what's Yea Forums's opinion?
What's Yea Forums's opinion?
good game
Hi, I'm Yea Forums and I think this game is great.
Thanks Yea Forums
Russian Fallout 4 but more broken.
Very good post Yea Forums
Shit gameplay but great atmosphere
who's the yellow guy?
An Ukrainian
my wife
It's good.
Based Yea Forums.
...nu-fag, or is it a rhetorical question day?
Yea Forums has had a HUGE boner for STALKER since day 1. And for a good reason; the games are fucking badass, atmospheric and cozy.
We used to have literally dozens of bump-limit breaking threads every single day back in 07-11, and still see lengthy generals today.
Then /vg/ was formed, and many vets migrated there.
he was the mayors son but an old cop beat him close to death and also shot him in the dick
this is just the side effect of the medicine his old man used to grow his junk back
Speaking of, what happened to Atomic Heart?
Gunslinger when lol
Very good, even without mods.
But with mods and Master difficulty? Superb. Then a fucking bloodsucker comes along and wrecks your shit.
Good times........
I remember seeing this in game stores as a kid and wanted to play it but I was a console poorfag. Knew nothing about it other then seeing the box. Eventually played it, was pretty good.
pretty fantastic.
Nothing quite like it.
Do you guys prefer lab X16 or X18?
Ray of Hope when lol
It actually hurts. Ruskies blueballing us with fake mods
A month before the release of Ray of Hope fren
Russian Scam
>Ray of Hope
Quick rundown?
>decade later
>Gunslinger still never ever
Custom X-Ray 64-bit engine fueled by Russian autism multiplayer/coop S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience in the whole 32 km^2 exclusion zone without level boundaries and loading
Пиндocы никoгдa нe cмoгyт oцeнить cpaлкepa
Haхyй ты cпpaшивaeшь
Ray of Hope is a mod for STALKER that makes it massively multiplayer with an added bonus of no load screens as it's all one giant map. The devs dropped some gameplay for it like a week ago so I'm still holding on tight to it
What even is gunslinger? All I recall is it adds actual animations for using shit like first aid kits or using the PDA.
Serious answer:
Looks like an Izkom in the foreground, and a monolith soldier in front of the northern chernobyl powerplant.
Also with dedicated server support, continental servers and mod support
Tbqh famalam, it's just overconfident promises upon promises, basically hoax by this point
So mmo stalker?
>tfw join monolith and dab on every faggot trying to enter pripyat
>What even is gunslinger?
It's animated EVERYTHING, with greatly improved gun and hand models + new states that can be animooted (ie. different reloads when there's still a cartridge in chamber / all empty, reloading mags with ammo ... etc).
>кaлaши из бaтлы
Why is Misery so much better than all the other mods? I mean, not bug-wise, or even quality wise, compare to say Call of Chernobyl, but that feeling of... monsters being terrifying even in your exoskeleton because if it gets slashed to shit then you cant afford another 300 thousand for a new one. A repair guy won't be able to fix it.
Best bet is to find a some cheap outfits to use as spare parts with a repair kit.
I would be so fucking happy if Call of Chernobyl would have a Misery theme. I want cocaine with short term boosts to stamina and long term calory boost damages. I want cook radiactive meals and fill myself with booze and cigarettes when I'm at the base, and save that ukrainian military ration for a bad day (Having to camp out due to Dark Mode radiation, or having to shoot up with stimpacks during a fight leaving you hungry, etc)
I want the zone to be a hostile place that really gives off the vibe that you are NOT welcome.
I'm not saying Misery is flawless. Far from it. I had to kill like 10 dwarves, 3 bloodsuckers, two controllers and two poltergeists just to get into the jupiter plant. Of course, tons of zombies, izkoms and snarks outside as well.
Exoskeleton is absolutely necessary unless you want to cheese everything from inside the buildings, concealed by ghillie.
I want the economy to be slow and dreadfully grindy. I'm a horrible masochist, I know.
Give me more.
Pretty meh and forgettable, there is nothing about this game that stands out, it's just a shooter in barren wastelands with little RPG elements on top of it, it's pretty clunky and lacks polish. The people who praise this game always pull out some "muh feels and atmosphere" shit which isn't a real tangible thing.
I wouldn't put it in this reddit-like way, but gotta agree, that MISERY spoiled for me the absolute majority of mods, with exceptions like mby Dead Air and Last Day though they are basically MISERY-lite mods, and general STALKER experience
What are the odds that Sergey hired Gunslinger modder to make STALKER 2?
3.6 Roentgen guy
Matherfucker i fuck your
family,your BITCH mather
suckdick in petrolium,your
father suck and lick dick again
for your grow up bestard.Say
hello to your BITCH mather
because i'm with blacks fuck her
too and she almost died like a
Street dog.
I want fuck your grandmather
and grandfather too(of course
with blacks) but they are already
dead but i can fuck their tombs
Be assure this time we will fuck
again your mather but this time
she will die like a BITCH in the
After all your homo fag father will
suck many dicks to bury
your BITCH mother.
because misery changes the game to the point where you have to rethink your habits, your playthrough style, everything. misery is one of few mods that actually change the game in meaningful ways, others are mostly minor adjustments made to the base game. it gives you a chance to learn and explore stalker all over again, despite being essentially the same game. afaik misery is hated around here and in stalker general, but i don't care, for me it's the best way to replay CoP.
What's the opinion of Anomaly?
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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
X tier fps with ton of background story, try Lost Alpha
Very mediocre iron sight shooter where you point and click as the majority of the game play and do the most generic of quests imaginable and then loot and then repeat. Very little replayability, relies too much on "atmosphere" as the fans put it, but what the fans won't mention is the game is constantly undoing its own atmosphere with its ridiculous bugs.
Since its release has become a staple of PC gaming but this does more to show the sheer desperation of PC gamers in having something, anything console gamers don't.
lmao misery is kiddie shit compared to jp2
This post brought to you by faggot industries
"We strive to have horrible taste"
>you point and click
You just blew my mind user. How could I ever like this garbage over stale AAA cinematic games?
>Since its release has become a staple of PC gaming
no it hasn't, it's a minor niche yuro title. i was very hyped for it as an eastern euro and shoc title was widely known to the people around me, but it never really got any proper recognition in the world.
you sound like you've been participating in far too much console war threads
/fit/ here, shut up nerd
>Since its release has become a staple of PC gaming but this does more to show the sheer desperation of PC gamers in having something, anything console gamers don't
>anything console gamers don't
Way to out yourself
Eta intyeresna. Is there English translation, cuz my Russian is pretty basic
Might give it a shot, if your reply in shitposting manner is sincere
/fitlit/ here, pick on someone your own size plebian.
-t. point & click kiddie
stalker is instead a stale A buggy game
out of touch
you've done a great job reading
What do you play instead? I'll bet you for anything that it's complete shit
What's the point of that? We're talking about Stalker. My favorite kind of bug about the game is when you walk into an area and you have a bunch of greasy poorly animated slavs staring directly at the ground or directly at the sky, running around and panting at nothing. Or when someone dies because of a bad phys object collision and their body clips into the void and never despawns and all you hear when you go into that area of the game is the body collision sfx at max volume. Best is when it happens in the Bar.
Because now I know that you're just baiting. Bye
>What's the point of that
Comparative method
Also to show your true colours, that your perspective is based on sort of experience and empirical knowledge, and that you just ain't some shitposting, flamewar inducing faggot. But c'mon, you should know that already, if you ain't newfriend and thus you shouldn't be avoiding the answer
Prove me wrong. I'd be pleasantly surprised you can substantiate your claims
>Comparative method
how stupid
>Also to show your true colours
my true colors is stalker isn't a very good game.
>that your perspective is based on sort of experience and empirical knowledge
that's a given, I played a lot of stalker many years ago.
>I'd be pleasantly surprised you can substantiate your claims
I've been doing it the entire time. You're just mad about it for whatever reason. Why do slav shitters always talk like they're straight out of leddit? Do they not know how to communicate with someone like they aren't some autistic atheist type? Maybe it's a deeply ingrained genetic thing, they aren't considered white after all.
Oh well, I should have known. Last (You)
Fuck off back to Niggerville you cockguzzling shitposting fagshite
Typical stalkerfag, afraid of having a real discussion, runs with his tail between his legs when called out.
So long fanboy baby.
Can you retards stop responding to the shitposter
this, we need to fellate stalker some more. It has no flaws. It is the best game. Nobody knows about it. We must spread the message. No dissent. Only extra plus truth here.
At least it's bumping the thread