I want to beak into the HAL Laboratory and take the eggs

I want to beak into the HAL Laboratory and take the eggs

Attached: HAL_Laboratory_logo[1].png (280x213, 40K)

What kind of animal is that? It looks like a dog but it's laying eggs so it has to be something else. Is it a deer?

who knows? the eggs look delicious though

It's probably a platypus of some sort.

>deer lay eggs

I always thought it was a 3-eyed crab.

Can you label the picture? I don't see how you could possibly think that.

ah yes the egg laying deer.

Wasn't there some guy on /k/ that got eggs from a deer?

Attached: 1520794395389.gif (1119x884, 747K)

I still find it weird that they called themselves HAL. They did it because each letter comes before IBM, but HAL makes games, not computers.

It looked like that to me on a crt, back in the day.

Attached: claw.jpg (950x668, 149K)

You’re an idiot

Yeah, that's what I used to see too.

don't care

I kinda see it. But I see bubbles instead of eyes.

Are they eggs? I assumed they were puppies all huddling in to little balls under their mother for warmth

You’re all wrong, it’s a bearded man with a dog hat on

>he doesn't know about inutamago

Oh shit I see it
Take away the dog face features and tahts what you get

user, there's a very strong chance you were simply retarded as a kid.

what do the eggs taste like?

Attached: UFXGWT6[1].jpg (502x466, 34K)