Was it worse than DA2?

Was it worse than DA2?

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Fuck no.

No but it wasn't very great either. I couldn't even bring myself to finish it, while DA2's flashy combat was fun enough to endure the bullshit that was everything else in that game.

I honestly think so. DA2 is shitty, nonsensical and repetitive but it had some cool concepts
>friendship/rivalry system
>one character across multiple years
>see how his actions affect his home

Meanwhile DAI is shitty, nonsensical and repetitive but just tries to ape Origins. I managed to force myself to complete DA2 twice, I've only ever beaten DAI once.

Yes. DA2 at least had neat companion characters to compensate for the brain-dead gameplay. Inquisition couldn't even manage that.

Its about equal, instead of running around a tiny city you run around big empty deserts doing fetch quests.

No it wasn't and you would have to be mentally ill to believe otherwise

I found DA2's characters to be boring as shit except fot varric. I can't imagine how dull the characters in inquisition must be then

Nothing is worse than DA2. DA2 is the Birdemic of video games.

They're both uniquely bad.

Bioware must die

I wouldn't say worse but definitely more boring, because it's much longer than 2, so you have more shit to go through before it's over

Inquisition had Blackwall and Varric, that’s about it

it won the goty from 2014 op, so it's great

ow boy
i cant wait for the next PG13 high fantasy tranny age adventure.

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At least this was somewhat enjoyable to play through.

Haters gonna hate, but DAI was actually only 1 (one (oдин (一))) good game in series in spite of game biggest gimmick to fuck with your own free time.

DA2 reminded me more of Kingdoms of Amalur than DAO. DA2 was rushed, no content and very easy. CISqusition looks garbage, made by interns on a crunch. Pile of dogshit.
tldr: DA2 > DAI

Complete opposite for me.
DA2 companions sucked dick while Blackwall, Dorian, and Solas were at the very least tolerable.

I'm really pissed that they fucked up the elemental mines. They intentionally broke them so they no longer work on dragons.

Absolutely. At least 2 you could enjoy as a pseudo hack n slash with pretty good story and characters, Inquisition was a borefest with infuriating design choices that dragged every little action you took on.

Yes. At least DA2 had the decency to be short and not an Origins rehash.

It was better than two and not as good as one

It was, but it was also better than witcher.

Shit tier skill trees
God awful tumblr tier writing
Horrible MMO style LIMITED resource collection
Extremely poorly paced game due to terrible design decisions based on map sizes
Forgettable quests
Terrible ending
The endgame was locked behind DLC
Beautiful at the time
Addicting combat and looting
Fun dragon fights

DA O > DA 2 > Witcher 1 > Witcher 2 > Witcher 3 DA I

even though DA2 is shit I enjoyed the story and the interaction with Qunari.
somehow they managed to make them alien not only in appearance but in culture.
then came DA:I and the Qunari went 'lol joke! we like to take it in the ass like everyone else!'

dragon age was never good

Somehow yes, it's even further from origins than 2 was