New info about cyberpunk
new info about cyberpunk

whats good is we can shoot and murder christians, jews and muslims, what is bad, game will not win GOTY 2020 because of it

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hoarding loot
>item rarity levels
>genuine tranny shit
>possible le christianity bad overtones
i want it to be good but my expectations are below zero at this point

>“We will not avoid any subject, even if they may offend the sensitivity of some. We are not here to say whether it is good or bad.”
>The type of your character will be at your convenience. You will not necessarily choose strictly a man or a woman. One can have a male body with feminine attributes, a feminine voice and feminine hair. The type of voice will impact how NPCs will perceive us.

Once again, CDPR wins my heart

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There is no way in hell that the game will actually offer any form of real critic towards Islam.

Implying pollacks give a shit about offending kurwa.

yet you will be the one that cries the loudest

>The journalist says that the presence of religion is likely to create a scandal
we'd need to see what the original article says, it really depends on who the journalist thinks will find it scandalous
if he means that the players might find it scandalous, it likely means bog standard
>Christians BAD
if he means that journalists might find it scandalous, it will likely mean that religions other than Christianity will be portrayed as not 100% good and pure

>implying CDPR represents your average kurwa

of course i will cry loud about it because i love CDPR's games
this one sounds like it'll be Borderlands gameplay-wise, fuck that shit
it even has automatically improving weapon skills to make gunplay even more stat-dependable and railroad you into using just one type of weapon

if you love cdpr games you will love cp, now stop crying

The jews probably run all the corpo gangs

lol what kind of thinking is that

>hates trannies
>but I love CDPR
No you don't. You liked the Witcher because its medieval universe somehow fitted with your idealized projections of a glorious golden past fantasy world, and your tunnel vision allowed you to ignore the fact that it was very progressive in its depiction of its characters.
But now that they work on a futuristic cyberpunkish IP, it slaps your feelings in the face with it, and you can't simply ignore it anymore.
Cry louder, faggot.

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why would he love cheese pizza?

>One can have a male body with feminine attributes, a feminine voice and feminine hair.
cyber bussy

I'd prefer a cyber benis

Well the only real news here is the religion aspect which honestly is just another role playing layer. Everything else is as expected, just hope to see a polished game and I'm glad it's shaping up.

im not sure if i can survive the next 9 months bros

They just said that their will be religious groups in the game. Not that it will in any way discuss the merits of their faiths. The most in depth we're gonna get is something about religious groups rejecting body modification. Which Deus Ex: Mankind Divided briefly touched on.

that's a lot of assumptions, tranny

Mix it up, christcuck!

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>any game in 2020 that has inventory weight and leveled enemies in an open world can't be goty because the dev haven't understood something fundamental in game design

prove me wrong

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Who gives a shit about critic, you fucking autist? Just let me mass-mutilate hordes of these rag clad fucks and I'll be happy.

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You are a closeted pedophile, so you disproved yourself

prove yourself right first, why are those bad things?

>inventory weight

outdated game design and a relict from the 90s, countless games have made inventory systems better by now like deus ex, resident evil 4 etc

>leveled enemies in an open world

just doesn't work, see the witcher 3

Not all RPGs have to have shitty stamina combat, soft/hard lock-on, retarded dodge spams, weightless wet noodle melee, clunky floaty controls and MUH GRIM AESTHETICS, to satisfy your mental illness abhorrent taste and buyer's remorse.

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Sounds like they understand game design perfectly. No person can carry infinite goods.

>Go to a school and beat up school kids
>Go to a military base and try to beat up soldiers but get ass beat
>Wtf these leveled enemies are unrealistic!

>game will not win GOTY 2020


you just cucked yourself cdpr shill. CDPR games are the prime example of doge spams, wet noodle melee, floaty controls and muh grim aesthethics

Wouldn't be logic to be alot of transexuality into a cyberpunk story?

Like most of characters in cyberpunk movies have high tech body modifications.

>muh jews
SAD and yikespilled


>outdated game design
I think inventory weight is good in RPGs. Your character can't possibly hoard every item in the game, that would just shatter immersion and suspension of disbelief. and the RE4 inventory would just be stupid since CP2077 is supposed to be a RPG more than an action game.
>>leveled enemies in an open world
imo creating a wall represented by tough enemies is good in RPGs. take the fastest route to Vegas in FNV. you could make it but you have to fight deathclaws and shit. I'm taking out my ass in this case though because I'm not 100% sure those are leveled.

neuromancer, GITS, akira, blade runner, the matrix, robocop, judge dredd were all full of countless tranny characters

says the guy that consumes soulless factory games

but i agree
i'd also add that any non-Diablo game that relies on collecting items without an intrinsic gameplay value beyond its sale price gets the genre wrong

Cdpr doesn't care about trannies you dumbfuck it's just a game you're making it out to seem like it's the main focus

positively surprised by the new info, this gives me some hope

All they said CP2077 will have religion present and a faction related to Christianity and that they will take a neutral approach to it. Where did you get the idea that you will be able to commit massacres?

If it doesn't matter, then why are you so upset?

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Remeber when their Twitter account made a gender joke and the guy running it got fired?

Funny shit is CDPR never even said the word tranny/transexuals EVER, the only thing they ever said personally was that there was going to be a gender bending option in the character creator, similar to shit you see in Dark Souls. But you can always count on the contrarians to be entirely disingenuous in everything they critique, and jump on the latest dick riding wagon to support a Kotaku article of all platforms.

Kill yourself, schizophrenic freak. Go back to gobbling FromSoftware malaria infested cock and playing JRPGs on your Σοyitch.

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i think that if there's an incentive to hoard items you won't use, it's shit already
TW1 was so great in this regard
you only had to hoard alchemical ingredients, picking up every blunt axe and cheap dagger was pointless and impossible
you could conceivably finish the game with your starting steel sword and coen's sword, the best weapon in the game was only twice as powerful as the starting one


>the schizo trannyfreak that brings up fromsoft games out of nowhere calls other people schizo

>whats good is we can shoot and murder jews and muslims
Nope. You'll never be able to do this in a modern video game. Especially not this one.
You'll get to murder Christians and maybe those monks and that's it. These developers are cuckolds. And so are you.

Christians will have a faction. And you can pretty much antagonize and destroy any faction in the game.

>you can mix up gender

based, finally character customization suited for my fetishes


>i think that if there's an incentive to hoard items you won't use, it's shit already
i agree user. TW1 was first and foremost a RPG and it showed.

What's up sissy boy? Do your "press button to AWESOME and WAIFUS ECKSDEE" japanese masterpieces not satisfy you anymore? I heard your favorite "soulsborne" e-celeb surrogate brother just released a new video, you mustn't miss it!

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...or join up with them and make them rule the streets, this is a RPG after all. It will be up to the player

i think you seriously overestimate normal people's sensitivity
it was far lefty trannies who got mad at this image, not religious or conservative people

The twitter guy had to apologise, he wasn't fired. The guy that posted a clip from a video game where they pissed on the grave of video game """"""journalism"""""", he got fired. Still cucks.

Not even upset doe

Please don't roll up us trannies in with that wacko, it's disheartening

Are you saying the people in this thread who are contradictory of Cyberpunk 2077 because trannies ARE in fact trannies? Makes sense. Fucking trannies ruining these threads.

deathclaws weren't leveled at all, they had fixed stats
if you cheat yourself a sniper rifle or a bunch of explosives, you can kill them as a lvl 1 character
in TW3, you had the exact same bandit with upscaled stats and because of the ridiculous stat inflation, even a difference of a few levels could mean that they could 1HK you despite being bare ass peasants with a club

>no witcher 1 remaster in 3 engine
why are cdpr such hacks?

you will never be a real woman

Lefties, righties, tendies, all the same shit as long as you are a triggered snowflake. Outrage culture is the only real cancer.

hacks shit out remasters instead of making new games

because its open world game with much freedom and you will be able to enter church and kill some christians

are these canned replies that you typed up earlier?
you're not responding to what he says at all, you're just making assumptions

Don't forget to smash that like button, subscribe for more and hit that little bell to get notified when a new video comes out

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>muh outrage culture
>muh snowflakes
Based fence-sitting centrist faggot.
Can't wait to see your face when your underage cousin comes out as transgender and his father goes to prison for refusing to use the proper pronouns. Meanwhile 90% of the games you play are technically 60$ rentals according to the EULAs you sign.

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>shoot jews


Fucking this
Turning everything into my team v your team ruins discussion and personal growth.

oh I'm retarded, I confused the words there. yeah what I meant is fixed stats are superior.

those are some strong arguments there. why should anyone pick an extremist side? why shouldn't everyone aim towards mature discussion? insults go nowhere, nobody cares about your politics or your political beliefs.

>if you're a male with long hair people will assume you're a tranny
Damn, truly this is Yea Forums's game.

>Everyone who's not like me is an extremist.
Oh no no no

holy shit the seethe

sounds like Poland alright

>can be a straight white celibate Christian male with no piercings or tattoos, going around doing non-lethal takedowns and talking the villainous trannies and degenerates out of the crime and conflict with your charismatic bible verses
Shouldn't /pol/ love this game?

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sounds like Call of Juarez
except you shoot baddies while reciting bible

>weightless wet noodle melee
Nobody tell him about CP2077 melee

You expected a cyberpunk game to be about god?

I don't think Catholic Poles would present the same old tired trope of Christians being the villains like you see in Hollywood. I hope.

>he likes Witcher games but not JRPGS

Most popular Cyberpunk works talk about transhumanism and consciousness and they always carry some spiritual themes and questions. Like Blade Runner or GitS.

Can't wait to murder a shitload of religioncucks. Get fucked schizos

Excited for the game but theres nothing more to say about it at the moment.

Don't see the point of these threads other than to encourage shitposting

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I don't frequent trannyera or other gaming news sites anymore so this thread was my first exposure to this new info. If you're triggered about it you're free to leave.

>christcucks are already seething because you can kill christians in the game
Literally same behaviour as sjw trannies.
Grow a thicker skin, you faggots.

that has nothing to do with god but what it means to be human

would be really cool if the game let your roleplay as fervently religious but i doubt they'd do that
would be a lot of work to please a small slice of the audience
kind of like gay and tranny shit

CES or whatever that German game show where they show the public demo is around the corner

>what it means to be human
Which leads to either "just a smart animal" or "intelligent creator" solutions, yeah.

I dunno dude, they're poles.

And yet you cant even kill kids or characters that are important to the story

>would be a lot of work to please a small slice of the audience
>kind of like gay and tranny shit

>75% of polled American adults identifying themselves as Christian in 2015
>survey in 2016, from the Williams Institute, estimated that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender
Yet trannies get pandered to literal hell and back.

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Not him but
>75% of polled American adults identifying themselves as Christian in 2015
How many people were polled? Where was the poll taken? Which branches of christianty?

>24% of Americans identify as Catholic, 50% as Protestant or as members of another non-Catholic Christian religion, and 2% as Mormon.

Why is this surprising to you? Do you also ignore the "flyover" states like the coastal degenerates?

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that's because trannies are loud and highly organized and they're consciously targeting developers
they're playing from Alinsky's lefty activist playbook
read it, it's the prime reason why politics is so shit today

Let's be honest here you fucking Christian faggots, there is no better way to represent Christians in urban grime fiction than a bunch of cultist fanatards who exploit the weak, distraught, junkies, and the homeless by dangling food over their heads and using them as fervent murderers for God and some divine plan for their cult.

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Thank you kike, very cool.

Most cyberpunk end with the protagonist being spiritual somehow because their interactions with the cyberpunk dystopia have made them understand how rotten, shitty and soulless the future is as it's essentially Hell on earth.
Hopefully the spiritual factions aren't just luddites who shout METAL ARMS BAD, JEBUS GOOD!

>He likes DVD-menu combat

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> cybernetic trannies

in all seriousness, what did you expect?
less? more?

hush now, underageb&, the non-retards are talking

name a piece of fiction that didn't do this

>Hopefully the spiritual factions aren't just luddites who shout METAL ARMS BAD, JEBUS GOOD!
That's exactly who they are though in Cyberpunk 2020, in fact everyone hates them since they want to pick a fight with everyone and impose their religion on everybody.

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Only one of those is for morality reasons

There's tons of Christians in the US who aren't really religious and only attend church twice a year. Statistically they'd probably be Protestants but I'm sure there's Christians like that of all denominations.

t. Shitty Catholic

Even if you slice that number in half they'd still outnumber the trannies and faggots by the millions. So the "pandering to the small crowd" argument doesn't float either way.

Probably gonna wait on this one and watch some play throughs before jumping in.
I generally don't like CDPR games, and I'm more in the mood for a make-your-own-character type RPG rather than a set-character RPG atm.
Might be good though, there's some interesting stuff in here like combining drugs with powers or how most upgrades have to be given and offered by specialists.
Not so sure about the crafting type stuff

>Can't wait to see your face when your underage cousin comes out as transgender and his father goes to prison for refusing to use the proper pronouns. Meanwhile 90% of the games you play are technically 60$ rentals according to the EULAs you sign.
slippery slope fallacy, that's a good one

There are plenty of faggot Christians

Ghost in the Shell, where Motoko combines with the AI to reach a higher-level of being is sort of a spiritual event that's pro-technology in the sense that it would literally be impossible if Motoko wasn't a cyborg

Yeah, like I said even if you slice that percentage into half. As in half of them are degenerate "Christians" the normal Christians will still outnumber the trannies and faggots.

Fucking hell why are you so dense?

>Not so sure about the crafting type stuff
what crafting stuff?


Remember when RDR 2 wouldn't allow you to kill indians even before the storyline where you ally with them shortly? yeah that's what is going to happen. you'll only find muzzies and jews at their respective religious sites and you won't be allowed to use weapons there.

good, because bannerlord will be the GOTY 2020

No. There's extremely vocal gay christians. There's a difference.

Inventory limits exist even in looter games like Borderlands and Diablo. If this game lets you quickly judge weapons and get money without hording then its fine.

If leveled up enemies aren't bullet sponges and levels aren't a huge deal then there's not a problem. If levels do make a big difference then sure it'll lead to unrealistic out of character thinking, thats not ideal.

They've already revealed that you're going to encounter story elements where you're outleveld to encourage you not to go guns blazing.

fuuuuck this entire time I thought it was RPG like Deux Ex type thing, where the RPG element is cutomising your character and unlocking new abilities

but now I'm reading the enemies have levels.... so its going to be a bullet sponge thing and there will be people too high level for you making a machine gun ineffective??? wtf...

Just like real life

its ok youll figure something out

Kill yourself

>le Christianity bad
It is bad and there's no use arguing about it.

Name something better

Nothing. All religions are shit.

You are talking about the company who apologised twice because of some harmless Twitter jokes and had some of his members visit the Warsaw pride parade. lmao CDPR are a bunch of spineless faggots who does not represent your average polack.

You're dumb

It's not an RPG if your characters beliefs are railroaded

As someone who never played the Witcher games, therefore no experience with CDPR, why are people overhyping Cyberpunk so much? It seems to be just a first person shooter with a cyber aesthetic and that's it. Sure it's open world and has some small rpg elements but nothing about the gameplay is particularly interesting or innovative to warrant this much hype.

Legitimately curious on what you guys see in this game.

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Amazing argument, christcuck.

Go back to your bing bing wahoos, nincel

So, you're hyping it up for no reason then? Okay.


Imagine giving a fuck about the religions depicted in a video game. Games journalism is actually the biggest joke like what the fuck why is there articles about this.

>can't name a single special or innovative thing about it

Your next reply will be an ad hominem/meme and will prove me right that you don't have an answer.

never played the witcher too and never overhyped cyberpunk 2077. but cyberpunk themed games are rare nowdays so i will gladly play whatever shit they throw at me

Skyrim was extremely successful last gen, and because of that every dev wanted to do open world this gen. But all they created was assassins creed type trash where the big map served no real purpose and the only thing you could discover was shitty collectibles. Witcher 3 was the first game to do open world right by scattering well-built (for the most part) side quests around the map. You might end up missing some of the best quests in the game if you don't explore.

Doesn't the article mention crafting stuff?

first time shitposter, greetings from germany, go fuck yourself


>the theme

Holy fuck, I was right. In every single thread I ask people calling it GOTY what's so unique or interesting about it gameplay-wise and they never have an answer. It's just an endless chain of shitposting because nobody can actually name anything special about the game other than the aesthetic. You all either dodge the question or just resort to being edgy to keep the unwarranted hype going.

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>proving me right

Thanks. I think this thread solidifies what I already knew. Here's one last (you), from my anus to your mouth.

Imagine being this mad because people are enjoying something you don't. Pathetic.

I'm yet to see a gamer Dev that isn't anti-religion, user.
Just because there are lots of Catholics in Poland, it doesn't mean there aren't atheists or whatever as well.
And CDPR isn't even made up only of poles.


Can't wait to be a cute lesbian goth dickgirl hacker with cyber claws.

KCD handled christianity pretty well.

>Poor communication
>Development hell
>Unsure vision
>promises of post release content that should be in the game at release
>7 years
>Nothing outstanding shown and it comes out next year
>a good number of the guns used aren't "futuristic" and are just modern CoD guns
>unfinished core gameplay
>promises of alternative playstyles with nothing to show for it
>extremely dumbed down and casualized systems
etc etc etc

nice bait, i rarely fall for this shit.
but at least make it to have sense, youre insulting for calling GOTY a game, 3 people that never hyped the game and a bait more obvious than your old post

Dilate tranny

>cd projekt

Vávra also had the balls to tell SJWs on twitter to fuck off when they demanded women and niggers.
CDPR chose to delete their joke tweets and fire the guy who made them.

Not only women and niggers, but jews too. Even League of Legends devs were jumping in on the fight and calling him a racist anti semitic. That said, the game that came out isn't the one they advertised.

>he made another thread

Bro, you just posted cringe

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Will CP2077 have any "dungeons" at least? As in out of missions explorable dungeons. Like some warehouses or whatever.

same as witcher 3 :)

That would suck. Especially since CP2077 seems to be more focused on loot.

>whats good is we can shoot and murder christians, jews and muslims, what is bad, game will not win GOTY 2020 because of it

you'll only be able to shoot christians and maybe buddhists you retard. if you think cdpr is going to in any way show islam or the chosen people in a bad light i don't know what to tell you

article says that you WILL be able to enter a church and kill people inside.

Later in the game you can just download skills like the matrix, so you can boost your skills before using that cool shotgun you got or whatever

Kys faggot

Overbearing eulas don’t hold up in court.
Be the change you want to see. Sue them.

Because Witcher 3 was good

They don't put DRM on their games, because they know if they make a good enough game people will buy it so they can keep doing good games.

If CyberPunk is actually bad, they can lose money because people could just not buy the game.

>cant even kill kids
Yeah this is bullshit
>or characters that are important to the story
This is good and rational
>kill story important character
>story progress is locked
>game over

>"First of all the studio was much smaller five years ago! The Witcher 2 was around 100 people; The Witcher 3 was around double that; and Cyberpunk I would say is at least double the team of The Witcher 3. A lot of these things we figured out as we were going through the previous projects. All the lessons we learned we’re bringing all this experience to this project to make it the biggest and best one yet."
Don't blame anybody other than CDPR.

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Hopefully they make christians evil and ignorant, and then have you the main character female or tranny help your black boyfriend Tyrone kill off those disgusting christians .

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heated gamer moment

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lmao what the FUCK

As someone who has played all 3 Witcher games, the third one was normalfag pandering garbage, and now suddenly it's the best game ever, and CDPR is the best dev in existence and totally not scummy at all, so there you have it.

>But all they created was assassins creed type trash where the big map served no real purpose
You mean the EXACT fucking thing Witcher 3 did?

Open world was a detriment to TW3. So tedious to replay.

>When you want to pause the main quest, there will be a lot of side quests available. On top of that, there will be many events happening across the city and how to interfere with it can lead to a quest. In addition to that, Night City brings together many activities. Unlike The Witcher 3, there will not be a classic quest table to tell us what to do when doing it. However, optical improvements will make it possible to simulate through the augmented reality the highlighting of certain points in the environment.
Does this mean toucan sam vision is optional and not forced?

>imo creating a wall represented by tough enemies is good in RPGs
Not when lvl20 bandits in the starting area are ready to kick your ass anytime. So much for being a witcher.

toucan sam vision is forced

"""Hardcore""" mode disables it

Just gimme adjustable voice filters that alter how the players voice sounds in relation to where and how heavilly you're augmented I want to be auged out the ass and sound like a Cylon

No, hardcore mode disables the UI, toucan sam vision is an active button that you can still use in hardcore mode that highlights levels and setpieces.

What a fucking mess.

>Mini-games related to hacking will be different depending on the installation you hack.

whats so bad about it?

Mini games are shit and get tedious two hours in.

>– Everyone will not be increased in the same way. The richest will have increases that only they can have. Others will not want improvement by religious conviction. The idea is not to create a homogeneous but very different population
What the FUCK did they mean by this? What kind of ESL fuckery am I trying to decipher here?

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what did u want for hacking? skill check?


They're trying to preach diversity in a game set in the far future. I don't even know anymore

learn kurwa and go ask them directly


Cause that sounds fucking stupid

I'll test your fucking asshole

>cyberpunk setting has a negative view of religion

meh, they lost me since THE SUN anyways, will just wait for reviews and a discount

>Not getting it from good old downloads.

Cyberpunk will definitely get GOTy because at 2020 there wont be any worthy competitior.

Christcuck begone, the only reason your shit religion rose to power is a powerhungry Constantin used you as a political basis for him to take power.

>Christianity is in
imagine joining the cyberchristians how boring that would be haha

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to have style
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077

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>whats good is we can shoot and murder christians, jews and muslims
Fucking based.

LMAO, they are full of foreigners and secular progressives just like the western ones, one of their gwent game directors was a fat bald lesbian. Also check out the church of the eternal flame in TW3 or gwent if you want to see how unbiased they are in their views on religion.

CDPR doesn't have the balls to even THINK about putting muslims in the game after christchruch. They'd get blacklisted from the industry

>one of their gwent game directors was a fat bald lesbian
She's the Creative Director of Cyberpunk

You really think the cucks who apologized to trannies will let you do that do muslims and jews?

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you should apologize to your parents

Wait why?

>killing characters that are important to the story
How many people actually do this except for saving and murdering the entire town? The child thing is dumb though when they say shit like
>We will not avoid any subject, even if they may offend the sensitivity of some. We are not here to say whether it is good or bad
>why are people overhyping Cyberpunk so much?
You obviously haven't been paying attention. People were convinced this shit was going to be open ended as fuck where you can do anything but with incredibly in depth rpg mechanics similar to a P&P back in 2013 because the devs went quiet about it while they made witcher, leaving people only to speculate. E3 last year comes only for it to be Witcher 3 in a cyberpunk setting that doesn't look anything like bladerunner where they can't rp as K or Deckard. Since then every thread is just anons wanting to shit on the game and hoping for it to fail and others shilling for it and acting like it'll revolutionize vidya or some shit, and both calling each other trannies and telling each other to dilate over and over.
>inb4 someone goes on about "muh sun strawman"
For the first few months after the intial e3 trailer all Yea Forums could fucking talk about was how it didn't look like bladerunner and arguing what makes something cyberpunk, purely aesthetics or "high tech, low life".

>church of the eternal flame in TW3
Yeah but aren't those from the novel? And the author was a hateful commie so of course religion/Christianity is depicted negatively there.

You should apologize to God.

>the author was a hateful commie
Imagine my surprise

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