What's the most expensive game you physically own?

What's the most expensive game you physically own?

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A couple copies of chrono trigger probably.

PAL Fire emblem PoR

skyrocketed in price a couple years after i bought it

I guess PoR for me too, but I have the American NTSC one.

Few Neo Geo games. Also Panorama game & watch: Mario's bombs away and Snoopy.

A still sealed copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy, the steelbook version of it

>selled my MP 1 & 2 to buy Trilogy
>never managed to get it or the other games back

I've made a mistake.

Nice. Only sealed game what I have is NBA 2K13 for WiiU. they handed out those games when I bought the Console even if I didn't want it.

Either PoR like the other two anons or the french collector's edition of Castlevania Lords of Shadow since there's like only 100 of them because of production issues for the metal mask of god (severe enough that those collectors were released 1 month after the game).

2 copies of Snatcher. One NTSC, one PAL.

Sealed eternal darkness, I think.

suikoden 2 for the playstation 1. I think it goes for like 200-300 dollars

Probably a leafgreen cartridge with wireless adapter. Either that or a sealed pokemon black.

Cubivore, I think.

Kill yourself

according to pricecharting apparently its the liar princess and the blind prince for the ps4

guess it pays off to be a faggot

I think I got that Mega Man Tron Bonne game somewhere. Last time I checked PAL was pretty rare.

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Pokemon Box, which is objectively the best way to play Ruby and Sapphire on the GameCube.
Sucks that the others aren't compatible.

Lucky bastard.

Why would you ever need multiple copies?

I got one for dumb cheap so I bought it.

>PAL Fire emblem PoR
Fuck man, I had no idea. Might sell it.

Panzer Dragoon Saga.

I know a guy who owns one of the rarest N64 games (Super Bowling)

Dragon Blaze PS2 pal (200€)
Paper Mario pal (80€)
PoR pal (80€)
Megaman Soccet NTSC (50€)
Hack Quarantine and Outbreak (150€)

Those are my babies

I have a OoT cartridge with red blood and the muslim chant. Not the golden one though.

I have a still sealed copy of Pokémon Gold, eBay is selling them for $300. Is this shit real?

I own Megaman 2, 3, and 4 complete in box. I bought them fairly cheap, I want to own Megaman 1-6 in box but 1, 5, and 6 are the expensive ones to own in box, so I've held off on them for now.

Silent Hill 2-3 original PC versions in mint condition. Silent Hill original PSX version also in mint condition.

Rule of Rose
Haunting Ground
Suikoden 2
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny 2
.hack quarantine
Blood Will Tell
Robot Alchemic Drive
Ar Nosurge Plus

>Look up my VCR
>Anywhere from $300-$500 used
Is this recent or have good VCRs always been expensive? Are there expensive VHS tapes too? This honestly baffles me.

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mint condition too lol

You're selling nostalgia, what you're selling has to be in very good condition though.

Some English limited edition of one the Nep games.
Less than 1000 of these were ever made and were sold on some obscure amazon link before idea factory international had an official store. They sold out in 23 seconds.
I don't even know how much it's worth because I can't find another sealed copy online to judge.

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A copy of the Gamecube version of Twin Snakes. Unwrapped but never played since a friend convinced me the PS1 version was still superior.

I've got the boxes and instruction manual for all the N64 games I own they have been opened though. All my N64 games are PAL
>Ocarina Of Time v1.2 (gold cartridge)
>Mario 64
>Marjoras Mask (gold cartridge)
>Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie
>Donkey Kong 64 (orange cartridge)
>Pokemon Snap
>Smash Bros
>Blast Corps
>Silicon Valley
>Legend of the Mystical Ninja (2 I think)
>Mario Party 1
>MarioKart 64
>Star Fox 64

Think thats about it from my memory



Yup, also got a copy of Suikoden 2
I'm in debt but I think I'll hold onto it for a bit longer

Contra Force CIB

Either Tales of Destiny or Dokapon Kingdom on the Wii. Man I fucking love Dokapon.

Probably my copy of terranigma on the snes though its in french. Or it would be this thing, never liked four swords though

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I have the US version, but I don't have inserts.

I have the pre-order variant of Pokemon Colosseum

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pal sealed Secret of Evermore. Dutch version though. No idea about the value

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Every single mainline pokemon game

Question to those in NTCS region. Are PAL games more expensive or cheaper around there? I'm from pal region and NTCS games are typically 10$ cheaper than their PAL equivalents.

Solatorobo with the pack-in soundtrack is probably my most expensive.
not sealed, obviously, I played the shit out of that game, but even unsealed but CIB is worth big bux now iirc.

I have a sealed Megaman X5 for PS1. Don't know how valuable it is, but I guess it's worth something at least.


Persona 2 on the PS1 or the green gamecube controller for the tales game.

Probably this, also kind of tempted to order that Shenmue 3 limited edition when it comes out since I can tell that's going to be super rare.

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FF7 and 8 on PC. Last I checked they were $100 each

There are multiple endings retard

I am still mad about that. I was at work when they went on sale so I had to try and buy it on my phone. I was logged in, mashing refresh on my phone until it popped up. I would have had it but for some reason Amazon wanted me to type in my password again. Those extra few seconds cost me the game.

>Donkey Kong 64 (orange cartridge)
>orange cartridge
You mean yellow, right?

I have the complete copies (box, manual, cartridge, etc.) Of Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger

>Why my Fortnite account, of course. All those V-Bucks were worth it.

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I have 25 copies of Conker's bad fur day. Found em at a garage sale, some hoarder died. All sealed in box. I wonder if this post will affect the resale market.
If I get repeating digits I'll upload a video of me destroying a copy.

Probably HeartGold

Is that asking price, or have models actually "sold" for that much? That's the main question

I have a copy of Ogre Battle for the SNES. I also have a boxed copy of Valkyrie Profile for the PSX, but that value has gone down when it got re-released on the PSP.
I also have an original WoW collector's edition, but since I used the codes, it's not worth all that much. If it was unused, it would be the most valuable thing in my collection.

Too many to list. Cllecting is my life. I'd be ashamed if i only had 1 or 2 expensive titles.

I recently gave away a shit ton of VHS tapes, looked them up before hand, pretty much none are worth jack shit except certain Disney ones

sealed copy of conkers bad fur day and a sealed pokemon ruby

Reminds me of the South African guy I talked with while playing Overwatch. The guy said that he had spent over 1000$ on fucking lootboxes.

which I don't get because, if you like overwatch that much, surely you play it? You can get any skin you want by just playing the game, I no longer play but when I did I got every summer skin except 1 which I bought with the credits.

Yeah especially when all the game gives you is purely cosmetics. Mostly some crappy sprays.

>What's the most expensive game you physically own?
Either Earthbound or Chrono trigger.

Why wouldn't you at least play it?? I'd agree the original IS better but Twin Snakes is still worth playing.

Joe and Mac 2 and Flinstones/Sierra Madrock for Snes.

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Hyper Iria for the SFC

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You can have mine for the low price of *checks amazon* $1,500.
What the fuck.

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Fuuug, Iria was the first anime I saw. Long long ago when Sci Fi aired anime late at night.

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Which is only worth like $100 I think.

>kung pow on top of the pile

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Mega Man V for gameboy

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its an orange-ish yellow like colour.

Nier Automata Collector's Edition for PS4.
For non CE, my most expensive games are a toss-up between Kuon and Rule of Rose on PS2.

At least, according to Pricecharting.

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Duck Tales for the NES

Duck Tales 2 I mean

I just starting searching some shit that was not already listed in thread and this was the first above retail result.

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It would probably be something in here. One of the ps1 games like Tron bonne or suikoden ii.

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SNES/GC games are better than stocks

literally just checked my etrian collection and what the fuck is with nds game pricing? like fuck are they "rare" hundreds of thousands of copies got printed

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They're "rare" because the turbojews selling want more money for them.

I would suggest checking ebay with the "only show sold listings" option active for a better idea of current game prices.

$50 cart only
$80 with box
i dont get it, just get the rom, fuck those kikes.

Post a pick of DK64. Ive never seen PAL in anything but gray.

Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak. Pretty sure my big sis found it back when it was easy to find NES games at goodwill for peanuts, and she had no clue it was a rare game until I told her several years later, and by then she already gave me her entire retro game collection.

cowboy kid on nes

Master of Darkness for Sega Master System
Battlemaniacs for Sega Master System
Knuckles Chaotix for S32X
Gargoyle's Quest II for NES

i dont own games anymore

Solatorobo US collectors edition
Tail Concerto
Chrono Trigger
Klonoa Door to Phantomile
.hack IMOQ
Megaman X2
Megaman X Collection GC
I also own a rare Gex plush

But I play through all my games regularly, I dont just buy rare shit to gloat

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this or Haunting Ground on PS2. Honorable mentions to Path Of Radiance, Dokapon Kingdom on Wii, Xenosaga 3, and the chainsaw controller from RE4 complete in the display case. The PS2 version mind you. I have the Gamecube one but i on'y have the shitty stand.

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why is toobie's bizarre adventures so goddamn high?

I'm so mad I didn't get into game collecting until now. It sucks spending $100 per game.

Panzer Dragoon Saga. I found it at Goodwill for only $8, whatta steal!

what the fuck Etrian 3 is THAT high? I thought shit like Soladerobo, Zombie BBQ Riding Hood or The Dark Spire were the high end DS titles


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I own a prototype for Earthworm Jim 2 on SNES but it's already been dumped so it's probably worth like 2 dollars now.
Got this from my uncle who briefly worked at Interplay when 3D was being cast into this world.

A japanese Final Fantay 5.

Castlevania SotN for PS1 Sealed

Etrian 3 sold the worst in the trilogy not to mention

>it's the only one without a remake
>commonly seen as "the best EO" by fans
>gamestop probably threw out the few cases that were in the wild by now
>Atlus didn't reissue it unlike 1 and 2 which are both worth less than half of EO3 right now

joke's on you faggot. I got my copy in 2009 for 10 preowned bucks at gamestops. Get Nexus while you can before it skyrockets I guarantee you the same shit is going to happen to it in 10 years

What’s the best way to go about selling something that’s worth $200+?
I’ve gotten fucked over selling shit on eBay before, is there any way to prevent that or a better site to use?

Sealed Misadventures of Tron Bonne and sealed Megaman 64. I don't know if it's rare but I also have the PC version of Megaman Legends

go to a con

A clean, boxed Atari 2600 with like 15 of the most popular games on it along with their boxes, I guess ?

This isn't my picture. But I have a fully sealed original copy of Valkyrie Profile. It's in a plastic box just like pic related. As well as a mint opened one and then my used resurfaced copy that I use to play that I bought for $10.

It's worth a few hundred at least. I'd never sell it, its just to keep because VP is my favorite game ever.

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Probably nothing amazingly expensive. In fact I'm downsizing my collection at this moment and dumping stuff on ebay and downloading ROMS or pirating replacements. Shit has gotten out of hand and really the only games I have sentimental feelings towards were ones I had as a kid which are mostly long gone any way. Made about $400 so far and have a long way to go.

same here user, i know it sounds incredibly faggy but it's started to become more about playing and enjoying the games than it is owning them. i still play on original hardware though.

copy of pokemon blue, with the manual and box

Yep. Also to me it seems like a good time to cash in on nostalgia. A lot of millenials have jobs and disposable income now but aren't necessarily settled down and spending it all on family stuff.

I don't think zoomers or anyone after them are going to give a shit about having all this stuff.

What the ACTUAL fuck, why the fuck is this 350 bucks on ebay?

Majoras mask N64

>tfw I don't own any rare physical games

Closest thing would be an opened and used chrono trigger ds that I bought on sale like a year after it came out.

>owning physical games in the current year
Big lol

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those days will never come back

Wait, what? I have fucktons of old VHS and Betamax VCRs from my dad. I don't plan on being some kind of ebay seller because I'm not poor, but goddamn, why.

Why the fuck would anyone ever want to get back into VCRs. Tapes fucking sucked. It's not even like old video game consoles and CRTs where not eveything emulates properly and CRTs have distinct advantages over newer displays. It's just a straight-up objective fact that tapes are worse than digital media.

>expensive games.
You mean games that didn't sell well and got liquidated for 2.99 at K-Mart?
Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak, Little Samson, Panic Restaurant, Duck Tales 2, Rescue Rangers 2.
This shit wasn't hard to find years after it came out.
Regret and nostalgia jumped the value into stupid areas, but It means nothing to me.
I paid less than 25 dollars for all of the above combined, brand new, still sealed in a bargain bin back in 1996.

Bomberman 64 2, it goes over 200$ and wasn't released in Europe.

Japan version is cheaper though

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Conker's Bad Fur Day with box and manual probably. Or the original run OoT cart maybe. I think Paper Mario box and manual is pretty valuable too.

>he sold off all his old vidya instead of keeping everything
come on, son

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i guess mgs1 PAL non-platinum mint condition. Never ever gonna sell it

If you buy digital when you can buy a legit physical you're a fool. Assuming you're not getting at least 40% off your purchase.

>Buying air

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I don't keep track of prices or anything like that. AFAIK I don't own anything super expensive, just a lot of games that still retain values into the 50s and 60s. Mainly a bunch of nintendo stuff, because of the nintendo tax and how idiots will spend out the ass for anything old so long as it's got zelda or mario on the front.

Having said that, perhaps prices have gotten more sensible? I remember checking a while back at prices for games like Smash Bros Melee and the average going price had escalated to 60 dollars or more. I just rechecked and now it's down to $32. Perhaps people have come to their senses?

Probably my copy of Burning Rangers.

Not to mention buying digital for consoles is absolutely fucking retarded, since consoles are a closed-system and as soon as they decide to pull the plug, you lose all your digitally "owned" games

Of course, now in the 8th gen, this problem applies to physical purchased games too, since AFAIK every game requires a massive download from the servers just to be playable at all. So in however many years when PS4/Xbone servers shut down, what becomes of those consoles? Do all those physical games just become coasters?

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based game, although the framerate is choppy as fuck (as with many games of the time).
I'm just glad when I decided to purchase my saturn, I just went ahead and got a modchip and stack of CDs. Cool system but those prices are far too rich for my blood.

Megaman X3 in box and that"s just the most valuable because I own a lot of expensive retro games.
I never paid anything close to their current value for them. I bought X3 in the box for 50 bucks back when I was 14. Now it's worth 600 bucks. I gave up from expanding on my retro collection because now the only ones in the retro game business are filthy bulk buying redneck scalpers out for a quick buck who have the audacity of selling games like Ocarina of time 80 bucks with a sun washed ripped label. I just came back from the flea market and I saw a bunch of these fucking bitch ass scalpers today selling bootleg controllers as originals and badly upkept cartridge at full value. The retro game inflation pisses me off because scalping faggots boosted prices out of fucking nowhere.I saw a guy who tried to sell me a reproduction ALTTP cartridge for 70 bucks when a good condition original isn't worth more than 40.
Oh and apparently, even bad games have rarity now. I could sell my copy of Milon's secret castle for 100$.

Technically it would be Ultima Escape from Mount Drash since it’s one of the 10 rarest games on earth but in my case I only have the cassette and a vic-20 to go with it so it’s not worth that much.
Pic related isn’t my copy. Mine is a little dirtier but still perfectly serviceable.

Uncle found it years ago at the dump he works at along with several other working cassettes.

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Chrono Trigger on DS

I think my most expensive game I own is the Pokemon Heart Gold with the pokewalker edition, NIB its woth a few hundred nothing crazy.

Fuck yeah, I'd say I want them to try and re-release it to fix the frame issues, but SEGA fucks up hard with their remasters/re-releases so I'll just take what I have.
Panzer Dragoon remake is looking sick though.

Used to be all three .Hack GU unopened, but prices have gone down since the re-release on ps4.

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>Panzer Dragoon remake is looking sick though.
That's right, I forgot that was a thing. Not sure if I'll prefer it over the original. There's just something about the original's look

Rule of rose is now the most expensive game I own.

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Gauntlet Dark Legacy on Gamecube, despite being a Midway multiplat the GC version still goes for 50+ with box/manual.

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That's just the nintendo tax. You see the same thing with most multiplats from Gen 6. Gamecube version of something almost always goes for significantly more, even with the GC version is the same or even inferior to other releases.

Any good tips for finding rare games at yard/garage/estate/whatever sales? Ive been trying to find good stuff but its all just the standard mario and wii sports. Ive been very lucky maybe one time.

Either soul silver or Mario Land

Yeah, there's always a bit of magic lost when something gets remastered, especially with 32-bit games. Still, it's better than watching them shit out another Sonic game.

Oh yeah, I forgot having SoulSilver with the box and manual and PokeWalker is probs pretty valuable.

The only rare games there are xenosaga 3 and shadow hearts.

Very true. Hopefully Sega gets their shit together and also starts bringing back a lot of their classic non-sonic franchises. It's just a shame that many people don't even know what's on their old systems beyond sonic.

Wait a minute, exactly how "valuable" are pokemon games? They each sold metric fuckloads, they should be common as fuck.
I still got all my pokemon games from Gold up through Y, including peripherals like the pokewalker and wireless adapter

anything pokemon you can't buy today, new in a store, is pretty valuable
gens 1 to 4

Sega Genesis Miracle piano teaching system

For the Gameboy games in particular, the batteries that save progress might as well be made of fucking paper clips, so finding a functioning one is harder than you'd think. Can't speak for anything beyond Gen 2 tho.

Rule of Rose?

You know you can just replace dead batteries in old cartridges, right? Takes 5 seconds with a soldering iron and some watch batteries

HGSS with box, manual, and Pokewalker can generally be in the $130USD range.

Unfortunately the tip is "go back in time before everyone had the internet in their pocket". Something that could maybe be an actual tip? Be the videogame guy in your family and friends circle and try to have everything passed on to you. Old forgotten systems and games left in attics or whatever. Its up to you how morale you want to be regarding giving them enough money to cover their actual value though.

Path of Radiance is my most expensive game. It’d be interesting to see how much my total collection is valued.

That's very true, but keep in mind this is the general public/Pokefags we're talking about.

For me in particular, I'm autistic as fuck when it comes to cracking open anything. Tried fixing my Virtual Boy once and I failed miserably. Not that I'm that concerned with that stuff anyway.

Some fat neckbeard in the early 2000s told me never to sell my Pokemon games when I was picking up saphire. I think my parents must've gave them away when I moved out.

How’s that license treating you, champ?

A physical copy of HoMM VII bought day one full price.

Since this game is a massive shit, and therefore it has no value, I think it's the most expensive one in my collection.

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Gauntlet is definitely the worst offender, I've picked up Nightfire, Battle For Bikini Bottom and Godzilla Destroy All Monsters for well under 20 but for some reason Gauntlet has always been expensive, even back in 2002 I remember it being the one game Blockbuster was charging 50 to own, even Melee was only 40 when my brother and I bought it from the same location

I used to own the miracle knight rayearth dreamcast game.

costs like $300


>77 loose
lel, I bet that's without the pokewalker too.

Well, I guess I know I can make a couple hundred bucks by just selling all my old pokeyman games if I were in desperate need, so there's that.
Still very strange.

i mean sega saturn

Tombi. Worth £120-140

This. The idea of collecting old vidya for decent prices ended when everyone got smart phones and thinks they're entrepreneurs looking at bullshit Buy-It-Now prices on ebay. There hasn't even been a reason to even attempt going to flea markets or garage sales trying to get old games anymore. You either won't find jack shit, or scalping reseller jews will have already come around and snatched everything up and charging double the price at their own table, or the owner thinks his copy of super mario bros is worth 30 bucks. It's just not worth wasting all your time with that bullshit.

Nowadays if you really want to play on old systems, just get an everdrive or one of the chink clones.

one of these with the original box
no manuals though

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Same here, how much did you spend?
800 maple syrup bucks for me.

Alpine Racer 2 at about $700

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After tallying it up, my consoles are worth up to $1276.89. This is including:
>Wii U
>Xbox 360 Elite
>Xbox One X
>Gameboy Pocket
>Gameboy Color
>Gameboy Advance SP
>DS phat
>New 3DS

Surprised at how low some of the retro consoles are currently selling though.

Eternal reminder that unless you're into JRPGshit, it's better to buy all SNES hardware/games imported from Japan where they're dirt fucking cheap, and the language difference doesn't matter in any games worth a damn

Conker's Bad Fur Day, probably.

It goes for around a hundred nowadays, doesn't it?

That's always a good one for these threads. Got mine back in the '90s when it was like only 50 bucks used. [checks egay quickly] What. The. Fuck. When did this price happen?
Also got pic related back in the '90s too when Blockbuster was blowing them out for a buck each. Looks like they've stayed at a sane price.

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>has FFXI plushies in front

probably Magic Knight Rayearth

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Hey i got that too
pictured to the right of this old pic

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I dunno, Earthbound maybe?

Going by the Bing Shopping, SOTN, Parasite Eve, and RE2 on GC are my most expensive games

Probably Togepi's Great Adventure, I have every Pokemon Mini game (none have their boxes) so that and a couple others on the system are probably my most expensive games. Also PAL Path of Radiance I guess.

>how much did you spend?
>800 maple syrup bucks for me.

Not the same user, but $40 here because it came out after the Saturn was already declared dead, so it wasn't hard to get day 1.

I didn't even know it was worth anything until 8 years ago when a random friend freaked out seeing it on my shelf.

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>never liked four swords though

Any time anyone says this it's a big tell you either didn't have friends, or friends with gameboys. When you actually manage to get 4 together and get it all set up, this game was more competitive, hectic and fun than any Mario party, and even most the Smash games.

>receipt with it
I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. I've been doing it since 2001 when I bought Metroid Prime

>fellow receiptbros
thought I was the only one also

Viewtiful Joe is actually super cheap though? I found my copy and thought it might be worth something but it's actually nothing. I don't know what you are talking about.

Space Megaforce, Pocky & Rocky 2, or R-Type III.

Thread inspired me to pricechart my collection.

>Most valuable Saturn games are US Enemy Zero at $91.55 and JP Dodonpachi at $74.58.
>Most valuable Dreamcast game is D2 at $65.00
>Most valuable PS2 game is Echo Night Beyond at $78.00
>The crown jewel of my collection is fucking Outrun 2006 on Xbox


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Tetris DS because I don't buy games anymore. I wish I could though, I want a cool game collection.

Clay Fighter 63/13 Sculptors Cut hands down, dunno how I got it either

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I don’t believe you.

Another one I have is TWO shrink-wrapped copies of Virtual Boy Waterworld that I got when TRU was getting rid of them for under 10 bucks each. Making it even sweeter was that I noticed the cashier only scanned one copy, and I kept my mouth shut about it.

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Had Suikoden 2 and Star Ocean 2 in their cases with manuals but my mom gave them to good will when I went to college.

Still mad like 13 years later.

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Probably Radiant Silvergun.

heartgold ez

The prime trilogy collection apparently.

Dunno about value, but I remember even when I bought my copy of Radiata Stories back in like 2007 the guy working the counter told me it was a difficult game to come by.

Bought a physical copy still in the plastic for like 40 bucks on Amazon a few years ago.

Tomba and probably Gravity Ruch Remastered

Final Fantasy IV for the Wanderswan Color.

These two.

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Sonic the Hedgehog on the genesis. It's priceless, because it's not for resale.

Do you think its worth jumping into game collecting now and picking up these games at $100, $200 before they hit $800 or has the ship saled and prices plateau'd? I was told to "just wait for a price drop the bubble can't last forever" and now those $50 games I wanted are $100 games.

Same here, bought it for 5 bucks at a flea market

I still have my copy of Tetrisphere and Mario 64
I wish I still held on to my copy of Paper Mario

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You purchased a signed copy from Amazon?

A CIB Little Samson PAL. Also a few other CIB NES games.

Sealed super mario sunshine. Paid $70 USD for it but I don't know what it's worth now

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I have one of these, along with almost every game, overlay, and box. 2 Controllers, the lightpen accessory, and the 3D Goggles. Shits rad.

Metroid Prime came out in 2002 you lying retard

>get a random call from my mother one day
>only niece is visiting
>all cool and good
>mother tells me she's gifting her my old games with the consoles
>some 5th gen games, shitton of 6th gen games and consoles and some 7th gen games
>scream no on the phone
>hang up
>rush home
>stop her just as she's getting on a step ladder to rummage my stashed trash
>everyone's face when I tell them to get off my shit and get the girl an emulator on her phone

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I have an unopened copy of this. Became obsolete as soon as it released due to Kotor 2 being released on steam.
Right now it goes for $100. If it ever gets high enough I'll sell it to some crazy kotor uber fanboy.

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very nice

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Kirby's Dreamland 3 and a complete Pokemon Stadium 2

MY DOG CHEWED MINE BACK IN THE DAY..........among other gaming related things...........and my face

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I got little samson at a goodwill in about 2002. I cant believe it goes for like 500 dollars now.


If you can count CiB adding extra value, probably some pokemon games. My copy of Heartgold still has the pokewalker, box (not the game case, the box) and insert and those look like they go for a lot.

Other than that I don't have anything stupid rare or anything.

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Spotted a vectrex at a pawn shop a few months ago and I wanted it but it was stupid expensive, like 400$

Still wish I got it though.

About $100

I guess limited editions

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It’s probably one of my Saturn games. I’ve had them since I was a kid so I never bothered looking up their values

World of Warcraft Collector's Edition - the original one from 1994. Box set with the cloth map, hardback art book, soundtrack, etc. And the 3 unique in-game pets (panda cub, diablo, zergling). But to sell it, I'd have to sell the account since the pets are linked to it. Seeing as that account has a Scarab Lord on it among things, it was probably work a lot of money about 7 years ago. I stopped playing in 2009. Should have sold it.

I don't know about the xbone byt there are like ~10 PS4 games that actually require patches to run. And they're all CoD, Asscreed, Fifa etc. yearly western shit. Every other game just werks from the disc with no internet

FF7 for PS, black label, factory wrapped. Along with 8 and 9 and the mint-condition Brady Guides that go with them.

I got this shit in a closet. No idea what it's worth. Don't really care. The actual console is fried (I think)because some dumb mother fucker in my family use the wrong AC adapter on it. I've been meaning to look into that. And yeah, the date's wrong. I took it a while back for another thread.

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whoops. forgot to erase the backlink that I used to open the QR window.

>melee goes for 40-50
Can't wait to sell that one day to some sweaty swamp monster

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Same here, have a CiB HG and SS, have the pre-order figures too, didn't even know they were worth alot until a few months back

Either Suikoden 2 or Valkyrie Profile on PS1

I also own Gravity Rush Remaster and Order of Ecclesia

Well, I USED to own ClayFighter: Sculptors cut until I had it stolen from me, still pissed to this day.

I used to own all the expensive Dreamcast games, many of which like the Capcom shmups and fighters retailed for $20 new when i bought them. Sold everything but i still have Illbleed which is pretty valuable.

>mfw I saw that for sale in a gamestop for 20 bucks when it came out but didn't buy it

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Cubivore but without the box. I bought it for $10 along with a bunch of other shitty GameCube discs in one of those plastic disc holders

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No? It was new in the plastic wrap, nobody signed anything. I just said that. Try to keep up here man.

atari isnt worth shit user

Fun fact: This game is worth $100 now and i didn't even know it released in North America. I'm pretty pissed I didn't know because I love Yo Kai watch.

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Game collecting is pure cancer if you're in it to make money. Just collect good games you love and play

I would do the same, but I would gift her a game or two. I gave my niece Rhythm Heaven and a Wii with snes games and she freaked out.

The Famicom Game Boy Micro.
I got that fucker for 50$ in 2014 with DKC GBA.

Used to be Tronne Bonne, but Magic Knight Rayearth keeps going up and up.
$300 would be a steal, It goes for almost that disc-only. $500 seems to be the going price right now.

Damn nice, a real diamond in the rough

I haven’t even played my copy yet but I just collect Zelda games

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My prototype of Paper Mario 2

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Old collector here, not worth much, the usual games that everybody had, standard controllers, only moderately interesting game is Swordquest FireWorld, and that series was basically trash anyhow.

Yeah I wasnt planning on buying anything besides games I like. It's just that people have been telling me to "wait for them to drop" for like 5 years and since the prices have only doubled I think they are lying. I think I'll start now.

yolks on you though kid

i have every game in the series + art books and a medic + gunner figure. this is my retirement fund.

I got the 3 in 1 cartridge from the special edition.

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I really like owning the physical games, but I'm scared collecting them will only get more and more expensive as they get older and nostalgiafags/flipperscum horde up everything. In how long can we expect games that go for $20-40 -Like a lot of N64 and gamecube games- to be as expensive as Earthbound?

I got nexus for 25 bucks during amazon's prime sale

Nexus still is 25 bucks

Pokemon Box. Got it as a gift from a family member who went to New York. I didn't even own Ruby or Sapphire

I dunno, might be that one of the Limited Run or Super Rare games I own is worth a fair bit of money.

My brother has a bunch of Neo Geo games though, some cost a few hundred easily.

I had a copy of Earthbound CIB with the guide. I played it, but I kept all of my SNES games in their boxes because they didn't have hard cases like genesis. I sold my Earthbound copy with guide and box to someone in Silicon Valley for $850.

Robotrek for SNES, roughly worth 50 bucks right now
right behind it is my copy of Mega Man Soccer

I really want E.V.O. and Orgre Battle March of the Black Queen, and chrono trigger but all of those are hella expensive, especially EVO

why did Enix have to make such great but rare games?

same, also got Radiant Dawn

>this was going for like $20 a few years ago
It's all a fucking crapshoot at what becomes insanely expensive

Same except it NTSC

>at value village
>madden 2005
>ps2 version $2.99
>gamecube version $9.99
I got a good laugh out of that

>$400 now
Damn man and I thought it was overpriced when I got it 7 years ago. It's fucking terrible and gameplay wise not worth the $100 I spent

until they inevitably stop working and become useless bricks of plastic

Not a game, but the most expensive gaming thing I own is probably my Ultra HDMI gold N64 or my Hi-Def NES modded AV Famicom. Everdrives for both. Hori Mini Pads for the 64

>original one from 1994

>world of Warcraft


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I'm sure he meant 2004 and just didn't give it any thought. Old people do that.

Still got my copy of my childhood Earthbound cart.

yeah im old. whatever

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Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)

Probably the Bloodborne Nightmare Edition. Seems to go for crazy money for a game that was only released 4 years ago.

Radiant Silvergun, Battle Garegga, or Cotton 2 probably.

Some did drop desu. I sold most of my collection in 2015 and the games i sold are selling for less than what I got back then.

Sentimentally, Star Fox 64 is my most expensive game due to being my family’s first console game we played.

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this, but unsealed, because I wanted to play it

I don’t think I own a single rare or expensive game, the closest I have is a ps3 with Scott Pilgrim on it

Fuck them for giving it such a limited release in the West.

xenoblade on wii. somehow got it for the launch mrsp because the cover art was sick and nintendo power said good things about it (was 12 at the time and didnt look online for vidya opinions), didnt play it for like 2 years because my wii bricked like 5 hours in, and when i did i saw the prices went crazy.
is it still stupid expensive or has the downloadable release/3ds port/emulation decrease the price?

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Megaman x3

Or just get a flashcart...

The Wii game price dropped like a rock these past few years. I feel bad for anyone who spent over $50 on it. You can probably get a complete copy for less than 40 bucks now.

are the two original Pokemon games valuable nowadays? If not then no, not really. I do own Alpha Protocol on Steam though.

if you replace the battery they're about $30.

Suikoden 1 and 2
Rule of Rose
LoZ Link to the Past

I never checked because I'm not selling, but these 4 games people always offer me money on the spot when I tell them I have them at my parents' home in good conditions.

Probably have lots more, because I got lots of good games for NES: Zelda 1 & 2, Faxanadu, Snake Rattle n Roll, Ducktales 1 & 2, Mega Man 1-6, Bucky o Hare, Gargoyle's Quest 2.

For the SNES I have the majority of the big box JRPGs, Earthbound, Star Fox, Mega Man X 1-3, Zombies Ate my Neighbours and Sunset Riders. But I'm missing all the cool Japanese games.

Some of them are probably worth a lot, but I'll never understand why someone would buy a game for more than $60. I mean some guy offered me on the spot $200$ for Suikoden 2. At the end he was literally annoying me (grab my number and call me whenever you want to sell it, etc).

LSD: Dream Emulator for PS1, complete with docs and Osamu Sato music CD
Super Spy Hunter prototype, has the cut intro animation and map screens
Earthbound CIB
Superman PS1


Battle Mania Daiginjou on MegaDrive

Earthbound in box with the strategy guide, none of the other inserts though. It’s a little beat up.

No idea, is there a site that just lists this shit? I still have all of my N64 games, so probably one of those. My Bomberman 64 has the case, and manual, as well. Same with Banjo-Tooie, though the case is a little roughed up. I also have about 30+ game manuals because of game's I own or games I rented that I stole the manuals from cause renting game's used to come with the actual box. I have some Gameboy Pocket games, as well, but no cases for them.
I used to have this, but I can't find it anymore so I either traded it in, gave it away, or stored it somewhere I don't remember.

also have a copy of earthbound but who doesnt nowadays

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Have you played Gauntlet though? I'm going to piss several people off, but GC Gauntlet is fucking gross. It's a bad game, just play Baulder's Gate Dark Alliance.

why did it upload sideways this is embarrassing ;~;

Stunt racer 64

idk but my stepdad just traded a small box of GBA and GB games for two or three cigarettes. It includes three original Game Boy Mega Man games, including one with Japanese text on it. Isn't that worth something?

Probably my Collector's Edition of OoT or Majora's Mask, both CIB.

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i have this beta pre-release copy of sonic adventure that hollywood video gave out, thought it was just a regular copy because i played it thru all my childhood but found out complete it's worth like $250 or something, either that or panzer dragoon and silent hill 1 and 3

Lucky man

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance or Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers 2

I started off collecting PS2 games so of course off the top of my head Rule of Rose is probably still the most expensive game. Honorable mentions include Clock Tower 3, Dual Hearts, Sky Gunner, .hack series, Haunting Ground, Kuon, and DB BT3. I'm sure I'm missing some I have a complete collection of all the worthwhile games so

I want the lain ps1 game. They’re not valuable at all but they’re just neat to an autist like me my pokemon stadium 1,2,3 CiB

>see a game you want for cheap
>unable to buy it for reasons
>price has since skyrocketed
What's her name Yea Forums? Path of Radiance for me

Probably these but I've also got a copy of Dino Crisis still wrapped so maybe I'm wrong.

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Hard to say. If you mean "collector's" game, then maybe oracle games on gbc, some psp game, guitar hero on ds in a box.
If just "most expensive", then probably mario maker for switch, other stuff i buy used, on sales that one was the most expensive video game i bought.


I tried to pick it up when it was like $30 on ebay. I tried to get a decent bargain but lost a few auctions and forgot about it for a while. Then the prices went insane

Chrono Trigger probably. For Christmas that year (what was it, 95?) my parents got it for me and by mistake my grandparents did too. We were going to return the extra but never did. It sat in my closet until I moved after college. Now it sits, sealed, on my cabinet. I don't even know if it's worth much but I don't have any other sealed copies of anything. I will never sell it so I haven't looked at prices anyway.

I haven't uploaded a video about it yet.

Is there a reason the prices went up? Something like Super Bowling looks like it should stay at $5 forever.

Kirby's Dream Land 3 CIB

I don’t know if it’s still expensive but I own a copy of Xenoblade on the Wii. I got it on release.

I rented the Metroid Prime Trilogy at Family Video and I should of bought it from them but I’m a baka.

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>Panic Restaurant
>Ducktales 2
>Princess Tomato

I don't go out of my way to buy a lot of shit, probably either MUSHA for the Sega Genesis or Chibi-Robo for the Gamecube. First party GC games are still fucking absurdly expensive, it's bullshit.

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I remember that the GC version was known to have a bug that could cause it to lock up.
I have a copy somewhere, and I think I remember it happening a couple of times.

Mint condition Radiant Silvergun.

Started buying 3DO games before it gets hot.

None of them are rare or worth money
Nintendo games never go up in value

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Fake and gay, there was never a PM2

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Pic related with the Gamestop preorder bonus keychains. Also have Gravity Rush Remastered, complete in box Pokemon HeartGold with the Pokewalker, as well as complete copies of Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia.

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Are you kidding? Except for 3ds, switch, all of those could be sold pretty well, especially tingle games, gamecube collectors edition and n64 ones, especially if they are new.

>Gravity Rush Remastered
Why is that expensive exactly? It's being sold at stores for pretty cheap.

PoR is worth serious money? I've got a copy of it and Radiant Dawn just sitting around. Have the manuals and everything. I don't even have a Gamecube or a Wii anymore.

What are they actually worth?

Xenoblade for Wii but It has been devalued over time thanks the ports for New 3DS and Wii U.

I used to own Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn but sold it on a emergency and needed the money. Not regretting it since I'm not that much of a collectorfag, I'm actually happy of Xenoblade price devaluating since I bought it expensive as fuck after beating in on a hacked Wii and it became my favorite game of all time, I just own it because I genuinely love that game and not for the monetary value it used to hold.

Is this anime any good, apple poster? You are wrong about rarity of nintendo games though, especially n64 and special edition ones.

Look closer at the case m8's

I'm not sure exactly, but it would probably be Earthbound complete in box with strategy guide.

Still gay, you should have use a better game

You mean this one
I’m happy to have this game in my collection, but I’m not proud on how I got

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>but I’m not proud on how I got
Well faggot you know the rules, it's storytime.

Are there any rare Switch games

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he stole it because he's a thieving nigger faggot

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Bought it at a gamecrazy back when they had used snes games on display for about $40.
Now it seems to be going for 3x to 4x that amount for just the cartridge.

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Magic Knight Rayearth or Sonic Generations CE

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It was an extremely limited amazon exclusive in North America. Sony didn't even want to give it a physical release here.

Weird, i see it all over the place in europa.

$150 or so. I guessing the price is gonna jump up in the next week or two with Three Houses coming out.

Spider-Man: Web of Fire

Only around 1,000 copies are thought to exist. I got mine as a hand-me-down from my cousins.

This is probably the first copy of X3 that I've seen that hasn't had its label torn to shit

How much did you pay for Rayearth if you remember?

Also is it any good?

probably VERY well preserved, since most late snes titles (along with the late 90s reissues by both Nintendo and Majesco) used cheaper paper with no lamination

Nobody asked you faggot.

And you're too retarded to open one up and replace a battery

I’ll make it quick
>visiting family for holidays
>old lady next door comes over asking for help
>needs help finding her Christmas tree in the basement
>after going through a few boxes, I find a small box of games
>see a few complete in box games like Mario rpg, Zelda, and earthbound
>quickly put the games in a different box and pretend it’s trash I’m throwing away for her, and put it in the outside trash can
>find her tree and set it up before her family gets back
>sneak out at before I leave back to my place and take the games and put them in my car
The worst part is, I heard that her 38 year son call the cops about his missing games and they laugh at him, after saying they’re worth a lot money

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I bought it a decade ago for the equivalent of $60 from a guy who was selling his Saturn collection and didn’t really want to charge, what he considered, “meme prices”.

Haven’t had time to play it yet.

You really did stole it and you a not a nigger you a white trash

I think you need to apologize to that user

I don't know if the game is good either but its next on the list to be burned.

Hope its shit because I only buy games I like!

>Deducting he is white from the fact that he helped another human being and showed regret from stealing something


You are a very shit person and your going to hell but I couldn't help but laugh loud as fuck when I read that part with the cops laughing at him.

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Not because of that, you poltard.

Probably some limited run stuff for now.

White or not he still stole them and didn't return them back.

Shitty person is still shitty.

Idunno, you tell me.

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Forsaken had some kino ads

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I have a disc for a luigis mansion prototype build

Final Fantasy VII original copy, sealed.

Pic or it didn’t happen
That’s the holy grail of GC demo disc

>spending money on shit you can get for free

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Blockbuster was clearing out all of their N64 games a long while back. I bought this drunk, never opened it because it looked like shit, and here we are.

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copy that shit and hand it to some emu forum, they would have a field day with it

prolly my heartgold/soulsilver games
also resident evil 2 dual shock

what website?

how much do you think private collectora would buy it for?

prolly conkers or skullmonkeys for ps1


That definitely sounds like something VV would do nowadays
>go to value village
>see common ass NES, gameboy games in the display case for at least $15-$20 EACH, most in bad shape
>find Baldurs gate dark alliance 2, psychonauts, gundam, ps1 longbox games like loaded and twisted metal, all in mint shape for $3 each
The Nintendo tax meme is a real thing

Shadow of the Colossus NTSC-J

I've also got Pocky & Rocky 1 and 2 but those have apparently gone down in price a lot recently.

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depends on the state of it
bet you could get 100 bucks for it

>I can't join in on the fun, so I will try to put you all down. I swear I'm not dead inside.

I have a bunch of stuff but I wanna say these two might be up there

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Not horribly expensive but I bought a copy of Final Fantasy VII on release day, lost it in the car on the way home, couldn't find it for the life of me, so went back and bought another one. Found the first one a few days later lodged between the passenger seat and center console, absolutely no damage. I still have the first copy, sealed and in its wrap with the original pull tab. It's a black label copy, not Greatest Hits. Ebay tells me $500, but realistically it's probably worth about $120.

Probably my copy of Silent Hill 3. It still has the manual and even the game's soundtrack on a 2nd disc. Everything's in great condition too.

Steel Batallion with still functional controller.

A boxed copy of Castlevania: Dracula X for SNES.

When I was 10 I stole my parents credit card so I could buy a cartridge of Mother 3 from ebay. I still have it, along with the manual