What is the worst thing you have done in real life because of video games

what is the worst thing you have done in real life because of video games

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Ignored people that wanted to spend time with me

Come here.

>12 year old Gabriel Kuhn was friends with 16 year old Daniel Petry. Both were fans of MMORPG computer game called Tibia
>Gabriel Kuhn wanted to progress in his game but he was short on game money so he asked his buddy Daniel Petry if he could borrow 20,000 Tibia money from his account. Daniel transferred requested funds to Gabriel’s account but wanted it back later on
>Gabriel Kuhn failed to transfer the Tibia funds back to Daniel Petry’s account and that got Daniel upset so much, he stormed Gabriel’s house and killed his friend by strangling him to death
>He wanted to hide the body in the attic, but being 1,8 meters above ground, this wasn’t an easy task. Determined to conceal the murder, Daniel took a knife and a hacksaw and sawed Gabriel’s legs off to make him weigh less
>Gabe’s mom returned back home to find her 12 year old son dead and with legs cut off
>Further investigation into the killing by the police revealed that Daniel Petry also sodomized Gabriel Kuhn after killing

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Cared more about games than boyfriends so I never went to prom or parties and now nobody wants to fuck this old hag so I stopped caring about my looks altogether and play games all day after work and during weekends.
Might be my only regret, but I'm an old hag now so it's all over anyway.

post your old hag tits

Joining a /vg/ community.
Never realized how hypocritical and evil anons on Yea Forums really are until I did. Never again.

well there's your problem



Hi Rachel

/vg/ is discord trannies, not anons.
Actual anons just agressive.

That's a common story, but of course e-girls feel special because it happens to them.

Some of us would fuck anything that walks
You'll be fine user

I didnt reply to all those "you mother will die in her sleep" posts and then a few months ago she actually did die in her sleep, most likely due to a brain bleed. I still remember what she felt like (stiff) when i tried to wake her up, cause i was the one who found her. Still kinda fucks me up to think about it.

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Tits or GTFO

Wish I got a brain bleed in my sleep.


I voted for the Orange man because of vidya. Regret it to this day.

>Didn't reply to the posts
>Mother didn't die in her sleep
Instead she died coughing up blood and passing out as her internal organs failed her.

considering it had to happen eventually and all the ways it could have happened, I think you got the best deal of events

Democracy will not produce a good leader. Lesser evil at best, and even that's not the usual outcome.


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You lived your life correctly, nothing wrong with this

Based. Normalfags need to fuck off from the Yea Forumsirgin board.

you were going to become an old hag either way. May as well get there doing what you love.

I did the opposite and wished i played more vidya instead, i missed out on some classics

You know how it goes, tits or GTFO

You can still play the classics today, the time you spent with others isn't something that you can just do today.

Video games turned me into a sodomite

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i became racist

As long as you only think about it then it's not that bad.

That's just healthy and sane.

This is just the other side of the 'I fucked my 20s away and now I want to settle down' coin.

Please get out of London...

The male side?


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Worst thing was I used a profane catch phase from a game I played too much of in front of my parents. We had very strict rules about language among other things.

Best thing was I car jacked a friend, which kept him from driving drunk. He thanked me later.

>Best thing was I car jacked a friend, which kept him from driving drunk. He thanked me later.
you can't just say that and not give us the story

How come video games make you steal cars?