Imagine this being your first Monkey Island game
that's just plain sad
Imagine this being your first Monkey Island game
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Lol it was and I loved it although I was only 8. Akso fuck monkey kombat
When will Ron Gilbert have his shot at making the REAL Monkey Island 3?
It was and I liked it. I liked 1 and 2 even more after playing them.
That telltale game however I couldn't get into
This game is as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee.
That's racist.
I'm shaking, I'm shaking!
While I think that it is probably the weakest game in the series I still have fond memories of playing this game with my parents when I was 6 and didn't understand English at all.
Never even played it. I just played the first two, which are brilliant. Is this just bad in comparison but still good, or plain bad?
It's not good. It plays nothing like the others, it looks awful and the humor is just bad. 3 is pretty good but a lot of people dislike it for making the series look more cartoony, 5 is decent but was fucked up by it being episodic.
I think it lacks certain charm compared to other games. If you are only partly interested in the series you could skip it. I still find positive aspects to it even if the jokes don't land as well. Main frustration is the last part of the game which is Monkey Kombat, which is Cancer and which i usually cheat so I don't have to play it.
it was my 3rd one. and my last one
>Akso fuck monkey kombat
But that's the best part. It's wicked cool having to write the moves down on paper and then winning, although it ends literally right after you've written it all down so it's a bit of a downer.
The telltale series?
Yes the "Tales from Monkey Island". Makes references to many aspects of previous installments.
Only complaint I have with the first 3 games is that the final boss fight is always frustrating and boring.
Second and third deffo, but I forget what fight ensued in the first game
>go through all the trouble of learning monkey combat moves
>final fight turns out to be monkey combat too
>"i'm ready, let's go"
>lol jk you just have to mimic the boss three times
is it worth playing? are the puzzles good or sierra tier?
I remember being stuck for a fucking long time at a puzzle involving some catalogue thing, the solution was incredibly dumb after reading about it but I just couldn't get it and don't even remember it
post evidence or fuck off
It's not particularly good but it's not complete shit either. IIRC some puzzles are pretty clever but mostly they're quite generic.
The monkey-operated machine at the prosthetics shop? It was a simple trial and error puzzle, every symbol corresponded to a range of letters of the alphabet.
Big deal, introduced me to the series and was pretty funny. Though I liked the curse of LeChuck and the one that came out in 2011
It's one of the shoulder buttons (or maybe more? I don't remember), a pentagram or hexagram or whatever sided thing pops up with the moves you already found out, it makes the minigame fucking easy
fuck THAT, my 10 years old brain couldn't handle that shit
>shoulder buttons
what the hell
>shoulder buttons
I don't know anything about the console ports but I'm pretty sure this feature just isn't there on the PC version.
On the PS2 version pressing R2 showed the chart, I just didn't find about it until like the final battle
Disney has its claws on the franchise now. So, never.
the fuck is that, some fan-made unholy hybrid of MI3 and 4?
it's a secret in Indiana Jones Infernal Machine
Best in the series
Some bits were the the funniest in the series, like the time travel lake
Curse is significantly better than the first two and it was only the remasters that brought them up to its level. The voice work is incredibly well done, the humor is on point, and the puzzles are less 'fuck you, we are making this artificially longer so you'll spend more time on the game' like the map hunting in MI2.