Total War ruined by chinks

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Is 3K good?

You mean saved
Warhammer shit nearly killed the franchise

t. Zhang

Shogun II was the best one user.

3k is a great setting. Gunpowder shit has been the only bad TWs.
Fuck you it was amazing.

>seething fantasyfag

seething incels dont you have some overpriced plastic to buy

Why do fantasyfags and historyfags clamour at eachother like a bunch of smash babies?

yes fuck Warhammer twice

from my point of view it was already ruined by rome 2
i need to play warhammer and warhammer 2 when they will be cheaper

Some people can't enjoy all things, they need to choose one and protect it with their lives apparently.
Their loss, hope they do some other cool original setting next, fantasy, historical or even sci-fi, I'm in regardless.

I wouldn't make fun of chinks if I were you. Jannies are very sensitive when you make fun of theim.

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>3 chinkdoms has more banners in one unit than the entirety of tww put together
the absolute state of fantasy

Warhammer has more unit variety than the rest of the series put together.
t. started with medieval 1.

But Asia’s a million times more interesting than Generic Medieval Europe #723636226

they already ruined it with warhammer, it's literally full of Chinese spyware

BASED Asians

incel pinkoid

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Mods are chink lovers

everything is ruined by chinks

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obsessed and seething. have sex.

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Mediterraneans niggers ruined the total war in 2013


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No. I would say the sad western devs trying to apeal to the ching chong is what ruined things. You see it with Total war. Blizzard trying their hardest to apeal to China.. Even if China is known for NOT liking western made games.

Mmm these tears taste good!

Empire Total War ruined the series.

The Warscape engine ruined the series

Shogun 2 killed the series. It's been nothing but trash since. Can't believe fucking Empire was the last playable game in the series, imagine if someone told you that would be the case on Empire release.

Shogun 2 was the last good total war

But the asian girls have big tiddies

Is anyone else completely burned out on Total War? They just feel like reskins at this point. Whatever your opinion of Warhammer might be, at least they felt at least a little different from the rest. I played the hell out of the series since the first Shogun one and have no interest in playing 3K.

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Somewhat burned out. Same goes for anything made by Paradox Interactive. Victoria II is the only one which I can go back to.

why are Americans so afraid of China?

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After around 2k hours in the warhammer total wars I went back to atilla, rome etc some of the older games and it was the most tedious and boring thing ever comparatively.

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So where can I find those banned waifu mods?

What is the best campaign mod to play the American civil war?

Why the fuck do people get so mad about history/fantasy/three kingdoms tw?

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three kingdoms is a great game guys honest I have like 200 hours in it now. ranked is pretty busted though with the xu chu spam. personally I run ma chao, xu chu, and gong du. qiang hunters so good in melee and range with naginatas and bows. usually run crossbows on gong du although I haven't tried the full yellow turban unit roster so hopefully they've got other good units crossbows are so good in this game I love it. really looking forward to the 8 princes dlc or whatever it's called. also can anyone confirm whether the outlaw factions unique units are good or not? I've seen a couple zhen jiangs but they usually lose

Ching chong bing bong

>Director general look, it's raining.

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3dm, I think some chink mentioned making a reddit

>'''Greatest strategist''' BTFO by some rain

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>larp as god to trick wu brainlets
>btfo by real god in the the end

They don't. Both historyfags and fantasyniggers hate pseudo-historical chinkshit.

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CA's doing another Saga as well as "some secret FPS". It would be funny if that FPS was actually another Total Warrior, but I doubt they even remember that game.

What the FUCK are you talking about, Napoleon and that 1800s Japan DLC are the best in the entire TW series, you clearly just suck ass at strategy and just want to charge enemy units like a nigger

There's nothing more fun than to see mutts seethe over chinks because China is the new world power.