Hero fucking dies

>hero fucking dies

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Other urls found in this thread:


good riddance

I don't believe you.


Drink some onions

he didn't die he was reborn as ssethtzeentach

He just fucked his back he's fine.


He isn't dead yet.

>hero absorbed by mold

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he's fucking dead

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Fuck why does this keep happening?

Damn, so thats why he hasnt posted anything in a while. Hope he gets better

I hope Sseth, Dunkey and Avgn are next, fuck ecelebs.

Burger diet

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Mandalore is being a fucking idiot here. I like him, but god damnit you don't fuck around with your back. He should be getting the surgery instead. To hell with "I'll be down longer" bullshit.

>Hero finds out he has an alternate personality half way through the game

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How he can stay right on his feet?

>would rather fuck up his back than not work on the ED and Pathologic vids
What a god.

Luckily Chinese Mafia will destroy Kizuna AI.

>We passed upon the stairs

he's doing it to save face
in reality, he can't afford it because burger, but doesn't want to look like a beggar

He's in heaven with Aslan now.

>people got too close to the truth so hero had to come up with legend of back injury

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>hero forgot to tell you he always loved you

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>Nobody from Yea Forums has ever made it as a youtube
Are we just not interesting people?

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Dear Aslan.

>I'm littererly leaking from my spine but I'm not going to get surgery because it means less time streaming
This is somehow dumber than totalbiscut not seeing a doctor about his ass bleeding.

>what is Sseth
>what is the fucking guy this thread is about
>what is tens of other memeing fucks on youtube
Notch made fucking minecraft and he posted on Yea Forums

Mandy is from Yea Forums though.
He doesn't stream, he wants to work on his vids because people pay him for it.

PDP came from here you know

Look at the thread you're in, retard.

I'm looking at the prices now and while they are of course obscene since burger they don't seem completly unaffordable when your life is on the line.

yep, shit is probably fucking expensive
he's still an idiot for not begging when he has a community like that

A lot of youtuber and streamers are Yea Forumsfags

I might be quite stupid but isn't there a good chance he could lose the use of his legs/become paralyzed because of this? Why is he risking this? Hope he gets better.

>258,324 subscribers
at what point have you "made it" on youtube? 100,000? 200,000?

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What a trooper. Hopefully he gets better.

Or he might be fucking dead because of it too.

He posted on many things as well as many forums having their own servers, from Yea Forums to Facepunch, SA, TigSource back when it was actually popular etc. We love to pretend here like it was a singular effort from here Notch made it, but it's not. The reference to Yea Forums on the splash screen was added in the same update other references were added as well.

Depends on the goal you give yourself.
Also more and more faggots are in the 1-10m range, so it goes up with time.

except a tonne of people have. They are just smart enough to distance themselves from it and cater to a different user base

Matthew and superbunnyhop are from Yea Forums.

When you can call it your job

No shit people use different forums and dont only post on Yea Forums, great observation user!

>When you can call it your job
When can you call it your job then? I knows subscribers does not = views, but it does have SOME effect on how much money you make right? Mandalore must have been making a few thousand a month right?

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That SJW fucker? I don't really believe it.

Do you even read what I've said?

Pretty sure Pewdiepie used to post on Yea Forums before becoming a YouTuber.

obviously I did, jesus christ you are so retarded

subscribers don't mean much anymore.
What are your average view numbers?

>Mandalore must have been making a few thousand a month right?
He makes nearly $3k on patreon.
With the rate at which he's releasing vids I highly doubt he makes anything close to this number from youtube.

What a retard.
You can't make any videos or play vidya if you're dead.

>you either die a hero
>or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

Dont forget that you share the board with a literal trannies user

Depends on your standard of living, but otherwise when you feel that money from YT alone can self sustain you. The monetisation is a finicky thing and depends on various factors, so there's no concrete answer, since even if both channels have around the same number of views a month they can earn different amount of money off the content.

>totalbiscut not seeing a doctor about his ass bleeding.

Totalbiscut did see a doctor and went throught cemo twice. The cancer regrow every time though, so it was just a matter of time.
The dumb thing was moving to the u.s. for treatment instead of staying in britain. He left his wife several hundred thousands dollars in debt, which is why she took over his "business". It's for her the only way to get rid of the debt.

If he had stayed in britbong, we would have only left her maybe a few thousand dollars in debt.

No you didn't. I will ask again. Did you even read what I've said? Feel free to answer when you actually do.

His older videos before he went full SJW had Yea Forums references and you could tell from the way he wrote his scripts he was a Yea Forumsirgin. He even metioned in his newest video that he used to browse Yea Forums.

>He makes nearly $3k on patreon.
How big do you think you have to be to start up a patreon & not piss off your subscribers? Socialblade says I'll be at 50,000+ subs by the end of the year & the thought of starting one scares the shit out of me.

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>the hero takes his own life

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How does a man change this much?

>How big do you think you have to be to start up a patreon & not piss off your subscribers?
If you're small then when people start to say they enjoy your vids and want to financially support you, if you're big you can do it at anytime.


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What's up with him? I haven't watched him in ages. I know that recently-ish he commed a bunch of God Hand porn with patreonbux and was praised as a legend for that.


He grew up.

He got older and wiser.

Most people that made a job out of youtube probably get their money through patreon. Youtube monetization is stupid and you could be left without a livelihood really easily.

The thread which we loved
Is lost in the flood
Here proud jannies bathe in
They do it for free

You will too

You'll grow out of your edgy /pol/ phase too user
>t. former cringey /pol/tard

Have you watched his recent videos?
It's pretty far from the common "screaming blue haired hysterical faggot" people have in mind when you say SJW.
It's well researched and informative, you have nothing to lose by taking a look at it.

>Mandalore gaming
>Not game related

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I know it's shocking but some of us were here before 2016.

Probably due to some politically charged thot. I've seen many friends turn into brainwashed sjws because of pussy.

Not him, but tell me

The amount of bullshit in this post is simply baffling. Well done Yea Forums.

he needed patreon money which meant naughty opinions would be a big no no.

That's what happens when you review too many mediocre games, kids! Only review games you like and remember to take breaks every 30 minutes and go outside for a little bit. Staring at a monitor all day isn't healthy!

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That's the issue with mutt healthcare
Truly world class tier, but it's too fucking expensive on your average mutt.

If he has a real job as well, he'd have insurance for exactly this sort of thing.

You're unironically right

I think I'm older than him.

I've watched most of his videos and I really used to like him but he puts out very little content these days and listening to his podcast really soured my opinion on him.

The Vinesauce guys? Although the Yea Forums humour is much less toned down now but just look at the stuff in their old autopilot:

For his review of God Hand he commissioned like 10 porn artists to draw Olivia because he decided there wasn't enough of her.

Fuck, even as an independent contractor, you should set up health insurance.

It happens at a different age for everyone and some people never grow up.

>For his review of God Hand he commissioned like 10 porn artists to draw Olivia because he decided there wasn't enough of her.

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hey hey people

You don't know anything about the condition do you? Nowadays surgery is not the first recommendation for an average herniation due to potential complications. If it we're in his neck sure he might have been parilyzed, but judging by how he's able to tweet it's probably a typical lower back herniation. It's a small bubble of leaked fluid from a ruptured disc. The pain is a bitch, but the disc heals eventually with a lot of time and therapy and the leak subsides

How would getting back surgery stop you from playing video games? What a fucking retard, lol.

Also Imaqtpie, who I think had THE MOST popular Twitch stream for a while, when LoL was still the most viewed game
And HotshotGG, who used to be considered the best LoL player in the world before any other country could play the game

He had been shitting blood(among other things) for A YEAR AND A HALF before going to the doctor. Who the fuck does that?!

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How can you play and edit videos when you have to stay in your bed?

>Truly world class tier
Only the top end shit is world class. The average stuff is still shit despite costing far more than public healthcare costs in taxes.

at least we will finally find out if he and SsethTzeentach are actually the same person

Wireless keyboard. Edit on a laptop. Replace your computer chair temporarily with something that reclines. Plenty of ways.

how can you leak spinal fluid and still be alive?

I've been getting the vieb thet he's not as liked as he used to be around here-
I'm watching through one of his recent videos and it looks like same thing as always with maybe less racial and gay jokes which is understandeable since he got bigger and probably doesn't want to get his life and income ruined by lunatics cause he doesn't have enough fuck you money.

even if you are not an sjw, hearing kids screaming "nigger" on xbox chat is degenerate garbage that tires you out. Also Mandalore in particular obviously just finds certain tropes more tiresome than offensive

Who knows.

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>Sseth doesn't upload until Mandy is out of the hospital just to fuck with people

That dumb fuck is a Yea Forums oldfag?! No fucking way this tool was a Yea Forumsirgin before it was cool. No fucking way.

Could you also do it while you're off your ass on painkillers?

Because you're continuously producing that stuff and absorbing whatever you don't need back into your blood stream.

This. I've seen it happen too. There's this spaniard game analist who made decent videos and has admitted he browsed Yea Forums then he started going out with dyed hair girls and now he's gone full sjw.

Oh it's like that? I thought as long as you had the funds it'd be world class.

Doesn't Matt still post here once every few months?

Jerma used to lurk on /biz/

What you incels don't get is that a lot of game reviewer youtubers used to shitpost here. But you aren't supposed to put that on full display like an autist. Even pro players do. I remember qtpie used to be in Yea Forums and /vg/ all the tume.

>the end turns out to be back in the beginning

Google it. It's a tiny pocket of fluid from a torn spinal disc. It can press against a nerve and cause a lot of pain but the tear can slowly heal and the fluid gets absorbed

you an election baby?

>having someone you enjoy in your life makes you reconsider your shitty mentality that you got from some chinese forum

>implying redditors were liked before 2016
You have to go back.

It's all the kikes.

What the fuck?
He's not a lineman or miner how the fuck he broke his neck?

>im-fucking-plying reddit is or ever has been left
It's normalfag central and always has been. The same normalfags which democratically elected a right-wing president.

>gets mad patreon bucks
>fucks over his back by his job
Just why?

By helping a friend of his to move stuff.

Falling over, the same way most people break their backs?
Honestly neither of those occupations even lead to many backs breaking. Miners it's just general assorted injuries and with footballers it's concussions and leg injuries.


Nah, I've been around for about a decade now. I'm just disappointed because I used to like his content but he barely puts anything out anymore and after listening to his podcast for a while I really stopped liking the guy.

You can produce 500mL in a day, but you will only ever have 125-150mL in you at any one time.
If the leak is small then you will still have enough to survive.

My mom has a similar problem this is actually an "old people" thing that a looooot of younger and younger people are getting due to bad posture while sitting on their computers.

More like joining a cult, but if you deem it worthy, then it's worth it.

This is one of Mandalore's old videos.


>pathologic 2 is so brutal it puts people in the hospital

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>get a gf
>change your opinion on women that you had when you were an incel
>wew it's like I joined a cult
Absolute braindead mutt.

I went the opposite myself.
>used to be anprim/far-left
>see occupy get pulled apart by progressive stack
>end up browsing /pol/ after it got made
>now racist pinetree gang
I suppose there isn't too much that's changed for me other than realizing the people making the world shit tend to have names that end in berg.

>Dying from a herniated disk
... Yeah no.

It's not about them being jewish, it's about them being rich fucks that only care about getting richer and will do anything to protect their wealth.


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>Believing "all women are whores" is different than "all men are inherently evil"

I can't believe you're making me say this but go back to resetera

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That's not what I implied, and I don't have bad opinion on women in general.
But go on, since this is the way you found to validate your existence.

Few people who make it big will ever admit they were on Yea Forums

No, it's also about them being Jewish. Ethnically and religiously. Poor Jews have the same attitude as rich Jews.

He's fine on the podcast, wtf are you on about. It's that Liam faglord who consistently manages to have the worst possible takes conceivable by man.
>hmmm yes actually the chinks getting Devotion btfo'd off steam is actually a good thing because they were offended

There's a difference between not being a misogynist and being a full blow sjw.

>implying I believe any of that trash
Yikes, go back

I'm not sure if you noticed a correlation between being addicted to browsing /pol/ for that sweet dopamine hit and thinking their bullshit reflects reality. Again I did the same until I realized it was a lot of coping. That and it gets old browsing a board where people say the same things every day for 6 years straight. At least Yea Forums has E3 to bitch about.

That's kind of what jews are all about. The Talmud is basically 26 books about avoiding having to follow the 10 commandments. Not to say there aren't gentiles that happily sell people down the river, but when you have an entire ethnic group dedicated to fucking people over to the point they get expelled 109 times, in charge of the majority of the worlds finances and geopolitical interests.maybe there's a problem. Now add in that any attempt to criticize this group has to be watered down into oblivion or the wrath of the system will be brought down on you, kind of makes things hard.

He got caught stealing footage from others in his dwarf fortress review, also most of the stories he tells in in his videos are just taken from /vg/


This. Being around someone all hours every day will expose you to points of view you hadn't properly considered otherwise. I know my opinions on environmental issues changed a lot when I got an ecothot gf.

McBeth here

Memes aside, the game's actually really good (impressions range from great to masterpiece) and fucking needs his review to bring in more people to buy and play it.
>it ends up fucking killing him before the review is out
truly the worst timeline

why wouldn't you do it that way?
eventually the bleeding will stop either because there's no blood left and you die or the wound closed and you're fine either way it eventually stops.

You wish.

What I don't understand is how can someone radically change their beliefs in a short amount of time. It never made any sense to me and It's something that both fascinates and disturbs me.

I need the Elite video too, he's been working on it since at least 2 years, he teased it in the EYE vid and nothing since.

>It's well researched and informative, you have nothing to lose by taking a look at it.
Yeah, nah. He makes a solid 6 minutes video into a 44 minutes dragfest. He also forces is lame humour when you just want to be informed into an issue. Has anyone else realized that non of the good video games channels ever show their faces? Even the REtranny makes good videos and s/he does not show her/his face.

>game about disease, despair and futility
>also a game about nature really hating a huge tower created by the town drunk
>not understood by the media
>publisher almost doesn't bother with promotion
>most likely barely made any money
>niche youtubers reviewing it get sick or put out videos months after the release
True immersion. Pathologic is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

>how can someone radically change their beliefs in a short amount of time
Because they weren't emotionally invested in them and when proved wrong they changed.

Good, fuck off not vidya.

He grew up, just like you will

t. ex /pol/ fag

Hi newfriend

Pathologic 2 is also one of the few games or pieces of media in general where you actually like the children characters and they don't make you want to fucking kill them all. The opposite actually.

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All you have to do is look at things beyond the basic headlines to confirm it's true
How can you hear about shit Like Robert Maxwell and honestly just walk away and handwave it all. Now granted pol has plent of retarded shit which is why I don't go there as much , but sit down and delve into politics and history and you will see all that shit again and again. I don't see how you think you can just walk away from that.

you mean give up

I was just starting to get into MandaloreGaming.

the curse of Yea Forums is that tons of people from here made it big but had to deny their past later on to get sponsorship deals and to avoid their channel getting deleted.
Yea Forums like humor just isn't allowed in most media these days

daily s o y injections

Nah, Mandalore is fine.

his 3/10 wife left him and he started getting desperate for some trim

t. We’re fine

I can't believe Mandalore is fucking dead.

He probably didn't change his beliefs until later, but learned to mask his opinions in order to get on the good side of someone.
I have a friend that started dating someone very opinionated torwards lgbt issues and communism. Near her, he would always nod and smile when she said something about politics, but when with our closer circle of friends during game night and beers, he would basically meltdown sayng how he disagreed with everything she said. A few years later, he changed completely.
In the end is all good, he's still a good friend. Just wish he'd stop nagging me about becoming a vegan.

Remember that Yea Forums was where notch got all his ideas from.

People like hime are usually either full of shit or were never really paying attention in the first place. It's why none of them will ever engage any of the TRS guys even.

>Just wish he'd stop nagging me about becoming a vegan

We tend to become the masks we wear. You have to be very careful with that.


He was always a lefty in economy terms. He just became more and more sjw later on from hanging out with those kinds of people. Happens to many ecelebs really. There's lot of pressure on anyone who uses twitter to conform to sjw beliefs and the consequences to not conforming can be pretty severe.

Yea Forums zoomers don't know who this is. they want meme compilation videos and not actual jokes and OC like fitz and mechagamezilla.

85% of japanese games.

Fucking vegans.

Essentially /pol/ users who started doing shit together IRL. They do podcasts and articles as well as IRL networking.

It's really depressing how many people think being a Yea Forums user means you're right wing, and being an outsider or traitor means you're left wing.

And of course if anyone outside Yea Forums says it's a right wing website everyone insists it isn't.

in b4 "centrists"

>/pol/ users who started doing shit together IRL
This doesn't sound good.

He never changed, in the last video, he kind confirms it, he never cared about video games, he just liked them because is what he did when he was younger, play video games, but, after he went to college and did journalism, he wants to become fucking big ass journo, traveling to warzones, publicizing corrupted shit, he hates his job, he dislike that he needs to deal with everything, that is why he is moving away from video games, to focus on the industry and related topics.

You're talking about Dayo aren't you?
Christ him being such a moron is in part what turned me off the hispanoparlante videos

If people think lefties are bad at not being able to create anything without putting their opinions in, just wait until you've seen right wing media

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It's the whole if you aren't actively purging badman you are one bullshit. They see the very idea of not accepting their stuff as gospel as an exiatential threat amd here is the only place people can stick it to them without losing their jobs. Yea Forums would be way less shit if you weren't doxes and harassed for sayong nigger or faggot everywhere else.

>1 angry sperg
There's your problem.

Most people just believe whatever they are told the most, even if the position they have is unusual or correct, they will be changed with enough persuasion. An unusual position does not mean they arrived their on their own.

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Using Yea Forums pretty much confirms your anti-sjw to many because by sjw standards associating with the wrong kinds of people is a problem, so just using a site like Yea Forums is seen as dangerous and suspect. Also most online spaces are heavily moderated by sjw types, so Yea Forums not being the same way makes it stand out.

So it makes sense people come to the conclusions they do even if it is reductionist. Just don't tell anyone irl that you use Yea Forums, and then just ignore political bait when on Yea Forums.

guys if mandalore dies what happens to seth

Still sounds really weird. I've been doing the "mask your opinions" thing for a lot of years now because it's a pain in the ass to argue with people but I just can't imagine ever changing who I am for the sake of someone else.

okay, retard

It's not bad. People are held to standards so it's not just a cluster of fat spergs.
Honestly Yea Forums could do the same with their groups but people have a knee jerk reaction to the concept of people coming together

>be leftist fag
>uses slurs
>fine with Yea Forums and its culture
What now cunt?

who's this elite guy

Read the Power of the Powerless.

I am a socialist who posts on Yea Forums almost every day. What I find embarrassing is Yea Forums users thinking this is a right wing hivemind. People who are shocked that superbunnyhop ever came here are fucking numbskulls and I assume they only arrived here during GG because they wrongly thought Yea Forums was a site primarily for discussing how much we hate liberals.

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I'm talking about the Elite Dangerous video he still has to make

he's dangerous

That depends on how you view the whole "who I am" thing.
Some people think they're just changing and growing based on different experiences they have, either for good or bad.

Back to /soc/, Yea Forums is full of corporate dick sucking faggots.

Is Mandy fine?

As opposed to public healthcare, in which case he could put his name down for a possible treatment in 10 years.

Is Mandalore ok?

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Guess I have to say it again then, is Mandy fine?

Will mandalore make it out of this alive?

sonic totem fucking sucks

He'll be fine. More than likely it's in his lower back, so there's about as much chance he'll die from it as anything else.
Sucks it'll be a while till the next video though

>hero becomes a fucking tranny


Agreed, let’s try asking the conch instead.

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Mandalore might become handicapped from this.

>But he insulted daddy Trump!

Will Mandalore release his Pathologic 2 review?

>Just don't tell anyone irl that you use Yea Forums
This. I physically cringe when a friend of mine sends screenshots he finds on r/Yea Forums

He is gay though.

Yea Forums gets jealous of them and flags their channels see

Britbong.returns (now mrbtfo)

Do I have a chance?


Should I continue dating her?

I feel like Yea Forums's identity used to be way less tied to politics in the past. I'm a newfag from the early 2010s, but I remember how shitposting on Yea Forums used to be just "LEL RUSTLED JIMMIES COSTANZA AINSLEY DOUBLES PLUS TIP" stuff, instead of the political fighting that's everywhere now.

Will mandalore make it out of this alive?

feels like that used be everyone,not just this site

Have sex, incels.

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Will I lose my virginity this year?

I feel the same way, the whole Internet has gone nuts. Even political YouTubers have become a big thing now, while I remember the 2010 times of YouTube, when it was mainly just RayWilliamJohnson and "Guile's theme goes with everything" stuff.

In 6-7 years, people who just came to the site now will have similar feelings as you have. Yea Forums is always changing

will the suffering end?

reminder that her nudes leaked and she's flat as skateboard

>The dumb thing was moving to the u.s.
This. Why didn't he decide to have his wife move to Britain?

The culture war ruined everything and turned everyone into retards.
And when we told people to fuck off with this shit, we were called SJWs who were crying about /pol/

Oh well

I guess you're right. It just feels weird that I still think of myself as being "newfag cancer", yet the version of Yea Forums that I remember is different to how Yea Forums is now.

You can still get that on boards like /jp/ or /m/, even Yea Forums. It's the boards for western interests that have been affected the most.

what a horrible banner he should consider uninstalling all image manipulation and creation tools on his computer so he can't create another one of those abominations that'd make a pro-lifer wish he was aborted


I can't even imagine masking my opinions around close friends, let alone my gf. My old friends are all /pol/babbies and you best believe I'm not pretending to be anything but a socialist around them.


I do shit on my computer while nodding all the time.

>The culture war ruined everything and turned everyone into retards.

I miss how the Internet was before around 2014. I would even take back the bronies, rage faces and dubstep shit from 2012, over what things are like now.

Ah, so she's worthless. Flat will never be good

>rage faces

Not true at all.
t. Jew of two different families, one rich as fuck the other literally from a slum

I can barely comprehend the state of things right now. My mind is still mostly stuck in the 2009-2012 era. Guess this is how it feels to grow old.

that is highly unhygienic, not to mention unhinged

I would bet by left nutsack that faggot Hbomberguy was once a Yea Forumsirgin. Motherfucker used to be part of old lolcow culture.

more like get raped you fucking whore, you're not special in any way, shape or form

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I remember that the time around 2012 was when Reddit was spamming rage comics, and Yea Forums was making fun of Reddit with that "lemon key face" ironic shitposting.

he had a job a while ago, if he still held it, if it's a decent job it should include healthcare.

>My mind is still mostly stuck in the 2009-2012 era. Guess this is how it feels to grow old.

I feel the same way. Internet culture has changed a huge amount since that time, and I feel out of place now. I guess it's because I was born in 1992, so I was a youngfag myself back then, but now I'm nearing the age of 30.

>tfw got a gf
>made me double down on my opinion because I was right
>now have a cute bf instead
Nice one, now go dilate.

>now have a cute bf instead
Good for you

Hello, everyone! Let's get started!

As any on the inside would know, Cryaotic had a slow but steady rise aided by his crack team of mods who were all natural fans. With such influence and 'power' under his thumb as he rose to command a strong and faithful following it's only natural that he'd become susceptible to the abuses he could commit within it. Enter Ocean, a young and enthusiastic young girl who frequented his streams, watched his videos and, in time, came to hang out in his private Skype 'in-group'. I can't attest to what truly happened, but evidence suggests that this developed into a very close and even romantic relationship at least on the part of Cry who aggressively pursued this angle. This would be a natural case of young love, right? The difference being at the time Cry was in his 20s and Ocean a mere youth of 15-16, with his clear pedophilia established you may ask what proof does the JSL have? Well, enough to draw this conclusion.


Here is one of the first caches we released. Within is a pretty clear indication that there was more than a 'just friends' type relationship that developed as a result of their private conversations. Of special note in these logs is direct mention of a particular scandal that erupted as a result of the closeness of Cry and Ocean. Cryaotic as many of his fans can recall with either horror or optimism became romantically involved with another 'fan' of his named Cheyenne who naturally discovered Cry's infatuation and side relationship with Ocean after searching his Skype & Steam logs as well as his text messages. The logs found are all from that era when they broke off all public association to continue things 'underground.'

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Yea I will back up Lots of people called him out on his Dorf Fort video, but fortunately for him the normalfags drowned it out and he didn't really get that much flak for it, but I am sure he was aware how close he got with that little stunt.
>There are many tilesets. Obviously I will use all of them
what a slimebag.

Also stop talking about E-Celebs you fags

Now, you may be asking why would Cry stick with Ocean if he had such a large fanbase to prey on? Well, we can't claim to be mindreaders or to have been then and there in the many Skype convos between them as a fly on the way but we can certainly speculate. Both Cry, known as Ryan Terry, and Ocean live in very close proximity in Southern Florida. In Cry's mind this could've emboldened him in a variety of ways, perhaps he felt there was easy loving on the side? Perhaps this gave him something in common with Ocean who could've also been lonely at this time? Regardless of his motives, what we know for certain is this avenue was definitely explored although stopped just short of becoming physical after Cheyennes intervention.


Here is cache #2, it's ALL the pictures taken from the source directly so excuse any duplicates and retreading of themes you'll have to inquire with Ocean herself as to the reasons for that. But this incident seems to have occurred shortly after the Cheyenne inquisition has put it's foot down, they are giving their farewells and well-wishing for the future and offering alternate avenues of conversation to continue their talks. After this, there isn't much direct information that becomes available outside of obtained chat logs from Ocean herself.


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You can't get me hard without posting proofs.

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Here is an image taken directly from the desktop of one of our operatives in an old correspondence he had with Ocean herself, she appeared to be flaunting the information and even joking about it with our agent. A download link is provided below which shows the actual files, naturally due to the nature of suspicion and how text can be edited on the internet we openly invite you to take it with a grain of salt and to investigate the veracity of the files and provided information yourselves. But we know its the real deal, we found the information ourselves from first hand sources. The content of the readmes is chilling when you consider it's between a man in his 20s and a child of 15-16.

But, of course, this is just a disclosure of information. Draw your own conclusions, we won't tell you how to think.

Long live the JSL!

Contact us on Skype via our Public/Media Relations account: gay.richter

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never knew cryaotic was this based

I don't get it, why can't he make videos still? It's a physical injury, his job is literally sitting in front of a pc.

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god im jealous

Sitting in a chair is the exact position that fucks up your back

we had a thread on /pol/ yesterday how utterly retarded the majority of britbongs are and this proves it.. hell even TB himself proves it somehow in an ironic post mortem via how he handled his ass problem, More socialized healthcare good, less free market and free thinking bad, Orwells 1984 is by now a constitution for Most of the brainwashed britbongs jesus christ Im from fucking sweden and i know the benefits AND flaws of the socialized system, i live and breathe Bullshit and thought policing by the minute, U S A IS NOT PERFECT BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION BUT YOU'RE MAD IF YOU THINK THE SOCIALIZED MODEL WOULD EVEN WORK ON SUCH A SCALE JESUS FUCK MOVE OUT OF LONDON HOLY SHIT I MAD

My dad has like 3-4 of those slipped spine discs and other than some excruciating pain he ain't dieing anytime soon

all this means is he won't be getting a job that involves lifting heavy things and moving around a whole bunch anytime soon which doesn't exactly impact videogame reviews

>TL:DR niggas back is gonna hurt but he's fine

i dont want to get banned nigga

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user, you may need to see a doctor yourself. You clearly have brain damage.

Retard, back to pol.

Then lie in bed and do it. Like buy a laptop.

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Remember when "MLG 420 QUICKSCOPE" parody videos used to be a Yea Forums thing?

>He can't just reset his router or make an imgur link
Why is 4channel full of pussies now?

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Nice delusion. You gotta be a carpenter with your love for planks

i can. i just dont want to

>land of the free
>no free healthcare

post an imgur link faggot

haha, holy shit are Americans really this brainwashed?

I hope he's okay.

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Some people have static IP and it takes literally days to even have a chance at getting a new IP

Isnt that the guy who died to Pinwheel. ON STREAM!?

>clear pedophilia

>Be non-american
>Die in waiting room
At least it was free.

Rent free

pussy, is AWAYS pussy
in his case boypussy

i mean, how dumb do you have to be to believe he had lived all those stories?

why didn't he just ask for the footage kek


shoulda wore that THOD Mandyboi

He stopped being a little edgy faggot. It'll happen to the people in /pol/ too

Because he has to keep up the
Reminder that he started out making "MLG edit"-tier videos about League of Legends and his first big break was making one about Farming Simulator which it self was more or less copied from the Train Simulator one.

He probably won't die from that, inControl on the other hand got instantly BTFO by a blood clot

Baitkai! :^)

Simple, because he got away with it. The vast majority of his audience don't give a shit and neither does his patrons

>Because he has to keep up the persona
that didn't stop him from asking first, but i get what you're saying

>The vast majority of his audience don't give a shit and neither does his patrons
to be honest, i don't think it's a big deal, i mean, it's almost like fags complaining someone stole their meme on facebook

Look at his abamdoned steam curator page. His recommendation for Gone Home says "don't tell Yea Forums"

user i need those pics RIGHT NOW

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learn to google you dipshit

You're right, it really isn't a big deal. It's just a few salty people that are mad he uses Yea Forums memes, and so act righteous and pretend they actually care about the footage, and aren't just reaching for anything that could pull him down

matthewmattosis has a tripcode here

I like Mandalore. I hope he gets beter soon.

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Here you can observe the cry of subhumans, as they have nothing better to do while being taxed and put on a waiting list for years to get a basic surgery done.

So it's even worse

>Here you can observe the cry of subhumans, as they have nothing better to do while being taxed and put on a waiting list for years to get a basic surgery done.

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So which one of his podcast guests is his boyfriend?

will everyone in this thread get big tiddie goth gf?

It outed him as a hack and put the validity of his works before and after in question.
I can commend him on atleast keeping his Patreon per video as well as occasionally releasing a video and not charging them, but would you not prefer that a reviewers experience is genuine and reflected in his works rather than being a glorified "CRAZY Yea Forums STORIES from /vg/ COMPILATION"?

Rent free

remember to sage and report eceleb threads

He bled out of his ass for a year before getting it checked out and having his asscancer diagnosed and treated. He 100% killed himself by being a moronic twat valuing "but muh peepee poopoos embarrassing" over his own life.

I used to do that, at one point I stopped giving a shit and started to call things how I observed them, pick kind of related

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>he never cared about video games

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i wouldn't be asking if i had found them you cunt

You are aware that doesn't actually happen right. Being a burger myself you hear that alot from idiots. If it's not 'wait for 10 years on a list' it's everything will get 100 times more expensive even though they have no concept of how much medial procedure.
Broken arms cost around $100.
Cancer treatments in the 10s of thousands, not 100s.
Most back surgery is $500-2k.
Of course these are all the actual prices and not the blown up American medical industry costs that are on your invoice.

Good riddance.
He cant write a video script for shit and his AWFUL voice is painful to listen to

And this is why you don't use youtube as a main source of income.

>Be American
>Can't afford basic surgery
>End up in huge debt or die like a cuck
>SoCiAl HeAlThCaRe SuCkS, lOl StUpId CoMmIe ShIt


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>it's almost like fags complaining someone stole their meme on facebook

I remember when Yea Forums was full of this kind of thing, back when sites like Reddit and 9gag were the most hated sites on here.

hope he didn't die
my dad suffered from that shit all his life

user, it's okay to cry

An hero now or wait until next year?

Why should successful Youtuber/Streamer mention where they used to shit?

I'd never do chemo. I don't know a single person that survived chemo.

Will Death Stranding be good?

>"you have nothing to lose"
But user's v card is his only possession

You're right user, its those damned marxists turning our Yea Forumsirgins into evil conniving sjw betalibs!

TotalBiscuit 2: Electric Boogaloo
Rest in rip random internet guy who entertained me for 30 minutes once a month

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>It's real

Get well Mandy.

Too bad reddit stole it like a year later and made it unironic turning it to shit

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When did he ever do anything good? I tried to get into his videos a few years ago before he became a culture warrior, but there was never anything of value then. The only he's done is break the Konami slave labor news.

I like the 2012 MLG parodies, but the ones from around 2014 feel way too "samey".

US has highest 5-year cancer survival rate bongtard

i try to avoid eceleb related shit in general yet im stupid enough to keep coming on this board where they are shilled constantly

fungal boomer

SJWs are concerned (overly-concerned, it is argued) with policing offense. Yea Forums, by and large, has a storied history of fostering offensive humor (needlessly so, it is argued).

The political angle is more superfluous since Yea Forums is not a hivemind and does not share one single political opinion. The one thing most (not all) Yea Forums users do have in common, however, is either an appreciation of or toleration for offensive content, either deriving enjoyment from it or being able to just tune it out and ignore it.

Additionally, I'd say the culture of Yea Forums isn't one that likes being told what to do, whereas the modern SJW narrative (as its perceived) is all about telling people what to think and feel. That was never going to jive with Yea Forums. But get this: neither do traditional "Family values" conservative groups that try to police the culture in that direction.

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Cataclysm DDA ending

this makes me sad, but I also kind of like being one of the select few in Mecha's sub crew right from the start
Its like following an underground artist and getting rewarded with indie singles

Chad Mecha never stopping despite not gaining any new subscribers.


I watch maybe two video game "reviewers" and only one of them was mentioned here, and they're both more for the comedy than the video games.

Mandalore, he mostly reviews niche titles

If anything, that just makes it a great time to review the Painkiller games.

>The Talmud is basically 26 books about avoiding having to follow the 10 commandments.
Do you think they follow this to the letter? Do you think any religion does this? Not even Christians do this anymore.

>he went full SJW
He literally just has normie views on politics. If you think he is SJW, then 90% of people are SJWs. And you are deluded.

I see no one got the joke.

>even christians
>as if christians aren't the very best at not following doctrine and twisting it for political gain
lel, we invented pretending to be retarded


Some people actually recover but it's a small chance

>one autistic autist
Please don't bring this shit up even jokingly.

I still laugh at the Train Simulator ones.

>being so retarded a woman shapes your politics instead of vice versa

The Talmud is not as small as a mere 26 books, it's like a collection of encyclopedias for how to screw over the goyim and essentially redefines the first five books of the Old Testament to mean exactly what they say.

Cool until he started stealing footage from other youtubers

Thanks for admitting you're an autists who doesn't get others.

It's not like the chemo kills you. It does make you very sick but you can recover completely without any issues. The problem is the cancer itself because even with chemo you might not be able to get rid of it completely.

The Talmud is a magic book on how to cast spells, you retard. Its not an ideological text and barely anyone reads it.

Explain why this is bad. The game footage isn't what's important with his videos.
I agree that he really should give credit though.

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As a poorfag in America, what are good countries anyone could recommend for getting surgery? My best option seems to be saving money for a few years once I find a real job (just finished my degree) and visiting a foreign country since healthcare here is impossibly unaffordable.

This retard never died
I remember searching about his death years ago and I found his twitter account, but I don't even remember his name, I just saw his "suicide" video

Because he gets paid money on patreon to provide his own content for videos
He should at least put in the effort to actually record his own footage

>game has the option to sacrifice the hero but isn't required

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I'd rather die than ever give a shit about another person

Not everyone on Yea Forums came here with the 2016 elections or Gamergate.

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You must not talk to women, ever.

99% of them are at best apathetic about politics and will generally just shape their opinions on politics to make the man they're fucking like them more. the other 1% are deluded zealots that you can spot a mile away thanks to this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposematism

It's lazy, especially when people are paying him to make videos. Why put effort into your own content when you could steal content from less popular people and slap some Yea Forums memes over it to make a quick buck.

What the fuck
Holy shit holy fuck
No fucking way I liked his shit

>Be american
>Have insurance so that you can afford healthcare if the need arises
>Have the best healtchare in the world.
Insurance is pretty much a brainlet filter.

>source, trust my autist ass dude
Nah thanks, if you weren't such a sperg you could actually hold a conversation with others and see how wrong and deluded you are.

im hate to say this but thats great.
the fucker literally scans Yea Forums threads and presents them as his own opinion.

nah, its just that people used to keep politics baiting in /news/ where it belonged.

We already established that you don't talk to women, no need to make yourself look like an even bigger sperg.

>she's still active
what the fuck, and she's still riding the boxxy wannabe train

why do you watch his videos user? Perhaps you like him more than you realise and thats ok < (• ◡•) >

Keep projecting faggot

Are you talking about the sseth guy?

If its an urgent treatment (high risk of permanent injury/death) then he gets to skip the line. Or he could choose to go with the private healthcare anyway which has lower prices than in the US because its forced to compete with the free option.

Oh man that sucks. I waited for Pathologic 2 review too.

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Eastern European countries seem good, but what do you want to get? If it's something life threatening you should try to get the best treatment possible even if it's gonna cost a lot.

>socialize healthcare so everyone can have it
>patients unhappy because of waiting and very poor quality of healthcare
>workers in field unhappy because underpayment, fuckton of overtime working
>the said workers become so jaded they stop giving a fuck about everything patients included
>quality drops so low people rather go abroad patients and workers alike
>the quality even of the buildings and tools are 90's era, you can literally see the dirt on the lowest level of the building, where the whole shit is "supposed" to be sanitized
>waiting 2 hours for extremely basic shit like giving a receipt is very common
>have to give "tips" under the desk to docs and nurses so they actually give a fuck about you
>otherwise they just let you die

Oh boy I sure do LOVE universal healthcare, and the fucks who promote it.

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No need to project user, leave mommy's basement and go talk to women and you'll understand.

Yea Forums used to have values, there were games that were reconmended and acknowledged as must plays, and casuals were known to be weak minded fools who would be pleb filtered because "muh graphics". But vidya never got better, it has gotten stale and nobody cares. No wonder he would go orange man bad rather than visit this shit place

>talk to women and you'll understand
I do, and you're a massive faggot, and wrong :^)

Vinny is definitely from here.
There's also Joseph Anderson and Matthew.

so... he might not die then?

what a coincidence, im a socialist too.

a nationalist one, but eh.

>more speculation

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Joseph "the town made him stupid" Anderson?

Will I get to bang the grill I am texting with?

Go back to r/the_donald, you're not welcome here.

He admits to posting on Yea Forums, or at least reading Yea Forums, in one of his Fallout videos.

Once you got older, you stopped doing it and having less care about "mask".
But having a "mask" is a valuable skill to have.

because your body leaking blood is literally its way of saying "see a doctor"

Sure you do, that must be why you're so upset that you got called out on being a virgin who's never talked to a woman before.

Drop the "male feminist" from your dating profile and you'll get more replies. Despite what your retarded left-wing co-ideologues tell you, most women correctly identify male feminists as creepy rapists.

Yeah, he aware about toddposting yet didn't really understand it

the fact that he was too afraid to tell his woman that she was wrong and voice his own opinions at all should have told you that he was a spineless bitch to begin with.
when you get older you stop caring.

its why old people can go on full blown hitler rants in public and no one is shocked because no one expects them to give a shit.


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Majin Buu?

>started to call things how I observed them
this is also the funniest thing possible
always great fun making people buttmad just because you literally point out what they say and do

Canada. It's not far and several magnitudes cheaper. Even your politicians like Rand Paul fly there when they want an operation.

>Insurance denies you because your parents have shit genes and died early
>have to pay so much for insurance that you die of thirst and hunger
what now?

it's true tho, nailed pretty much every point

this is bait

>sorry, we can't cover your treatment, you had chicken pox in the past, so it's entirely out of our control!

Will you see me soon?

buu is cute

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Its a fucking leak of spinal liquid plus hernia (cause i think the fucker didnt went straight to his medic on the first pain problems) not a bullet into your spinal cord.
Surgery and 1 month\2 of reabilitation, a fuckton of pain the first 2 weeks, unless other complications come out.
Hes a fucking dreamer he can go only with therapy unless he wants a total block of his lower parts when hes 60.
In the worst case he aint lifting no more couches but he aint becoming a cripple and he can continue... whatever the hell he do.

It's because politics were never perceived to be so much fun before.

Dude try to live in a civilized country.

shut up donkey

Move to Canada, they will love to subsidize your shitty genes.

Nah, only watched 2 of his awful videos long ago.
That was more than enough

he left SA because people were making fun of him for liking kill la kill

I've already lost so much.

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Insurance is a fucking scam and the sole reason why so much shit is expensive.
>These brake pads
>They cost 20 dollars at the auto parts store and take 20 minutes to install
>Thatl be 80 dollars for the brake pads and 150 in labor, but surely if you had insurance they'd cover it
>Need some penicillin?
>Thatl be 80 dollars please and thanks! Don't you have insurance, surely your 50 dollar copay will cover it

It's because you need to be lucky + a lot of people steal their material from here anyways.

It's pretty obvious too

he's done Heroes of M&M2, Fable 1 and Vampire The Masquerade videos since then. He teased next video is going to be some obscure weeb shit. Hopefully it's Rance.

Never heard of that happening, but did the hypothetical people check their coverage beforehand? Alot people just try to get the cheapest option possible since the recent hike in prices and predictably that isn't the best idea all of the time. I can sympathize with that though, because ever since the ACA prices have gone out of control and the average American family has to give up things in order to afford low deductible treatment with wide coverage.

>stole footage since his LOL days
>surprised he lifted some Dorf content

Vaatividya is literally from Yea Forums

Insurace on cars works only if you have a shitton of damage and you are not guilty but well... you still have to fix the car.
Insurance on health is bullshit.

Will Mandalore live?

Insurance in the US is a complete joke,, lmao
>have to meet with someone to figure out if x is covered under your insurance
>go to your doctor
>doctor has to figure out how the fuck to bill you
>doctor gives dispo
>realize dispo isn't covered under your insurance
>have to call another person to figure out why
>have to call the staffer of the doctor to figure out why
>meanwhile bills keep racking up
It's a bureaucratic system deliberately made to be as convoluted as possible to charge your as much as physically possible, for the CAPITALISM IS EFFICIENT crowd look nowhere else but America's healthcare system to see how much of a joke that is

How do we get Sseth, the Doctor, to operate on mandalore and save his life?

Will I get job satisfaction?

>the Doctor,
Hes a real doctor?


he mentions being a nurse or some shit in his early vids and turned down a corporate spot to do the patreon meme.

>all this /pol/ cope
israel first

There are a lot of successful 4channers that didn't become faggots because of Youtube bucks. I speculate that Lawrence from FunHaus browses Yea Forums since he's a degenerate

I think he's a master in medical or something?

>Insurance is a representation of capitalism
lmao, no. Part of the problem is with insurance prices are not competitive under ACA.

oh for fucks sake

he called himself a "medical professional out of his thesis", so he is likely a nurse or a pharmacist.

stop advertising your shit
you couldn‘t even stop when that nigger jumped off the bridge

Quite a few of those are faggots, and you forgot Demolition D

he was in pharmaceutics. pay is so shit in his third world country though that working for autist shekels pays more than a corporate spot and is probably less soul crushing. That sad at least he has a backup plan in case the meme goes belly up.

Max Stirner is that you?

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Faggots in the sense that they didn't become super woke faggots. Demo is an Yea Forums boy first and foremost. I just want him to make youtube videos again, goddamnit

As a fellow third worlder, can confirm sseth scored fucking high.
Hes getting 4k US dollars per video, at a rate of 1-2 per month, so lets say 6k per month.
At most third world countries you get that much money at high position jobs that took you 20 years to get there.

>Demolition D
Imfuckingplying. His channel is dead, all he does is twitch stream and cry about how his life is a mess as he proceeds to cause problems for himself

where is Sseth from?

He is. I remember him getting annoyed when he read a post on a nigger-hate forum that said some medical bullshit.


Lmao just don't have shit genes retard like get a clue
Don't have loser parents that die and don't give you any contacts for job opportunities either like what are you a fucking moron? Like get some cash, invest in a reliable business and go to the right social events like come on.

>Reminder that he started out making "MLG edit"-tier videos about League of Legends
MLG edits were quite popular on Yea Forums before in 2012 then in 2014 Normalfags started using it and it went to hell. It was kinda like the wojak of that era, it existed to mock Normalfags but then Normalfags started using them. Here's proof:

Not defending Sseth mind you, him ripping off Dwarf Fortress footage was a fucking dick move of him.


I dropped the retard when he started praising Gone Home. Went from a pretty cool guy to a pathetic manbaby.

>t.pathological liar

But he might be russian originally.

I doubt that he is Danish, he does not have the annoying Scandinavian accent, although he might have learned to hide it.

Fuck i really like him. Didn't he update his patreon or something? Is he actually dead?

The American healthcare system was even more pathetic before they applied Romneycare nation-wide.

Let's face it, the US is a nation of fuck-ups that will never catch up to the rest of the civilized world due to widespread corruption and an ideological repulsion to any sort of change.

he doesn't have an annoying third worlder accent. Of course he learned to hide it, he's good with accents.

He's bros with UberDanger. They're both Danish trash

>literally just began watching his vids a few weeks ago
>this happens

I bring bad luck everywhere I go. Kill me.

i would love to know what irrelevant nation you come from

Actually the tone on his voice and the way he ends sentences is quite danish like.
It's not like norwegian or swedish accents.

T. Butthurt Neo-Anglo Burger
Dilate you unaware retard

>2 of his awful videos long ago
You mean the TORtanic era videos? Those were when he started out. There's a reason they are no longer on his channel.

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Switzerland, a country far better functioning than your shithole country ever will.

The fuck are you talking about? When was the last time Yea Forums discussed Limbo of the Lost, Overlord or fucking Space Rangers?

>Mewtendo and Lemon stealing whores
holy shit, Vinny really used to be fun

Look where your neutrality got you

>Additionally, I'd say the culture of Yea Forums isn't one that likes being told what to do, whereas the modern SJW narrative (as its perceived) is all about telling people what to think and feel. That was never going to jive with Yea Forums. But get this: neither do traditional "Family values" conservative groups that try to police the culture in that direction.
Conservative family opinions were basically met with the full fury of most of Yea Forums and Yea Forums back then. There's tons of Slavic imageboards that are very similar to old Yea Forums with their shitposting of conservatism. Most of that has disappeared because now it's actually more counter-culture to be conservative rather than leftist in most of the US. In most Slavic countries it's still like the old days (Although politically that's not a good thing)

Grim Beard is my boy.

That's Sseth dumbass.
Mandalore has talked about obscure titles that Yea Forums barely even talks about. Limbo of the Lost was literally unknown until he pulled it out the grave.

10k niggas.

Poland allegedly. Some say he's from Denmark some say he's Russian. The currency on his GOG page is Polish Zloty. And it's not uncommon for Poles to know Russian, hence why he has access to Russian discs of games.

Where the Denmark theory started I don't know. It's possible he could be some mix of all three. It's possible, I mean I am half Slav and half Berber not sure how the fuck that happened

>The American healthcare system was even more pathetic before they applied Romneycare nation-wide.
Not really, no matter what you want to call the ACA, it has gotten way more expensive to simply exist unless you have a preexisting condition, in which every other person is paying for out of their wallets. I don't know why you would call it Romney care though, when not a single republican voted for it.
The 90's had pretty reasonable prices, but the more loops people tried to attach to insurance the more it backfired and raised prices. The so called "civilized world" you admire has more problems associated with them than there might seem at first glance.

you board jump.
Now im a pink screaming guy on /biz/ that owns a bike thanks to /o/


I've heard people say he's a pole who's studying medicine in denmark. His twitter used to say denmark before he changed it and there's a pack of danish cigarettes in the stalker video.

Also a faggot; you're a faggot too, can't forget about that.

>he forgot fitzthistlewits
may the soil lie lightly upon him

>I was a big time Yea Forums troll back in 2007.jpg

Give me one game where I can play with this kind of armor besides Runescape.

and video game bazars in poland at some point were almost ran by russians, from what i've heard

We're all faggots down here

>I've heard people say he's a pole who's studying medicine in denmark
Sounds very likely in my opinion. That might explain why his currency is still in Polish and how he has Russian language discs (trading Russian bootleg pirated copies in Slavic schools was quite common).

Also didn't he literally give up on Medicine to work on vidya?


he said he held a corporate position, but that could be bullshit



>we spoke of was and when

It's often called Romneycare because it's essentially the plan that Mitt Romney set up in Massachusetts during his time as Governor. The individual mandate and semi-private aspect of the ACA were all drawn up by the likes of Gingrich and Romney during the 90s as an alternative to universal coverage.

This. I started on Yea Forums and now I see Yea Forums as one of the worst boards on this site. It is filled with the most autistic people imaginable who revel in being the biggest spergs they can be instead of simply discussing anime. Off topic threads are so much better the shit covered threads that are on topic.

>/fit/zen is gay

In other related news, the sky is blue and shit stinks

That's stuff like waiting for a GP retard.

A leaking fucking spine will go into Emergency Services.

>he civilized world has plenty of problems you're not aware of
As a middle class individual who regularly uses the system, let me tell you that it works wonders at a fraction of what I'd pay in the US

The same people why cry about "degradation of a fanbase" and make 500+ reply threads about women and normies ruining everything by finding out about a game will also tell you Sseth is based for making meme montage videos about niche games to his audience of over 500,000 underage redditors

Attached: implying anyone wants to play with autistic losers anyway.jpg (2404x1260, 827K)

I'm not denying that but neither the totem or the conch are answering me. FUCK

You pretty much have to bluepill yourself to get a gf if you're a Yea Forums autist

Look, my ass has been bleeding for 4 years consistently and I dont have cancer, I dont need to shove my asshole up a doctors ass alright

When you made enough money that you no longer have to work or make videos but decide to do so anyway since it’s fun

he's just fixing up his spine water, don't be a fag

the fact that the infinite review has a subtle plotline going through it feels like such a great payoff for the people who have been fans for years. definitely the most underrated channel on a website drowning in garbage. mecha to me represents how good youtube COULD be if it wasn't full of obnoxious assholes with armies of autistic children making them millionaires and enabling shitty behavior every step of the way.
his podcast is also excellent.

he's the only faggot youtuber that relies on memes that I find funny. Never would have played vtm or morrowind if he didn't shill them. Sseth is BASED!

Insurance is literally a scam.

>"oh god oh fuck he called me out, ummm"
>*googles highest quality of life nations*
>"yeah im from norgway, heh got him"

It's almost as if being redpilled is just a coping mechanism for bitter as fuck lonely virgins, and getting a gf helps them not be such miserable retards

Almost, but that couldn't possibly be true

Universal healthcare more or less works as long as there isn't a bunch of low IQ third-world money-pits in your society.

I highly doubt he doesn't have a fund for cases like this

There's a difference between your ass bleeding and your colon bleeding. One is because you take dicks or wipe too much and the other is because you have cancer


But there are more third world refugees in universal coverage countries than in the US

Way fewer than the number of mestizos and blacks in the US

I hope the irony is not lost on you.

>thread about literally anything
>poltards start screeching about politics
get a life you babies

The costs for that system are distributed to other aspects of a country. For example, countries like the UK have a 40% tax rate for £46,351 to £150,000. They also have a private option, but under that system I would pay more in taxes than I currently pay for my plan & income tax when converted at the current conversion rate. If you take into account how much it would cost me if I needed immediate surgery under the tax system and the cost associated with a trip to a private hospital, than I would be pretty fucked. With the current American system, I am paying less annually and I am covered by better quality medical treatment. That being said, our system can do much better and that would begin with repealing the ACA.

So what? You can use your phone or just wait it out for a few days, it would be good for you.

He probably went to the US due to better treatment options, Euros do it all the time

>get healthcare for life threatening condition
>sell your house and spend the family savings on treatment
>die anyway

>dyed hair girls
That should be a clear warning sign you shouldn't fuck her