I hope you're enjoying the summer Yea Forums

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I am, thanks.

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why peak wh*te is tanned? i don't get tanned anymore, just burned

Just fucking my sister all the time,nooo school anymore so we have time

>Try to enjoy the beautiful day outside
>Realise that I have nothing to do
>Start stressing out about wasting my time
>Go back to pc and try to do something productive
>End up here anyway
How do I break this cycle

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Pretty good summer so far.
It is 30 degree Celsius here. Luckily I can work in my home office where it is quite comfy. Will water the garden later.

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Ride your bike, hike for an hour or two and think about what you want to do. Helped me. There is no universal answer though. Do not stress yourself too much, and just do it desu.

Go for a walk.

Cute feet

Friendly reminder to apply sunscreen (even indoors because UV goes through glass) unless you don't mind the UV radiation and photoaging

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It's winter you cunt.

I can't stand summer, no matter if I'm inside or out

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boi dont wear so tight shoes your foes look like that of a chinese foorbinding bride

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Post dick

I fucking hate summer

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Your feet meat looks like it was freeze dried, are you shoes really tight or something?

i'm not, it's too fucking hot i hate it

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>ejoying things

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>8 hours morning job
>Afternoon too hot to go out with friends or play videogames
>Can't crack a cold one with the bros because i need to sleep
>Can't acces to university office because only opens in the morning
>Come back home and dog restless because he has been all alone in the morning.
And now my ps4 makes the internet really fucking slow, this summer man.

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what are you even trying to say? non english speakers should just kys themselves

>even indoor
what a stupid girl


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imagine the smell

I work at night time so I don't have to feel that sun like you white boys do

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Walking without purpose makes me feel even more like a loner

>Taking day off from work
>It's fucking ball sweatingly hot outside at a stupid 99 degrees with horrible humidity
>It's nice and chilly inside my home though
>Just gonna bundle up in bed, lurk Yea Forums, play some Mario Maker and sleep
Screwgoing outside at the moment though. Southern heat is the worst.

>Too hot outside to do anything
>Stuck playing vidya games all day
>Just sitting around waiting until it cools off in Sept/Oct so I can go to theme parks, the zoo, biking, outdoors in general

I really don't get normies who think summer is an outdoors season. Its completely uncomfortable

Loving it. Summer best month. Love camping hiking and kayaking etc. Fuck winter.
Stop overthinking everything dude. Don't be weird.

You need to start wearing better fitting shoes you dumb fuck. There's no excuse for your feet to look like this.

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No one other than footfag subhumans care.

Pretty stale but ok, I am more of a winter guy but I don't dislike summer

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I don't know anyone who likes winter who enjoy going outside regularly. Other than like 2 skiers.

When it snows is really comfy and chill, also going outside for a walk when everyone is inside gives the impression that you are the only man alive, it soothe me a bit. And yes I know how to skii too since I'm an alpfag

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I meant (You)

Fair enough. I'm a leaf and it gets cold as fuck and I hate it. I can't hike for 2 hours without wanting to die, the forests are too full of snow. Life sucks.

Am I the only one that enjoys pale skin? I constantly put on sun lotion to avoid tans.

I love being tanned.

I also work at night black hand guy. Its great because no one is out at night but it sucks when i have to do shit you can only do during the day like banking or going to a doctor.

>spent the entire summer practicing art
>dont feel all that much better than before
oh no

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You got a nice butt OP? I have a big pp

nice marfan syndrome

>get in the sun for 15 minutes
>only got 2 colors
>red and white

It's fucking impossible for me to get a tan and I can give an albino a run for his money with the way how fast I get burned.

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What is this, 1938?

WTF I just googled it

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I’ve got a pretty bad Chaco tan already

white people dont tan., they get red.

Do you have poor circulation? Those are some bulging veins in those feet

I can't tan for shit but never sunburn either, I'm always gonna be ghostly pale.

Not op but I have poor circulation. How do I cure it?

Lmao. If you can't tan I pity you.

>really hot
>really humid
Can't wait for it to cool down

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Diet, exercise. Could be linked to high blood pressure or diabetes

Are we the Ayy lmaos?

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Wear linen clothes. Be cool and /fa/.

No I fucking hate summer, let me wear my comfy baggy clothes instead of these uncomfortable shorts and short sleeve shirts, can't even play vidya without making my room even hotter cause my gpu may as well be a space heater in summer

>Became wage cuck just before the summer
>work is nice but 0 motivation to anything after the work
>wasting my weekends in careless mode just like in NEET days

Pretty comfy, desu. Although my work sometimes is pretty stressful. At least now I'm earning money myself instead of leaching from parents. All I need now is a cute girl and workout in my life.

im about to hit the gym right now. great day today

Why does this pic get my heart pounding?

Are you fat?

thanks user. boutta head to hawaii for a few weeks, shit is so cash.

no im underweight but my skin is sensitive to heat

Well I run for an hour every day and I eat healthy food. I got checked for diabetes and they said I don't have it. My mother and her mother both had poor circulation also.

Baggy clothing looks like shit on thin dudes just so you're aware.

What about 5'10 and 165 pounds?

I know, I just want to wear them inside so I can be comfy, I don't go out all that often, I have normal clothes for that

whats your job? also start working out asap man, summer is nice weather to get out of the house and do this.

I fucking hate summer in SoCal so much. Not only is it 100+ farenheit every day but the humidity is insane.
Not to mention I sweat like a motherfucker, even indoors with air conditioning and fans, so I'm perpetually smelly, oily and uncomfortable as fuck. In fact I'm always so uncomfortable that it depresses the shit out of me; I stop going to the gym, I don't hang out with friends as often, and so on.
When I get the money I'm moving way the fuck up north. Fuck this shit.

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i look good in baggy shirts maybe your just ugly user

aayyy lmao

but your purpose is to get out of the house
theres nothing wrong with taking a few laps around the neighborhood or wherever you live.

nothing wrong with being a loner either