Whatever happened to that warhammer mmo? Will it ever be a thing? I think i only saw one trailer for it and then nothing after that.
Whatever happened to that warhammer mmo? Will it ever be a thing...
its been a thing for years
wake the fuck up samurai
I have been sad about its cancelation for 6 years now.
Dark Millennium was canceled when Vigil Games went under.
Eternal Crusade was a failure and never grew beyond small scale squad stuff.
>there will never be a story focused isometric Inquisitor WRPG set in a sprawling hive complex as you unveil layer upon layer of corruption, mismanagement and possible heresy
>there will never be a GTA clone set in Commorragh allowing you to backstab your way up through the ranks of your Kabal/Coven/Wych cult, conducting realspace raids for resources and arraying yourself with all sorts of body modifications and exotic equipment
>there will never be a Deathwatch FPS loosely inspired by republic commando where you command a kill team through a campaign, each member of whom comes from a wildly different chapter with subsequent shoulder rubbings resulting in some fun and colourful character interactions
>there will never be a planetary Governor grand strategy giving you control over a planet, its resources and defenses, its relations to neighbouring worlds in its own system and those beyond, and defending its place in the Imperium's grand machine.
>there will never be an MGR style Eldar Aspect Warrior Hack&Slash enabling you to play as a young Eldar warrior seeking the right path on a long campaign that sees you play each and every one of the aspect temples before finally becoming an Autarch
>there will never be an all-stars smash clone where you play as famous 40k figures duking it out.
>there will never be an Ork Kart
Who cares?
Stop shilling those toy army men
>OC DONUT STEAL inquisitor
I will probably look it up to have a good laugh.
It's funny how hard Yea Forums's opinion of ADB has fallen. He used to be one of the faves. What happened?
Died with THQ I think. I thought that shit online shooter was supposed to be it for a while, but it's horrible.
>OC DONUT STEAL inquisitor
I wish
Current year happenned.
Most of GW's writers suck tranny cocks
At least mechanicus was neat.
>Ork Kart
That's just Gorkamorka: The Game
I want it
But 40k already has female representation.
Looks like an African boy to me
God no.
Women already have sisters of battle. What else do they want? A fucking female pdf soloing a necron?
female space marines
What'd be so wrong with having a female space marine?
They already have sisters of battle. Also the space marine process doesn't work on chicks.
Says who?
Me, women are fucking weak
The lore. And no, changing the lore because you want female space marines isn't a solution to a problem you think exists.
Also nope,but also have sex.
The fluff (so far). I guess we'll see female primaris in the future though.
Wow, a talking vagina.
>Astra Mimlitarum
and of course we all know that the warhammer universe is immutable and unchanging. Nothing ever changes ever under any circumstances and its utter insanity to think that a space army with incredible technology ever advances that tech in logical and obviously beneficial ways.
>advancing tech
Unless you pull an STC out of your ass that allows the creation of female space marines it isn't happening.
The thing is, people who care about marines (male children) don't want female marines, while people who don't care about them (everyone else) would be ok with female marines. GW will be careful to change them too much, because the print them money. I guess the reason to include females would be to target female customers (obviously), but GW better focused on a more female appealing faction (Nids and Eldar).
I'd love me some female Chaos Marines though.
retarded lorelet
What are primaris?
You just described the Imperium user
Ancient hidden experiment. More importantly, why are female space marines necesary?
Actually, no
Do you know why he came back?
Eldar dickery, that's why
If they didn't wake up Robert Gullible the Imperium wouldn't have changed
What are the best Warhammer games?
I wouldn't want them either (except for chaos ones), but my personal canon froze 3 editions ago anyway. Potentially more marines is the obvious reason. There are countless ways to shoehorn them in and if GW thinks they'll sell, they'll probably chose the most retarded one available.
Yes I will forever remember my debt towards the noble Aeldari race, that's why I will let the females live
Dawn of war 1 and 2, space marine, mechanicus.
Gothic Armada 2
Inquisitor Martyr (now at least)
Space marine and DoW 1/2
Watching that trainwreck was horrible, first it was going to be an MMO, then they cut it back to a planetside 2 game, then they cut it to a 12vs12 game or whatever.
Sanctus Reach and Gladius are pretty good. Also EYE.
To be fair sisters of battle have been horribly neglected by gw.
But then that's the case for almost every race as well