Imagine having your fans turn on you after years of massive sales numbers with little to no complaints, because you openly lied about remaking your models, focus way too much money into the mobile market meaning more games but less quality, dropping massive amounts of content each game, and having your website redirect to pornhub
Imagine having your fans turn on you after years of massive sales numbers with little to no complaints...
Fans? They are just a statistic. They may even boycott the mainline game, but they can't resist buying an anime blu-ray, getting a Wooloo plush, or cracking a bunch of lures for the xD event that's going on in PoGo.
>buying anime
The Anime is unprofitable in the US.
nice try
>we did it reddit
but honestly OP, why?
>implying people outside contrarians still care about the anime
People are mad about blatant lying.
Game Freak doesn't want to make Pokemon anymore but still wants the money, people would rather have Nintendo and TPCi dump them for a dev that could handle the series which is literally any other company.
I meant the link leading to pornhub, you absolute mongoloid
Same reason, people are willing to do anything to hurt the company.
Fucking hell all this shit thats been thrown at them led to them responding to the fans for the first time in history.
>because you openly lied about remaking your models
Holy shit is this true?
no, it's /pol/tard troll shit. ignore it.
>ignore criticisms, don't question anything, buy both sword and shield, and the eventual rerelease in a couple years
you need to work on your fake outrage
don't you have a tiki torch to hold aloft, Kyle?
Yes it's true. There are at least a dozen videos out there proving they lied.
you mean customers
You mean the same 3 youtubers that keep milking the shit out of /vp/?
Was this dance in the film? I watched it the other day and I didn't catch it. Post credit or something?
Woolie summed it up best, these issues have been compounding for a long time but people said it was fine as long as they just gave us more of the same. Battle Frontier getting removed hurt, so did Dexnav, so did a lot of fucking shit, but we took it because hey, it's more Pokemon.
But now there's less Pokemon, and there always will be less because according to gamefreak there will probably never be a game with all the Pokemon ever again. They broke the contract.
SwSh will still profit anyway, because the majority don't give a shit about it
>buying tiki torches instead of 12 gauge shotgun shells
I don't think it was. Just an animation test or something.
Imaging making billions of dollars over 20 years with Pokemon and re-investing literally 0 dollars back into the production of the games.
>They broke the contract.
what contract?
Although I don't watch many poketubers due to most of them being autism overload, most of the comparison videos are pretty convincing. Even if they aren't carbon copies, the little difference between the old and new models is hardly any excuse as to why they couldn't add more into the games (Pokemon, features, etc.). I couldnt give 2 shits if they cut the Pokemon roster in half, but I don't like how lazy and shady gamefreak/Nintendo has been with the development of the game.
This is the crux of the issue here. A lot of people were ready to let go of the cut Pokémon if it meant a considerable upgrade in model quality, animation quality, and actually taking competitive balance into consideration. The problem arose when Game Freak made a number of promises in bad faith, that they had to cut so many Pokémon so they could supposedly improve models, animations, and balance.
The game material we've seen has already exposed these claims as exaggerated at best, and outright fraudulent at worst. It's buttfuck insane that they can't even half-assedly just port ALL of the 3DS assets when they're already doing that for the returning monsters anyway (textures and slight vertex edits are the extent of changes people found on models). This game is officially quarter-assed.
This is what happens when you coddle autists and then fuck them over. Honestly I wouldn't give a shit if there were only 100 Pokémon if they bothered to put any effort into animation and the world design. This game looks fucking embarrassing.
>Taking opinions about this from someone who still thinks GameFreak and TPC are the same thing.
Oh wow, maybe 300,000 people MIGHT not get the game now who would have otherwise.
This will surely make gamefreak notice among the other 15 million or so sales.
I'm going to just keep playing my 3DS backlog, starting Etrian Odyssey V next.
This game will be a No Man's Lie level controversy. The class action against Nintendo will be incredible.
This. And even if you wanted to make the argument that the Pokémon roster needs to be cut down at some point (it does), doing so for the series' mainline debut on HD hardware is the worst fucking time possible for that. Instead of being a showcase of the expanded potential with the biggest hardware leap the mainline games has ever seen, it's just another entry of rehashed 3DS assets and making most of the new assets 3DS-tier as well.