Dog shit exclusives with most being all released for windows anyways

>Dog shit exclusives with most being all released for windows anyways
>thinks it can compete with PC for less than 30fps on 4k
>basically a pc with a pajeet tier cpu and a downclocked rx580
I cant believe there are retards who actually own a xbox one x let alon actually paid full price on this trash.

Attached: 1b1cd79d-cd43-4ad8-b79c-850a7e7e0d34_1.4c6589b0d40393a0d045594981c8e66b.jpg (450x450, 19K)

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I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

u mad

There are no consoles worth buying. None of them have good exclusives.

I'm interested in talking about this subject. Please don't delete this thread.

>I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

Attached: BF8AF3F7-7C6B-464F-8815-7102BB78FDCD.jpg (1024x967, 83K)

No xbox is actually REAL bad. I mean even the new gears and halo are being ported to PC.

Attached: 1507961554514.png (705x853, 47K)

>Dog shit exclusives
It has some real masterpieces though.

Attached: xbox.png (1697x328, 17K)

so show me similar performing pc build at same price

Excessively poor people shouldn't build PCs

Exclusives are a scam, but the problem is you would need to make a far and away better service to not use them

it's pretty based for playing Og and 360 games. wish someone would reverse engineer that emulator

it’s called “not being poor”, you should try it sometime.

>Exclusives are a scam
Well yes and no.
I'd definitely prefer having all games available on all platforms, but let's be honest here - in the console world having great exclusive games is what sways your purchasing decision.

Oh is this the euro hours Xbox hate thread that wasnt made by a Sonyfag?

That's precisely why they are a scam. You can do everything right except licensing and your platform may as well be dead on arrival.
There's too much of an incentive to buy out developers in this age of segmentation, and over time it will spell doom for the longevity of games. If it isn't ported to PC, an exclusive will likely rot and never be accessable to future generations.


>did all access
>end up getting a shitton of years of gp ultimate because of the 2 year subs for gold and normal gp
I don't regret my X. I somehow made it work, and it works hard. I don't have to spend a diem more on this machien and I'll still enjoy tons of games that pass through GP and Gold over the years.

It's almost like they want project Scarlett to fail.

The only reason I want to have a console is to be able to play online games with a controller against other people with controllers and without cheaters.

This seriously can't be it. What the fuck.