Final Fantasy 14

You are at least 442 ilvl by now aren't you user. You wouldn't want to be missing out would you

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm 445 you fuckin bitch

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You're so random fae that no one likes

I'm 445 with max crit melds

I'll be 450 next week when crafted comes out. Rolling for loot is for losers.

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Sorry, only 240 right now.

I'm 440

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>Playing games with ilvls

I love Eden.

What melds should I aim for as BLM?

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got to 445 when eden came out still need to get goetia for MCH and I just started leveling rogue

crit then spell speed

>copies the same systems from WoW that they claim killed the game/genre
>suddenly okay with it
FFXIVcucks are the new Blizzdrones

Remember to do your mechanics.

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At least I'm home though.

>losing out on 6+ seconds of sitting in your ley lines

Not worth it.

My ilevel is only 85 :(

Actually, hold on. There's something missing.

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Sounds like you are making your way through. No rush, just keep climbing up. You will be there before you know it.

I'm so close to actually be able to tackle ShB content
Just gotta deal with Ghimlyt Dark when I get back home today

>then spell speed

Looks like I'll be dropping RDM for good then.

Crit is back to scaling like shit just as with the start of stormblood. Check back in 5.2 and 5.4 to see if this changes. For now, meld somewhere between 2100-2200 spell speed and then direct hit.

440 got a clear on titania ex yesterday shit was pretty fun
shame that the clearing parties after that didn't do so well since people got disconected

i like her

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Invite them to a group to do another run, bait them into saying something reportable and then get the GMs on em
That'll show that fag

I'm level 51 and have slowly been replacing my old gear from quests and dungeons with ironworks stuff cause someone said I should, where they right?

>2100-2200 spell speed
I'm at 2900

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it would be nice if every class could use any glamour from other classes
i love that blackmage one that has a fluffy tail

I’ve been 444 for a week and I play on weekends only lmao

Summoner > Warlock. Big ass fucking dragon. All Warlock summons are trash. Though I wouldn't mind Summoner having it's own mount

By the time you get to Heavensward, I believe they will be obsolete.

You get a shit ton of poetics thrown at you and you can use them for leveling gear which on average carries you about halfway through each expansion i.e 50-55
>Ironworks at 50
>Shire at 60
>Scaevan at 70

What class has the best glams and why is obviously BLM.

tranny janny back at it again

Well at least they look neat


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>My new FC wants to do some EX runs for the people who haven't done them yet
>Join in and also join Discord VC thinking that we can know each other better and maybe joke around while the 2 new ones learn the fight
>Tit first
>The entire VC was "Parse Parse Parse"
>Made sure to get the party bonus to do more damage
>Ignored the Ice vuln to do more damage
>Everybody only thinks of parse, gets tunnel vision, so when someone fucks up with puddle and the add spawns they panick and we wipe
>We cleared the add phase by the 3rd run
>Even after all that it took 9 runs to clear it
>Disbanded after that because everybody was tired
I don't care about wiping 10 or 20 times, I just wanted to have some fun but this whole 'Parse, optimal damage, look at my numbers' wasn't fun at all.
I rather do PF with 'clear for friend' then to listen 1 more minute to this shit.

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>not triplecast, pulling the lever while you wait for GCD, continue casting then go back to the lay lines


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is every ShB dungeon a fucking corridor with pulls or what?

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im 446

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>mfw keep telling the janny

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What does parse mean


Leave your fc they're a bunch of memers.

>eurofag janny still here

greylet: the post

every 2 bit mouthbreather with padded orange parses think theyre the hotest shit ever. i hope to god this new tier will be gordias or at least midas level so these vermin can get btwo

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I would be 447 if I wasn't a retard. I'll get 3 upgrades from Eden next week at least.

Welcome to NA/EU DC's bro, enjoy your parse

446 SAM
444 BLM
Fuck everything else

any boomer fcs on levi?

Spell Speed of course. What are you, gay?

my first clear was with some friends and we killed her when she was in the animation from the enrage skill it was awesome since we didn't really care about muh numbers
though the thing is you either play and have fun or be optimized for damage and have no fun at all

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That is true.

If you weren't 444 a week ago then you're less than a casual. I made the mistake of going for the top on the first week. Got ring/belt/gloves this week.

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My nigga

Comparing your DPS to other players. Offically it's illegal to use, but it's more of a "Dont ask, dont tell"

They upped the presentation but made the dungeons increasingly less complex with this expansion.
It's not something new really they've been getting more linear since heavensward, it's just way more obvious now.


gender dysphoria

I got the caster coat for glamour. No regrets. Will be getting ring/belt/gloves this week too.

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I haven't even started Shadowbringers yet, I'm still in the Stormblood patch quests

So why are raid finder and dungeon finder the top thing that hurt modern wow accepted in ff14. You fucks have some double standards considering most of the ff14 playerbase used to play wow at some point

Is anyone still trying to figure out what job to main? Surely I can't be the only one, right? haha...

theres constant pf with titles like log runs, will inspect logs or only purplelog can enter etc

I'm only at post-HW, not all of us are NEETs you know.

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I'm 434 and have yet to do this week's Eden or even try Titania and Ino Ex. I'm more interested in finishing the raids/dungeons/trials I haven't done and levelling other jobs before grinding my ilvl

>You fucks
i dont give a shit about duty finder in either though

haha dumb faggot gaijin you wait til last day minute savage patch. we no tell you nothing

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I still haven't even decided on which job I'm playing.

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Can't wait until SMN gets overbuffed again and BLMs cry about not being the best again until they are forced to nerf us again.

I swear to god they should just drop the dungeons and just keep on creating trials

I mean even ARR dungeons are linear they just hid it better.
This game really needs a BRD type dungeon

Realistically you can take upgraded ironworks/shire to 57/67 somewhat safely if you aren't a shitter, but by 59/69 or when in current expansion content you'll probably want all of your tome gear replaced asap

>Comparing your DPS to other players
That's not what parsing means.

Parsing is having a 3rd party app called active combat tracker or ACT to tell you in real time how much dps you're doing.
The issue is that some autists made a website where you can upload your parses to and so everyone went nuts over their percentile and their dps.

The majority of the players don't care, a lot of them don't even know how to play their job but a lot of the parsing shit gets passed down like certain jobs being worse for speedruns are kicked from regular pug runs because muh parses.

When do raids reset?

>be BLM
>synced into content below level 60

Can you actually imagine that their was a time before F4.

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Friendly reminder that skill/spell speed also increases your dot damage

>deleted post
but why tho

Why do you guys keep saying non stop on eden and even when you do youre pulling some humiliating 5k damage.

Oh, thank you, I've never done parsing so I'm sorry for showing off my smooth brain

What job played well do you like to see most in your parties?

4 hours ago.

Bug mac is cute

How did a mathmaking system "hurt" wow? It's successful in XIV. You queue up, you do content, you succeed. It's not complicated.

XIV was fundamentally built around instanced content
WoW had to be completely butchered to allow it to be built around instancing

Is it worth for someone who never really played MMORPG's?
I played Tera for 10 hours and didin't like the class system there?
Can someone Red pill me about FF 14?

Imagine not being purple

>tfw the theorised speed run comp will be BLM/MCH/DRG/MNK
I don't really care about comps but its nice to see that the selfish deeps are getting their dues

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Guys dragoon is really fun this expansion

jesus DRK is absolutely boring, I've been doing the same combo with the ocassional ogcd for 20 levels, can't wait to level GNB

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>Babysnowy Kitten
Absolutely disgusting

This is going to be a complete waste of time isn't it?

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AAAAAA release the crafted gear already so I can make my bis

But.... where's SAM?

SMN and RDMs for raise. Had a BLM in my party who kept getting hit by EVERYTHING in Eden lol.

BLM and MCH have the best glams, BLM because you look like a tried and true bringer of death and MCH because army engineer aesthetics are based

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assuming that is ex, yes it will be

Because the game was built from the ground up around having matckmaking, whereas WoW was not.

Not all of ARR dungeons are linear.
If they were you wouldnt get newbies getting completely lost in Haukke manor.
I mean sure you could argue that compared to other MMOs this is a really linear dungeon but thinking of what dungeons are now at least it this one has optional rooms with keys and the path isnt just directly in front of you.

In the cuck shed where all weebs belong

The people that cry about it are shit though. If you learn to play your class and want to improve on harder content it's extremely helpful

Only shitters wanting to be carried cry about it

in WoW you used to have to find groups yourself then run to the instance with the group. The massive reduction in prep/group finding time made it impossible to play it like a proper MMO and destroyed any need to find friends

>using bard music player to play beethoven and bach
>everyone thinks you're actually playing moonlight sonata
someone even gave me gil. is this how you make money in this game?

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On the same level of damage as Monk, and barely above DRG, while having none of the utility of the other two.

I'm in the patches between HW and SB now. Should I puck up either a White Mage, Astrologian or Scholar?

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too bad the shitty lunchbox ruins a lot of glams

443, can't get any non retard Innocence parties but got Titania Ex cleared on week 2 the xpac was out.
The amount of retards on this data center is amazing. Crystal was a mistake.

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but i like the dungeons on the expert roulette right now

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SAM can reliably sub in for MNK iirc (as it should)

What was wrong with Tera's class system
I never played it, enlighten me

Because it killed the social aspect in wow and it's probably the number one thing moan about that wow implemented. It behaves much the same as in ff14

>6 people are dead because people still can't do delayed spells right
>Already blew quick rez to bring back the other healer who died again immediately because post rez invincibility is a difficult concept
>Just kill myself since that was only the first stack+spread and we aren't even at lb2
>Multiple people bitch at me because we could have saved that run instead of throwing it away

And they wonder why people don't want to play healers in this expansion

definitely NOT AST.

Pepsiman was the biggest mistake SE ever made with XIV raiding.

DRK getting gutted really was a stupid design decision on their part.
>Trailer shows off WoL being DRK for the expansion
>Everyone runs off to play DRK
>Removed Sole Survivor, Blood Price, turned Delirium into Warrior's IR and deprived you of anything but a 1-2-3 rotation.
>The job is insanely boring to play and is centered around those Blood Weapon + Delirium damage windows and then you spend the rest of the time sitting without mana pressing 1 2 3

>when you see some fucking retard aiming the 4star line at an empty space

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>shitty lunchbox
I really wish you could toggle that like you can toggle headgear, same with the AST card thing, or a macro to turn it off like the gauss barrel (which is thankfully gone) it looks good on the AF, but for everything else, it just looks bad
>tfw want to make an agent glam with the makai handgun
>entire thing is marred but the fucking lunkbox

Surprised to hear SMN or RDM.

No, that would be the entirety of Omega.

We need another Pepsiman to break Stormbabies.

i also want to know since i played tera
if his problem is the class being locked on a gender/race he can fuck himself

That and being halfway decent at typefucking are the easiest way to get dosh

>Titania weapon is ilvl 450
>7 weeks of Eden will give you one
Is that all the weapon options we're getting until 5.1?

>Wanting even more parse optimization autism
No thanks.
Just go prog ultimate.

There's a free trial
It's an online JRPG


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So how much of a self important little brat was Alisaie as a child then?

There is going to be the Savage Eden weapon too.

you do know Pepsiman is the reason parsetrannies and fflogs exist right? doing that again will make the problem even worse

What would the cast time be with those values of spell speed? Is there a complete scaling chart out there?
First time melding for BLM and I don't know how heavily should I invest in it.

DRK is very close to being fine, what they need to do is return both blood weapon and delirium to what they were and adjust potencies accordingly.

>theorized speed run comp before savage adjustment

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>if his problem is the class being locked on a gender/race he can fuck himself
But that's an actual load of shit
Any game that genderlocks classes is automatically shit, and any game that racelocks them needs to have a good lore reason for doing so (And lore that doesn't suck shit)

Drk is still way more interesting to play than War since they at least have an ogcd attack they can use regularly. Warrior can't even use their gapcloser as a free ogcd attack outside of IR

7 weeks of eden will get you 460, can be upgraded to 470 later.
E4S should also give a new weapon.

>surprised to hear RDM
How, RDM has the ability to dual raise people putting less stress on healers, and then there's embolden, always deserves a slot. SMN as well, beyond the rez, devotion and a party wide regen.

Reminder to report any PFs that mention logs/parses

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actually done will all of them or just the ultima weapon shit? if you are finally in HW congrats and enjoy

Yep, it is ex. It's not so bad but I think dps is too low to kill her before enrage.

>We need another Pepsiman
The first time singlehandedly gave birth to the parse cancer, do you really want something like that again?

I hope you mean you just beat the steps of faith user and not Praetorium.

not as bad as alphinaud probably

White Mage

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>Theorising a speedrun comp
>Before savage launches and half the jobs get dragged into and out of the cuckshed

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Tfw still doing the post ultimate weapon quests

I haven't even reached stormblood yet

DRG, BLM or MCH? I like all three and I'm 50-60 with all three.

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so with the savage adjustments a week away, which jobs are getting buffed, getting nerfed and getting stuffed in the shed?

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But Ultimate's DPS checks are a non-issue.

Or you play and have fun the optimize to keep it fun...

Nice, I don't really want to drive myself mad with Tit Ex pugging atm. I'll see if I find the motivation before the 7 weeks end

I started playing during 2.5 and I legit thought the lv50 toolkit with firestarter was cool. I honestly don't know how we put up with pre-lv60 rotations.
I'm glad they did upgrade them like this though.

Just because one job is even worse doesn't mean flaws of DRK should not be pointed out.
Why was Blood Price and Sole Survivor removed? Can you explain the logic behind this? I can understand removing Dark Arts spam and just adjusting the potencies to make up for it, but why were those abilities, one of which was integral to the DRK kit working successfully, killed off?

all 3 are based, I personally enjoy MCH the most, but its really up to you, all 3 only get so much better as you go
pick one and have a good time bro

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They will somehow figure out how to nerf AST. SCH and WAR will probably get buffed

>tfw no primal GF

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I just arrived infront of Ishgard gate seeking asylum after betrayal
I fucking feels you bro. WHat a fucking awful game ARR that is.

>he is complaining about the race/gender thing
look i am a sucker for cute outfits but this is the same shit as complaining why can't your character wear pretty dresses
this isn't game breaking in any way besides you being a fucking sissy

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DRG and WHM getting minor nerfs
SAM and RDM getting minor buffs
WHM and DRK getting shoved in the shed
WAR, SCH, NIN and SMN getting buffed through the roof

>it's a spending 5 minutes longer than you need to on Livia sas Junius run because retarded sprout babbies can't understand simple concepts like "stand in the fucking middle when she aggro's you"

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I want to kiss Y'shtola

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>Didn't get a single level 60 or above instance when doing roulettes to level up BLM

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never ever

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>Tried wow 2 years ago
>Have to travel to dungeon to enter mythic difficulty shit
Fuck that's shits such garbage I just wanna play the game not spent half of it traveling to a location and waiting for others to arrive

it hurts bro

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It doesn't count if you didn't finish your artifact weapon, just so you know

TERA literally doesn't have the budget to do it because it's kept afloat purely by c*nnyfags.

>this isn't game breaking in any way besides you being a fucking sissy
Idk man having to make a new character on a race that looks like shitty waifufag garbage because you got locked out of a new job sounds pretty fucking autistic.

tfw no ivalician moogles in this game

>getting buffed
Most likely AST and SAM, and of course, the customary WAR and SCH overbuff.
> getting nerfed
> and getting stuffed in the shed?
NIN is going to be unchanged and end up in the shed, and one of the three healers will join it depending on the adjustments.

You can be your own primal gf though at this point we're basically like primals anyways

>tfw you will never be her foolish landwalker

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I sperged out, I meant BLM and DRK in the shed

>WHM getting minor nerfs
>WHM getting shoved in the shed
the balance of power is truly a fickle thing

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Neither were integral, blood price was already close to worthless in stormblood and sole survivor was whatever.
The mp regen from quietus is what was integral and they replaced that with an aoe combo that feeds you blood and mp, even though it's obviously nowhere near as strong.

Being triggered over the way the character looks to such an extent that you would come here to bitch about it and trying to pass it off as a legitimate argument sounds more autistic to me.

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you won't do bad just because you are playing with a different model
just admit that you like taking in the ass you faggot

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err... I completed Gael Bog weapon. Is that an artifact weapon?

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>BLM in the shed

Never going to happen. BLM is exactly where it should be.

What the fuck happened to that boss. It used just be two volleys ez.
Now people just spam canons and miss half the time while Livia destroys half the canons.

Kill off the fucking game then and just make a shitty porn game instead
>tfw no Ivalice MMO

>wanting to kiss the same lips that have been deep throating hrothgar barbed cocks and kissing their furry balls for years


>Aoe combo
You don't use it on single targets.
>close to worthless
Yes, in Stormblood, with the Stormblood DRK kit. It would be useful in Shadowbringers.


>in the shed
Yoshi-p would personnally hunt down every last member of the balance team if that happened.

>tfw no Ivalice MMO in general
shit sucks, it was the perfect setting to explore
also Ivalician Moogles are cute, would play

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>tfw will never feed her bread everyday
why even live

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See I forgot BLM was yoshida's precious baby that's never allowed to be too weak or too strong.

Still lvl 74, so comfy

>could have had ivalican moogles to go along with viera for the "male only" race counterpart but get ronso instead

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YoshiP will never let BLM be anything less than the highest DPS in the game. And that's exactly how it should be. We can't even give mana to healers anymore, all we are is a turret to help push through enrage timers.

Every hundred-something spell speed is -0.01s. Try what you're happy with, I like mine around 2.26s.

>RPing a Viera with friends in Uldah
>Just lament over what could've been in an uncucked Rabanstre

The problem with DRK is living dead and TBN being garbage.

Yoshi said they're actually looking into living dead now so it might be fixed.

Should I always pop Meikyo and Ikishoten at the same time so they come off cooldown at the same time?

Is it just me or does the RDM AoE combo feel really clunky and weak?

>Unironically defending race/gender locked classes in MMOs
Go back to BDO, your gook overlords haven't seen any cash from you in forever

Just finished castrum meridianum and praetorium for the first time and it felt awful, didn't get a chance to take anything in just run past all enemies to the boss. I'll never get to experience doing dungeons for the first time with everyone.

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The real problem with Dark Knight is it plays like a Warrior

>You don't use it on single targets.
Blood price is even more useless on single target so what's your point

>Yes, in Stormblood, with the Stormblood DRK kit. It would be useful in Shadowbringers.
Maybe if they revert it to its HW version. In SB it was bad because it was bad, not because you didn't need mp.

>ivalice raids
>bangaa and viera are in
>montblanc is in 14 but they just reused the shitty eorzea moogles instead of the good ivalice ones

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Go AST, they will be buffed soon.

On NA it's not accepted though. Sure you're clearly talking about normal raids, trials, and dungeons but tell me how successful you find a group for an extreme trial on NA.

you have no idea, the cutscenes used to be skippable, and everyone would skip them and train hard to the next boss while the sprout stood there at the entrance. at least you can actually watch them in context now.

i don't see no point besides that you like cocks

Which is harder; Titania or Innocence?

>RDM getting minor buffs
RDM buffed? No no, BLM is the one being nerfed. It does too much dps.

How dare BLM be 4k dps above RDM?


wait until you have to do this dungeon every day and taking 1 hour in each

Not just that. The "selfish" jobs need the top personal DPS to make up for the lack of utility, else they're going to be ignored by the community for a full two years

Welcome to MMO's buddy. Should have played it 5 years ago. They've made those two more acceptable for babies like you and are forcing the rest of us to sit through awful cutscenes so you should be thankful for that.

Now that I think about it, can she even see Thancred now since the guy go his aether fried or she's just guessing that he's there?

Titannia requires more group coordination so that I guess

Titania should be easier but the mechanics tie players together so a shit dps can kill a healer. Innocence is just every man for himself

haven't cleared innocence ex but titania for me was really easy

That's exactly my point, it's where it's meant to be
I forgot BLM is the only sensibly balanced job in the game

They're the only dungeons like that in the entire game

greylet expert strikes again

Titania is easier than Innocence because the fight is almost 100% the exact same every single time, excluding a couple of phantom rune combinations towards the end of the fight.
Innocence has variance; who gets selected to deal with the swords, who has to aim the 4star beam, who gets targetted with the 2star marks, this inconsistency leads to mistakes when people become complacent.

Kasha combo > Ikishoten > get up to jinpu and use 1 sen dot > finish gekko combo > Senei > Meikyo > Yuki Kasha Gekko > Kaiten Midare > Midare 2

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Titania EX. One person dying can fuck the entire run up as they either cripple the two very tight DPS checks or take someone else down with them.

Can't wait for Anatman to be changed next week. What a faggy opener.

>tfw ran Castrum Meridianum and Praetorium back in early ARR
>everyone except one player was new
>no one had the gear to cheese everything
>bosses weren't complete jokes that were over in 30s
>could watch cutscenes at your leisure since everyone else did too
I had a wonderful time

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Anyone that wasn't 444 before Eden should just unsub, tbqh.

>If you don't want to play as a naked underage girl you're gay
Literally no u
If you're uncomfortable playing as a muscular dude then you're probably gay

>I'll never get to experience doing dungeons for the first time with everyone.
They were fucked from release. You had to be one of the very first players to reach level 50 to actually experience them, because the poopsockers started speedfarming them for tomes almost immediately.

what actually is the state of Ivalice in XIV now we've had the raid storyline? Is it still considered a nation over a world? Or is Ivalice some myth and its provinces like Rabanstre the landmarks you see on the map?

>implying I didn't get the game for free during the awakening event
>Implying a spent a penny on anything instead of just enjoying the game for what it was and then abandoning it
Stop getting triggered over pixels. If the class is fun to play and plays well, I don't care if it looks like a stickman or an anime slut, it's still a class that plays well.

I'm still in Stormblood

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this, honestly its the delirium change that kills me the most, its literally inner release but shittier, Quietus and Bloodspiller don't have the same oomph as Decimate and Fell Cleave, especially when being spammed

So for tanks it's basically Crit > Det > SS/DH?

It rebelled against the Garleans, and then got fucking crushed by them as retaliation. Currently its a Garlean controlled nation with a small resistence.

im in the beginning of heavenward

At least you're at the good part.


it's SS until you hit the optimal breakpoint for your job then DH

I wonder if they'll ever make TK actually useful. SSS basically does the same thing, but better.

Just don't make NIN and DRG both meta again, square. Let MNK shine for once.

it's not fair bro...

>LD and TBN garbage

What the fuck who actually thinks that

There's no DH in gear anymore. You can reach the critical point (no pun intended) in CH where it outweighs DH.

>TBN is a high risk, zero reward move that costs you 500 potency if you fuck it up
>Living Dead requires the WHM to bene it instead of saving bene for anything else, or at worst burn through like 3000 potency of heals

but no man, dungeon aoe is far more important

Titania is harder to learn but easier to farm, while Innocence can be done with a group of learners so long as the only mechanic they know is to aim the beam during the four star part.

The name Ivalice belongs to the legendary country of Ramza and Delita. Currently it's the Garlean territory of Dalmasca which includes places like Rabanastre, Golmore, Skatay, and Lea Monde.

never said i have a problem with that
my point is that i don't have
why are you projecting so much?
it's fine user you can like cocks

No, you can't yet. It usually takes the second tier to come out before DH falls behind.

>survive her stack marker
>get fucked by every single vril mechanic hitting for 120k+
PLD can probably cheese this with hallowed ground.

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>>TBN is a high risk, zero reward move
>zero reward move
>zero reward move
>zero reward move
i'm begging you, stop parroting everything you read on reddit and xeno's stream

LD is the worst tank invuln and a healer resource sink.

Why do I need to be 442?

Basing it off SB gear that mix and matched DH in-between all other substats. I've got 2777 crit on my tanks atm.

>high risk
>25% shield on a 15s cooldown that's completely dps neutral isn't a reward

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He is right. Unless the damage breaks it, you have just wasted your MP for something that cost a fraction of that for your healer.

>get fucked by every single vril mechanic hitting for 120k+
Just push the fucking Vril button whenever she has her buff up.

>trial roulette
>titty ex
>wipe twice on dps check
>check ACT
>nin is doing more dps than our monk and machinist

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No thanks!

>trial roulette

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The easiest is replace all 430 gear with Ronkan tome gear excluding a Titania EX weapon, Innocence EX accessories and two bits of Eden gear in whatever other slots you choose.

Why did they kill SMN bros
It was so fun

what materias do i put on DNC?
i just put every single crit one since i am a brainlet

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>Get token from every floor on the first run
>Out of content for rest of the week already
AAAAAAAAH give me savage already

You can get EX trials in Trial roulette?

the dungeons sucked in ARR as well.
everyone just wanted to skip cutscenes even if you were new

>dps neutral

Look up the tank damage calculator and do your own math. You want DH on every tank but WAR.

It's not nice to lie on the internet user.

their heart was in the right place with the pet changes, they just didn't realise what they'd turn it into

im sorry, the EX was tattooed into my brain I type titty ex unconsciously

I just randomly noticed that my gatherers can't use their stealth in housing wards anymore. When did that happen?

Also was there any information about no longer being able to trade in Rowena Crafter/Gatherer gear? Used to be able to trade in Handmaster Rings for Company Seals but as of ShB it's no longer possible as they declared everything Rowena as unsellable.

>>Living Dead requires the WHM to bene it instead of saving bene for anything else, or at worst burn through like 3000 potency of heals
As a WHM main, I've blown more benedictions on holmgang than on living dead.

I know, she does 4 mechanics back to back and only have 3 vril. Missing a single one is a instant kill. That's why I'm saying you can use PLD to hallowed this since she does the puddle+tankbuster+blue marker in quick succession you can probably invul them all.
I need to stop being lazy and level it already.

you really are hopelessly fucking stupid aren't you
alright let me run you through it

how much does TBN cost?
how much do edge and flood cost?
what can you do after TBN breaks?

I'm having more fun with it than I did in SB. More and more like a proper summoner every expansion

>he wiped two times on normal titania

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>titty ex in roulette
>ex trials ever in roulette

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>after TBN breaks
If it breaks.

Titania was interesting for my FC.
We don't normally parse but for her we all had ACT running just to know how the fuck we should be playing our classes (DNC, MCH, RDM, well basically all of us were still learning what openers we could use and how to play our classes). We wiped plenty of times as we did it blind but managed to get it done in her enrage phase, and soonafter got comfy with our classes, then bantered about how bad we are compared to the pro numbers that were being uploaded.
The next day a few of us hosted a pf and had to adapt to the "pf strats" by watching tanks who insisted on tanking multiple tethers fail to do so (grou actually split it 5 ways because its fun and our tanks have AU ping), dps failing at puddles and panicking.
Then we re-hosted another pf with the description "clearing for one then farm" and got 10 straight clears with everyone being able to adapt to our newfriend messing up every so often.

TL;DR party finder is a mixed bag

Everything is still based off of 4.X, there's no updated resources, but crit becomes the best stat somewhere around 2500~, and you can easily break that currently.

If it doesn't break its not dps neutral, and that happens more than it should

>dps neutral

Yes, exactly. There is zero reward to using TBN.

>use TBN
>survive the tank buster, healer regens keep you topped
>use raw intuition or sheltron or any other tank cd
>survive the tank buster, healer regens keep you topped

The only time it's really good is in dungeon content when you can mash TBN off cooldown and give your healer some breathing room

Unlike other similar tank cooldowns (Sheltron, Raw Int, HoS), which can effectively be used to mitigate auto attacks on a regular basis, it's a coin-toss on DRK to use TBN on anything that isn't a tank buster or a big pull.

Every other tank can do what DRK does but for free instead. Not to mention flat mitigation is going to be stronger on a big pull than TBN.

SMN in ShB is super fun until you try to optimize it. Unfortunately, SMN played optimally is retarded as fuck and very unfun.

I need a mmo in my life, but I don't feel like picking up classic to run around with nostalgia goggles for 6 months before dropping it again.
Is there any specific class shortage going on in ff? I'm most certainly going to raid whenever I get all the way up there.
Will most likely put in some real effort to get somewhere.
Also, does the game have referals? If so, the guy who gives me the best tips on which class to run, and fuck off with your "what you like is the best", I'll go and purchase the full game with your code.

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I've wiped 8 times some days ago. People did not understand what a stack marker is.

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Wonder if Titan will get a 2nd form in the Savage mode?

>don't be an autistic parse tranny
>still parse high purples
Feels good.

If it does it won't be like omega where you'd get a checkpoint, they said they scrapped that kind of fight design.

>mfw I didn't check and thought Titan could drop helm
Well, there's always next week.

I’d be higher but the I’m holding onto the upper half of the PLD AF set for now because the Ronkan tank set has godawful substats.

>the game forces you to group to continue the story
>get to Titania
>wait forever in queue
>finally get a group
>no one knows the fight and wipe over and over
>repeat for 12 hours

The game is way better than WoW, but the forced grouping is retarded.

post a log of you playing SMN without adhering to the retarded smn meta and still parsing purple

savage titan will equip both his legs and hands with the wheels
screencap this

Attached: 11123.jpg (663x579, 33K)

>finally decide to take the lala pill
>tanking first expert dungeon after fantasia
>instantly recieve head pats

Life has a purpose again

Attached: lalafells.jpg (680x850, 69K)

Holy shit thanks for mentioning that, I was about to make the same mistake

It probably will have a phase switch, but not a LB gauge reset checkpoint like Exdeath/Kefka/Omega.
More like Alex.

I know WoW had that in Legion, didn't they have it in BFA as well?

if it doesn't break, it's 100% on you

except for the part where TBN has nearly half the cooldown of the other tanks' equivalent
you can nearly cast TBN twice for every heart of stone, it's not even close

>he spent 12 hours on normal titania

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Play literally any class you like, you can switch at any time

I have no idea what the retarded SMN meta even is because I'm not a faggot and I'm not going to post my logs with my character name because I'm not a stupid faggot, but I regularly parse high purple on both EX fights. Literally just play the fucking job instead of having an aneurysm over MUH RUIN 4S MUH OPTIMIZATION

what's the retarded SMN meta?

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Main issues are egi assault induced carpal tunnel syndrome and both big summons behaving the exact same way. Having two buttons for skills that hit for like 3k is stupid.

>egi assault induced carpal tunnel syndrome
Fix your fucking keybinds nigger

>play lala
>can't grab titania tether because character is too short

real fucking stupid

>sam lvl 56
>cant be the sam quest on the ship because hes kicking my shit INwards

Just did the lv 80 DRG job quest
what the fuck was that? Are the other job quests that fucking dumb?
>Heres some shit you already know because we spent literally an entire expansion repeating it over and over
>Okay go pay your respects to nidhogg, not in dravernia, not in coerthas, but in ala fucking mhigo
what? what?? what??????

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But you won't be able to use TBN as much as that anyway since it's a coin toss on boss autos while the others are not. Heck, I've seen my TBN not pop on as little as four mobs.

What aren't you getting here?

Main stats and higher ilvl are always more important than substats you dummy

>getting beat by a dishonorable weeaboo who can't even hold his katana properly
You bring shame to the samurai.

>Every set is a big flowy robe and a giant witch hat
Yeah dude, super great.

i still have much to learn i believe s-senpai :(

>spent 12 hours on Titania normal
you were literally the problem, no one else will come close to that, 1 or 2 wipes at most

the DRK quest has you backtrack some random unsigned fanmail and it leads back to some guy you helped at like level 30 who wants to apologize for being an asshole
it was neat

>i'm a little bitch

Healer is most needed right now, specifically Scholar. It's usually a good leveling choice because it starts out as Arcanist, which has both Summoner and Scholar attached to it so you get both a healer and DPS by leveling it.
Scholar is kind of weird right now and a lot of players of the class swapped in ShB because of it but it's still needed as the "mitigation healer". You can end up with too much of your resource, aetherflow, and no way to dump it so you simply have to overheal or overwrite it because the skill that gives you aetherflow restores MP. On the other job you get, Summoner is a clusterfuck right now, I wouldn't even know how to begin explaining what's wrong with it.

So far I've only done PLD and RDM, which was fucking gay and decent, respectively

Are striking dummies tailored towards the job you are playing as? I can't get past titty ex

PLD has you go back to the Gladiators guild and have a cute little reunion

>Lunchbox still doesn't change appearance to match the gun
Literally fucking WHY

Healers are always on shortage.
And yeah, the game has referrals, you only get mounts and some free gear for it.

that's the secret about being a lala, the game is honestly just more jovial and fun when you take the lala pill, I went short stack and never went back

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My egi assaults are bound to Q and E since they're so spammable but it's still a lot of keypresses especially during the opening, and you have to double weave like a cunt.

Fitting in so many keypresses when literally all they do is hit for like 3k feels like shit. Should be rolled into one button

What materia do I need for WHM?

What are tanks melding?

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The BLM one was about getting the lala BLM to stop being an antisocial loser and to go back to her lalafriends and be a loser with them.

>Tfw you're a healer and your character just sits there while some MSQ character is dying

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Cock sucking materia

The 80 summoner quest is just some bullshit about Arenvald and Fordola.
The 80 machinist one is litteraly nothing.
The 80 monk quest is all about Lyse trying to recruit the Monk teacher into the Mhigger army.
At least the 80 scholar one has you actually create a sucessful cure for the Tonberries.

Someone uploaded my stats to tranny logs when I did my practice pf ex clears and it doesn't look good at 9%. Does it measure all the pulls or just the final one with the clear?

Crit or go full DH. Personally I prefer crit since it affects healing too.

Go dila... oh wait they removed it.

>pres TBN when tankbuster or party wide AoE happens or fucking anything that's gonna do a big hunk of damage
>take no damage and get free Edge of Shadows
>teammate is about to get hit by a spread marker
>TBN and they take no damage and you get a free Edge of Shadows
>MT is about to take tankbuster
>TBN and they take no damage and you get a free Edge of Shadows
>last Healer is about to die and you have no one else alive who can raise
>TBN and they take no damage and you get a free Edge of Shadows

That sucks. I wish they'd move on past the gladiator guild. I mean we spent the entire last expansion there for the most cancerous tournament arc ever. All the other jobs get to hang out with cool people and do cool stuff.

you keep mixing shit up, TBN is better than the other short cooldowns in dungeons because it's incredibly spammable AND it's better than the others in a raid environment because the shield is massive and mitigates both tankbusters and damage mechanics in general better than any other

boss autoattacks are so incredibly irrelevant it doesn't even deserve a reply, do you pop raw intution to mitigate 2 autos before it goes on cooldown for half a minute?

Is this stuff worth more than a good DNC?

>people seriously think it's ok that BLM does 1k more RDPS than the 2nd highest while having the 2nd highest mobility of EVERY caster in the game


WAR: Crit>Det

I stuck with lala because clothes look comfier on them.

>He doesn't remember acc and parry

>2nd highest mobility of EVERY caster in the game
So, second out of three? That's not exactly saying much.

It's literally updated with eden pieces

Do Vieras have any headgear?

Thancred still has aether he just cant manipulate it

Ninja's quest was legit hilarious. It was Oboro thinking he had finally got the one over Karasu and Karasu being Karasu.

BLMs also bitch extremely loudly if anything changes. I don't think I've ever seen a class as a whole, in any mmo, have such a collective sense of smug superiority.

Samurai is going back to see Musosai's grave, seeing people being inspired to be samurai and the fake samurai guy getting mad that they're disrespecting his memory by playing samurai. You tell him to chill the fuck out and that Musosai would be glad people are taking up the way of the blade and the sekiseigumi chick offers to bring him to kugane to learn how to be an actual samurai.

What the fuck, SMN and RDM are both way more mobile than BLM.

Gladiator guild is the best part of GLA/PLD though

is SkS still a meme?

>2.5s gcd

Stay seething that there are people who have fun and are still good at their job without obsessing over your shitty meta, parsetranny.

Every living thing has aether, since souls are an amalgamation of aether. Thancred and every Garlean just can't manipulate aether.

I was not speaking in the past tense. That shit ain't coming back.

It's really amazing that suddenly other players approach me and sit next to me or emote while I wait for a queue. Finally feels like a mmo again.
>pic related

Attached: lala.png (1015x642, 1.39M)

like full on sks? yeah

when the highest has instant casts every other GCD and BLM gets real close to that it's kind of fucking retarded that they do so much more than anybody else

>30s sharpcast, triplecast, swiftcast, xenoglossy, random firestarter and thunderclouds, between the lines

meanwhile SMN's only movement options are literally their dps rotation so if it doesnt line up get fucked

cry more in the cuckshed

>using triplecast to move instead of using procs and slidecasting
brainlets will say xeno and triple give great mobility, but using them for mobility is a dps loss since you won't have them for trick/bedevil window, especially when AE and procs are more than enough.

keep making shit up to justify SMN being fundamentally shit outside of a level of play that constitutes "I press buttons in the order that i think looks good"

>boss autoattacks are so incredibly irrelevant
Boss auto attacks are the largest, most significant source of damage. Are you the sort of tank that wouldn't use a single cooldown in O11S because you'd be invulning all the tank busters?
>do you pop raw intution to mitigate 2 autos before it goes on cooldown for half a minute?
No you pop Nascant Flash because it restores a ridiculous amount of HP to the point that healers don't need to touch you.

RDM is more mobile than BLM.
On BLM you are only allowed to move when triplecast is up or you have two foul stacks.
On RDM you can move whenever after your first jolt cast and weave in some oGCDs
On SMN If you need to move to just switch to Ruin IV instead of III.
BLM is the worst out of them since they can be caught in a situation where they cant move at all without being completely unable to attack.

Pretty much
You use your cooldowns to mitigate significant damage: that means Tankbusters, wall pulls, damage mechanics, etc, if you're constantly popping them to mitigate autoattacks you're an idiot. The ONLY exception to this would be some shit like if you were Solo-Tanking Susano during SB, you'd be taking such consistently high damage that the fact that TBN had such an ABSURD uptime meant you could spend the ENTIRE fight with at least one cooldown always active because TBN bridges the gaps between your cooldowns, and you'd be constantly getting free Bloodspillers.

This is still here to an extent, DRK is fucking wild because unlike basically any other tank, it actively rewards you for letting yourself take more damage and if you're not an idiot, you can abuse the absolute fuck out of it, even if a single weaponskill combo is no longer enough to give you the MP for a TBN cast.

Never say never, it's not like there aren't any jobs that have dead stats atm

Yes. It would only matter in some hypothetical scenario where the gear SkS is so low that WAR can't fit 5 fell cleaves in IR.

I don't press shit randomly, I'm just not a retard and I can manage to look at my tooltips and figure out how to play it without autistic parsetranny optimization guides.


Dragoons kinda have no changes.

Because HG, SB, and HG are all strictly better than LD. None of those 3 require resources or very little to heal after they are used.
TBN by itself in a vaccum is really good as a self mitigation tool, but at the same time it makes it terrible for using it on bosses. For example if seraph (random) or any one else puts a shield on you, you are literally going to lose DPS, because of how strong of a shield TBN is and it won't pop/break.

>it's kind of fucking retarded that they do so much more than anybody else
It is not. In fact, BLM is probably one of the best balanced DPS in the game. They have literally zero utility now that, their damage has to be the highest to be balanced.

Bunny crown

Is BLM fun this expac?

I don't agree with that nigger but they do still have addle. Waiting for 5.1 for them to remove it.

You sure are defensive. Cuts a little too close?

Plus, only AST is in the shed right now.

>Play lala for a month before Shad.
>Constant emoting at me in cities.
>People sending tells saying I'm cute.
>Meanwhile as Midlander lady I get a compliment a year.

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