Mom cancels your wow classic sub

>mom cancels your wow classic sub

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why put remote in bum

For beng a WoWfag you deserve much worse

But wow is free now? You can buy gametime, if you can't make enough gold a month to keep your sub going then you're shit at the game anyway and deserve to be unsubbed.

He still uploads to this day

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>angrily jams remote up his ass
Por que?

>mom cancels your Old School Runescape subscription

Attached: 1344216511118.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

Feels good man

>not getting free 1 year game cards from your friends who work at blizzard
Um cringe?

>Any year
>Giving money to Blizzard

to change the channel

My friend was a GM, I don't think I ever paid for WOW except the initial starting few months.

Why did he try to shove the remote up his ass?
For real

Best revenge against your parents is to be gay and give them no grandchildren
He tried to force it, but it doesn't work that way
Someone else has to put the """remote""" in your bum at a young age to make you gay

Anger temporarily divides your IQ by ~3


I've had "episodes" like those when I was a child. Never got the urge to stick things in my ass, but I understand the reason behind it. A that moment you just want to break any kind of rules you can imagine, but still with some limitations. The first set of rules you break is social behaviour, and you may get naked, break stuff and shit, so I'm guessing the kid just wanted to do some random thing that was just wrong, but wasn't entirely dangerous, so the remote up his ass came to mind for a second. Doesn't really mean he's gay or anything.


Before he went full Brumpfh .......

Stephen Colbert used to be so fun, loved watching he Colbert Report

Tribalism is a hell of a Drug.

Trump is basically a lesser form of Obama and he's suddenly a nazi.

Man this video is old. I wonder what this guy is up to.
nb4 >guy

It was a staged video. He even got brought on Tosh.O and admitted it was staged