>game has big birds, long birds and small birds
10/10 GOTY
Game has big birds, long birds and small birds
Day 8 of the Yea Forums Corp done.
>two people went nuts and then Butterfly man went on the loose
>during healing of crazy agents and suppression of Butterfly, Forsaken and Fragment broke out
Everything went better than expected.
>still no intentional saboteurs
Wtf Yea Forums i thought you're better than this
What a minute that's not Binah
That's why I thought about actually picking the Iron Maiden, but I chose the next best thing with how dangerous white damage is currently
>game has buckets
Cute Birbs
Someone post that webm of a birb dabbing
I just had a dream about someone building a fully functional Laetitia and selling her for millions, she played her song and moved like in the game, and at night, her eyes shine and little fragments of her song play randomly.
It was really spooky, but the second one he made came with a life-size hat bonus if the bids were higher than the first one, that was actually cool.
>game has birds
Tell me about the Dreaming Current
A bit early dont you think?
Best bird is not in the image tho.
It's never too early to collect energy, you fucking clerk. Now go die to a teth again
Have you ever wondered what a shark with autism would look like?
Someone post that image with agents watching giant beam of light
Must feel weird to not only witness the fact you and your co-workers survived the ordeal that is working in LC, but to also realize you're never getting that paycheck.
Well on the plus side the EGO's they have can atleast make them last against a Top ranked fixer
Manager, have you read the manual yet today?
In the korean relay game things raped up super hard during the early and later days. Since we need to return to D1 if we dont get the true ending I'd say we have enough time for shit to go down.
I did it lads.
Day 50 beaten + 100% Codex.
That ending hit pretty hard, can't wait for LIbrary of Ruina.
cute nuggets
That whole shit is better than sex
What is the rightmost person saying
birds are fucking gay
god I hope so
I just kinda realized how unstocked I am in terms of gear. Should I memrepo a bunch to get more gear from a bunch of HEs and WAWs before attempt dealing with a Midnight Ordeal?
What game is this
shill thread
>Game has a bird
lobotomy corporation, a monster management game
>HEs and WAWs
you want aleph gear for midnight lad.
Vasectomy collaboration
Shit. Guess it's time to pray for ALEPHs then.
I want a Company of Fixer's in LoR that are just Ex-Lobo Corp Agents
Sneed’s feed and seed
That’s a big borb
I will read it but only if you strip
just what is CENSORED?
It probably looks different for everyone
Wouldn't be surprised if it related to Carmen for A
It'd be safe to assume it's some form of tentacle monster, but I don't know of a tentacle monster that can grind up an employee into a pile of goop, and reanimate that pile of goop to become a minion within the span of a couple seconds.
SQUEEZE the bird
Then do it
I've read someone theorize censored might be a vertical portal with tentacles coming out of it. It's vertical in containment with stuff pointing every which way from it, and when breaching it takes a horse configuration with the tentacles dragging the portal around. When killing someone it surrounds them with the outer tentacles then more of them swarm the victim from the portal's center. When doing Sacrifice work the portal is horizontal and faces the ceiling, and the censor boxes give the impression of a mouth open and there's a tentacle censor box stretched out for the sacrifice to walk on into it like a ramp, and then the other tentacles close on them like a cage.
What do you guys think?
Post Bucket-Wife and post your favorite agents
Did someone say Binah Suppression?
Underappreciated tool
>not rabbit ears
I pass
Just got censored and seems like I can't do anything with it, even with my best employee. Fuck.
>day 49
>reach qliphoth level 10 with hokma's penalty
>OR defeat an arbiter with half the normal health
gee i wonder which one i should choose
Don't forget if you decide that Hokma is a better idea for some stupid silly reason, Binah continues to mess things up until Meltdown 8, not only that, you have 3 fixer Dusk to fight without pausing and Midnight.
The only thing you should be suppressing is the rampant desire to beg Binah to step on you
ok I'm gonna do day 9
My best black resist is little reds armor so guess he's going to be ignored for a while.
What would a white-damage bird be like?
>Wall Gazer, Yeetus Feetus, and Nothing There all in my facility
>Zoom out even a little
>Abnormality ASMR blows out my ears
Like a dodo
I made this and I have no idea why.
cant blame it
theres like 3 or 4 tools that are good unconditionally
>tfw you think treesap is a nice tool to heal the chads with
combine it with silent orchestra to transcend hearing
Apoc down, geb down, time to try WN again
>someone posts my drawing
Get foreskin murderer and complete the set!
Dude really likes his candy.
WAW is fine for Amber
Might barely pass for Green
You're probably fucked for Violet unless you have divine management skills and a shitload of L5 units, plus Knight of Despair at the bare minimum
Im trying my best
V units with EX stat (i.e. 106 or so) only.
You need 0.3 Black Res or better for CENSORED. If you're lucky you can do it with 0.4 Black Res. Armor needs to be WAW or ALEPH with that res.
If you get his weapon though you're gold, it drastically reduces the damage from working on him (you only take about 1/3rd sanity penalty.
That's a nice image there friend, mind if I save it?
Speaking of day 49 how the fuck are you supposed to deal with Binah+2 fixers+being unable to pause+meltdowns everywhere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Did any of those Q&A's ever answer what exactly happened to A, or at least the X-A that you play as? The whole shooting up as a beam of light while talking about what you are and how you will fade away always seemed a bit suggestive, but it's never outright spelled out.
Enjoy your new twin bongbongs
Guess I'll just have to ignore him for a while.
you will need to consider it because of meltdowns
for the moment, just use cannon fodder on his department for the sacrifice choice
go ahead, it was a shitpost so it deserves to run free
Guess I'll have to pray for amber then
Remember, regardless of which one, elevators are your friend. Usually crucial actually.
green is doable if you buy yourself time with the elevators, but its kinda like the pussy way out of that situation
still consider it, amber is bad because it will clog corridors pretty fucking fast, unless you get der frendzhooter's gun
Not him but I'm fairly sure the elevators are the only way to do it. The second beam cuts off access and it even kills if you go through a doorway on it. I've never seen it done without the elevators, the beam does ridiculous damage and bursts through shields like water.
Don't have any of Binah, but here was my edgy magical girl from last playthrough. Made it up to level 5 and in Gebura's department before getting TREED by Parisyte Tree
>elevators are the only way to do it
after you supress geburah your tights and back will be so strong you will be able to bench press last helix before half-hour arrives
I have 2 of every ALEPH gear in the game from what I can see and I'm still sure it would kill all my L4 agents before my L5 ones could do it.
>caring about the corridor fodder
Camping Control and either Security or Training in Asiyah makes it easy
All lesser worms die when their progenitor dies.
Are all the agents still alive? I'm too invested in them but can't really play at the moment. How are we looking regarding new abnos?
I was doing gerbura 3 ALEPH mission and holly shit man! you guys really undersell how destrutive Blue star is Nothign there wnet out whitoud mutch troubes whit a good ol digpiling but blue Star killed half of my dudes just by showing up
Blue Star likes to give the succ to brainlets, and if you haven't been grinding agents to stat cap, yeah it's likely quite a few will meet again as stars.
This faggot mannequin keeps breaking out and forces me to look at him
he just wants everyone to hear his wonderful music. That will be all your energy + tip.
They were not at all agents had 5 across the board and He gear at least but the half that had HE got to meet again as stars and the WAW dude really took a beating, ALEPH gigachads barely realized what was happening tho.
All agents are alive and well. The new tool is Prophecy of the Skin, but I don't know what the next abno will be.
Blue Star causes a lot of lower-geared agent deaths but the actual entity is fairly weak and cannot defend itself. Dogpiling it with all your gigachads and sticking everyone else in an elevator with a white shield makes him one of the easiest ALEPHs to suppress for the mission if you prepared.
Yeah. The worst part is that when it breaches, it teleports to a random department, so you get burned badly for anticipating it being in the wrong place.
Ideally you stick them in the lower elevators of Asiyah but yeah it fucking sucks if you're anticipating him in say, Security, and he busts into Disciplinary.
To the anons trying the telephone facility
I REALLY hope of you rerolls for alephs once you hit sec/training
Why does CENSORED immediately breach if anyone panics? He should only lower the counter by one according to the tips, is it just because that when they panic it's considered a bad work result and he auto-lowers by 2 right away? I've never used it but the sacrifice work seems utterly worthless because of this.
Got a question, does the shelter + portrait cheese still work? And if it does, can I use it to cheese an ordeal of midnight or will the abos not attack the ordeal units?
The latter, panic = bad work = -2 to the counter
Wow that sucks, he basically just has a 1 counter then unless you somehow get a bad result without panicking.
Yeah, you need someone with all stats to the max + good black armor, otherwise just avoid it.
However once you get its weapon, which has an effect of transforming black damage taken into hp, it gets easily manageable
I believe Nothing There is automatically hostile to every single other entity with a health bar so he certainly will, but otherwise it's just Blue Star and WN for damage. I think Melting Love is usually hostile to most things but I'm not sure, I usually crush her before she does anything. I know for a fact that she will attack the AB's eggs though, which CENSORED and Mountain do as well (although Mountain tends to lose interest, as well as flee from any real threats to it).
Why would you bother with the Portrait if you just want to sup a Midnight? You're going to need to get to QM7 or 8 (i.e. your energy quota will be filled) to even see the Midnight, and when you do you can just throw one employee (preferably one already blessed by Plague if you've got him or he'll drag them out, if you don't no worries) in the shelter and wait it out. The portrait AND shelter combo is only needed for suppressions like Binah's or WN's where relying on breaching abnos is infeasible and the invincibility for one employee would help immensely.
I have it, it doesn't look like it does black damage HP conversion, it looks like it reduces damage by 40% from everything (including the Hopeless debuff).
So how do you recommend I should proceed for midnight? unequip everyone's ego, just launch with 1 guy or just use it as a failsafe on a normal try?
Hide in elevators and pray you don't get Purple. Every other midnight can be dealt with if you have precise control and patience.
Since it always kicks in at the end of a day you have to reach it first, which is hard to do if you're underequipped for the average day.
meltdowns and wasted energy are the only things discouraging you from grinding a day when you meet the quota right?
Shit can still escape if you've completed the energy quota, it puts a penalty on your LOB earned until you suppress them
until there's a mode disabling the pause function for regular occasions, I don't think that'll be an issue
I suggest just clearing it normally, but if you really can't and it's not a day before the repository saves (e.g. it's not day 30, 35 or day 40, etc.) then unequip any gear you can't afford to lose and slam that bitch in the shelter, then repo back when you're done. You'll have to rebuy some gear but as long as you removed your best stuff it should be fine. Be aware that letting your abnos deal with it will take 10 times as long as it would to handle it yourself so give your computer breaks by putting it in sleep and closing everything else plus disconnecting wifi and shutting off the music/sounds in game.
Actually, if you get a nuetral result before the employee panics, its just 1 decrease.
I imagine its like that so you can't just half-ass him and heal the panic employee as soon as he runs out.
I want to fuck my secretary. She works so hard and is very supportive of me. Certainly she deserves to get bent over my desk.
Go back to work, Angela
You clerks know what happens to weak employees right?
Post Carmen
>tfw can't keep suppressing apocbird to stack wings on agents
What's the best way of getting all endings? Rushing to the final days with the requirements for ending A and then doing the other ones?
>the "teeth" on Gold Rush are on the arm part
>the knuckles are the harmless ass end
Getting to day 50 should unlock all endings dude
I don't get it. How does this game somehow sink its' teeth into me more than so many others? I actually feel compelled to fulfill its' challenges despite how time consuming and nerve-wracking they can be and frequently are, I still end up doing it anyways, even if I fail, I try. Nothing (yet) has felt like I'm bashing my face against a brick wall, despite how tense it's all been.
idk just wanted to gush about the game for a bit, maybe understand why i like it so much
After 5 playthroughs, with the farthest being 3 abno's in Gebura's department, this is my first definite gigachad. Yes, that is [CENSORED] in the Security department. After the day finished she had 100+ base in all stats
>tfw day 49
is this what hell feels like
just wait till you get to day 50
>not being able to use your brain
i can't i am just a clerk
Worst ego of all WAWs. He is relatively safe however
Surfs up bro
Glad to hear it, that's a relief. Great job so far, everyone
i don't like this picture, it is too smug
His armor isn't bad, especially since you get 3, but his weapon is ass.
not like it's mocking you or anything
Not even fucking close, his armor is just a worse version of KoD's but it's certainly better than Alriune's armor and his weapon has good range and decent attack speed at the very least.
you need whole codex for the last ending
literally unlock endless mode and keep grindam
My peanus weenus, of course!
I think the reason there's no ALEPH tools is that anything of that risk level would probably just be an instarepo if it didn't give the benefits of non-tool abnos.
With an ALEPH monster, you get a shitload of PE boxes, sometimes high stat training for your better units (especially after Hokma's missions), the best gear grade in the game, and some of the best gifts in the game, and in exchange the monster is usually pretty powerful, but with their gear they can usually be taken down and the danger is well worth the cost because of all the benefits.
With a tool of that grade, you get something potentially gameover inducing, without any lasting benefits that will drastically make it worth it, because so many of the tools have such severe drawbacks that they aren't worth touching ever. It could double all EGO damage in the facility and it'd still have a drawback that it would triple the damage agents take outside of works, or it could double the PE boxes gained from all works but in exchange each employee can only work 3 times a day and the damage they take in work is doubled. WAW is the highest reasonable threat level for tools, anything higher could not possibly have a benefit that outweighs the drawbacks. It could triple everyone's health and SP but halve Justice and Temperance for the rest of the day once used. Even some of the TETH and HE class tools are nasty enough.
Also would be kind of disappointing to finally get an ALEPH and surprise surprise, no gear and no gifts for you, just another asinine tool.
Scratch that, it'd reduce Justice and Temperance to 10 each. Enjoy that for the day.
How about something with no immediate benefits, and trying to return it under any circumstances explodes the agent, but The explosion's radius and damage can harm Abnormalities and is directly proportional to the agent's stats, equipment and gifts? Essentially, it can turn an Agent into a guided bomb to soften abnos at the cost of them and everything on them. It would still be extremely wasteful, but at least it could have a use if you've got the capability to train people fast enough and get your gear back quickly.
Question, how do i know im 100% on my codex? How do i know i saw all the abnormalities?
there's a codex option in the main menu, quit being blind
Main menu, bottom right, codex, should be 100%
Ok I need help and I should know this but I don't and I can't find the info on the wiki anywhere.
Do you need to complete the day for the missions to be completed? I just grinded out the Suppress WAW 5 times for Gebura and was just planning to mem repo, but if I do that will the mission still count as completed, or do I have to finish the day?
you have to finish the day, yes
Are you ok user? Are you sure you're in the right place?
finish the day then memrepo
Something like that would just be WAW class, there's nothing there that screams ALEPH. Remember, lots of the WAW tools have extreme adverse effects already, like the Flesh Idol dropping all Q-counters if used too long, or 100 black damage train if you forget, or the damn Yin-Yang Dragon.
Also that'd be repo worthy if it had any other inherent mechanics that made it worse.
Thanks guys.
One other quick question, gifts don't stick around after memrepo right? I want to do apoc bird at some point and want to know if I can just go all out and memrepo, or try not to lose anyone to keep the gifts
It would at least serve some function and purpose unlike most of the item abnos in the game
Gifts that you acquired on or after memrepo day get removed when you memrepo, but if you, say, suppressed the Biggest Bird on day 21, you can memrepo to Day 26 and beyond and not lose the gift.
I had realized that I was posting in the wrong thread as soon as I hit submit, but it was too late
Sorry about that
It'd not be worth using ultimately, even in the event of multiple breakouts. The thing would just be like a usable tool version of the old Legacy Crimson Dusk with the exploding clowns hybridized with the Crazed Researcher's Note, except it's even shittier because it demands an employee that's got gifts, high stats, and good equipment and provides no statistical bonus. I give you that it's an interesting idea and would make for some fun laughs while cheesing bosses by throwing gigachads at them, but still remarkably useless for the high cost, on the level of Luminous Bracelet in terms of tool quality.
Also still WAW class.
How about this? ALEPH tool that will kill everyone who tries to get it that is not wearing ZAYIN gear and weapon and from the same abnormality, however if it is the employee does his gear changes for the day (depending stats vary from gear to gear) he gets a gift and the powered stuff now counts as ALEPH gear but a random ALEPH escapes containment and the employee will have to hit him within the next 30 second or else he dies. People who already have this gift cannot use that tool ever again.
Ehh. Other way around. I want my secretary to bend me over my desk and fuck me.
There are many bad abnos that aren't awful, but the problem with the items, in my opinion, is that the vast majority are forgettable and kind of boring. You Must Be Happy is great, Backward Clock is great, some of the others are pretty okay, but most of them are just... Boring and don't really open up any interesting strategies or serve any use because they're immediately outdated. If they opened up new options, people could at least use them for something.
Indeed, I found myself forgetting they existed, I don't even use the good ones now. Free hallways for the Dawn clowns to spawn in I guess.
Only one I end up using on a semi-regular basis is the Note and that's mostly to make sure the odd chance of King Of Greed escaping on a neutral result is even less likely.
I used the Note a LOT in Hod's suppression, it couples very well with the Da Capo gift.
I primarily used You Must Be Happy to deal with Hod's suppression. It took a bit to get the timing down but it made it a breeze. A slow, tedious breeze but one either way
I had it during her suppression but I got frustrated with the timing and ended up only using it once or twice, and not for a lot of stats. The Note prevented most of the damage I needed to avoid and the doctor moved Blue Star to the Information department so he didn't melt down.
Just used Da Capo and the Note to constantly work on Army in Black for the most part.
>get stuck
>don't want to day 1
what do?
back to last week
or just man up and dedicate yourself to build a team of ex chads
I've been on day 23 for like a week because of QoH and Silent Orchestra sometimes escaping and killing everybody. If it's not them it's either the train or worker bees.
I'd memrepo but Nothing There's gear's supposed to be really good and I only have 1 maybe 2 chads who can work on him.
stay after goals are met, grind as much as you can
sadly you are describing a good reason to restart. ideally you want to use the early 15~26 days or so to grind chads after you are done with the quota
seems inactivity will be the end of us
You may be able to snap your problems away but you can't snap away angela's endless thirst
>get to an actual difficult part of the game (supression etc)
>use only one turbo-zeus-chad while filling up the rest of the departments with a single max trained mini-chads with decent armor so they won't get nuked by facility wide shit such as footfag-monster
>send the mini-chads somewhere safe
>micro the single god-chad to victory eventually no mater how bad shit gets
Am I too autistic or not autistic enough for refusing to micro multiple characters? Having to give a fuck about more than one employee seems like too much of a hassle compared to just dodging shit with one of even if it takes longer due to shitty dps.
You'll require at least 3 or 4 for shit like Apocalypse Bird or Violet Midnight but it's understandable
Just got don't touch me, how do I unlock it for the codex? I already clicked on it in the deployment screen and crashed the game that way, and then I also released all abnos by looking at details. Can I just go ahead and memrepo this thing now?
Already did burd using the mini-chads and gave god-chad its gear so I won't have as much trouble when I run into shit thats resistant or immune to a certain type of damage. Still dread violet midnight tho.
Still wish I could change gear mid-game because it takes a shitton of time to deal with crap thats completely immune to a damage type even with apocalypse ego wep.Maybe could have my god-chad wield the mini-chads by their legs and have one at the ready for each damage type.
Competitive-level brainlet, how the hell do I safely deal with small bird without him voring at least one of my employees?
Have you considered not attacking it?
Don't. That's it.
Don't my employees automatically fight back against his pecking? Or do I have to micro one dude to hold still and let him get pecked for a bit?
read the Managerial tips
>Don't my employees automatically fight back against his pecking?
>sadly you are describing a good reason to restart
Is it bad if I mostly want to restart because of the train? QoH is fine as long as she doesn't escape and I can figure out Silent Orchestra and the bees eventually but the train is pretty much a worse Flesh Idol you need to babysit all day.
Train is widely considered one of the worst abnormalities in the entire game from what I've heard others say.
Is it bad if all of my employees still have level 1 justice by day 15?
if you got unlucky sure, I got to day 33~ before I decided to level justice
Sounds slow as fuck, but if you don't have 1.76 or Der (when your Justice is leveled a bit), it's gonna be hard to find anything that likes repression.
I can easily see why. Most of the other weird gimmicky abnos are fine so long as you don't use them but the train is basically pic related.
Obviously what you gotta do is make your chad squad into your own set of Fixers, one for each damage type plus the Twilight user as the fifth.
Call 'em the Chad Rangers.
They don't. Do you have an umbrella-wielder in your facility? Punishing Bird hates umbrellas.
Umbrellas are based
why doesn't the game come with the full OST?
>got the plague doctor
Damn, im not strong enough im on day 11!
I think some of the tracks are royalty-free or something
Day 37 and plate is literally full of shit, about 30 employees whit level 5 across all stats and getting ready to do the mid-level core suppression but I have some question’s
How do I keep music man the fuck down? Everyone keep getting good results
Are Binah missions creating EGO weapons or getting gifts
Is it too late to try to get the full compendium? considering that I do not have even one of the birds Also do you really need that apocalypse bird gift and gear to have at least have a shot at the final boss don’t you?
try suppression with music man
For me, it's the Big Bird.
Should I retry from day 1 again and build my perfect setup already or keep going with my messed up shit atm? Dealing with monk and fetus is a pain in the ass
Can the abnos in the architecture department be affected by Binah's special meltdowns? I swear to god I checked every other room for the cyan meltdowns and yet the bitch was still invulnerable
Orchestra or slime girl, which one for better gear?
I haven’t done days 46-49, but suppressing Binah, there were a lot of times I had to restart because she was bugged and wouldn’t do anything other stand there and be invulnerable I think also if a silver meltdown was on an abnormality that escaped it wouldn’t count and she’d not lose her resistances
Silent for white, Slime for black.
Melting Love is an easier abnormality to grind Ego off. Silent Orchestra can be a massive pain, especially if you don’t have pale weapons, because if you don’t kill him fast enough he resets all the energy you’ve gained for the day
I guess I will use the backward clock on her third phase rather than her second one then
maybe, just maybe it's because he's in the sequel and we'll see what happens in that one.
just a thought.
who want to bet that for once the responce is
Angelas dungeon
Honestly, you’re probably okay. Just never do work on him unless you have to. He probably won’t change until later on, and at the very least, you can do Ego work on him after that and get decent armor.
You are going to have to reset at some point, though. The later challenges are tough, and having That abno really fucking just makes everything more difficult
dont you have to take him down to get his armor?
No. Taking him down only gets you his weapon. His armor you get by working on him. It is the best armor in the game but only if he’s in the facility. If he’s not it’s not much better than other ALEPH gear
OK, my plan right now is to let it rot until i get lots of EX people, since I already did all the cores I wont have issues with meltdowns.
Question, how do I beat it without losing my precios people? Im not letting my main be anywhere near it obviously, but for the apostles, do I sacrifice 11 newbies then send my main to 1vs1 him or how.
Someone already mentioned cheesing with green midnight, will probably go with that as plan B.
12 people die no matter what. Just don’t let your gigachads anywhere near him. Also if you retry the day or memrepo after he’s awoken, the agents come back. But anytime he breached after that all 12 will die
Yeah if you’ve already done the cores, you’re not going to have any issues. Just make sure red ordeals you handle any clowns that appear outside his door immediately. Even still, you have 11 chances to make a mistake before he becomes a problem.
I've seen this fucker posted in these threads before. How fucked am I?
If I already beat apocalypse bird I think I can fight this nerd, my main issue with this game are the stupid FPS drop lategame tho.
Thanks for the tips, stay tuned next week for when I post screenshots of my ass getting handed to me after screwing up.
I don't even know what happened! Everyone just started panicking and killing each other!
trust me, the fun of the game is to find out the hard way
Once-in-a-lifetime chance to become a star.
I decided to play E.Y.E. again and look at this
3 binahs please
>didn't even breach
>everyone's panicking or dead
Anonkun, how'd you let this happen
Woah, it's almost like kabbalism is a thing.
I don't know!
did you touch the button?
Okay, what now?
6 more please
I don't even have the button.
I did work on many legs there and realized that the employee inside was going to panic so I got all my white damagers together to beat the fucker back to his senses. But as soon as he panicked everyone started taking constant ticking white damage and then the whole facility fell apart.
>muh Carmen
yeah panicking employees deal AoE white damage to anyone caught in the same room as them. The chadder they are the more they do to scrubs, I think.
>But as soon as he panicked everyone started taking constant ticking white damage and then the whole facility fell apart.
are all your dudes SPlets or something? panicking employees deal a small amount of white damage to others around them but it's nowhere near enough to panic level 5s.
The ticking white damage was 7 to 10 damage a tick. Most of my employees have over 100 SP a few are in the 90's. Also it was EVERYONE in the facility. Not just the ones trying to suppress.
post your full facility dude.
Here you go
I'm only on day 18 This is my second play through after fucking magical girl ruined my first by breaking out every five seconds on day 19. I've grinded out all my employees to rank 5 and got all of the weapons and suits.
Is there any reason to end the day after the energy is fullfilled? I feel like I could keep it running so my employees can increase their stats
Welcome to the grind.
You don't have to end it right after you hit the energy quota, unless you don't want to deal with the ordeals and qliphoth meltdowns that come with time passing
wakarimasen lol. Butterfly man deals white damage but it's not facility wide. Wolf can deal white damage but it's only department wide.
early on sure go ahead. later on your going to be begging for the day to finish as soon as possible due to so many abnormality to manage and trying to prevent ordeals from killing cl*rks as well.
Fucking got this bitch
Wait until you have Alephs and WAWs, then start grinding people to max stats.
That's the thing. I have no idea why it happened. This was an extremely easy and quick run up to many legs. Many legs is the only change and you are making it seem like it was not him and if it was not him than I have no idea.
You want to grind out EGOs and V chads as soon as possible, but it's not really worth the effort until you have a few HEs or WAWs at least. TETH grinding is miserable.
NT's weapon is one of the best because it leeches HP
She looks so lonely and confused. You monster.
im gonna need 12 more this time
That's a lot, you planning a party or something?
Ladies and gentlemen...
I want that rabbit to do everything in her power to impregnate me.
We got her
*cue music*
how old is she supposed to be?
Get back to work.
party in my pants maybe
now I need 24
We will meet again as stars.
We're only halfway through the thread, you clerk.
is it wrong to have faith?
Possibly really heavy spoilers, but:
Are all the Abnormalities just the result of extraction from a bunch of fucking cogito-overloaded corpses? What the fuck? Are the "stories" the abnormalities have mostly just a crock of shit?
From what I understand, the stories are true, it's just that the forms of abnos are made from cogito juice, or something
Turns out beating day 49 with no agent deaths is pretty hard. I've beaten it before, and this run I've technically beaten it twice but lost agents in the process, so I had to retry. I'm losing my mind here, folks.
Im probably a massive brainlet but i don’t really understand the lore behind them and apocalypse bird. The flavor text makes me think they formed apocalypse bird to protect the forest from “a giant monster” but it’s revealed the monster was them all along.
It feels a bit like a chicken and egg situation to me.
Here, from the artbook.
it's not a chicken egg thing
they get a prophecy, they don't like it, they try stopping it, it turns out trying to stop it led to fulfilling the prophecy
this is an ancient era old story
Thank you user, i misinterpreted parts of the story back when the wiki was newer.
Funny that they caused a prophecy to come to fruition just by pissing off a rando.
Alright, semi-lorefag here, based off my memory here's the jist of things
>Cogito was a liquid discovered by Carmen which essentially was the bridge of the subconscious and the physical world.
>How exactly it does this is a bit vague and I forget, but some definite things are that it's injectable and its presumably harvested from corpses
>Every single Abnormality is the product of the subconscious, which is why most of them are categorised into mostly Trauma and Fairytale because those have strong emotional attachment/recognition
>Other Abnormalities are probably the result of urban legends within the Ruins/Outskirts/Backstreets/Nests or extremely strong thoughts/emotions
>Abnormality stories are probably 'legitimately' their backstories considering people believe it to be so.
And by the way, every single Abnormality falls under this rule from memory, few interesting Abnormalities are Mountain and NT when considering this rule, but thats a headcanon of mine.
Gebura's blender is scary
Day 10 done, fuck grindfags. Have fun with Granny
Doing god's work
What happened here?
I used elevators to quickly move out of her target strike
What's the shittiest stationary (i.e. non-equippable) tool abno?
I think Theresia's the worst because even the train has uses, despite being an instarepo tool. Theresia is worthless from the outset.
WCCA without the portrait combo
Eh QM immunity is alright on something that you can get that early and it goes well with 2 other tools. Most importantly it actually has a useful function, even if it's unintended.
I think QM immunity on tool abnos is overrated, desu. Aside from a few specifics (e.g. idol, tree sap) meltdowns on tools are basically negligible, just send some rando to use it for a few seconds.
And if we wanna get really technical, Theresia has its uses, too. If Censored is in the same department and you aren't able to just straight up tank its damage/fear yet, it's one of the few abnos that can help you.
>expected a comfy /an/ thread
>it's actually just some boring video game
fuck you Yea Forums
we can still talk about birds
Regardless of if QM immunity is meaningless, it still has a good use combo that can mean the difference between finishing a day and not if you plan around it.
How would Theresia help?
In containment, it doesn't matter.
Outside of containment, the healing is terrible for something that can instapanic and you might as well sit in a main room.
If he breaks out, Theresia isn't going to do jack shit because while they'll replenish in the room, once they get out and see him again they'll still freak out. Also can't some breachers enter containment rooms? Not sure if CENSORED can but the babies might.
I'm pretty sure most department-wide heals (e.g. YOUR TICKET SIR) can affect employees working in containment units, so if you start using Theresia and working CENSORED at the same time, the SP heal will help offset the fear damage while the employee works on CENSORED, hopefully preventing a panic. Haven't tested this interaction specifically, but I know that the ticket heal works for this sort of maneuver, so I don't see why a different department-wide recovery wouldn't.
I believe it does, but the SP healing is slow and minor, hence why it's not worth the benefit. If you're having someone without great Black res WAW/ALEPH armor or the CENSORED weapon working CENSORED, a bit of asinine slow SP regen won't usually save them.
Even then, it's an incredibly specific scenario since it only heals the same dept. assigned ones. Best bet if you were absolutely desperate to use the thing somehow would be to have doc move them around for you for convenience sake.
Still worse than WCCA.
Theresia is useful just for being an easy to manage meltdown room. Express Train is literally a hinderance and forgetting about it will fuck up your run, and in general it’s just a massive pain to manage
I think that's fair, the negatives heavily outweigh the positives while Theresia can be treated like the shelter and just touched then immediately cancelled.
Eh. An incredibly minor benefit is better than practically no benefit in my book, and without it being part of a three-tool combo (or a two-tool combo with WN's 12th apostle providing the immunity rather than Shelter, if you're some kind of madman), WCCA offers no practical benefits. The meager amount of PE you get from saccing a normal employee is not worth the LOB (both from hiring the employee and losing an S-rank on the day you use it), especially if you haven't suppressed Binah yet and you need to buy back any gear you gave them.
Without considering WCCA's combo, they're both pretty much bottom of the barrel as far as usefulness goes. I just think that WCCA is slightly more useless.
On the other hand, Train is very useful, but also incredibly dangerous (I DO NOT envy anyone who has Train on day 49...), so I think it deserves its own category apart from being classified as "good" or "bad". It's not A-tier, it's not F-tier, it's Train-tier.
Tools in general are poorly designed, the cost/rewards are way too fucked
>WCCA, managerial works worth of PE at the cost of an employee and its entire purpose is to serve as a noobtrap
>Promise, you use it like twice and get upgrades, roll a third time and destroy your weapon, then you never touch it ever again
>Tree Sap and Braclet, both shitty heals that you can get from Department Healing + Netzach's upgrade, without having to go out of your way to get it and without the risk of instant-death
>Behaviour Adjustment and Heart of Aspiration, both incredibly good tools but design-wise are terrible because they're used as free stats without caring about the cost
>Theresia, same case as Sap and Bracelet with Department Healing invalidating it, less cost though
>Notes, would be better if you could tell how much damage has been taken, otherwise the risk is too great
>Shelter, so incredibly niche in its usage, in regards to its healing its a similar case to Tree Sap, but its only main usage is monster mashes
>Portrait, if you could target, it would be absolutely amazing, but since its random, you may as well just ignore it.
>Train, controversially its one of the best tools depending on your micro ability, if you have Korean-tier micro its free Facility wide heals, if you don't its basically a few employees dying every few minutes. Even worse during suppressions and the final days, because you tunnel vision harder on more important shit
>Flesh Idol, similar case to notes, where it would be great if there was a time indicator but since there isn't its more effort than its worth
The only decently designed tools in my opinion are Backwards Clock (although it borderlines on just being too overpowered), You Must be Happy and Mirror of Adjustment. I probably forgot a tool but
The problem is that WITH the combo (which isn't hard since tool abnos are a much more condensed selection and are guaranteed on every 4th day) WCCA has a legitimately good use. I do agree it's worse than useless by itself of course but it's one of the few that works in tandem with others to produce a useful effect.
Theresia doesn't and the effect is just bad, you can't even use the thing as long as the shelter before it fucks you.
Note from a Crazed Researcher is a good tool though. Perhaps not well designed but still useful despite the drawbacks, and I found it to be one I used often. Frequently picked it over YMBH instead because I hate the timing thing on it.
Shelter is useful with anything that "pursues" an employee but otherwise yes it's only for cheese.
Fair point, but if we're ranking each tool on its own merits, I'm not sure if we can give it full credit for that.
It's mostly just because the tools it combos with are stationary (non-equippable/returnable items) that I counted it. We all know how dogshit Luminous Bracelet and stuff like that are.
My three top tools are the following. Prophecy of The Skin goes well with the Da Capo ego gift. Mirror of Adjustment is a godsend for stat training. Heart of Aspiration for a Chad
Da Capo EGO gift makes several tools much better, not just skin. Amazing gift, makes tipman worth taking.