
I'm finally getting around playing this thing. I have heard it's somewhat complex, any advice for a first time player?

Also, rate my totally original toon.

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Okran is your friend and savior.

Nice numale, don't leave okran's territory, pussy.

Lure animals/bandits to city guards and sell the loot.

Okran is your friend.. you do have your bible, right?

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>I have heard it's somewhat complex
It's really not. It's just that you generally start with a completely useless character, which makes the game seem very daunting at first and it takes a long time to have them gain decent stats. By the time you do that, you'll have already gotten the hang of how things work though. Still a very fun game.

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Of course I do. Hail Okron.

>any advice for a first time player?
Refund it and buy an actual game with content instead of an unfinished game's alpha.

Based what game should he buy instead

Not him but i just piratedit and cba playing it

holy fricken based

Play skeletons and go to the green pastures

This but unironically. Sseth gave the game a lot of good publicity, but somehow he barely touched on how broken and unfinished the game actually is, I suspect he was a backer kissing Chris' ass. Better still, Chris made the game even worse with patches, afaik gates have been bugged for 3 months now, allowing large hordes to clip through them even when they're locked. World states in the game are also broken and full of copy-paste. Some skills are extremely unbalanced or retarded (you level your ability to avoid friendly fire by shooting friendlies). 95% of unique companions are also unfinished and don't even feature something as simple as unique dialogue.

Game got good ideas, but ultimately it's a wasted potential akin to Minecraft or Cortex Command.

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so not rimworld

There was never potential in Cortex Command. It was exactly what it could be its entire life.


Yeah fuck video games lets have more porn threads

ok, after 70 hours my party is fucking strong, equipped and I explored almost all the map.

what now?
should i just declare war to every faction and try to kill entire cities?

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build a stronghold in the holy nations territory, for your fighters to rest, and declare war on those fuckers

My party is mostly a female harem, those fuckers already hate me.
isnt building in this game too much chore?

Based, let's make 10 more Smash threads instead!

pirated it, played for 1 hour and deleted it because it's still in alpha state. when (if) they release the complete version I'll try again.

Shut the FUCK up shill.


Beep. but i agree completely
i enjoyed cortex command just barely enough to warrant it's price when i slapped in some mods. but it's definitely just a novelty, more like a really good flash game than a proper title

It's the screaming niggercel again

It's the poorfag indie dev again. Whats wrong shill? No sales during the steam sale?

Chris is already working on Kenshi 2 you mentally ill tranny. Pirate it for all I care since there's a fucking GoG GoG version.
>steam sale
>he has steam
Enough with your faggotry

Well it can be a bit daunting at first, but its a major part of the game and i really recommend for you to try it out.
Buy some packanimals, load them with building materials, iron plates, steel bars and food and start with building walls, so your workers wont get eaten by the local wildlife.
Add some houses, small farms and wells ,which you can upgrade later.
Once your basic needs are covered, the outpost becomes somewhat self sufficent, depending mainly on the local fauna and the proficency of your fighters.

You must have been browsing Yea Forums for a whole week to learn all those memes, such a dedicated shill, fuck off back now though, no one is buying your garbage.


Basebuilding is a hassle since everyone will want to have a piece of your ass either with taxes or plundering your base.
Buy a house in a city you regularly visit and build a few beds and a research bench.

Kys redditor

Kill yourself slow shill, its what you deserve.

sounds like your fighters can`t handle a holy nation patrol

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>he's playing with default attack slots and default squad size

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This game is fucking great, only real problem is the lack of replayability, since once you take over the world once, there's no real incentive to play again and do "something different", unless you want to solo through the game, which is pretty much savescum central
Most of you lads itt are fucking brainlets tho, the game is not THAT complex to get good at it

Shut the fuck up shill.

Default sliders are babbymode and the fun only begins with mods

Go play some FIFA South Amerinigger

Who the fuck says this?

Fags who play shit games apparently.


Eat a dick

Finally a fucking kenshi thread that isn't sent directly to the bottom.

Your best source of low danger income at the starts is mining iron. People say copper because it sells for more, but it takes much longer to mine out. If you're human, head over to Bad Teeth or another Holy Nation settlement and you'll see a couple of iron veins around the town. You're going to want to mine that out, sell it in town. Get enough money for a good backpack, some recruits to help you mine, and buy a house inside the town for safety and to automate the mining process by building iron storage. Holy Nation territory is comfy af so long as you follow their rules: no non humans, no non human armor, and avoid robotic appendages. If you make a settlement in their territory, you've best be in good terms with them because they throw a lot of scouting groups your way, who will help you a ton with bandit raids, or fuck you up and ruin your up and coming settlement if you piss them off.

I recommend you get:
>Dark UI
>storage sheds
>adventurers guild
>wandering squad series
>copper ore drills
>storage amount doubled
>backpack of holding
>taxman tribute relations
>better crop fences
>enhanced shopping economy
>reactive world 256 recruitment limit
>recruit anyone (easy) or recruit prisoners (hard)

Brad from work is that you?

literal boomer term

The only instance where mining iron is more profitable than copper, assuming you're a newbie who starts at the Hub, is finding that iron vein you can mine inside the city. Otherwise you're better off mining copper, doesn't take all that long after you've trained laboring

>find an iron vein right outside the city
>go to an trader that sells close to the edge of the city
>open his trade screen
>leave it open
>mine a shit ton of iron, walk a few steps, immediately sell
Dps > attack

This, I played Cortex Command back when it first came out with the original graphics but the game really had no where to go.

Been a while since I played, but copper also has fewer work slots and usually less efficiency. I think it weighs more too

How can people stand the micro of having more than around 5 party members?

It's as simple as not being a fucking retard

You can have them automated once you build an outpost. Just build a wall, mount some guys in turrets, and they work completely uninterrupted. I'm a kenshi millionaire now and have no fucking clue what to do with all the shit I've produced.

Is there any way to create routines for party members bar shift clicking? I'd like my party members to do different shit depending on the time of day, and then automatically defend the base if it's being attacked. I can't be arsed to keep babying them when I want to explore the world.

>no dick slider

Chill nigga

Sounds to me like we got a SKELETON in this thread

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Stay away from the beak things

Avoid The Hub, I took my part there and its a total bust.

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It's not really all that complex. If you don't savescum, it can be quite challenging. Stay away from the beak things if you're low level or if you have small group and mine ore.
But really, this game should not be bought. It is way unfinished. The idea is amazing and at first you will have a lot of fun until you realize that there's really not much to the game and that gigantic world is pretty much the same no matter where you go.

Good luck catching me when I'm protected by fogmen, Okranites. Hail Narko!

>backpack of holding
>not using backpacks to train your soldiers into muscle-bound water-hauling Ubermenschen

The biggest issue Kenshi has is that it's a sandbox without agency and the only fun you'll have is getting your teeth kicked in.
It takes quite a bit roleplaying autism to find things to do once you have a good running outpost, money to spare and an army that can kill every encounter.

This desu, I hate hundreds of hours in it and love the shit out of it because I have the particular autism to enjoy it.
My friends however start the game and immediately ask “what do I do?” and give up

It's the bones of a great game, but you should wait a year or two at least. The sequel is being made and there will be retroactive improvements made to the first game, and that will give time for the mod scene to improve. Too many incompatibilities at this stage for major mods.

The only thing complex about this game is the beginning because people jump in and play it like any other generic RPG. This game is retard easy, once you grind, train and meta, you become so unkillable that you just look for ways to kill yourself.

This very fucking game took the faggot devs 10 years to make you mong. There isn't a sequel coming out soon unless you think 12 years is your idea of soon.

>Character look
I get this meme user.

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Good point, hopefully some of those improvements will be added to Kenshi prior to any release of a sequel though. But yeah, I'm definitely not holding my breath. Between the horrendously long dev time and rough edges of the first game I have strong concerns about the dev's ability to deliver.

Nobody better be talking about videogames on MY videogame board!

Exactly, once I got moderately strong party, the game became very boring. The game really needs quests and questlines. Why not allow player to become a cannibal for example. It would be super fun to roleplay as one and perhaps rise though the ranks and become a chieftain and then lead raids at Holy Nation/United cities to steal some fresh juicy meat.
Well they announced that they're making a new game now. Hopefully this one gets actually finished. Kenshi is pretty popular and well reviewed on Steam. They can't blame unfinished product on lack of resources now.

i haven't seen in this thread so don't be afraid to get beat up that's how you will level up so only reload when you die

There are cannibal mods but the roleplaying is all in your head. The game was not built for quests in mind since everyone is killable and everyone apart from a few unique NPCs is randomly generated.

What should I bring to take down cat-lon?

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>The game was not built for quests in mind since everyone is killable and everyone apart from a few unique NPCs is randomly generated.
Since when was that ever a problem? Plenty of RPGs where you can kill everyone and ruin quests, but that's on the player themselves. Besides, Kenshi does already have a handful of simple quests in the form of bounties and other world events that trigger unique dialogue from NPCs. In fact the game isn't even that reactive or something akin to Mount & Blade where the world events happen on their own; in Kenshi many events actually have flags that only occur through direct player intervention, or the relevant NPCs are just so well guarded there's no way they'd die randomly before a player happens upon them.

There's nothing in Kenshi that'd stop the game from having quests.

FYI Cortex Command just went open source so it may actually end up becoming more than the sum of it's current parts.

Not really. Important NPCs are only guarded by their faction and their stats. Guide a pack of Beak Things into an enemy HQ and watch guards getting downed and feased upon. Or they get aggro'd from a pack of landbats while some gorillos intercept and Reavers start enslaving downed guards.
A few months back I saw Eyesore making his way towards my base (Holy Sword start) only to get into a stalemate defending against three nests of beaky boys and an Elder Beak Thing. He made it to my base bleeding and with one leg and one arm missing.

Stealth, Assassination and a *plock*

How much do I need to knock him out?

Fuck if I know, should I write you a guide? 70 should be enough.

So, its being like 5 months since I played the game, any new mods to modify appearance that is worth it? I remember the last thing was a nude mod from an user on /vg/ that worked rather nice

>haha just use editor mode bro
>haha just rebuild navmesh bro
>haha just restart your game bro
Haha just refunded your game Chris!

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Skyrim belongs to the Sheks!

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