If only I didn't waste my life on video games I could've been so much more!

>If only I didn't waste my life on video games I could've been so much more!
Shut the fuck up.

If you didn't spend the past decade playing games, you would've spent it watching anime or listening to music. You wouldn't be a rich guy who fucks lots of hot girls, you wouldn't be married, you'd be the same low motivation whiny bitch you are now. I spent 11 years and counting as a NEET playing video games every day and I don't regret a fucking second of it. Stop being a slave to what other people think of you and what society at large tells you is ok. If you played games for 10 years you obviously wanted to do it, no one held a gun to your head and forced you to beat the developer ghosts on every track of Mario Kart DS. Get a grip on reality, your life is happening today. The bullshit lies you tell yourself about your "potential" are pathetic.

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i dont care about your faggoty femme-brained whining but i sure do appreciate a pair of nice tits, drawn or tangible i dont give a fuck

>You wouldn't be a rich guy who fucks lots of hot girls, you wouldn't be married
I'm all of this and I play video games. What now bitch?

>What now bitch?
Go back to school and learn how to read, retard. I'm obviously not addressing you and if you could read past the level of an 8 year old you know this.

Shit taste faggot:

Butts > Hips > Thighs > Belly > Boobs

based and patrician-pilled

Hips > belly > thighs > butts > boobs
But they're all great and they have to complement each other.

>Liking belly over boobs.
those are bad tastes. However i do aggree that at times some good hips/thighs/butts are appreciated. However boobs are and always will be superior.

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This is 100 percent truth.

I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground.

I'm still trying to understand why they say that, I guess most people try to project their life onto others.
>You must travel and meet new people and discover new places
>You must do X because most people do X
>You will enjoy Y because we all enjoy Y
I want friends, like everyone else, but, as I think about it, I don't want friends from real life, I want those well designed friends from fiction, who will understand you, and try to help you, because most people are fucking cunts.
Normalfags have zero idea what they talk about.

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Now stop playing whatever shitty game you've deluded yourself into believing is your life and actually go out to make something of yourself.

I agree with you, I want friends from fiction too but since no one I've met irl hasn't been a selfish cunt I have no friends.

Im gonna add more to that
>If only i didn;t waste my life on video games I could've been so much more!
Its bullshit itself because at that one who played a lot of video games did so cos they loved it. What they mean to say.
>If only i didnt waste my life complaining about doing things and actually applied myself instead of spending my life on video games i could've done so much more.

Of course i could have been something else if i hadnt just played vidya games. I couldve been an artist, i couldve been a scientist(i loved biology) but i spent it on vidya games cos i liked vidya games and was too lazy to actually spend time improving myself. I couldve practiced drawing and been able to either be a character designer in video games or a porn artist! but i did vidya games. I couldve been a scientist studying carnivorous plants! but i played vidya games instead. Heck i couldve been a vidya youtuber if i had applied myself and instead of just doing vidya researched what equipment i needed and save my money top buy the equipment but i didnt... cos i liked playing vidya, painting miniatures for my /tg/ hobby and extra food.

Hindsight is 20/20. I am where i am now and i will live with my choices. I am currently applying myself now by doing a shitty apprenticeship in germany(learning the language) in hotel business. Once im done with that ill be able to search for a job i wanna do and from then on better myself... just still playing vidya games(just not as much)

Dont whine and cry about how you could have been better. Do it.

You're here too, you're just as much of a faggot failure as any other person you're trying to address on here.

Consider suicide.

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Good job missing the point, retard. Consider going back to first grade and finishing this time.

I am not going to read all that gay rant, cool picture though.

You refuse to read a paragraph of text? Lay off the sugar.

>Butt over belly, hips, thighs and boobs

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belly is too wide of a definition to rate, some people mean an average or fit belly while others are subhuman fatfags

Imagine being this delusional
it's over for you

Fatfags ruin everything honestly. "hurrr this obese whale is thicc amirite xd"

The irony of this statement is just palpable

Or you can find friends who have the same interests. Almost every night i make a vocal with the same 4 guys since 10, 11 years. We just play games together, of sometimes just being together while we do our things. We buy ourselves birthday presents, christmas presents, usually in form of games, and it's still a real pleasure to be with them.
Maybe the problem is with you, and not everybody but you

t. selfish cunts I want nothing to do with who feel offended now because they've been called out

You're the guy who brings nothing to a friendship and expects the world aren't you.

Most normies spend all their free time watching Netflix and getting wasted.

you really think everyone around you is selfish? the problem is most likely in how you approach relationships and what you expect of them, fictional media has warped your perception of how easily friends are made and what they'd do for you if you had them
you may think you'd be mega generous and selfless to a good friend yet there's no one you're willing to call one, which means you act selfishly towards everyone
tl;dr: you're a selfish projecting prick

Cope, you trash

You too, scum

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>no response
>just buzzwords
I mean you're welcome to stay friendless unlikeable faggots and kill yourselves at your next respective birthdays, I don't really care

i'm beginning to understand why you're friendless lmao

>A whole thread of people taking Yea Forums's aggressive nature seriously
I just woke up too.
Might as well go back to sleep.

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based user

post more slime girls

In terms of overall composition. Nothing is worse than a fat girl with a shit ass claiming she's le thicc because she has massive mammories and three chins. I'd rather a flat chested girl with wide hips and a tight tummy than a girl with only big tits any day of the week.

Post more Fi

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