

Attached: VR.jpg (1500x1408, 559K)

Other urls found in this thread:

woaah so deep

really says alot about our society

society is a lie
gamers are the government

>female hugs husband
Fake news, she would just hug one of her side guys not the retard paying for her.

Seems nice to me; using technology to bridge distance. In lieu of the real thing, it's at least some sort of connection.

vr is ded

might mean that society is morally bankrupt and there is no other way to fix it other than vr

Me on the right if you remove the roastie

what is sad is that we still don't have a bonbi VR experience.

Attached: elsa wink.gif (575x575, 2.88M)

Oh is that what it is? I instantly thought it was some cynical boomer bullshit.

i'd spend all my time in VR too if everything i owned was greyscale

>hugging a roastie instead of your vr waifu
what a faggot


Attached: 1563234944695.jpg (640x571, 124K)

You support companies that created the gap AND monetized it? You must be one of those who supported tranny rights and the pharmas that pushes it to normality all for the sake of money, I mean freedom of choice.

Where's the water?

>VR has gay faggotry flag by default

Sensible chuckle


Yess goyim
Raise the Tyrone's and your wife's son
Your don't need your own biological children, the world is overcrowded as it is, ignore that Shaniqua has 5 kids from different fathers, you need to raise someone else's kid because we are running out of resources
Good goyim

I want to make love to a shota in VR

I want to be a shota in VR

Attached: 1563882312773.jpg (1500x1408, 674K)

why is this stupid song resurfacing all of sudden
I fucking hate it


Attached: file.png (273x185, 96K)

VR is supposed to be the next thing after the jump to 3D
Faggots only care about using it for role playing and fapping like animals.

I agree the whole world is overpopulated mr shekelberg thats why we need to stop sending aid to africa so they dont create yet another population boom

we should probably also thin the numbers back here too, id say if its brown put it down, if its a jew kill it too

Now kiss

>most people want nothing in life but sexual pleasure
No shit, Sherlock

the woman should have been white and fat, the adult nigger should be there only in the virtual reality

videogames truly separate you from your family and friends :(


Attached: 445577435.jpg (428x512, 44K)

i don't even get what is this supposed to mean...
i know it's intending to insult black people somehow...

Art can be really neat sometimes. This was nice.

Attached: oujyss4sah631.jpg (640x539, 36K)

can someone make a kfc edit? like holding a chicken box?

Attached: 1563849971154.jpg (539x960, 84K)

Do black people even go to kfc, wouldnt they go to somewhere cheaper like some generic chicken shack or something



>explaining the joke
black people wishing to be white

Do you just think about trannies 24/7
Get some help

Attached: SPOILER_edge.jpg (500x604, 86K)

cow tools?

everyone wishes they were white
even "white people" wish they were as white as their ancestors


oh my fucking god

>flat design

Attached: 1541248212024.png (500x364, 99K)

is this even a thing at all? ._.

black people don't make videogames and just play them, mostly as white characters

i wish i had water instead of videogames

its a joke, dude

Attached: vrg.png (1500x1408, 3.42M)

unironically yes.

ever seen a black person rather want to live in Africa than a white country?
me neither

stop playing Atlus in Kongo you double nigger

It's time to go back to r e d d i t, underage.

well the thing is when one is stupid enough to not get a joke and later someone explains it, it stops being funny
that's why i didn't took it as a joke

Let me fix that image:
>dad is embracing a japanese maid waifu with big milkers
>mom is doing virtual yoga session
>kid is embracing a futa cock in his new Ozone's vr game

Attached: YK6aBWZl3WTuWliTnotAeOPj9q4uaU0Fz94Al7F0Qxw.jpg (636x900, 80K)

i just didn't get that picture at first until i saw that post, fuck you asshole

that doesn't mean they wish to be white, just in a better country imo

Attached: 1525657366242.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

wait so is the slave looking into the future or is the prisoner looking into the past?

duh hell is wrong with you

the slave is visiting prisoner to tell him how stupid ass nigga he is

In my mind, the go-to black restaurant is Wendy's. Every Wendy's have been to in recent years is staffed and visited predominantly by black people. I have no answer for this phenomenon though.

That bulge :)

Attached: 1500622715760.jpg (642x2409, 811K)

That we... live in one?

Attached: 1508752595947.jpg (635x1923, 571K)

you mean parasitically leech off of a better civilization, since they havent been able to form one over the course of thousands of years?
subconsciously youve long accepted that you are inferior

Attached: vr.png (1500x1408, 3.63M)

Attached: 1543283449410.png (900x283, 119K)

sure whatever you say mr. racist ._.


Attached: 1552902681578.jpg (1024x862, 96K)

Why is every response beta as hell? Who made this?

what is this incel fetish shit?

>implying you built anything

Attached: 1563882312783.jpg (1500x1408, 1.23M)

fucking lol

Attached: 1535222353000.jpg (600x532, 40K)

Literally sneed



>not being able to grasp the concept of preserving a legacy and inheritance
your ancestors must be niggers

Most likely not.
But yes user, you are very special and important and you built civilization, now go back to your containment board.

Transmisia = satanism.
One of the tenets of luciferian doctrine is "Mind Below Matter", that the spiritual submits to the worldly.
Claiming that no trans people are valid and that one's gender is determined entirely by the body is Mind Below Matter thinking.

Most fast food places are staffed predominantly by blacks and hispanics, user

it's all they can get

The black people need VR to have a family like the whites

seethe harder, but please keep your inferiority complexes on reddit

Remember how whites stormed in and took land, assimilated cultures for centuries? Well now minorities are demanding that white countries bend over backwards for them, legislation is complying and whites are too weak to stop it. It's the same as colonialism, might makes right and whites deserve it based solely on the virtue of being unable to do anything about it. Cope.

Those are some sick freezes tho

>he thinks he can fix Hell
good goy, keeping the torture machinery well oiled

Attached: qhwe66cffdg11.jpg (757x960, 90K)

Inferiority complex is being so pathetic that you need to latch on what your ancestors did to feel any significance in yourself. You are a leech.

Attached: loss.png (1500x1408, 3.42M)

She's not wrong, unless Nancy is immortal.

Attached: 0XckhzK.png (330x878, 486K)

how would you know? you've never been with one

Whitoids btfo

t. uneducated nigger

how does it feel knowing your entire race will never be anything more but slaves to the nextbest race that feels like using you for one purpose or another. But sure blame the people that brought you every technological and scientific achievement you have in your pathetic life

no you fuck off back, tryhard faggot retard

Attached: Online Friend.jpg (492x1012, 77K)

They're both meeting eachother halfway.

Enjoy watching your ethnic identity crumble, it's been a long time coming.

why are women incapable of being funny ?

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Isn't this based on a drawn version which was actually funny?

Dresses are more comfortable desu

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no. Yea Forums is absurdly racist. Most of the racism here makes absolutely no sense. I think it's funny seeing how you cracker ass white folks think

heh heh

Attached: bread.jpg (3119x1397, 808K)

Attached: 8-Player-Fun.jpg (640x1400, 166K)


I don't get the joke

leave the schizos to their schizoing, don't waste your time

Whoa... damn...

Attached: open the mayor.jpg (533x960, 72K)

Attached: As a woman, I am strangely comforted to know that men know they scare the hell out of us and make ef (800x800, 83K)

This isn't funny either

What is funny?

Attached: Drye1NpXcAEZxxe.jpg (768x1200, 159K)


it should be pedobear on the poster and asking people to have kids

I want to fuck her

kys cuck

>countries should give back everything they have stolen

complex is an understatement

Attached: miney crafta.png (533x960, 461K)

oldschool based

Attached: FB_Feminists2.jpg (522x805, 389K)

I want to kill her then fuck her

only in Argentina

What black person uses the word "cracker" anymore? Seriously get a life whitey.

probably a tranny
why do trannies make comics about them actually being accepted and having normal lives?

women cant draw


>Polish astronaut

i bet she pimps him out

Attached: 1506323986416.png (602x485, 163K)

it is a travesty

Attached: pc gaming (3).webm (900x568, 2.92M)

>an individual woman cant be programmed
>society as a whole can be reprogrammed and must be socially engineered in order to head towards progress

t. the exact same people (leftists)

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 01.jpg (700x993, 355K)

>I'll show you how good I am at science by taking off my helmet on the moon!

Because you are obsessed with them

black mirror

>becoming an astronaut or president is normal

when was that?

>willingly give away the fruits of your ancestors to a foreign people
only white people are dumb enough to do this.

Attached: highgai-993832565923397632-20180508_143842-vid1.webm (506x900, 2.95M)

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Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 02.jpg (700x993, 241K)

the guy sold his son to buy bread but only had one dollar, he sold himself for 0.15 and now only bread remaining in empty house


Attached: file.png (860x1215, 684K)

It makes her imagine a "what if" scenario?
Because you just cant hold a washing machine like that.

It's funny that people still make this kind of dystopian art about VR, when in reality literally nobody gives a crap about it.

Attached: Virtuality Zone Hunter.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

what is WW2

Clearly she never heard "Women cant make funny comics".

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 03.jpg (700x993, 323K)

>those slaps at the end
my sides

Attached: file.png (860x1215, 677K)

but men do all those things and the that last panel is some gay ass bird because a female probably would't have the red breast

>women only go out of their way to do anything significant if it allows them to show off to someone or stroke their ego
sounds about right

pretty rocks being diamonds? Vapid whore.

>that ending

Attached: 1546130311721.jpg (591x640, 110K)

Nice if you edited it yourself just now.
Needs to be WAM though.

>whites do it
>give rise to the greatest civilizations of all time
>browns do it
>instant class iii civilization
the futures looking bright, bros!

Attached: 1513389312358.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)


Isn't the left side exactly how old rich people get to fuck prime pussy?

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 04.jpg (700x993, 486K)

Subtle propaganda

left girl is more attractive than right girl
sucess isnt really attractive on a girl imo

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Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 05.jpg (700x993, 252K)

Attached: Meanwhile, in a parallel universe.jpg (650x898, 438K)

he's cute, would bang

kinda funny

Attached: EmuVR - Nintendo Sixty-FOOOOOOOOOOUR.webm (600x600, 2.92M)

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 06.jpg (700x993, 275K)

Those things DO happen
They just think you are a used up whore that cant handle being a loyal wife

but that civilisation wasn't created by you, by your standers everyone but the government, philosophers, architects and artists are all leaches including you

suuuuuuper healthy!

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 07.jpg (700x993, 513K)


You need to go back.

Attached: catwoman takes down 3 Flashes.jpg (1288x1980, 605K)

sneed tools

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 08.jpg (700x993, 506K)

Why the fuck do people make these beta simulators?
I'd imagine they wouldn't need simulators if they thought about making shit like this.

How exactly the fuck

Only needs "nothing here is for sale" sticker on glass

>females have THIS much of a victim complex

Attached: This is bait. Do not correct it. I know you want to but you can resist.jpg (490x327, 34K)

Attached: EmuVR - Nintendo Sixty-FOOOOOOOOOOUR2.webm (600x600, 2.91M)

Actually I would like attention like this

Attached: incelhavesexdilatelikeclockwork.png (904x680, 148K)


Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 09.jpg (700x993, 273K)

post were diaper

God I wish that was me

literally how do women decide who they like though?
if a grill is single she knows probably a dozen dudes (from friends, work, hobbies, etc) who look good enough for her, make her laugh, and have a compatible personality

Attached: George_Lamberis_nextvisibledelicious.tumblr.com_167832692769.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 10.jpg (700x993, 290K)

the joke is women are fat hahahaha

Attached: 1563886252793.png (900x681, 169K)

There should be an addendum to this, where if you're a hot enough Chad you get sex for free and the women will buy you dinners or give you money.

>bro im sorry i havent seen you in a while, my moms cancer is getting worse so im spending time with her
>wtf fuck you just make some time

Attached: 544985-88c1c25e31e2ad5a47de5f5f7011f9f1.jpg (596x960, 60K)

Attached: hCE042B1B.jpg (372x700, 66K)

that was nice of them to ask, also seems like a well mannered and civil divorce, almost comfy

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 11.jpg (700x993, 520K)

how fucking retarded can you be? Its a legacy, people work so their children can have a better life, its also a responsibility. Not that a nigger like you could ever understand. Your ancestors are all busy throwing feces at each other

Now if only VR displayed in 120Hz to simulate CTR monitors properly

el dilator

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 12.jpg (700x993, 779K)

Like Valve's Index you mean?

Looking forward to the day we can all abandon our flawed human bodies, upload our minds to the matrix and live happily ever after with our waifus.

cat vs. bat
she wouldn't be as quick if this were aerial

Do they fuck?

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 13.jpg (700x993, 222K)

Who has the most money/status. being female is like being a kid in a candy store. Pure easy mode life.

>Oh, sorry.
Sorry for what?

isn't that 60Hz for each eye?

Attached: K53ou6HhrcCDOSCf.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 14.jpg (700x993, 301K)

Attached: khlxXz2QuND1R0GP.webm (1138x720, 2.93M)

That only works if you're an attractive woman. Men with money/status aren't going to choose you if you're below average.

So his dad taught him all the useful shit while his mom just sat around making jokes.

Sounds about right

>meet some people with my good-looking friend
>talking about what we do
>she straight up just asks about how much we make a year
>hugs my friend when he says how much he makes and """jokingly""" tells her boyfriend she's gonna go out with him instead

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 01 - 15.jpg (700x993, 249K)

>implying EA wont make you pay for lootboxes to decide which item of clothing your waifu removes.

But I cant pick the phone at work

Attached: yX-RLEkMv-YkoFz2.webm (610x360, 2.95M)

No, its 120Hz (144 even) for each eye.
Anything lower than 80Hz would make you nauseous as fuck, 90Hz being optimal.

Attached: 1562233021682.jpg (1032x605, 158K)

Is your character wearing a fucking suit and tie?

False. men with more money and status than you will still chase you. Men mostly date down besides the top guys. Females 99% of the time only date up.

Attached: GFSQ1OW.jpg (563x1226, 97K)

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 01.jpg (900x1277, 625K)

Attached: zOV1v3NMhC3tdZYq.webm (900x472, 2.67M)

I think the point here is that below average women just pick the highest status dude that's going after them. They still have their pick
You're both correct


Attached: 1563457148947.png (498x1233, 28K)

This one is true. For all women's faults, they can't beat men at hypocrisy.

Attached: (694x557, 91K)

The average white contributes 200k in tax dollars over their lifetime while the average brown person contributes -500k in tax dollars over their life time

Have sex

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 02.jpg (700x993, 617K)

Attached: GladiumTonitrua.gif (582x536, 147K)

Post more cute futa meidos.

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 03.jpg (700x993, 316K)

the index does, but does it really matter when oot is like 20 fps?

Is this your first week as an incel on Yea Forums? The obvious joke would be to leave the first panel the same and make the second one say "being abusive" instead of "being nice".

The penis one is better.

You can scan amiibos and it puts their unique AI in the CPU player. It's really basic shit though, like being slightly more likely to jump.

Why would you spring "we're getting divorced" and then immediately "WHO DO YOU LOVE MORE" on your own child right after you bring up her social autism? Shit parents


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Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 05.jpg (700x993, 193K)

Edgy as fuck but I like the artstyle.

Attached: takin it.webm (800x450, 2.02M)


Attached: 1554313012082-v.jpg (532x502, 112K)

Ah yes, the "Linux is gay" technique from 90's memes.

Did the shards of glass ruin his boots?

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 06.jpg (700x993, 714K)


Try not to put black in for profit jail for petty crimes and see how the public expenses get down

Attached: 1546044056980.jpg (634x2662, 394K)

This is so fucking slow, just post the ending

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 07.jpg (700x993, 712K)

Unless you can prove you were descended from John Locke (you are probably only 15, so I doubt you even have average knowledge of the world and know who he is) your argument is completely bullshit even in the muh ancestors mindset, all your ancestors were probably poor ass commoner peasants with a low iq who did absolutely nothing to create your civilisation - and before that they were probably slaves. Your 'legacy' is nothing but farmers trying to make a living for themselves, and even that's gone because you don't eve have their fucking farm.

I was descended from French nobility, a family still active today, does that matter if I am not fucking rich with an estate? no, go fuck yourself. I am as dirt poor as the next person, and what I am descended from means nothing. Go read some actual philosophy, and watch the ignorant little wooden house you made to give your life meaning crumble around you.
Fucking sub iq schizo slave for the rich

Attached: file.png (448x497, 13K)

Those boots are made for walkin'
and that's just what they do
but if you try to run they will fucking fall apart

try not to commit crime

So what does a pick of a gold- or perhaps more fitting attentiondigger proof? You do realize she fucks plenty behind his back and uses him for publicity, right?


Attached: b555f1b9416973287e9c334ca42bd7ac.jpg (716x1116, 165K)

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 08.jpg (700x993, 297K)

Attached: 399.png (680x541, 558K)

A crummy pail of gigabytes?


No excuse for them commiting over half of all gun related crimes nigger

So it's saying Men have to give everything to Women?

Attached: 1562966575800.jpg (649x611, 34K)

so you only care about money?

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 09.jpg (700x993, 307K)

Attached: road rovers.jpg (992x2044, 358K)

Oy vey

opinion discarded, your people fought for globohomo in WW2 and have been infested with 3rd worlders much longer


ha ha troled

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 10.jpg (700x993, 511K)

god women are so fucking retarded lmao

For future references user. Don't make xer correct you.

To be fair they fought for whoever was scarier at the time

>not taking any chance to fake a foul and put the other team in disadvantage
it's like you don't even want to win

explain this

Attached: 1533857517582.png (500x445, 122K)

Attached: animal_crossing_plot.jpg (807x711, 389K)

lmao his face

Attached: Glitch manga Eng 02 - 11.jpg (700x993, 769K)

the difference is that they are hugging a perfect envisioned version of a human, not the one they have in real life
think nigger

A Baguette with no concept for race or heritage
big surprise

>retire at 60

Attached: 1460035602004.png (302x299, 353K)


Attached: tumblr_inline_p0t1i9UAkQ1re517z_500.png.jpg (500x640, 94K)

t. nigger with french passport

she ok?

i'm assuming it's a show called "road rovers" (like in the filename) where there are "intelligent dogs" that jump into armor and walk around like humans, like earthworm jim or that big dog from undertale


god I wish that were me


Attached: tumblr_nnld7lLn4M1s2bs4bo1_1280.png (731x1444, 460K)

Problem solved, I guess.

Attached: file.png (1600x1200, 2.67M)

Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

Usury is a sin
It should be pay back the loan with 0% interest any deviation from this is either theft or jewry

Hot as fuck

Attached: file.png (1600x1200, 2.04M)


The woman's kafka trap.

>The End

maybe some day bro, maybe some day.

Why care about niggers/sandniggers? Not my fault they fuck so much they can't feed their kids.

Attached: file.png (1246x936, 1.41M)


meant for

Attached: The 50s were indeed a simpler time.jpg (500x280, 89K)

Bendy arm man is right
why should I care about other people
more people = more bad

P-post more.

What this whore means by that?

Yes but because they deserve it for existing. You can't expect and anything back and you didn't give that stuff to them because they were a woman, but you do have to give them that stuff because they are women.

Is this man being attacked by his waifu?

VR isn't even like this, it's a meme gimmick fad though

Attached: 1525553012024.gif (112x112, 42K)

Attached: file.png (1432x2040, 149K)

That is so kafkaesque

I want to fuck her even more now bros...

That too

what the heck

these are great

lefty libby thinks he can save all the brown people. so cute.

Attached: file.png (1000x500, 159K)

Literally me

>it's a meme gimmick fad

Attached: 1325_468_1000.jpg (468x526, 68K)

I wish aya would learn how the foreskin works
it's very upsetting to see him draw things that would result in endless bleeding and pain


Attached: file.png (1000x994, 1.07M)

Attached: 1510501598947.jpg (736x2524, 353K)

>adult playing a virtual little girl playing with toys
I really don't know how to feel about this

But isn't that right, though? He told her that he identifies as a nazi so she referred to him as a nazi.

>gets a nice thief to blow your brains out
How fucking lucky, she didnt even need to consider suicide and the possible consequences behind it. I can post this for the first time

god i wish that was me

>Roastie cumdumpster wants nice guy now that Chad/Tyrone pumped and dumped her.

Thanks but no thanks.

What is it supposed to be?

The right sure can meme.

Site would be daisy cutter'd the very second they would enter

Attached: quest UH OH VR.png (847x508, 201K)

Idk :D

(You) tried way too hard there, luckily for (You), I'm generous
here, take it

Google lolita island temple

Joke to short
Left comics taught me that every joke needs 2000000 words

the thing that muslims pray towards i think.

thanks, user

Attached: 1498444611316.jpg (854x960, 115K)

Women are bad at sucking my dick

Attached: 1498916011331.png (353x388, 16K)

>mfw failing at most of these
At least I'll be able to get a pension at 40.

Women are subhumans

No that looks like pic related

Attached: black-stone-kaaba-worship.jpg (800x600, 116K)

How about you pay back the debt you voluntarily took on, then you can discuss usury with us?

Settle down there Elliot

also in explanation of the image, my computer is glitching
No, the exact opposite. I am showing the absurdity of your thinking, the only possible piece of 'inheritance' you can have is not even available to you
France had many idiotic thinkers with the same opinion as you, nt that you would know them.
I don't care what low iq shizo facists think about me, I don't even count you people as humans with any worth so you guys are nothing but ants shouting at me. My mindset is completely different to yours, I am not sure you can comprehend that, so any insult you throw at me is as meaningless as calling me a muffin because normal people (with an average iq or above) don't care about these things..

It's sad, because you people are s wrapped around that flimsy lie you tell yourselves (and you know it's a lie deep down inside) in order to give your life some meaning after you experienced your first existential crisis - I understand that. But this not the way around things. Read Nietzsche, don't follow the ghost of some scat loving moustache Austrian man. Don't serve a way of thinking that's meant to brainwash the poor into serving the rich and the powerful, be your own men. Actually create something worthwhile yourselves, don't lump on 'muh ancestors' to give yourselves a sense of self-worth.
You people are so brainwashed, you are too far gone. There is nothing I can say to you people to convince you otherwise. I just hope one day you wake, talk to a therapist, and start seeing the world as it is. Until then, have fun in your unhealthy escapist feverdream.

What a cancerous misinterpretation of romanticism this is

>using 'women'
>using human in the same sentence as femnoids

Attached: reality looks good.jpg (960x1009, 667K)

>No friends
>Fear of eye contact
>Can't memorize names
>Shakes when stressed
Fuck, why does April have to be so relatable?

What the fuck, is that seriously the ending?

no, seriously, autistic people have trouble with eye contact

Attached: 1563882312773.png (1024x961, 921K)

>arm hair and beard shadow
Every time. Apparently people don't know that razors and laser hair removal exists

it look like endgame in Age of Empire 2.


>No lesbian couple
I'm offended

4 0 %

>Full time job a year before you get your driver's license and three years before you actually get your own car.

Genderswap surgery doesn't, though, so keep on dilating.

Roastie whore

no u

Attached: 1557246933680.jpg (680x1771, 561K)

Imagine being this brainwashed, Holocaust class really did a number on you
Atleast you are a good goy now, someone has to feed Jamal and all the children he is going to have with your wife

ho ho ho

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Based Ronald

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Thats jewish propaganda, white male suicide rates are WAY HIGHER than that.
They just dont want us to realize

Just replace "nice" with "money"

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>at 26 and I've done the stuff for 30 already
Thank you rich parents and nepotism, life's good

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Attached: 1895 cartoon representing what a wedding will look like in 2001 if women suffrage continues unabated (960x1308, 995K)

consindering the diffrence in wages I would also do anything to give the other team a foul

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-041.jpg (1725x2325, 1.14M)

What is this shit?

>the arm hair
fucking kek

Footsoldier of Israel

Funny how you /pol/tards claim to hate post-modernism, yet your argument is purely a product of post-modernism
If you aren't a virgin you don't belong on Yea Forums, fuck off 2016 election tourist normalfag scum

Can you just kill yourself already? I am experiencing second hand embarrassment, you fucking people really are like brainless NPCs parroting the same thing over and over, are you sure you are all different people and not just one ai? disgusting

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-042.jpg (1725x2325, 986K)

I sometimes wonder how many Yea Forums posters have been rendered permanently retarded by /pol/'s cherry picked statistics

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Im crying OP, this really is so powerful, fuck the Yea Forums memes, I'm tearing up

post the one with the white french being a zoo exhibit

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-046.jpg (1725x2325, 785K)

So is anybody going to point out that there won't be elections in 2030 or

Oh look, it's a capitalcuck

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what a fucking meme. I love all my friends deeply but I cant be fucked half the time because I hate hanging out and prefer to be by myself. This kind of mindset is what makes people crazy and obsessive, give people their fuckin space you big fat losers. if you were really their friend you would understand

>40 year old WOMEN play video games, VR no less
yes very realistic and sad


Attached: Riker.png (500x313, 119K)

I'm diagnosed, but it still sucks for a comic to hit so close to home. Even April's dependence on family for relationships and the divorce is relatable.

funny you say that cause she's alive


I wish people would compliment me.

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Mineycraft jokes? I bet little Timmy wil love this!

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>beef flap projects own insecurities unto others
Wew typical, I'm a fucking pussy and even I like compliments like that.

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borderline gay, but actually kind of nice, maybe we should start doing this to make roasties jealous

darksiders was weird

We get it, you got cheated on by some whore once and never got over it.

>He was destroyed!
>He was destroyed!


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I wish people were nice to me

Why aren't they?

>smile more
Some asshole woman said this to me the day my cat died

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What is the artist trying to say here? That females get their ass kissed 24/7 and how easy they have it?

This lady looks like she was drawn naked and the artist put a paper cut-out dress on after.

fuck you cunt

Fucking aliens writting joke books

I don't know

good one

Based Artist

Smile more

haha, autist


Is that one of the gorilaz?

I'm gay and this is so hot.

>fucking boomers telling me how to live my live

Fuggin nice families get what they deserve.

I feel your pain brother, it takes effort and practice but it becomes more manageable with time

That's literally how people draw females nowdays, it started with comics

>a fellow autismbro
We'll get through this hellhole somehow, m8.

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Yeah thats a thing people say

This but unironically.

Just embrace the autism. Conforming to neurotypicals is a waste of time

>convince me to give a shit and take care for someone who clearly don't give a shit about me

Who are you quoting?

Anyone can be programmed. We're all biological machines, free will is an illusion.

how fucking retarded can you be to actually risk your life to stop a robbery.
Just give him all the cash he wants, it's not your money to begin with.

Illusion is a school of magic

>Ben Garrison

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nah its a long comic,lots left

If I were to guess, she was tired of feeling like a burden and blames herself for all the problems of people around her and felt that she HAD to do something for once.

I could just be projecting though, I don't know.

>Hello, lovely gentlemen!
Am I really this bad at social queues or is it really not a big deal to be reffered like this, be it man or woman?
I mean, it's a somewhat weird, but I would not dweel on it for long if I'd actually heard it IRL.

maybe they should stop committing crimes then lmao

>age 37: start making 40k a year
But I'm doing this at 25. Too bad this is the only thing on this chart I'm superior to.

The same could be said about you considering how much of an elitist are you being about a literal reddit image.

Why are all these other characters men? If the genders are really meant to be reversed, these should be women. Could it be because the author knew that scenario would actually be pretty attractive to a lot of guys?

Makes sense.

>made by a loans company

Attached: 1562679622964.jpg (218x293, 26K)

I love watching women try to catch men in hypocrisy and exposing their own persecution complexes in the process

>I love watching women
I bet you do Adolf.

Why not? Do you know something we don't?

When women have it so good they have to complain about it

To be fair that is how maths should work

I love this one. I got a really obnoxious guy I knew in college to comment how wrong this is and it felt great to just sit back and let other people correct him.

Why didn't they just buy colored shirts and pants and some LSD instead of 3 VR headsets?

I don't know if you're being facetious or not

Doubt the author knows that working in a female dominated field as a male is like this. Only with so much fucking backstabbing added in.

There are elections every even-numbered year.

NOW THATS A WOMAN *Car horn* HUMINA HUMINA HUMINA *Slide whistle * guy melts then reforms. Madam *kisses hand * Please dinwle with me under tge light of the full moon *kiss kiss kiss* "hmmmmm.....NOOOOOO!!!!!" Guy bashes her fucking skull in and fucks the corpse in front of the whole office. Jeinkins you hound dog!

that is how math works its completely correct

Bros this is literally me. Especially the names part.

I mean there are lesser elections but given the scope of the comic I kind of assumed it was a presidential election

can this be edited into a politcal spectrum image?

I do but maybe people can tell it's not sincere

>work as a cleaner
>90% of coworkers are women
>"hey why don't you move that heavy table over there since you're a big strong man :DDD"

Attached: lol.png (1500x1408, 3.17M)

>no friends
lel someone made a comic and conjured up his fantasy waifu

that's hot

Wow that girl was a creep, imagine if a man wrote about a girl next to him on the train on his blog

>image search this hoping for more cartoony boobs
>all the results are Yea Forums
Of fucking course.

Not to mention the constant, unfiltered /r9k/-like talk about how shit men are and where have all the good men gone? all the time.

>letting the child decide
What a nice fantasy.

there's nothing to correct here?

this but replace the woman in vr and kid with a jew daydreaming

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formerly simpsons

Literally VRChat

where's the "go fuck yourself, i don't care about your puny emotions and pathetic drama, i go to school to learn, not be your faggot beta orbiter" option?

Attached: 1552488869424.jpg (2267x3056, 1.46M)

but this is correct, what should I fix on it



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Thanks but I saw the file name with the artist a few images later. Thanks though.

Both women and men can be manipulated into anything, no matter how complex they are or think they are.

have fun getting jewed, mr. whitey

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-028.jpg (1725x2325, 935K)


>I have to come, I'm sorry!
Is this how betas have sex?

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-029.jpg (1725x2325, 832K)

The kid needs to be brown then

>Women are bad at science
>Prove them wrong
>take helmet off in space

Attached: agghhhh.gif (400x222, 1.42M)

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-030.jpg (1725x2325, 811K)

Not wrong.

i dont get it
dont you multiply and devide first?

The moon landing was faked, they are in a movie set

Attached: The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel-071.jpg (1725x2325, 1.85M)

is that shit on her face? i cant see it properly.

this is what prostitution is for

I have none of those fucking things you normie faggot.

You couldnt even get footage from the same sports eh? Good effort though retardbro

i understood soccer after learning about this defense but it doesnt make it any less hilariously pussylike

I know this is supposed to be serious but it's just too funny.

hih hihi

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I don't like this tumblr lip style every artist is trying to have

to be honest, i don't think we're gonna make it bros
the anxiety of just walking through a store makes me sweat and start shaking and i get terrified if someone tries to initiate eye contact with me

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that's what you get dor trying to be the hero lmao should have just stayed as that weird girl at school instead of trying to change

I wish someone would tell me I look cute and to smile more.

4!--> (4x3x2x1)--> 24.
If we assume PEMDAS, the equation is correct via substitution.
If we do not assume PEMDAS, then its cheeky.

Here's a mindblower for y'all on Yea Forums courtesy of /sci/.

1--> 1/1.
0--> 0/x

1/0--> 1/1 * 0/x.
What does x equal that can result in a real figure?
Assuming time (t)[] (t) lim--> 60. for 10, 20, 30 ,40,50,60?

we jammin

yo that dog girl hot

How old are you? I'm 21 and used to be like that as a teen but eventually became numb to it.

thieving vermin

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Are they gon fugg?

idk maybe

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Wait what the fuck do I have autism too?
I mean I had a feeling but y'know?

Me in the bottom right


Almost. The kid still needs to be black and 50 other guys have to stand before the woman without VR sets since she ignores them.

>I was descend from French nobility and I have nothing.

You are entitled to nothing boy.
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, you are a king of dirt and bone. Stop bemoaning on a throne of skeletons and live by your own right and claim your title. Rich, poor, these things are nothing, find joy in Self and likewise in Death, for you are a King of your own Realm.

Bloody spoiled living heirs mad that they cannot claim estate.

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don't click this it's cp

how the fuck did this get past the post filter

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Club Penguin?

How is that a bad thing?

>clicks thinking its cp
>get minecraft joke book

There are a lot of self help books if you think you are. Or you could try a therapist. A lot of those symptoms are part of Asperger's Syndrome which is a specific form of autism that sometimes goes unnoticed.


Attached: fixed.jpg (1500x1408, 585K)

>tfw failed at the first step and I am already 26 years old.

It is over, ain't it.
Why won't death embrace me already?

Attached: 1405463937102.jpg (600x800, 279K)

god yes

give me a right answer or else
i want to see the joke book

Attached: 1493293959873.jpg (345x348, 33K)

I haven't clicked it but I'm assuming it's the Stinky Steve book

you will have to take the leap yourself i aint gonna touch it nigga

Unironically, why the fuck should I give a shit about people who do not belong to my ingroup?

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>You have to insult her/women to get her lazy ass to work
Seems good to me

It was some sort of minecraft joke shit

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>the player who walked in on two creepers
Hey, hold up. There's another joke here

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