>inconspicuous comic relief was the final boss the entire time
>turns into a God
>main characters defeat him/her/it and obtain the power of God
>could potentially bring world peace and revive their love ones
>"we can't do that because it would ruin the meaning of life"
>return to status quo
Every JRPG Ending
Symphogear got stale by season 3
But that’s wrong you dummy. I can name 3 jrpgs that don’t end like that. Shadow hearts, final fantasy x, and Grandia 2.
Symphogear fighter fucking WHEN
Season 3 was pretty bad but it's been getting back on track now
99% of JRPGs are literally a motley crew of mostly teenagers, with one or two "old people," defeating God (final boss)
S1 is the only genuinely good one anyway as opposed to dumb fun. 5 remains to be seen
Lightning remade the world and managed to bring the dead back to life at the end of her game. Tales of Vesperia also had a final boss who wasn't a comic relief character and who also wasn't a god. Persona 4's final boss was a gas station attendant.
I don't think it is possible to have worse taste, congratulations!
There are two being made right now
Don’t move the goalposts mate. It’s just sad.
>Persona 4's final boss was a gas station attendant
Final boss was a god LARPing as a gas station attendant.
>Final boss comes out of nowhere
>Have little to no point in the plot
S3 has best villain who is also competent. S2 has great villain designs but they're all incompetent and don't do anything and only get away with it because Hibiki didn't want to fight humans yet/contrived ways to lose her powers. S4 has worst villains and they're useless on top of it.
>But muh top dad
Every season of Symphogear has melodrama and daddy issues. Tsubasa made a career out of it.
Here's a generic composition of a motley crew, from the JRPGs I've played:
>MC who's either a self insert or has a strict sense of "justice"
>2-4 heroines from an assortment of tropes (tsundere, kuudere, etc). With one of them usually getting pushed by the devs as the "main girl."
>1 "bro" character to even out the gender ratio. It helps that this guy is the least likely guy to cuck you on the planet.
>1 androgynous looking dude. In case you want to jerk off to trannies.
>1 "old" character. Doesn't have to be an old man, might be in his/her 20s or middle aged. But distinctly older from the rest of the cast, who are around high school age.
Just because Carol has a good song doesn't mean she is a good villain
GX is hated because you can't have a show be good just because the first few episodes are good.
Everything inbetween the start and ending of the season is fucking filler where nothing happens. They completely wasted the doll designs on nothing.
Top dad is just a meme, but he perfectly encapsulates how bad GX is by it focusing on shit that literally nobody likes.
>JRPG ending
>the mysterious elusive God is actually a good guy
>the villains who wanted to kill God were misguided
>the evil pope was just some guy who misinterpreted God and thought God wanted the world to end
>real villain is God's son, who is hardly even evil because he was programmed to do bad things and does so reluctantly
>God gives you his blessing to fuck his daughter and kill his son and then dies
>protagonists rewrite the laws of the world to how they used to be thousands of years ago, before God became God
>status quo is broken and society is changed forever
Ive been trying to play through more jrpgs because I didn't play a whole lot growing up, but they do all feel similar and the start is always so slow in every game until your skills open up. How do you do it?
DMJii have managed to become pretty cool now, it's a shame that maria isn't following in their foot steps
>>inconspicuous comic relief was the final boss the entire time
>>turns into a God
No, seriously, how many JRPGs do this? I can only think of Bravely Default
>all this geah posting on Yea Forums
Please go back to your containment board on
Well ideally you'd become interested in the story and want to see it through
Xenoblade 2?
>Symphogear threads on Yea Forums in 2012
>most never reached bump limit
>threads complaining about how it's cashing in on Madoka's popularity, the low budget, generic girls and the shit animation
>Symphogear threads on Yea Forums in 2019
>threads have consistently reached 1500+ posts every week, a thousand posts past the bump limit
>everybody's foaming at the mouths with hype, how it's one of the only good things airing, the great budget and awesome characters
What happened? What went right?
S1 is only good as a slower prologue to the other seasons, by itself it's mediocre.
>1500+ posts threads
Literally 2-3 of those are from the live stream watch. It slows down significantly until the next episode.
It became the Gurren Lagann of the magical girl genre
>>could potentially bring world peace and revive their love ones
>"we can't do that because it would ruin the meaning of life"
>return to status quo
>he thinks its that simple
>not being humble
White people are idiots
A lot of other anime that get live watched only reach 600-800 posts though and that's only on specific episodes, not every week.
Maybe? It almost fits, but the problem is Rex and the gang didn't rewrite the world, Klaus did before he died.
Hibiki german suplexing a space shuttle happened.
The last 3 XV geah live streams had 120-150ish/a/nons. How many people are in other live streams?
>Gurren Lagann
That's an insult to Symphogear.
Stop playing persona games then retard, this doesn't happen in LITERALLY almost every JRPG actually.
It doesn't even happen in Persona, no comic relief becomes the final boss.
>teenagers kill god
Why is this even a meme when it very rarely happens outside of smt?
>inconspicuous comic relief was the final boss the entire time
I've never once seen this
>main characters defeat him/her/it and obtain the power of God
>could potentially bring world peace and revive their love ones
>"we can't do that because it would ruin the meaning of life"
I've seen this maybe once or twice.
>when it very rarely happens outside of smt?
Because you rarely play JRPGs.
>of smt or ff?
It barely even happens in FF either.
The only time I can think of where the comic relief became the final boss was arguably Bravely Default.
>could potentially bring world peace and revive their love ones
>"we can't do that because it would ruin the meaning of life"
As for this, I've never seen a game do this
>the rest of the cast, who are around high school age
This should be everyone's first and foremost complaint about JRPGs, your typical party is 15-18 year olds, and that's really tiring.
>I don't play Final Fantasy
The only FFs that end with you fighting a God, as far as I remember, are 9 and 13.
As opposed to the typical wrpg where everyone is adults?
In 7 and 8 the endbosses are also godlike.
But... they're not gods.
>my definition of god is the only right one
You openly admitted that they're not gods as well though, user
Under Japanese understanding of what a god is, they're gods.
Wait, S5 is good?
I dropped S4 because it felt like it went nowhere and it wasn't very fun
No not even a little
No they're not, and you openly admitted that they're not gods as well, once again.
Can't spell Xeno without Kino
Neither are the "gods" you fight in smt.
You never fight the great will in those.
>inconspicuous comic relief was the final boss the entire time
When has this happened?
The most common thing is actually
>defeat big bad boss you heard much about since start
>oh you thought this was over?
>nah mate, shits still all fucked
>realize at the ending it wasn't even 50% of the game when you killed him
>mfw some games do this multiple times
>Neither are the "gods" you fight in smt.
Why not? They're openly called gods.
>You never fight the great will in those.
So you're saying that NO Japanese game actually has this trope? Ok then.
There's valid cultural reasons for that.
In a 1981 documentary, KFC Japan chairman Loy Weston casually mentions that a Japanese adult "doesn't make a single decision of his own until he's 40", referring to the brutal heirarchy of Japanese business relationships.
With this context it becomes obvious that the relative freedom of adolescence is remembered fondly with nostalgia, ripe for exploitation in escapist entertainment like videogames and anime.
Please understand.
As an aside, Year 2 of highschool is considered the ideal setting: all the freedom of a highschooler with none of the anxiety of a freshman or the crushing pressure of exams and career selection of senior year.
Huh, really? Gotta hurry up with re-watching AXZ, then so I can catch up with the new season. Sounds like the threads are fun.
Hope they didn't go overboard with the keyword autism because I think that's where AXZ lost me at some point.
>talk about smt
>NO Japanese game actually has this trope?
Dude you just said that nothing in SMT that you fight is a god because you never fight the Great Will.
Are you just like, not knowing what you're typing?
Kek, 40 is the requirement here to run the country.
Adults have agency and actual life experience beyond highschool or whatever fantasy equivalent. An adult is also going to have a much more varied age range.
>Adults have agency and actual life experience beyond highschool or whatever fantasy equivalent
It very rarely matters
>Adults have agency
Not in Japan:
>With one of them usually getting pushed by the devs as the "main girl."
and if you are Tales of Zesteria, the girl being pushed as the "main girl" gets fucking shafted because the director wants to get into the pants of the VA of a different girl
>Wait, S5 is good?
S5 is the most like S1 out of all of the seasons. They brought back gore and cannonfodder people being brutally killed on screen again.
It's the final season so they're going all out with the budget they got from gacha.
Directing seems better this season too.
Neat, should I finish S4 before or can I just jump in?
It was YOUR definition of a god we were discussion, moron
What's the best JRPG on Steam right now, in your opinion?
finish S4 because there are some things mentioned at the end that will most likely come into play for S5
Chrono Trigger, though admittedly that's my nostalgia speaking
Killing God has been the trope of the West since the Enlightenment. It shouldn't be surprising then that it is featured so much in Japanese media. The Japanese must be the most cucked society by the West on the planet.
Is there any game where the MCs ostensibly follow "God's will" against "villains" who have grand plans to "improve the world" but ultimately will fail/keep failing?
Gx was best season and had the best fucking songs
nymphgear game when?
>nymphgear game when?
no idea. All we got was a crappy SRW clone where it got stuck hanging out with a bunch of trashy harems Yea Forums loves and a mobage
i love hibiki and chris
dont listen to that fag
s5 is not as bad as s4 but its bad
Under the Japanese concept of gods, your mom's heirloom family teapot is a god.
Dat kiri transformation this season is God tier
>final boss tags along with you on a journey to defeat a lesser evil
>tries to convince you his methods are right
>in the end he admits you could never reconcile your differences and you both decide to settle it in combat
>after beating him he wants you to keep his memory alive because he genuinely believes in his cause, and you do too
I'm still bad about that recent poll that showed Baba's girl as #2.
>Is there any game where the MCs ostensibly follow "God's will" against "villains" who have grand plans to "improve the world" but ultimately will fail/keep failing?
I suppose Ar tonelico II might count, kinda-sorta.
Not really.
ff1 - a guy who gets godlike power and turns into a demon monster
ff2 - a really strong guy who takes over hell and then heaven by killing satan and god
ff3 - a force of nature (could be considered god)
ff4 - really strong ancient alien wizard and also the embodiment of his hate
ff5 - evil tree
ff6 - wizard who absorbed the powers of the gods
ff7 - really strong alien
ff8 - really strong wizard
ff9 - i dunno
ff10 - really strong lich
ff11 - a guy who got corrupted by super hate, ancients who want to go back to eden, and then Satan and God AND a force of nature
ff12 - some sort of evil angel or something
ff13 - God
ff14 - ancient dickheads serving satan
ff15 - jesus
Bonus FFT where you fight fake jesus
>ff3 - a force of nature (could be considered god)
>dark cloud
>a god
Final Fantasy games are fucking shit
Kefka maybe?