks in america, what are you fucking doing

Almost all races are like this. Outside of niggers in Africa, the greatest indicator someone will reproduce above replacement rate is their religiousness.

Considering trannys now demand women to shave their balls, it would come down to how much oppression points being black is worth

cracker-ass motherfucker

Is there a trans woman with an intact penis outside my house right now?

You mean to tell me that trans people will be defended by Yea Forums as long as they say nigger?
We're one step closer to taking over fellas

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Good, too many fucking normalfags here already.

Are you saying that niggers actually enjoy being lynched? Interesting development...

>what is per capita

Considering the low numbers of trannies it's perfectly reasonable for someone to have never met one before.

That's exactly how it works. They eat their own and realize how flawed their system is.

There are 5 times as many whites as blacks in america basedboy

niggers will also be defended as long as they say tranny

>without regard to the difference in race per capita

I fucking love those videos man

Doesn't matter who you are. If you defend Yea Forums's right to say nigger they'll stick by you.


read the post that one was responding to based(i typed out based instead of soi here)boy


wait i dont follow smash shit but i see it here a lot
was this epic female player that btfo (according to clickbait) smash players a tranny?

Who are you quoting? I responded to the whitey that thinks he has the right to say who gets offended by what.
>Mexican get called spic
Why is nigger held in such high regard, whiteys? You don't wanna upset your bull Jamal or something?

Beaners are productive people, usually. Nigs nog.


>you're just an incel who never goes outside and has therefore never interacted with someone who isn't a dumb fuck redneck
No, I fap to Japanese newhalf porn but I doubt this Smash person is as beautiful as Yukino Akari

Yes, Bocchi is a tranny


the enemy of our enemy is our friend
if you say edgy things and piss off globohomo, you're a good person

Of course it's a tranny, are you retarded?

Holy shit you're a normie. Trannies are based.

So what's Yea Forums's agenda?
Are we against >her because >she is a tranny or are we against the twitter mob that thought polices?

What does this thing look like?

>meme arrows outside of 4channel
>anime girl icon
checks out

Another fag rejected


But that's literally why hes on HRT

>should of
Bad enough bait that it devalues any other thing you could *have possibly said
get raped by a pack of niggers

And that's the tea, sis!


Chad response
>LOL fuck trannies
Virgin response
>she's /ourgirl/!

No reason to lie like this on an anonymous image board

I'm against them both.

stop talking about shit you never had

Fuck niggers, fuck trannys and fuck the smash community

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She isn't in the wrong at all, nothing wrong with saying the N word. I just hope I never become a Competitive Player because I'll no doubt be assblasted over all the times I've said the N word in a public smash server.

This. The only time I’ve said it in the last decade was singing along to the Punch Out theme song and my friend said “don’t say it”, so I had to.



I'm so glad that I grew up before the age of Discord and all my logs of me being a dumb kid are lost to time

>anime girl icon
>thinking of themselves like a god
>smash bros player
Fits perfectly with the rest of that cesspool.

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Trannies are a self correcting problem. They kill themselves off and only reproduce through spreading ideas. Thought policing is a dangerous concept that quickly destroys a society. In this case, I side with the tranny.

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have sex

This. By the time social media was a thing I was an adult who was smart enough to realize you should NEVER post anything on the internet with your name on it.

In college I lived in a house with 2 Lacrosse Players, the Captain of the football team, myself, and another guy.

Never once was the n-word uttered in our house and we spent all the time we were home joking and fucking with each other.

Time to grow up and realize you cant be racist outside Yea Forums without consequence. I hope you learn your lesson

this and based

>what do you think the reaction etc etc
the niggers would start ooga-boogaing and beat the person to death because they're the closest thing to an animal in the long line of human evolution
barbaric savages will murder over words

>Tfw you are almost afraid of anything positive with publicity happening to you cause you know someone might dox what you said 10 years ago and use it to destroy you

>first woman

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>Being a dumb kid
Being a racist piece of trash*

Fixed it, no need to lie when your user

You should've just been a good person.

Children are racist pieces of trash by default, there's been studies on that.
They'd rather play with children and dolls that have the same skin color as them.

Thanks for reminding me people like this are really out there in the real world.

A community that has pro players fucking mentally disabled underaged Canadian ones might as well throw as much shade at a girl making them look bad. Its not like they can look any worse.


>tfw you're not afraid of this because you didn't spend six years spewing NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER on the internet like a fucking moron
Feels goodman

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Sounds like they have bad parents

They have no style, as well

>They'd rather play with children and dolls that have the same skin color as them.
how is that racist?

I mean you can but that is what anonymous imageboards are for, this Bocchi tranny is an idiot.

This should be the real takeaway for the thread

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Jesus fuck, the larping as a resetera poster is so stale. Stop giving people that do it (you)'s.

saying nigger isn't racist

why don't you go after actual racists who call for genocide of white people on a daily basis

Except that's not racist at all you dumb fucking faggot.

Depends on the context but wanting to lynch them is beyond racism, it's a declaration of race war.

>whine and cry back in the 70s-80s until psychologists finally cave and take gayness off the mental illness board
>all legitimate treatments being researched for people who actually want to fix their dysphoria stop because the public now associates it with gay and disapproves fixing it
>now, people are chopping their dicks off en-masse and then killing themselves because they're never happy with their bodies while people laugh and cheer
so progressive, much wowe

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>americans think this counts as news

oh nonono

>you can dislike niggers and trannies at the same time
Right, special little /pol/flakes who need their insulated hugbox because they get unimaginably triggered by the mere existence of trannies, gays, women and/or non-whites

>Says some guy on Yea Forums who probably gets triggered by that "white people can't handle spice" comic

Nobody does that. If anything, they honestly should genocide some white people. Maybe then they'll genocide enough of the cucks and soiboys like you and leave only productive members of society.

>Replying to falseflaggers

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>when you work hard at getting a normal person’s degree, job, and physique, and only thing you have to hide that you feel a little ashamed about is a giantess fetish
>but there’s so many fuckin’ weirdos around these days that keep getting praise from politicians & medals at award ceremonies that you look normal in comparison
I salute you, Mr. Blue Jizz-Stained Fox Mascot.

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>being racist isn't racism

Maybe just don't say nigger all the time? What's the problem?

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>mods remove thread about tranny saying "nigger"
You're not going to sweep this one under the rug, Jannieniggeers.

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Do people really think there is no consequences for saying racist stuff? you can say nigger all you want here, but dont be surprised if sponsers jump ship when you say it as a public figure

>whine and cry back in the 70s-80s until psychologists finally cave and take gayness off the mental illness board
They didn't just whine and cry, there were violent protests and terrorist threats made by fags and their enablers.

>look at the author who wrote the article
>some basedboy who graduated University of Austin with a Journalism degree

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>I mean you can
And I choose not to because I get no satisfaction out of spewing NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER left and right

What does it say about the people who choose to do this? HINT: They don't not because they're NOT racist.

She's like 15.

What the fuck is wrong with this community? It's like treating a baby's temper tantrum as a drug spiral of a rockstar. You're sense of self isn't even fully developed until your late twenties.

I'm afraid of visiting all the forums I posted on.
Just thinking what I might've posted makes me ill.

If niggers stopped being such disgusting smelly, cocoa butter using, double digit IQ having, gas station thieving, pants below the knees wearing, Ebonics speaking, kill whites saying orangoutangs then maybe I wouldn’t have to call them uppity niggers all the time

based retard

>Being a racist shitlord is fine because lol """she's""" 15


Bochum is based? Wtf

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They're racists no doubt but I'm just saying, boards like Yea Forums is the platform to get away with it.

Well, you know, niggers gonna nig, you can't explain that.

>someone is gonna screencap this
Based Dark Ronnie taking one for the team.

Depending how much money I got for writing it, I don't think I'd mind too much.

>meme arrows
Ask me how I know you never had an office job


Smashey smashey cope and seethey

He doesn’t take baths, he always smells.

Even after he offs himself.

He’s an autistic rosterfag

He wears cargo pants and makes everyone gag.

Oh smashey smashey he likes niggers and trannies

Why won’t he be banned by the jannies?

>tfw scat fetish since the 4th grade in 1999
>instantly know it was weird, and should never share it with anyone
>everyone who isnt having sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation wants a fucking medal
>clapping for every weird fetish
>kink shaming enters the public lexicon
>want all these fucking weirdos to shut the fuck up
>you dont need to broadcast the special way you like to fuck

Live in shame so the public forum can look nice, jesus christ. I still live in fear that somehow, someone is going to look up my online handle, find my porn account, look at its individual download history, and connect it back to me and expose me.

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modern "journalists" are either trust fund babies/living with mommy and daddy or constantly begging for money because they have none.

>getting paid
lol, the ones without trust funds are in a worse financial position than neets

So, which smasher is getting blown up next? My moneys on uh, Dabuz

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You don't know what a racist is.

Niggers have an average IQ 15 points below whites and 20 points below Asians and Jews.
Young male niggers commit 50% of crime despite being 4% of the population
Niggers have a massive illiteracy rate
Niggers have never built a single functioning soiciety in human history
Niggers are a net drain on society taking thousands more in taxes than they pay back
Niggers have very ugly hair and disgusting facial features like a giant wide nose and a long skull

how many times are you going to make the same moralfag post in this thread, you stupid illiterate nigger?

this isnt resetera. no one cares that a tranny said nigger, and the only pathetic person here is you.

Any pasta less than two paragraphs isn't worth using, but v will take any bait so there you go

We've been doing that for decades, moron.
Newsflash, telling people there are certain things they can't do to certain protected classes of people, JUST MAKES THEM ANGRIER.

being jewish is a religion, not a race

I think I'm more mad about this than the faggot saying nigger. Dragging the name of a pure cinnamon bun

Trust me I played all throughout smash 4.

Fuck these people. There are some good eggs yeah but most of em suck shit.

99% of the Jews you hear about are Ashkenazi Jews which is a race that comes from eastern Europe. Most of them aren't even religious.

Please learn words before doing this and embarrassing yourself.

Wow there really are a lot of trannies in speed running.

You're genuinely braindead if you cant fathom someone getting backlash for saying racist stuff, I dont give a shit if they spout it but obviously people would try to distance themselves


>Targeting 15 yo's for unpersoning

this is disgusting and so is everyone involved

Someone I know from high school put herself into debt to get a journalism degree, only to use it to write clickbait and listicles about drag queens on a shitty entertainment "news" site. She's still working at her other job in food service so from that alone you can tell whatever money she's getting paid (if any) isn't enough.
Journalism is a trap.

320 replies for 0 effort bait. Godamnit Yea Forums.

>99% of the Jews you hear about
no, it's always talking about them as if they're one thing
it's really not as simple as that, especially since there are multiple ways of being a jew

No one would allow you to enter any other kind of tournament nowadays if you went and talked retarded shit showing blatant racism like that too, though.

Resetera types live to snitch. Reporting children for thoughtcrime is the only thing that gives their existence a temporary illusion of purpose.

people who unironically think like this are making it more and more obvious that you aren't going to be able to use the word "nigger" in any context. i only use it if i'm specifically referring to the use of the word, and i'm pretty anti-racist on a ideological level, so i thought i'd be fine but the context is probably not going to matter. people are just going to pull this shit out of context and make the claim it's racism no matter what. kinda sad that words are going to have this much power over us

I can't believe Bocchi is a racist

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>putting people with catastrophic amounts of autism in both social and competitive settings

No idea.

Then just don't use the word? Why is it so hard to not just use that word?

>i'm not a racist, but

>mfw I used to write on a sailor moon discussion & fanfic site and write daily with my real name as email, it's still there goddamit.

"Jewish" the religion and "jewish" the race are not the same thing. When people talk about Jews or Jewish people they are referring to the race. Many of them aren't religious.

>tfw no racist slutty gf(male)

>dude dressed as a girl
That's just cross dressing

i told you why

Because it reeks of the vile rot of a world that finds it okay for news outlets to attack children and essentially ruin their lives before they even began and the cowardly capitulation of the decadent liberals that enable it.

The word is a racial slur, why do you want to use a racial slur so badly?

tranny already denounced the racism and you incels lel

Isn't she literally 15? Jesus Christ this is so stupid, so an edgy teenager said something edgy, so what. Like are we going to start ridiculing at 13 year olds? 10 year olds? 5 year olds? Kids say and do stupid shit, especially at that age.

i only use it if i'm specifically referring to the use of the word, and i'm pretty anti-racist on a ideological level, so i thought i'd be fine but the context is probably not going to matter. people are just going to pull this shit out of context and make the claim it's racism no matter what. kinda sad that words are going to have this much power over us

America is doomed.

>"Jewish" the religion and "jewish" the race are not the same thing.
yes, that's the point
>When people talk about Jews or Jewish people they are referring to the race.
and i'm saying this is futile because of said point
there's a reason why "jewish" isn't a category in FBI crime statistics

>same excuse Yea Forums uses over the Rainbow Six Siege bans
Makes you think

>using social media
>using the same username on multiple accounts
>not undergoing a mass deletion of your online accounts every few years
>not investigating your own online presence to find any slip-ups so you can erase your own paper trail


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>It bothers me so it should bother everyone
Based hypocrite

Then just don't use the word? Why is it so hard to not just use that word?

she is no longer allowed to be 15 after she's begun representing the interests of a corporation. she needs to make money for them

What an absolute nigger

because im racist

or just get so much money that haters can't do shit to you
I've called hundreds of people niggers on /biz/
I don't give a fuck if some SJW connects that with my real identity, because I already have enough money to never have to work ever again, along with a source of passive income making 70k/year
Hopefully 1 Bitcoin will be enough to assassinate 100 SJWs in a couple years

Doesn't matter, these kind of people threatened a ten year old with stabbing a couple years back because he said something they didn't like. Their moral compass is all over the place.

Why would you report crime stats that don’t exist?

There you go, at least you admit it unlike that tranny.

my god, get a life, these people play smash bros for a living, they aren't politicians


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why is Yea Forums so obsessed with smash drama
who cares

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why would china censor an event that doesn't exist?

>literally a trumpnigger retweeting ben sharpio and stefen molyneux

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that was a typo. i'm not racist

is like these fags didn'thave an edgy phase in their early teenage years holy shit

dumb faggot

Yea Forums ran out of interesting topic ideas a few years ago so we've been on the same content loop of e-celeb threads and shitposts since

racism doesnt exist

>what is learning from your mistakes

Your actions have consequences. I don't see how you braindead retards can't understand this.

>Why are Smash players so disgraceful?
It's the community. It's filled with niggers and spics who don't have the same values of sportsmanship as asians and whites. They set a precedent for widespread showboating and salty rivalries

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You sound like those people that freak out about Mark Twain books using "nigger" when a racist character from the south is speaking.

there will be a new election soon so we should see a resurgence of good content and posters

People say nigger because it causes meltdowns like this

>dont even try to change my mind just follow.
The world is fucked. Everyone is in their own echo chamber from now on.

>why is Yea Forums so obsessed with drama

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actions for what? for saying nigger? you treat it as if they murdered someone, don't be so dramatic


nah it's especially smash drama

you mean because jews run the FBI?

are you saying CIA is a jew?

you got played on every possible level


miners aren't welcome here, go dig up some coal or something instead

This is how I know you only have white friends

Stupid faggot.

Ok but did that reddit promotion help her beat one of the top players? Maybe you'd have an argument if she rallied all of this support, showed up to the tournament and then immediately got bodied in the first few rounds but that's not what happened. She WON. Promoting diversity over skill is a thing for sure but it's not going to get you anywhere in competitive gaming scenes if you don't actually have the skills to progress and she actually did.

zoomer and late millenial generation is gonna be fucked because they're gonna dig up all the shit these people have ever said and use them against them if they ever try to take some kind of public position of any kind. although i think maybe after like the 100th up and coming politician turns out to have called the jews a pack of rolaids on ebaumsworld, people will stop giving a fuck and it'll all come tumbling down. i think maybe 10% of people are going to be truly "innocent" because nearly everyone has had that moment of being drunk/high online or saying shit that sounds bad out of context, so the outrage doesn't seem that sustainable.

either way, it seems like you're going to have to disassociate your online handle with your real name, although that's nearly impossible with how powerful doxxing can be. i assume millenial parents are going to teach their kids not to have a public online persona connected to them

I'm not, the other dude is being so paranoid about an incoming witch hunt over using the word so why not just not use it?

maybe dont exist in my country and go exist somewhere else you disgusting subhuman

t. finn

Chaotic good here.

Yandex gave me nothing, source this? Who's this artist?

this is some special kind of mentally disabled

This is actual bullying

He shouldn't have made death threats to black people then.

Leffen is Eurasian, right? probably channeling some Elliot Rodger brand angst. Almost every racemixed eurasian is personally unstable because they're one of the few groups that is intelligent enough to internally monologue about their own genetic dispositions being against the grain of each other.

It's for (you)s

It's okay, the child has sinned and will be damned for all eternity for blaspheming our Lord (the blacks)


>you in particular don't deserve me
What kind of fucking narcissist thinks like this
Especially someone as unvaluable as a fucking professional gamer

>het assblasted
Is that like homo assblasted?

>saying nigger in 2019
>not saying nigga

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>This should be the real takeaway for the thread

There's no such thing as a good person, because it's literally impossible to be perfect.

And even if you somehow managed to be perfectly "good" your entire life (Objectively speaking), we still live in a world that believes relative morality to various degrees so that's still not gonna protect you from some random jackass who got offended an decided to drum up digital lynchmob in retaliation.

AND EVEN THEN... if you somehow found a way to walk the tightrope of public opinion, it's not gonna stop some jealous psychopath from ruining you because your success bothers them.


It's like throwing loaded dice you're ALWAYS GOING TO LOSE.

would it make any difference?

Nigga doesn't really mean anything.

because despite what the retards on this site tell you. most black people couldnt care less about any other race. some of us are too busy trying not to be another statistic to the black on black crime or to busy adding to it.

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but you just did

you're boned

Okay but saying the N word with a hard R under your own username in a public chat is a pretty easy to avoid, and without that she would still be considered a good person.

Like sure it's harder to seem like a good person these days due to extensive internet records, but this is all anyone has on her, and she clearly did this to herself.

>imagine being this fucking stupid

You don't have to be perfect to be a good person, what the fuck are you even talking about? Are you okay? Are you retarded? Are you an actual functioning human? Are you sure your IQ is even in the double digits? Goddamn, you're a fag.

They're not intelligent enough on average to project the impact of transexualism on society in order to give a fuck.

Researching the transgender issue I came across the fact that there are two types of trannies, which honestly makes more sense. One group are basically effeminate gay men, and another are autogynephilic fetishists on a porn addiction spiral.


I think g/acc has to do exclusively with the latter. Besides, the latter group (AGPs) has tested to have an average IQ of 121 on average (Nick Land even called them "Jews of Gender"). I think g/acc, as they view it, is just a projection of their inherent fetishistic thanatoeros. These men are basically heterosexual men with a fetish. They could have suppressed their fetish and lived a normal lives. When they transition they cross the rubicon into the space of the endless Deleuzo-Guattarian transgression. The g/acc and all sorts of cybernetic perversions follow. It's a self-annihilatory fetishistic slippery slope. The irony is that inventing new perversions is an inherently male thing - furries, /d/, different horrific hentai boards, all populated almost exclusively by males. The g/acc has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality or gender deconstruction, it is just a planetary hentai "cumbrain" meltdown wrapped into esoteric cyberpunk aesthetics.


is just a styilized nigger, is the same shit, people will still find it problematic

>person experienceing consequences for his/her actions
>"people should learn from their mistakes"

It's not, nigga is widely used as a term of endearment. You might still get shit for it if you're white but it's way easier to damage control.

Blanchard is discredited and outdated.
It does not account for transmen at all, and assumes that all transwomen are either only into guys or only into themselves.

not only "out in the real world" but in positions of power and influence.

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If it's private why did the faggot get caught?

If they don't want to discuss their opinion on the matter why the fuck are they posting it on a social media site for the world to see.

okay sjw

People under the age of 18 can't be held accountable for stuff like this because they'll genuinely just fall in with any grouo they're around.

If only she were also gay and black

>Just recently learned about bocchi's incident
>Visit their profile to see what's up
>Notice that bocchi follows me

D-damn. I'm cool.

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Has anyone ever been named Reggina? That would be hilarious if so

>think of the children!

but that's true

Shitworlder here. Is racism really THAT offensive in first world countries? We always call black people here names and even make nicknames like mr. burnt and they just laugh it out and are fine with it.

theres just something about the word. "nigga" and "Nigger" are technically the same word, but get different responses depending on which one you use.
almost everybody used it in HS. black, white, asian, hispanic. no one really cared except maybe the teachers

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Edward dutton has a video with a few excellent theories on transgenderism. Its correlation with autism is quite an interesting fact to behold. Something he doesn't quite touch on is the 23andme study on homosexuality which found one gene with an immense (over 90%) correlation with homosexuality, which also exists in 30% of males (of which 3%??) are homosexual.
All in all, homosexuality and autism are both genetic mutations (or clusters of) which are a result of decreased natural selection.
We're farming retarded furry neckbeard trannies as a matter of governmental policy.

>actually using a banner of the real Bocchi
I fucking hate this tranny so much right now.

Only if you live in America.

The majority of transwomen are bi tho
Also, most of them hate themselves so the whole AGP thing really makes no sense.

you're genuinely braindead if you havent figured out yet that no one here cares.

the only ones that are openly racists are the people who don't have a job or family
in other words they are LOSER NEETS and maybe underage too

Reminder that the user that outed Bocchi for calling people niggers had done the exact same thing, and when called out for it, claimed that white people can't apologize.

Attached: NIGGER.jpg (255x246, 11K)

forgot to link, lmao

Some even bigger faggot must have snitched


Because niggers are vile things and the slur feels appropriate.
>im anti-racist

Disrespecting niggers is thoughtcrime and sacriledge at the same time. They would have burned one at the stake for that if they had power to do so.

Regina is an actual name that means queen in Latin.

Chill, niggers. We don't take kikely to racists on this board and cracker down on anyone using slurs hoping to troll someone by finding a chink in their armor, so bean it or else.

I didn't know Bocchi was a tranny, she seemed really cute

With that being said


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>having non-white friends

Yes, but with two G's. Spelling an unfortunate word backwards.

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I agree with you, as in any sane person off the internet would know to keep offensive shit to the minimum, but what the fuck did you expect? This is Yea Forums, stupid faggot.

>spic that let's his friends call him spic
Absolutely disgusting. I spit on you. You're a disgrace. Get some self respect and stop making brown people look bad.

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people randomly beat top players all the time. finish high school reddit fag.

>Im fucking plying perfection isn't required when the world is literally snorting Idpol cocaine and conveniently ignores context to "get em".

Start paying attention nigger.

Everyone is a goddamn demon of convenience nowadays; no-one has any real fucking morals anymore.

reminder that as long as its not outright discrimination at your job or in your face racism, most people couldnt care less about it. it just boils down to sensitive white people who feel guilty for some reason telling us what we should be offended about, and sadly some people blindly follow


Kindly fuck off back to r/TheDonald

You actually think this shit is hilarious just because it's racist? I forgot I'm surrounded by teenagers.
I know you would never say that to my face.

Back to resetera with you.

sjw for showing that you're making exceptions for a tranny

t. man who has never met a skinhead.

either that or you're a nigger, and everyone knows nogs are cowards that dont fight 1vs1. white men wont fight niggers that arent alone because every nigger within a block will jump in.

White people don’t get to decide what is and isn’t racist. They just are forever and are better off rotting or they’re smart enough to fix that backwards ass learned behavior.


>pedos (literal pedos)

>autistic trash

name a worse community than smash

>hard mode: no league

Lmao shut up nigger

This. White folks act all high and mighty online and yet can barely keep from shitting their pants when they're faced with a real nigga irl. Just goes to show that black people will soon breed white bois out of extinction.

most skinheads are retarded and self destructive
I don't have to do anything

aren't smash announcers black?

now imagine ignoring a mentally ill trans faggot saying the n word.

>t. only watches fights on /gif/

Stop trying to understand the mentally ill.

You forgot niggers
And i can't.

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Lol who hurt you

>Just put on a mask and capitulate while they slowly encroach on you and dismantle any cracks and crevices you can hide in.

And when there's nowhere left to hide?

Protip: Discord itself leaked the messages. You are using a spying program by using Discord.

Everything will be recorded and used against you.

>caring about what someone says in private among friends

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>real good
shes far below the top players and she even semi retired to do the school thing with Momochi
also shes not even that hot

>in private
nothing is private in this SJW hellscape

>expecting anything less from clown world

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If you're not constantly ego tripping you're a cuck dude

>i dont have to do anything
except deflect. plenty of people would call you a nigger to your face, and you would do nothing.

Being "faced with a real nigga irl" usually means one of you subhumans being insanely violent or murderous to a point no actual human would go. Almost every fight you "people" have with whites are group vs 1 or random stabbings, shootings, or robberies of women.
Look at who sits atop the thrones of MMA and martial art tournaments - They're not niggers. The only fighting sport you people do well in is boxing because 90% of fights come down to judge panel vote amongst jews and nigger judges.

Not him but this is being treated as a greentext story.

>I never said this derogatory term while calling you with derogatory term, ain't I the holiest person in the world

Another leftist unpersoned.
/pol/ wins again

Who's the UFC heavyweight champion again?

Nothing has ever been private online you fucking moron, you dont need a bogeyman to believe that

Literally every fighting game community has Niggers.

Because I control my actions, not the mob

>a smash thread somehow goes full circle and turns into a race bait thread
I truly have seen it all


I hate how "legitimately" seems to have devolved into just "legit". I haven't seen someone other than me use it in years.

e-snitching is a recent thing, everyone is a hall monitor backstabbing their friends to get upcummies from communist fags

You're just proving my point cracker. You rage in impotence online cause you know you can't do shit to us irl. We'll either beat the shit out of you or just let the law charge you with a hate crime. Now get back to sucking my BBC bitch, I'll be looking to fuck your mom later.

Real as in it's a real work written by a real author.


Yeah sounds about right.
That's how things were in east Germany after WW2 as well.

Nice LARP.

I bet you blame the jews when your cereal gets too soggy.

just imagine how my girl feel
on a plane, scared as hell her guy look like Emmit Tiel

>e-snitching is a recent thing
>being so new to the internet

how do you even make brown people look good?

Because Nintendo seriously actually does attract manchildren. It's not just a meme. For as many well-adjusted people who just casually like some of the games, there are just as many emotionally stunted people who only play bing bing wahoo shit and say "go back to call of duty lol" when called out on it.


>waaaaaah why do my actions have consequences

Typical white boy bitch who can't handle the real world. Fucking soicuck.

Being racist is literally a non issue

>news organisations report about shit like this now

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>i think maybe 10% of people are going to be truly "innocent" because nearly everyone has had that moment of being drunk/high online or saying shit that sounds bad out of context, so the outrage doesn't seem that sustainable.

This. Things are only "bad" until holding such opinions forces you to choose between having food and water or having "morals".

This is why accelerationism exists.

>smash "prodigy"


>a transgender


>15 year old


>who wants to be accepted for having a fake dick but judges others

fucking lmao

Smash Bros is so gay that I'm really siding with a 15-year-old tranny huh

>Saying racial slurs in private is a pretty damn good indication that the person saying it is a racist.
Dont tell him

Remember when all the retarded SJWs were defending James Gunn from people who dug up his years-old tweets? These retarded faggots just lash out at what they hate and defend what they like with no care for consistent logic.

I didn't know they taught video game tournament results in high school.

>American news organization are controlled by far leftists of a certain religious presuasion

Yeah, it not surprising things turned out like this.

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>face of the FGC: based Daigo

>face of smash: a 15 year old transgender degenerate

Attached: daigo1.jpg (500x400, 98K)

it's a recent trend
this shit wasn't crossing my desk multiple times a week until 2016 or something. internet used to be different

>left wing propaganda outlets

>getting mad because some tranny likes the same dumb anime as you
Really dude?

>is user autistic and gets angry at trivial things?

Yes, I take anime very seriously.

Almost everyone in this list has ancestry from russia, ireland, spain/hispanic or brazil.
Almost every black that shows up in this list has white admixture.
Niggers are simply less strong due to the composition of their muscle fibers. Whites throw the hardest punches and spics can take the hardest punches without getting railed.

This has been a nice bait thread.

On a side note. Anti-racist deserve to be executed.

When will people get that anti-racism is based on a pseudoscience? There is no moral reason to support anti-racism.

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Who's the UFC heavyweight champion again?

>all those cute christmas cakes are gone and died virgins
it's not fair

Do you secondaries even know that Daigo doesn't like Third Strike, the golden calf game of every wannabe out there?

White men are statistically the most attractive men based on women's preferences, even black women like us more kek

i dont care about the dead women im just upset maid dragon will be delayed, probably.


>14 year old saying he loves dicks and everyone is focused on "lynch niggers"

I'm more concerned with why a minor is saying this. Its obvious he was molested at a young age.

im just saying fighting games have a respectable face while smash is epitomized by...a 15 year old man in a dress.

>hide one obvious bait post
>half the thread disappears
please stop falling for this shit

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Who's the UFC heavyweight champion again?

Then how come white bois get cucked a lot more than black men do? In fact, I'm cucking your dad right now.

so they aren't women then? Still, good on them for not going through bottom surgery, it's such a retarded decision that only lead to more and more problem, you lose all ability to even have sexual pleasure just for "aesthethics" purposes

>Let's just ignore statistics and proportionate representation because a nigger is currently heavyweight champion
OK buddy, look, I know understanding math is difficult for you guys, but try to get a grip on this one thing, will ya?

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Far leftists think "racism" is the ultimate evil, because they are all far left religious freaks who treat it like they treat heresy, and because "racism" is just a nebulous non-objective slur word, it can be applied to any situation.

So not even the tranny can be saved. In left wing politics, the uglier and browner the race, the higher on the totem pole of oppression they exist. If people think saying nigger is so terrible, your society is already acting illogical.

I wasn't him and I don't follow UFC, just letting you know even though you're a falseflagger that we're better than you. Keep fighting in a pit like monkeys while we make profit off of it KEK

Who's the UFC heavyweight champion again?

You lost this one, nigger

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White women are literally the least likely to racemix, keep slurping up propaganda retard. Also, black guys are 10x more likely to be gay and have aids

If that were true, then how come white bois are cucked a lot more than black men are?

I wonder what kind of weird insecure person falseflags like this, probably asianmasculinity

I can't believe Yea Forumseddit is defending trannies

Who's the UFC heavyweight champion again?

My guess would be that it's because blacks have fewer stable relationships to get cucked out of in the first place

i wonder why the men managed to escape but the women died

Who's the UFC heavyweight champion again?

The director for dragon maid and VA for Kanna and Fenrir died in that fire user. There's a good chance the show is done for good

I was molested but I have no desire to dress as a female, instead I have anger issues from having my purity forcefully taken and I unleash my anger by punching shit until my knuckles bleed

There's a reason why interracial cuckoldry is such a big fetish among white bois. Because it's quite a widespread phenomenon.

Because we let a foreign parasite control our Finance, Media and Ideological morality for more than a century, to a point of getting into two world wars for no societal gain and having millions of white chads die before they could pass on their genes.

shut up, nigger.

Hilarious cope

So is it trannies? Asianmasculinity?


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It manifests in different ways. I'm sorry that happened to you