Jannies are here

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Other urls found in this thread:


How am I supposed to cope with the constant clipping from hairstyles? Is there a mod to help alleviate it?

>multiple smash threads allowed
>multiple wow threads allowed
>one single XIV thread isn't


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Why is making ff14 threads against the rules? I dont get it.

he does it for free

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Hey Janny can you go take care of the ecchi threads and the DRAWTHREAD GENERAL? Thanks nigger



WoW sucks thoughs which is why im thinking about playing FF14 instead but i got questions and mods keep deleting the dang threads.

i love this webm

One reason I'm never going to /xivg/ is they don't have jannyposting.
They're also massive insufferable fags and mentally ill, but I'd really miss the jannyposting the most.

>Now there's 2 threads
Wow thanks, janny! You sure helped to increase the quality of this board!

Why haven't you fags brought this up to the mods in IRC yet?

Based boardwarden


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another smash thread janny please do something

imagine working for free lmao

2.0 gets pretty dragged out but it helps one learn mechanics and filters out terrible players who don't want to learn.

Why would anyone want to talk to a bunch of holier than thou autistic namefagging sociopaths


Jannies are very pro-WoW and delete threads of competing games and anti-WoW threads

And what sort of questions?

>go to /xivg/
>everyone is an attention whoring erp tranny
imagine being so full of yourself that you constantly have to post screens of your ugly character
if you are not playing lalafell you aren't playing the game correctly, anyway

Asked in the last thread before it got 404'd. Is ilvl 430 gear good enough for titty ex as a WHM or should I work on doing eden first

Bitching to a bunch of anons surely will change things.

Why the fuck do you think that would change anything? Hiroshimoot doesn't give a fuck which means the mods run this place and they know it. Those autistic namefagging reddit niggers do whatever the fuck they want and they'll laugh in your face if you try to complain

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That almost sounds like thancred VA.

You mentally blank it out after a while.

You can clear titi at 430 with 0 problems

i mean do eden first anyway but you are a white mage i doubt that if you can heal it matters
but at the same time i did get pretty close to enrage many times on tit ex

Ok quick before its deleted. What server do i roll on if i want to raid and avoid weird ERPing people? Is Gunbreaker ok to main if i want to tank? What level does the free trial end at?

>JP Thancred plays XIV
>NA Thancred shitposts on Yea Forums about jannies
Yeah, I'm thinking English dub wins again.

Hiroshi wouldn't actively hire bias people. He's still a businessman at the end of the day.

How's the gameplay?
Thinking of picking up FF14 from all the hype. But is the game itself actually good? Everyone keeps bringing up the "story" every time I ask about the game, so it has me concerned.

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yes thats fine
but eden is FREE gear you should do that first

That's just /vg/ (particularly the MMO threads) in general, non.

Tis good to see you shitposter of light, would'st thou venture forth into distant thread, pray listen and heed my warnings lest ye be overwhelmed.
'Neath the weave of passages and illustrations that form the bedrock of our board breath a terrible and corpulent creature, known whenceforth to the locals as "the janitor" or colloquially as simply "janny"
Prithee, my friend, do excercise extreme caution whenst thine paths cross with these abominations. Immense is their size, and their hunger for immeasurable power. They doth not labour for recognition nor coin, instead scouring our board clean of essence for no monetary compensation subsisting only on pockets of heat.
be mindful, for these distended creatures holdeth sway over the primordial forces of our board, able to banish posts at will

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It sounded pretty vauthry for the first half

>Hiroshi wouldn't actively hire bias people

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I wish I was good at video editing because I want sync'd up with the webm

it's a tab target what do you expect?

The way he says incel reminds of thancred.

>Is Gunbreaker ok to main if i want to tank?
>What level does the free trial end at?
30 or 35 can't remember

The reason they bring up the story when new/prospective players are involved is the story will completely monopolize your experience for like the first 100 hours of play

As I said he is a businessman and he has to lest see how these would be mods are.

Yoshi is keeping her for the rest of the games/expansions or is he retarded enough to let her go?

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MCH was better in Stormblood. Prove me wrong

There's a sound version with the voice someone posted on /wsg/
Don't ask me where it is I can't help you with that, but I do have it saved

i swear that i didn't know that it was thancred on the shadowbringers trailer since he looks like a man and not a boy

She's been on XIV team since ARR, why would he let her go now?

At worst she'll be put into another SE project while working on side stories like she has been until now.

there was a synced up vid on /wsg/

I mean for working on the main story

Found it

Because story is the main appeal of the game. As for gameplay, it starts at lvl 45 and fun at 60+ . Only boredom before that

found it

>it has the innocence theme as well
fuckin lol

Janny deleted last thread before I got an answer.

Question for BLM chads out there who I aspire to be one day: Do you generally save dropping your ley lines for bosses and ST encounters instead of AoE trash mobs? Or is it safe to drop them if you know that in the next 90 seconds you won't be reaching a boss?

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If mods are going to continue to delete ff14 threads here could they at least clean all the gay out of /xivg/? Its pretty fuckin gross in there most of the time.

If you aren't too much into the story you can still enjoy the game if you are into MMOs like WoW for example, otherwise you'll hate this game.
Don't expect any class you pick up to feel somewhat complete or exciting to play until 60-70.
The instanced fights that aren't just dungeons are where it's at with this game.
We get a raid tier every six months which is four fights, each has two difficulties, those are pretty fun imo if you are into raiding in MMOs, also one additional fight every 3 months that you can farm for mounts. Per expansion we also get two very difficult fights that only a small amount of players clear. It's fun but also not everyone's thing

Nah, plenty of people skip the story but still play the game.

Activison pays ((Hiroshimoot)) to advertise Blizzard products here. Notice the bot-like threads being made any time WoW gets an update or a new Overwatch hero is announced? It isn't coincidence. Janitors are under strict orders to kill FFXIV threads.

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Retards aren't people user

Are you implying that jannies and mods aren't aware of what they're doing? Report Smash threads for low quality or spamming literally gets you banned.
>We have like 3 of these threads every single hour every single day since about one year

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>Never done extreme/savage content before since I've never played at new content launch, always just resubbed every six months and binged story/normal raids
>Now feels like a good time to try
>First step: gear, of course! I've never needed it before but let's try some materia
>Spend 300k on quickarm VI just for a starting point, man I can't wait for that super fast GCD--
>It lowered my GCD by a whopping 0.03 seconds

What's the fucking point then

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Use your cooldowns as they come up in dungeons, don't save them unless you have a really good reason

I'm a long time dps player but I'm in for a change of pace in ShB so I want to pick up a tank(s) to raid with
what do you think is the most fun right now? I have a level 70 PLD and that's it, the gameplay in SB seemed kind of straightforward and I think it's very similar at level 80
is gnb a big brain job? I know that it has a burst window where you have to fit a certain number of gcds but that's it

You all don't udnerstand... He had ONE katana, I only had THREE what was I supposed to do???

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What resolution do people play at, and what fps do you have?

Hey you guys need a hand?

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I would be surprised if most people don't skip 2.x

So if every savage last boss has an extra phase. What the fuck are they adding to titan? A Tank?

Fucking Rings I swear to the Twelve. They should double that armory space.

use it as long as you can remain in them for the majority of its duration
anything that makes killing stuff faster is good in a dungeon
same for manafont, triplecast and aethers

How do I see rDPS on FFlogs?

Don't spend gil on materia at this point. Two of your roulette's give you items to exchange in Eulmore for materia. Not to mention the game practically threw them at you at the end of the MSQ.