What do you think of notch's new game, it's aesthetic

What do you think of notch's new game, it's aesthetic.


Attached: Notch.jpg (220x262, 16K)

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calling it now, literally just minecraft but low-poly instead of voxel based

I was disappointed that he cancelled 0x10c, that game looked good and I think I would have enjoyed it

Attached: 1560873827138.jpg (860x859, 61K)

that was a cool vid but i'm beat, time for a vacation

Music is good. Not sure what he is going for game wise though.

I hope it's got survival elements like Minecraft did

minecraft isn't voxel based

can't wait for this BASED man's next game!!

Is this a Tribes clone?

Dunno the intense dithering seems distracting and needs to be turned down a bit. Would also really like to see over arching terrain like in pic related

Same that space game looked interesting as hell

Attached: image8456180_lrg.jpg (854x480, 159K)

lol the next billion

Yeah it is, it may not render in voxels but it uses them to store world information

Attached: 1554417042552.jpg (400x400, 35K)

>the intense dithering seems distracting
This, the only reason it was in games was because the developers knew 90% of the people playing them would be using a composite video cable.

Attached: sonic.webm (720x540, 2.54M)

>simply a terrain generation engine

>new game
You know he has been posting this terrain and engine shit for literally years? He's not making a new game, he's just fucking around as a hobby.

Has he learned to code yet?

Notch is creatively bankrupt and Minecraft was a lightning in a bottle. Change my mind.

Have you guys seen Starbase yet?


Most people usually only have one big creative project in them from all the years bottling up ideas subconsciously in their head. Minecraft is clearly inspired in a sort of game he always wanted to do all his life. Since then he garnered no life experiences except being holed up in a california mansion and sulking about having no friends

Wtf this is almost the aesthetic I am going for in the jungle world in my game, including the glowing coloured spots. Don't cuck me on this Notch!

where are the tiddy robots

Voxels use arbitrary units. Minecraft is just series of 3d arrays per chunk.

Yeah I've seen it. Similar game called 'Dual Universe' aswell which is shockingly similar


Fucking hell, this post is meant for

Composite isn't that fucking blurry. Dithering was primarily used as a cheaper means of alpha/transparency in the earlier hardware generations. Hell, it's still fucking used even in some modern games for alpha-purposes.

>grainy pseudo minecraft shit

one trick pony

if notch ever developed this game he would need to hire code monkeys and QA drones from Yea Forums with all the bridges he burned with everyone that isn't a right-wing incel

>music from 0:59

Attached: download.jpg (252x200, 7K)

>4 billion dollars
>still making poor fag games

Where's the game?

Those poorfag games made him 4 billion dollars duh

and now that he has 4 billion dollars you'd think he'd invest it into making his game not look shit, wouldn't you

you give some dude in his basement a pass because you know he doesn't have the means to hire artists

you would not give that same pass to a AAA game studio. notch could fund the most expensive game that has been made to date a dozen times over, you think he would atleast try to make something that didn't look like absolute shit

Looks like space engineers

he looks like his wife fucks black guys

very nice

you can keep your insipid AAA garbage

Joke's on you, he doesn't have a wife

But tehy look like voxels so it must be voxels based

you're a functional illiterate retard arent you?

Why would he create games anymore? He is crazy rich and should just lay back and enjoy life.


He's been obsessed with browser based graphics engines recently. So it's going to be something you can play straight from a browser.

Based retard

Art style >>>>> Realism

Well yeah, she divorced him immediately and took his money

She didn't get any minecraft money

I don't get it.
Why is there random red strips in the waterfall?

Is this raytracing?

who the fuck said anything about realism? his shit looks amatuer as FUCK. which is okay if you're an amatuer. but notch isn't a fucking amatuer anymore, he's a rich motherfucker who can afford to pay artists

She was a Mojang employee. Mojang was already a moneymaking machine when they got married

This dude has been cancelled.

He seems so happy

notch I know you still browse here

dont fucking drop this game like that last one you lazy fat bastard. It looks really cool and I want to see it followed through to the end.

also don't take 50 million vacations this time please thanks.

Attached: spin.gif (465x335, 10K)

Kojima would kill for this landscapes

Attached: YAMERO.jpg (800x600, 86K)

he's such a cutie. I just want him to be happy.

Looks comfy, I keep seeing him tweet this screen shots out. Hopefully he doesn't abandon it.

>new game

he's just fucking about in webgl, as he always is because it's his main hobby

he will never release another game

actual retard

That hilly movement is so smooth, I want that "game" to have Tribes-style skiing.

music is great
i thought he was doing a space game tho?

Reminder Notch still browses this board

Don't give him any ideas because he will steal them like he did with Minecraft

There's no need to change your mind, it's the truth.

But /v pol/ will continue to shitpost him because "muh fellow nazis."

Hahaha, good joke. He'll never do that.

>muh bridge burning
he's well established you salty faggot


i dont think you'll have any problem finding coders who are "right-wing incels"

I like how it looks. I hope it's minecraft 2 but more mysterious so I can get the wondeful feeling of discovery just like with OGMinecraft

Looks like it's supposed to be shadow and the waterfall is in a zigzag shape.

Do the movement remind anyone of tribes?

kek he's still out here fishing. well this at least gives me hope that the community has any chance of influencing the industry. please make some like Herobrine really happen. Inspirations for the actual gameplay might be Risen, Guild 2 and Stronghold (1), since this one got some really dark, foggy vibes, which is ideal for medieval roleplaying.

I love the aesthetic so much, I hope it turns out to actually be something.

Based retard

The tech looks cool. And we got some of that Notch aesthetic in there too. I think the guy could also make some good music if he gives his skills some time.

Want to see him make a new gaem small or big. Send him some energy spirit bomb style.

its stupid

I honestly hope he does. At this point I'd rather have businessmen steal the ideas from boards than them doing scammy shit

whats wrong with that?