How does this make you feel?
All normies loved the trailer and will love the show.
How does this make you feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Needs more blacks
Normalfags have shit taste, are you expecting me to be surprised by this? Normalfags also loved got.
Also, fuck off you tourist
Those likes are from bots. Netflix are known to be using them to help promote new shows.
really liked the game. but I expect this to be typical plebshit netflix show
As a Pole I feel offended.
Not video games, though.
The normalfags think the show is based off the games and will be upset when the reality hits them.
Witcher 3 is casual normieshit already who cares.
i only played witcher 1, are the others even worth a shot
I'm so far removed from the target audience of any Netflix show that I don't give a damn one way or the other. I was never going to watch it. I hope the normies have fun watching it.
normalfag reaction
>wahh why isn't like the game?
reddit reaction
>actually it was originally books that the show blah blah i will defend this show's honor
Yea Forums reaction
>it's shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit sjw garbage
every time someone talks to me about something they watched on netflix it always end up with them saying it sucked yet they still watch.
fuck off back to your blackhole of an existence with anime waifu's and incest porn
the show and yennefer/triss look cool as fuck
Yes, give them a go and don't listen to Yea Forums
It's not like the books though either
Yeah, but none of those three audiences will know or care.
only normalfags are about Witcher
It looks pretty generic desu. Warning bells should have sounded in your head when they ditched the polish folk music ost for a generic Hollywood track. This show is going to be the Witcher, but filtered through 5 layers of Hollywood mass appeal marketing.
Feels good that Yea Forums lost again.
I like tinder as a man. But I'm tall.
What I don't get is why they didn't make Geralt black?
>muh source material
It's just fiction. It can be anything.
>They are already progressive by making triss/yen black
So by making the minor character love interests black while having the hero be the white savior is progressive? Ok.
Directors of this show confirmed bigots.
Pic related. How wh*tes see themselves.
Today I will remind them.
I know this is bait but still.
>this is how wh*tes see themselves
>Posts chink pic
>Pic related. How wh*tes see themselves.
despite them using the books as a defense they conveniently made geralt attractive and used armor based on the witcher 3 armor
seems like it's just a book based show when they need it to be like when they're defending casting a too young and pathetic looking brown girl to play boss bitch sorceress yennefer
Well, since the show is based off of the books and not the games I think you should go back to Yea Forums instead of looking for attention but if you want attention then I guess you're in the right place.
Looks too western to me. Where is slav soul?
are they going to slip in a red wedding-esque gotcha episode to appeal to bewildered got fans?
Is that the voice actor? the voice sounds 1:1 with the one from the video games, that's good. Dude remind me of Fabio and i dig that style. Idk, it's fine but you know they are gonna fuck shit up because it's a normie series now, le strongest woman in the world and le epic fight, witcher is kinda boring for a normie audience when you think about it.
Most normies hated the last GoT Seasons as well. You're not some special snowflake, unless you count being autistic as something special.
I will reserve my judgement until I see it
That's true, but anyone who tells you that the games aren't the reason for this show taking off in the first place are either playing dumb or an actual retard.
>extended sequences showing hunchback Yen instead of discovering/revealing it as Geralt puts it together
I can already tell this show was created by hacks.
why do normalfags have such shit taste anyways?
shitshow incoming
Most easy to for a wide audiences stuffs is usually shit user, it have to pander to everyone, in turn, it doesn't do anything good.
>female writer
that plot point got cast aside in the books anyway when it revealed that Triss got blown to bits at Sodden, it's hard to be sympathetic to Yen's character when many other sorceresses have similar shit going on.
cuz not everyone is impressed by 2d chinese childrens cartoons
Are you mad OP? lol
That doesn't make them handling it in the most hamfisted way possible any better.
This, also GoT was alwas bad, this will be the same shit
Who cares. The game was shit and the show will probably suck too.
there is one saving us from this grim dark future user
Bros, I think the white race is going extinct...
good, maybe then there wont be any more racism and wars
Spent more time doing normal things, so they read less, watch less movies and play less videogames, at the end of the day their standards are just lower and just do what others say is cool, they consume what's popular and never develop a taste, because lack of references
I don’t think anyone cares here the source material is absolute dog shit with exception for the short stories. As soon as the real saga begins it’s just a big mess. People who haven’t read the book have no understanding how much better better Gerald is in the books
>end racism
>end wars
that is some under-below average level of IQ
true geralt is definitely better in the books, but ive only read the short stories
Don't bother reading more. "Ignorance is a bliss" is what you want in Andzej case.
60k dislikes seem like alot.
I wonder.
How in the world is it that such clearly talentless hacks get into desirable writing jobs which I'm sure the average fa/tg/uy basementdweller would be 1000 times better at and would be super easy to find / hire.
Yet it's just filled with narcissistic indoctrinated SJWs?
How about...white science? The universe looks too black, let's make it white. Jesus, Hitler and Trump wanted this but failed because of jews.
Why is he so attractive tho?
I think it looks bad, the sets/locations look especially bland and cheap
Thank god real life works different than how those imbeciles imagine.
any words on the "replaced by" term?
yeah, that is what i thought
>face of white genocide
You want someone handsome? I bet OP is a chad.
affirmative action hires and shitlib bias at Netflix
libshits think thy are creative but their not. all their creativity goes into the hatred of anything cool or decent because it might make faggots feel bad
If people think others will hold hands and sing songs around the campfire when whites go are in for a very rude awakening when those same groups eat each other for dominance.
>how liberals work
I think it's time to rise up. Let them know the true might of Jesus Christ and Coca Cola.
Oh my.
I don't watch TV.
Fuck off straightfag, Yea Forums is sodomite territory.
But he's so pretty
You'll get yours, Sodomyfag.
Netflix is dying. No one subscribe to watch their SJW bullshit shows.
>using a cherrypicked meme images as an argument
You are pretty triggered right now, aren’t you?
Christ gamers rise up
>we spend our days in the writers room discussing xenophobia and racism and the disintegration of humanity
Funny, /pol/ does the same thing.
Oh sweetie i don't need to cherry pick when the subject is blacks destroying cities...
Feel free to see the numbers of crimes now baby, then come back to apologise, like a good girl
I'm glad I don't know what any of this is
/pol/ is filled with lunatics tho. from both sides
Today, I will remind them
So is Yea Forums, what's your point? The majority are sane people.
>caring about normalfags
>Make a show based off of the games runaway success and popularity
>Of course medieval Poland needs respresentation and diversity
>People call you out
>"It's based on the books"
>Make the two waifus from the games a nigger and a shitskin
>"Normies love our show and think Triss and Yen look great! We've already started on season 2 that's how popular it is"
>In the near future
>Netflix's The Witcher will not be returning for season 3
>Netflix: Eveybody binged watched season 1 but no one new subscribed how could this happen???
For years bookfags bitched about Daenarys not having purple eyes and you race bend the waifus
Imagine the sheer outrage if a Live Action Evangelion cast Rei as a blonde
a fraction of those like actually read one book of that series.
>The majority are sane people.
It's a containment board for the most annoying and extreme retards. It was when it was first created, and its return was no exception.
all normies have shit taste, how is that surprising?
All boards are containment boards. It's initial creation was an attempt to give Hitler-worshippers on Yea Forums somewhere else to go in the faint hope that Yea Forums could somehow remain good. But Yea Forums was never good.
>Live Action Evangelion cast Rei as a blonde
lol, they would never change race X to a white. Its always black, or mudskin
Bitch we have a chart of that now
rei is brunette because netflix can't into subtlety, just watch knights of the zodiac, they have to explain everything instead of letting you figure out what they mean with their analogies
I call myself a fan of the Witcher books and the games, two different things.
If someone told me he liked the show, I wont care because I for myself think that the show as an adaption of the franchise is shit, but people can like whatever they want
witcher 3 is overrated
The book are hot fucking garbage (too be fair i could only get through blood of elves)
>/polv/ is once again losing the culture war and now has to cope within their last remaining safespace, spamming their usual drivel
god damn the guy is obnoxiously handsome, that QT can barely contain herself
i can bet you asuka will be a nigger and rei an indian and shinju full blown gay instead of a teenager looking for someone to show him affction
>Live Action Evangelion
>but people can like whatever they want
That's where your mistake lies. If people like something different from you then you're less likely to get more stuff that you like. If people actually hate things you like then you will be mistreated in one way or the other.
Cavill is irl superman no questions here
He might be the real 10/10 deal dude
>cast Rei as a blonde
user, she is gonna be a fucking nigger
get checked
That's Asuka, fittingly enough since she's German.
he's got incredible bone structure in his face, that perfect chin dimple, and a great head of hair
help Superman is turning me gay bros
literally less than 1%
I hope whoever typed this isn't a burgermutt
Castlevania was decent.
Sapkowski says this adaptation is true to his books. If you disagree and believe the games are the true vision, you are by definition a casual.
Chris Evans is more handsome.
>less than 1%
You don't actually believe that, do you? If a person claims he's from the Rhine area you'd do well to assume he's a sandnigger.
Who gives a shit if the show it's a hit or not. They are not going to reboot it and have a proper casting if it fails. And they will keep pushing diversity anyway no matter what happens.
what kind of nigger are we talking about again?
speak up, 56%
i didn't watch anything in tv/kinoplex dor about 7 years now
Anything from south of the Alps.
Why does /pol/ get angry at things it doesn't even care that much about?
No way, thats way too stupid to be true. That user placed b8 and you took a screenshot of it
>taking anything that greedy, fat, drunk, waste of oxygen consider
big oof buddy
Don't forget the east, lots of slavniggers crossing the border and inflating immigration and crime statistics
>than 1%
>being this naive
Where I come from that's mostly balkaniggers, but Slavshits are bad too.
I was talking about actual niggers, you know
africa and stuff, now shut it
The funniest thing about all this is that there are scenes and dialog that I KNOW people are going to think netflix added in to be (/pol/ boogyman word of the month). But they're actually straight from the books.
/pol/ doesn't care about videogames, if anything they want them to get blacked and kiked to accelerate more young white coming to their side
This is gamers angry they made their waifus shitskins
Cavill is a gigachad personified
>i... i was... i was not talking about that
This is sad.
>Yea Forums
Complaining about tourists
This is so fucking stupid. They always have to niggerfy everything but they never let trannies have the spotlight.
this. they also love destiny games when they are shit on all levels
Fuck off tranny your side will never fucking win
Who knows. Now they're defending trannies because one said nigger
>yuropoors and amerifats arguing while mudslimes and niggers fuck their wives and take a huge shit on their countries
>that's RAECIS
Imagine saying that in a thread which is about your side losing hard
ching chong ping pong
trannies are on our side now you dumbass
>trannies are on our side now you dumbass
Nazi trannies RISE UP.
true, something must be done...
The games are clunky messes with a sliiiiiiighty above average story. never played one never will. and I don't get mad about shit that I will never watch. don't like it don't feed it attention. your blood pressure will thank you
you know what answer answer me this
why do you want everything to from games, movies and books to bee full tranny shitlib bullshit
and no im on the side you think im on sever siad i was
Remember lads
Because I prefer to be on the winning side
I couldn't imagine the amount of seethe you'd experience daily if you found yourself losing so hard like /polv/ does
I liked the trailer, my problem is half the cast.
here's a revelation for you:
videogames are now mainstream, that means all normies are in it too
that means that either we are all normies now, because playing videogames is "normal", or that we are all "gamers" now, because most people game nowadays
Shannara Chronicles looked more interesting than this and it wasn't good.
>Because I prefer to be on the winning side
what? what dose winning have to do with trannys, furries and sodomites making everything shit.
are you ok with shit being the norm? to have everything be run by fat cat ladies and trannys. were story in games movies and tvs show are shit becuase the author is pushing there faggotry into every thing?!!!!!?
>reddit spacing
Kill yourself, and the trannyfag should do so as well.
Video games are mainstream the same way that anime is, just because normalfag watch SAO or AoT doesn't mean that all anime is normalfaggy. Same goes for vidya.
ok retard
Imagine actually being this retardedl