What games are good for making friends?
What games are good for making friends?
MMOs, join a very social guild or pug counter strike or some other competitive game
any, if you put in effort
none, if you're lazy
If you're over 20 and have no friend it's over for you.
Friends you can fuck around with? Any game with voice chat. Just say "hey anyone got a mic?"
"Friends" you can fuck around with? GMod.
I've played FFXIV and most of the people weren't very social. CS and competitive team games breed hatred, not friendship.
What counts as putting in effort? I play, try to be nice and am open to people who want to be friends.
What if I dislike voice chat? Am I shit out of luck?
play a lot and be an active member of the community, you can make friends playing darkest dungeon if you join communities, one surefire way of engaging in social activity is creating something, making mods, translations, videos, writing blogs, etc because then people will always approach you
meanwhile you can play an mmo, where you kind of just play every now and then, and sort of chat to people but not really, and you still won't make friends even though you're surrounded by people
I've made mods before but that never got me much on the social side of things. You are pretty much spot on with the MMO thing though.
people never messaged you with stuff like "hey dude cool mod" and asking if you want to work together on something? I do some stuff and I get approached all the time
I'm very much a loner though so I don't want to make friends but the only time I have people around me is when I actively particiate in a community
sitting around alone all day and brooding why you don't have friends seems fairly pointless
It was mostly suggestions, a few bug reports and the generic "nice mod" comments. I figured they didn't mean much if anything.
And yea I know it's not productive but I'm at a loss where to even start.
>try to make friends irl
>literally feel like I'm bothering people if I talk to them
Man I miss university.
This hits way too close to home.
OP you have never played pugs in CS if you think all that exists is hatred. I have made multiple friends from source including people I've met up with IRL
>be at university
>feel the same way
Maybe I'm just not cut out for having friends.
It's hyperbole. I have met some nice lads in 1.6 and DotA back in the day but most people were far from friendly.
You gotta find someone who you click with and who wants to talk to you. It's not easy but boy is it worth it.
I think games like that are great as long as you avoid the big and most typical communities in them. About 2-3 years ago CSS was great here in Australia cos only the same 200 regulars would play pugs
I'm in Europe so there aren't really any smaller comfy communities. There was a local scene in my town a while back but that died long ago.
check the community server browser for CS:GO and I guarantee you there will be something. CSS servers are still going in europe heaps
I did try that for a while but it never really clicked. Just didn't feel like it was an actual community. Maybe I'm just blinded by nostalgia from the 1.6 days.
none. everyone is in cliques already. there's 0 point in trying to make friends.
Is it really that bad?
Well that's sad.
Just join a Discord server
>join a discord server
>nobody plays the same games as me
>nobody really talks to each other
>have barely said anything since I joined
I haven't had any good experience with discord. Most people there are either not friend material or don't want to talk.
what if i'm not a tranny?
irc is dead
No it's not.
no joke fighting games
Fighting game players are about as friendly as a mother bear peotecting her cubs.
You can use Discord like everyone else who isn't one.
only trannies and fags use discord
If you say so user.
you know i'm right
Whatever you say user.
Nah, I'm 25 and I got to know some old folks thanks to Forza Horizon 4
Just avoid Discord
and e girls
Wow classic