They have a point, you know

they have a point, you know...

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Other urls found in this thread:"you do realize" "nigger"/

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fpbp thread ended here OP is a turbo 10,000 dick sucking faggot fuck this retard clown world


They're only spreading that crap to adults who are already set in stone the kiddos only play stuff like Fortnite that have no propaganda

>Sandra Gardner

That useless idiot should shut the fuck up

>they have a point, you know...

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She is correct. Many of them are doing that. It does not mean they are successful and thriving as a company but they are choosing to do that.


Why do people want to treat video games more than just toys?

Descartes didnt say that, bit it's still true. You're here forever btw

The industry has gotten too big and games can now be considered "art"

People don’t outgrow their toys anymore so toys need to be taken seriously.

the purple pen generation didn't go throught them mental puberty, they are still 12 in their head, and see parental figures in all the brands they consume.

Games can still be fun but they shouldn't have to be. It's like the difference between Superbad and Schindler's List. Both are good movies but I don't think many people would say they had fun watching the latter (unless they're lying to prove a dumb point on 4channel).

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I suppose the same reason one would come to a toy enthusiast forum in the first place

Failure in life?

>Schindler's List

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Has there ever been a single decent female games journalist?

I want to fuck this ship.

Cease starting threads with screencaps of shitty blog posts.

>Game has to be political or controversial to be "art"

Keep ruining the industry with your stupid opinion

Video games are supposed to be fun, not be ridiculed with these so-called real life issues.

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has there ever been any good gaming journalists in general as of late?

Yea Forums in the nutshell. fucking meme community are absolutely the worst.

Are playing videogames really fun?

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And people wonder why they will shutter their doors in a few years when their sales fall and nobody buys their products when those they pander to walk away out of boredom.

She is right you know.

we're in a era of gaming that prioritize three things.
1. competition. see esports
2. money - i.e youtube, streaming, esports
3. content creation - i.e youtube

They're right. Like how RDR2 is fun, but pointless. Botw is also fun but engaging. Fight me.

But neither of them says anything about the society, user. They are like games from 20 years ago, kids' toys except for teens and adults.

Why does it need to say something about society?
what are you too dumb to understand society without kids media telling you what to think

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Probably because your kind enjoys inserting propaganda everywhere.

>cinema and film can be fun
>videogames can be fun
>cinematic videogames cant be fun

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Media reflects the society it is developed from. Not that difficult to figure out. If the media pushes one value in general, it reflects how society sees things for the most part, there are some that go against the narrative, but if most share the same view, it is usually the narrative. It isn't restricted to just one form.

They will never have a point. It's a game, it needs to be fun. It's as simple as that, but idiots that argue otherwise will never get it, and thus get broke.

She's right but their reason is wrong. A lot of people play games because it scratches their itch to be doing something, to have a task or job at hand which can occupy their time and make their day feel meaningful. It doesn't have to be fun, it just needs to satisfy this requirement.

Or Nintendo

I mean, RDR2 certainly tries to say something about society, but it fails at it. Botw is more about narrative, and for that reason is actually does say something about humanity.

Awkward exposition dumps and strangled themes have never been considered engaging in any art form.

>videogames are supposed to be a way os escapism from reality
>videogames are supposed to be a tool to spread awareness of social issues

I thuoght I didnt enjoy games because I was getting too old.

a video game that isn't fun, isn't a game. it's a propaganda tool and should be disregarded.

what do you mean by "your kind"

You mean society reflects the media? I think you're trying to talk about 'media effects theory'.

easier to instill ideals in young kids

>Sclinder's list

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Videogames are over, someone give me a new “hobby”

But it doesn't. It's just bait for journos and Yea Forums to bitch about.

Manchildren don't outgrow their toys but their toys outgrow them.

Nice opinion bro

sjws are a false flag trying to drum up support for overturning marriage equality by making normal people feel threatened.

I know. It's mine after all.

Video games are entertainment not art. If it isn't fun it shouldn't exist, prove me wrong.

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Hey I'm ok with games getting protections that come with being art. It's just too bad no one makes use of that and in turn try to restrict games more for the sake of a message instead of the craft.

Pompous artfags wannabes are the fucking worst and I'm pretty sure they're also responsible for their own industry being super gross and full of gatekeeping on what "art" actually is.

What is the point in playing a video game that isnt Fun. Are you really going to waste money on a game that you arent going to enjoy playing, just because you are a emotionless sad person? Fuck of an go cut your wrists instead.

Yea Forums has been saying that fun isn't important for years and now that some shitty "journalist" has says the same thing they're gonna flip

I don't feel like discussing this topic. Delete the thread.

/g/ poster here, haven't bought a new game since Overwatch.

Anyone else feel like new games are getting so boring?

>play for 20 mins for that dopamine hit
>get ads to buy some shitty cosmetic / loot crate
>get literal leftist propaganda that tells you how to think
>you're numbed down so much from the constant dopamine hits that are craftily engineered to hook kids but for you it makes playing feels like a chore

It's all so tiring

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"Enjoyment" comes in many forms, of which "fun" is just one. Many cinema classics can't exactly be described as "fun," and if fun were the only reason you ever went to the movies you'd be an entry level capeshit pleb.

>Yea Forums weren't idiots sharing wisdom without realizing it

it doesn't matter, whatever you choose will eventually be co-opted.

games aren't movies and should never be.

You cant realy compare a video game to a movie. A video game is an interactive thing. A movie isnt. You sit there and watch a movie. You dont decide how things progress. How fights hapen. Nothing. In a video game your actions move the game. There are some story parts that you cant, but most of the game you are the one that sits in the directors chair. Not someone else.

Go ahead, break yourself.
When you get fucked enough we buy you, and you will have to focus on fun again.
Fun and microtransactions, lots and lots of microtransactions.

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There's nothing that prevents games from having elements that should be studied. I could make a game that really drives home the benefits of communism, and you can't beat the game without understanding the works of Marx.

Like I said, for children

Literally Sneedposters.

You can compare video games to movies in some regards, and this is one of them.

If it's not fun what's the point?

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there is literally nothing wrong with this, industry just needs to classify their games better and you dumb fucks need to stop buying shit you'll end up raging about on the internet


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Well, it's wrong.
Videogames ARE fun. If they're not fun, why bother?

>Buying a game that isn't fun
The video aspect cones into play because it's displayed on a screen.

That's like buying a ball in a cup that screams about oppression every time you catch the damn thing.

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Perfect conditioning tool. Everyone wants to indoctrinate from inside your own home, on your own dime.

how would a game about that topic be any better than a book or even a film?

>I could make a game that really drives home the benefits of communism
You can already kill tons of people in other, less boring genres.


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>having an interactive medium show you the truth is bad because the truth hurts
literal cumbrain

Yeah, but from a filmmaking perspective both films are still 'enjoyable' to watch. Bad movies are those that are directed and edited horribly to the point that they become unenjoyable, like Suicide Squad.

Likewise, a game universally regarded to be good will be enjoyable to play. So in that respect fun will almost always be an important factor in a game's development.

because you can prevent progression unless the player has understood what you're trying to teach them, you know like every other video game ever made

So pretty much all entertainment and media

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I just want a game where I can go into a tavern/pub when it's raining at night, order a beer, and drink it - all without being a static cutscene or animation, menus, floating numbers, glowy effects, or just recycling one cheap animation over and over (or just taking one single swig and being done).

Thank you user, please keep posting this.

>There's nothing that prevents games from having elements that should be studied
It's called money. Nobody is going to buy that shit.

>imagine being this mad at people smarter than you

I mean you can compare a horse the the space shuttle, but the comparison won't be meaningful in any way, this is the same thing.

I'd like to see a study done on this vocabulary. I first saw it emerging from reddit, but it's obviously spread from there. There's a femininity to it.

lorefags can put literal hours into only studying lore, how would it hurt my game if only a true to your heart communist can ulock the good ending

A female wrote this. And they wonder why women destroy everything fun.

kek fucking BASED bros nobody will ever be as smart as we incels who studied the blade while chadcucks chased pussy for nothing!

shut up bitch

Yeah, I get that that's how you view it, I'm saying you're wrong. Movies and video games can both be fun, but there's no reason either of them should be restricted to fun. You are arguing from how you think things ought to be, not how they are.

Okay now THIS is epic!

Yeah I first remember seeing this shit come out of reddtit. Soibois feminizing themselves on purpose and adopting black slang to appear sensitive and nonthreatening the women and minorities who they desperately want to accept them. It's basically the end product of a lifetime of liberal white guilt.

I too play a game of chess to spread awareness of important social issues. How did they know?

it's all about having a story that tugs at your heartstrings

>queen piece is the strongest because she's a woman
Anything can be political if you reach hard enough

A- Are you comparing video games, a medium where you interact with digital objects, with movies?

The age of videogame incels is over. Yea Forums belongs to reddit now, freaks. Deal with it and have sex.

But the king is the most important piece. But yeah, people seem to perform mental gymnastic with most things now only to sound somewhat important.

and when there is a game that use the game play to add to the experience (in this case misery) they say the game is too difficult and say they want a easy mode to "experience" the story those clowns dont want a experience they want propaganda

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I read all these in Jesse Cox's voice because I'm 99% sure I've heard him say every single one of those after watching Cooptional Podcast for so long.

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or you know, white people finally coming to terms with facts and the evidence.

Look at this masterful projection! Amazing!

Having met a few like this, I'm always struck that they were born and raised in white upper-middle class enclaves and while they may live in a city with a large minority (in the sense of the US nationally) population, they rarely interact with them and certainly don't live near them.

Let's wait for Pathologic to not to be a broken game first.

I play games for fun and to escape from this shitty world. I don't like media that tries to bring me back. No wonder I haven't liked many western games in a while.

Anecdotal evidence does not count. I know for a fact that white people screw over others more than any other group.

is playing Silent Hill escapism?

And these high horse types would do well to live their ideals, not just preach them to others.


can they not be both?

I have a theory that modern progressives treat their politics as their religion. Instead of following/believing in a supernatural deity, bringing about the societal change they desire is the purpose of all their activities.
It appears similar to how devout Christians, for example, see all their more mundane activities as means to Christ's ends. Like Vic Mignogna saw his work doing anime voice acting as a way to share the gospel with a section of the populous that wasn't saturated with it, or Scott Cawthon using his vidya for a similar purpose.
It seems to fit this attitude with some secular devs; nothing is an end in itself anymore; it MUST serve some greater purpose in bringing about.
I personally know a fellow like this; he earnestly insisted all art was political.

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Why do you think we are trying to have higher taxes for the rich?

but how is playing Silent Hill fun?

The author is purposefully misusing the word "fun" in place of "good." Yea Forums would call Planescape good, but I don't think many would call it fun. The problem with these gay ass indie SJW titles that pander to trannies, women, fags, and minorities is that not only are they not fun, they're not good either. They're boring, probably tedious to play for whatever reason like they're a walking simulator or just tabbing through text, and they're all based on some annoying pet issue the average person really doesn't give a shit about.

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There isn't more than 3 good video games released a year anymore: FACT

it's called culture you idiot

Is Super Mario Maker 2 one of them?

Having grown up when the fundamentalist Christian right was trying to ban violent videogames and was still saying rock music was making kids become Satan worshipers, you're not wrong. The pendulum of the morally self-righteous has just swung to the other side.
I personally doubt the efficacy of any top-down solutions. It's a cultural issue, and even more importantly a class issue. I'd rather just see devs with this strong desire to make powerful direct statements in their games start by moving their studios out of wealthy and dare I say privileged areas.

The King is the figurehead but the Queen is the real power. I bet this was cutting commentary in the 13th century.

Your personal preference is not universal law.

As long as she dies for the king's safety in worst case, I'm fine by her having the fire power.

>Descartes didn't say that
No shit.

You're just saying that because you treat your religion as your politics.

Japan still makes fun games, the west can go fuck itself.

This. All games are art, but art that shoehorns some contemporary political opinion, without extrapolating to any idea beyond that, are just bad.

It’s like dumbasses forgot how art works. We keep getting games with more and more token bullshit and less actual commentary. You used to get stories about something with subtext that could be interpreted to actually be about the plight of gays or whatever, now you just have to put LGBT in a game to tick the virtue signalling checkbox.

but seriously, he didn't say it.

"Fun" was seen as a buzzword on Yea Forums pre-2016. Now that some journos have caught onto it and start regurgitating the same talking points that was seen on Yea Forums years ago, people suddenly disagree and games should all be fun.

The saddest thing I've seen so far is NEET incels leaning right against their own interests simply because their spite for women and minorities overpowers their desire to better themselves and improve their lives. Middle class and the wealthy are a given because they have theirs and want to protect it against people they see as inferior, even if that means indirectly affecting their lives negatively by creating a toxic community around them. You can almost empathize with the wealthy who lean right but when it comes to the lower class right, they're quite literally cucks or exploited at best.

>tfw jobless but voted for Trump anyway

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>The author is purposefully misusing the word "fun" in place of "good." Yea Forums would call Planescape good, but I don't think many would call it fun.
That's not a mistake by the author, that's a mistake by Yea Forums.

We've past that point so long ago that idiots who came here will agree with this image thinking they're not part of the problem.

but it never where, it always was engagement, like any other media, art or entertainment.

>The pendulum of the morally self-righteous has just swung to the other side.
Tell it to the morally self-righteous Christard cunts shitting up this board 24/7.

I disagree on some minor details, but yeah the legacy of the working class being twisted against its own interests has a very long history even when just referring to the US.
At the same time, be very careful not to fall into the trap of assuming you know better than the working class. That can turn you into a pandering jackass very quickly - think of those white suburban women who think they understand and know what's best for poor black Americans.

They're a complete joke if they're on a videogame board anyway instead of going to their bible studies and food drives.

Ah yes two legendary works of fiction

this except these threads aren't even funny

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>implying 99% of those aren't just LARPing because conservative Christianity upsets the far Left more than anything

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Yet here you are, so tell me why can't games be the same?

Remember to abandon AAA games and consoles altogehter.

PC is the only place to play real games anymore. Indies are the only real gamedevs.

Remember to buy every AGDG game to support your bros and to steer the fuck clear of Epic store.

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>waaaahhhh why wont poor people make the rich people give them money dont they know what's good for them ablooo ablooooo

only if they're japanese

I don't doubt videogames could bring about a change. What I disagree with is that it's the responsibility of games to be socially conscious/aware/whatever. That's our responsibility. Parents gotta TALK with their kids about what they watch and why, not just say what they can't watch. Parents gotta talk to their kids about separating fantasy and reality.

And you gotta remember that mental maturity is NOT the same thing as emotional maturity. Doesn't matter if your kid's smart and knows that the horror movie blood and guts are fake, if what they take away is somethin that makes them feel powerful or fuels their insecurity, have a chat with em and remain calm.

So then why'd they do it here of all places? The only left-wingers you see here are LARPing to piss off the Christfags that came here entirely unprompted. There were none before.

Western indies can stand on the mountain too, you know.

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Why not?
Its not like the existence of weird experimental games is going to actually challenge conventional games since they won't sell as well.
Honestly think most people have a problem with this only because its being pushed by sjws, I'd be fine with people trying new things with vidya instead of just rehashing the same shit over and over.

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Surprisingly well reasoned and wholesome post.

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What about a new Sonic game where Tails comes out as gay?

*blocks your path*

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Dictionary definitions are hardly ever good arguments. Synonyms are never perfect or they wouldn't exist side by side. Fun and enjoyment are interchangeable in many contexts but not all.

What does that have to do with anything?
Is that even a thing that happened?

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>If you don't make a video game that suit my taste you are bad and I will write an article about how mean you are >:(

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That quote is misplaced. That was said by Voltaire, not Descartes

Never mind, I misread your post.

>internet "dictionnaries"
lmao get a fucking education holy shit HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I’ll bother with a game that isn’t fun if it’s trying to something interesting. I don’t think I had much fun with Rain World (at least on the first playthrough) but it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.

>I’ll bother with a game that isn’t fun if it’s trying to something interesting
Makes me think of the first Drakengard, the game's definitely not fun but it sure was interesting, that's not what the modern AAA titles go for though, they strip away fun for the sake of looking more like a movie than actually giving something of substance

>The joke
>Your head

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Prime example of the type of person I'm talking about. I guess the problem is this type of person doesn't have the capacity to think forward, beyond "why should theeeeey get free food, I EARN my living!". Instead of having a support system and rehabilitating the poor, you'd rather pay more in taxes creating larger, inefficient police forces, funding prisons, putting strain on the understaffed medical system etc. In addition to increased taxes, the communities around these people become more hostile, crime rises, service-industry labor becomes harder to find, it becomes more expensive and lower quality, business stagnates because money isn't circulating, prices on everything rises. But hey, as long as your corporate overlords are getting more and you take home a few more bucks, even though your dollar isn't worth as much, at least those good-for-nothing poor people aren't getting free food or medical care, right brother?

>that cramped desk
>that wrist positioning
>inadequate chair
>cup of joe almost falling

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>game has political developers
>spend my money elsewhere


>funding prisons
I'm all for this

no they don't, fuck off back to resetera

Isnt it simply becouse the industry is run by people who just didnt have all that much fun with videogames?

>prison guards
Say, now there's a great job for you NEETs!

It's the hot thing on /pol/ now, falling alongside all the trad posting you see on other boards. It's entirely reactionary.

If we turned everything into a prison, we would be able to solve crime, and give everyone a job.

Define fun. Yes, you, user.

gay sex

Sign me up

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in the end, we were our own worst enemy.

Yeah, it absolutely is, but the point is, if it's all LARP to "piss off the far left" then what "far left" presence on Yea Forums prompted this? Especially considering how many of them are so dedicated to the bit that they'll go out and kill people. And if the idea is to mock thin-skinned people, aren't reactionary cunts the easiest to trigger of all?

This picture is not real


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True. We can throw worthless women, niggers and NEET incels into prison and pay some of them to keep watch. I'm loving this idea.

Enjoyable, engaging, novel, good feedback. You know, stuff these envious idiots aren't.

Generally speaking both sides are larping because they legitimately think the other side is legit, that's all there is to it, just a bunch of idiots baiting each other because they can.
With that said, to claim that every single far-left/right poster is a larper would be plain wrong though, there are definitely people who are completely serious about it here and it is bound to piss someone off, Yea Forums is a big place.

>”Games don’t have to be fun and can be artistic or elicit emotion”
Ah yes, very good. There can be fun shooty games and artistic games-
>”All games should be 50 hour minimum visual novel essays about why [insert race here] or [insert culture here] is good or bad with no room for subjectivity or gameplay”
Ah, journalists. Never change!

Yea Forums is one person

Have you ever heard the phrase "cognitive dissonance"?

delusion and parental issues

To follow up on this. The greatest “art game” I’ve ever played has to be Killer7.
>Satisfying shooting gameplay, even if it is simple zombie-like enemy clearing and piss easy puzzles the sound when you hit a weak point is kino enough to carry the whole game
>Story an extremely subjective look into cultural identity and the aftermath of Japan/US relations and cultures since WWII
>There’s no biases in the story and no true heroes or villains
>Aesthetic an eclectic mix of surreal horror and cartoon shading
>You battle the fucking power rangers holy SHIT
>In short the most based game to ever call itself “art” while most “art” games are just tumblr whining and crying except you hold forward to progress it.

Nice digits

It looks to me like one side is actually pretty legit for the most part but I suppose that makes me a Leftist larper

>mongoloids like this are allowed near a keyboard

Except industry didn't take those people seriously while leftists infiltrated it

So you're saying it's projection?


Fuck you man, I don't need your propaganda, I rather play some japanese incest game next to my sister than deal with your tranny flags

have you ever heard of “sneed”?

The thing is, different people perceive different things to be fun. I like depressing stories, because the struggle in the is something that grabs my interest. It's suffering, but I enjoy this storytelling, I find it fun.

I'd even accept that games could teach things, but propaganda is unfun, and there is an implicit statement here of some teachings being objectively correct, compared to others. The people who insist games need to stop being fun are people who have stopped enjoying games a very long time ago.

That's what happens when you find someone with completely different views than yours, ironic or not


>games should be art
>games shouldn’t be art and should just be entertainment
This argument is a prime example of black/white reasoning that companies and journalists use to divide and capitalize people. Never forget that both can coexist. We have a (likely) extremely artistic and interesting game in Death Stranding that might not be the most incredible fun people have had, and it’ll sell millions, but the next insanely “fun only” shooter on the market or a tough Souls-like game will ALSO sell millions. The objective argument is that there is no argument and that everyone should just stop yelling and start playing more games. Any other arguments made are proof that people are slaves to corporations that start these kinds of bandwagon debates.
TLDR: You can have everything you want if you let go of negative emotion.

>negative emotion
>just accept it that we ruin a beloved videogame series of yours
>propaganda is important for us you know
>can't have you spouting around that is propaganda for our agenda though

>things would be better if people stopped getting angry at everyone else and listened
who would have thought

dont 4get about liberals & commies; i hear there's free food, healthcare & a place to live with entertainment too, & a gym, all free

>many are now choosing to use videogames as their medium to spread awareness of social issues and hopefully bring about change
Haven't they been complaining about gamergate due to the lack of success on getting gamers "woke"?

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How many of your favourite video game series have been turned into high art user?

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what did he mean by this?

even if you destroy everything fun it will not be enough to appease them

what they want is to be ruler of the whole universe and beyond, making people destroy fun things is just what they make you do to prove your suicidal loyalty to them, and consequently their own power to themselves

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I implore you all to just stop playing modern videogames completely. They are cash-driven skinner boxes. You are literally wasting your time and money. Do something creative. Exercise. Anything. Just stop feeding these corporations.

As George Washington once said "Don't believe everything written on the internet.". Words to live by.

If they fuck up your favourite game series do what everyone else does, mourn and don't buy it.
The parasites will not live long when exposed to the light of competition.

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That isn't an evolution.

You interact with digital objects to achieve visual feedback. In movies you merely get visual feedback.

How about destructive? Like find where you live and brick you while you sleep?

>he hasn't seen how good indie games can be
budget clearly isn't quality, but you know what is? Games made people who would and have done it for free, under their own control.
Not all indie games are good, honestly it's mostly trash. but when you find one that IS good, that appeals to you and your niche, it is better than anyhting AAA released in the last decade.

'How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?'

Winston thought. 'By making him suffer,' he said.

'Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing."

- George Orwell, 1984

No videogames are cute and funny.

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>but when you find one that IS good, that appeals to you and your niche, it is better than anyhting AAA released in the last decade

>TLDR: You can have everything you want if you let go of negative emotion
With that said, I think trying to pretend like no bit of entertainment has ever interested you enough that a sudden and drastic turn for the worst didn't piss you off only really says you either never liked it anyway or you're already numb beyond words.

I would refine this somewhat hysterical post and say don't play AAA. Even dropping down to the realm of AA you'll see a massive improvement in quality, innovation and a reduction in the "skinner box" likeness of the games.
Don't expect the vidya industry of today to be the same as the one you grew up with, its grown with you and you'll need to explore the niches to find truly great games, of which there are more than ever.

So what... must be done?

This dumbass thinks they aren't the same thing. Stop pedestalising the word art you dumb fuck.

Circlejerk of course.

Damn, Descartes came a long way from just saying girls wanted the D.


stop shilling this stupid shit here

Games haven't been any good since the mid-2000s

you clearly haven't found one that appeals to you yet. but you will eventually. the way this industry is going it's inevitable
Unless governments around the world start banning vidya or it's hit with CCA level control over what can be made.


Thank you for sharing your opinion with the class user.

this, so much this

who's the mommy

Isn't it amazing that games were good when we were young and had yet to become jaded manchildren?

I've got a better theory. Most of the people who do this shit can't get their foot in the door anywhere else. The real art world, painting and music and writing, etc, are all choked to bursting with so much shit that one more purple and pink haired xi/xir just gets lost in the screaming void. They can't get so much as one bloated cankle in the door despite having a masters in "liberal arts"
So they move to a medium that is up and coming like TV in the late 1950s. They want games to be art so that they can be artists, so that they can imagine themselves as taking the stage next to whatever other heroes they have. And video games, being mostly dumb nerds, didn't see it coming until it had happened.

Define indie for me please. And define AAA.

>1986 bing bing wahoo is GotY
>2019 bing bing wahoo is GotY

How would you do that, exactly?

We already have religious games, and they don't sell much.

literally, objectively, this

You're right, the kind of people who become games journos get ripped apart in older artistic mediums when they try peddle their usual bullshit.
I wish I had saved the screencap of some games journo get ripped apart for their half baked article where they attempted to moralise and nag photographers.

When you don't have imagination and talent, you start to push your views and agenda.

There were good and bad games back then just like there are good and bad games now. Proportionately speaking, there are more bad games now than good. I think we can all agree that AA games have mostly dissolved and AAA games have fundamentally changed- I'd wager the games changed more than we did.

i wish you were right user, if vidya was an art then we wouldnt have problem with snoy censorship, western "localization" or any bullshit like that. but since video gamea arent art they can do whatever the fuck they want without caring about it. the best case scenario would be if vidya became art

If they said "To me" I would be 100% ok with the article but instead it's some dictation of what games are. If anything, comparing the recent God of War to the recent Devil May Cry 5 has only hardened my favoring of gameplay.

Stop listening to retarded marketing and get a shovel.
There's a lot of gems buried under in the pile of shit that covers everything.

I bet none of you played shit like cloudbuilt.

>art wasn't censored for triggering religious folks in medieval times

Because they do more interesting things than a toy can.

>indie trash
no thanks

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I'd say that there are more good games and bad games now, because there are simply a fucktonne more games being made. AA still exists and in decent quantity, its just that they're dwarfed by AAA games which take all the headlines and the occasional smash hit indies which everyone jerks themselves raw over.

>we are living in medieval times
i mean if you live USA sure

>You interact with digital objects to achieve visual feedback
Yes, but that is only half of it. You also do it to hopefully have a good time performing the actions of said game and hopefully get the satisfaction of getting better at the game.
That's something you can't get from a movie since you don't perform anything in a movie. You're just observing.

>important social issues
aka 'my political beliefs'

>I refuse to have fun
How can you expect anything other than derision?

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It's your choice, AAA trash that barely can be called games, or indie shit.
Of course, there is the "just get a nintendo portable" option, given the sheer number of hidden gems in it.

you think people ever learn anything?

Of course we do, the differences between modern life and life in medieval europe are absolutely massive.

This is why we have eternal summer

That depend on how you define fun. If you think fun is absolutely mindless enjoyment, then yes. However, I feel that games that try to tell some deep and complex story can still be fun if the story is done right

This article was bought you by the people with the "as most rich people are white, all whites are privileged!" mindset, also responsible by gems such as "as most robbers are black, all blacks are criminals" and "as most bad drivers are asians, all gooks can't drive"

>play white cishet merchant class citizen under the revolution
>you have to play your cards right so you survive and grow as a person

yes, but people are basically as dumb, if not dumber than back then

Neverminding that it is an indie game, I just don't like platformers.
I don't like anything Nintendo develops, the only Nintendo console I had was a GameCube and that was for Resident Evil. Still trying to look for a copy of Eternal Darkness but I might just have to emulate it.

Papers please is a really great example of a game that integrates its chosen topic into the game really well.
10/10 soviet era border guard simulator.

how embarrassing

You have a point there. A lot of MMOs and gachas do feel like work simulators.

Objectively untrue, improvements in nutrition and living conditions have improved intelligence across the board generation on generation.

Nigger, indie games these days can sometimes provide a better experience than AAA games do if you actually have a brain and know how to filter the crap and look around a bit. You complain there are no good games these days but immediately discard anything under a pretty wide umbrella when suggested, what the fuck do you expect.

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I don't like platformers either, I've still managed to find indie/AA games I really enjoy, you literally just need to find your niche.

I don't play AAA games either though.
The last new game I bought was Resident Evil 2 remake which I knew I would like.

So why do people still believe quasi religious shit if they're so much smarter now? Even shit that is literally tearing their society apart at the seams.

>I don't like anything Nintendo develops
No your dumbass, you don't buy nintendo portables for the nintendo games.
You buy em for the OTHER games.
The system that have the mainline pokemon title generally attract a lot of lower budget, high effort titles from the japanese industry like rune factory, prof layton, phoenix wright, megamans/MMBNs, experimental RPGs etc..

no i do not think so. but still we dont burn books now, and there are mediums where you can say whatever you want because its considered art like in photograpy or books or even movies sure if you dont follow the mainstream political agenda you take a hit in your revanue but still you can do what you want but in video games of you dont follow a strict guideline from some dilating tranny you lose everything. thats why i think that video games becoming an art would be better in the long run because right now we cant have game for games sake we cant have a fun game you can play without anyone shouting in your face what should you think what should you do... thInking about it we are not better than the medieval people.

What's the most pretentious game you ever played?

Because even smart people are susceptible to quirks of our biology such as group thinking, finding patterns where there are none, etc.
Also its a bit hysterical to say that any western societies are being "torn apart at the seams" by quasi religions.

Liberalism is a mental illness

Crono Cross by far.

The only games that are still being developed for Nintendo platforms that I like are Ace Attorney games and they get mobile releases now so I don't care getting a Nintendo console anymore.
Plus they are almost all able to be emulated nowadays.

>Falling for bait


Amazon has literally removed books from their store because they're too offensive

EDF is a pure game.

They have successfully lowered birthrates to unsustainable levels with quasi-religious bullshit.

They're a private company not a library.
There is a major difference between a store choosing not to carry books and mobs confiscating stocks of books to burn them in the streets.

Which group has institutional power in academia and tech?

Well, you don't need to actually buy consoles or games, but you could well check the library and dig out some neat ROMs to find good shit.
I bet there are at least 20 nintendo DS games you would love that you don't even know it exist.

Corporations that have more influence than most governments, at what point will you start getting worried about it?

Not everything needs to be a conspiracy, birth rates dropped because children stopped being most peoples retirement plans so there isn't the same need to create/raise your replacements and it turns out that raising children is expensive, time consuming and extremely limiting. At least now we don't have people who shouldn't be raising children forced to do so and inflict their shitty parenting on society.

the left see it as a means of control/brainwashing

what about fishing

Nice bit of fiction

Check your lure privileges

Children are still everyone's retirement plan in practice. It's just not self evident anymore since the government is there as the middle man now. The government is betting on that pajeets and muhammeds will take care of you when you grow old.

that requires physical labor, so it should be safe
also Frog lures are the best

Yeah, it was Jason Schreier at the the height of the Dragon's Crown art debacle. It was on NeoGaf before it went full retard. The guy who called him out on his bullshit was a photographer who pointed out that Schreier's attitude of calling art "harmful" is what kills artistic mediums. And when Schreier tried to deflect by saying vidya has a problem with racism and misogyny, he got shot down when said poster pointed out that photography was a old white man's club for decades, and there are still gender stereotypes in the field.

Obviously large corporations should be kept in check, but its a little hysterical to compare a company not stocking a book to book burnings.
These are two separate issues and its important to maintain perspective.

>important social issues

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God damn based tr/a/nny.

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>kramer's portrait in the background
giddy up

Or you can just do what we've been doing for the past few centuries and continue to increase the surplus value generated by our economies becoming more efficient and use that to pay for the nations retirement. I'm really interested to see how the "AI revolution" everyones hyping up turns out.

Yeah, monetization, loot boxes and squeezing the most money out of players is the most important aspect of video games now.

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Any reasonable A.I. would conclude that it's best to just shoot the elderly and throw them into a ditch.

>You also do it to hopefully have a good time
Yes and you watch a movie to hopefully have a good time too.

have sneed

>shoot the elderly
Why waste a bullet when gravity still works?
>throw them into a ditch
And why waste all that valuable material, surely the elderly can be reprocessed in some manner?

The marriage.

But you don't interact with the movie.

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That is true if big corporations don't play dirty to create and maintain monopolies.

No you don't.

Videos games are a past time for children even mature games with deep stories are lack luster in comparison to books. Video games serve only the purpose of being fun and passing time

fucking powerful
incels should be castrated

Then you bust them, its not a new thing and only really a problem for countries like america that are textbook examples of regulatory capture.

just bury them alive, they make good fertilizer

With the one noticeable exception of MeetnFuck games.

video games are for escapism, and fuck anyone who tries to change that.

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I disagree with your terrible opinion

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>only in America
you know, Lidl failed to enter Norway because the grocery cabal there made sure that they would fail

>1 post by this ID

I know nothing about this so I couldn't possibly give an informed take on this, but that does sound more like your usual protectionism than the issue people tend to have with multinationals.
I could be wrong though.

then what are video games to you?

Real important post here, no surprise they didn't bother to answer

your not funny faggot

Just another form of entertainment.
Not all entertainment is escapism idiot

>sony got a point you know

Escapism and challenge mostly, it doesn't mean that I'm not open to people who want to try and innovate or make a game with some actual depth or meaning.
I enjoy escapism as much as the next man, but there really is nothing like seeing/watching/reading something that really challenges you or makes you think and I bet there are lots of ways to do that in vidya we haven't found yet.

>like america
>only in America

low iq retard

what Christ tards shitting up this board?

Why is there this large influx of "no fun allowed" pretentiousness in all media? Stupid fun things can coexist with higher art. It's amazing to think that stuff like Lethal Weapon or Robocop couldn't be made today because they aren't "serious enough" and only capeshit gets a pass to be wacky and fun.

Yes it is. It's literally going the way of the dodo.

The prudes complaining about fictional women and sexy outfits.
inb4 i>t's SJWs
/pol/ turned on anime years ago and the mindset spread here

>some guy said it in 2011 one time so its Yea Forums's opinion

immigration = bad
more people = bad
the left always wants more immigration
the left = bad

simple maths

This is what happened with flat earthers too.

whats wrong with being a prude?

I'm honestly going to be driven to suicide eventually, they can only destroy so many things that keep me happy in my pathetic life before I break.

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Heavy Rain was fun though. It was an interesting story. Too bad the plot makes no sense once you find out _____ is the killer.


I'm right leaning because I believe in free expression, something that today's lefty authoritarian extremists don't like, if the right becomes the censor happy extremists in 10 years I'll go back to libertarian voting,
I honestly couldn't care less about the rest of the policies.

well find a better example for a country that isn't like america

free expression isnt political. neither side qives a shit about free expression

Just like Yea Forums is not one person, /pol/ is not one either. And even then, /pol/ as a whole never turned on anime.

I dunno. I got EDF5 the other day and for the first time in a long time I'm actually having fun in a game.

No plot that matters.
No cinematics.
No gender, race, or identity politics outside of some silly Robocop tier shit that plays on radio broadcasts.

Just a bunch of dudes and girls in jetpacks with slutty micro shorts blowing up giant aliens into gibs with the occasional 1v100 that turns into a 1v1 because the AI is retarded against Not-Godzilla and Not-Gamera.

It's simple and fun and I love it

look you found a nice place to hang out

Be a prude all you want in your personal life, but when you decide that everyone should be like you and if you disagree you're a bad person is when I have a problem.

>left censors sexy women

>right censors sexy women

Not that poster, was just pointing out your error

>leaning right against their own interests simply because their spite for women and minorities overpowers their desire to better themselves and improve their lives
When was the last time the left provided benefits on behalf of the proletariat? Every policy they have involves giving more money to women and 'minorities' (global majorities)

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y, I fuck up sometimes, but I did still express the idea I wanted

>implying everyone is a hypocrite
Nobody here, nor anywhere really on the internet, unironically defends the censorship of the 80s and 90s over religious imagery and violence

Most big financial success(Even the biggest AAA struggle to get into that category especially single player games) turn skyrim into something comparable to a movie adaption of a Strugastski's novel

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>as many are now choosing to use videogames as their medium of choice to spread awareness of important social issues, and hopefully bring about change

they are just fucking video games intended as a past time activity and a form of escapism from real life. video gmes will NEVER be more. and I hope the current wave of subhumans who try to push their political and social agendas into vidya games and the consumers throats by hijacking and taking this medium hostage for their ulterior propaganda faggotry will eventually be chased out of town.

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>/pol/ didn't turn on anime
What bizarro world do you live in?
I was completely on board /pol/ back then, but as soon as hypocritical and anti-free expression positions started becoming more common I couldn't stand it anymore.
Japan went from being viewed as the utopia to strive for, a culturally consistent, peaceful and prosperous country to being viewed as a island of perverts that needs to change their laws and culture, a position no different from an extremist SJW prude. Worst of all that mindset has spread to Yea Forums and even Yea Forums.

arent we all a little prudish

No matter how hard these political types try to twist the perceptions of people in the industry they'll never be able to beat the fact that, realistically speaking, no one is going to engage with the workings of a pretentious soap boxing ideologue. Plus it's already been proven that taking very heavy handed one sided approaches to modern politics does not translate to sales - the thing that ultimately fucking matters in all of this.

The article is clearly speaking to a subset of people in the industry that either have no genuine interest in games or simply don't perceive videogames as a hobby. In that capacity I doubt the writer has any grounds to claim what is and isn't important when it comes to games since they clearly aren't approaching the industry from neutral ground.

>be huge megacorp
>promote leftist ideology for virtue signaling (pretending to be pious during middle ages) and donate to leftist lobbies
>it's not like we are going to pay those increased taxes since we are incorporated in some tax heaven lol
>as always, middle class takes the hit, finances gibs and import 3rd worlders that undercut the value of labor all the way up (yes, pajeets will take even your comfy "safe" work you stupid moron)
And you have the gall of calling others cucks. What and absolute cuckolding retard you are.

what's the problem? just don't buy it if you don't like it. I'll never be able to understand the seething, have sex

Yeah man social issues are incredible important for me while I am hanging out with bros hunting arch tempered elder dragons in MHW as we wait for Iceborne.

This is what edutaintmentfags did to videogames.

bros i think i'm on to something here, can someone confirm

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You do realize there's still a whole world outside western AAA trash, right

It is when one side turns on free expression and the other picks up the mantle.
Like I said I don't care about much else politically, so I'll just flip flop around to whatever side is pro-free expression at the time, whether they are sincere or just being contrarian.

>the far left doesn't exist

You know, its possible that people grew up and you just can't stand that these people embrace it.

No you left wing cunt, "reactionary cunts" are simply correct, that's why you have far left tranny spam on here because they experience mental breakdown being unable to control the conversation on Yea Forums. It is so easy to identify leftists on Yea Forums its not funny.

why is it so hard for you to respect the lifestyles of people that are not like you?

Oy vey, shut it down goyim.

so you really have no convictions and only care about cummies and vapid hedonistic materialist pleasure ?

>Want to play video games to run away IRL bullshit
>Play new hottest game
>Some fucking asshole in the game preaches you about their perception of what's right and wrong

You are wrong, because entertainment itself isn't a requirement for societies as a whole. Do you think starving children in africa are thinking about women suffering from being paid slightly less then men do? Or how women supposedly aren't "portrayed fairly" in video games or movies? These are first world problems. People that care about these things are privileged in the first place to even have the thoughts be able to cross their minds. Before these forms of media, people sought entertainment from working, building, or creating, and the games children played were seen as childish because they were not work, they did not create, they did not make money. Then the entertainment industry came along as a way of relieving stress from work. As entertainment, meant to relax people, to give you a break from the hardships of life. Now the medium has grown to such a point that, people that go to a movie or play a video game to relax, to take a break from stress, to get away from harsh realities, are instead preached at and expected to learn a lesson. Sorry for this analogy, but it fits to me. Imagine going to your classroom, and the teacher lets the class see a movie, and tells them they are taking the day off from work. Now, the teacher after the movie ends expects everyone to take a dire serious test about the movie they just saw. How would the students react? Would they praise the teachers bravery? Would they thank the teacher for punishing them for believing they could relax? No, they would be fucking pissed, angered, and disappointed. They would feel cheated. They would feel lied to. They wouldn't like it. Nobody likes to hear a lecture when they are trying to have fun, and fun in essence, is a break, a vacation, a escape from the hardships of reality. When you bring those hardships into entertainment, you made a documentary, not a form of entertainment.

Nobody is allowed to attack the word "fun". Yes, you might get sick of hearing it, and yes you might think it adds nothing to a conversation, but fun is entertainment, and fun is the reason entertainment exists. Without fun, all you have is reality, or a lecture, or basically something you could get much more easily some other way.

It's not the difference that does it, it's the sheer tenacious effort they put into it. They seem genuinely invested in it.

Both can coexist but the people pointing that out are held in contempt by the people who demand that games should only ever be "fun"

It's the only one I passionately care about. The general "leave people alone" libertarian ideal describes my general mindset, but I don't care enough about day to day politics aside from the main one.

I played Unfinished Swan. It's supposed to be deep, artsy, minimalistic etc. Got bored after Chapter 2 it didn't pull me in. Went back to Street Fighter V and played for hours finishing all trials, buying new characters etc.

Shadow Of The Colossus is also a minimalistic, "artsy", deep game. But I had a blast slaying the Colossi, it pulled me in.

Games need to be fun, everything else is secondary.

>expectation for no-fun games: grounded misery simulators about heavy topics like poverty, addiction, bereavement and trauma
>reality: first world tranny problems, unentertaining artsy bullshit and ham-handed identity politics
Fuck seriousfags and fuck 2mature4u games.

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i honestly was expecting it to just say give her the dick and was wondering why it was getting so many replies

Welcome to Nu-Yea Forums

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Big difference between the two.

Video games aka digital propaganda.

FACT: every video game released after 2010 has been garbage

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Stormfaggots confirmed for basedboys

This angle always makes me happy to hear.
Not because I agree, but because the game I'm working on is designed to be f*n with no political message or moral lesson attached. I'm pretty bad at making games so the more talented devs waste their potential on politics, the less competition I have to deal with.

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I know that you want to be pedantic about things.

All video games need to be is not boring.

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That's highly compatible with videogames though

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I use this example when discussing media. Some movies and books are not fun, but ment to instil an emotion like fear disgust anger or sorrow. Games do that too, and some games do those things very well tonthe point they get called art, JUST LIKE MOVIES. I like The Stanley Parable but I dont think it's art or even a good game, but it was enjoyable and I would still recommend it

that's why fags like you don't undestand Trump, you want to pick apart every detail and keep missing the forest for the trees

>implying I'm not a lowkey Trump voter

Fun is for immature retards which Yea Forums is mostly composed of.
If fun was all game developers cared for, we wouldn’t have masterpieces like Red Dead Redemption.

Because there are a lot of people that never got over the idea of being judged for enjoying what has been deemed as 'for kids'. The sad thing is, video games use to not be considered a kids thing. The first video games were set up in bars and places of social gatherings. It was various game companies that figured that marketing them to children would produce more money. So these people have no one to blame but themselves for falling for propaganda. To have games transformed into a kiddy pass time and then demand that they cater to their more sensible taste, as if the two have to be mutually exclusive.

If these people would just get over themselves and just enjoy things, then we wouldn't be having to deal with this kind of shit.

>many are now choosing to use videogames as their medium of choice to spread awareness of social issues
They still have to be engaging i.e. fun

Having a point doesn't mean it's good or valid.

Stop playing western multiplayer garbage, retard.

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describes the current state of Yea Forums well

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why hasn't this happened with the GAMERS RISE UP guys yet?

Either it's about fun or it's about social issues? Clearly the former is more in service of making a good video game.

This thread isn't meant to be funny, its meant to groom teenagers and mentally unhappy college aged adults into sucking Conservative cock.

Why do Yea Forums and /pol/ like reposting articles that are several years old every week?


it's a good excuse to use something as a political tool.

They are already doing it with movies, music and books (scifi, fantasy, etc).

When all the media is unified with one way of thinking, you can mold society at your will. It's not about expressing yourself, or art, or fun, it's about to make you think what I want to think.

Stop being a consumerist bitch and find a hobby outside of popular media. Anything is better than passive hobbies.

We 1984 now, son

it was Moliere who said that. Also

>if you don't like to be progressive and open to everything you are an idiot

I only know 2 guys that actually play video games and they're both fat and single. I couldn't imagine actually wasting my time with video games when I could just be on Yea Forums laughing at the manchildren trying to discuss them on my phone.

because nothings changed between the years

"Man's true purpose is to procreate." This gay rubbish passes for wisdom among alt-retards. But the history books are full of scientists, men of letters and engineers who did not procreate. Are they not men then? Are they failures? But the dinosaurs were procreating like gangbusters when they disappeared, they did not die due to lack of procreation, they died due to lack of science and technology, due to lack of thought, lack of intelligence; precisely, that is to say, the one thing that the "unmanly" childless human scientists, men of letters and engineers had, which alt-retards who place procreation above all other human activities lack.

It was Lincoln, you fucking retard.

who fucking cares who said it? the message is more important than the messenger

>its all /pol/ talking about how we need more ugly women and minorities in gaming
>sjws dont even exist
You seriously dont think you can deny the social plague do you?

>because nothings changed between the years
In Yea Forums reality

You are none of these accomplished people and never will be. So whatever you think they've done in the "history books" has no relevance to you. Video games are for little kids.

>who fucking cares who said it?

that just proves you are a brainlet retard. Probably american.

This is what incels tell themselves when confronted with the truth.

Man's primary purpose is by no means procreation, and that's precisely why the West is currently outsourcing it to third-worlders, incidentally, who are a bit like animals in this respect. Whether that's a good or a bad idea is another matter, but what's certain is that one can't expect a genius like me to spend 18 years raising a child when I could be putting all that time in cutting-edge work that no other lifeform in the known universe, let alone the planet, can create. And that's more or less how it has been with all of mankind's greatest thinkers.

You are not welcome here is the only perfectly acceptable thing on this list, because it's what you should be saying to faggot wojak posters every time you see them.

It came from tumblr and reddit made it even more obnoxious.

pseudo intellectual incel on Yea Forums how original.

Bassically this entire website


>t. incel

Nice gaslighting there, retardera.
Now please dilate

but I find games made by both studios fun


have sex? problem solved? Your dick works doesn't it? You're not fucking ugly are you? What's the problem?

please explain how having sex makes a bad video game not bad?


I don't see how having sex will cure my depression.

>games journalist

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because they got a 3rd in journalism from Who Gives A Fuck University and still want to justify their existence rather than killing themselves

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Woah.... pretty based.

They must have a narrow definition of fun.


game primary objective is fun. Anyone who says otherwise represents everything wrong with modern industry.
If your main objective from a "game" is not having a good time0
Try using an other name maybe an "interactive software" , a "simulation" or some new definition

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I never use the meme terme.
But you are very "redpilled" user.


The headline is correct, but the author has it wrong. The most important aspect of veideogames these days is how addictive they can be made and how heavily monetized they can be.

Kys kike fag. Mentioning shindlers list, Trying to engage in the conversation. How fucking embarrassing.

Complete with original sin for being born white and excommunication of blasphemers.

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Having fun is going the way of the dodo?

Dumb frogposter

how does shoving a plastic cock up a surgical wound make a bad game not bad?

Do people actually use the shitty discord knockoff steam chat? I mean discord itself is a knockoff with gamer branding added on top.


Yes, I use it to communicate with friends who want to play video games.

Liberal ideology is a cancer

Because the west is embarrased to enjoy videogames so we have to doll it up with some sappy story and cinematics to make it appear like a lesson was learned. You'll hear western gaming fans say all the time that a game is an "experience"

All it takes is one braincell to understand that procreation will lead to the end of humanity. It's simple math

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Every time a conservative has been in power over the last 30 years it has led to massive recessions in this country

Then why have we made a society that penalizes procreation, for everyone but the dumbest.

And then you don't pass your genes on, resulting in humanity getting just that little bit dumber.

what is this ps3 launch game for children? looks like shit

Wordy and full of autism but generally correct.

I wouldn't want a porn movie to stop halfway through to tell me how non-interracial sex is bad. The entire point of entertainment is to be entertaining.


And not procreating will do so much faster. Good job, numbnuts.

Maybe there's an idea in making the whole relationship thing less cancerous.

Procreating is a womens job not a mans

>I couldn't imagine wasting my time with video games
>instead I waste my time laughing at people doing something they like

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Tell that to rhps fans
Also >he never saw clue the movie on dvd
you get to pick the ending with your remote


Western video game industry cope

jokes on you he's multitasking making bitcoins and such while he shitposts and you seethe at him

Non argument

Why would I seethe at a nobody?

FPBP but only because its Kongou.

>I couldn't imagine actually wasting my time with video games
>when I could just be on Yea Forums
Epic, simply epic.

I remember the most fun games I've played vividly and re-visit them every year or so. Fun matters. If you're not having fun, you're just killing time until something fun comes along.

Use paragraphs and spacing. People who cry "reddit spacing!" are just faggots. The general populace appreciates when a post is formatted in an easy-to-read layout. There's no shame in line breaks.

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Never fails FPBP

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Kids don't even fucking play games anymore lmao they just watch them on Twitch or Youtube.

Hyuuga>Haruna>Haguro=Takao>Shitgou>other shitships

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Yeah fuck having fun. I want to have some two bit english grad lecture me through "plot" in my vidya.

Elders of Zion and all that jazz Eh?

No, it really isn't. A slower movie full of high concept themes is a slower movie full of high concept themes. You watch it and that's it. To do the same to a game would mean the player now has to struggle with aids tier controls and the game frequently yanking away his controls to talk at him.
They can't be compared because of the nature of play.
Play is at it's best when active not passive. Even horror games are still tense and not total fucking jank. Thus they are still fun. A movie can be slow and tedious because you watch a movie, not like you were doing anything else. A game shouldn't be tedious because you PLAY a game, you actively do something instead of sitting and listening so being forced to sit and listen is bad design.
This is why you can't compare the two, they are far too fundamentally different. As watching and playing are on two totally different sides of the Passive-Active dichotomy.

Has nobody realized that this article is fake? Or are we all pretending it's real so we can be angry at le SJWs?

>can't be argued with if you have no argument

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u should play games for the gameplay. not some false sense of advancment through profile points or xp

I mean there is still another two sectors, that being AA and low budget but not indie games, but that's only if you're talking about games in general, if you mean western games only then those two sectors are pretty much dead.