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wow she must have a lot of MP

Tits are too big

Tits are too small

Let's be honest here for a second, if you were tasked to make sure she doesn't escape from being a captive, would you cop a feel?

Tits are ju~st right

imagine receiving paizuri from her

No way, that's how they get you. Not worth the risk.

Imagine her sitting on your face.

Yeah but wouldn't pass from that, the demon lord probably wants her unharmed for one reason or another, plus why rape her when i can go to the Dark elves quarters without my soul being put in eternal agony

When are leotards going to make a comeback?

That's when the door swings open and you get cockblocked by some thief.

we all know the second terminator movie and saw how that turned out

What a glorious way to sufficate.

No one said anything about raping anyone, calm yourself sicko.

i explicitly said i wasn't going to rape her retard

She's a fucking magic infused knight.
She might be chained up so she can't get away, but she can probably still freeze your dick off with a look.

Bit of a low bar. It's one of the few decent FF games.

>Implying that didn't happen.

>See guard punch Celes
>Get a boner

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>that one part celes attempted suicide.

>this is where potions come from

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>being such a poor fish catcher that you kill Cid

t. dicklet
fuck off joshuu

I'm more of a Rosa guy myself.

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woah princess zelda :o

Ask the demon lord if I can rape her.

This is the perfect size.

I prefer 5 just on the SNES desu but 6 is very good.


Magic people should go back to the leotard aesthetic. Fuck this gay robe shit.

so uh is there any good hentai about this situation here


Have you ever seen any movie or read any book? This is how female prisioners get away, get flirty with the guard and then either steal his keys, knock him out or outright murder him and the guy is left blueballed.

Made for beating and fucking


Go on...

once you can assure she is knocked out, then yeah.

It's a better scene and Cid is the worst person in FFVI. It's win-win.

ugh, a bow.............

why would you have her use it?
aim and pray were such useless commands!

She's an Imperial General, not some opera floozy!

This. All the fags just wont beat her then rape her unconscious body

Hopefully soon
Probably never

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IV-VII was the time of peak FF girls. Prior to that the games stories were too bland to be interesting. Afterwards, even when the games were good the girls just never reached the same levels of greatness.

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Her arms are clearly restrained so she's have to choke me out with her legs or something

>Prior to that the games stories were too bland to be interesting.
By that I mean the stories were too bland to make the girls interesting.

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Made for ryona

post best girl terra

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>Terra is a depressed zombie-like woman who decides she don't need no man after being Kefka's fuck toy for who knows how long.

>Celes is a traitor to her nation and a cumsleeve for all of the soldiers under the emperor until you rescue her.

>Tifa is a puppy dog who goes for bad boys who don't love her back. She sleeps with Cloud despite knowing he has no feelings for her and only wants his dead chick back.

>Garnet is a drama queen who wants to escape from her overbearing family and goes into immediate Stockholm syndrome with literally the first boy she meets outside of the castle

>But Rosa is pure and virtuous, saving herself for her man and learning White magic just to make sure she can help him in any way possible. She fights off the advances of his traitorous "friend" and older brother and bears Cecil strong children like a good wife should.

Is there any FF woman more based than Rosa?

>cop a feel
why wouldn't you at least titfuck her?


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copping a feel is like my number one fetish desu, and I've beaten off to some depraved shit, lemme tell you.

The only girl worth anything from that game is a one-note side character

Sad times

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Celes > Terra
Celes and Locke are by far the most interesting FF pairing.

>not freeing her, marrying her and then breeding her

What a pleb desu

wanna say that again partner

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Go away Barry

You tell em Locke

>best thief in series is a depressed, broken shell of a man who needs an entire game and presence of Celes to find strength to move on

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No, the risk is too great. She used to be one of my boss's generals and if she's ever released I'm a dead man.


>gets to revive his waifu without having to put her zombie ass down
wasted potential, just like them using the headband design for everything

Maybe, if I had no education because we lived in medieval time and was a simple grunt I'd probably fuck her

Can I get a source fampai?

>wanting men in leotards

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Who said anything about men?


fuck off faggo-
wait what

A lot of Milk Power, yes.

You think they'll release a port for Switch?

I've jerked off to Terra more times than is decent. She's too nice a girl for this.

If the demon lord wants to keep her pussy untouched for whatever reason, just go full anal on her.
It is the Bible black approach

post some

I never beat this game but I remember making this party member literally untouchable by accident, i got half way into the final dungeon with only her

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Some what? Cum tributes?


pics of best girl ofc

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>implying Cloud doesn't enjoy the fuck out of Tifas glorious tits
He is a man of culture after all

>can't get over losing her boyfriend so she aimlessly wanders the planet with her cousin and becomes completely obsessed with bringing him back after seeing someone who looks like him

I would romance her and talk to her instead. Ask her why she betray everyone and hear her out. This way I can marry her and impregnate her when she escapes / SHE + HER CREW won't fucking kill me.

Bump for VI as the best

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>Imagine coming home and having a big titted gf waiting for you who worships the ground you are walking on
I want this pls

I want Terra to be jealous of Celes because its so easy for the latter to find a cock to ride on.

Terra seems to be okay with becoming a cat lady.


>forces you to play as certain party members until the last quarter of the game
>half the party is fucking worthless
>half of them have no personality or characterization
>sabin's blitz trivializes every battle, making him a necessity when he's available and dropping battles to a snail's pace when he isn't
>villain has a minimal backstory/motivation tucked away in optional npc dialogue and it boils down to "dude he's crazy!"
>he's also lame as fuck
>entire opening and everything that takes place before reaching figaro is sleep inducing
>even then the pacing is fucked. kefka brutally murders general leo in front of our protagonists and makes a wacky pun in the same scene
>they almost make emperor ghestal interesting before falling back on the "whoops, he actually was a bad guy all along" shit despite him having every logical reason to be genuinely redeemed
>ending is dull and unsatisfying
>most characters' arcs end up in a lame and unsatisfying place if they have one at all
>celes is so goddamn dull outside of her appearance and she has no reason to pair with locke other than him wanting to fuck her
>she knows how to sing, exactly like and with the same level of talent as an opera star, despite no prior training being forced into a military lifestyle from childhood
>saving cid or letting him die has no effect on her, they couldn't even be arsed to script some extra dialogue for the one thing that could personally affect her character
ffv is better in every department except graphics

Is there any FF6 porn that doesn’t involve brainwashing or prison rape?

>wanting vanillashit

I liked V better but it was still good

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There isn't enough art of her being gangraped by the guards. You know it happened every goddamn day. Just look at that leotard.

>is a 25-year old boomer preying on barely legal military pussy


I misread him being 35 once and thought that for almost two years.

Esper form Terra is too hot

She one of my first "I'm not furry but..." faps