>game has dating sim elements
>you can't romance the only good girl
Game has dating sim elements
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What went wrong in your lives to end up being sexually attracted to children?
But you could, big weeaboo jigaboo
i dont play persona but she looks 10
Pic unrelated
This is best girl
what does having an imouto feel like?
>real life has dating sim elements
>they're unavailable for your character
salty bags of sand
She's a mentally retarded borderline sociopath hick.
*kisses you*
nothing, its been found out in countless studies that the majority of heterosexual adult males react with arousal when viewing images of preteens.
it feels cute and funny
>Not wanting to get raped by your teacher and her pet slampig
>when viewing images of preteens
So what? Do the researchers have pizza and just show it to men for data?
>88cm tall
>2 years old
Has cute and funny gone too far?
>countless studies
But you can
I think this cunny meme is infested with normalfags
somebody tip Chris Hansen
You just know that Dojima wants to beat your ass then and there.
No, she's a cute and goofy inn inheritor.
People who use the word cunny are definitely normalfags thinking that they are being edgy.
The TV character?
I want to feel that
keep trying roastie
Reminder that Nanako is Yu’s canon future wife and no amount of reddit seething will change that. Everything else is a meaningless high school fling with his Scooby Doo gang.
His official title in Arena is the Siscon Kingpin of Steel.
>that one cope poster not even talking to anyone
>constantly leaves her in your care
Maybe if it's because he thinks you aren't about to say yes.
Yeah in 5 minutes.
the epitome of based and red-pilled
I hate how the normalfag mind works
They see the word cute, they reply with and funny
They see Tails, they reply with le epic scat comic meme
They see a Simpson's character, they reply with sneed
Their minds have been reduced to sludge that just responds to certain stimuli. It's actually quite unsettling to see. And it's weird how they defend themselves by accusing you of being outside their cool reference club, as if that's all they cling to for any sense of self worth.
>future wife
>not enjoying the cunny in the present
>game has children
>you can’t fuck children
That's right before Yu leaves town, he didn't suspect that Yu was stealthily grooming his little daughter all this time.
6 is out of even most lolicons strike zone. 16 is the obvious/safe answer since it’s Japan’s AoC but we all know Nanako is getting the dick before then.
She looks so sexy in that sleevles outfit.
keep trying roastie
I was born male
and for some reason their response to being called out as parrotlike faggots is to call you a roastie.
>jap girls can actually bend their arms like that
>all female npcs do this shit in jap games
Never fails to freak me out despite me knowing it's "normal" for them
Cute p*t.
really made me think
keep trying roastie
You don’t need to see the women naked for your brain to be stimulated.
I was on a date once with some normie girl talking about what netflix shows she watched and it made me want to kill myself
Define children. If you mean anyone even a millisecond under 18 then you’re a brainwashed moron.
If you mean anyone under 12 then whatever.
All that said 2D loli has nothing to do with 3D pedo shit no matter how hard you seethe and claim otherwise.
Maybe you’re right I’m just a bit desensitized so I don’t really feel much looking at porn these days, but there’s probably some chemicals or brain activity they can detect or something
This a good enough study for you?
What does she watch?
Age gap is garbage. Lolis belong to shotas.
based and literally red-pilled, how will homosexual user recover? holy fuckin based
lolis belong to lolis
Shotas and their tiny worthless dicks can’t possibly satisfy a loli. They’re only good for trap doujins or being reverse raped by monster girls.
These two homos ruined the show
uguu-faced bad-art is always full of yuribaiting, should've known this from the beginning
*saved the show
If by save you mean ruin
sup nonce
they were better than these two homos
No, not true at all.
Kanon and Koyori were cute and pure, tomboy and attentionwhore were forced
God I wish I was Nanako
Made for old men
>harem of high school girls drooling over his cock
>can only think about plowing his 6 year old cousin
Is Yu /our guy/?
Other way around, idiot
Why are you pretending you don't find children attractive? It has been shown numerous times that all males from every animal species have sexual thoughts of children, most however pretend to not as to avoid social stigma. In fact this is why aggressive men hate and beat up pedophiles in prison. Because of their own insecurity.
Just like me!
Cute and goofy...
Coofy? Never heard that one before
posting spatslut isn't fair
He's meant to be a selfinsert after all.
this but unironically
How about this mischievous c*nny devil
I want to grind those spats up and snort them like coke
fucking kek
I hope persona 6 will have some cute and funny characters
I will spit on your spat.
Flan is not a powerful
Flandres Cunlet
Flan-chan is super dangerous
Check em
I love shota
Could you control yourself around Nanako while you are home alone with her on a hot summer day.
absolutely based
super dangerous because she will lure you in and make sure you go to jail
>All that said 2D loli has nothing to do with 3D pedo
So wrong, loli is slang for child. 2d loli depicts a child which is fine, the moment you sexualize it is when it becomes wrong. Quit with the mental gymnastics
Nah. She's dangerous becouse of this.
I'd rather have a daughter to protect like Nanako, it's pretty much a dream of mine. I probably need to leave the house more and work on my life before I die alone
I meant not as dangerous. However with pantsu like that being decorated as a Christmas gift I might have to reconsider
Why is sexualizing a child wrong?
if you live in europe/america/japan then you can always just import a wife from a poor country
Yeah I don't get what's with those few guys who care so much to say it's not 3d. Who cares, just talk about 2d instead of caring about that
I'm working on getting /fit/. Even I admit being a 30 year old virgin. I have terribly idealistic views on finding a wife and family. I'm just going to keep trying though and give it all I have.
Are you so fucking retarded to the point that you immediately get an hard dick the moment you see a creature of the opposite sex? You brainless ape that only lives by the chemical in your rotting brain.
I dont know if you're being ironic or being a pedo, I can certainly tell you're probably an incel though
lol that's a meme, how is that gonna help you, if you want a wife then go get a wife, fucking, just get some hapa from kazahstan or mongolia if you're that picky
>game has dating sim elements
She already can't control herself, how is anyone supposed to control themselves around that
I get a boner every time I see a girl between 5-35, but I don't go outside very often and have slav rapebaby genes
flail yourself
>I dont know if you're being ironic
I'm not. Can you tell me what is wrong with it?
u mad
chop your dick off and eat it.
she mad
did you just assume my gender?
based slavposter btfoing unironic incels
There's literally nothing wrong with marriage with a 9 year old
Nothing. All sexual attraction is linked to the brain you're born with. You either find children sexy or you don't, same as big tits or men.
There isn't that many colorized Nanako doujins.
Google “Peruten / ペルてん”
Actually it’s “fuck your dad and fuck the promise” pretty sure it’s yu saying it by the way
I disagree, getting healthy and lifting weights will be an improvement in my quality of life even if I still remain single
the societal collapse is coming and then my slav rapegenes will prevail because I'll impregante every girl in the vicinity with my permaboner
while those wimp antipedo cucks are so filled with estrogen that they couldn't get an erection if 3 girls were massaging their dick
>Everyday's great with your cock!
fucking dammit kek
cope, do you know what would improve your quality of life? having sex you virgin
well sorry i don't remember every single line from every hentai
Yeah sauce is Btw quite humorous doujin. Not a lot of nanako though
posting the wrong devil to be honest
imagine the smell
>white people
>only 300 years old
Too young. I prefer my lolis to be closer to 500