

Attached: exvlz0b82l631.png (1600x1200, 1.23M)

why do nin10yearolds make so many of these?

Attached: etika_in_heaven__by_birdtendo_dda9jvu-fullview.jpg (1920x1385, 142K)

He committed suicide, he's in hell lol

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but suicide is a free pass to hell

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its just part of degrading chriatian culture. Everything goes to heaven these days. Suiciders, dogs, junkies

Hell does not exist, it was an invention of the Church because fear is a very forceful weapon.

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heaven and he'll both are fake you ignoreamus ...


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>shitty artists trying to benefit off etika's death by making shitty fanart to get their name out there and be noticed by etika fans
am I jaded because this is seriously all I get from this

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yeah, I know

Your giant sperg these two posts had nothing to do with the existence of hell or heaven. These posts were discussing the cultural aspects and values of Christianity. You think how fucking smart you are yet you are dumb like a nigger monkey.

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Based and cute

I don't get it, wouldnt it be funnier if he said no?

>guy yells at screen
>you are so absolutely enthralled by the sight of this that you cry yourself to sleep every night and spend hours scribbling fanfiction of him going to heaven when this nigger crispy in hell by now
what is wrong with nintendies?

gave me a boner

really makes ya think..

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They aren't going for funny. It's supposed to be heartwarming.

black people dont go to heaven and chinks dont believe in jesus


Why did this make me laugh so hard.


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I mean if you're gonna make a religious comic you gotta pick one.

> you = imbecile

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funny comic thread?

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People that suicide don't go to heaven.

Chinks also don't go to heaven.

lmao calling me name with anime girls only makes me more erect. This cum brain is faggot-buzzword proof from years of coom. With that said death isn’t real, we will meet our creator, the afterlife may just be limbo. There is life after death but it ain’t pearly gate, 99femcels or whatever.

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>you = mad

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Nobody goes to heaven. Except me. I'm the only real Christan. God loves me. Only me. MEEEEEEEEE!

Etika killed himself so shouldn't he be in hell?

>lose legs
>lose feet
>keep thighs
>suddenly you are 2000% more efficient at running than people with legs

now kiss

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>With that said death isn’t real
Wish I could prove you otherwise with a glock

say it again.

Yeah, that sounds very Christian.

Why wouldn't chink go to heaven?

i like how the artist thinks she'll never run again despite prosthetics are a thing, if anything she'd be faster than ever


it again


Can someone please post that comic edit where the kid jumps off a bridge because the girl likes bioshock infinite

>fags are disgusted by that

racism and egocentrism, 2 words that effectively summarize the concept of religion

I thought they were in Bikini Bottom at first and I was confused.

arrrgh I got pwned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just shitposting but the world is full of stuck up holier-than-thou cunts who genuinely think that way.

Are you questioning if consciousness is tied to life? Because the very instance of the conscious minds acting in tandem several instances of cause and effect can occur in ‘real time’ and ‘real’ graphics so to speak. This is not the end all be all, there’s more to all this.

Me tribe good because it me tribe. Not me tribe bad because it not me tribe. You part of not me tribe, you bad too and you no deserve live. Only me and me tribe deserve live. This me tribe world. This me world. Unga bunga.


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pretty awesome waitress

They're insects. Not human.

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that's pretty good

guys, im quite thirsty from all the laughing at the funny pictures, im going to go fetch myself a glass of water from the fridge doesnt anyone want anything

She just needs the right prosthetic and she's good to go. The flesh was slowing her down anyways

Fetch a glass of water?
You should be catching pokemon creatures

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>not cutting it right on the tanlines

Attached: 2.jpg (823x971, 154K)

>glass of water
sounds pretty crummy.

i put a gallon of horse cum there can you get it for me?

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Is that from the incest rape comic?

RIP Etika.
Gone, but never forgotten.
>captcha : bridges

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I do not like the fact you call consensual love between siblings "rape".
Maybe the problem is with YOU, incel.

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I'd fuck it