Have you ever been banned from a server by an admin for being too good at the game?
Have you ever been banned from a server by an admin for being too good at the game?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have been kicked in Bad Company 2 for headshotting the admin 3 times from really far in quick succession. I was allowed to come back if I switched to medic
>players keep claiming you're cheating
>enter server, even get greeted "it's the cheater, everyone leave"
>they actually do, end up alone
>finally get banned for cheating
>you weren't even cheating
me and some friends got banned from an ARK server for rushing a quetzal and getting a full metal base on day one of a reset.
what the fuck even is going on in that pic.
Whats going on this this webm? why is the fat man angry?
yes, THAW online was fucking shit
terrible first experience
Its after one of those rides where you get a photo. The guy with the phone didn't want to pay $25 for a photo so he just tried to take a picture of the picture.
the cameraman is trying to pirate a photo by recording the preview instead of paying $10 for a print
Stop being good then
becausue hes fat
I never got banned, but I get really ballsy with the Cuntsman when I'm baked and end up pulling off frequent meele headshots to much butthurt.
lmao fat tho
I got banned from a TF2 server because i started dominating the admins girlfriend who was on voice-chat at the time and had told him to ban me
Cringe unoriginal post
No, but i was ban because i have a laggy internet
>mfw he replies to off topic garbage
Buttmad neo-cap cuck
I'm basically banned from Hyperion servers for begin a diligent pyro
one of their admins mained spy and wasn't having it
No, I was never that good at online games until recently, and everything is just matchmaking now, so no server admins to ban me for being too good. I got permanently banned from an MMO for hardcore griefing, though.
I don't understand why this is now a bannable offense. Me telling some off topic shit post thread to fuck off is now technically a bannable offense. The worst part is that the ban page doesn't even actually tell you what post you got banned for. You can unironically just get banned for someone shitposting near you.
Yes. Played Vietcong years back. Got into the zone and ran around headshotting people with m16 hip fire. They thought I was cheating.
what going on in the webm?
Legit getting tired of this now. I get banned like 3 days later for "replying to offtopic garbage" a while ago. It's so stupid. The ban itself does nothing since I can just dodge but it's stupid. Now I have to watch who I reply to? Come on.
As long as you post in a thread they deem off topic you're in danger of a ban, including this thread. Not sure why that is now but it's certainly more lazy and convenient to just blanket ban.
I don't think you could pay me enough to do shit like this. At most I'd just cut the monitor feed or some shit, not dance around like a buffoon.
I dunno whether i should feel sorry for the guy because he's in a pseudo-bullshit managerial position and the company force him to do that or if he genuinely 'loves' his job enough to act that way.
I tend to bump off topic threads so that they get actually get deleted and hopefully the people spamming them get banned without the thing just sliding off the front page, I guess I should stop.
pirates vs drm in the flesh
Don't stop. FUCK jannies. I got banned for posting in a trap/tranny thread "why is this thread still up?".
>wagie has to block a camera with his grubby hand in order to not to be fired by goldstein shiklestein the next day for not selling overpriced prints to people
ah yes capitalism, truly flawless in every regard...
These "Here's a picture of you on the rollercoster you were just on pay us 30 bucks for it" things at amusement parks were made with the assumption that smartphones don't exist.
Reminds me of when I was a kid and they sent you the school photo samples to order but my mom would just pop it in the scanner and send them back
>everything must be perfect and any flaw is intolerable
not every ideology is perfect I never said that you nigger ape, do you feel attacked or something?
You are correct, bootlicker.
>not every ideology is perfect I never said that
>ah yes capitalism, truly flawless in every regard...
Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the other ones
>what is sarcasm
I’ve been banned from here multiple times for shitposting in multiple threads
one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.
They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling
These dumbass bans don't even show you the post you made or what you were replying to, and in my experience they don't occur until several hours or even a day later, so I don't know what the point of the ban is. It's like beating a dog because a few days ago he growled at someone, they're not going to learn anything from it.
yes, you are
Lots of CoD4, BC2, and BF4 servers. CoD4 it was easy to get hackusations especially with getting a group frag at the beginning. Easily the best salt mine. BC2 servers often had that script which autobanned if you killed too quickly in succession or your ratio was too high (though for most that ratio was anything 4:1).
>join random dust2 server halfway through match
>Terrorist, broke, no one buys for me
>type "GLOCK RUSH" in all chat
>runing through tunnels and onto catwalk
>kill two CTs with headshots
>pure luck, they both came around a corner one after the other
>banned from server 10 seconds later
I figured one of them was the admin.
Why are wagies so pathetic?
>aim map server in cs:source
>server admin always kept peeking in the same corner at the same time every round
>headshot him 15 rounds in a row almost the same instant he put up his ugly mug
>got banned
Repeat in CS:GO
>aim awp map, same story as above
>got banned
Warcraft 3 FFA custom games
>always play nightelf
>doing the 'eat a tree' strategy
>spam tower-type trees and plant them behind hosts gold mine
>repeat for 3 games
>put on blacklist, can't join his bot servers games anymore
Age of Empires HD
>wall and fortress strategy
>keep rushing a turtle build
>other players fight eachother while i encroach their areas, filling them with fortresses
>repeat for 4 games
Civilization 4
>play ghandi for max pop growth
>spam out settlers, ignoring growing unrest
>barbarians and revolts happen to all cities near the border to other players
>lost my cities, creating masses of angry city states near the other players
>repeat for 2 games
>blacklisted again
I mean, c'mon, it's part of the game.. Just because I play unconventionably doesn't mean you have to ban my ass
I kept killing the admins online gf and accused me of being harassing her or something.
Entertaining the idea that anything has less flaws than capitalism makes you automatically autistic. Go move to Venezuela if you want socialism. Because newsflash Europe is nowhere near socialism
>t.Swedenigger that deals with people thinking we're a socialist cuntry
>not working a job that requires you to do almost nothing while you get paid anyway
>someone makes an ontopic post about a video game character
>later on someone in the thread starts posting porn
>janny gets upset, deems the thread is offtopic
>get banned
this has happened twice, what the fuck is wrong with the mods here?
I got flamethrowers banned from a bunch of AvP2 servers on GameSpy. Runner cucks btfo.
what make wagies care so much?
like who gives a fuck about them taking a picture you aint getting paid enough to give a damn
Bad Company 2
>use m40 in Vietnam and headshot people across the map. Resulted in 4 bans on 4 servers
>also rpg'd an Admin heli 4 times in one game
I got banned for being bad at the game
>questioning the beauty of traps
You deserved that ban
Complaining is UNIRONICALLY also a bannable offense so enjoy your vacation
jannies doing a shit job brushing over the actual issues on this website once again
Rundown on the rippen meme?
Fuck off faggot cancer
none of the rules actually matter, mods can do what they want anyways
Except get paid.
dude fuck that hot pocket eating fat faggot, imagine actually doing it for free
i got kicked from a guild because i was stealing the guild leaders female attention
>The absolute state of jannies
I stopped playing CS:GO for awhile once Siege was gaining popularity.
Switched to Siege for a few years and when I went back to GO recently I was rustier than the Tin Man before his oil.
Played ranked and got put in silver, and once the rust was shaken off people started to call me a hacker or claim I toggle.
That's the closest story I have.
and get a gf
>Euphoria has a county fair episode with a gravitron
>this pasta is all I can think about
Silver is where the most fun matches are anyway
I don't get banning for replying to off-topic garbage either. Ban the off-topic post instead.
Video Games.
>battlefield bad company 2, some weeks after release
>playing on community server with bro
>hop into a team on defense, some winter map
>for some reason we decide to sneak up to the enemy spawn
>they have snipers camping the top of some cliff, when they die they respawn just nearby
>we sneak up the cliff with shotguns and open fire in their faces
>repeat doing it for like 10 minutes
>we both get banned by the admin for cheating
Until the welfare system collapse and the neet can't get any money anymore unless he started playing the stock market.
>mfw janny thinks he can stop me
Is it true sage doesn't do anything anymore outside of /jp/? I heard something like that a while back never bothered to get a confirmation on it
It still works.
it used to be that if there was an off-topic thread, mods would give a 3 day ban to everyone who replied
Who invented that retarded rule? hiro or the mods?
It works, just doesn't show
yes, many times in tf2
A mod I can somewhat understand since you get some modicum of power, but who'd want to be a janitor? It's the most thankless occupation you could have
What is this even?
no one, it isnt actually in the rules
mods just do what they want
There isn't an email field anymore so you can't tell when someone sages. You don't have to put noko in the email field either. Removing both of these was a mistake.
That makes sense. I remember I heard it when people using it to insult/"down vote" threads. Yea Forums moves so fast I rarely used it
Which is why I'll never buy a Yea Forums pass. It's nice being able to just reset my router and continue.
They have to make it look like they're making an effort or they'll be replaced by some other cuck.
janny is retarded, what else is new?
sage doesn't do anything
Based retard
Your mom must be proud
>Mining in minecraft at comfy y-12
>Change direction
>Immediately strike iron
>Janny has been breathing down my neck while invisible for 15 minutes
>Get perma'd for walls
I even appealed in the forums and the faggot had the audacity to alter my post when I typed it in his usual obnoxious style.
Count if ur reading this ur a nigger.
I've been banned for seemingly no reason several times recently.
If this goes on, we might as well unironically go to Reddit instead. Fuck this.
To becone a mod you start as an intern aka Jannigger
Holy shit lol
If I see someone sage I just bump the thread to annoy then
All the time in Unreal Tournament. Even banned from all the ladders after my team went undefeated.
I ended up getting an admin password and practically deleted the entire ladder system from that shitty site and never played competitively again.
post the gif version
>he's never been to an amusement park
Oh no no no no no! What a deprived childhood you must've had.
I'm still pissed at jannies for deleting cosplay threads
Day of Defeat had plenty of those admins.
That's literally piracy which is a federal crime.
Your mother should be locked up.
You know why they're always 3-day globals? That's the longest and broadest ban that can't be appealed. Getting one is a sign that the mod knows the ban is not legitimate and would instantly be repealed on appeal, but he's seething so hard he wants to hit you with something anyway.
I get too nervous and choke with the sniper rifle all the time, but have a crazy sense of prediction when it came to the huntsman. I’d get called out as a cheater sometimes but could regularly disprove it by being just as effective at nailing long distance shots with a lead
several times when I was younger and played a lot of CS
this guy moderates twitch chats
I have no idea what this man's ethnicity is, is he mutt?
I think bad company 2 and mw2 servers are the only ones i can think of, boomer admin wouldn't believe i was good enough to shit on him every time i played so he just made a "lol u cheating lmao" cause.
In Battlefield 3, I was frequently kicked from servers because I was shredding dudes from a jet and they never touched me. I lost a LOT of +30-0s from salty admins.
you're lucky being a fag isn't a crime
>snap to peoples heads before you're even around the corner
>"I wasn't cheating, I swear it!"
It's a very inconsistent rule, too. I reply to a lot of "off-topic garbage" but have only been banned twice.
I think my using sage was a saving grace, but then I may have been banned while using it, so who knows really.
Doesn't help that the moderation/administration very rarely communicates with users.
El ogro de las americas
Once in bad company 2, I shot an rpg at a vehicle, but the admin got out of it right be before it hit and he ate the rocket
I got an immediate ban for using rpgs on infantry
back when i played HL2DM, not so much anymore. too old to be that good anymore.
The thing I don't understand is why is the fat fag getting pissed? the point of the photo after a ride is you get a physical, quality copy of the photo to keep with you so you can put it up at home or put it in an album or some shit, who the FUCK takes photos to physically print them now a day? it's always just stored digitally on your phone and you leave it there or just save it to google drive or some shit. The guy taking a "picture of the picture" just results in some shitty lens flare mess on his phone, hardly worth the effort to even stop him. If he wants a good quality photo he would still need to pay for the physical
>Oh no no no no
They should permaban this shit.
All rules here are enforced inconsistently. Moderation on Yea Forums is less like police work and more like drive-by shooting. If you get banned, it's not because you did anything differently from the rest of the posters, you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I think the only thing that _consistently_ will get you banned is posting real CP, and that's just because it can actually get Hiro in legal trouble.
>Warcraft 3 FFA custom games
I remember playing some custom map once and some cunt tried to fuck me so I fucked him back
He used a command to black my screen so I alt tabbed and downloaded 50 windows ISOs, since Warcraft 3 used lockstep online this would pause the game while I lagged like a motherfucker kept at it on and off pausing the download when I heard the menu noise then waiting a minute to reset the timer that lets you boot lagging players until everyone gave up and left
>The thing I don't understand is why is the fat fag getting pissed?
Same reason movie studios seethe at camrips despite camprips being at 140p and with a loud added soundtrack of farting.
Lel most people are unbelievably bad at that game, at the same time nothing worse than running into no life pvp gods.
I got banned on a tf2 server once because I put down a level 1 sentry and the admins GF didn't know how to deal with it.
So this is cringe. I couldn't even watch more than 3 seconds had to close it out
Not banned, but I have been kicked multiple times for being too good. I have also been mistaken as a hacker multiple times.
Funny part is when someone gets mad so hard and they switch teams to votekick me.
Got banned in tf2 from a specific server because i called out on the hypocrisy and bullshittery of the (female) admin
Bitch was spawncamping with her team in a trade server and started cheating her way out and complained if we tried to spawncamp her back
Shit was funny because i was supposed to be banned perma but ended up getting back 1 year after
Did she try shooting at it?
>holding an internet grudge for 1 year
wow you're such a chad
Not him but I still hold grudges against things people said 20 years ago.
Forgiving disrespect is a virgin move.
sounds like you got a lot of gay virgins living rent free in your head, 'chad'
There is no need to project. Go be sad away from us, we don't have time to coddle your special needs.
you mean killing the admin too often? yeah it happened once or twice
i miss dedicated servers
>People are making fun of this guy
>For doing his job properly
>Instead of bitching about the company that charges 25 for a photoz they mock the little man who had no say for thst decision
feel free to hold a grudge about it and post angrily on twitter you big gay nerd homo
Grudges in general should be held forever. If someone wrongs you, you should never forgive them, as long as either of you is alive.
She either didn't or couldn't aim at a stationary target.
Our samples had jewmarks on them, and I'm a boomer.
it was still up because dumb fucks like you kept bumping it
Do you think that guy loves his job?
Is he happy with his lot in life?
not banned but accused of hacking
>playing TF2 on pl_upward in a community server
>playing pyro on defense
>our engineer set up a sentry nest near the first point, in the wooden building
>spy saps his shit and runs away, I help the engie get rid of the sappers
>thinking the spy is still around, I go behind the building and start shooting flames around the metal barrels and above them
>the spy was hiding there and thought I was hacking because I outsmarted him
then after trying to smear me in the chat, he spectated me and said in text chat in the most unnatural way:
>"hmmm yeah user's totally hacking"
then he got votekicked out by his team
Forever satisfying to beat the ever living shit out of him in infinity mode.
The company is shitty for doing that. The guy is funny for sperging out. Dude should just tell the customer that phones/cameras are not allowed, and that he'd have to call security if he uses it. If he continues to use it, call security. If there is no security he can call, then he has every right to tell his boss that the facility needs better countermeasures to the system.
Trying to block it like an autist isn't going to work and just makes people laugh at him.
This is top secret info, but Hiro is encouraging mods to ban people for menial things if they don't have a Yea Forums pass.
I love Pybros so much.
I got banned from a CS:S server in the middle of a mix (basically CS:GO's competitive 5v5 but barebones) for """cheating""" even though no proof was ever presented and I wasn't even told what cheats I was using
A week later I decide to rejoin see if for some reason I was banned, and lo and behold, I could join
I never got told if they had reviewed my demo or not and when I asked an admin if it was normal that I could join considering I was literally banned for cheating and I believe he played dumb and pretended I was never banned to begin with
I also got muted on chat in different occasions for no reason, thank God community servers are fucking dead and that matchmaking is the standard now
I mean, if it was communism or socialism, the amusement park would probably be a broken ferris wheel and a feral dog chained to a cinderblock.
I have like 10 bans active on some IP or other, don't give a fuck I just dodge them, fuck you janny you obese swine.
Now while I don't play Minecraft, people who do that shit piss me off more than anything. God forbid you have fun and get lucky in a videogame, but nope the mod of a server has to get butthurt.
>changed my name to "FAGGOT" on steam
>would frequent an all-crit tf2 server and no scope with sniper
>was so good at the game that I could kill scouts with ease
>one day start killing a particular scout more than usual
>realize that I'm being targeted and get rivalry status with him
>scout gets really focused on killing me, but keep no-scoping him
>turns out the scout was an admin on the server
>gets on voice chat with a squeaky, nasal, prepubescent tone
>"Hey FAGGOT! I'm going to warn you once to change your name. If you don't I'll ban you from the server."
>Agree to change and actually do it because who cares. Just wanna play tf2.
>Scout gets more worked up as I'm doing it. Hear him making himself angrier and hyping himself up.
>Other players start telling him to calm down on voice
>"You have been banned. Reason: GET FUCKED"
The worst part was that it was the only populated all-crit server at the time. None of this would have happened if I just let the guy kill me because he's never said anything about it in the last couple of days I've been playing on the server
Yea Forumsirgins unironically cheat though, there isn't a single skilled player on Yea Forums
>changed my name to "FAGGOT" on steam
stopped reading right there underage faggot
>If someone wrongs you, you should never forgive them, as long as either of you is alive.
That's how families get involved in blood feuds. That's no way to live.
Forgiving is only an issue if the other admit it was a stupid move and they're sorry
Not even a sorry 1 year after the ban and still spawncamps like a retard, so i'm holding my "anger" (not even mad, i was laughing my ass off fom the stupidity of that slut)
Guess swedish females are truly retarded
Also perturbing retards is always fun, i always tried to improve myself and use any retarded loadout to beat retards like sniper + doc vac, aimbotters or even tryhards, shit's always fun
3500 in and i literally can't hit a fucking barn with the huntsman
i can do fine with stuff like the flaregun and more than fine with with pills but the huntsman just escapes me
maybe it's the slowdown during the draw, maybe it's the fact that sniper has no HP so i die if i try to pulloff anything fancy, maybe it's the abysmally shit damage breakpoint but i can't do it
also fuck that shit reload animation that makes you look like the arrow is ready so you switch to the SMG but really you just cancelled the reload
>you're lucky being a fag isn't a crime
It is where it counts
>not even mad, i was laughing my ass off
As a Quake vet, all the fucking time. Constantly accused of cheating. Some of it is just good hardware like headphones so I can hear where people are, other part is just skill. It started happened when I played Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, never happened in Quake. Then it started to happen in other games as well. Sometimes they know I'm not cheating but they ban me anyway
Hey can you lift my ban please? I wanna play on the all-crit server again.
i dont play games with servers like that but i have gotten team stacked many times in the past. where they put a bunch of good people on the same time and play against you.
it’s pretty annoying
yea banned the other day for same shit when I didn't even reply to anything "off topic" or "garbage"
Yep, a bunch of times from Battlefield 4
>Vehicle rape
Been banned from a few TF2 servers for being too good with Sol/Pyro. Even TFC for soldier lol.
Also been banned from Red Orchestra 2 servers for griefing LARPers
Hell Blizzard still has banned me for over 10 years now, just for telling them my irl name is "Michael Rotch."
>25$ for a photo when yakuza 0 costs 20$
server admin hated me on a TF2 server, banned me for aimbotting as Pyro.
Where can I find the original upload with audio?
I mean, it's not like amusement parks are all that fun. They're actually pretty filthy, food is subpar, and you have to mingle with the general populace; so most moms are AWOL while their kids run amok and the rides, being ancient, are only so fun. I got dragged to Disney World, Disneyland, Six Flags, Worlds of Fun, and Silver Dollar City as a kid, and honestly after the first hour or two, it's a bore.
You don't even have to be good at TF2 to be banned. I'd say I'm an above average player, in that middle ground between "pro" and "enthusiast" and have been banned from mutliple servers for "hacking" just for having a good game. What's really comical is that you can have a few average games, finally get one where you stomp, and then immediate ban. It's just a way for admins to release their frustration honestly.
>I mean, it's not like amusement parks are all that fun. They're actually pretty filthy, food is subpar, and you have to mingle with the general populace; so most moms are AWOL while their kids run amok and the rides, being ancient, are only so fun. I got dragged to Disney World, Disneyland, Six Flags, Worlds of Fun, and Silver Dollar City as a kid, and honestly after the first hour or two, it's a bore.
fucking this
fuck amusement parks
amusement parks are a Jewish scam
Not if you live in the state. $50-$70 annual passes are unbelievable value and even more so if you can go on a random ass weekday
It's like you should be grateful to pay $30 just to get in, enjoy standing in 100+ degree weather, and be happy to wait in a 30 minute line for a ride that lasts all of 1 minute. Don't forget your $10 water bottle and $15 snack guys!
In the defense of Silver Dollar City, every time I've gone there the lines have been practically non-existent. Honestly never get tired of that place.
Battlefield 3 on PC, just bought the game and was low level in a server with shit bucket lvl virgin colonels. I was doing too good against them, and they decided that I'm too low level to be that good, insta banned and have the kek of my life.
Used to get kicked and banned from cs 1.6 servers way back. Never cheated cos i was too dumb to do so and spooked of getting my shit pushed in by my dad if i fuck his pc up with viruses.
This. I live 5 minutes from Six Flags over Texas and bought season passes last year for $50. We go on cloudy weekdays and have the park to ourselves, no lines, and leave after 3-4 hours. Fuck buying food/drinks
the settler spamming cheese is great, but don't wonder why you get blacklisted if all you do is cheese the game(although they should instead learn from it)
Banned from lots of BF3 servers for doing good with non meta guns.
>play combat arms
>join elite moderator lobby
nuff said
yes. was on BF4, spawned in one of those boats and I was really good with them, ended up patrolling around the map, sniping people with the burst cannon that were running to our flags and shit. Was like 30-0 when they banned me
It means your a faggot
>things at amusement parks were made with the assumption that smartphones don't exist.
they've been around a lot longer than smartphones retard
I live in the states. It's only a value if you constantly go and live right around the corner from one.
Maybe it's changed. But I was.. 16 the last time I was at an amusement park, so that was nearly 17 years ago. But since I have a 2 year old and one on the way, I imagine I'll be roped into going again in a few years.
I played a Dragon Ball Roleplaying Game, I was a Tsujin / Tuffle. I had modification so I had android tier powerlevel. At a tournament some guy shot a blast, and the blast ricocheted off me and killed an admin then I got banned. It was an actual game, with a ricochet mechanic so it's not like I chose to do it. This way years and years ago, though.
Me and a friend got kicked out a local halo 2 tournament and our entry money was returned to us because we beat the host of the tournament. They managed to get 4 kills on us and when the game ended he pouted and walked away and then his wife and the owner of the card shop the tournament was held in came over and gave us our money and asked us to leave.
You tell me.
Hyperion / TN / NH piss me off because of the kick for donator shit. Oprah's petrol station is where it's at though
>African-American niggers
I don't know why that makes me laugh as much as it does.
Bet you had fun paying a grand to stand in line for seven hours then have product placement forced down your throat
Oh wait, you are american so you probably really DID enjoy that
I just slap some body armor, medkit upgrade, pick medic, go to friendly sniper nest and absorb or dodge their awful shots. It annoys them to no end no matter if it's on hardcore.
An admin threatened me to kick me out of a Counter-strike room because I was doing well with a shield. God forbid you upset the meta.
>Bet you had fun paying a grand to stand in line for seven hours
not everyone goes to disney
I got banned once after an admin was spectating me for 15 minutes and deemed I was cheating, even though the only thing I was doing was running in a big circle shooting people. Shit sucked since it was the only piratefriendly World at War server I knew.
Your husband was wise to marry your mother
T. Schlomogoldfinstein
I miss moot bros. We need a fucking mod/Janny Holocaust and new reich to follow
Even illigimite bans can’t be repealed most of the time. About a year ago I made a post on pol complaining about Cheese pizza in a certain thread and an Asspained literal pedomod perma banned me. Repealed multiple times back on that ip because I knew it was horse shit, even showed it to them in the IRC and they just ignored me only to ban me from that too
This, what the actual fuck. Been banned twice in the last month.
What is it with Muttoids and amusement parks? Horrid places for kids, full of unhealthy food and the whole purpose of them is to give you adrenaline rushes, which is the fastest way to make your kid into an adrenaline addict who will do drugs or get into gang shit in his teens to chase the high.
Amusement parks seemed to be always packed when I was in the US last year, it was all niggers, spics, or really white trash looking "whites", and they were like 50% obese, while the rest were overweight.
Your mother is based
Yeah. No fucking shit. That's what he meant. Retard
>Playing secret lab
>Admin is the worst kind of a beta orbiter for a "girl" in the server
>Some dude who definitely browses Yea Forums roasts the admin for being a soiboy cuck in the 914
>Admin bans him and has the biggest spergout I've ever witnessed. Fully screaming into the mic until his voice cracks, can barely make out words
>The room full of d-boys is completely silent
>Except for me having the best uncontrollable laugh in years
>I end up joining the based betaslayer
Still brings me joy
Used to get banned from servers on Battlefield 3 and 4 because I was a VERY efficient Support player. I had a dedicated server I played on with a Clan I was cool with, but when the members weren't around, I'd just play random servers. I liked to see how many kills I could rack up before the admin would ban me. My record was 73-0 on Operation Locker. I dropped into a match in progress with my team down to its last 100 tickets and the other team dominating. I then set up in a choke point and raped the enemy into submission. Tide completely turned before the admin booted me. It was hilarious.
It got even worse when the AWS dropped. I stopped having to use chokepoints and just started mogging Assault players while I ran around the maps like a man sized A-10, BRRRTing my way through the enemy team.
Still not as bullshit as getting a week long ban for making a racial joke on /vp/
Where are we, fucking twitter?
Holy fucking shit you're retarded.
Go fight your own war, Shekelstein
why does this webm make me so angery?
Not sure if it was too good but in Battlefield 3 on the xbox 360. Playing on his server with friends
>Killed him once with a gun
>2 minutes later I took his tag
That got me a kick from the server so I joined back to finish the match with my friends
>Use the mortar, target a random area near where I was. Kill a person which happened to be the guy that already kicked me once.
Got banned shortly after that
Yeah, CS 1.6 a year ago.
enemy team kept on walking around corner without checking so i just 1 shot them with an AK to the head.
sounds like a personal problem.
It turned China from a backwater commieland to a rising superpower with neon cities straight out of cyberpunk
maybe it's because you're an esl desperately lashing out at any aspect of a foreign country he doesn't understand
Fighting game public lobbies kicked me out a few times.
Glad its not just me, all of a sudden starting maybe a month ago I get banned for posting in the wrong thread?
Fucking jannies must be out of hot pockets or something.
You got a smart mother, lad. Clearly you take after your father.
You really shouldnt be calling anyone else a retard
lurk more
>haven't played tf2 in years
>open it
>pick random servers
>Reason: Asshole
how did they know?
he probably killed a friendly heavy zoomer
>playing Holdfast nations at war
>siege mode
>hop on cannon and start shooting at ship
>some retard runs up and tells me to get off the cannon because he set it up perfectly
>get off cannon because I dont want to reload it
>he moves it back to where he wanted
>loads it
>I go back a minute later and fire at the ship again
>he immediately tells the team that I am trolling and trying to make up lose
>game was smaller at the time
>he cried directly to the devs
>banned from the entire game
i got banned for posting the tian square pasta in a topic about epic and chinese connections that hadn't any shitposting happen with the mention that i should not spam incomprehensible runes. that's when i knew i triggered a subhuman
What is happening here?
That's because it's a spammed shitpost, that isn't surprising.
Once in a TF2 jailbreak server because I kept killing the admin when he was the warden.
I played a roleplaying game and was banned for roleplaying
I got banned for racism because some cunt kept posting apes and I called him a stupid nigger lover
just because you do doesnt meant there's no good player
>all these buttmad replies
amusement parks in denmark are fucking amazing, relatively cheap and had good restaurants inside them
>dissing nubian kweens
Come on user. You wouldn't tap a nigress? Bad form.
seethe more
That's just Beijing user. China is still a commie hellhole other than it.
And bros............... too.
who fucking knows? If only someone had explained it one of the first dozen fucking times someone asked in this thread
Guess we'll never know
beyond based reply
Got warned for racism after describing a character from a book, on Yea Forums. The characters entire existence was based around hating niggers and mexicans, being a good southern boy, and wanting to keep the USA white.
When I told off the jannie for warning me for simply talking about a character from a book I got banned for complaining about moderation
>no u-posting
The one thing communism gets right is if you don't work you don't eat.
Fuck welfare.
one of the most pay-to-win bullshit korean games I have ever played in my entire fucking life
yeah, that's exclusive to commie filth. fuck outta here and kys you undercover faggot.
i did this but it ended up being diamond. fagmins are too ban happy because they get 0 action most of the time.
I’ve notice talking about china’s new social system credit on any blue board related or no gets me a ban shortly after
Only if your family is on the losing side
I remember when it was still called FIesta Texas
most canadian/transsexual post of the day
I'm not into beastiality
So you're a lowtest basedboy who wouldn't tap this ass?
Gross. Keep your shitskins.
likely because it reminds you rules and laws are only as strong as those willing to follow them
Happened to me quite often when i used to play 10 hours of CS 1.6 and CSS a day about 12 years ago.
Now im not good anymore because im a 30 year old boomer
You're gay bro
good lord, who is this fine young woman?
That's a nigger, user.
>So you're a lowtest basedboy who wouldn't tap this ass?
I agree unironically.
>adrenaline addict
Guess Europeans keep their kids locked in dark rooms all day so they don't get addicted to emotions
I've been banned more in the past 2 months than in 13 years on this website. Jannies have gone mad with power since 4channel was introduced.
New poster here, im going to stand up for him and call you all ESL retards. He clearly implied smartphones were merely overlooked in the design with his fucked english. Get fucked brazilniggers
Guys I’m think you should be more nice to our moderation team. They do a hard, thankless job, and they just want to do what’s best for the site we all enjoy.
>derail shitposting thread with sage posts
>get banned
Did it still have the huge SAMPLE watermark?
It was from a cursed image thread on /x/
they're self-serving faglords and should be publicly shamed for refusing to moderate this board properly.
I literally got permaband from all boards for offtopic posting
These obese retards definitely are out of control, thank God I got a VPN recently and they can't ban me anymore.
How many times?
Nearly all VPNs are banned be default.
problem is you dont eat if you work either
Kinda, I guess. On the day of the Medic update, I got banned off a server for "crithacking" because my Medic was using the Kritzkrieg.
Racism isnt allowed outside b retard. If the rule was better enforced we might actually have creative shitposting instead of LMAO NIGGERCHINK TRANNY
I grabbed too many presents during the monoculus event and that one south american mod Vito accused me of wallhacking and kicked me from Ho/v/
4channel is utter fucking garbage, too bad the other options aren't much better
People make fun of him but realistically he would probably have lost his job had he not made some attempt.
I remember stomping some faggot in online monopoly when I was seven years old and he kept calling me a hacker and saying he was gonna report me
I wasn't even doing anything special I just had decent rolls and knew how to play because my dad was an autist about that game
I don't understand what I'm looking at on the monitor
You're not good anymore because you never were good, fukken scrub lmao get rekt.
Yes, for BF3 and BF4
Go dive headfirst into a wood chipper, cockbreath.
I really hope this is just masterfully crafted bait and you’re not actually this retarded
not banned but kicked out several times from my favorite server at Half Life 2: Deathmatch. I had to be cautious not to kill that retard.
>on the highway
>try to post on Yea Forums from my phone
>the ip is banned
>reason: CP
Anyone else try going on Yea Forums in public and having this shit happen
Actually yes, back in CoD4. It was bizarre since I had actually played on that server for like 6 months and knew a lot of the players there. Just had one round too good I guess.
I once annoyed an admin so much in TF2 that he resorted to using noclip to try to kill me and he still died
I would get the
>Posting from this IP Range is banned
>Buuut you could buy a pass and post :)
message a lot
happened at a Denny's.
Also, no. I can't recall a single time I got banned from a server. I've been muted in overwatch though. People weren't a fan of me in that game
Fuck off, Canadians like amusement parks too
Why do all the low IQ posters hate Canada so much?
Yeah, nothing says "gateway drug" quite like riding a rollercoaster
>i still dont know how to refresh IP to avoid bans
>command prompt bullshit never worked
>I might be an eternal brainlet
cycle your router
You didnt fill out the captcha, you cant fool me robot!
>fat wagecuck
Remember when EA banned people for getting over 100 kills in BF1?
I fucking hate niggers but this, I would tap, my friend
I actually was reported once for wrecking ass in blacklight, It was on the low level server tho so everyone played like children.
Also fuck that shitty p2w game, I'm happy it got closed down.
Remember that 8-chan exists.
A whole thread got banned the other day for shitposting. These faggots are getting out of hand.
>Amerimutts litteraly get jailed for "stealing" a picture
I once got banned for 30 days for breaking US law by quoting Trump on the Trump General on /pol/ when he said "take out them and their families"
To be fair it shouldn't be legal for illegals to bring in their families once they claim asylum
He was talking about killing terrorists and their families. While I personally believe we should kill trumptards and their families.
Isn't that the fucking point?
Oh he was talking about the "women" that hide aks in their robes
No he wasn't. Kill yourself.
>While I personally believe we should kill trumptards and their families.
Nope he was talking about murdering men women and children, which he has done multiple times now.
Oh wow a civilian casualty. Maybe her parent's shouldn't deal with terrorists.
Yep, never deal with Americans.
>repeatedly play in a way that makes the game unenjoyable for other people
>why don't they want to play with me????
If you weren't in the know, pretty much that entire region's destabilized.
unironically yes. back in legacy rust me and two other bros dominated SO fucking hard. we literally only had cloth armor and 9mms, pipe shotguns, and bows. we rekt even the leather and kevlar boys. i remember doing very well with the 9mm, never missed a shot. owner gave godmode to himself and a friend, spawned in OP gear and tpd to us killing us over and over.
I've not been banned for being too good but I have had nearly an entire TF2 Mario Kart server turn on me for being what they considered "too good"
>Picking people off as Scout
>One guy who's a regular on the server starts getting booty bamboozled
>Start schadenfreude taunting after killing him
>He gets his cronies to chase me down
>They encourage more people to target me exclusively until near enough everyone on the opposite team is chasing me down
>My own team starts telling them where I was on the map
Fun times.
might i add this all happened within about 4 hours.
also i miss my bros... i dont have any steam friends i play with anymore..
>Amnesty International previously documented how IS used civilians as human shields, mined exit routes, set up checkpoints to restrict movement, and shot at those trying to flee.
I'd say less than 1% civilian casualties is pretty good considering ISIS was booby trapping their "people"
We've been saying it for 15 years now.
>being this far behind the irony curve
No, but i'm range banned from posting pics and reporting posts in Yea Forums and /vg/ for some reason.
This is me right now, can't post any images at all. Sometimes I could be off Yea Forums for weeks and still get that shit. And the fucking audacity of them to say "Oh but you can bypass this if you buy our Yea Forums pass :^)"
By the US
9/11 the entire city
>pretty good
As we all know when theres a hostage situation you blow up the entire building and all surrounding buildings and then bomb them some more. In order to save the hostages.
Mods don't like to be reminded that they're supposed to be encouraging good posting instead of reinforcing that this place is for porn and outrage
You lose quite a bit of credibility when the article you posted admitted a lot of the casualties were done by ISIS themselves, and not indiscriminate bombing.
Just once but it was 100% luck. I wasn't even that great at the game.
Came into a server on Warhawk back on PS3 and got close to the enemy's base in a truck, which they saw on their radar, so I got out and ran on foot. Happened to have some mines so I threw a few down. Just then a bunch of them came to swarm me and a few died on the land mines, I gunned a few down and literally within a few seconds, only I was left standing. The kill ticker showed only my name killed a handful of enemies. It was awesome but complete and utter luck. Then all of a sudden, permabanned. Good times.
Wow, an incredibly average body, impressive.
>One US military official boasted about firing 30,000 artillery rounds during the campaign – the equivalent of a strike every six minutes, for four months straight – surpassing the amount of artillery used in any conflict since the Viet Nam war. With a margin of error of more than 100 metres
In a manner of speaking
>back in the golden age of tf2, friend of mine is starting up a new server
>tells me to play on it often to help it get populated
>at one point we are dicking around, says his girlfriend is coming onto the server
>server is still fucking empty at all times, so it is literally those two versus me
>he's playing sniper (huntsman) and don't even remember what his "girlfriend" was playing
>I demolish them as sniper (rifle)
>he starts bitching about how the sniper rifle is broken and that it takes no skill because it is hitscan, and that I should use the huntsman
>switch to huntsman, still annihilate them
>he starts bitching that all I'm doing is spamming arrows (despite him only ever corner spamming himself)
>switch to scout
>still ruining them, he starts bitching about scouts being OP, and saying I should play a balanced class
>basically cycle through the entire roster as he finds a way of bitching about how each of them is overpowered until I get to pyro
>surely he can't possibly bitch about the worst class in the game being overpowered, right?
>they finally, after all this time manage to get a single kill off on me
>"See? This is what happens when you don't play dumb broken shit."
>go back to wrecking them, can feel the rage in him begin to boil
>get a flare kill on his girlfriend, reflected arrow kill on him
>"You have been banned. Reason: FUCK OFF FAGGOT"
>Messaged him him telling him that "it is gonna be hard to populate the server if you ban everybody who is better than you."
>"Because that is fucking everybody"
>imagine this level of wage slave cuckdom
Got accused of hacking in CS:S with the Scout Elite and banned when my regular server was empty and I was playing random ones. Too bad my gaming skill has only gone down since then and now I'm absolutely garbage at FPS games.
I got votekicked off of an RO2 server for hacking after gunning down the whole enemy team multiple times with an MG42. I was in a defilade on the very edge of one of the maps with not much more than 100m of open field in front of me so I just kept cutting them down before running out of ammunition multiple times. Eventually they started sending tanks and artillery after me but that still didn't work so they just kicked me off of the server lol.
Amusement parks are the most jewish gay shit ever
Fuck that shit for real. I would unironically just ride virtual roller coasters in a video game.
Back when I played TF2 on my old shitty laptop in 2012, I had some inexplicable glitch that would turn some of what I typed into Chinese characters and ignore about 80% of inputs when trying to type. So, half of my messages would be a few random asian words or some shit, and trying to actually type in English was painfully slow.
I got banned from a custom server I played on a lot because the retard admin thought I was trolling or something. I added him to try and get myself unbanned, but never got around to actually messaging him. Still see him come online every once in a while.
The server died long before the competitive update killed custom server populations.
Are you still friend with that faggot?
nah, he deleted me off his friends list after I said that. I'm a pretty easygoing guy and would be willing to let it go, but he was eternally butthurt so I doubt he was going to let it go.
>No no NOO It was ISIS! We didnt bomb them indiscriminately!
>US commander boasts about indiscriminate bombing.
When the next attack hits the US, aside from the next school shootings, I'm gonna laugh.
fucking this
imagine waiting 10+ minutes in a line at 100 degrees just to ride a roller coaster that lasts a minute or two at best
I remember acting like that before around 2010. Was fat and dumb like wing of redemption currently is, breaking controllers and throwing childish tantrum over petty dramas.
Then I ended up homeless for +4 years, had some serious rough shit to go through, barely managed to survive multiple winter, had to dig in the trashes to eat...
Now I simply can't be angry when playing a multiplayer game, it completely changed the way I see life. It's just a game and I want to have fun. I'm also thin now.
Shame you had to learn that way, but better than not learning at all I suppose.
It's great when you visit them when everybody else is working. I did Disneyland Paris during the working season, there was no lines, I did space mountain 5 times in a row, was fucking great.
Nobody cares muhammad. Shouldn't pick a fight you can't win
18 years, 6+ trillion dollars spent, 8 countries bombed, still havent won. Enjoying that debt? At least the rich get tax cuts though.
jannies are trannies
They've been giving out bans for posts that have the word "nigger" too
>on Yea Forums
>make one of those sex stories from our younghood thread
>perma banned for "sharing child pornography"
What the fucking fuck is wrong with mods nowadays?
video games?
>still havent won
Wiped a city of 160,000 off the face of the earth according to you
Not him but unless you're an Israeli you have no interest in doing warcrimes and dying for decades in sandniggers land killing civilians to protect the Jews.
Reminder that +1millions civilians died in irak for example (giving an excuse for millions of people to hate your country), and your retardation is what allows the sandniggers to walk in flock over yurope after killing the rare leaders holding this mess together (like kadhafi was doing ).
tldr: you're the reason whites are being replaced
Youre pretty bad with numbers, definitely American.
>muh warcrimes
Killing your enemy is a warcrime now?
Reminder that infantry is not the only job in the military.
Reminder that active duty gets taxed up the ass.
Reminder that people who post shit like this don't do a lick of research on the points they are arguing and just base it off memes they saw on pol
I got banned from my LGS for being too attractive and intimidating all the nerds and their fat girlfriends while drafting.
>I was allowed to come back if I switched to medic
If you're looking for enemies to kill why aren't you nuking Israel you docile mutt?
>Battlefield 3
>Join mid match on losing team
>nearly solo pull my team to winning position with superior tank skills and one good gunner
>First on the team now
>Force switched by "whateverName" the admin
>admin took my place on the winning team
>Pull this new team into winning position
>decent lead now, but game is 3/4 of the way over
>Force switched again
>Admin takes my spot AGAIN
>THIRD time pulling my original team into the lead.
>Destroy the admins tank and friend through sheer grenades and one C4
>five minutes remaining
>force killed
>Force switched with admin again
>Banned from server
Best game I ever played. Everyone was pretty shit but it wasn't a noob server.
Bonus points to whoever guesses the Admins country.
Infantry hasn't done shit for years, except some of the spec ops guys torturing and raping Yemenis children. The majority of warcrimes are credited to the airforce and CIA.
I've had people from the enemy team join my team just to TK me because of good play. Some people just can't take it. Then old timers laugh at the hackusations.
Reminder that it's ok to waste trillions in the military while being denied free healthcare, decent housing at a fair price, decent working hours/unions/vacations, and free school goyims!
>p-please stop killing my pepo
Sandniggers are semites too, we're just getting rid of your inbred sand shitters
Doing a poor job of it, taliban controls more of afghanistan now than in 2001.
how the fuck are any of those things the militarys fault? the military consumes a tiny ass portion of the budget
did you do any research on this? even if the military didnt spend any money this would still be an issue because of social security and other gibsmedat resources
also, massive greedy corporations are at fault more than anything
The absolute state of mutts
We've just got a deal with russia to squash the bugs on our side of the desert
You are making plenty of deals with Russia.
How fast did we take Iran? A couple days?
Yeah from a Jedi Knight 3 server not too long ago. It was one of those servers that even has an automated swear word filter so it was bound to be full of a bunch of pussies.
18 years and still didnt take it
Is that picture photoshopped?
No I'm pretty sure we drug our nuts right across Iraq's face in a couple days.
>infantry hasnt done shit in years
war is being fought differently, we have stronger technology so we arent throwing meat shields at objectives anymore
the total losses from the war in the desert were like 7k-9k, drastically lower than any previous war america has had
I simply don't care, I'm just shitposting using the material I gather from all the sad mutt always complaining about all the things I cited.
Meanwhile I'm living in paradise in one of these "communist shithole infested with goatfuckers" you macdonald munching lardasses talk about, being handled free money, electricity and housing every month and even managing to save half of it just in case.
When you're working to death for Amazon ©, I'm just having a good time doing whatever I want. I'm so glad I'm not a burger!
Would be great to know what's offtopic now days fucking jannies
And got grabbed by the balls for the next 18 years and counting
>playing ttt
>be innocent
>traitor lures people over to a trap via mic
>he walks with everyone but stops right before the trap
>see him look in the direction of the trap trigger
>trap activates and kills everyone who fell for it
>kills him on the spot
>gets rdm report asking how I knew he was T
>explain the lure was obvious and I saw him look in the direction of the trap activation button
>get a slay because "I cant use traitor traps as proof"
It's not our fault the Iraqi's are exceptionally weak willed and stupid and can't even manage to run their own country for a minute without it falling apart.
No, it's your fault. You murdered a million+, started civil wars, disbanded the military, and leveled all the infrastructure.
>Tries his hardest for his job even if that means looking like a doofus
>video of him goes around the internet for people to laugh at him
I pity him.
>work to death for amazon
I mean I would but I already got a technical job from when I was active duty
Im set for life with a pretty solid job
We've given them over 800 billion dollars and they pissed it away on drugs and prostitutes. They deserve to wallow in their self pity
The US military gets 800 billion every year and cant beat goat farmers.
the irony
It's a booth where you buy pictures of yourself riding a rollercoaster or similar
Yea, happened when I went into sainsburys
Fuck you Goldsteel.
What? there's plenty of goat fuckers getting mowed down on youtube.
Ya you murder plenty of civilians, I know. But you can't win any wars.
What war? We just go around and kill faggots who think they're big and bad because they have aks.
>What war
Thats the spirit. In true burger think you were never at war with eurasia. It was police actions, kinetic engagements, conflicts, etc.
And they dont need an AK for you to murder them. Just "suspicious males of military age"
No I'm pretty sure even our drone strikes have to identify weapons before they're vaporized.
>be playing tf2
>get banned because no one spy check and backstab the retarded medic with 90% uber
>whining in chat about his team
>make it my mission to only target him
>turns out he's admin
>change name to nigger
>spam reconnect in console
>friend send screenshot over
>their whole chat box was spammed with
"nigger is joining" and "nigger has failed to connect"
>gets fixed in a month
From your favorite source:
>this is what screams incel on Yea Forums/discord all day
Ah yes, random indiscriminate drone strikes on RANDOM people. Yes, makes sense really. Wait what's that? A clickbait title you say?
Trying to weasel really hard there burger boy
i have a coworker (not a job where you sell things) defend the guy saying he would be pissed off if someone didn’t pay for the photo
I'm not the one posting 5 year old articles about Obama killing ISIS defectors
Absolutely based. Eat a fat ass dick, janny bitch.
Bush, Obama, Trump, the names change but the warcrimes stay the same.
How is it a warcrime to kill ISIS defectors?
Got banned 3 times from CS:S servers for hacking.
I wasn't.
Even children in the ghetto know to switch sim cars or use burners. NSA bombs a market full of people and the target isnt even there. And your argument was about a gun needs to be visible. Easily proven wrong.
Alright, it was fun burgerfat, you can post whatever excuse you want next.
Find me an article of that happening and I'll suck your toes ahmadinejad
i cant play 2fort sniper on tf2 without being called a hacker, im not always kicked but they try to shame me to leave
(along with a teenage cousin and five others at an open-air restaurant in Yemen)
>kicked for cheating
>was not cheating
it's happened in multiple games now. I should be more pissed about it but in a way it's the highest honor a sweaty tryhard can hope for. Either way fuck jannies
Not sure why everyone is so surprised. I remember getting banned for this same reason back in 2012/2013.
So we're not allowed to kill terrorists. Great, thanks for the input Mahmoud
>Janny forgets he isnt on the internet anymore
Probably going to get shit because it's OW but whatever
>play Junkrat every chance I get
>on Attack
>if the map has an elevated platform from which Defense can set up Rein/Orisa with a Bastion, they usually run it
>most of the time team just gets mowed down because they don't want to switch off Widow or some other hero that is useless against this strat (tbf I'm a stubborn ass too)
>try to sneak as close as I can and mine-jump in, spamming nades and just being a complete fucking faggot
>either it works because they panic and my team is able to move up
>or they slap my shit down (like a Hog hook)
>one time I pull this off on Horizon, Defense had set up on the ledge off the upper room with the airlock
>wreck 3 of them that had huddled up behind Orisa's shield and team is able to pick off others
>we take 1st point and push super hard on 2nd because they were staggering to contest 1st point so we picked them off as we moved to 2nd, and take it easy since they couldn't coordinate everyone to hold together
>Round 1 complete
>four of the enemy team leave
>one of the last two messages that they accused me of smurfing and reported me
>I'm god awful at getting high ranks (highest was mid-Plat, I know I suck) and this match was somewhere in Gold
Not really cheat accusations but something.
hahaha imagine being this much of a WAGE KEK lol unlike me i don't have a job
>paying a grand
you know there are other parks that aren't disneyland right?
I rode a rollercoaster before I did any drug
Same. Graduated in 2000. All ours had watermarks. My kid's pictures just go right in the trash because I don't want to look at him more than necessary. I don't think they're watermarked, just really bad quality. Like, printed on standard printer paper.
>for walls
What does this even mean? And isn't iron literally everywhere?
Best time to go to Disney World is during your senior year grad night when there's no lines whatsoever. Actually thanks to my and every graduating high school class in 07 Disney is no longer hosting grad nights for Florida schools. Now Universal Studios does it. Honestly I consider that a trade up.
My bus broke down that night, we spent about an hour and a half before we had to get back on the bus to go home. No refunds.
That blows, man.
Wait they work without any compensation?
How the fuck do you get the internet in your igloo?
>Post something
>Come back
>No (You)s
Being the best of a pile of shit is still the best.
i got banned once from a Yea Forums tf2 server
lookin back i agree i was bein a fag but at the time i was pretty mad
don't think it exists anymore
The admin just saw himself in you, don't worry.
We connect antenna to geese and have the fly above the cloud barrier to get satellite
>TF2 trade server, spawn sniping against other spawn snipers
>get bored and take potshots at admin noclipping around
>actually get and kill him a few times, get console killed each time
>go back to spawn sniping against another sniper
>point and click on other sniper's head
>admin decides that's the best time to noclip through the spawn room wall and stick his own head right in front
>banned for aimhack
yep. I had 3 lucky rounds at the start of cs_office where I went 23 kills and 0 deaths with the pump shotty and was banned.
Cursed thread on /x/
I was witness to its birth
One time an entire thread on /vp/ got deleted because a mod didn't like roleplaying.
I have never cheated in a multiplayer game. I somehow also never got lucky and ended in a hacked lobby in any matchmaking game either.
Lately my entire IP range has been banned from posting images. No explanation why.
Cringe bootlicker kys
Doesn’t he have a button just to turn it off? Lmao
Also imagine caring about your shit job that much
Have you never been to an amusement park user?
No, he’s a weak man who has a tiny slice of power and he feels the need to express that power. Don’t feel bad for him
Bump :)
>Dude we don’t need a military
>Dude just say no to people immigrating into our country because that works
Soldiers are definitely pawns in our shit government, but they are necessary and the principal of their existence is good for the US. You’re confusing shitty commanders with the work force
It's the same person, nobody refers to killing terrorists as warcrimes
"suspicious males of military age" in 8 countries driven to the brink of chaos. Literally everyone is a terrorist.
Why would you allow yourself to look like that, gross. Fat people are mentally ill.
That's why all the fighting men are in Germany now, right? Because all the innocents stayed home to defend themselves and fight for their country?
where can I appeal rangebans again?
Have you been to one only once and are incredibly proud of the fact? what a sad faggot.
On PC, if someone is really good but not blatantly suspicious, there's a good chance they're cheating. I've cheated on TF2 for years and never been banned or even kicked from a server. People once in a while ask "is he cheating?" but come to the conclusion that I'm just really good instead.
But Valve games are INSANELY easy to make cheats in. I wouldn't cheat on non-Valve stuff because the likelihood of being banned is much greater.
Please don't generalize.
>le orange pedo memer
You have to go back.