Fire Emblem Three House

Ending spoiler
>Edelgard: The final boss is Rhea that's possessed by Seiros. Dimitri die before boss and you kill Claude early on
>Claude: Claude's route has nothing to do with Edel and Dimitri. But Claude kills Edel and Dimitri before the final boss and the final boss is Nemesis
>Dimitri: Final boss Edelgard that gone crazy due to the power of absorbing many Crests, You killed Claude early on
>Rhea: Rhea is a dragon and in Rhea's route the final boss is the Thales, you ride on Rhea to fight the final boss together


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Other urls found in this thread:

This game makes gays seeth so it's based in my book

Have cancer, pirate

Why does Claude keep getting the short end in other routes?

>Claude is a total outsider initially only in it to win enough prestige/power to go across the seas to go home and claim his father's kingdom despite being a bastard
>Is only leader of Leicester Alliance because of connections and wealth, not from a storied royal line like the other two
>Ends up growing genuinely attached to Byleth and the others early on, comes around to wanting to secure lasting peace for the continent after seeing Edelgard and Dimitri are both crazy and the consequences of it
>When Edelgard ends up beating Dimitri and losing to the church despite his intervention, and the Nemesis returns, Claude's faction singlehandedly take it on and save the land despite having no divine backup
>He ultimately chooses to return home a wiser man and a better leader to try bring change to it too and either puts you in charge of the church to reform it for him or outright makes you ruler in his stead while he is abroad
Claude's route is going to be fucking kino

heres one of your villain themes

Attached: thales.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

This has to be the most bland FE to date.

>Claude kills Edel and Dimitri before the final boss

*one of the best FE to date

>dubstep and ICBMs
I have no idea how the fuck this guy came to be but he's fucking amazing.

>>Claude: Claude's route has nothing to do with Edel and Dimitri. But Claude kills Edel and Dimitri before the final boss and the final boss is Nemesis
This is wrong.

Edelgard kills Dimitri and then gets killed by Rhea, Claude fights vs her with Dimitri at one point and then fights the church until Nemesis returns.


E3 2019 theme is here too and it's fucking hype

it just makes me want to know where the hell those missiles come from and if they actually traveled to the future or some alternate dimension to make them

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Why is Edelgard batshit crazy?

I read the S-support endings, Black Eagles literally have the worst between the 3 factions.

Golden Deers are the best since you become da kangz of Fodlan since Claude just props you up and fucks off, while Blue Lions are basically a filler route that turns you into an archbishop.

Too bad Golden Deer characters have mostly garbage supports save for a handful compared to the Black Eagles and Blue Lions.


writers wanted a dany clone

Boohoo muh family bullshit

what are the good GD supports so I can go for those
not that I expect you can tell that too accurately since you unironically think one of the routes are filler

>short end
>when he is the only one that killed the real big baddies

Edelgard accepted the Twin-Headed Eagle Heavy Armor that\nwas delivered from the Empire and has obtained the certification\nfor the C1EmperorR class!
Dimitri accepted the Battle Gear of the King of Lions\nfrom Rodrigue and obtained the certification for the\nC1Great LordR class!
Claude accepted the Silk Dragon Armor from Nardel and\nobtained the certification for the C1BarbarossaR class!


Also Sothis' futuresight showed modern cities.

It's a shame Edel made Byleth her secret lover instead of being open about it like Claude and Dimitri

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Attached: Death Knight casts Magic Ballistic Missile.webm (800x450, 2.7M)

Post your route orders lads
I'm going Blue Lions -> Golden Deer -> Black Eagles -> Church

>no real S-ranks regardless of gender
>entire character is batshit insane and a parody of a certain someone from GoT

She won't be popular compared to Lucina but will be shilled to hell and back harder than they did with Azura.

So we actually DO get future fuckery?
>Villains with fucking wubstep themes and fucking MISSILES of all things
>yet it still sounds fucking cool
ISIS what are you fucks doing

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What did they mean by this? WHO exactly is the main theme about? Byleth to the three lords? Dimitri to Edelgard? The three lords to one another? I wish to know!

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black eagles > blue lions > GD > church

not sure if it really has any significance or its just there

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You can physically feel the SOUL flowing back to the dead husk of Fire Emblem.

Deer>Church>Future DLC, the other routes seem cucked so I won't do them.

Death Knight is such a fucking chad.

There is nothing I HATE, more than mixing fantasy with sci-fi or the fucking planet of the apes twist for the 8 billionth time or similar. Just commit to picking up a fucking gun if you want to go that route you weak Jap fucks.

Golden Deer > Blue Lions > Church or Black Eagles
im torn whether to save Blue Lions for last though

Don't worry, in the ending, Edelgard kiss Byleth with "the kiss of life" to save him/her

and they live happily ever after

Attached: Kiss of life.png (616x808, 595K)

t. funlet
This shit's going to be great

Why is she biting Sensei's neck?

It seems applicable to anyone desu. You have Byleth reaching his hand to Dimitri, Dimitri reaching out his hand to Edelgard, then Edelgard wanting to reach for Sensei's hand. Dunno about Claude though but he has that FRIENDSHIP speech about reaching hands to one another

I think in a funny way, Fates turning out to be complete dogshit has benefited this game a lot since I've seen nothing but interest and hype from both sides of the fanbase. seeing now via the leaks that it looks like the game's going to be genuinely great makes me incredibly happy

It's Manuela singing to Byleth

Why not?

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What the fuck

Enjoying this game right now, it's white as fuck, no niggers, only white people in it.
It's been a long time since KCD has been released, nice to enjoy a new white game, lucky us that Japan fetishize white people

Yeah, I agree. This game gives me back the hope for IS and this franchise. Everything I've heard sound incredibly good and nice.

>This fanart became reality

looks like some SMT shit more than FUCKING FE!

we heard you the first time. Here's your (You) so no one else is tempted.

And it is a good thing.

Deconstruction of RD and fates shitty MC writing


And that's a GOOD thing!

>final boss is from the future
i hate eastern games so much

Not him but most people don't respond to him because they agree with him, you don't need to clap someone when he say "I like water", his statement is that obvious.
Remember that Yea Forums is a part of /pol/

what did she do that's so crazy? Both she and Dimitri agree that the Church is rotten. Only in Edelgard's route can you cut off its head.

Gonna fulfill Claude's hero tale for that good ending

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Is it really a full japanese game if it use only European setting, and which only has white people in it?

>he has a bright smile, but it does not reach his eyes
>implies that he is devious and hides his true self
>in fact this exact description is used to describe Littlefinger in the ASOIAF

>>>>actually it turns out that he's just a really nice guy

>shitty shounen tropes everywhere
its eastern

how so

Oh look, Drakengard.


>the crazy one screaming for death ends up being friendship peace man
>the calm and collected one murders a shit ton of innocents and neutrals

im gonna wait until i got through his route

>Not him but
One more, just for (You)

Edelgard, she's the thinking man's waifu

who is that the nigger?

Yes considering it's made by Japs, yes it is. Would you consider Dark Souls a WRPG just because it's not set in Nipland like some retarded inbred fuck?

They're mad there's only one gay option

>Dimitri kills the gorilla cunt

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Damn I really want to know more about Thales, it literally seems like he just jacked a ton of technology from another world.

So is it true that Alois adopts you and you marry a village maiden?

most violent FE?

Truly best lord

Help me bros I think I'm in love

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>Tries to offer her his hand
>She just tries to stab him with her dagger.

Ye, you don't marry the dilfs, they're your Jeigans if you S rank them. honestly sounds better to me

>When all of the fighting was over, S0\nembarked on another wandering journey as a mercenary.\nHe traveled all over Fódlan, following his father's steps.\nWhen he at last drifted into Remire Village, he was\nreunited with Alois, who had moved there with his family\nand was now living on a farm. On Alois's advice, he\ndecided to stay a while, and before he knew it, five years\nhad passed. He fell in love with a kind woman in the\nvillage, and they had a modest wedding. It is said that\nAlois was so overcome with emotion on that day that his\nweeping could be heard from anywhere in the village.

user, to make things worse, he gave her that dagger as a kid, it's a good luck charm back in his home

Who is the Donnel of this game

I.E. who's the character who starts out as shit but has crazy growths

>has aids
>gets cured by sensei dick
I don't think that's how stds work...

>We Genealogy
I love this series again

Apparently they have access to some "ancient technology" from a lost civilization. Said ancient technology includes nukes and Skrillex.
I really hope they explain how the snakes got access to the tech.

Blue Lions really is the kino ending.

In fairness he starts out a scheming fuck only in it for power.

He just ends up really liking his housemates and feels sympathy for commonfolk caught in the war of lords and gods.

Dadfaggots and pedos got BTFO by this game so hard.

>canonically has lots of children with Byleth
>148 cm

>When the fighting was over and the Officers Academy\nwas reopened, S0 was reinstated as a\nprofessor. His wife, Annette, took on a position alongside\nhim teaching sorcery, and the couple spent many years\neducating and guiding generations of students. In their\nlater years, they attempted to retire to a quiet life in a\nvillage near Annette's hometown. That quickly proved to\nbe too quiet of a life for them, and so they opened up a\nlocal school and resumed teaching. They continued on as\neducators until the end of their long and happy lives.

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God I wish I could recruit Death Knight

Linhardt grew to be a Waver-tier daddy so I'm still pleased

Majority of FE stories are simple "kill the evil emperor then kill the dragon" stories, why are people calling this Three Kingdoms shit classic FE?

The cunt deserved it. Sensei helped Dimitri calm his autism so he could reconcile with her but she went full retard. She'd literally pay bandits to assassinate Dimitri in his sleep so I don't feel bad for her in the slightest.

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>Red Team is gay soap opera shit
>Blue Team is gay soap opera shit
>Yellow Team is based
>Church Team is based
imagine being a soap opera fag

it's kinda fucked that you can cure Crest AIDS outside of Edelgard's route. So basically all of her actions from the perspective of curing her disease were just an overreaction, all she needed was more medical research

So Lindhart's the only male option it seems

because it's actually fucking interesting

Because their first game was Awakened

now that Edelgard is a confirmed cunt I have no reason to not pick Church

It has epic politics, game of thrones style

>gets mutated and turned into a crest beast
Look at her and laugh

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How long until someone makes a big picture of all the older designs

In Dimitri's route the church system is preserved and a monarchy isn't established. Byleth becoming the head archbishop and Byleth becoming king are essentially the same position of power, just dependant on the route.

t. nuFE bab

Sensei dick literally too good, if he had dicked Edelgard a few times she probably would have stopped being retarded.

when does it go to sleep?

Because you are a faggot and haven't played a single FE in your sad goddamned life.

I don't mind getting "BTFO" though I would like at least one well written dudegay romance at some goddamn point but I think hiding THOSE kinds of endings behinds S-Ranks defeats the whole purpose of the S-Rank Supports
what, now we have to just make > at every S-support in the future because you might end up watching your main character marry a literal unknown written in postgame text?

ok boomer

>In Dimitri's route the church system is preserved and a monarchy isn't established.
Established? Dimitri's route begins and ends with a monarchy.

>the Adrestian Empire is at the forefront of illegal crest research and even has ties to Thales and his shadow faction
Sure Edelgard, that's like killing the gun salesman while sparing the murderer himself.

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What is this crest bullshit? Sounds like X-Men

Does anybody have pics of the final bosses for each route?
Also, is the 2020 DLC going to explain all of the modern shit that's in the game for some reason

`You ARE picking the chad lions to BTFO Edgeshit, right?

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S-ranks don't even make sense in this game

Some of Byleth's S-ranks pale in comparison to the A-ranks of other characters

This director was probably as out of touch as the one who did SoV and didn't want to include S-ranks but Intsys higher ups and Nintendo top men wanted 3H to make a big splash so it was included

Edelgard's route is the True And Canon One because it's only one that ends with the big bad revealing they're a dragon and being the last boss.

You cannot dispute this.

Rhea is crazy tough

>getting involved in some dipshit feud while the real enemies are still at large


Just what the fuck is going in on in here

God Annette looks amazing
I want to fuck her in nun garb

>only three girls
>none of them age well
Yeah I'm sticking with golden deer thank you very much

What were her last thoughts?

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>Yea Forums likes Dimitri's route
Good to know, I'll be sure to avoid it considering you fucks have shit tastes.

How are they going to do the fan service DLCs if 90% of the most notable characters are dead at the end of each of the routes

So...this is what it's feel...genuinely
I haven't been this hyped for a game since I was a kid. I can't wait!

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Ripped right outta Drakengard.

>picks videogames based on "muh girls"

Rhea herself is crazy but she doesn't have a world-ending agenda, she just wants to resurrect her mother. Seiros is definitely mad though due to her unhealthy worship of Sothis, but Edelgard's actions are what causes Seiros to return in the first place.

Enemies that never did anything based on their epilogues.
Based Dimitri.

she stuck to her principles. Fuck this muh nakama bullshit. If she had actually taken Dimitri's hand she would've been ruined.

>Fuck my butterfingers got me killed.
>I just wanted to show him I'd kept his present.

I never even got to fuck Sensei...

Sensei...give me...your...[spoiled]DICK![/spoiler]

>After the war, Annette and Mercedes lived separate lives:\nthe former as a teacher at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad,\nthe latter as a cleric at Garreg Mach. Though they lived\napart, they exchanged letters so frequently and shared\ntheir lives with one another in such detail that it was as\nthough they were side by side. After many decades, they\nresigned their respective positions and reunited at Garreg\nMach. In their final years, they relocated to a modest\nhouse in the Fortress City. It is said that they were happy\ntogether to the very end.

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Edelgard's actions are also the only reason Seiros is killed once and for all.

Yes and I'm going to recruit Ferdinand and make him kill Edeldyke

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the same way there are missiles in FE
forgotten/ancient knowledge bullshit

The absolute state of the fe fanbase


Yea Forums likes breathing too user, you should avoid doing that

She was his sister and she forced him to kill her, because she was a monster.
Depressing, but fitting.

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I thought this is supposed to be a rated 13+ game

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>DILF Hunter Byleth finally about to make his move
>Alois BTFOs him completely and adopts him
>cracks a dad joke while Byleth's mind decomposes trying to process what happened

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I mean the church is still the overall governing authority of fodlan in Dimitri's route instead of Claude setting you up as king of the continent, which in the context of their respective routes have essentially the same power and authority.

In my opinion this is gay

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>gets rejected so hard his dick reorients to straight

likewise. Friday can't come soon enough, I'm genuinely looking forward to this.
i hope Alois' supports are heart-warming because this is a pretty wholesome ending honestly

Anyone got Rhea's mommy/daughter ending?

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I think he means the status quo is kept, there’s no unified kingdom in the end

>play Fire Emblem 17
>S-Rank cute girl
>in the epilogue my obligatory avatar characters enjoys getting gang-banged by old men and cute girl just shrugs because I seem to be enjoying it

What did Seiros even do? The only thing Seiros cares about is the crests existing because it was Sothis' final creation.

>After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the\nHoly Kingdom of Faerghus, and his loyal vassal, Dedue,\nremained ever at his side. Among Dimitri's achievements\nwas the reconciliation with Duscur: an extraordinary effort\nthat required extensive negotiations to get past a history of\nbetrayal and oppression. It was a trying task, but Dimitri\nnever once considered giving up. While they behaved as\nlord and vassal in public, it is said that Dimitri and Dedue\nwere more like family in private. When Dimitri finally fell\nto illness, Dedue tended to his liege's deathbed, and then\ntook up a post at his grave for the rest of his days.\nWhen the time came, they were buried beside each other.


>Sensei, just a crumb of dick pls, just put the tip in and I can die happily

Or we can just get rid of that aspect entirely
Almost like they were shoehorned in

can you drink tea post timeskip?

Attached: thank you for s-ranking me.png (691x654, 53K)

>Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of\nFaerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fódlan.\nSeveral years after his coronation, he took Marianne,\nwhom he loved dearly, as his queen. Many of Dimitri's\ngreatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided\nby Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive\nfather, Margrave Edmund. Many years later, when Dimitri\nfell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very\nend. The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing,\ncontained recounts of their time together. The last words,\npenned with trembling hand, are: "I would not trade our\ntime together or the happiness we knew for anything."

>not marrying ESL-chan


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>Sothis gave crest to crazy obsessive bitch and power hungry dude

What was her thought process?

>Some of Dimitri's men abduct a Duscur family shortly after his family were killed and were going to hang them for revenge
>Dimitri found out and came rushing over in time to rescue Dedue by cutting the rope.
>He had his men executed with the same nooses they used to murder the family and begged Dedue for forgiveness as he doesn't want to resort to wanton violence against innocents, and once Dedue finds out he had to watch his family be murdered too his anger over his fades and he decides to choose mercy as Dimitri has and joins him.

They're so pure.

I wanna know more about recruiting

is it possible to basically just steal 90% of a House's students

Y'all could've spared us a video or something this looks like her biting sensei's neck.

that is the new OTP

>This director was probably as out of touch as the one who did SoV and didn't want to include S-ranks but Intsys higher ups and Nintendo top men wanted 3H to make a big splash so it was included

It's the same director of Echoes, actually. So, yeah. He clearly doesn't like a lot of the modern FE stuff, but included it because he knows people want it.


Fucking DROPPED where'd your fucking locks go



>byleth just stares at it
it's real fucking telling that jeralt fucking smiles at the idea of his child basically short of weeping as he bleeds out

Some questions on spoilers
>Is Sothis actually Rhea?
>If Edelgard is flame emperor, does that make Hubert the death knight?
>What's up with all the green haired people hiding their ears? Are they all dragons?
>How long is the game chapter wise?
>what's the deal with the pale skin people? Nemesis?
>How many recruitable characters per route, cast looks kind of short not that I mind
>There's no golden route right?

Are the FByleth lesbian supports actually les, or did she get btfo just like the grandpafuckers

Fuck crests and fuck Dimitri


Crests made them evil

People like such a boring game? It would have been nie if there was a reason to choose the other routes but they made it so goddamn obvious they only cared about Dimitri when writing this shit. Claude is useless, church route is severely lacking in content and Edelgard is a straight up villain, she dies in all but her own route where as Dimitri lives in 2 of them and Claude lives in 3 of them, how the hell is that a good story?

so you're saying Edelgard was right

What's the end text for Linhardt if you marry him?

>someone at TreeHouse husbandofags Dimitri so hard she tells people to enjoy the romance in his route
>Out of all the 3 lords, Byleth gets the best ending with Dimitri (only female though because fuck the fujos)
She probably wrote his route herself.

Attached: dimitri21.jpg (1024x575, 78K)

Otomefags and yurishitters are the biggest winners thus far, FByleth supports are just flat out better than MByleth ones

Yurishitters also get yurishitting from other chicks

The best MByleth supports and endings are Lysithea, Flayn and Manuela

Pedos and dadfuckers get rekt

>When S0 took on the role of archbishop\nin Rhea's place, EK00heEL00sheEM00 devoted EK00himselfEL00herselfEM00 to official business\nas the new leader of the Church of Seiros. Reaching an\nagreement with the Kingdom, EK00heEL00sheEM00 worked tirelessly on\nthe restoration and development of all of Fódlan. Behind\nEK00hisEL00herEM00 achievements was the knight Gustave, formerly known\nas Gilbert of the Knights of Seiros, who remained always\nby the archbishop's side. S0 came to rely\non Gustave for nearly everything. It is said that EK00heEL00sheEM00\ncontinued to call upon Gustave for instruction and advice\nwell into his retirement.

All the dad jokes got btfo

Kusakihara is one of the main people on Team B/Increased fanservice though.
Higuchi is the one whose adamant on hating nu-FE and he's the producer
There were some big write-up on the history of most of FEs bigtime devs Im trying to find again that had a lot of interviews

based retard

He becomes a scholar or some shit, continues to be lazy, but demands that his husband MByleth spends adequate time fucking him every day.

It's a copypaste of the male one for all of them

probably for the best, platonic supports are underrated

Seething Edelcuck

How many times has FE done it tho?

wait team b? which teams worked on each game?

Can't wait to see how "problematic" this is and intsys responds by just scrapping the entire thing out

Nope, only the dadfaggots. You can still marry Flayn and technically Sothis.

Attached: Flayn.jpg (600x600, 43K)

i need the transcript dawg

>Lysithea and Flayn are thirsty as fuck for the Big Sensei Dick and bear him many children in a short amount of time
Well, I know who the best are. For Teacherchads, Shamir and Manuela bear children for Byleth. But for people that are particular about these things, Shamir did have a lover previous.

Flayn is literally old, she's just a wee hundred years younger than Adult Tiki.

She's not dragon young like typical FE dragon pedobaits.

>I'm not a Games of Thrones reference...

FE has had machinery as early as the first game (Ballista's were more like tanks and the fire one even turned into a cannon)

>Monogatari ending with Sothis
>100000 years of fucking loli pussy with Flayn

>Paired with the end of the war, the joyous marriage of\nS0, the newly-appointed archbishop,\nand Dimitri, the newly-crowned king of Faerghus,\ngave the people of Fódlan much to celebrate. The two\nwere devoted to improving life for the people and to\nseeking greater wisdom in order to reform the government\nand the church from the inside out. As leaders of church\nand state respectively, at times they engaged in heated\ndebate. Even still, when enjoying a long horse ride or a\nquiet evening, they were not as the world saw them,\nbut rather two adoring spouses, desperately in love.\nThey remained as such for the rest of their days.

Just how wild was the sex?

>did have a lover previous.
former partner ≠ former lover

Same person who was obsessed with Xander.

Team A and B refer to the two teams working on fates. A wanted less fanservice while B wanted even more than what the uncensored japanese version had.

She says she was romantically involved though.


What went wrong?

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Are Felix and Shamir related?

Kusakihara is for a lot of un-FE stuff due to being an odd Gaiden fan, and he was the one who designed most of those leotards in Awakening and Fates, bur he also has expressed disregard for modern features like avatars in interviews (which you can kind of see by Byleth being handled completely different from previous ones).

I can’t wait for some fag to S rank Alois and find out Byleth marries a woman

Her S support. Right now it's hard to find due to how fast /feg/ is moving, I'll see if I can find it.

I get the feeling he cared more about her than she cared about him.

Why do Japs hate gays so much?

Literally the crests.
Even Dimitri's family issues were caused indirectly because the incident was done due to power grabbing bullshit.

>complain about Avatars
>but then makes Echoes Alm and Echoes Celica
I hated the two so much an Avatar would have been an improvement.

Shamir never mentions a former lover though

Former partner could mean anything, her ending with Catherine, Raphael and Ashe are literally platonic

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Because they're a joke that's trying to be taken seriously. The Nips are right to ridicule them.

people are just going off the early game leakers and the cut-scene and support libraries that someone extracted.

That’s fates for ya

crests ruined edelgard which explains her unrelenting hateboner and the effects from that

She mentions that she sees Byleth "in the way she saw her former partner" and was scared.


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Didn't get her brother's dick

It’s only bland in terms of visuals, seriously who ever was in charge of the art direction for this game should never be allowed to work again.

she cute

True route dlc when?

The crossover we deserved

why dont you?
they are a scourge

>Edelgard goes nuclear because she's dying of crest aids
>when Byleth, Hanneman and Linhardt all cure it in a short amount of time in the end
Crest Aids is beginning to feel like Blood Pacts.


Too difficult for IS

Prease understandu


I hate how IS randomly promotes art directors to game design positions. That's how Paper Mario ended up imploding and how we got Kusakihara leaving his art director position (He was Awakening/Fates' art director then got promoted to director).

April next year

What will his reaction be when he finds out the Archbishop's been fucking his daughter?

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From what I've half assedly gathered while trying to avoid contextual spoilers
Rhea is the reincarnation of Seiros I think. (You) are essentially Sothis.
Hubert is present during the first appearance of Death Knight so it's not him.
Barring Lindhart, the rest of the green hairs are more or less special. I think Flayn, Seteth, and maybe Rhea are dragons.
Pale dudes are trying to revive Nemesis or something.
I dunno.
Doesn't look like it, unless it's extremely well hidden or it's dlc down the line.
In probably wrong on some of this though.

>I hate Nepotism
tough shit

They better fucking not
Let actions and choices have consequences and drawbacks for once
Tired of games pussing out because some whiny faggot gets attached

Buy the season pass and you'll get it sometime next year.

Who’s the art director for Echoes?

>her ending with Catherine, Raphael and Ashe are literally platonic
>ending with Catherine

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No. That's stupid and devalues the routes in the base game.

The story DLC we're getting seems to be a side-story that gives some extra characters rather than a completely separate route.

I hope Higuchi gets to direct a game since he's the only oldguard left who doesn't like the bad parts of nu-FE shit

Final Fantasy XV is the better experience than this shit heap of a game

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Hopefully soon so the edgefags get btfo

>there faggots crying because they can't handle characters dying in WAR setting and there HAS to be an ending where everyone gets along and have a happily ever after
Go fucking watch My Little Pony or something

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Flayn, Seteth and Rhea are Cethlenn, Indech, and a reincarnated Seiros

You guys just want Dimitri to be the only one with a good ending.

so how does he lose the eye

Edelgard did literally NOTHING wrong

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FFXV-Kun!?? i thought you died.

I've seen some people claim you can spare him in Edelgard's route but I haven't seen any evidence for it. Maybe I missed something in the ending descriptions.

Hi Barry, curious of you to appear in a FE thread.

But only 1 path has random and wanton killing though, the others are very tame. Edelgard's path is the only one with lots of murder because Edelgard is a retarded psychopath.

>gets mutated into a crest beast

Can I steal Bernie away and use her and marry her on other routes than Edgelords wild ride?

Then why don’t you go back to your thread?



tea time post time skip exist?

Who can‘t be stolen?

But each Lord technically gets a good ending? Edelgard will settle down with Byleth at some point, finally getting the peace she wanted. Sure, Claude fucks off but he'll eventually return to Byleth's side after he's solved his problems. Making a true end where everyone is suddenly friends despite their clashing viewpoints will just devalue the conflict and render them irrelevant in each route. Not everything has to end of a super happy note especially in a setting where loss and sacrifices is expected. It just doesn't fit the theme and setting of the story.


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Akio Shimada is credited as "art director", but considering the position in the credits it seems like that's just about the animation, not the game itself.

There's only a graphical design supervisor (Takayasu Morisawa), so I'd guess art design for Echoes was still mostly handled by Kusakihara, doubling up with his director position.

If there's a new route dlc it'll come out next year, although I don't think they'll release a 'golden ending' 8 months after release.

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Hilda for a good chunk of the first half but apparently there's a quest that makes her recruitable.

Hubert and Dedue. Hilda can be recruited after completing a side quest.

Apparently the JP site lists it as a side story and not a route.

Doesn't the Japanese version specify Wave 4 as "side story"?

Real life is already a trash fire, idiots like you who want games to emulate that sadness and despair need to fuck off.

It isn't nepotism, it's seniority. In pretty much all Asian companies you get promoted based on how long you've been there, not competence. Unless you really fucked up or someone hates you, of course.

>Hubert is my favourite character
>but I cannot stand Edelgard
Sorry Hubert, but our friendship just wasn't meant to be, I'll only be buddies with you in a single playthrough.

Could be a prequel about Byleth's parents. Or at least I hope it is...


Is it already known what Bernie wants for her to defect her house.

I hope it's either Cyberpunk Future Emblem with Thales, or a Jeralt prequel. It could be a Heroes and Saints vs Nemesis Prequel as well, but I'd rather see where the nukes come from or Mommy Byleth.

He literally didn't, there's even a potrait objectively proving this. It was larping I guess?
Not Indech, that Bernadetta's saint, remember? It's Ferdinand's
Check the chapter descriptions in the big leak. Or was it a paralogue, sorry I can't remember which. I'm certain it's one of those that mention him going to Almyra rather than the ending text.

I don't think it's a standalone map due to the listing for new characters. Echoes DLC with a playable Fernand wasn't advertised as adding new characters. When it's promoted like that it generally means new characters that join your party.

They keep mentioning fighting the nightcrawler in the endings so most likely more fights against their remnants.

I actually want none of them to have perfectly good "we saved everyone!" Endings
Razing two entire countries never feels good after a war except from the older people who profit from it and divide the land/resources amongst themselves

>Out Realms exist
>It would undermine the route endings if there was a unique good endings

Three Houses seems to completely ignore the outrealms in the base game at least.

or it's Advance Wars 5

Fates didn't have a true route with all the shit between Noir and Hoshino, why would three houses get it? There's no way to save certain characters even in Revalations, there is no everybody lives ending!

>Byleth’s crest is destroyed and appears that he dies with all other supernatural and divine beings too.
>Edelgard morns him in her own way with dignified tears
>But then Byleth’s heart start beating for the first time ever (because he had a pulse but no heartbeat since birth)
>Edelgard sense this as she rest her ear on his chest.
>She’s happy.
>She hugs him
>Byleth returns to normal hair color as he eyes slowly open.

Maybe you who wants some butterflies, friendship and rainbows ending in a game where the characters have different things they're fighting for and are in a setting where they have their own agenda and ideals that they aren't willing to let go need to fuck off. Go play other games or watch Disney movies if you're too much of a pussy faggot and can't handle some characters dying, retard.

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What is Edelgard's justification for killing Claude

So the games not even out and you are already ruining it

He's a scheming foreigner.

And that's a good thing. Awakening and what it spawned is cancer to the lore of this series as a whole.

Reminder that Garon never got cured to have a roundtable talk with his children unlike Sumeragi, Mikoto and Arete
Reminder that Nyx is just awkwardly hanging around the rainbow sage tower

Only 2 characters die in Revelations, but then you get everyone joining your army from both routes. It might not be completely perfect, but it's clearly about the two other routes as far as "true ending" set up goes.


>20-something crests
>like 6 of them have no bearers
>the crests even have their own abilities and everything

To be fair, it was pretty funny when Anankos summoned Garon to eat him

>the most sympathetic Garon got was at the BR ending where his memories start flowing back to him
>other routes reveals Garon died a long time ago and was replaced by Gooron a long time ago
Which fucking one is it at this point

DLC Characters. Please understand True Ending involves these characters.

How can Marianne compete

My favorite part is when he's screaming at his ceiling dragon and Leo/Xander decide now is the time to officially get the fuck out of dodge
Fates honestly becomes a lot funnier when you look at it as a parody of Eastern RPGs and Isekai/Shonen anime as a whole

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>Edelgard goes on about how crests are evil and unreasonable justice blah blah blah
>murders the Church pre-timekip and then right after the timeskip she first invades Liecester and kills Claude and then invades Fearghus and kills Dimitri

Says you faggot, dont project your shitty dead end life onto everyone else

What a brutal, unreasonable post

>Annette's father anal virginity is retained and she gets a cute wife
I can't believe Annette won in the end.

Death Knight casts Magic Missile!

It's mostly Xander that decides now he'll fuck off. Leo tried to talk him out of it sensibly and was threatened for it, pretty much a repeat of near endgame Conquest where Xander threatens Corrin for basically no reason again all because of slime time.

>people keep saying that there won't be a new route dlc
>jap version is literally called four seasons
Even more delusional than peple who liked Edelgard despite her speech in literally first trailer

Is byleth even an avatar/myunit at this point?
The only thing he shares with the previous two are gender selection and S-Supports

He's more like Kris, where he's more of a supporting cast member.

>jap version is literally called four seasons
There's 4 routes already...

>jap version is literally called four seasons
>The Empire
>The Holy Kingdom
>The Alliance
>The Church
There are four routes already user.

So to make it clear
Claude fights real bad guys and trying to unfuck everything
Dimitri tries to keep everything from falling down
Waifu bitch just attacks people and blames traditions for everything bad in the world

What's happening every single day? Death, COrruption, War and Brutality, why the hell would I want to play games about that when it exists in reality? You're the fools here who think edge= fun= life. This is just torture porn at this point and I'm extremely hoping a DLC episode fixes this edgefest.

>Dimitri and Edgelord stuck in a melodramatic teen soap opera "fight"
>Claude fights the literal nemesis of the world on his own and he doesn't even have a single retainer that is loyal to him
what a goddamn hero

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Church route is literally short offshot of Edelgard route where you tell her to go and fuckherself, no?

Yes. honestly I find Edelgard's route badly written, sure people are misusing magic for political gain but even without it, political assassinations and war between nobility will still be a thing.

>he's not even a Fodlan native, he's a foreigner like Petra

>What's happening every single day? Death, COrruption, War and Brutality
Yeah if you live in a shithole 3rd world country

Then fuck off and play other games, you braindead retard.

Golden Deer chads win again.

Edelgard is the Heaven's feel route of the game, she even has crest worms eating her mind that turned her into a violent sociopath monster but not for sensei, no she loves sensei even if sensei is a girl and can't bare the thought of losing them but would and does welcome death at their hands if it were them. Anyone else gets a harsh and violent death with little remorse from her. And just like Dark Sakura, she bitches and moans about everything bad in the world out to get her.

Edelgard is truly the worst thing in this game, her route, her house, everything. It's just bad at least the waifutards got BTFO big time with how shit she is. She's nothing more than a crest gorilla just like wormslut

I am going to save my wife Lysithea with the power of the D!

Edelgard has the most amazing solution, honestly.
>people are misusing God's gift
>how can I solve this?
>should I punish the people responsible
We /smt/ now boys, Edelgard really makes my hee go ho and really hoys my demons.

She must be really great if you're so butthurt about her route.

>brown immigrant saves the fantasy europeans while sexy whites act like idiots and kill each other
What did they mean by this?

>war is edgy
Imagine fighting to protect your country only to be called edgy by some faggot who probably has a C in history class
The only thing that needs fixing is the fucking noose you need to put around your neck

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Reminder, Edel and Dimi only remain somewhat human if Sensei is with them, if they aren't both become maniacs as seen in how they meet death in their routes and in the church and claude they're manaics who need to be put down, basically they're both insane only a retard would like their routes

Chaosfags, not even once

Not really, she's essentially Nohr, she solves all her problems with comically evil murder, she's basically Garon without the goo. And amusingly enough, in one route she does go full Gooron.

How's that missing eye socket feel, cyclops?

>Fighting to protect your country
Literal cuckoldry. Nations fall. Get over it.

Chaosfaggots are absolutely retarded

If this is what diet SMT is like, I never want to get off this wild ride

>not wanting to kill god and create your own future
lawfags are just slaves. no matter how you try to justify it, your endgame will always involve sucking god's dick and not disobeying the powers that be
spineless faggots

Dimitri turns into a puppy the second sensei shows up, it's hilarious. He goes from KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM to sensei, can I try and befriend my enemies so we don't have to hurt them?

But Seiros' insanity aside, the church did a lot of good, they were the ones that kept Edelgard's ancestors from going on their mass killing murder sprees on Faerghus and Liecester.

She's the only one that solved the root of the problem

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it's built on a lie. If evidence came out that Jesus was basically a big fraud I don't want to hear about how the Church contributes a lot to charity.

>I don't want to suck God's dick, instead I prefer to suck the dick of the vilest, most evil warlord around because muh freedom
Nice try Lucifer

>all the people that experimented on children and the like got off scot free
>Edelgard herself was working with bandits and kidnappers
>and she murdered the kingdom's peacekeepers so she could conquer everyone that didn't want to serve her country

Nah, following her logic as long as weapons exist there will be murder, so the only solution for true peace would be killing all smiths and then disposing of all weapons in a volcano. Only then true peace will be achieved.

>instead of promoting brother-sister incest like they used to, IS gave us mother-daughter incest
Did IS redeem themselves?

By ignoring real bad guys?
>Buttt muh church
Did nothing wrong

she solved the problem and killed half the continent just for shit and giggles too.

That's why you become a Chad neutralfag like Claude and I

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Did Seiros even do anything evil though before she goes nuclear in the Black Eagles and Church final chapters?

in the epilogue the jeepers creepers people get crushed
bandits and kidnappers was just a means to an end
she killed a cancer and was the only one brave enough to do so

I'm pretty sure they kill the guy that made the experiments

So she ended being the yandere that everyone expected?

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But how is it built on a lie? The goddess does exist, gave the crests and everything. They just hid part of the history about her getting killed.

they lost me by killing the DILF meme.
the homos were already turned off by it, didn't need to BTFO them any harder by not giving them even that, it was funny.

She literally murdered the police so they couldn't stop her from murdering more people.

>Empire sides with Thales
>Claude rallies and army and dabs on both t

>vilest, most evil warlord
>wants to kill the insane god and set up a proper meritocracy
I can tell you just love handouts, pathetic lawfag

>People are actually talking about the story and choices rather than which girl they want to fuck
Kinda surreal

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>muh good intentions
The Crest issue gets solved in the other routes without massacring half the population

And killed a shit ton of innocent people and neutral people at that and conquered countries for funsies. And not even like Nohr's "we are starving and Hoshido has all the food'.

Nah, its just edelgardfags trying to defend their chaos route and Hitler waifu

Sylvain literally solves the crest problem in a support ending. Imagine committing small scale genocide only for a manslut to do what you did without picking up a sword.

Yeah, but more subtle than Tharja or Camilla because her hatred for crests outweighs her yandere

As long as crests exist Nemesis can come back

what was Edelgard's actual goal in having bandits attack them at the beginning of the game

as I understand it she doesn't really have anything inherently against Dimitri/Claude but rather the church. So why are the bandits attacking them?

No its not
RD was the only games in the series where people talked only about waifu and fanservice

Dimitri is literally church's boy, I guess Claude was just kinda there.

sounds about white

Imagine being a teacher and finding out your student hired assassins to murder her fellow students. Imagine siding with her after figuring this out.

>Cute girl is actually a villain protagonist.

I'm not a waifufag but I find this great.

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God damn Hilda's timeskip design does things to me, I hope we get portraits datamined soon.

But she's dealing with corruption at the end of her route, too. That's pretty much why she doesn't marry Byleth and will only do so until every rat is squashed.

Alibi or falseflag? Idk how to word it but it was probably to make sure they trust her and dont think it leads back to her empire or whatever

Edelgard wants to conquer the continent because "it's the Empire's property"

She's not villain, she's deconstruction of "fuck traditions teenagers know better" style protagonists like RD, Persona 5 and xenoblade 2 have

>Rhea x Byleth is the hottest yet most degenerate pairing of them all.

Not sure if we have the information or not but do we get any more new classes and unique classes? Any extra new recruits?

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Imagine actually siding with an insane warmonger because you want to put your penus wenus in her coochie.

>We just need to stop the church then we'll have our utopia
>some other dissidents pop up
>we just need to stop insert rebellious group here and we'll have utopia
Rinse and repeat

I've done worse for less.

>"She may be a hated enemy now, but the emperor is your old friend and your stepsister. Can you bring yourself to kill her?"
>I will kill her... if I must. But if there is any chance that the world she seeks to create could be a just one... Then I... I would love to see a future in which I may reach out my hand for her and have her reach back."

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Is this kino?

Why do people view Dimitri's route as good when because of his loyalty to the church they have no idea of the darkness that truly awaits them? Is it because the narrative itself ignored the villains for Edelgard's bullshit mania? it felt more to me like "well we finished that, let's just live our lives now instead of asking any questions" I guess that's fine,too. Claude just bumbles his way into the actual villains but since it's not Nemesis for real they kinda just put a big gash in it's plans for the time being and Edelgard, while her route did drive out Nemesis she was on such a slaughter the bad guy had no choice but to come out or it's plans would be ruined forever.
It's like the horny idiots didn't pay attention to what she was saying in her very first voiced appearance

Don't forget her route doesn't address the Almyra situation at all, so you're left with this huge enemy kingdom that already tried to invade in the past and only was defeated with the power of the crests and she killed the person who wanted to push for closer ties and peace between them to avoid a future war.

If you put it that way, that applies to every route. It's not like she's only razing dissenters, she's also reestablishing the empire.

literally nothing is more important than pussy

It's pointless to argue with anyone who doesn't like Dimitri's route his is the only well written one

>they have no idea of the darkness that truly awaits them?
Dimitri does the same thing Edelgard does in their endings, fix the class system and the political impact of crests. Except he does it without murdering the church and killing all the gods.

Because his route ends with widespread societal reform, Rhea and her prick ancestor cucked from their plan, and no viable way for Nemesis to return.

It's a bittersweet ending.

>Claude just bumbles his way into the actual villains but since it's not Nemesis for real they kinda just put a big gash in it's plans for the time being and Edelgard, while her route did drive out Nemesis she was on such a slaughter the bad guy had no choice but to come out or it's plans would be ruined forever.

You're mixing up. Claude faces and defeats a resurected zombie Nemesis. Edelgard faces the reincarnated goddess through Rhea (who was originally killed by Nemesis).

shut up already otomefags


>in the Blue Lions and Golden Deer endings, Dimitri and Byleth+Claude unify the continent peacefully
>Edelgard has to send armies to do it by force

So what now? sci-fi is further in play with nuFE, idk about this game though, not a fan routes unless its Starfox 64. I just hate having too many paths in a story-driven game. I feel like this game didn't need it, cause know you have all those possibilities, like any nuFE is doing recently...

She created your mom which means she's your grandmother, she put her mom's soul inside of you which makes you her mom. You're basically having an age gap, grandmother, mother-daughter with her. She can be your wife too

Byleth absorbed Sothis so he is technically Rhea's mother, and Rhea treats Byleth like a son. So Rhea is Byleth's mommy-daughter-wife, beating out Camilla's mommy-sister-wife.

>final boss is just roided gorillagard doesn't even do anything about corrpution in church or palefaces

>is another ignored question episode

Because no one here has played the thing, Dimitri could actually deal with the Church stuff in some other way but do to circumstances it was way easier.
Same with Claude and the other lords, people should wait to actually read the whole thing before drawing conclusions, and that's going to take a long ass time taking into account that just the school stuff takes 40-50 hours on each playthrough.

Have you seen Edelgard? Who the fuck would follow someone that uncharismatic. No wonder she likes sensei so much, he's the only one that gave her the time of day

my pee pee is hard

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I assume number-crunchers haven't been able yet to see what the best classes are for each unit?
Or how many units are stealable?
That reminds me, which units do you have during the church-route?

But can you fuck Rhea?

Yes and she's your daughter

user you would be surprised how many of us aren't pirates. Wait for the game to come out or load the game into a hacked Switch yourself.

give it a few weeks

incest end is best end.

So is the game good or not? Not reading this thread for obvious reasons.

>tsundere with an attitude and a knack for BLOODSHED
Not even a competition here.

And your grandmother. She is your daughter and your grandmother at the same time.

>Or how many units are stealable?
All of them aside from the one direct follower of Edelgard and Dimitri, if you can hit the requirements.

I hate that ungrateful cunt Edelgard now

>Church route is evil and degenerate
woah what a fucking surprise, more CHRISTIANS BAD

>classic FE had this

>t buttmad tranny
>t. buttmad waifufag

Get fucked, Dimitri is true canon, has the best ending and didn't need to rely on a walking DEM known as Claude to fix his own shit

can someone post a image of what the Golden Deer and teachers look post timeskip, pretty please? They're the only ones I haven't seen yet.

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Pretty much, can't even understand that family dynamic so fuck it

Japs gonna jap

Yes, Rhea is
>Byleth’s sister by proxy due to your mother supposed to be an artificial incarnation of Rhea’s mother
>Byleth’s mother since you soul fused with Rhea’s mother
>You can S-rank to be your wife
Rhea is your mother-sister-daughter wife

Like I said, Dimitri's route is the only good one. Everyone else is a dumbass or just a blind hater for saying otherwise

Who? What?

You didn't even need to be an otomefag to like Dimitri and his route. but it's true that his scenes with Femleth are cute as fuck

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Kind of an odd choice to give the main most shilled girl the most underwhelming ending, I think this really is an otome game.

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>Church route is evil and degenerate
Nigger what? The Church spent hundreds of years keeping Adrestia from invading the other countries, and hunting down the Shadow faction, on top of trying to prevent countries from inhuman experimentation which Adrestia eventually dabbled in. The main villain of the Church route is a crazy dragon aka classic Fire Emblem stuff, God in Three Houses was a genuinely nice person that made mistakes while trying to bless humanity.

She doesn't seem to have the most underwhelming one, it looks really classic with some power of love.

FUCK Yea Forums

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I will play as female Byleth just so I can marry Dimitri.

This, I'm not even an otomefag but I want him to have the happiest ending possible, gonna get Marianne for him in the Blue Lions playthrough due to his ending with her since I'll be playing ManLeth.

>alois and gilbert S rank with M Byleth are platonic
why didn't we get a platonic S rank with Claude and Dimitri? we could've went the bro route, what the fuck.

No the game is absolutely terrible and after playing it after pirating it I want to shoot myself in the brain for reading such atrocity to ever grace my eyesight. I envy those with alzheimer's who could forget terrible shit like this by tomorrow unlike myself
Shitposting aside, make your own opinions. No outstanding redflags so far compared to fates outside ISIS not being good with 3d graphics (they're okay at best, dont really care about them)

>Gilbert and Alois can became your Jagen
>or you can become the Jagen to Claude or Dimitri
Damnit that sounds like fun.


So in the end Edelgard was absolutely right

The funny thing is that the church being bad has never happened in FE and more often then not, they're good guys/side allies.
FE doesn't follow the subtly sci-fi but more often than not medieval fantasy trope most JRPGs do either

So basically SMT and Drakengard had a baby and named it Fire Emblem Three Houses?

ok ok, it has at least a readable story for a change. How about the maps? gameplay?

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I still kinda want to fuck Dimitri, he needs healing sex.

She created your mom so she's your grandmother too so it's a grandmother-mother-daughter-sister-wife

Based wife

>lore says that Sothis gave Fodlan crests because another continent with their own magic invaded Fodlan in the past and was too powerful to defeat until the crests allowed them to repel the invaders
>Edelgard destroys crests

In that it was her people the ones doing the experiments and not the church? Nope, she was an idiot.

Shut the hell up Edelgard, sensei is never going to fuck you

Not at all. EVEN IF you view crests as this absolute evil that must be purged, it gets resolved by Sylvain anyways

She's basically just throwing a tantrum because of the stuff crests subjected her to.

You mean classy?

Isn't it better to side with the church than either Dimitri or Edelgard? They're the ones actively doing shit I wanna poach most of their houses to my side because I really do not care for their little sibling spat, hope they kill each other.

ahh I want to fuck Rhea and lend my body to Sothis mid-sex so she can be disgusted by it

The gangs all here

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Gameplay is solid from what we've seen. Maps are still up in the air.

Is Dimitri that bad? Isn't he just reacting to Edelgard being a psycho?

But the Adrestian Empire was the one doing the crest experiments. Her own country is responsible for most of the major shit.

That's Claude's route then

Rhea is perfect holy shit

>Sylvain saves the world and gets laid at the same time
What a fucking CHAD.

>Not all S supports are romantic.

Wait, what happens between Edelgard and the female MC? Do they have a sister relationship or someting?

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Edelgard is just projecting her admittedly horrific experiences onto the world.

All that customization will break the game clean in half


Well, yes, Edelgard is the final boss of his route.

Copypaste of the male one, a lot more underwhelming than the other two lords but romantic nonetheless

Game looks like shit, who cares


Ok this is all I needed to know. Thanks user.

>a lot more underwhelming than the other two lords
How so?

She's like a serial killer that was abused as a child so she takes that childhood trauma out on everyone else


This, aren't the people responsible in the first place Ferdinand's father, Hubert's father and Mercedes family? Why the fuck does she need to massacre the Church of Seiros, the Liecester Alliance and the Kingdom of Fearghus over an Adrestian Empire conflict that only involved Adrestian Empire nobles?

So are any of the gay supports even go through with being gay or is it just all platonic?

So a villain

No, there's no difference of M/F byleth relationship Edelgard, you can romance her, and she will still kiss you regardless of byleth gender

Dimitri makes you his queen.
Claude makes you de facto queen of the whole thing while he's away.
Edelgard makes you her lover because you aren't a noble until she can retire.

Claude's route is objectively the best.

shut up rhea

But what about Rhea route?

She was making the mother of all omelettes

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Why are people calling Edelgard a Gorilla anyway?

Edelgard is gonna get super whitewashed by the waifufags.

She wants to get rid of crests on a whole because the entire world has a dumb caste system surrounding them. Yeah the nobles did some evil shit to her but we have cases like Sylvain's brother and even (you) that got fucked over by them existing too. The last one was the church's fault as well. They also imply that Nemesis will keep coming back as long as crests exist so she created a permanent solution to it. The only people that actually had to die was the church's heads, everyone else got killed because they wouldn't back down.

So Your Edelgards slut basically
worst route
worst girl

I can't be bothered to find all of them but Byleth gets married to the other two lords while Edelgard is more of a wink wink nudge nudge kind of thing



How do you get on the Rhea route?

>because you aren't a noble
She has no problem massacring the Church in the name of upending tradition but marrying the person you love is too far?

And then Dimitri literally fixed the Caste system without killing the church or nobles.

Super strong

But crests aren't the actual problem Edgelord


Is that your headcanon?

Byleth x Edelgard
S0 fought alongside Edelgard to bring\nan end to the tyranny of a godlike being. Though EK00heEL00sheEM00\nwas wounded in the battle and lost the power of the\nprogenitor god, EK00heEL00sheEM00 remained determined to walk EK00hisEL00herEM00\ndestined path. With EK00hisEL00herEM00 legendary blade in hand,\nEK00heEL00sheEM00 will never stop standing against those who slither\nin the dark until Fódlan at last knows everlasting peace.

Byleth x Dimitri
S0 helped Dimitri to finally crush the\nambitions of the Empire. After the war, Rhea stepped\ndown from her role as archbishop, and S0\nswore to lead the Church of Seiros in her stead.\nEK00HeEL00SheEM00 helped to guide the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus\nas it brought leadership to the newly unified Fódlan\nand worked tirelessly to create a peaceful world\nfree from the shackles of oppression.

Byleth x Claude
Together, S0 and Claude sent the Fell King\nNemesis, a foe from a bygone age, back to the flames of\neternity from whence he came. Afterward, Claude left\nFódlan, leaving S0 to ascend the throne\nas the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan.\nAs he took his schemes and dreams and efforts to a\nfar-off land, he hoped dearly that their joint efforts\nwould one day allow for a world where all of humanity\ncan coexist in peace and harmony, regardless of\nborders or bloodlines.

Where's the webm of this?

>the game's main theme is about Edelgard regretting her tragic decisions that she was forced to make and that fate forces her into a conflict
>game comes out


>Why do Japs hate gays so much?

Wrong. Historically speaking Japan has embrace their gayness long before WW2.

Dimitrifags lying on internet again, who would have thought?

>You are obsessively devoted to this war and deaf to\nthe screams of its victims.
>You cannot change the cycle of the strong\ndominating the weak with a method like that.
>You're wrong. That very cycle is exactly what I have\ndevoted my life and my power to destroying.
>If after all of this you believe the weak will still be\nweak, that is only because they are too used to\nrelying on others instead of on themselves.
>Yes. Perhaps someone as strong as you are can\nclaim something like that.
>But you cannot force that belief onto others.\nPeople aren't as strong as you think they are.
>There are those who cannot live without their faith...\nand those who cannot go on once they have lost\ntheir reason for living.
>Your path will not be able to save them. It is the path\nof the strong, and so, it could only benefit the strong.

Wow. The /smt/ memes were right.

Well it'll be interesting to play this game now, just to see if Edelgard can top Azura in terms of "stupidly unnecessary" deaths

Claude is literally creating the modern world.

From what I've heard Rhea route is Black Eagles minus Hubert and Edelgard plus whoever you manage to snipe and Rhea becomes your lord. Probably sounds like a good NG+ run depending on how NG+ is handled.

When you learn that waifu bitch hired evil cultists to kill Dimitri and wants to start all out war, you have option to not side with her. That's how you end on Rhea route

Boring endings

I too browse reddit

Edelgard is literally a psycho as early as the tutorial fight kek

Attached: Claude Timeskip.png (959x960, 740K)

Those aren't the paired endings...

>Edelgard is actually a crazy tyrant

All my hopes and dreams for this game are coming true.

Attached: 1563797842983.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

That's with Male Byleth retard. Here's the one for Femleth and here's the S support
[spoler]>To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all.
>My beloved...
> beloved.
>Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation.
>Give me your hand.
>Please... I beg of you. Say something!
>If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
>That's not it at all...
>What is this?
>I love you, Dimitri. Marry me.
>You beat me to it...
>Yes, I see. Right.
>In that case, let us exchange them, shall we?
>Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are.
>These hands that have saved me countless times... Thank you, my beloved.
>Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore... [/spoiler]

He's also right about Claude making Byleth rule the kingdom for a some time while he's fixing his own problems. He promises he'll come back and will form a new world with her.

Brainless and strong

The theme song is a literal joke now. She talks about how she has "a blackened heart from flames I can't run from" when she is the one that lit the fire and fanned the flames.

>all the Edelgard waifufags fucked off the second they realized the bitch was always a nutcase

>Implying that's not exactly what they wanted

>Nemesis and his retards can return at any time
>Not killing the nobles means that there's always the possibility of a subset of them pulling a Lopt Sect and fucking up everyone 100s of years down the road.

So now that everything's out there...

are the 9 master classes all there is or are there more that you can unlock?

Attached: 1468293516640.png (162x162, 43K)

Fuck crests

Attached: IMG_20190723_005300.jpg (1000x1000, 68K)

I think they at least expected to rule as co Emperors in the end instead of just being her bitch

Bitch projecting harder than a movie theater right now

user, that only reinforces my decision to play her route first. My little bloodthirsty revolutionary tyrant can't be this cute!

You don't know waifufags really well, do you.

You need to stop and think for a bit. Edelgard was created because of her own personal trauma, personal trauma she projected on the world and slaughtered tons and tons of people, ruling with an iron fist.

Crests were just a vehicle for Edelgard's trauma, which was despair from wonton murder and cruelty.

Crests or no crests, Edelgard's actions have created tons of new Edelgards, ready to project their suffering and pain all over the world.

Attached: Arthur.jpg (900x720, 75K)

You don't need crests for a group of bad nobles to fuck everything up in the future, either.

Is that yours?
>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas EK00heEL00sheEM00 and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming\nthe antiquated class system. They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.
>>Paired with the end of the war, the joyous marriage of\nS0, the newly-appointed archbishop,\nand Dimitri, the newly-crowned king of Faerghus,\ngave the people of Fódlan much to celebrate. The two\nwere devoted to improving life for the people and to\nseeking greater wisdom in order to reform the government\nand the church from the inside out. As leaders of church\nand state respectively, at times they engaged in heated\ndebate. Even still, when enjoying a long horse ride or a\nquiet evening, they were not as the world saw them,\nbut rather two adoring spouses, desperately in love.\nThey remained as such for the rest of their days.
>After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United\nKingdom of Fódlan, S0 sought to rebuild\nthe war-torn towns and villages and to help guide the\nreformation of the Church of Seiros. After a few months of\npeace, remnants of the Imperial army joined with those\nwho slither in the dark and marched upon the capital city\nof Derdriu. The new kingdom lacked the power to repel\nthe invaders, but when defeat seemed imminent, a battle\ncry rang out from the east. Claude, the newly-crowned\nKing of Almyra, led a mighty army that broke through the\nrebel forces with ease. This show of solidarity forever\naltered the course of history, heralding a new age of unity.

And Seiros gave Fodlan crests because they kept getting invaded by foreigners with their own powers and the crests acted as a deterrent.

So if Edelgard = flame emperor who is death knight?

Nah, I love the idea of being her slut.

Arthas did nothing wrong. Edelgard did everything wrong

We need one of these with Edelgard

Attached: Edelgard shoot.png (1956x2171, 3.54M)

All signs point to it being Jeritza, who is probably Emile, Mercedes' younger brother.

There is one, pity I didn't save it.

>Turns out that Kingdom was the Grannvell empire

And the crests even have a benevolent purpose to them. Edelgard is just projecting

Do any of the kids parents make an appearance?

Crests and nobles are both bad. Its better to give all the commoners weapons they can use to repel the invasions of foreigners and others.

I don't get why people are saying that Edelgard is bad just because she murder everyone without realizing that she literally is hurt. It's not her fault she went crazy, all that experiment turn her into a paranoid monster that make it hard for her to trust anyone. People thought Dimitri was the tormented one, but no, it's Edelgard.

With all the SMT comparisons going around this thread, what would be the Law/Neutral/Chaos of Fates and Radiant Dawn?

>can't romance Edelgard without being her enabler for her genocidal ambitions

Lover with Edelgard
Queen with Dimitri
Acquientances with Claude

Foreigners have their own magic that rivals the crests according to the lore.

Tick-tock bitch, I'm coming for you on saturday

>dimitri proves you can solve the caste system without killing everyone
>sylvain cures aids in a support
Edelshit truly is the most incompetent lord...

New thread?

Edelgard and Claude both promise to marry Byleth in the future, in their S Support. Problem is those two cannot do it yet, Edelgard needs to train a successor and Claude needs to fix his kingdom.

Claude promises in his S support that he will come back for F!Byleth once his shit it settled.

The entire fire emblem 3 house revolves around her and rhea, the rest is kinda irrelevant outside their own route

Reminder that Thales and his people were literally firing magic ICBMs because they had access to crests. As long as crests exist, there's nothing preventing someone from inheriting it and doing the same thing.

So is Edelgard, your point?

They don't fucking love Byleth
This game is for Dimitri otomestacies

>as long as crests exist, we might get a new Advance Wars game in the future
Based crests.

Women don't even owned switch

Attached: 1563379647744.png (572x204, 30K)


It's fire emblem, even without crests you have mages with magical nukes. The reason they got crests is because they were being buttfucked by foreigners.

>>Rhea: Rhea is a dragon and in Rhea's route the final boss is the Thales, you ride on Rhea to fight the final boss together
Why is no one talking about this? Was the rest of the route that boring/bad?

People already saw the inevitable dragon/unity route coming so no one gave a shit

it's cool, I'll certainly go her route and have a degenerate relationship and a cool dragon fight at the end of it.