Only white people in it

>Only white people in it
>No diversity
Why do japanese games get a pass for making white games but not western games?

Attached: Banner-FireEmblem-ThreeHouses-Heirs-Characters.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Claude is black

Because Japan is a basically a American colony since WW2, we shaped their society, gave them a huge economic boost, without us their country will remain a shithole, no wonder that they worship us

not black but probably meant to be latino or mediterannean or middle eastern at the very least

>>Only white people in it
sorry but that's wrong

No, he isn't.

He has no nigger traits though

Probably this, I also think that Japan do not have to pander to SJW since they don't exist in Japan so they're open about their hate toward niggers and their love toward white people

Because SJWs screech in a language they don't understand and are too stupid to learn Japanese

Attached: Doudou_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 735K)

There is no niggers in this game.

That's not a nigger you shitlib, white name and caucasian traits, tanned european

Holy fuck this degree of amerilard delusion. Tucker Carlson said America is a shithole compared to Japan while interviewing the sitting US President in Osaka, and Trump agreed.

Where is the big lips and nose?

Attached: i38310-albinisme-qu-est-ce-qu-etre-albinos.jpg (220x200, 8K)


Becasue they don't care. They know what their demographic is.
No black muslim wamyn is going to spend 300 for a plastic figurine.

Trump agreed to nothing. And tucker is right, that is because of niggers and spic.
Japan was inferior in every way to western nations before the 70's but our societies has gone to shit when mass immigration was allowed.

>This is white according to Amerimutts
Jesus Christ

So they're smart then? Only retards spend this much for plastic crap

>mass immigration
you can thank obama

Going by your logic, the albino from pic is white, do you really think that?

Obama wasn't president during the 60's

Black weebs don't care about representation, neither do Latino weebs. Other than that their audience are whites and Asians. They literally don't have to even think about SJW stuff during development.

>Why do japanese games get a pass for making white games but not western games?
The only answer that matters is the west has idiots with idiotic ideology ruining it for everyone in high positions. Just look at "the squad".
Does Japan have that problem? Nope from top to bottom it's cleaner than the stupidity we are seeing from literally A-Z.

It's more because like most normal people, they despise niggers.

See above, not the only reason

>Going by your logic
Learn to read you absolute moron. Nobody even talked about blacks before you did, you absolute fucking moron. What the guy pointed out is that Doudou isn't white, you however instantly brought up blacks out of nowhere because you're absolutely obsessed and mentally ill.

>don't care about representation
then they're huge cucks, kinda sad to be obsessed with games praising whiteness and shit on shitskin

I guess. Just don't forget your favorite video games exist because of these people.

>isn't white
you gotta explain the caucasian traits that he has then, because I proved that race isn't skin color.
But at least you recognize that this game has no nigger, which is already great

Why does diversity automatically have to mean blacks?

Because it's the race that is the most forced in western games and also the most despised race (rightfully)

Why do some people think anime characters are white?

Attached: 1556539896871.jpg (472x576, 65K)

You can cry all you want, but someone with a skin that dark isn't white, you stupid mutt.
>muh traits
It's a fucking anime and mixed or non-whites in general can have "white" traits aswell. Get a job and have sex you absolute loser.

>Why do some people think anime characters are white?
Because "color".
You can't expect idiots to understand biology especially when in this day and age when they conflict a "persona" with literally being a gender.

Because japaneses hate niggers the most, if a jap game contain one of them, then it's probably forced by western propaganda.
Other races at least have some justification to be present in jap games, there is none for niggers.

>pic from self hating white English teacher
>proving anything
yeah because names like Claude, Beatrice are African names right? Fucking retard

Medieval fantasy settings shouldn’t have niggers in them


>no racial traits

Attached: 18289orcg9293jpg.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

Apparently according to some retards in this thread there is no white in fire emblem.

Because Japan understand that pure Europe>Mutt countries, they're also actually thankful for what white people brought to the world

Not an argument, mutt. You will never be white, Doudou will never be white.

Same reason people think anime characters are Asian. Retards who try to insert race into characters designs that don't try to emulate realistic features to begin with and think comically enormous eyes and tiny / literally nonexistent noses are meant to be representative of any existing race on Earth.

>yeah because names like Claude, Beatrice are African names right? Fucking retard
>Game is influenced by a specific geopgraphy
>Why does it take so much aspiration from there like names and color
Imagine making a game based on a barren waste land like Africa and expecting shit like wakanda to make sense. Yet no one will bat an eye to the depictions of lions, zebra, and it's local wildlife.

Attached: Murkrow.png (250x250, 42K)

That was written by a whitoid cuck you idiot. Just because he wrote it in Japanese doesn't mean it represents Japan.

Also FE is blatantly based on European fantasy and the characters as such mostly have European features. It's not like we're saying a game set in Japan like Persona is full of white people.

>all Japanese are Yayoi

Attached: 1528811682950.jpg (500x544, 107K)

That's one persons style. The white looks more like a typical anime character anyway in this example so it only hurts your argument.

>this delusional weeb argument again

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>conforming FANTASY

Not only only is that retarded, you also had blacks back then in reality too.

Attached: African Knights in Medieval Europe.jpg (1200x786, 168K)


Except no jap games beside RE5 (where you can kill zombie niggers) happen in Africa or inspired by it, you played yourself

Yeah western propaganda ruin japanese pure products, news at 11



>white name

Reminder that Final Fantasy XV is the superior experience than Fire Emblem

Attached: 5927FA27-0F1C-4AB6-84FF-F4DC8C31EDA4.jpg (225x225, 7K)
Cope harder, even a japanese man complained on YouTube that Japan worship white too much

It's a Canadian name retard so yes

All those pictures are dispicting the same man and he isn't of europe he is of Upper Egypt 250ad I don't believe he even stepped foot in any european country.

I have a white name and facial features such as a tiny nose and thin lips despite my father being black, does that mean I'm white you absolute moron? Someone with a skin as dark as Doudou will never ever be white, get over it.

>a japanese man
>have to post a YouTube vid to prove his point
Keep seething, my friend.

try ignoring sjws, works for me ;)

its a tan
when japan draws blacks is very obvious

I wouldn't say only, but Japan sure does love to worship European culture.

Did he also tan his lips? Claude isn't black, but he also isn't white with a tan. There's more than 2 races, you know that right?

Are 1000 year old dragons asian or are they still white

Because the Japanese don't give a shit about retarded American political nonsense

Europeans and Japanese have always had mutual fascinations with each other. Basically any European explorer who went to Japan was blown away when they got there.


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No, but it should have been. We should made them speak english and taught them humility.

I wouldn't say mutual, you don't see as many as Japanese worshiping in European media as you see in the opposite.

You're a mutt, you do not disprove the existence of races

>Only white people in it
Most Nippon games are all/almost all asian with a few exceptions. You just think every pale person=white and every dark person=black

This, hapa>all

XV is worse than all games you listed.

So Asians call themselves Beatrice/Claude/Josephine now?
Fucking retard

>Why do japanese games get a pass for making white games but not western games?
You're asking the wrong site.

That's not a black person. That's EMIYA.

>self-hating asian american

He's not wrong, he's not self hating, he despise japaneses being too much cucked to us whites, I enjoy being fetishized but I do understand some nips who hate that

According to art of old, devils, demons, gods and other fabled creature existed in reality too.

>Cope harder, even a japanese man complained on YouTube that Japan worship white too much
Yes, and?

SJWs don't want to learn Japanese.

>this level of delusion
yeah, cause it's not like Japan was an industrialized country that was fighting toe-to-toe with America during WW2

I never implied thaz it disproves the existence of races, you brainlet. Learn to read, you failed to adress my argument.

Isn't Fire Emblem centered around a mostly European setting?

I'm talking about post WW2, usa gave them funds and help so they could recover from WW3, with conditions that we shape their society. It's thanks to us that they have a constant right wing government and more.

You're wrong, tanned European exist, nothing prove that he's a mutt, cope harder

Which make it great, no niggers, no spics, only white people

>homogeneous country
>media is homogeneous as a result

Why would there be an issue?

Right on dude haha yeah I dont live in europe either

>no diversity
>posts pic of an albino, a white and a black person

Japanese are white you baka gaijin konoyaro

Okay so why are you and OP acting like retards? Is this your first Fire Emblem game?

You don't get a skin that dark through tanning and dark lips like Doudou's are a trait pretty much exclusive to non-whites. He isn't white and if you look like him you aren't white either, get over it mutt.
>m-muh facial features
Nobody cares, pic related has "white facial features" and isn't white. It really is pathetic how you amerimutts keep trying to claim that non-whites are actually white just so you can call yourself white.

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>the whitest person is the evil one

Because SJW

Nice bait

I'm European, cope harder

Nope but a good part do larp as whites

Do you sleep in a cave?

Cope harder

Attached: Self-Tanning.jpg (760x380, 50K)

You're actually proving his point, they only add minorities who are extreme mixed with caucasians, they will never add pure minorities because they do recognize that they're miles inferior to any white person

Yeah I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the corporate controlled government and poorly trained psychopathic police, it's gotta be dos evil non whites.

It is a videogame inspired by European medieval times, where there were no blacks

Not an argument.
>You're actually proving his point
No I'm not.
>they only add minorities who are extreme mixed with caucasians, they will never add pure minorities because they do recognize that they're miles inferior to any white person
That's not his point. Claude and Doudou are also both pure non-whites. And no pic related isn't white, Amerimutt.

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>pure non whites
no, they have white traits, they're heavily mixed

Because it's the most obviously different look to the American trash that's obsessed with "diversity".


>they have white traits
Not an argument. Any person of any race can have any traits. Being white with big lips, a big nose and low IQ doesn't mean you have African ancestry. Stop pretending like you know anything about biology, you high school drop-out.

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Good thread fellas
I also enjoy video games like you all.

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Blame the janny for not deleting off-topic race bait

White people and Asian people are the most attractive people on the planet.

Exceptions prove the rules retard

Claude is so obviously not white your trolling is kind of sad OP

This actually, the retardation only exists because jannies alow.

But America worships niggers, how come japan isn't following suit then?

Whites yeah but not Asians, most are too ugly and share some ugly features from Africans such as flat noses.

"The rules" don't matter because people are individuals. Pic related is 100% indian, pure non-white and yet he has "white facial features". Absolutely nobody cares about your pseudo science, mutt. Sharing traits that are common within the white race doesn't make white, it doesn't even mean you have white ancestors.

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>tanned Europeans don't exist
try again retard.

Because Japan don't have globalist ruling them you cuck

>100% Indian
>muh individualism
race matter, individuals are nothing without a group, and again, exceptions prove the rules

South west Asians aren't European or white, mutt.

Attached: 2b3e4a09dfe4978a64bd99b5cee9e802.jpg (900x1125, 111K)

Because japanese ignore resetera and twitter drama and make shit for their own audience

Its easy to forget that most social issues are purely american in nature

Why do you think jannies are hated so much?
Their incompetence and faggotry never goes unnoticed.

Attached: 1534145026250.png (900x614, 971K)

Not an argument
>race matter, individuals are nothing without a group
That doesn't prove anything I said wrong at all.
>exceptions prove the rules
They do the exact opposite, they prove that the rules don't apply to everyone. Keep coping, mutt. You will never be white.

Do you obsessed retards seriously believe that all the SJW bullshit comes from America!? Seriously, take your mind off from Americans and look at your own countries.

South asians don't have white name features, unlike Claude

It's more because they hate niggers, open your eyes

No retard, they prove the rules because they're out of the norm, if you notice, then you also notice a trend, mutts don't disprove races

Please oh tell me how Sweden had discrimination against blacks during the 20th century which in turn started the Black movement

Or how China started the feminist movement because of how restricted female life was

Or better yet, how El Salvador started the LGBT movement after a gay salvadorean started the gay pride

>Except no jap games beside RE5 (where you can kill zombie niggers) happen in Africa or inspired by it, you played yourself
no because that was exactly my point. That Africa in RE5 isn't massively develop like Wakanda.

>South asians don't have white name features, unlike Claude
>White name features
Having a white name doesn't change your genetics, mutt. Especially if it's in an anime game in a fantasy world.
>they prove the rules because they're out of the norm
No retard, they prove that you can't apply the rules to everyone.
>mutts don't disprove races
>Another strawman argument
Lean to argue you low IQ mutt

Then you're agreeing with me, no jap games about niggers because they worth jackshit

He looks Mediterranean

Find a Asian who call himself Claude without being a mutt good luck, and there is always exceptions to rules, that's why they exist, and it's a fantasy world based on a European setting, which is why it only has whites and no niggers

>Find a Asian who call himself Claude without being a mutt good luck
Not an argument, especially in an anime game in a fantasy world where people have all kinds of non sensical names.
>which is why it only has whites
Pic related isn't white and neither is Claude, mutt.

Attached: 20190723_170206.png (554x554, 232K)

>fantasy people from fantasy land in fantasy setting with fantasy genetics

>white games
I played japanese games since child.
I beg to differ.
If it were a white game, it would be full of guns 1st person shooter.

Cope nigger/spic, Japan hate your kinds

FUCK Yea Forums

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Ok, I might have missed the point but here is thing: It being originated in America didn't stopped the disease from spreading over the entire western society.

Saying that the Japanese ignores it because its an American thing is just falacious.

>Edlgard is the evil one
>not the edgelord prince of a frozen theocracy

>male characters are legitimately White
>female characters are vaguely Asian

Why is this so typical in Japanese games and the other Asian games, especially in cheap Korean MMOs?

Attached: image.jpg (916x916, 158K)

White males are more attractive than asian males, asian females are more attractive than white females.

Because hapa masterace

no, spanish and portuguese are moor rape babies, greek and italians are turkish rape babies

I bet you posted this from mcdonalds globino

>asian females are more attractive than white females.

I know this is Yea Forums, but thats honestly the most delusional kind of cope mechanism.

It's the truth spic

So... Not white. Proving OP wrong.

Why is it that dragons, despite being less than 1% of the population, make up 50% of the evil schemers in Fire Emblem? What can we do about the dragon problem?

They're historical victims user, show some empathy.

Based and dragonpilled

Even worse
He's a fag

Attached: 1557487797860.png (508x502, 422K)

>Why do japanese games get a pass for making white games but not western games?
Because 98% of Japan is Asian? Seriously user are you retarded? America they have the case that it's a melting pot but not Japan. Until globally every country becomes a melting pot of races don't expect this shit to change.

But plenty of Jap ips are popular in the west, shouldn't it be problematic too in this case?

The Japan ethnostate is a myth, they count naturalized foreigners as japaneses.
And Tokyo has a shitton of foreigners, I've been there and met a lot of cool black dudes

WMAF is a popular paring in Japan.

Attached: WMAF.jpg (1169x2127, 669K)

You're retarded, they're all asians

Please stop that. /pol/ told the the japanese hate blacks.

they hate the US you retard

Asian guys just aren't manly enough

Attached: 1553341989875.jpg (824x690, 365K)

Imagine actually believing this. The delusions of this lardfaggot is astounding.

The youth doesn't, the old population is just delusional and ungrateful

so...there's any child units in three houses?

Attached: But+i+like++_078e295e4ed030cc74829a8877f46899.png (314x278, 119K)

>Source: I live in my basement 24/7 certified shitposter

Kill yourself retarded Americano golbin.

>The blue eyed blond whitest guy's route is the best written and sanest route over the evil albino and the brown jew

I knew japan was based and redpilled but this is amazing.

Does anyone have any information at all about the gameplay? The number of classes, how difficult it is, if there are any varied maps, etc.

You're half right, Claude is just slightly tanned

But they do, those are mostly tourists not residents.

wtf are your lips colored? Black people don't have black lips, brown people don't have brown lips.

>they do

>wtf are your lips colored?
Yes, because I'm half black.
>Black people don't have black lips
My father does.
>brown people don't have brown lips.
I do and so do my siblings.

Japan isn't Amerifat

post pics?

Indeed, thery're better, thats why don't import niggers and shitskins life the fatsos and eurosissies do.

It's a American colony dumbass

They don't import whites neither, guess that mean that they despise us

claude isn't gay

America is a spic country sweetie, Japan doesn't like mixed mutts.

There's no such thing as "importing whites" since whites already have well established societies, but they sure do love to have whites represented in their media.

America is more white than Sweden though.

FUCK Yea Forums

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Both are mixed and garbage tier. What's your point?

it’s irredeemably awful

You're well trained.

So are mediterranean people not white?

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>it's gotta be dos evil non whites.

I wouldn't say evil, stupid people can't be evil, they're just animals.

White is a retarded term, thinking mediterranean people are the same as nordcucks is about as retarded as saying Egyptians are the same as Somalians.

Attached: afyg84l.jpg (2352x808, 345K)

>lot of whites in their media
Are you delusional?

According to Yea Forums you're not white unless you look like this

Attached: main-qimg-0d8da13223aef41174960a9b91d9da45.jpg (600x600, 69K)

He wont admit it, but he's one of those delusional faggots on 4channel

Just ignore his screeches.

Fantasy characters aren't whites

No I'm not, theres a shit ton of vidya and anime with white characters and western settings, and they even mash english words in some of their musics.

Cope harder.

>That is white
OH NO NO NO amerilard standards

t. Amerimutt calling himself white because he has small nose
Also this. Arguing over race in anime is absolutely retarded and autistic.

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Their kanji is made up of chinese characters does that mean they worship china? You're a real armchair expert on these things huh redhead.

>So are mediterranean people not white?
No, and that's a good thing.

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>shit ton of vidya and anime with white characters
not all series are MGS or DMC retard, fantasy characters aren't whites

Thats not even remotely a good point, retard, the relation between China and Japan is completely different.

>Only DMC and MGS
Not surprised that people here don't play video games.

Forgot to quote

No A R G U M E N T

Delusional as always.

Go play video games before talking about shit you have no clue about, retard.

>Japan doesn't have globalist ruling them

They have a Rothschild owned central banking system. They are owned.

Go outside and go talk to native japanese and ask them for their opinion instead of watching anime for information you dumb retarded weeb.

For the last time, fantasy characters aren't white

>There's more than 2 races, you know that right?
For what it's worth, the people who keep arguing about race on Yea Forums basically don't accept that

Opinion on what retard!? On why they shoehorn white people in their media!? Pfff

If a character looks white and has a white name, they're white. Your argument is the most retarded shit in this thread.

No you retard, abe doesn't allow mass immigration

I dunno what's so hard for people to accept that a white name and caucasian traits=white, Japan owe us a lot, them not worshipping us would be weird

Yeah they call them 'GAIJIN'. They act as token outsider it doesn't matter if they are from Germany or greece.

Sometimes, it's for making fun of that gaijin because they are y'know GAIJIN.

Nobody owes you anything you absolute loser NEET, stop claiming the achievements of other people.

Based. /Pol/ turds should kill themselves asap.

Cassius Clay is a white name and Muhammad Ali is an arab name but the person is nigger

What the fuck are you even talking about!? Are you stupid enough to think that the only white characters in japanese media are the random gaijins in some animes!? Jesus Christ man, this place if filled with mouthbreathing tourists.

Uh, those are all clearly Japanese people. Idiot gaijin

Fuck off already you stupid mouthbreathing redditor. Go back to r/donald and circlejerk among your fellow hwhito piggu friends.

Also don't let the ceiling hit your head on the way out, GAIJIN

Why are you replying to me when I especifically said.

>If a character looks white and has a white name, they're white.

>No arguments, only buzzwords

I will take the win, thanks. Now fuck off you dumb tourist.

>No u

Dumb gaijin incest freak. Get a better argument before coming on an anime website.

>stop claiming the achievements of other people.

Go tell this to miniorities first.

These retards aren't aware that hapa are fetishized in Japan

Correction, Japanese culture website, something that the fat fucks never have.

This is a Japanese Girl

Attached: 1563338256380.png (720x900, 439K)

I will tell it to everyone I see doing that. Claiming the achievements of other people will always be the biggest redflag of an absolute loser who never achieved anything in his life, regardless of race.

>the faggot's gone from repeating the same post over and over to making it a thread

Tell me how I know you're a /pol/tard

not with that face she ain't

>Still only buzzwords

I won. Get dabbed on, tourist nigger.

Attached: 1537959983090.gif (1041x400, 62K)

video games

Because /pol/ is living in your head rent free!?

>Resorting to literal frogposting
I win. :)

>race matter
Wanna know how I can tell that you've never accomplished a single thing in your life and your only source of self-esteem comes from the skin color you were born with?

Because they aren't white.

South Americans can make white things too, no one cares.

Your self - guilt bullshit only exists in your countries

>not just reporting off-topic bait threads
this nigger's been spamming the exact same post in the FE threads all day, he's obsessed with race. Wouldn't surprise anyone if he's a chronic /blacked/poster

Nah, it's mostly just the guy being delusional as do the entire /pol/ :) pretty easy to spot a delusional Pollack these days don't you think?

>He thinks jannies care
This thread has been up for 3 hours

These games are based on europeans though

Not easier than spot obsessed tourists, that for sure ;)

>several characters in the game clearly have brown/dark brown skin
>"Only white people in it"
what next, egyptians were actually white? Spics are actually white? I bet the user who made this thread is a 56% amerimutt lmao, take a picture of your hand and show us that you're part of the master race or fuck off.

You seem triggered, what's wrong redditor?

>goblin posting

Honestly Mediterranean was just prime location. Plus they got most of their ideas from trades which is easier and faster by boat.

>Wanna know how I can tell

But you can't tho, you're just projecting hard because you're mad. Saying that race doesn't matter in the era of identity politics is just delusion.

That fat diabetes fucker is an attempt at larping as a white american nationalist. Delusional and cringe worthy.

>their hate toward niggers and their love toward white people
There are several famous black people in Japanese media who are regarded as very charismatic, blacks don't actually commit crimes in Japan because the ones that get there actually had to work/have an ounce of intelligence to make it due to Japan's strict immigration policies.
>white people are loved
Gaijin are the biggest outsiders of the country, everywhere you go you'll get stared at, not out of desire but purely out of bewilderment
have you gone outside your own room, yet alone outside your own country?

>You seem triggered

Says the person bitching about a boogeyman.

Attached: e7db9e4e33592de521b23e955084488e.jpg (601x508, 39K)

Pletny of Kurishitans take traditional Western names.

Explain biologically how race matters then. Post the "negro gene" that determines blacks are all violent chimps by nature, or post the "white gene" that proves all whites are inherently superior to everyone else.
Go on mate, take a photo of your hand, prove you're not a 56%er

Because japan is the most racist country in the world. Even towards white people, who they only tolerate because they find them more aesthetically pleasing.

Attached: 1544888093786.jpg (2448x2791, 1.45M)

This is just a meme though. Japan isn't racist, they're not a "people" country in general. Go to Tokyo and see how many people will respond to meeting your gaze with a smile or anything more than just an awkward look-away.
unless you're korean, in which case lol you're fucked

>Post the "negro gene" that determines blacks are all violent chimps by nature, or post the "white gene" that proves all whites are inherently superior to everyone else. Go on mate, take a photo of your hand, prove you're not a 56%er

You're so desperate and triggered, lmao.

Attached: 1550922408313.jpg (300x240, 32K)

>ask for proof that race matters
>"lol you're so desperate"
Post hand, show us your pride in being a strong white american pal. Are you scared or something? You're not ACTUALLY a 56%er, are you user?

There's no such thing as "White". Europe-descended peoples should not all be lumped in together. A German is not an Hispanic, who is not a Celt, who is not a Greek, or a Turk. None of them are even close to a Slav either.

"Whiteness" is a meaningless concept only meant to pit the white working classes against other races by slave-owning burgers.

Attached: IMG_20190624_151322.png (200x452, 19K)


Koreans are nothing compared to niggers

White is just no color and that means no culture. Have you seen modern america or modern europe? Gun shooting and africans raping Elizabeth and her sisters sounds like a fun culture to have lmao

No fucking shit you'd see a ton in Tokyo

Imagine being this terminally retarded

>A youtube video by a literal who
Nice source by the way bro.
Still waiting to see that hand. Come on man, you're starting to leave me thinking you might just be a spic.
True, one has white-ish skin the other has dark skin.
"Niggers" aren't hated in Japan, they're lumped with the rest of foreigners as Gaijin. If you're convinced niggers are terrible people outside the hood why don't you post some statistics of black crime in Japan?

holy shit the music is so fucking good

Attached: 1415875143511.jpg (392x243, 20K)

Claude is literally a mixed foreigner who fucks off back to his dad's country in the epilogue.

>ask for proof that race matters

>Saying that race doesn't matter in the era of identity politics is just delusion.

Literally did it, you just apparently can't read or you're trying to shift the "race matter" subject into supremacist shit because your seething dumb brain is deperate for a point. Either way go for walk, you seriously need to get off from internet for while.

They're not just in Tokyo tho. Go to Sapporo or Fukuoka, you're more than likely enough to meet foreigners in those places, especially blacks since they're usually either doormen or entertainers.
nah mate Claude's white.

It's bad

Fuck, I forgot to quote

Niggers have bad reputation in Japan because of Nigerian scammers, and they commit two times more crimes than a japanese citizen (but not statistically relevant since their small population allow easily noise, which is why stats from USA are more relevant to display black behavior, numerous enough)

Post proof that race matters. Saying "we're in the era of identity politics" isn't proof, that's like saying SJW's saying "white straight men are inferior because we're in the era of identity politics".
I'm still waiting for that hand bro. I'll go for my walk when you post proof that you're actually white. Can't be that hard now, can it? I'm sure if you pull up your trouser you might find a pale spot that looks white enough to convince us!

Is Seychelles white?

Those aren't people, people don't have eyes that big. People also aren't 2D. Those are drawings.

I think his point is the majority of people in Japan are Asian and thusly most of their media will be...Asian.

Nigerian scammers have a bad rep everywhere, you don't even see nigerians in Japan though, you're far more likely to see Nigerians in japanese-speaking places like communities in Brazil, that's probably what you're confusing htem with.
>and they commit two times more crimes than a japanese citizen
Wow that's pretty messed up, where'd you find that ou-
>(but not statistically relevant since their small population allow easily noise, which is why stats from USA are more relevant to display black behavior, numerous enough)
Isn't that convenient, huh?

>Only white people in it
>Posts an image with a brown skin man

>where'd you find that out
They're black, do you need more evidence than that you SJW fuck?

No shit, that's why this entire argument the user's obsessed with that japs idolize white people is retarded to begin with.
>he thinks that's not white
He's caucasian, see? He doesn't have nigger traits, therefore he's 100% white.

Of course they are but, that won't stop all these user's tism fit.

Fuck all you fags arguing about shit no one cares about.
Instead, let's talk about the game. Which order are you going to do the routes in? I'm going Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, and Church route last.

Show us a pic of his dad or fake

>muh brown skin
That is clearly a south european with a tan, which means they are white, kill yourselves.
>north european
>south european
That is how that pic goes.

Aren't most anime games even the ones with European settings basically just Japs cosplaying as Europeans because most of the time they usually look Japanese to me.

So you concede that you have no proof and are just making shit up? Based, user.

You can do niggers with nigger traits. Peoples will say "Blackface!!" and call you racist.


>he thinks whites exist


>t-they have brown skin but they're COMPLETELY white guys, trust me!
>T-This game is TOTALLY just pandering to me, a white man!
Let's see that hand user, don't be a pussy

My first post in this thread and I already got a (You). Thank (You) based SJW.

Post hand user. Or even better, your jaw, let's see how many negro traits we can spot together.

Because most people won't admit that they find niggers ugly

>he isn't of europe he is of Upper Egypt 250ad

> full plate armor

full plate armor of that style doesn't appear in the world for another 1200 years, you're off by miles

LMAO you seriously dumbest person itt. If race didn't matter people woudn't be using it for political motivations, thats objectively a valid point. And whats with this cringey obsession with my skin color!? I thought race didn't matter to you user.

>First post
Sure, half the thread is you sperging out that people aren't as insecure with race as you are.
Let's see that hand, unless you're also going to concede that you're a dirty spic pretending to be white.

Can't be stupider than an american am I right?

>If race didn't matter people woudn't be using it for political motivations, thats objectively a valid point
Yes, an objectively valid point, that people who use race for political motivations are all retarded. We call out SJWs for doing the same thing, so why are you surprised when people are calling you retarded for thinking your skin pigmentation inherently gives you value? It certainly doesn't for you.
I sincerely find it hard to believe that you're white when ESLfags have better English than you.
Post hand.

Reminder that it's mostly Brazilian/Hispanic anons shitposting about how white they are and why Japan loves whites

Attached: 1563390060365m-2.jpg (151x227, 11K)


If Mediterranean people are white, then Middle Easterners are white too as they are Caucasian and share the same skintone.

As if his ESLfag-tier spelling didn't give it away.
Imagine if this user's a nigger though, nothing beats the thought of a desperate basement-dwelling black user trying to convince himself he's white.

It actually was my first post, I'm also buying the game on the 26th. It's just funny to me that you want black people in a Japanese game so much SJW-kun. Here's my hand.

Attached: 20190723_183937.jpg (4032x1960, 2.42M)

This thread need to be on pol.
We aren't even talking about games.

>we aren't even talking about games
Hey, at least it's not a Smash thread.

Literally all three characters in The O P are basically Japanese with hair dye or different skin colors

Do you project yourself?

>so why are you surprised when people are calling you retarded for thinking your skin pigmentation inherently gives you value?

What!? Are you on meds user!? Thats not what I'm saying at all. You claimed that race didn't matter and I proved you wrong with valid objection. Why are you so desperatly attempting to take words out of me and turn this into some supremacist bullshit!?

I guess thats what I get from trying to have a proper discussion with the mentally ill people of this board...

Attached: 1522910486184.gif (260x229, 1.98M)

>It's "Everyone in Anime is White" General #23542
I wish there were no retards on 4channel.

No, when /vint/ was a thing it showed most anons that praise whites and the fact that they are white were from Brazil and the ones telling them to fuck off were Leafs

Why do blonde/blue white girls look so much fucking better in anime than real life?
Like all anime girls look better than their real life counterparts but the disparity between blondes in anime and blondes in real life has to be the largest. Despite being blind I still see them as cute Japanese girls instead of white roasties like in real life.

Not him but I can see why he thinks that when you said that whites are superior

Cope libshit

Please, quote exactly where I said it.

They draw them with no flaws.

Attached: edelede.jpg (3200x3073, 764K)

Kill yourself tourist redditor. Don't come back.

Stop larping anytime sweetie. It's getting really embarrassing. Everyone is laughing at you.

Blonde people IRL tend to have smaller eyes and thinner faces, basically the opposite of the way anime faces look.

I guess you already gave up, now take your meds please, you might feel better afterwards.

>No argument
Haha I guess you really are faking. Loser.

Claude looks persian.

Argument for what!? buzzwords!? I'm still waiting for a proper reply to . But it seems that you just want the last word like typical Yea Forums autist.

Kiss already faggots

Honestly i went to Japan for two weeks and stayed in many different cities, but the only black people i saw were obvious tourists or those creepy dudes who stand outside of clubs and try to get dumb foreigners to come into said club and spend all their money.

You can only earn a reply when you manage to form a sentence that doesn't sound like you're parroting what redditors on /pol/ have said. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your delusions. Wherever you're from go the fuck back. This is Yea Forums. Not r/the Donald .

Whites aren't numerous in Japan beside tourist your point?

What are we arguing about again?

About FE being redpilled or not

/pol/ is always right

Why are Americans so obsessed with black people? And I'm referring to every side of the coin.

>the world
Maybe the first world. Third world still has genocides. Also look how right they turned out to be about china.

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Question. Why is it America and Japans job to include diversity in their games?

Why did this describe me.

Attached: file.png (265x290, 73K)

All the retards who think that fantasy characters aren't white

will FFags ever stop seething?