Payday 2 bundle with all DLC is $5 on Fanatical. Is it worth it?
Payday 2 bundle with all DLC is $5 on Fanatical. Is it worth it?
unless you have bros to play it with, nope.
Play it with friends
Why do Americans always wait for sales to """try""" games? Are they that poor?
Rent free
I hear just as many Europeans or Australians bitching about their $70 games.
that's worth it but the game is trash now, a complete shadow of what it once was, run into the ground by shitty greedy devs
it's $80
It's fun, it can be a stealth game or a invasion type PvE game. People say devs killed it but the only thing that kills it for me is the hackers. Kind of kills the point of the game.
Grab 4 friends, grind up to a decent level and do Overdrill, shit was a great afternoon m8
>buying things full price
Still obsessed
Nope you are 5 years late
Their next game is GTFO but no new info on it since E3...last year
Game has shit load of content at this point but don't play it without friends.
Yup. I’d even pay $20 for it. This game is very unique and fun and has an incredible amount of content. You can sink many hours into this and continue to discover new things about the game. Plus it had an awesome soundtrack and lovable characters.
Don’t listen to the guy saying you need active friends. There’s tons of player lobbies you can join at any time and it’s easy to make friends.
This. Fuck zoomers who use “trainers” aka cheats/mods.
I leave any game that uses silent assassin or I see it tells me host is using invalid commands/weapons. Also have auto kick on those players so they can’t join my lobbies.
Why even buy Payday 2 if you don’t want to play it the way it’s meant to be played? Dumb kiddos
only worth 4.95
it's more of a time investment than a cash investment. also it's absolutely un-fun without friends.
Though I agree with you, your reddit spacing and tripfaggory hurts.
Are there any ideas that pay rent?
Wrong. You can literally find good players to join their lobbies at any point in the day.
Reddit spacing is a meme created by Reddit. Please go back, newfag.
Ded game, content is boring, characters are boring, its just another grindfest cop killing simulator.
Used to be fun, back in 2014. Now its fucking shit.
all the DLC does is give you more weapons, heists and characters, you can't host/solo DLC heists but you can run them with people playing them online. $5 is a steal for everything included together, though, and Ultimate Edition goes on sale enough to make it worth it, since even just the heists alone are usually worthwhile.
as a newcomer that's level 40+ now myself, it does feel really disjointed how basically offers literally any heist even in solo, from the nightmares to the white house, but they have a story playlist for that.
can't host/solo DLC heists if you don't have them, derp
>trying this hard to fit in
Is what you’re doing, yes. Glad you understand.
He's right though. People have always spaced like that on Yea Forums. Also who are you quoting?
>This game is very unique and fun and has an incredible amount of content.
Stay mad contrarian