Odds on them mocking non-Christian religions?
Odds on them mocking non-Christian religions?
inb4: christian man bad
LESS then zero.
what religions are there?
the sensitive ones:
non sensitive:
Is scientology a real religion?
why must any religion be mocked?
Most likely they'll poke fun at christianity only.
If they touch anything else the game's going to get banned as racist, islamophobic, anti-semitic or a combination of the previous mentioned reasons.
Christian man bad.
Muslim man good.
Jew man good.
Retarded eastern hippie "chi" and "tao" religions best.
Because fedoras are cool.
inb4 seething godcucks
grow up
>Not sensitive
Oof, retarded westerner detected
It's current year and they want the reddit audience
They are more than deserving of it. However it's like says.
Give example.
Quit thinking to much into it
When's the last time a buddhist beheaded someone for disagreeing with their religion?
Anything can be mocked in any way the writers sees fit. Nothing has to be mocked, but nothing is exempt from mockery—expression is king.
>grow up
Say the atheist
There's a reason why atheist follow the religion that tv imposes them
Every religion is sensitive user. Especially if they're the one in power.
Hahaha DABBING on religitards. I should get a shirt of this!
Edit: thanks for the gold, stranger!
Like your education then
can i run over jews?
>the sensitive ones:
Reddit atheists
>non-Christian religions
Nice joke. Like user mentioned earlier, get ready for another "Christian man bad!"
You're on Yea Forums too buddy.
How many games openly mock any religions?
The game is partly funded by 20th Century Fox, it will 100% shit on Christianity and will leave Judaism and Islam alone.
It's subversive.
>Thinking that Buddhists haven't had religious wars
>Not knowing about myanmar
Very uneducated westerners
This game looks like shit desu.
Terrible art, terrible story, terrible gameplay, no atmosphere...
TW3 got somehow a pass because it was the sequel of TW2, had amazing graphics (pre downgrade), and the atmosphere was great.
I hate Muslims however Myanmar is a good case of Buddhists being sensitive too
Because they're silly and besides, that headline doesn't specify them being mocked or even represented in a bad light, people are capable of being offended by the smallest perceived slight.
I want to see what they say about muslims and the inevitable sharia law in UK
but i wouldn't hold my breath to it...
Oh boy, get ready for annudah Shoah goyim
>Witcher 3
>Doom Eternal
>Far Cry 5
>Bioshock Infinite
>Plague Tale Innocence
>Borderlands 3
>Binding of Isaac
>Red Dead Redemption
>Assassin's Creed
Never cry more christfags
the Polish are super christian, I'm sure they wouldn't mock Christianity as much as the rest
christ bad
hehe hindus got some crazy gods
uhh, jew and muslim?
no comment, that would be wrong!
While most anons are saying Myanmar I will use WW2 as an Example of Zen Buddhists being lying faggots
CDPR are good goys
CDPR are leftists
I played all of those games and none of them mock any religion. I think you're just overly sensitive.
>A fucking war against a foreign power
>Refusing a wave of refugees of a massively different culture and religion
>Religious sensitivity
Are you guys retarded? They're talking about stuff like terrorist attacks on comic writers who draw Mohammad or Christians whining about Xmas. Talk show hosts will literally take the shit out of the dalai lama without batting an eye.
Go to Thailand with an exposed Buddha tattoo and you won't last a week without a fine at best or deportation at worst
>Being this bluepilled
I just want new religions, like one who kill persons non 100% human or a hiperbuddism one, like living in Matrix is the best.
You have to go back
>none of them mock any religion
Everyone in Poland knows Christians are just second rate jews, most of them are kiddie fiddlers too.
Only boomers go to church
Are pretending to be retarded, because it's working
Literally every single JRPG.
because it's cool and our own current faith-systems (materialism, scientism) require continuous reinforcement through finger-pointing
It's actually problematic once for how only certain religions are targeted and others are absolved, and two: games as medium can represent and challenge religious themes very profoundly (see Morrowind) but unfortunately that requires brains and also talent
Left in Poland is not the left of the United States
>mock religion
>using religious themes
I don’t think you know what mock means
Why should they be off limits more than any other belief?
Because the underlying logic operates on faith, a replacement for reason where is it reasonable to not believe.
You forgot jews in the sensitive list and hindu in the non sensitive list.
Do you think Yea Forums is like a religious site?
Because like all things on earth they are open to criticism and criticism can come in different forms. From satire to parroting things other people say without really knowing why they are.
Welcome to the new age brother. Brace for the great falling away.
maybe try to not be shitty assholes on another's country
>hindu in the non sensitive list
>hindu in the non sensitive list.
Hindu's have forced Smite to redesign their Kali, because she was styled semi nude, despite that God often being depicted as naked.
>stop being mean to my based Jesus that I literally disagree with and don't follow
Hipster """christians""" are the worst.
Yeah they really fucked up the whole point of Doom with Eternal. Literally making a game where the protagonist was a Catholic killing demons into a fedora tipping pozz fuckery where Doomguy is now killing angels.
Fuck these retarded fucking kikes.
Yeah, VERY uneducated westeene
I see a lot of indian guys at work and they never seem to get too pissy if you talk about hindu? Fuck Apu was around forever before someone got offended and he made fun of hindu several times.
>Not killing both because humanity shouldn't be fucked with any extraplanar bullshit.
If you are going to kill one, may as well kill the other.
Tokyo sarin attacks.
Ever since atheism became the norm, Yea Forums became religious.
Thank you kike, very cool.
Can I kill G-d's Ch-sen Pe-ple?
>SJWs bad because they get offended and are over sensitive
>CDPR bad because they won't cater to my easily offended and sensitive ass
>what is gnosticism
People on Yea Forums think they're special or something if their opinions are unpopular.
I thought Thais were Buddhists?
Take it, I insist.
Prepare to be Charlie Hebdo'd, for atheism is a greater sin than shirk
Abrahamic religions are bottom tier. All of them.
Mocking God is Satanic
Mocking SJWs is mocking a human fault therefore good
they're the unkillable npcs cdpr talked about
well, a lot of people who play video games are just neckbeards who wear fedora and visit r/atheism, so is not a surprise CD will bash some religions
This. Me personally? I just drink semen like based Odin did. Praise Thor!
Yes. This isn't reddit
of course there will be no mention of jews
I'm not personally retarded enough to be religious. But I prefer the ones that keep to themselves and don't have recruiting in their doctrine.
*gasp* but mocking religion is unheard of in popular media, least of all video games! Based CDPR!!!
CDPR bad because they cucked out and apologized to trannies and are too afraid to mock Islam and Judaism
>I prefer the ones that keep to themselves and don't have recruiting in their doctrine.
So none? Gotcha. If you think other religions in other countries are less intrusive than Christianity you're an ignorant brainwashed cuckold.
Hey, hey Abraham, kill your son haha.
It would totally prove you're a real believer haha dude kill your son.
This. Their views on LGBT people...I literally can't even...
Fuck religion and fuck trannies too.
Or Mudslimes.
But hey, at least the brave CDPR will let the trannyera degenerates shoot up a church or two. Based.
I see your a fellow reddit user, here have some invisible internet points.
Edit: take some gold while you're at it
christians adore homosexuals
>mfw white people still cock sucking a sandnigger god
They are. Its an extremely strict form of buddhism too. My wife is Thai. She been in the US most of her life though so shes cool but her family sucks. They have a million superstitions and breaking one gets them screaming. Her mom tried to beat one of my kids over some stupid shit and she got the back of my hand. You gotta be careful when you are over there as there are a lot of thing you can't do or talk about over there without winding up in a police station. Fucking tranny whores and spreading hep b around is ok but saying anything at all about the king will get you beat to death.
buddism is the only religion of this millennia to started riots to kick muslims out of their country
Christcucks seething
That's nuts.
it's the only thing Atheist have to fill the void in their heart
Omg I’m stealing this meme! Sorry all I can give is silver
brb i must get ready for Nintendo Switch birthday, cant miss occasion to pray to my favourite corporation overlord
I said abarahamic, you kids muslims and jews are all annoying. I've never had a buddhist try to convert me or know anyone who has. It's not part of their central doctrine.
They're just fucking annoying. Always killing people for their stupid garbage and trying to get laws changed to suit them.
Yeah I can't believe so many retards still worship Zeus/Odin. Which is just a repackaged Moloch.
>real religions
what are some and what arent some???
Christians don't do that anymore
At least corporations are real.
Now THIS is Cyberpunk
Christians are filthy pedos.
This game is partly funded by Poland which is the most loyal milking cow of v*tican
what will happen is they will probably have a pedophile priest and nobody will bat an eye, but later there will be a corrupt jew or muslim terrorist and resetera will lose their shit.
>bundling Christians with Mudslimes just so you can have some ammo
Disgusting fucking kike.
>real religions
>even if it offends sensitivities
Hot air. No chance in hell
> mfw a reddit atheist thinks they're being clever outside of their Richard Dawkins circle-jerk.
>tfw we're already living in a cyberpunk dystopia but without any of the cool shit
Just Christianity. Because anything else would get them killed.
>christcucks are already offended
Can't make this shit up. Literally SJWs before SJWs.
you are a leftist being triggered by meaningless shit
Vatican isn't Christian. They're Chrislamists.
Im not that guy but he said abrahamic you tard that bundles the jews, christians, and muslims. They are all branches of the same shit.
All religions are shit on this plate of an earth.
because religion is holding us back as a species
>christianity is the religion of piec-
>rainbow love shirt
Can't make this shit up
Odds on them simply including depictions of various religions in a pragmatic but non-mocking way, but the Christians and Muslims are the only ones that interpret it as offense and have an autistic shrieking fit until it gets patched?
When exactly did Christians become as defensive and hateful as Muslims? Was it 9/11?
*Le hat joke*
>kike worshippers good, they dindu nuffin they good bois
You've clearly never lived in a really religious area. I had anti abortion faggots outside my highschool with pictures of mashed up fetuses. Stupid cunts.
The jews are in there too. Do you not know what abrahamic means? All 3 of you are different flavours of the same meal.
>When exactly did Christians become as defensive and hateful as Muslims?
Ever heard of crusades?
No they aren't. You actual fucking kike.
>current year
>people still believe in a benevolent omnipotent deity despite even the most basic logic contradicting their religions
That's not what happens, schlomo worshipper.
Hindus were pissed at SMTIV:A
Neither of those two were Christian.
Aren't they based out of Poland? So there is a razor small chance they might actually be based and go after Muslims or Jews but very unlikely. They would be absolutely crucified for it.
because atheism hasn't alienated enough people yet
>sand gods
Get a load of this jew
the most sensitive one: sjwism
Christkikes and mudslimes are the same Jewish shit, cuck.
>religion of piec-
It's spelled peace not piece, fucking learn to spell right.
>no time to add 3rd person mode, apartments or factions
>but plenty of time to add Jewlywood husks and to mock Christians
Epic priorities Poles. Very woke.
Is there any religion that doesn't roundly deserve it?
Webm related is my one true and only God.
Please respect him as you'd respect your parents.
>Odds on them mocking non-Christian religions?
Fucking lol.
xd They didn't say which ones, so you don't know yet if you should be outraged or smug. Based CDPR outing partisan autists on Yea Forums.
Why are you such a peace of shit?
>when you're a Christian and haven't called anyone that critisizes your jew worshipping cult a Fedora Tipper, a larpagan or an atheist. And telling them to repent and to start worshippinh Rabbi jewsus
Oh no, those evil Christians, protesting against abortion!
This. I work in the CS industry and I've yet to meet an Indian who was overly sensitive about Hinduism
>not being super focused on alienating and dogma
But there are factions.
>3rd person mode
>Jewlywood husks
> mock Christians
Choose only one.
Never thought about it but it's true. Biggest hipster site on the web.
Odin fucked oxes and drank semen from hanged men fyi
Reminder that Yea Forums was majority atheist and mocked Christards mercilessly, right up until r/atheism became a household name and people were desperate to avoid any association with reddit.
As another sign of the changing times, note how the same process did not recur later with r/T_D.
Why are christians so easily offended by everything? How is this different from muslims or trannies?
>Happened hundreds of years ago during a time when people were more violent than they are today.
You faggots act like that happened literally yesterday.
Because they are forms of authority, you dumb bootlicker.
Keep it to yourself or go protest a government building. I don't need to see that shit while I'm eating. Morons. Hope they're dead now.
Because induism isn't a Jewish brainwashing tool like NPChristianity and Pisslam.
Nope, he didn't, schlomo.
Both go hand in hand together.
>christianity bad!
>islam good!
>jews good!
>buddhism/shinto who cares lmaooo!
Why are you such a fucking retard trying to be edgy.
>Source: the Rabbi
Whatever you say.
Zeus/Odin are unironically from Kazakhstan
Islam needs to be mocked because these people will literally decapitate you if you draw a picture of their shit-eating prophet. We need to take a stand and let them know that they aren't welcome here.
Yes he did user. They also drank blood and sacrificed people for crops. All religions come from the same place.
Im basing this on zero research and absolutly no scientific findings but i don't think "being religious" is as much of a choice as we think it is. I think religious thinking is probably mostly genetic and also always going to encompass the vast majority of people. Atheism is "growing" but in reality i think people like Bill Nye, Niel Degrasse Tyson, and Bill Maher are making athiesm "look cool" so a lot of kids are saying they are atheist now when in fact they are not mentally and are still prone to religious thinking which is whI believe politics is going straight to shit because these people have just replaced their religion with the religion of politics. Its all about the urge to form tribes and exclude others. Its a way to feel superior to outsiders.
>christianity bad
Said no one ever, kike.
Spotted the shitskin still mad they got a a taste of Muslim medicine. In the dudes own fuckin words he said he didn't believe in any religion
Yes Rabbis mock Christians. Ever read the Talmud? Or are you just another brainwashed cuckold?
Christcucks are all mentally insane pedophiles that belong in jail.
>Odin fucked oxes and drank semen from hanged men fyi
that comes from a fanfic written by a literal gay jew
You shouldn't really include modern Western "reinventions" of the swastika, because those are obviously derived from the originals.
Why didn't he shot up a christian church then?
>believe me goy
>ur a jew cuz u criticize my jew worshipping cult
Show nose
Yes, when it was white.
rise up fellow christians we are the most oppressed minority
Buddy look Odin is just repackaged Zeus. Who came from Moloch.
>Wants to murder babies
>Calls other mentally ill
I think you're conflating two entirely different things here.
don't they light themselves on fire when they get triggered?
Because nothing is above mockery.
0% chance
Yes, they pretend to hate you. PragerU and Hollywood shill Christianity more than the holocaust and Charlemagne worshipped jew while killing Pagans because they worshipped nature instead of a filthy jew named christ.
>/vpol/ loves Hitler
>/vpol/ also loves Christianity
Something doesn't add up here. Mind explaining yourselves?
>buttblasted muslim posting monologues
>Mocking anything that isn't Christianity
absolutely zero
>In the dudes own fuckin words he said he didn't believe in any religion
Well, we're not supposed to believe a word he said, remember
Fetuses aren't human yet. Might as well start giving semen human rights next.
>Who came from Moloch
Nice fan fic.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
You know they will. I fully expect an Islamic faction plus some reference to Jews.
Oh I don't know be a immigrant hating aussie, lets shoot the founders of a town called christchurch yea that will teach the immigrant scum taking over country's.
>they pretend to hate you
lmao the larpagan cope
There's a reason why they relentlessly mock Christianity yet avoid literally everything else.
Go drink semen and fuck your fellow degenerate in the ass. You're already lost.
Hitler was a Christian
>Something doesn't add up here.
What doesn't?
>mfw they mock Christian religions
It's called ignorance. Hitler was Pagan.
Because they obviously mock Christianity ever.
>we wuz victims and shiet
Meanwhile Pagans were killed and our temples have been replaced with disgusting churches
>no goys we wuz victims
>my lies are the truth
People are only angry at this post because they know it's right. Religion is delusion, and religion often contradicts itself. The world would factually be better without religion.
No he wasn't. He was literally a swastika worshiping pagan.
And /pol/ is far from Christianity anyway.
>Hitler was Pagan.
He wasn't, kike. Christianity is Judaism for gentiles.
Your own mother should've aborted you, since you weren't human yet, just fucking tumor.
>Hitler was a pagan
This nigger right here has never read Mein Kampf
Odin doesn't correspond perfectly with Zeus, the way for example Jupiter does. Traditionally Odin is said to correspond with Mercury.
Moloch though, Moloch corresponds with Saturn. The Babylonian god who corresponds with Zeus is not Moloch, it's Hadad.
no one cares about your special snowflake religion
looks the same to me.
Nice cope, jew worshippers.
And in case you NPChristians missed.
You're still a tumour
Honestly probably pretty decent. Though they'll likely steer clear of islam to avoid the outrage mob but I see no reason they wouldn't also take jabs at Hinduism, Jainism, Bhuddism, etc as well as Christfags.
It's literally just Islam and maybe Judaism that would piss "those" people off and get the mob onto them. Everyone else is fine to mock.
If they actually take shots at Islam then I'll be both surprised and impressed with their dedication.
Based, fuck mudslimes
Atheists are only angry about religion because they know it's right
Talmud writes about destroying every bible in the world. Christianity warns against the synagogues of Satan.
But whatever helps you drink hanged man semen user.
>Yes, when it was white.
Nah they were shitskins
>The genetic basis of a number of features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained: they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European:[36][37]
I'm an atheist, bud, I have no dog in this fight.
Sikhs had some beef with islam too
Pagans don't even believe their own shit, they just want to LARP as vikings because they believe it makes them look tough. Which is ironic because they got their shit kicked in by Christians and they will never stop crying about it.
Which is not up to date and probably edited.
Wouldn't Judaism for gentiles be very based though, considering Judaism is a rather ethnocentric religion that teaches it's adherents to look upon non-J*ws as less than cattle?
Found the neutralfag
You have 10 seconds to mock judaism as a religion without mocking ethnic jews.
They should have made a flashback level where doom guy has to fight off a pedo priest but fails
>probably edited
Fucking lul.
>Hitler wuz a pagan like me because dude trust me!
>no! don't read Mein Kampf!
>real religions
I'm game for some criticism of brand loyalty and corporatolatry.
If this thread isn't proof that Yea Forums has been astroturfed by the right for years now, I don't know what is.
Claiming Jesus is boiling in pitch is sad and pathetic.
Still not true. And sinagoghe of Satan is a meme since Satan is literally the adversary of the jews.
Look for the Indo-Europeans.
This is something that jews hate for real which you can't even find on google
They think Adam and Eve was a single hermaphrodite person. They hump a wall because they believe a female spirit is in there.
Saying islam is sensitive because of the extremists is like saying america is skinny because of the celebrities.
>LESS then zero.
this. same with trannies. people keep saying well it's a dystopia so trannies should be in, but the fact is that cdpr will never show trannies as anything but a positive light and you know it
Leftard seething, the usual.
Everyone's astroturfing everyone else
Mashaallah, why don't we just get along and talk about vidya my friends?
They better be corrupted angels otherwise like you say it makes no fucking sense
>Very uneducated westerners
t. muslim
Buddhist got tired of your shit and pushed you back, so you went to cry to westerners about how poor and oppresed you are, get fucked.
I know it's bait, but honestly just put them all in the insensitive box. They are all a blight for humanity
No, that's literally just the norm in their countries. The women there are literally too scared to speak out because they'll be fucking stoned to death.
Why are leftists so fucking ignorant of other cultures? I understand you want to be tolerant, but we shouldn't tolerate blatant fucking barbarians.
>reading comprehension
Cope already
If they didnt have 600 million extremists people would hate islam less.
>Still not true.
But it is. Word for word. They say they need to destroy the Christian bible.
>And sinagoghe of Satan is a meme since Satan is literally the adversary of the jews
The description of their upcoming Mashiach is a carbon copy of Christian's Son of Perdition. They are by definition Antichrists.
user, you're too ignorant. They've got you. They want you swinging a toy Marvel Thor hammer and playing pretend.
how can i edit Yea Forums posts?
>Hitler was pagan
Nazis literally had "God is with us" written on their badges
NPChristians everyone.
>game allows you to mock and discriminate against any religion as long as it isn't judaism
Yet they studied the occult. You know, the thing that Christianity blatantly condemns,
Have a (You).
(You)ve earned it
Objective truths. Religion is delusion
Silly christfag, God is for kids
This will surely fool G-d
So? Hitler never mentioned Jesus. He wasn't a Christian. He was a literal swastika worshiping pagan.
Absolutely great bait for gigabrain takes, user. The replies are almost giving me an aneurism.
trannies are a natural part of the cyberpunk genre
has nothing to do with dystopias and everything to do with the transhumanism and body modification stuff
You have lots of rambling schizophrenic preachers rambling on it, tho
I did. DNA studies have proven that the original ones were shitskins
>nuh uh
That was before Nazis and they had Pagan festivities and symbols. Plus most elite Nazis were Pagan like himmler.
>superior race
>worship a jewish religion
Wow this gets getting better and better
I wasn't aware Heinrich Himmler was literally the entirety of the NSDAP.
I guess you've said your piece.
Non of this proofs they are, but it would be good if they were. All rightists deserve to be castrated and shot for stopping the progress of humanity, and for oppressing the working class.
They'll just be there as part of the world, brah. But I guess that's already too positive for someone like you.
I think it would be more accurate to say that there's a certain group within the western world that is sensitive about Islam despite not being Islamic. This is more what is being referred to.
Nevertheless, frankly all Abrahamic religions are full of sensitive babies with persecution complexes.
Christianity, big babies with persecution complexes that think your picking on them when you tell them to stop shouting that you're going to suffer for all eternity for not believing their shit
Islamites, big babies with persecution complexes that think you're picking on them when you tell them to stop imposing their ideology on you with threats and falsehoods
Judaism, full of big babies with persecution AND superiority complexes that think literally everyone in the world is out to get them because they're literally better than everyone who wasn't born a jew.
Hell, this shit is literally written into their holy books for all three, they're all sensitive babies by fucking default.
At some time there were Aryans there.
As in mocking Muslims? Z E R O.
but you can bet your ass that they will mock the Catholic Church, since it's such an easy target.
Are you looking forward to CP2077, brother?
because it's ridiculous and deserving of mockery
There was also Thule society and many more. They just didn't do it openly because Germany was still christcucked.
>Look this up on Wikipedia
Jews are fucking dumb.
>Yea Forums hasn't been overrun with right-wing shills!
>Just ignore the fact that Yea Forums SUDDENLY adopted right-wing values during the elections!
>Just ignore the fact that Yea Forums SUDDENLY gets really sensitive about abortion whenever you bring it up!
>Just ignore the fact that there's a really weird push for sexual abstinence!
>Just ignore the fact that Yea Forums and /pol/ have been sucking Trump dick long after his election and proven incompetence as a leader!
>Just ignore the fact that Yea Forums is starting to unironically agree with people like Jack Thompson!
>Just ignore the fact that Yea Forums just SUDDENY became anti-drug for no reason!
>Just ignore the fact that Yea Forums is a right-leaning website now!
>See? We're not right-wing!
Religion is the ultimate bluepill.
Pro-tip: "Christianity" actually refers to a great number of different sects that disagree with each other on a great many things.
Did you miss their parades where they would dress as knights and witches of their new religious movement? Do you know where Swastika originates from? Do you know that Hitler went to India to discuss this?
tell me about all the trannies in cyberpunk meida. i'm waiting. give me your three favourite trannies from any cyberpunk media.
Based ChapoTrapHouse-tier take.
>white genocide isn't happening but if it was it would be a good thing
>mayocide when
you know polish names end in 'ski'? cause they can't spell toboggan
All smoke and mirrors. Hitler was versed in Ars Goetia and other pagan books and made militaristic decisions from occult rituals. This is why he lost the war:
His heart started in the right place but he was seduced by dark forces.
He challenged GOD IN HEAVEN and the executors of GOD'S will: God's own nation, America.
it will probably feature some future meta-religion that serves as a mix of all modern religions and make fun of that
The ones you can't fun of
>Whatever Indians believe in
The ones you can shit on all day
You're right, user. There was never any witch burnings or crusades. That was all just a lie made by the Jews to make Christians look bad.
This has been gone over again and again and again.
Hitler was an Othodox Catholic and regularly attended church for his entire life up until his eventual death.
Whether he really believed or not or was just using the concept of the religion to strengthen his political position and get the support of the people is irrelevant to the fact that he was publicly and as far as we can tell, also privately, christian.
fuck christ cucks
and fuk religion
Personally, I dont really like how it plays.could care less if they do include religions in. But if its gameplay becomes more juicy then i'll try it out.Inshaallah
>Gamer nerd: man I just love how cyberpunk explores transhuman concepts like being able to modify your body through technology and surgery and just change how your entire body looks and functions basically on demand
>Trans person: hey
>Gamer nerd: no not like that
>Christians think Christianity is losing relevance because its "cool" to mock religion now
>in reality they're about 20 years too late and nobody gives a shit anymore
Boomers and /pol/tards begone.
>faith is a replacement for reason
fucking lmao
I could reason to have you dangling by the neck from the next tree, but I have faith that you are of worth, so I don't
That's sadly true, dancing anime girl. That's sady true.
No, atheism is. Constant cycle of hedonism and suicide. You are where they want you to be.
how many people have been beheaded on stream by christian fundies screaming deus vult?
i wonder if JP2GMD will be hidden somewhere in the game
Paganbros, you must read The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges. He explains the original Greek and Roman pagan religious beliefs, and how private law (such as property and inheritance) flow from the simple principles of that religion. He explains how they formed tribes and cities. He explains a lot of things.
Inb4 seething replies to this enlightened post.
I support abortion,
for niggers
Tr*mptards are closet leftists who love their BASTE minorities. Go back to ChapoTrapHouse or Socialism or Politics or wherever.
I don't think you grasp the argument, or much of anything, really.
Again, he never mentioned Jesus Christ.
He wasn't a Christian. He was a swastika worshiper.
Go back to your containment board, schizophrenic /pol/tard
wow it's like normalfags who came here during election push politics everywhere and cannot shut the fuck up about it
More like
>Gamer nerd: man I just love how cyberpunk explores transhuman concepts like being able to modify your body through technology and surgery and just change how your entire body looks and functions basically on demand
Gamer nerd: okay retard lol
The Catholic Church is the only real christianism. Just look at how the Protestants are always dividing themselves even further, and they have absolutely no unity in doctrine.
Meanwhile thee Catholic Church exists for almost 2000 years.
>b-but Nazis weren't Christians!
That's fair. I like singleplayer RPGs for the immersion aspect and I like what they've shown of the world so far. I'm interested in the narrative. I like engaging gameplay but it's not a decisive factor for me, usually.
So if I say "moo" I actually become a cow?
Modern "trans" stuff is going to be viewed in the future like how we view Unit 731 today
All religions will eventually die as continued scientific progress and discovery continues to fill in the gaps into which religious people currently force their imaginary gods.
The gaps are closing user. The amount of time before belief becomes impossible without actively denying reality and known facts is ever shortening.
And the best part is that this will happen no matter what. Eventually, it's inevitable.
>you can't make fun of buddhism
dude nobody gives a fuck about buddhism
What's going to happen is
>We're going to have some *real* deep religious controversy, you won't even believe it.
>Game comes out, only makes vaguely passing mention that religion exists in the future.
See, there you get the social media brownie points AND you don't offend anyone. 500IQ.
Not an hivemind. A vocal minority of mentally ill idiots does not define all of Yea Forums
Pagans wearing a jewish cult clothing heh that’s the roman catholic
CDPR is too based to pretend islam is a religion of peace
I never said it was a hivemind. I said it was shilling. Because it is.
>but he never directly, publicly mentioned this specific character from the religion
>that means that him going to christian church, preaching christian values and burning heretical 'anti-christian' literature are all irrelevant!
Go fuck yourself in the ass with a giant spear.
Yea Forums(nel) pagans have no interest in Hellenistic paganism. They simply want to LARP as G*rmanic viKANGZ.
Catholics are pagans though. And they don't exist for 2000 years. They've changed constantly. With Vatican 2 being a final nail in the coffin. The current Jesuit Pope promoting "Chrislam" is just urinating on the grave.
There's more to Christianity than the Catholics and bickering protestants who aren't even protesting anymore.
based and truthpilled
another thing i don't get is, if it's perfectly possible to change your looks in cyberpunk would you even notice a tranny? i thought trannies want to be real women, why would they look like females with a dick then (aside from some fetish shit) or have a perfect female body but a male voice? doesn't make sense to me
Hey, as long as the tide comes in and out, we can't explain that.
Nobody cares about your imaginary friend-worshiping cults. This is a Yea Forumsideo games board, not /pol/
I was there in in 2006, dumb nigger
Pool is closed. Gtfo
Too bad I can't do pic related in true pole fashion
>played games that haven't come out
>christian values
Christian values don't promote genocide of fellow neighboring Christians nor do they promote witchcraft societies and swastikas.
I don't know why you're trying to pin a non-Christian as Christian. Is it because you want guilt by association? Despite him not even acting like a Christian? How low. Pray for forgiveness.
>another thread where /pol/fags trigger themselves
That's true
___________Based and redpilled__________
Not sure I agree with this 100%. Most religions, sure. Places like Asia and Africa refused to develop any meaningful technology until West took over because of their religious beliefs. And the West was developing completely fine when Christianity was the main belief held by everyone. Then Atheism took over and now we have the regressive left taking over and knocking us back a few steps.
Because of they were identical to real women, how would they be special and worthy of protection?
>Theist and Atheist debates
Memes are the reason why you are gather around in this shithole.
*laughs in Arabic*
They're already pretending there's more than two genders in this game though.
The thing is that with rampant body modifications the gender lines themselves would blur. Some would indeed get entire makeovers and be indistinguishable from the real deal. Hell, they might get retroviral nanite whatever engineering and essentially become the real deal. Others might think a combination of feminine and masculine features is itself interesting. The possibilities are there, so some people will try them out.
Vatican II was a coup inside the church, but soon enough the purifying fire will come to clean the traitors.
During the time of the Protestant reform there were really shitty Popes too, and the Church still survived.
I think the FSSPX will play an important role in this.
Huh? I'm not the one who brought up religion dude, I'm just answering the subject of the thread.
Your definition of sensitive is most likely retarded.
Triggered leftist cope and projection
you tried
It's as real as Christianity and Judaism.
Some prefer to keep their bits instead of going trough an admittedly heavy operation which does not gives you a true equivalent of the genitals they'd want.
And others just like being girls with penises.
they have trannies which is realistic especially when depicting a degenerate cypberpunk society.
The LARPagan nazi leaders were extremely incompetent though. The Christian Wehrmacht was only based thing about the third reich
If they are truly based, they will take a jab at Israel trying to blame Poland for the holocaust. I have a feeling they'll do it.
Probably because they don't know where to look. It doesn't matter though. That book is a treasure trove of general knowledge.
Having a genuine interest in religion beyond larping or ontological reasons is stupid. If course Yea Forums has no interest in actual pagan religions beyond using it as an decorative argument against a particular group of people. Yea Forums's knowledge of religion is almost unilaterally tilled in (for lack of a better term) bad faith.
Right, and no true Scotsman does either
Doubt it. Don't forget, offending religious feelings is a crime
Scientists are dancing in front of the Shiva statue user. The world is becoming more and more religious by the minute. Atheists are killing themselves and failing to reproduce. Atheists that live long enough become agnostics or new age spiritual.
The world is uniting into one religion.
so basically just attention whoring
Blessed and Christpilled
>And the West was developing completely fine when Christianity was the main belief held by everyone.
The West thrived IN SPITE of Christianity. Not BECAUSE of it. Religion had absolutely fucking nothing to do with our booming economy.
>Then Atheism took over and now we have the regressive left taking over and knocking us back a few steps.
The reason why is because atheism is in it's infancy state. Of course we're going to suffer from an existential crisis when we all realize that the universe is a cold and unforgiving place.
But tell me user, would you honestly rather live in a world where we lie to ourselves to make us feel better? Do you just want to cover up the truth of the universe solely just to "stick it to the left"?
Catholicism is christian fanfiction. They made up all kinds of crazy shit that isn't in the bible based on the premise that the pope is infallible. It helps that commoners couldn't read the bible for hundreds of years because the church refused to translate it into their native language.
I'm an atheist by the way so don't go crying about protestants at me.
A lot of "I bet they're too afraid to criticize islam" in that thread. It seems many people really want to see islam criticized, because apparently no-one dares to do so. All developers apparently ever do is make fun of the poor opresssed christians while muslims are always put on a pedestal. And it's all because making a game that contains criticism of islam is a good way of getting yourself killed. Of course, christianity getting the bulk of the criticism of religion in western media has nothing to do with the fact that christianity has had a much bigger influence on western society than islam has had, it's all just the result of fear.
Not really, just pointing out the facts user.
Also who the fuck made you the arbiter of what 'christian values' are.
According to the bible on which you base your faith, genocide is perfectly well within the realm of 'christian values'. So go fuck yourself user, WESTERN values are not CHRISTIAN values, that's just the lie that your christfags are told for your entire lives despite the bible's morals not matching modern values at all.
wtf i love buddism now ???
>that one retard that thinks agnostic is its own thing
>Some prefer to keep their bits instead of going trough an admittedly heavy operation which does not gives you a true equivalent of the genitals they'd want.
And others just like being girls with penises.
that's not how it is anymore in a cyberpunk world though. during the 2077 demo we saw how V gets her eye replaced in a couple minutes like she just bought some groceries
I'm pretty sure stoning a woman to death because she speaks out of line is sensitive as fuck, user.
/pol/ is destined to unite under Islam, the one and only redpilled religion
>/pol/ has become so deranged and out of touch that they actually think defending religion and belief of God is now being politically incorrect
Exactly, glad you caught on to the truth.
>soon enough the purifying fire will come to clean the traitors
You diverged further and further away ever since Vatican 2. Look at your current pope and what he is doing. It's a whore of Babylon described in Revelations.
He isn't a Christian. He's a Chrislamist since he's worshiping a golden commanding throne that overwrote the bible.
My life was way better when In was a religion fag. Everything was easy
Whatever lets those mentally ill people sleep at night until they eventually neck themselves and join the statistic
Modern "trans" stuff is going to be viewed in the future like how we view gay people today. The right lost the culture war on homosexuality so they backpedaled to trans people. Anyone who hasn't noticed this is a moron.
As if other denominations aren't more egregious with their bible headcannon.
>The reason why is because atheism is in it's infancy state.
Sounds like something a dirty commie would say.
Heil Odin brother
>Also who the fuck made you the arbiter of what 'christian values' are.
Nobody. I'm not the one deciding.
>genocide is perfectly well within the realm of 'christian values'.
No it's not.
>WESTERN values are not CHRISTIAN values
Yes they are. West was the greatest when it was Christian. You can't disprove this.
It's much easier to normalize two dudes having sex than children literally chopping off their dicks.
Trans people sexualize children. Most gay people don't.
Again, I'm an atheist. Shit on other denominations all you like.
yo tranny nigger i'm still waiting for you to name all the trannies in cyberpunk fiction. just give me a couple names since you said they are such an integral part of cyberpunk fiction. choose any cyberpunk book, movie or game i'm waiting.
As long as I get to wreak shit for the glory of our dark lord it’s all kino, boys and girls.
Delusionnal, gay acceptance is dropping because the faggots went down the slope too fast with transfaggotry and pedofaggotry
literally the same rhetoric as a decade or 2 ago with gays
>yet another thread turning into /pol/cel electric boogaloo
Fuck you, retards. And fuck everyone else actively feeding that shit.
It's a lukewarm view that leads into the New Age movement, yeah. The common man who doesn't think about these things just goes along with the general populace. And he will go along with the New Age religion.
I know growing up in an online environment where any deviation from the norm was punished has stunted you socially, but most people like being fashionable and having a nice look.
It's only gonna get worse. Pandora's shitbox was open long ago
Keep seething
The weak fear the strong.
If they do mock one it will be Christianity. It is the safe thing to mock. You would think they would dare mock Islam? There would be threats and attacks at their studio.
Christianity is the safe one because it is mainstream to mock it. It is such a cliche at this point. Because it just comes from the edgy teen years where
It is just teenage rebellion.
They don't have the bottle to mock Islam, they still remember the Charlie hebdo attack.
Just like with bullying, it is always easier to pick on the kid who does not fight back.
Funny, I seem to remember the right using the "gay people are all secretly pedophiles" tactic last time too.
Agnostic isn't a belief statement, it's a qualifying statement about whether you believe that you 'know' what you believe or not.
A "Gnostic Christian" is someone who believes that Christianity is true and believes that they KNOW it is true for a fact.
An "Agnostic Christian" is still someone who believes that Christianity is true but has the intellectual honesty to qualify that they can't really know that it's true for a fact.
Agnostic can be attached to any belief and it literally just means admitting that you don't know for an absolute fact that your position is 100 percent correct.
It's the only intellectually honest position which is why you hear about Agnostic Atheists a lot but never hear about Agnostic religious people, because religion is not intellectually honest at all.
smiledog religion
And yet you love Marvel movies.
>nice looks
is this what trannies believe?
They will just insult Christianity like all the leftists like to do lately.
their studios are in Poland they're safe from mudmen
This is why the label is superfluous, really. Religion depends on faith.
Look up "Desmond is Amazing" and weep for the future, tranny. This isn't some secret, these people are literal pedophiles.
>The world would factually be better without religion.
You mean like it is right now? WOW! Tell me, what has atheism created? You got one? Just one thing.
You silent? Yeah, thought so.
Christians are pedophiles and mutilators. They defile babies to appease their Jewish masters. Christians are scum of the earth. Period.
The only god is Lil B the Based God.
Gay people are normalized as fuck now. It used to be controversial to have a gay person in a movie or a tv show. Now people are used to it.
A few:
Judaism, but the only game that’s done anything with that is the GTA series. Thanks to the internet you can’t really bring it up without conspiracy theorists shrieking “new world order” and retarded leftists hissing about “bigotry”
Believe it or not, Hinduism. It’s already got s contentious history behind it with the internal caste system resulting in oppression/civil wars and it’s conflict with Islam. It’s not a peaceful religion like it’s made out to be in popular media. Any depictions of it in a negative light could stir a shit pot; but not nearly as bad as Muslims tho
Atheism is only rising in countries with declining populations, bro
Odds on seeing the image of Mohammed in-games? Or just edgy atheist anti-Christian jokes?
Belief systems don't create things
>You can't disprove my personal, subjective opinion so HA!
Really dude, you're going to resort to an argument THAT weak?
Unless you're actually making the statement that the west was best as a statement of fact.
In which case it's your responsibility to prove that this is actually, factually true, which you can't because it's an opinion.
So you're wrong and an imbecile either way.
>who does not fight back.
>drone strikes your friends and family, hospital, school, orphanage
They will just have white converts set up the attack.
>"Racist xenophobic White Cis Male Game developers make fun of Eastern Culture"
In the games Geralt pretty consistently defends people that show they can do what they set out to, regardless of their sex or race. The blacksmith girl made damn good armor, Shani is probably smarter than most people in Novigrad.
People that act like the twitter mod and say and do things without having done anything to back them up, and cannot do them well, he shits on.
You got any sources or proves for those claims?
you forgot
Heard it all a thousand times already, find a new argument
This is a sad truth. They're toothless. Just like the rest of the western bugmen.
Lmao all this cope
That's an asinine assertion - of course belief systems create things.
Because liberals are cowards and Christians won't respond with violence to being mocked
Really? How was the sistine chapel created?
>muh youtube worldview
dumb republitard
Youre all so obsessed with trannies because you can't stop masturbating to them.
You should have seen this coming a mile away from the OP.
You only have yourself to blame.
So did you get your ears pierced to make you dad mad as fuck yet user?
It's not subjective at all. Christianity conquered the world. Christianity shaped western culture and morals.
You're aborting yourself.
scientists don't know anything
can't wait to see all the empowered muslim women in hijabs in this game
cdpr became such cuckolds, literally nothing makes them different now to any american game dev
hopefully the muzzies take out CDPR then.
good joke
He’s referring to how drawing cartoons of their prophets and slightly mocking it results in deaths in 1st world countries that allow immigration of said people. Sure, Christians in 3rd world countries do the same; but in the West were better than that. The moment we compare ourselves to the underdeveloped countries is the moment we lose sight of that
Ever got a CHRISTmas present?
Why not? Are you that much of a snowflake that a fucking vidya saying mean things about a religion triggers you?
Half correct, half dumb edgy high schooler. You almost made it.
there are none
Zealotry, crusades, witch-hunts, ignorance, caste like hierarchy. Yup. It does create some shit.
They are polish so they won't give a shit about making crazy technomuslim hitmen or indian flying taxi drivers or vodoo cyberniggas.
Also all these things I said were in the pen and paper game made by a literal black nerd himself.
>inb4 /pol/ and redditors start shit flinging eah other because of muh reactionary outrage politics in this thread.
Science will never prove what the big bang was.
The Pope paid someone to do it.
Tick tock user. The crowd of programmable zombies awaits. Get your zodiacs and yoga pants out.
And yet acceptance still dropped from 65 to 49% according to a faggot org. IE, faggot are ruining themselves by pushing their faggotry to the public eye,
Watch the Visa lists.
Are christcucks the biggest snowflakes on earth? This thread is fucking embarassing
You are correct. However, it is inevitable regardless. All religions will eventually die, even if it takes thousands more years of gap filling, eventually there will be no more room to justify these beliefs. This will happen even if contemporary atheism were to practically go extinct because scientific discovery inevitably leads to the truth and the truth is that imaginary gods do not exist.
No they won’t respond, they just arm themselves to the teeth and intimidate. Or radicalize a few rednecks to stick it the le federal government. Christians are as violent as Muslims.
We don't give gifts at Christmas in my country. Anyway you just repurposed Yule.
Christians are like whites. Pathetic little dicked sissies who won't fight back even when picked on. And when they do fight back they do it the wrong way. Like shooting up schools and churches.
It's a weak, ignorant, and shallow argument picking those things, but indeed is a list of things created by belief systems, so they still stand. Good and bad.
Yikes! Still a cross.
Pedophilia is still far more common in any muslim and african country, also Israel
Who the fuck cares. Are people not allowed make jokes about religion now?
fuck religion
God isn't real
sorry kiddos religion is just a way of monetizing man's fear of death
Anything can be mocked. It’s your job to make sure you deal with it properly.
Mocking something only leads to harm if you expect others to deal with your problems for you.
Yea Forums likes anything as long as it makes them feel contrarian and edgy
>shooting up schools and churches.
Hello kike. How are you today?
Not any more. Used to be they knew enough that people could go to the moon and back, but then we replaced all scientists like James D Watson with pseudo-scientists like Bill Nye, because truth hurts feelings.
Yeah during the Renaissance the popes were just as bad. A saint pope came, and fixed the doctrine problems and doubts. I know that the Church will solve its problems of the Vatican II because Christ himself said the gates of hell would never prevail against It.
America was founded on secular principles and ideals, not christian values. The christian revival in america happened later, after the founding and corrupted what was a truly genius system of church and state being separate with superstition and idiocy.
Atheism is a coping mechanism coping with the fear of judgment that awaits at the end.
Never thought about it that way
This is true but LARPers gonna LARP.
kys christfags
>fearing judgement from some bearded faggot
>he fell for the moon hoax
Don’t get upset at the truth.
This board is so infested with niggers its not even funny
Providing 3rd worlders with internet access, decreased the average IQ on the internet by 50
Haha cope more
Science already had proposed models for what the big bang was. It's literally only a matter of time before one of those models is shown to be correct.
Personally, I think quantum fluctuations are the most reasonable model among the current candidates and have the most supporting evidence.
Fucking atheist terrorist. And they say atheist are a religion of peace. Get real. The entire cold war and the war with vietnam are for god is it? Top kek atheists
Seriously why is CDPR so cucked compared to rest of Poland?
>I R triggered!
Because religion is for big babies who can't handle facts
>I've never had a buddhist try to convet me
I don't really give a shit or even whatever else you posted but I have been shilled by buddhist. When I was reading a book in my university's lobby area, some indian came up to me and proceeded to offer me a book on meditation and a buddhist text in exchange for a "donation" and then said I should join his class. It happened again the next week by the SAME guy.
Yeah, if you were really scared of Christians you wouldn't even have the balls to post this even on an anonymous Tibetian shadow puppet forum. You're only pretending to be scared because you still believe your precious feefees are all that matter, because reddit told you so.
There must be some kind of mental illness to feel threatened or even attacked by less than 10% of the world's population. They'll never see atheism be mainstream in their lifetimes yet they act like it's already taken over like wtf lol
So guys are we feeling euphoric?
I so filled with euphoria with the knowledge that Christians suck shit and worship a sky daddy. Just don't say anything bad about Islam okay those guys are not our targets. We don't want to offend them.
Please don't kill me Islamists, i am a weak soi filled beta who will give you all our women and land if you spare my life
Kys whitey.
Ah the religion of the left follower.
go cry to reddit wh*Te dog
You seem to have a very low threshold regarding what you think "upset" is. Are you, by any chance, an atheist? You seem like one. They tend to get really upset and defensive by even the most banal thing.
>The irony
Now look up how much of the worlds population whites are
All religions are sensitive because allowing religion into your life installs a backdoor into your brain that forces you to get triggered when someone makes fun of your fairy tale of choice.
How many of the retards in this thread are actually christian?
So it's justified to hate white people for killing innocence over their own self made interest to control the middle east? Thanks for the clarification then.
3rd worlders are smarter than amerifats and eurocucks
Here's your American separation of church and state bro
>For several decades, beginning when the federal government moved to Washington in the fall of 1800, the Capitol building was used for Sunday religious services as well as for governmental functions. The first services were conducted in the "hall" of the House in the north wing of the building. In 1801 the House moved to temporary quarters in the south wing, called the "Oven", which it vacated in 1804, returning to the north wing for three years. Then, from 1807 to 1857, they were held in the then-House Chamber (now called Statuary Hall). When held in the House chamber, the Speaker's podium was used as the preacher's pulpit. According to the U.S. Library of Congress exhibit Religion and the Founding of the American Republic:
>It is no exaggeration to say that on Sundays in Washington during the administrations of Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809) and of James Madison (1809–1817) the state became the church. Within a year of his inauguration, Jefferson began attending church services in the chamber of the House of Representatives. Madison followed Jefferson's example, although unlike Jefferson, who rode on horseback to church in the Capitol, Madison came in a coach and four. Worship services in the House—a practice that continued until after the Civil War—were acceptable to Jefferson because they were nondiscriminatory and voluntary. Preachers of every Protestant denomination appeared. (Catholic priests began officiating in 1826.) As early as January 1806 a female evangelist, Dorothy Ripley, delivered a camp meeting-style exhortation in the House to Jefferson, Vice President Aaron Burr, and a "crowded audience".[33]
go to Africa and die from AIDS like the rest of your race
>cyberpunk future
>christianity still around
How would it even endure till that point? Western society is already shitting on christian values every chance it gets.
Atheists are the most sensitive seeing how atheists are mostly liberal tranny snowflakes prone to suicide.
No they arent, but they are delusional and smell like poop
Why would I have to cope when atheism is supposedly my only crime in the eyes of God in the first place?
>“There’s a number of places where we refer to religion in the game, and we’re thinking about how religion can evolve in this alternate future, based on how the society works and what they are focusing on,”
>“For example, the Pacifica Voodoo Boys have brought their own beliefs from Haiti with them and it’s this mix of traditional beliefs with modern elements, like the holograms they were using in the church you saw. But they are more traditional than other inhabitants of Night City.
>“There is another quest I do not want to spoil for the players where we focus even more on religion. Of course it’s a sensitive subject for a lot of people so we’ve given this specific quest extra attention so we don’t do it incorrectly. We want to do it right and we want to feel like it’s an actual refection of philosophical thinking on religion and not just done for shock value.”
it's nothing.
this thread is a train wreck and i love it
Maybe they're the minority and the only one opposing the mudslimes since atheists are too cuckolded to do so.
I know this might be a foreign concept for you. Have you ever tried to talk to one instead of acting all smug and saying how dumb they are and belittling their beliefs? And you wonder WHY people hate the alt left of the current time. Talk, understand, agree to disagree. Is that a hard thing to get?
Difficult to measure since being nonreligious has been persecuted by most societies since the dawn of civilization. Being able to express nonreligious thought publicly is still a relatively new thing, and many nations still forbid it.
Yeah no shit, the christian revival happened shortly after the founding because the chritfags got super butthurt and forced their shit into it after the original, secular founding. Thereby ruining America forever.
FUn act, the recent mass shooters were all white and Christian.
Makes your really think.
Atheists don't have children
You have many crimes before God. To think that atheism is your only sin is prideful on top of it since you assume you're a good person. Everybody is a sinner and all sins are paid the same.
Hey. I'm a muslim and with this. Europe tends to attract the niggers of the middle east and terrorists.
They'll still be a majority in 2077 and they'll still be bitching about how society has turned its back on god and how they're being persecuted at every turn
Non of them are christian,
they are all suicidal because they have to live next to niggers like you
>train wreck
it's a containment thread.
Fuck every kike semitic religion
Christians mutilate children.
Religion = christians, even the unbelievers know that there's no other god but the christian god
Because you're probably an american retard
The old king was a great man worthy of the love and admiration of his people. However, the current king is an embarrassment to the throne with his behavior and past family problems.
Since when the fuck were there so many Bible thumpers on Yea Forums? Don't they see the hypocrisy of spending their time on an imageboard for college students to discuss hentai and video games?
There's no such thing as "love" because the archaic old fairybook the bible says "God is love" and love is just chemicals and neurons firing so its not real.
Christians have atheist children.
Same way reality continues to exist, no matter how hard trannies try to pretend cutting their dicks off makes them female.
they are merely pretending.
I am gay and spent about a third of my life living in the South. Yes, I have spoken to many religious people, or rather been exposed to them an their opinions, whether I wanted to or not.
Well muslims have nothing to prove in the insane murder department. The last 20 years has been quite eye opening to how evil they are.
Whites had a problem in the 40s, whites debt with it.
Muslims have a problem in the 2000s, they are doing nothing about it.
This is the mindset that leads to you people raping little kids isn't it
>I'm already a bad person anyway... and all sins are the same anyway... and I will be forgiven anyway...
Youd think so but they arent
Islam is the worst of the Abrahamic faiths and should be eradicated (without destroying the architecture and physical artifacts). Christianity and Judaism as well.
Better off, kids born now are going to witness the end of civilization. Not having children is a mercy to them.
Nope. See christkikes in the US who love israel and love circumcision.
The entire history of Japan
the most sensitive are jews and mussies, one word of criticism about their gay god and they be calling every buzzword under the sun
also the mad jesus cock sucklers (Westboro Baptist Church and catholics) are simular if not the same as the jewrats and isis people
Hi james
If everyone is playing one big game of pretend spanning multiple millennia and then suddenly there's a growing movement of individuals who don't want to play pretend anymore, of course they're going to get butthurt over it. I know if I was larping as a wizard for so long that I forgot I wasn't actually a wizard I'd probably feel pretty threatened too. And the truth is that religious people are almost always in this hyper sensetive state of borderline asspainery. Consider the bizarrely stupid shit that these people believe for no other reason than the fact they've been convinced it's a good thing to keep the faith an never ask questions. Every religion is a house of cards just waiting for a strong wind to knock it over and the people living the house are at the very least subconsciously aware of that. All it takes is to ask them "how do you know your religion is the right one?" or "you got any proof that this shit really happened?" and the entire foundation they've built their lives on starts crumbling underneath the weight of it's own bullshit. To be religious is to be fundamentally insecure. That's why you can talk crap about atheists all day long and nobody gives a fuck, but the moment you criticise a religion, the followers start going apeshit. And it happens every time.
Christians discovered America, Christians settled America, Christians built America, Christians made America great
>This is the mindset that leads to you people raping little kids isn't it
No. Repentance means turning away from sin. Changing your mind about sin and your desires. That is to say not committing them and trying to be "Christlike". Once Saved Always Saved is a relatively new protestant doctrine not supported by the bible.
Most pedos and rapists are not Christians. You know this. You don't dare admit this.
>inb4 catholics
I'm not a Catholic and Catholics are pagans anyway.
>gay people support pedophiles
>the vast, vast majority of the LGBT community absolutely hates pedos
God you’re daft
No fucking wonder this board throws such a hissy fit when a game isn't exactly to their liking nowadays. It's filled with fragile minded Christ cucks.
How many religious people actually follow their religion?
You don't know what you are talking about. At least in regards to Christianity.
This. Christcunts will say they want to preserve white and western culture while siding with those who seek to destroy it.
Oh sure. Your entire "business" in the middle east doesn't count is it. Are you going to turn a blind eye to the fact that a CIA whistleblower leaked that Osama is just another CIA agent and is pretty much alive.
>and I will be forgiven anyway
Protip: That only works if you're truly penitent. It's not a get out of jail free card.
How many atheists are "spiritual"?
also christians were slavers, genociders, and fucked over fellow christians
I dont speak retardese, reformulate so it's legible
Nope. The founding fathers were deists inspired by the enlightenment. They criticized clericalism.
He wasn't a race traitor. Is it really that difficult to understand?
Wow, Yea Forums is contrarian against social norms? What else is new nigger lover?
America was already discovered by another people, eons before. It was Christians who believed they had a divine right to the land already occupied by multiple societies, and committed genocide to obtain it. When God is on your side, all atrocities are forgiven, right?
Great example you fucking idiot.
American Christians are Jew worshipers. Like every American no matter their religion.
Saying things like "Bless the State of Israel and God will bless you" is heresy.
>Repentance means turning away from sin. Changing your mind about sin and your desires. That is to say not committing them and trying to be "Christlike".
Okay, but I am already doing all of that without believing in God because I have a well-developed moral compass.
>Most pedos and rapists are not Christians. You know this. You don't dare admit this.
No, I'm am convinced the opposite is true. Prove me wrong. Probability is on my side.
>I'm not a Catholic
>and Catholics are pagans anyway.
Already trying to cover your arse, eh? Well, you're not a Christian either. In fact I am the one true Christian.
Stop confusing wiccan leftists with other neo pagans.
Desmond is amazing shoot down uour argument. Pedofaggot
Wait a minute.
Can't you overly-sensitive Christian crybabies and fucking stupid atheist faggots understand what's happening in this thread? We're playing right into that shit video game's hand. They want us to be overly sensitive to this shit, rather than just playing a video game.
Don't let Cyberpunk win. Don't let that shit be tolerated.
Stop being a degenerate.
Yeah, you feel real bad about it, but what can you do... you're a sinner...
Thomas Jefferson edited the bible to remove supernatural elements retard. They weren't christkikes.
Agnosticism or Deism is the true redpill.
It's funny because you clearly weren't.
Nice meme. Very few founding fathers were non-Christian deists
You lot throw a hissy fit when games doesn't cater to you as well.
Yes, that is in fact a religious slogan to appeal to religious Germans. And?
Christcucks also litetally burnt every document of American history from before their arrival. Christcucks also destroyed Southern America over their fucking slaves because they were too stupid to do any work themselves and now they're an albatross around the neck of the rest of the country (and the world)
Oh? Why did gay marriage stay illegal so long in the US? Why is abortion still hotly contested? Why can't I buy liquor in some states on Sunday?
Religion is malignant and seeps its ideals into all aspects of society. It holds society back BY DESIGN since it is inherently conservative.
Reminder that Hitler and the Nazi brass despised Cuckstianity and all abrahamic filth. Christkikes will hang on the day of rope with muzzies and kikes.
No one can be as stupid as
Google it. One of them is Edward Snowden.
America reached its peak as a Christian nation. Keep seething kike
So no sauce, and no he didnt.
religion is weakness
science is strength
This conversation always goes off tracks. It ultimately doesn't matter what the founding fathers' personal religions were, what DOES matter is that they attempted to legally codify secularism.
America has never been a "Christian" nation nor has its peak been very high, for that matter.
don't care. they gargle refugee dick, go to africa to comvert niggers, churches bring over shitloads of rapefugees, suck israeli cock, are against eugenics and oppose abortion completely leading to more downies and nigger babies
From a civil rights, technological and economic perspective, America is better now than it was back then.
The "Good old days" are a myth.
That's a pretty common sentiment expressed by many influential and intelligent people. Christ cucks have nothing to their name but televangelists.
Concession accepted.
>Its peak
The poverty rate was around 20 percent and if you were black you'd be lynched for literally no reason. Don't speak on topics you don't understand
I can't fucking wait for all the American kike-loving boomers to die off so we can rise again from our slumber as a nation.
Oh and living standards were dog shit compared to current day.
In a way, he was right then. Reached its peak as a Christian nation is an important modifier. As a secular nation we can and have done much better.
>Okay, but I am already doing all of that without believing in God because I have a well-developed moral compass.
But you still sinned. If you don't have the advocate in Christ you're going to pay the sin the same way everybody else will. A man is not forgiven for being "good" by his own designed moral compass. You can say "rape is moral in my opinion therefore I'm moral!". It's not good enough. You don't get to decide what's right.
If you murder a man and save a child in the same day you won't be forgiven because you did a good deed. You'll still end up in jail. Your good works are not enough to save you, because nobody is good.
Romans 3:10
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one
And your works alone don't earn you the privilege of salvation, so you should never boast like you do now. You're being prideful again and you're not humbling yourself. You're demanding to be forgiven because you see yourself as a better man than the others.
The only way to be saved is to accept the one who paid the death penalty that you deserved. To faithfully accept Christ as your savior.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
>Already trying to cover your arse, eh? Well, you're not a Christian either. In fact I am the one true Christian.
But you aren't.
I'm just stating what I am and what Catholics objectively are. I'm an Orthodox Christian. See
Why are Christians so fucking dumb? In real life and on the internet it's like talking to a computer program that was taught some keywords to repeat.
Crime rate must've been low as fuck though if all niggers got lynched on sight.
Stop larping you absolute fucking sperg. This isn't your tumblr.
You're a secular nation now. With no Christ in schools or marriages. And you're plummeting head first into shit.
Ask yourself why are you so triggered. What programmed you to recoil at the sight of verses.
This isn't your safe space user.
Reminder that George "father of the nation" Washington believed that God was involved in the creation of the United States. How will mutt atheists ever recover? (Reminder that he wasn't a deist because deists don't believe in intervening gods)
>Washington was baptized as an infant in April 1732 and became a devoted member of the Church of England (the Anglican Church).[348] He served more than 20 years as a vestryman and churchwarden for Fairfax Parish and Truro Parish, Virginia.[349] He privately prayed and read the Bible daily, and he publicly encouraged people and the nation to pray.[350]
>Washington believed in a "wise, inscrutable, and irresistible" Creator God who was active in the Universe, contrary to deistic thought.[347] He believed in a divine power who watched over battlefields, was involved in the outcome of war, was protecting his life, and was involved in American politics—and specifically in the creation of the United States.[353]
The crime rate fucking went up because white people kept chimping out and couldn't let black people live normally.
Tell me, what did I do? You don't know. You can only speak in generalisations. You don't know my sins, or how good of a person I am. You say that to be a good person, you have to be a good person as well as believe in Christ. Given that those are two separate things, why shouldn't it be possible to be a good person without belief in Christ? And why then, if that is their only wrongdoing, would you judge them negatively? It seems to me that Christ is entirely superfluous in this.
Why is a problem? Plenty of sites for you.
He also prayed constantly.
Odds that anyone cares about this except incels?
Understandable because back then scientific knowledge was limited. That's not the case anymore.
Good. Leftists are cancer and the world would be a much better place without them.
This was the site for me. It's not the site for you.
>side quest where you take on a underground paki grooming gang that the police refuse to tackle
Very cyberpunk.
>Current administration
It WAS a site for you when you're the counter culture. It the site for them when it is them who is the counter culture. Both of you came here seeking refuge. Whether you like it or not, learn to #Coexist. Isn't that part of your mantra?
Doesn't matter, he was still a secularist and believed religion should be kept out of government. Why do people get hung up on this. It DOES NOT matter what the founding fathers' personal beliefs were, they advocated for and attempted to make secularism law.
Hello, I was sent from Heaven and everything I say you'll follow or you get sent to hell, because I said so.
Give me 1 (ONE) reason not to believe me over Jesus.
If anything the current admin is proof christcucks dont actually believe in their own faith