Getting perm banned from league for saying 'faggot' made me vote Trump. I think I'm a pretty average...

Getting perm banned from league for saying 'faggot' made me vote Trump. I think I'm a pretty average, close to the center of the bell curve person.

Do you think big gaming companies authoritarian stances on speech are a contributing factor to gamers being alt right nazis?

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I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

>can't understand the terms and conditions in which you signed up for
league fucking sucks too but holy fuck you're actually really fucking stupid. Did you spend money on this game?


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I'm interested in talking about this subject. Please don't delete this thread.

you voted trump cause you're an incel posting loli pictures, seems to be a common theme amongst that lot


80 iq strawman, nobody is saying they didn't have a legal right to ban.

how much money did you spend before you got banned

Don't forget

>looking for alt-right validation on a video game board

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Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler

if you cant play a game without insulting someone, you shouln't be allowed to play with others

you were supposed to learn this in kindergarten

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>you shouln't be allowed to play with others
I disagree.

Imagine playing ASSFAGGOTS in 2019

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then stick to playing games that dont explicitly discourage insulting players in their ToS

0 fucking chance anyone as retarded as you is allowed to vote.

>silence everyone you don't like off of every platform on the Internet
>be surprised when they firebomb your anime studio

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No, being an asshole idiot made you do that.
This generation of kids is a lost cause, holy fuck.

>purposefully missing the point

The legality of it is not the center focus. It's a general philosophy issue. The TOS provides both. Tells you what will get you banned. You should know that they mean to say that these things are bad. Why are you retarded user?

there is zero valid reason for insulting someone to be covered by free speech and there's nothing you can do to change my mind

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>Yea Forums
whats that? this is 4channel my friend

Shit, and here I thought I was on 8chizz

Kek. Nice bait retard.

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I like Hitler better than anyone I've met.