I am forgotten.
I am forgotten.
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I only gave a shit enough for one playthrough. Definitely not something I can see myself going back to play ever again. I was really over the game mechanics by the very end.
I got up to the owl fight and died 1 time, only 1 time. And I just said to myself.
"I know I can beat this boss with enough tries but I really don't fucking care anymore"
I didn't rage quit, I just stopped having fun. No bosses got me stuck for long either. I just dropped it because the mechanics got boring. I quit because I figured out how I need to play to win against owl. I just didn't give a fuck anymore. It really made me miss dark souls.
>I can beat this boss with enough tries
You should have beaten the first try if you had paid attention to the game's mechanics up to the point at all. There's really no excuse, he's not one of those bosses where you have to go through some huge gauntlet of enemies before you get to him.
Fuck off faggot.
>no excuse
You sound like a fucking moron.
>t. didn't pay attention to the game's mechanics
t. filtered by owl
This bullshit right here. What/do people mean by it has no replay value? I don’t get it. I’ve been playing since launch and it’s still fun. Did you watch the game before you got it or did you use guides while playing? That’s the only explanation I can think of. Or just not having any appreciation for what makes it different for the others.
Tell you what. If I was a faggot that didn't go in blind and watched the whole game first like a retard and studied how to counter him I would agree. Unfortunately you are a faggot and even speed runners fail at owl constantly as it is one of the biggest run killers. He could exploit him into a corner and spam him to death and 1 shot him by him being caught between the door and the wall but he likely doesn't want to do that. People like you are the biggest most toxic faggots in the souls community.
>lol XD every boss should be 1 shot. I am an expert and never die!
Not everyone has autism? Not even speed runners care. They all left back to dark souls 1 or 3. It's just not as fun.
Why is this level so comfy bros?
Owl doesn't have a single bullshit move. He's 100% beatable on a blind first try if you play defensively and feel out his moveset first before you go in swinging like a retard, just like majority of the bosses in Sekiro.
>hurr speedrunners who've skipped four-fifths of the game's content up to that point and are therefore underprepared and have low resources have trouble with the Owl, that means the fight is hard
>hurr I got one-shot by Pinwheel on a SL1 run, that means the fight is hard
Like I said, I just don't care to play it again. It was fun the first time around but I don't think it was so spectacular that I'd do it again. That's like me getting mad at you for not wanting to replay a JRPG I really liked.
You know what's a game that came out this year that's genuinely replayable as fuck? RE2 Remake.
I am proud to finish that game, But now I am just on NG+ and hope to be lapping these bosses in strength. Afraid not. I might as well farm for a while and get everything now.
Assuming people one shot owl is fucking retarded. Just fuck off dude.
>play defensively
I've definitely had my fill after beating it with no charm/demon bell
I can agree with you user, its just the average player can only be so defensive for so long. you will be hard press to find someone who did.
>one shot
why do retards say this?
Game is really good to play through once. Would probably never play it again due to 0 replay value. Still a better product than any other AA(A) game in the last few years
You comment indicates you have never played sekiro... Clearly moron.
The healing gourds and boss memories you need to beat are largely acquired naturally by playing the game at that point. A speed runner is at the same strength if not better optimized for the owl at that point. Leveling up does not make you stronger moron... It is used for abilities that can be optimized to have the strongest abilities within 20 minutes of playing the game with how easy it is to level up at low levels.
Fuck off dude.
You know what would’ve given this game longevity? A new weapon (Isshin’s spear) in ng+.
Well yeah its not that long and the dlc hasnt been announced yet
Owl in Ashita is easy. It is Owl in Hirata who is brutal (I'm still stuck)
>He’s 100% beatable on the first try
He’s the only boss who can deathblow Wolf. How the fuck are you supposed to know that?
Wow ya I one shot him also after watching a video like a faggot and only attacking him when he does a jump attack. It took 30 minutes but I am an epic gamer and 1 shot him with pure skill and zero cheese...
>Why yes, Yea Forums are BLACK. How did you know?
>more content gives more playtime
no fucking shit, smartass. the entire combat system is designed around the katana and arm, designing spear combat would basically double the amount of effort that went into the combat
When does he do that? It never happened to me.
The autumn oriental aesthetics were gorgeous in this level.
Sekino is GOTY
just waiting on that dlc
happens if you do the charge attack on him unless he's occupied with another move. it's complete bullshit but I don't care because vidya doesn't have to be fair and it looks cool
If you do a thrust attack, he will pull a Mikiri counter on you and kill you.
>and kill you
no, he just does a big chunk
I've never seen Owl 1 do that
Still has a decent amount of players. DMC5 on the other hand, kek
ITT: people mad they didn't beat ashina owl they're first try.
The boss fight against lightning boy in ashina should have trained you to handle owl if you don't suck.
Lady Butterfly should have trained you to handle every boss in the game except Demon of Hatred.
I beat the game with the bell demon and 100% blind and didn't die once, git gud nigger.
Why is this one samefag so mad that he got called out for being bad at the game? He's made like a third of the posts in this thread.
ITT: faggot mad he died on any boss. Aquire 200 IQ like me and you should never die either.
Fucking faggot casuals. Get on my level
>you actually sound this retarded
Why is one faggot so mad he got called out for being an autistic shit expecting people to 1 shit bosses and Continues to samefag the thread pretending to be a new poster by not replying but the IP signatures clearly indicate he is spamming defending his autism.
I died on sword saint and that's literally it. I'm sorry you're bad at sekiro
Here user, I"ll apologize if it makes you feel better. I'm sorry that I belittled you. You're clearly just not as skilled as many other players, and there's nothing wrong with that, and I shouldn't have compared you to myself. But your attitude of assuming that other people are lying for doing something that isn't even difficult is not healthy.
Be better.
Yes you are
You didn't hesitate user, right?
Elden Ring better deliver or I'm officially done with fromsoft.
Elden Ring better be revealed to be sci-fi 25% into the game or I'm going to force miyazaki to drink the fucking hemlock
it's a one and done type of game. not better than bloodborne but better than dark souls 3
Same, and im a fucking weeb
I just said "I know I can beat this boss but i dont want to fight this guy 30 times until I kill him" and uninstalled it.
souls fatigue I guess
Maybe if he partnered with Michael Kirkbride
>souls fatigue
>in a non-souls game
You know I can check up signatures faggot? You are just samefagging again moron.
It's the autistic retard that expects people to kill bosses the first time shit posting.
It's a good game but there's no reason to replay it again. with the dark souls 1, 3 and bloodborne I find myself going back and replaying once in a while
with sekiro i see no reason
>’hesitation is defeat’
>didn’t hesitate
>got electrocuted
Fuck lightning reversal
>Sekiro has no replay value
Ironic because ng+ is basically a boss rush. Whereas ng+ in Souls is more of a slog.
I got my money's worth. I want it to be my GOTY, but there's a certain something missing.
Ha, if only. I would love a true boss rush mode.
Basically the same, the game isn't terrible nor was it overtly troublesome outside of the really tedious enemy gauntlets that reminded me of Dark Souls 2 but I lose any and all motivation the replay it since it'll basically just be a 1:1 playthrough as before with barely any variance.
Yes, and you do everything the same, fight every boss the same, use the exact same limited attacks. There's no variance, that's the entire point dipshit.
At least it was pure KINO.
Stay eternally jelly and seething Bloodbronies
The problem is there's almost no build variation
Thanks user
Every playthrough is the same. There are no builds. The Combat Arts and Prosthetics don't make much of a difference and are mostly situational.
Gameplay>dress up mechanics
>doesn’t answer if they used guides or spoilers
Holy fucking shit you guys suck
there is none, and that's because it's an action game
It is defiantly the best visually
Ds1>BB=Sekino>DeS>Ds2>>>>Nioh>>>>>Lords of the Fallen>>>>>>>>>>>>Ds3
>Lords of the Fallen>>>>>>>>>>>>Ds3
Don't do that, user.
>still trying this hard to plug Bloodborne
Like other user said autumn theme with brilliant shades of red and green undertones, and the theme. The Senpou Temple theme is just a pleasure to listen to. Best battle them too. And the unique enemies.
It’s one of the best areas in a Souls game for sure.
Obviously he wasn’t referring to you then you mouth foaming retard.
>trip code
>can't read
the fuck does build variation have to do with dress up? fuck off
BB > DaS > DeS = Sekiro > DaS3 >>> DaS2
all of them are good
>responding to it
Pretty much.
Hope Elden Ring will bring back actual build variety and hopefully coop.
It's the truth
Gameplay>dress up
Go play with dolls Nancy
>DaS3 >>> DaS2
What's up with all these "forgotten" shitpost threads?
Do kids these days retain information so poorly that they only remember live service games some autist streamer keeps playing 24/7?
>fat fuck
>good game
trailer armor and weapons looked like some high fantasy fable wow garbage
>posts the same thing every single day
absolutely. 3 had great bosses and some good level design, 2 was only superior when it came it different builds and PvP (which was still shit)
I love both of them though
it's from a far-left sketch mocking sam hyde and his failed career, it's a Yea Forums meme that never quite left
Overrated game from overrated franchise i hope it stays forgotten.
I replayed sekiro more than any other souls game. once you know every nook and cranny of the dungeons in souls games it becomes boring. sekiro's reactive combat system is fun and engaging in itself and I played the game up until ng+6
he only wrote the mythos, he's already done with the game. souls has always had tons of ridiculous armors and weapons
I still have not beaten Sword Saint Isshin. By the time I got to him I was so ready for the game to be done that I keep rushing the fight and losing. Anyone else?
Train your patience with Demon of Hatred first
I've beaten literally everything else. I'm just over the game. It's not fun anymore.
Stop getting mad. It’s just a game. Take a break and come back to it when you’re in a calmer state. You don’t beat bosses when you’re frustrated.
Sword Saint is by far the most fun fight in the game, if you didn't enjoy it I don't know what to tell you.
Not him but don't be a little faggot. Fun is subjective. Getting frustrated isn't fun. Him getting wrecked by the boss over and over is most likely not fun.
>not him
Git gud whino
Yes Reddit fanboy franchise they are all same games slightly different skins souls games
sword saint is based because he dabs on faggots who play the game as a chore and try to complete it to get ecred. he's designed to tilt players who try their hardest to beat him while rewarding players who understand and enjoy the game by giving them a brilliant boss fight.
>this is what soulsfags want to believe about Sekiro
Never ever soulsfags.
Was Wolf a gay?
it's literally a dark souls mod
project more Bloodbrony
Platinumed all the Soulsborne games (sans Demon's Souls). Never played Sekiro, probably never will.
that's what happens when you cave into crying faggots who can't handle dark wraith invasions
You end up making a good game? Based. They should stop listening to soulsfags for every game.
how the fuck would online work with sekiro combat?
You don't make Sekiro and you make a true Soulsborne follow-up.
That's not owl 1 and 2
Stay seething. Sekiro shits on all Soulsgames
because why? they wanted to do something different this time around
A lot of prosthetic and combat art usage.
that would be boring, clashing swords is the best part of the game
Thinking of it from a gameplay standpoint, swinging first just leads to you being deflected, so most aggression would need to be opened with prosthetics to mix up the timing as much as possible.
Wouldn't know, never played it.
Try something different, but don't remove features at the same time.
Nigga owl ain’t even that hard
>remove features
that would imply it was planned for the game in the first place. it's not like souls game you dense idiot
why the sekibrony tripnegroe so assblasted no one remembers this game anymore?
it's what happens when the only footnote this game has made is the supposed difficulty, which will become overshadowed when FROM makes yet another souls clone
For a game all about deflecting, why did miyazaki made the demon of hatred?
to throw souls enthusiast a bone. I appreciated that he added variety and was optional
No, shut the fuck up. So tired of faggots.
go to church then you dumb bitch
You can deflect against demon of hatred though
You get damaged even with perfect deflect
>muh it's not like souls game
>stop complaining about what a stripped down game it feels like
You're retarded.
Maybe it's not all about deflecting and you should have been making use of all your options the whole game.
not any of the elemental attacks. you're better off just running around and positioning, it makes him really easy
It was a fun but way too short, too many useless abilities, no weapon options.
One would think when they announced no multiplayer; they would go balls to the wall with the crazy shit they could do when they didn't have to worry about a balanced multiplayer.
But the game ends up being more bland than the others. I would take dark souls 4 over this any day.
>your argument doesn't count if I post "muh" first
prove its a souls game
I love these I am forgotten threads. We already have 3 games that are forgotten in 2019.
>absolutely. 3 had great bosses and some good level design
>S-Stay seething! Shitkiro shits on all Soulsgames!
>meanwhile, 5 years later people still play Ds3 regularly, Ds2 got a population increase thanks to a free PSplus deal. and everyone who missed DS can now go and play the remastered. Bloodborne is always there if you want that Ayyylmao supernatural fix
>meanwhile, Sekiro...literally who?
you seem to forget that the other Souls games give you full potential to be a Weeb, lots of Katanas and eastern influence stufff, i'm not really sure who Sekiro is supposed to appeal to other than baby faggots who can't handle darkwraith invasions
and it shows, because the game is dead. Sekiro was basically a souls game for the Zelda gamers who needed to feel hardcore so they could hang with the big boys
Except, ya know.
you're still the little beta virgin Sekiro getting beat up by the Dark Souls chads while the Bloodborne zoomers laugh at your pain
>*shoots dinky little grappling hook around while YOOOOOOOOOOOOO blasts in the background*
yeah, very compelling
no it hasn't
ds1 and des had fairly realistic weapons
not completely retarded fantasy looking weapons
they at least looked like they could be real assuming the wielder had super strength
nice of you to attach a pic to your post and sign it, now I know what kinda people like 2 better
>accidentally clicked on gameplay video on Youtube
>Its a "Soulsfag" playing Sekiro episode
>spamming dash like a retard
>aggro like a retard
>he only wrote the mythos,
that's the problem
the guys a retard
>Same, and im a fucking weeb
Oh, so your real problem was it was not weeaboo enough. The down to earth feudal Japanese aesthetic was just too much for you, huh? Go back to FFXV, kid, that's more your speed.
sure man
No that is you
this is me pic related
>being this mad
>"but I saved face!!!"
op sucks unwashed dicks
>2fag is a capeshitter
>mash reflect
>break stamina
>rinse and repeat
Dropped it in the swamp area. Too repetitive.
It's a mallet
those where used
and he's literally a 8'4 demigod
Thats because its not an actual good game.
its just a midly decent one.
people will come out of the woodwork to defend it because it was their first soulsborne and Yea Forums is fromdrone central.
no i hate capeshit i just like thanos because he killed a lot of suoerfags
tl;dr stay mad
>another soulsfag desperate to call Sekiro a souls game in order to elevate his casual mainstream franchise
you work for Activision, don't you?
lol imagine being this mad
the weapon makes zero sense, neither does his armor
fuck you
It has some of the best boss and character design in the series
both make sense
sekiro has been beaten by millions of casual twitch zoomers, zoomer
it would be boring if they did, what makes smough so cool is how weird and terrifying looking he is
>if you had paid attention to the game's mechanics up to the point at all
Lel, in every boss up to Owl, you don't lose posture on a successful deflect. But against Owl you do, because they literally ran out of ways to increase the difficulty.
Just like Soulsborne games (on a smaller scale). Stay coping.
Guarantee this blue haired pixie faggot would do better than you at pretty much any game. God you must be such as sad cunt to be around
why argue so much when you can just play both? they're different and I appreciate that
Reminder that zoomers unironically think they’re hardcore for finishing Souls games lmao
No wonder they hate any deviation from that formula. They literally believe its less hardcore if they can’t play dress up with their characters or do co-op. Lol!
>tripnigger in complete damage control
and now my job here is done
>it really made me miss the same game we've been playing since 2009
I couldn't understand why people were quitting Sekiro when it launch if the difficulty wasn't a problem for them, but I get it now.
Are you the guy that posted the wall of text? Lmao sucks for you I still haven’t read it
I reached to my 3rd playthrough before quitting, because Im not a big fan of doing the same things over and over again anymore. But I'll definitely give it another run later this years, since I find it very fun. It's a shame that we probably won't have a DLC
yeah buy cheating
sekiro is a hard game
Legit question, people had fun cheesing the game? I have seen videos of people beating bosses in tedious ways, is it really worth it just for the sake of beating the game? I mean, if you dont get the game mechanics enough to play it as it is, why not just play another thing?
I played the game all alone, with no guide and i never watch gamepaly videos.
I completed the game at 100% at NG+8, and after that i tired to do some new runsat hard both with and without the charm, but in the end nothing really changed about the game, you will rely on the parry 99% of the tmine while prosthetics and shinobi arts are left to dust because they are either underpowered or consume too much emblems to really be viable.
After that there is nothing new to do in the game, there is no excuse to play it again and no, i'm not an autist so i will not speedrun or do stupid challenge runs.
>jump when you see yellow
>press R1 after getting hit in the air
It just gives you free damage and stun whenever you use it too. It makes the third form trivial.
The only two bosses that it is fine to give up on are raging demon and genichiro plus papa.
The final real fight of the game is too hard. It literally took me 24 hours beating him.
I miss him bros..
>Same, and im a fucking weeb
so kill yourself right now waste of oxygen, why are you still reading this post ? die
I don't think that was his point brainlet. I don't think it was a problem of difficulty.
KEK, get good
Literally me. I remember beating Genichiro and thinking, "Wow, this really wasn't worth it." But that was still early, and I had high hopes for the game. When I beat the ape the second time, I just knew it was over for me. The next time I would encounter even the smallest hurdle would be over. I just didn't even care anymore. I regret not going far enough to kill the snake, but maybe I'll do that at some point. To be honest the same thing happened with me for DaS and DaS III. I quit DaS after Anor Londo and DaS III right at the Dancer fights. The only one I was motivated enough to play the whole way was Bloodborne. To be fair, I don't finish most games, especially if they're long, I just play a lot when I get them and burn out quickly. But with Sekiro I was just disappointed. The gameplay made it look a lot more fun to play than it actually was. My favorite parts were probably
>fighting that superfast skinny nigga in the area below genichiro
>senpou temple
>the horselord fight
I am legitimately trying to think of others and can't. I did not enjoy this game.
>prosthetics cost too many emblems to use
I don't understand, what else are you going to use the emblems for?
Here is a (you) do you feel better tripfag? Everyone has filtered or ignored you. We don't care. I didn't even read what you wrote.
lol this was hilarious to read. Thank you Sekiro
Based, post more!
>other than baby faggots who can't handle darkwraith invasions
you can just turn the online features off on souls games so thats a terrible argument. meanwhile you cant use summons for bosses in sekiro.
shinobi arts that try to change the playstile of the game? Too bad that you can use them 4-5 times at max and they are almost all shit like 70% of the prosthetics too.
ITT: filtered bronies
Based, ignore the retards thinking this cashgrab was anything special.
>lol we're gonna give you a game stripped of all the features your previous games had
>but you're gonna buy it full-price anyway incel
Why do zoomers pretend that it has no replay value? What happened to replaying games because you enjoy them?
Funny how quickly all the souls players dropped the game. It's just not as fun as the dark souls games. I think every twitch streamer dropped it and is back playing dark souls 1.
>It's just not as fun as the dark souls games
But I had more fun with it than the DaS games. Sounds like they were just too autistic to grapple with the fact that it was different.
>the state of this thread
this is what happens when you make clones of the same game
Elden Ring will just be DaS3 but open world and horses, mark my words
Aren't you constantly picking up emblems as you proceed and kill things as well as able to use an item to cut your health for even more? Are you really saying the restealth/extra ally/huge attack and range buff are shit?
Maybe you are too autistic to figure out people like different things? It is fine you enjoyed it. You are in the minority. We won't agree with you. Can you accept that?
Yea, in normal gameplay, where they matter the less because all random mobs die easily.
But where they matter the most, boss battles, you have no way to refill them, youre stuck with 20 emblems(at max) to split between prosthetics tools and shinobi arts, Because of that you can't rely on them at all, they ofer some help but you cant focus your gamepaly on them or youre totally fucked at bosses.
Dark Souls 3*
that would be kino sekiros main problem was it was not enough souls like.
Stay mad Soulsfag
So there's enough to make solid use of them but they don't entirely carry the fight, yet you can get more by using that knife. But again you aren't using emblems for anything else anyway.
Sekiro shouldn't have existed. If FROM weren't spineless they'd revive Tenchu, but no we got a another one of those games that boosts gamer cred (even though a game from 15 years ago like Ninja Gaiden Black blows it the fuck out in terms of difficulty). Only this time, you have one weapon and you deflect only.
I just can't get the gameplay to click for me. I'll stuck on a boss for ages until I finally got their pattern down, kill them, then get stuck on the very next boss like I never learned anything at all. I spent a few hours on Genichiro, and I felt like I'd really learned the rules of the game based on how easily I handled him on my successful kill, and then Guardian Ape shows up and just feeds me my asshole on a plate. It feels like I'll never have a good enough grasp of the mechanics to be able to just reliably one-shot a boss like I can in Soulsborne.
I'm not saying the game is shit, I'm just bitching because I'm bad at it.
literally me
Single player games get forgotten unless they're memebait like BotW or have porno mods like Bethesda games.
Sekiro was classic FromSoft though mixed with new. Great game, got all achievements, but admittedly haven't played since. I hope they do at least one DLC with some kind of meta game
It's a game for hardcore gamers. Not for everyone.
I'll take something that's clearly inspired by Tenchu over nothing. Maybe if we're lucky this will spark an increased interest in the Tenchu series.
>we traded a soulsborne game for this
>they don't entirely carry the fight
Not just that, they barely make an impact in the fights that they are most useful.
That's why replaying the game feels band and every run is like all the others, ebcause evne if you pick different prosthetics and shinobi arts, they are just 10% of the combat gamepaly, leaving the 90% of it, the sword attack and parry "dance", exactly the same in every playthrough.
>It is fine you enjoyed it. You are in the minority
You're completely delusional if you think the majority of people didn't like it
HI I am a phone poster at the office away from my desktop pc. I noticed no one is replying to you as you are most likely ignored and filtered for being a faggot. Thank you for using a tripcode to weed you out.
This is an automatic response, no one read what you wrote. Here is a (you) for your trouble.
dlc when
HI I came back to the thread. I don't believe the game was that difficult. I still think Manus from dark souls gave me more trouble than most of the sekiro bosses. I don't know how good your reading comprehension was but I clearly said I didn't quit out of difficulty. I quit because I wasn't having fun. The mechanics got really stale.
Is that really the case or were you just not using them due to feeling they cost too much and weren't worth it so you didn't explore their true potential?
Are you really comparing people who like dark souls to sekiro? You think people who like dark souls more are in the minority?? You are not only autistic but stupid.
this seems pretty out of character for kuro
Maybe he has a mental disorder
This picture clearly shows breast... Does the full image have a cunny?
I used them alot in the first couple of runs, then i realized that it take less time to kills enemy doing perfect parry instead of using prosthetics and arts.
At that point, why wasting time and focus on how manage a single resource between two mechanics when your base tool is the most OP thing in the game?
One thing that can improve this feeling drastically can be to add two resources instead of just one, one for arts and one for prosthetics, or even remove the resource cost of arts and att a small cooldown to the stonger ones so you cant cheese boss with them faster than any already existing cheese tactic.
That's what cock does for you.
>Every playthrough is the same.
You get better with every playthrough though.
He's just so feminine that he has a bit puffy chest.
That is "you" changing not the game...
I didn't want to reverse image search to find a penis. I want cunny.
So what?
I understand you but, you might want not to search it from male characers.
Sekiro borrowed all the out-of-place things from Souls (cryptic plot, xp loss mechanism) and omitted all the good aspects (weapon variety). The stealth shinobi aspects weren’t well developed. Why no smoke bombs?
Hench why I didn't search and why I asked first.
I loved Sekiro and all Souls games. I just played Sekiro less.
I will never forget or forgive Miyazaki for making me kill my waifu.
I 100%ed it, I'd buy DLC immediately if there was any, and I haven't played it since finishing all achievements and seeing all endings.
I still think it's by far the best Souls-like game.
Sekiro > DaS > BB > SotFS > 3
Your own bloodlust made you shura. Miyazaki didn't do anything.
Best single player action adventure combat ever, don't know how anybody can dislike it. Goddamn I want a sequel or DLC already. With doubt GOTY. I platinum'd it and I'm sad it's ogre. From Software are fucking incredible.
>best single player action adventure ever
Holy shit you zoomers need to play more games
I'm 33 son.
You literally can't name a better.
I didn't kill her... You are an asshole.
Then you’ve been in a coma since birth. This was a dance rhythm game disguised as a soulslike ninja one.
Nioh is great but Sekiro is better. Nioh 2 however will probably shit on both, I'm hyped as fuck.
Agreed. I absolutely loved DaS but i was starting to get over the same gameplay type game being shat out. Sekiro brought back that love for games that DaS initially brought & more.
Sekiro > DaS=BB>>>>rest
>This was a dance rhythm game disguised as a soulslike ninja one.
souls games are also just rythm games
roll roll hit
roll roll hit
roll roll hit
The stealth aspects are actually just souls aggro mechanics made a little bit deeper and more visually reasonable.
you can make a Sekiro thread without being tsundere about it
So what's the appeal of replaying games anyway? I don't think i played through a game more than once in my life.
>different story outcomes
>higher difficulty
>new builds
For the most part, they’re tedious and not worth the time
I don't understand people who replay souls games, the dungeon crawling is the main part of the game and once you know everything that's about to happen it would just become boring.
>I am forgotten.
easily the worst meme of 2019
>What/do people mean by it has no replay value?
Relative to the Souls games it it is absolutely lacking in replay value. It has no more replay value than virtually any game you justify repaying with
>Well I just want to replay it
There are no different builds, the different attachments are mostly shit and don't change how you progress, its lacking in variation between plays and as a result lacks replay value, its just the same game and experience every time. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, the game just isn't as replayable as an ARPG like Dark Souls.
I'm poor
>Best single player action adventure combat ever
>I'm 33 son
Didnt even bother buying it, i just want another souls game
just admit it you didn't post this for us, you are nothing to any of us. you posted this for yourself so you can rationalize how you aren't a scrub despite clearly being one. I've heard this a million times it's the sour grapes of the loser
anyone think sekiro is a breath of fresh air in terms of atmosphere compared to the grimdark souls series?
>you should have beaten the boss on the first try
this is just a disguised "git gud" you sent him, you faggot
Only an autist would play a game over and over again just because he's getting better at it. If I wanted to be autistic and repeat something over and over again to get better at it, I'd choose any life skill over a videogame no one gives a shit about.
Played this after DS3 and now it ruined any chances of going back to DS3 despite muh builds. Sekiro is just all around much more satisfying to play.
Why are you here?
The game forces you into this playstyle if you don't have really good reaction times. Even knowing all the moves of some bosses, I couldn't read some of the moves fast enough to react and be aggressive. The visual ques weren't obvious enough and the camera was too far out to make out the moves in time.
Being aggressive is a one way ticket to getting your ass raped if you fuck up even once. Some moves will near instant kill you, all will deal major damage and force you to heal effectively reseting the posture meter and starting you back at square one. I'm not surprised at all that the majority of players would lay defensively.
Invasions were bullshit on Demon Souls. I had fun with it as an invader but nothing sucks more dick than getting invaded every 2 min as you're going through a level for the first time.
This. I had a hell of time with the gun bitch in that poison area so I threw oil on her face and nailed her with fire and let it do all the heavy work.
>Literally me. I remember beating Genichiro and thinking, "Wow, this really wasn't worth it." But that was still early, and I had high hopes for the game. When I beat the ape the second time, I just knew it was over for me.
Same except i felt rage when that faggot Genichiro got up and became Way of Tomoe. I beat him in my first try but all i felt was rage because i did not want to fucking fight this faggot again. Same with the fucking apes. 2 Guardian apes? Fuck you.
>tfw turned off Sekiro and started playing BB
>tfw having fun
Damn bros, why is BB so perfect and the best game of all time?
Because I enjoy games but I'm not a retard who wastes his life on a single experience over and over in a self made time loop where nothing is accomplished and I pretend the outside world doesn't exist. I play plenty of games and I even replay some of them but I don't pick one and replay it forever.
The real question is why can't you move on with life and experience other things?
It's just me or there's no point of starting a new game in Sekiro?
I'm on NG+5 and I don't see a huge scale of difficulty since you can block everything and when you get hit, u take tons of damage anyway, starting all over again with a tiny health and posture bar would be a huge hassle, and since there's no armor/weapon loot I'm not losing anything.
That's clearly not why you're here.
I just fucked off and killed 1-2 bosses so I could get enough memory damage to not make the encounter incredibly tedious. I feel like the stat gating is messing with the freeform layout of the game
>he doesn't know about no charm runs
I agree though, even with that it only allows for 2 playthroughs and then you're basically good.
>>he doesn't know about no charm runs
oh I know that, on NG+3 I did a demon bell and no charm run, it was brutal
I don't understand Owl. Is he retarded? What did he want? Why did it take him so long to act?
you don't really have a choice since enemies will automatically deflect after a couple of hits and the only ones you can brute force their posture by just attacking even while they're defending are the beginning mooks.
What? I played through it and discovered everything by myself, there's literally nothing more to do. I was finished a week after buying it. You might be genuinely autistic if you enjoy doing the literal same thing over and over.
hey look, the biggest retard in the whole thread!
For like a month after playing Sekiro I got really interested in fuedal Japan and watched like every Kurosawa Movie and played tons of total war shogun 2. So thanks Sekiro
and sekiro is still the best
the fucks a cunny?
lurk more
That's pretty understandable, sekiro lacks replayability
Honestly the only real "issue" I have is that exploration is not well incentivized because items are not as interesting/useful as a whole. Getting a gourd seed was great, mibu balloon not so much. Don't know if they'd have to add another system to the game to come up with cool items to find but if there's a sequel that's the top of my list for most wanted improvements. I'd say make the combat arts/prosthetics more useful but the core attack/deflect combat was so fun that I don't know that I'd use them even if they were good.
a very repetitive person
>just waiting on that dlc
I think you're gonna be waiting a long time user...
I've played through bloodborne main campaign twice since this came out. Sekiro combat is more nuanced but it lacks variety in weapons and stat builds
So basically
>I am shitter, i thought i was a hardcore gamer because i played dark souls, but now i realized that i am a plev who got filtered by owl
get gut you fucking shitter
Reminder that variety is a gimmick used as a replacement for good gameplay mechanics. Borderlands-esque focus on quantity over quality is an aspect of the creative bankruptcy of modern gaming. Only zoomers who grew up in such a gimmick filled world believes this is what makes games good (they also are proponents of online and open world gimmicks).
Sekiro is made for gamers with old standards of what makes games good. It’s inherently a non zoomer game.
>play defensively
You've had since demon souls to figure out parrying GIT GUD
the issue with giving you consumables is that you only explore them once, but you're really supposed to go through the level several times, which is why the healing gourd refills on death instead of on pickups like in DOOM. They really should have had clothing options. You can also place out unique lore items that aren't super useful but add more flavor to the world.
there are two types of variety in terms of your characters abilities: talents/skills and a repertoire of stuff that you always have access to and are expected to use. I don't really know if the former is a good idea, in singleplayer games it always feels like an illusion of choice since they never bother to balance around the player having vastly different playstyles, but the latter is very much so. Sekiro is pretty light on the repertoire.
I got to big monkey boss and got bored and quit
>Best single player action adventure combat ever
agreed, it's superb
>Best single player action adventure combat ever
Jesus christ. Have you never played any action games in your life? I feel sad for you.
It’s totally understandable to have such an opinion. Sekiro is a marvellous game and From’s best yet.
>I got filrered by the guardian ape and quit
Yeah, if it released a decade earlier though. It's such an archaic game, but you fromdrones will eat anything that gook shits out.
It’s precisely better than other From games because it doesn’t fall into the souls-like trap all the rest of their recent games have fallen into. It doesn’t focus on gimmicks like online, dress up, and min/maxing, but actually focuses on gameplay and story and world building. It’s a full fledged game and not a half finished experiment with just a potential to be really good (like all souls games that simply give you many options but never fully develop any of them). You’d know that if you had played the games you are talking about.
i have been here for over 10 years
Then you should know how it works, so lurk more.
The best action game I've played in a while. I don't think a better game will be released this year.
The problem with the game is one build, and if you ended up gitting gud the replay of the game will be a joke. The only reason I would replay is to see how bad I could stomp the bosses the second time through
>if you ended up gitting gud the replay of the game will be a joke.
Spoken like someone that hasn’t gotten gud (or probably even played the game yet). Getting gud is precisely why you begin to replay the game because it’s so much fun.
Getting different endings is a good enough reason in my opinion, especially the Shura ending.
but cunny isn't allowed on blue boards