Play FFXI.

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Why wont you play Lion's game?

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But I already did, retail is a soulless husk and I'm too busy to restart on a private server

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We'll always be there when you come back, user.

I tried. Game information is obscure. I have to try too hard to convince other people to answer dumb noob questions or play the game with guides and wikis open. And trusts might've been fun and useful if I could've issued commands or control them. And it kind of forces me to play in a tank role for them which is lame.

What server?


Anyone who still plays retail is going to be the bad kind of autistic retard that still basically enjoys modern gatcha/skinnerbox/instanced-hub games but is too autistic to join a new one because sunk cost. The great people you might've met have all left and some are on private servers so you need to join one for this. Eden has overtaken Nasomi and is pretty much the go-to one as of like 6 months ago.

I already did for a year of my life.

BGwiki & otherwiki.

i only play it when i have nothing to do, and its currently new XIV expansion season.
its always my comfy fallback game though.

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I played a bit on retail lately but trusts make it a snooze fest besides playing the story (which isn't that good when you're not "working towards it" with long grinds in between cutscenes), bosses are easy as pie except current endgame stuff, which isn't really all that fun.
I played on nasomi a bit when it was undergoing that popularity spike because of some streamers picking it up, that was really enjoyable, made a couple friends, played for a few weeks, capped out a couple classes, did some burning circle grind, got bored.
There's nothing left, I did everything there is to do in the games back in the day, it's not worth doing agian.

For anyone interested in trying the game or playing on a private server, I recommend over nasomi and retail. It's got less jank and a better community overall

AHahhahaha pffffffffffffff hahaha brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaapp XIV is trash why would i play XI. If i wanted an excel game i'll log on eve

Still bothers me how XI has had built-in supersampling from its inception while modern XIV has nothing but FXAA to blur everything. Fuck, even 1.0 had both supersampling and MSAA.

Oh look it's the 1.0 was better meme

Reminder that they nerfed everything, including graphics at 2.0 to cater to WoW-fags and console players.
The game is as simple as retail WoW is in terms of rotations

I'm just stating facts. Both the older MMOs allow for a crisper image to be rendered. ARR after three expansions has done fuck all with its image clarity. Arguably the parallax mapping added in 3.0 makes it look worse since their implementation cannot AFx16 surfaces being mapped in such a manner, so you get this blurry cut-off line where the effect stops.

Brainlet. Not knowing they even dumbed down the walking animations for ARR. The whole thing was stripped down.

The hd mods are pretty good

i already did everything on 75cap retail and I already recently re-did everything on 75cap private servers, got all jobs 75 and got all relics.
basically waiting for an XI Classic retail server to come out and I'd probably lose myself in the game for another year n a half again.

But they'd have to change or balance some shit, the game is so figured out now it's beyond breakable.

i tried once, but the client was annoying as hell

Apparently they've just fixed it to be modern, after fucking almost 20 years lmao, based japs

I just started playing on Eden.
It's grindy as hell and you can tell it was developed by someone who never touched a PC before, but it's pretty fun and feels nice to play a mmorpg that isn't a WoW reskin.

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Played through the storylines and that's enough for me

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Go look up how to use numpad to play the game. It's not a mouse game.

What was the big plot of XI? Like how XIV has the ascians and Hydaelyn/Zodiark and primals. I know XI had some Ottomany empire instead of Garlemald.

the art style and color palette are so much better in this than XIV

Or you could be sane and use a controller for this Playstation 2 game.

Already did for 5 years. That good times aren't coming back, user.

That's gay and retarded. You can and should be typing in this game.

>art style
Debatable, but sure.
>color palette
I hope you're joking. FFXI is stuck in the brown-and-bloom era.

Played during a free login campaign. I made the mistake of starting in windurst, got to the quest where I needed one of each mage to open a door, and then quit because I got tired of how much the game insisted on being an inconvenience.

Using a controller for movement, camera control and basic menuing doesn't stop anyone from typing, you git.

I unironically would drop the piece of shit that is XIV for this if it got that pre abyssea HD remaster everyone wants and Ninja blew the game's pop up to high heaven or something so i would have people to play with. Note i never played XI

>I hope you're joking. FFXI is stuck in the brown-and-bloom era
fucking retard

What's stopping you from playing on a private server then? That population blow up you just mentioned is now in the past. It's done, suare-Enix don't need to be hosting.

Even if you don't switch to 11 you should drop 14 anyway. You know it's shit, it would be literally better to play nothing and you know that too.

>eden has overtaken nasomi
How well established is that private server?
Does it have wotg classes?
Is half the shit broken like in nasomi?

When they make a single player version, I will

yeah and i'm a fiend for all the armor designs. just as well they are all so beautiful when you are expected to collect like 5 sets just to perform at a baseline level.

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Played on Bahamut on and off from 2005 to 2012, though I would play again if my friends still played it.

>can never go back
it hurts

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>What's stopping you from playing on a private server then?
Nasomi is a shit. Are there better options?

When will the nigger subhuman mods start banning advertisement threads?

>hey mod your mother is a niggerlover kill yourself

>livestream your own suicide mods

>cant rangeban me like last time

hey mods i heard your nigger mother loves to fuck little children

When will the nigger subhuman mods start banning advertisement threads?

>hey mod your mother is a niggerlover kill yourself

>livestream your own suicide mods

>cant rangeban me like last time

hey mods i heard your nigger mother loves to fuck little children

When will the nigger subhuman mods start banning advertisement threads?

>hey mod your mother is a niggerlover kill yourself

>livestream your own suicide mods

>cant rangeban me like last time

hey mods i heard your nigger mother loves to fuck little children

When will the nigger subhuman mods start banning advertisement threads?

>hey mod your mother is a niggerlover kill yourself

>livestream your own suicide mods

>cant rangeban me like last time

hey mods i heard your nigger mother loves to fuck little children

XI is boring as fuck

>no wotg jobs
When will this goddamn meme end. Theres other private servers that have this why are autistic people so hell bent in thinking that wotg killed ffxi when wotg did absolutely nothing to make toau irrelevant? Do they confused wotg with abyssea add-ons?

Its somewhat similar, with the Ascians and fallen paradises etc. My details on it are proper foggy, but there was different proto-races / god-races that lived in immortal paradise, 'till they started fucking each other up and splintered.

the base campaign has you dealing with home nation politics and then builds into a story where you take down the Shadow Lord - a lot of the Warrior of Light/Darkness stuff in XIV is taken from this.

Zilart and Promathia are more to do with the proto-races and their corruption of the central world powers, etc.

ToAU is off on an exotic continent and a bit more self-contained but has the usual JRPG "ancient evil awakens" stuff with Odin.

WotG is time traveling back to the old world war. Abyssea is some more time travel stuff i don't understand. SoA is more of an expedition / 'colonizing a wild untamed land' theme.

finally RoV is pure feels, reliving the whole lot and saving the very fabric of existence itself, as metaphor for the game and community still clinging to life and its future.

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>The autism in this post


The basic plot when you start out is basically the basic lore across all three nations and their differences, history of the crystal war against beastmen, dealing with beastmen in general, and the final boss is the shadow lord who gets revived. Following the reveal of how the shadow lord came to be, raogrimm/cornelia romance, and the death if the shadow lord again at your hands, the rise of zilart villains show up to btfo you out and summon five “shards” from the mother crystal that are basically the negative qualities of each ffxi race taken form.

Start rise of zilart, it basically involves a race of ancients, think allagans or amaurot, who want to bring back their race in a plotline thats pretty similar to the whole amaurot hydaelyn/zodiark thing except this time theres really only a mothercrystal and its split into several shards instead of having a zodiark vs hydaelyn sort of deal. Also you visit a giant abandoned ruined city in the sky called Tulia which is the final area of the expansion, its way better than Azys La imo.

Chains of Promathia follows the RoZ plot but this time with something that actually kinda resembles zodiark. Promathia is basically nega Altana who is basically hydaelyn in this case. However, the plot is more about defeating promathia to stop bahamut from resetting the world. You visit a giant capital in a portal you find in the middle of the sea, the final area is really fucking cool.

Toau is basically solving a foreign countries issues about being at war with a nation of corsairs. Its basically alexander vs odin plot.

Wotg is basically about cait sith accidentally awakening atomos at altanas behest who attempts to eat away the weaker of two separate timelines, one of which is yours. You basically go to the past during the crystal war era and visit a lot of areas and the nations in the last helping things go as it should to avoid the “dark” timeline where the shadowlord wins.

i did, for 28,000 hours

Playing through CoP was the most fun I've ever had in my life, i miss it.

Come out with Classic and I will.

>base game
>three separate storylines for each separate nation
>storylines are pretty self contained and establish basic lore about races, nation,politics, and the world of vanadiel
>at one point the storylines converge and have you face the shadow lord which clears up the mystery of how he came to existance and about the mysterious deaths of the 5 people who went on an expedition to xarcabard

>rise of zilart
>ancient race of people called zilartians attempting to bring back their glory days
>pretty similar to amaurot from FFXIV
>it explains a bit more about the mothercrystals and introduces “dark” versions of each race that are basically the negative qualities of each race (apathy, rage, cowardice, etc) taken form

>chains of promathia
>altana vs promathia basically
>promathia is awakening and is exceedingly powerful
>bahamuts solution is to basically destroy vanadiel and start from scratch
>you defeat promathia to avoid this from happening
>you learn about prishe and what she is as well, theres some backstory and lore there

>treasures of aht urghan
>you help foreign nation deal with their internal politics and stop a rival nation of literal undead people from taking their vengaence on said foreign nation
>foreign nation basically summons alexander to solve their problems while undead nation summons odin, you stop everything with the power of friendship
>also you occasionally help said nation from beastmen attacks on the city attempting to steal the mcguffin

>wings of a goddess
>two timlines exist, one where the shadow lord won and another where he is defeated, yours is the former
>turns out the one were the shadow lord won is the real one and altana manipulated everything so a second timeline existed where shadow lord loses
>cait sith summons atomos at altanas behest
>atomos was supposed to eliminate the dark timeline but instead is eliminating the weaker of the two
>you go to the past to help your timeline play out as its supposed to

Retail is a soulless husk!? I was considering subscribing to a second Final Fantasy MMO too.

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Around the time they were gearing up for XIV 1.0 they made some really bad changes to 11 that fucked it forever, over the years they've tried to reel it in just a little but the damage has been done. You can still experience the world and story but the gameplay and community are gone.


>Eden has overtaken Nasomi and is pretty much the go-to one
Seriously? Last time I looked at Eden is had maybe 100 people on line during usual peak hours.
I'd be happy if this were true, since Nasomi was pretty cancer with the shit he allowed people to get away with and then never fix.

Ah, no wonder everyone only plays FFXI as it was before 2008 on private servers (with the graphic pack). I didn't install that graphic yet, but when I was on Nasomi, it looked really good on my 55-inch Samsung monitor anyway (though I still rendered it at like, above 1440p).

All my friends left the game and when I moved to Asura, not a single group wanted my GEO with Idris. Hell, I even got kicked out of a discord for the LS I was a part of on that server because I played XIV on the side and they were super zealots about how XI > XIV and all that, despite history painting a very different picture.

I see no reason in my situation to pay $15 or so a month with mules included just to sit on a server that demands min-max performance, while the alternative is to go back to a dead server that's being dominated by JPs.

>not a single group wanted my GEO with Idris

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I can link you to the XIAH thread if you want, since I figured after busting my ass to make all the money and requirements for it, I could join an Aeonic group just fine and dandy.

Ok lets see...
Assuming you have zero experience with mmo’s that come before wow:
FFXI is based more around the everquest formula where the world is more free, trash mobs are more dangerous, and progression isn’t based around following some questline. Leveling up with others is an integral part of the experience and takes a while as opposed to modern MMOs were leveling is just an obstacle and you want to do it as fast as possible to get to endgame which is were the real game is. As an example, in ffxiv you will never hear that a job has an advantage over another job because they get a specific spell or ability at an early level because all that matters is max level, in a game like FFXI this mattered. Gear also didn’t scale vertically in XI until recently and having multiple sets of gear was important, old gear achievements as a result weren’t invalidated when new gearsets came out, you could think of them as sidegrades. Job design instead of being made with the mentality of “every job should be viable for any given situation” was made instead with the mentality of “every job should be different and content should vary to force the players to experiment”. To explain this in example: FFXIV takes a boss encounter and designs it around mechanics the player itself directly interacts with, jobs are all samey so you don’t need to take one job over another, any job composition works because stuff like debuffs or elemental weaknesses don’t exist. In FFXI, job a is clearly better than job b at boss fight y, however job b is way more useful in boss fight x.

Current retail ffxi has sadly removed the leveling experience, its now all about rushing to max level solo with a group of ai npcs. Gear progression has also become ilvl based and its now like a mix of vertical/horizontal gear progression. Mechanically boss encounters still work as I describe however so the combat system is still varied and interesting.

Thats what people mean by soulless.

You are lying or a player so bad that you can’t even summon a bubble

Play the true final fantasy experience
Final Fantasy XV is the best game in the franchise
Also a reminder to purchase all DLCs and the movie

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people talking about old-xi, am i the only one that fucking hated hnm camping? i did this for years, staying up late or leaving a character on with a parser to catch a spawn/death time. fuck everything about hnm camping and fuck everyone that wants that autismo shit back.

the changes to pop hnms and generally lower time commitments for things during abyssea/wotg were very needed.

Every time I hear about XI, someone keeps talking about grinding crabs.

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shit tier opinion detected

Well there was a lot of crab grinding

I understand where you’re coming from, I can also see why people prefer the changes, however in my personal opinion it was better if it stayed as it was.
While its true, that the old system basically prevented most players from ever being able to “min-max” due to lack of the absolute best gear, it also created a healthy sense of rivalry and competition in the endgame community. Furthermore, and this is the most important part, the endgame exclusivity of this created a midcore audience.
Look at current day ffxi, how its full of mercs instead of people working together to clear content, how its brain dead to create money, how getting into literally any group REQUIRES literally having the best gear possible for your job despite that being incredibly unecessary.
At first you think, “well that eliminates tedium and makes the game more accessible to new players”, but the cost is having no sense of accomplishment. So you geared up your nirvana summoner, solo grinded nirvana and paid a ton of mercs to get bis gear. What now? Join groups to get gear you don’t need anymore? Use your nirvana smn to gear up a different job? Where is the sense of accomplishment? Where is the co-op gameplay? The teamwork?
The answer is, you skipped all of it.
Again I understand some people prefer this and call all I said tedium, but at the same time i don’t understand WHY they prefer it, it makes no sense to me to play the game just to get carried.

That's why I only ever had 2 75s pre-Abyssea and never joined a HNM LS because fuck that !

This post right here captures it perfectly. I really hate they changes they made that handed out relics/everything else like candy because it VERY quickly turned into a situation where if you didn't have full BIS you were fucking worthless as a player.

Are there any private servers that have the current shit like npc party members? I want to replay through the story but don't want to deal with other people (odd play schedule) or pay for it either.

Don't trust Barry, the ff15 shill.

Which is funny because around the time I quit they were overfarmed and my server was at the height of elitism.

Seconded, XI has such a clean look

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In FFXI, during the leveling process a lot of commonly camped monsters were crabs. This is because: they had no exceedingly dangerous tp attacks and their defensive buffs could be dispelled.
A common strategy against crabs was to create a skill chain with your meele frontline and have your mages magic burst of it. Around the 50-60 range where black mage got ancient magic, the most popular exp grinding strategy was to farm crabs in kuftal tunnel and create a skillchain where a black mage would magic burst with ancient magic, essentially deleting the crab in one hit.
This all changed when toau came along and tpburn on colibris became the norm because they reflected magic.

I did during beta and launch. It quickly went to shit.

stop polluting the thread with your soulless shit


>tfw you finally beat the promys and enter lufaise meadow for the first time

>it's yet another Eden shill thread

And who would play this boomer crap when new savage raids are literally right around the corner in XIV?

I beat Rhapsodies earlier this year and got pretty close to a caladbolg but then quit. The game still has more interesting RPG aspects than FFXIV but I was kind of disappointed with the actual content. I expected EQ-style raid and dungeon zones, but most of FFXI's dungeons are pretty poorly thought out and bland.

{Mithra} {Backhand Blow} {job} {Can I Have it?}


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{Found it!}{Dark Crystal}{Inside}{Mithra}{rear}

>start game
>take time leveling
>gear up with second best gear
>you are now able to do anything
>get to endgame, its very exclusive and hard to accomplish things due to competition
>you now have a choice, continue on with this, repeat all of the above but with a different job, quit the game or take a break from it and come back later to try again


>do story, level up entirely solo using fetch quests littered all over the game or in FFXI’s case, trust npcs in IT mobs which will heavily increase your exp gain
>get to endgame, get all the gear you need, probably via mercs in FFXI’s case
>now you have nothing to do

Latter is better imo, I liked having a midcore audience that was satisfied with second best. It gave the game a ceiling to reach but at the same time didn’t close you off from getting even better stuff. I suppose having NMs spawn at specific times of the day rather than have some japanese set the tod at 2am in the morning would have been better, and FoV/GoV/level sync was definitely a positive and healthy change

The only reason you felt like that is because a lot of the actual dungeon mechanics and danger that presents itself from challenging a trash mob in the overworld map is gone due to the existance of trusts. To give an example: to access the deeper parts of garliage citadel you needed 4 real people, now you just need a permanent key item you get by exploring the first room of the place.

new savage raids are literally one hour of content a week, more than enough time to go play less soulless games during the xiv downtime of nothing to do

mercs existed back in 2006, we fucking camped against those fuckers which mostly jp at the time before gil seller explosion. gil sellers then started camping against us at everything and would hold pops to push out of our normal timeframes. i had a ps2 i would log into just to try and get claims, worked decently but fuck those hours.

the community is still there if you want to do anything high end. you're not soloing omen bosses or dynamis-d, but content released 10 years ago is free game (and still relevant because of their currency drops for weapons). more importantly, the game is finished, and expecting to take years to do one relic this late in the game is absurd.

tp burn on colibris was a thing because they needed a lot less curing. they wiped tp a lot as an attack instead of dmging you, meaning it was easier to keep chaining. most exp'd on mobs were chosen because of this.


Already beat all the hard content in FFXIVs latest expansion within two days. Why not play something else? Thats literally what Yoshida told me

ok but its not a mmo

what if you want to play through all the expansions/story?

guys i am REALLY high and i wanted you to know that
and ffxi was a fantastic game FUCK i miss it

I’m criticizing the changes abyssea brought more than anything. I don’t think abyssea itself was bad btw, only the fact that you could enter it as low as level 30.
Game could have continued being as it was if Abyssea was restricted to 75+ players and the gear grind stopped at 99 instead of the ilvl stuff we have now.
Also, I don’t really get why its more optimal to farm exp/limit points with trusts than with real people. i get less exp partying with my friend and 4 trusts than I do using 5 trusts

No, I mean I played XI when it was new (but only up to ~50) and when I went back with trusts I did a lot of stuff the pain in the ass way (getting past the gate in Altepa)
I guess what I was disappointed with was the extremely disproportionate strength of NMs in leveling areas. In EverQuest a level ~30 group can go into Solusek's Eye, pull trash, and fight their way to a named mob that might drop some loot. In XI the NMs are often so insanely strong compared to the regular mobs that I can't see a regular at-level group taking them on. Also their spawn cycles and loot seemed to be really, really bad even for old MMORPG standards. Maybe I just missed some of the cooler dungeon areas? The tonberry temple near Kazham was cool, but again it's hard to see how an appropriately-leveled group is really supposed to move through it and kill bosses.

>Also, I don’t really get why its more optimal to farm exp/limit points with trusts than with real people. i get less exp partying with my friend and 4 trusts than I do using 5 trusts
exp is split but the things a good aoe party can do are absolutely retarded. For non-AOE classes there's those mobs in seekers of adoulin that are super tough and give crazy exp that you want a real group doing skillchains for.
Also, the Seekers of Adoulin expansion was wayyyy fucking better than it had any right to be considering it came out so long after the game died. I liked the story and zones a lot. It's a shame about that weird time-locked content system.

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What you’re saying about colibris is true but its definitely not the main reason why people chose colibri over trolls or flans which were more susceptible to magic damage.

Colibris died quickly to physical attacks in general, on top of this they reflected magic, making debuffs and magic damage more of a detriment than good against them. People tp burned colibris with one whm/rdm/sch/dnc because they didn’t have to deal with what made colibris dangerous.

Runs like shit on a Mac, I'm glad, because I wouldn't like to get addicted to this thing, it's like crack.

XI runs like shit on all modern hardware. Something about it is fucked up.

What private server?
I just want to blaze through the story that everyone keeps telling me is amazing because I never got further than lvl 60 way back in retail.

Thats for cp groups not exp. I’m talking about how exp groups are non-existent now. Getting to 99 is a solo experience as a result. I think trusts should be an alternative rather than the norm in this case.

Seems to me like you see dungeons more like how they work in FFXIV but with actual mechanics instead of being hallways with trash. Dungeons in FFXI were a lot more about fighting as little as possible and metal gear solid’ing the places while dealing with their mechanics to fight a boss at the end or get the super special coffer or the super special key item.

>just as well they are all so beautiful when you are expected to collect like 5 sets just to perform at a baseline level.
This is the big reason that keeps me from getting too invested. I hate the concept of mid-combat armour swapping, and HATE the fact it's macro'd for different skills and shit.

Don't feed Barry.

For that play retail. Trusts will make it fast.

Private servers are for the old leveling experience and don’t have the full story.

I thought it always ran like shit no matter what hardware

I thought gearswap was dumb at first but in the very specific context of FFXI with windower mods that do it automatically it kind of improves the game. There's so many gear pieces in XI and so many of them are still relevant because of gearswap. Filling out your gearswap lua and getting different sets to really max out your job gets addicting.

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ilvl was needed after abyssea because of how hard SoA bosses were. Premium gear before ilvl was barely cutting it for anything, though that was probably by design.
this helps a lot with getting the game to run decently. xi uses very deprecated gfx calls that modern hardware no longer support for acceleration, so anything using it runs like shit. i use this and maintain 30fps everywhere.

gearswapping is one of xi's unique things, though kinda sucks to get used to it. the fact that old gear is kept around puring to swap into for specific actions is part of its horizontal progression, which it still uses. using ashita or windower to manage these with ashitacast or gearswap can be daunting for noobs. i prefer ashita to windower, ashitacast is much simpler to use for this.

Mercs existing then has nothing to do with my point. Even if mercs existed back in 2007 they weren’t as overwhelmingly present as they are now.
I played since NA launch, I would see shouts for help all the time in which people would help for mutual benefit or completely for free. Hell, I would sometimes join a coffer key farm or an af armor quest, or an lb quest party just for the fun of helping rather than personal gain. This in general was very omnipresent in the overall community of the game because the endgame one was very small and self contained. Since FFXI has turned into a modern MMO in the sense that its all about rushing to endgame, mercs have become extremely commonplace to the point where you’ll get berated for trying to make a shout group.

The solution to making some boss encounters easier is not powercreep. I would insist that ilvl is blatant powercreep and thus poor design.

*blocks your path*

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>Game could have continued being as it was if Abyssea was restricted to 75+ players and the gear grind stopped at 99 instead of the ilvl stuff we have now.
No. You are just wrong. Abyssea was the point in the game where the devs dropped the philosophy of "Even this level 59 body can be the best in the game" and started making everything new completely better than everything old. It practically killed all other content because the drops that came from Abyssea (and everything after it) were just too good compared to anything else.

where the fuck is that mobile remake that Nexon was working on?

I played through the entire story more than twice and I agree with this post. Well said.

So play retail first and private groups after you finished the story?

I don’t necessarily agree. I see it more this way:
This level 30 piece of gear lasts me till 50-70, i then replace it with this other piece of gear that lasts me forever around 60-70.
The only thing the 99 cap changed around the time was the level where gear started becoming “permanent” as opposed to “for leveling”. It was an annoying change for most players but it wouldn’t have been bad had ilvl not been introduced, it would just have created a new ceiling. Ilvl however, is blatant powercreep, a lot of old gear became invalidated because of it and it was so sudden that the progression to it no longer feels natural.
I think abyssea was fun mechanically, so had it stayed a high level zone rather than a “grind to level cap quickly from level 30” zone, it would have been far better recieved.

It’s lilisette’s game

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No. Play retail if all you want to experience is the story, and perhaps stay for the endgame if you like it. Current Retail is similar to FFXIV in all aspects except combat and quests not telling you were to go.

Play private server if you want the “original” ffxi experience, where you party up with people to level up. Private servers aren’t focusing on the story working completely however so you won’t get all of it if you play through the story on a private server.

Probably never.
I think FFXI saw an uptick in sub count after that announcement and has been slowly growing or holding steady ever since. It's weird how many updates the game has gotten, even as minor as they are.

Attached: movieblob.jpg (599x288, 79K)


We'll probably see some footage at Tokyo Game Show this year.

Let's settle this once and for all
not pictured: Arciela I forgot about her. She's pretty good though.

Attached: ffxi girls.png (1991x695, 1.54M)

you're forgetting the blondie from toau

oh yeah
I skipped toau

yeah, that was pretty much it. they didn't have to do it but did anyway. was funny though seeing my oats jump so much in base dmg from 99 to ilvl. though it was about the only time they did such a big jump in mob power. the last was abyssea when people barely had gear or buffs or before higher lvl caps. that was actually really fun and not so terrible to schedule around.

probably all the time i spent with jps but shoutgroups were common, even for hnm camping back then. today shoutgroups are normal for jp. i don't play on asura so that might also be part of it. i see the mercs though, some folks i used to play with years back are there.

forgot aphmau, though everyone forgets aphmau

Funny how I agree with you but still, fuck off, nigger. This thread isn't about XV

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I pick none. Best character was Karah-Baruha. Only true gamers know he is more powerful than Shantotto will ever be

>tfw XI female characters were actually beautiful and not those play doh monstrosities in XIV

based, this game is still awesome to this day, don't let Yea Forums's hate of anything that requires effort make you think otherwise

stop spreading outdated information, they have beyond fixed the game now, it now features probably the most well realized horizontal progression that is possible in an MMO. What you say is true but it was fixed literally YEARS ago, and guess who fucked up FFXI in the first place? Yoshi.

well, one thing XI has going for it is how old it is. That means they could develop a girlfriend for the player every expansion and not get backlash for it. I don't know about Aphmau, but all of the other ones except for Lion are pretty well developed. Ulmia isn't even really supposed to be a main heroine but she has a lot of character development and is almost as important to the plot as Prishe.
Arciela is probably the one that's most blatantly a love interest though.

Progression is fixed, but the community is dead and gone, the world is dead. The old FFXI feel is dead and will NEVER come back to retail.

>horizontal progression
What you say is only true for everything that comes after 99. After you get to 99 on your first job the progression feels incredibly halted. You hit a wall of having to gear up before being able to join cp parties regularly and farm even better gear, most of your options of doing this is also just hiring mercs. The progression doesn’t feel natural to me and 1-99 is more efficient solo than in groups, which i also consider to be broken.

Does FFXI have Lightning Farron in it?

I heard retail's not really an MMO anymore and more of a singleplayer grind with a chat box on the side
Seemed cool in the couple private servers I tried, but they were broken as shit.

>I heard retail's not really an MMO anymore and more of a singleplayer grind with a chat box on the side
Endgame still requires actual people. The journey to endgame can be done solo though.

I'm not going back, fuck you.

{Holy} {Ship} {Bat} {Man}

That's the private server fags still seething about the level cap being raised past 75. End game is still heavily party based. Leveling jobs is solo now, but pretty much everything relevant to the endgame can't be solo'd. Unless you count 5 boxing as soloing.

>After you get to 99 on your first job the progression feels incredibly halted.
What? You can use the currency from the repeatable things to get quick 117, then either do easier ambuscade difficulties or run Yorcia skirmish to hit 119. After that the whole game opens up. If you're a shitter you can get carried through VD Ambuscade or pay to get carried, but you never need to hire mercs.

i came back from lv75 stuff. it was just doing this:
farm sparks for ilv117 gear/weapons. shout for easy ambu to build 119 gears (wasn't too hard, people still like helping newbs, got a couple LSs), farm a bit for some missing old-namis stuff, abyssea, etc (now soloable/easy). went with ls to do escha stuff, some omen, grouped for more ambu and finally some bcnms for seals to upgrade relic/af/emp gear.
all while playing catchup on mainline quests and such. story is damn worth playing through for new folks

At 117 you can also solo+trust the Adoulin NMs that drop the 2 piece earring sets. Are they the best? No, but they're pretty damn good.
>b-b-b-but trusts
You can solo them without trusts on a job like PUP as well, even before the last like 3 tiers of addons that were added. Hell, you can solo the cricket at 117 w/ the RDM puppet healing/buffing you.
Yeah man, RDM, SCH and BST didn't exist at 75 either. Right?

>eden doesn’t plan to add wotg content
Into the trash it goes!

Sch was literally a group effort job and so was rdm, they just happened to have the capacity for solo via dots.

how could you dislike one of the best(worst) things about FFXI? tanaka be praised damn it!
it was shit and anyone who liked it probably had no job or skipped school

>try retail
>sure is grind around here
>where are all the people?
>learn about trusts
>never played an mmo that felt so empty
>unlock an advanced job and quit
>intrigued enough to try nasomi
>instantly feels like more of an mmo
>can’t even afford spells without selling to other people
>use sneak, deodorize, invisible and raise to actually help people and shit
>unlock bard and people just won’t get off my dick
>actual moment to moment grinding gameplay just gets kind of boring
>realize further spells and abilities won’t change it that much
Just kinda quit after that. Damn I wish there were games that captured the MMO-ness of XI but with decent gameplay.

>{Be right back} {Food}
>{Lie} {Jerkin} {Polearm}
I was fucking howling when I saw this exchange take place in a party chat once.

auto translate was a fucking treasure

The progression, and I quote, that abyssea broke was literally the leveling and to a smaller extent gear.
Since players were so used to 75 cap for such a long ass time, abyssea level cap increase hit most people hard by raising the gear ceiling again but it wasn’t the end of the world. The other progression it broke was leveling, people started to join abyssea parties at level 30 to quickly get carried to 75, THIS SPECIFICALLY IS WHAT BROKE “progression”.

The progression we have now is not “fixed” from when this happened.
>the gear ceiling was raised again except worse this time with ilvl
>leveling is now nonexistant because you’ll get more exp per kill with a party of trusts than a party of real human players
>limit point parties gets replaced by cp but you need to grind to bis gear and a couple of initial job levels before you can even do cp parties
>you literally cannot join any content unless you have bis or extremely close to bis gear
>all the old content doesn’t have level sync now so you can brutalize it by overleveling, but its ok! Theres hard versions of these fights now that you can do after you gear up at max level and have at least half of your job mastery done!
>more mercs than people trying to do stuff together
Progression is nowhere near as natural as it was before, they essentially cut out the grand majority of it to focus purely on endgame content. The game is not as it used to be. I agree its worth playing it for the story but I’m not sure if the endgame is worth it.

/em examines you.

/em examines you again.

No Nasomi is buggy as fuck and that's because Nasomi wants all power over his server. Maybe that has its benefits? Idk, but Eden has like 5 coders or something, actively making more patches. Dear God why I shill Eden is because it has the important basics working like /search, delivery box. If Nasomi can't even get that shit, I don't want to imagine how terrible more complex other things are. You got other shit like /heal and probably more that I've long forgotten from Nasomi. The pop ranges from 400-700 it seems depending on time of day. You can just check the website and players online tab.

I am though user, on eden

I think it's just salty mages /shrug, I really don't get it

The most important question is, pre or post RNG nerf?

Reminder that Nasomi let early players abuse a bug in his code to get really easy relics, practically making them as easy to obtain as they are in current retail.
He fixed this to make it hard to get like it was in classic, but did not revert (or even punish) those that abused this bug.
Nasomi does shit like this all the time and it's fucking cancer. Do not play Nasomi.

Link to the graphics pack? I just started playing on EDEN a week ago because I was bored of XIV and always heard great things about XI. I didn't know there was a graphics mod.

>All you fags playing on Eden.
Gonna bully you in the dunes.

after all the shilling I think I'll try out Eden since Nasomi was trash

just get reshade

Attached: ffxiv_07012019_205754_236.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

now I want to play XI again, are the private servers populated?

There are only two colors in that picture.

never played it before nor seen any gameplay footage. Is it anything like ffxiv? cause that shit sucks nigger cocks, I want me something like classic wow until launch

you know you can customize it completely to your liking right
I can make it spit out garbage if I want

Attached: ffxiv_07162019_144818_482.png (1920x1080, 510K)

It's not like either of those

Why exactly does eden not want to patch in wotg content? At least campaign battles, fov/gov, and more importantly scholar/dancer?
I personally think that was the true “golden era” of ffxi and it was also around the time when they finished patching in all the toau stuff.

Are there any decent private servers with the best of all worlds? I really want to play through the entire story so for now retail has my priority, but I want the best experience possible and I probably won't play the whole game again just to experience the levelling up

No, FFXI is more like Everquest. But it has more differences between it and EQ than FFXIV has differences to WoW.

Many people, for some reason, think DNC ruined the game.

>blue red white purple yellow

I'm not into gear swap macros.

Otherwise, game seems great.

meant for

Just play retail. The leveling experience is streamlined if you take your time with it. You will still explore all the zones and such while leveling unless you actively ruin it for yourself by getting someone to power level you to 99 in escha, which can be done very easily.
None of the private servers I know have the full story, and for the full story you need to play retail anyway since private servers will never implement seekers of adoulin and rhapsodies of vanadiel

You will never get the best experience possible, because it is gone. Private servers all have terrible compromises (low pop, buggy, missing content, missing classes, bugged classes, etc) and retail's community is retarded. The best experience is if you can get into a tight knit group on retail that doesn't want to just merc/carry everything. But those are damn rare.

Do what 99% of the playerbade does. Use Windower + Gearswap. You just fill in the right gear into the .lua and it does the swapping for you.


Fucking hell this is like the one instance where I think boomers are retarded. The only thing dnc did was make it so meele could keep themselves up easier while soloing, it was not a fucking dps sub job and did nothing groundbreaking in that end.

I said I'm not into gear swap macros.

Being able to solo a mob in 5 minutes is totally on par with parties being able to take on harder mobs in 1/5th the time while maintaining a chain bonus.

The private server crowd are all pants on head retarded. They're dead set on little things killing the game simply because they were added when they quit. Or because they added an option to the game that they didn't have. It's usually fueled by misinformation (they probably think DNC can replace WHM completely without issues)

;-(, anyone know the best retail servers? I am not playing it anytime soon, but do you think I can find someone in this website willing to play it with me?

Gearswap isn't a macro.

>The only thing dnc did was make it so meele could keep themselves up easier while soloing,
I mean I’d guess that’s it really, even if it’s balanced, introducing more solo options in an mmo is how you get them to start falling apart.

Asura has the largest English speaking population. It also has a lot of mercs, but you can find good groups if you look hard enough. I think Ragnarok and Sylph still have an English playerbase, but I don't know the size or activity. This is one of those cases where you'd want to check the FFXI reddit's discord to try and organize anything or find people.

Whether it's done in-game or through an external program, a macro is a macro.

The difficulty of changing the gear has nothing to do with why I don't like it.

Being able to solo one mob every 5~10 minutes isn't worth doing. You CAN do it, but you'd be better off spending an hour and a half finding a party + traveling to the grind spot, and having it fall apart after 30 minutes of grinding. You'd get more exp in those 30 minutes than you would soloing for 2 hours as x/DNC.

is Eden really friendly to noobs or are you trying to bully me? Like this meanie

Attached: 1556947301904.png (1280x720, 588K)

>things scholar added to the game
>as a main job scholar was basically red mage but with higher skill levels depending on stance and a less varied spell list missing a lot of important buffs like haste
>as a sub job it was optimal in most cases for every mage, giving access to B+ skill level in the magic they did not optimize in (so white mages or summoners could use dispel optimally for example). It also gave access to sublimation and parsimony/penury giving black mage and white mage some much needed mp self-sustain
>acted as the primary buffer for black mage parties via storm spells and klimaform
>fantastic low man content healer, rivaling red mage with its versitality in magic and providing unique but not broken things that other mages could not such as aoe gravity or bind, aoe stoneskin, aoe enspell, aoe phalanx, etc

>things dancer brought to the game
>could act as a healer in any kind of content, just like white mage/red mage/scholar
>provided aoe haste buff like summoner
>terrible damage since it needed to to support
>as a sub gave meele much needed self sustain for solo/lowman situations
>had a few unique buffs like drain and aspir for the group
>debuffed evasion and defense on the mob

None of this is broken and both were LOL jobs for a while. Red mage was still preferred over sch in merit parties, you only needed one sch for endgame content and dnc was useful but unecessary for pretty much all content

>Press a Macro
>Use a skill
>Press a Macro
>Continue attacking

>Use the skill
>Continue attacking

>Not swapping
>Use the skill
>Continue attacking

I did. from 2004 to 2014. Good times. I miss them. I still talk to a few people I met while playing. Good people.

Attached: ffxi2.jpg (640x480, 277K)

That didnt break the game tho that just added the option to solo for unoptimal exp gain while looking for a group. If you wanted optimal exp gain you still needed to find a fucking group.

>check the FFXI reddit's discord
I have never been on Reddit and I try to avoid anything to do with it, but I am willing to give it a go if it means a good gaming experience

You are over-selling DNC. It could not replace WHM or SCH as a healer. Its haste is significantly weaker than the Haste spell, and falls under a different category for the purpose of haste caps. Sub DNC was bad at 75 cap, you'd get more survivability as /NIN, unless soloing. But soloing as anything/DNC was always terrible. Their unique buffs (Drain/Aspir) can't be used alongside eachother, or Haste Samba. The evasion/defense debuffs were good, but were always undervalued by the community.

Also are Red Mages good? I am going to play as them anyway, but I still want to know.

It's not even that good. You might have better luck in server chat, but I know that one has channels for Sylph and Ragnarok if you want to ask around before starting on a potentially dead server. Sorry if I oversold it.

Red mage and bard where the strongest support jobs in the game during the 75 era

I would rather play FFIX

God no. XIV is infinitely better.

low quality bait son. Thanks for keeping the thread going though.

Attached: ffxi chat.jpg (749x691, 108K)

No, but also yes. If you start on Asura you should try and see if King Galka still plays. iirc he was practically the only person that still played RDM. They've buffed RDM a few times... EN spells hit a lot harder, they have a new debuff that buffs skill chains based on class diversity... it's not used because SAM exists.

Still, like most of the underused classes, a RDM with god-tier gear does solid damage, and would be welcome to most parties that aren't trying to min-max with whatever the new hotness is. You just might have to do what every other new player does to get gear. Level GEO, COR, or BRD so you can get into parties to get gear for other stuff. 'though GEO and BRD probably have a cost of entry now. I think they added new end game stuff to COR too that might make you SOL ('though you might get a group that's willing to get you the new good +roll gear).

Literally who cares about some minor animations and visuals, the game is much better now than it ever was in 1.0.

Not only are you wrong, but you're still arguing over something that's irrelevant to the point.


How is he wrong?


Because it did. Dancer made it so there was no reason to group in a party focused game.

>being this retarded

Then just admit you don't like the idea of gear swapping in general, rather than obfusctaing your point by arguing over macros.

It gives me a little pride that my favourite FF job was really useful at some point
Still, thanks for the information. Will try server chat and other means first then, it's a good option to fall back on.
No one uses RDM in 14 either, why does SE have to make RDMs in such a way so that no one uses them?

>Grind for 2 hours

>Looking for Party
>90 minutes of searching + travel
>grind for 30 minutes
>"sorry guys got to go"
>party disbands
Guess which gets more exp, even ignoring the travel time of getting to your /DNC solo spot? Hint: The party

I seriously cannot imagine being this mentally retarded.

To be fair, it was in response to an image which had brown, brown, and brown.

No it fucking didn’t you goddamned idiot. It gave you the option to EXP solo at an abysmally fucking small rate WHILE WAITING FOR A FUCKING GROUP. Nobody is going to autistically grind by themselves when they have the option to join an exp party. Fucking idiotic purists holy fuck, worse than smt fags

Started playing on nasomi last year.

>fucking loved every second
>gf felt neglected
>had to stop

Problem was past level 10ish you had to rely on a party of 5 other people to level up. Couldn't exactly go afk to help gf cook dinner, or even get up to give her a kiss when she got home.

I also disliked how you had to level a bunch of other jobs for your main's subjob. Cool idea, but it meant dumping SO MUCH TIME in valkurm/qufim etc.

RDM sucks in every FF it exists in, except for learning doublecast for a real job.

The reason of course being that a jack of all trades is never as useful as having just whatever you actually need in that spot. In singleplayer games it doesn’t matter as much because you’re wasting nobody’s time but your own, in multiplayer herd mentality will always try to push everyone toward optimal comps and all that. AFAIK, RDM still has or had its uses in XI and XIV both.

They were really broken at 75, so they're trying to buff the other aspects of the class to make them good now, without recreating their 75 scenario. The problem is they just don't fit into how the game is played. You'd rather take one SAM with full support over a full party of diverse weaponskillers. If only because the full party would feed too much TP to bosses, causing a wipe. If that ever changed, RDM would be insanely good. And, honestly, you probably could do most content like that. You'd just want a COR for MNK roll. But the playerbase is deadset on either full support SAM, SMN burn, or w/e the new strat is. Because it makes the kills quick and easy.

If it makes you feel any better, this affects most classes. And in case I'm making it sound worse than it is, some end game content can definitely be done with a hodgepodge group as long as you have someone that can take damage, and someone that can heal. Some end game stuff needs more specific strats, either to proc things or to get around hard hitting things, or to avoid evasion/mdef/etc type stuff. If you just want to casually plug along and go with whoever will take you, you'll still be taken to a decent amount of stuff as RDM. And the community still likes helping new players, so don't worry too much about it.

I did, had a good time.

Attached: The Orb's Radiance.webm (720x480, 2.24M)

In XI they could kite+DoT to solo meaningful content. They were really good for a while at 75 cap. In XIV they're good for progression parties. Their DPS is subpar, but they can fling out instant cast battle res' every other cast if needed.

you never needed maxed gear or capped cp to do anything. i still don't, mostly just +1 gear that's pretty easy to get and do stuff like omen and dynamis-d fine. what fucked up situation are you stuck in lol
about the only thing you'd really be stuck with is getting things crafted, the su3/4/5 stuff. a couple months ago there was a campaign to enhance coffer drops from nms in neo-nyzul, i got 3 shiny weapons doing that so i have some capped ambu weapons. good enough for not-max-core content, which is pretty much everything outside master trials and some VD stuff. i barely have any gil compared to others but do stuff just fine since you can gear up at your own pace.

really, you're overblowing a lot that's out there to do.

Rhapsodies of Vanadiel gives a meta lore where good vs evil is a necessity to the fabric of existence. The plot is that as you were saving the worlds and stopping evil constantly, you were creating an imbalance in good vs evil.
The main point made is that the clashing of good vs evil is what keeps the "void" away. More specifically why the void happens iirc is that your timeline (the one the actual MMO takes place) is doing improportionately well, considering even the alternate universes where shit hit the fan at various places. And so after all the expansions, the void starts encroaching on all alternate universes/timelines. I just think of the void as a black hole.

As you're trying to figure out what's happening you revisit all your old friends from all the expansions and ask them about new occurrences happening and how old shit from each expansion is tying into the void shit, and they all join you for a final cutscene battle against it in the end. You're the chosen warrior of goodness of course, so you need to unlock your power, and this involves your evil counterpart. I don't remember how it all ties up in the end meta-wise though. Maybe it was the power of friendship that is strong enough to rival the void kek. I need to read a recap. If you played the crossover event, Iroha was the main waifu heroine of Rhapsodies. She hit upon Eorzea as she was teleporting herself around trying to find the player-character from the main XI universe because he needs to save everyone.

Attached: FFXI_Rhapsodies_of_Vana%27diel_Artwork.jpg (480x480, 51K)

But they look so cool
thanks for the info

>everyone knows XIV is a shit game except maybe for the story
>the story is straight up lifted from XI but told worse
the absolute state

heard this is the sloggiest, grindiest mmo imaginable. why should i try this when i've never played XIV? further, won't it just die before i get through even half of the stuff in it?

To be fair, once sch came along they rivaled rdm at endgame but since colibri party was the hotness, rdm was the preferred merit party healer.

If we compare 75 era rdm to 75 era sch tho:
>boost every skill level of a stance by 10 at the cost of nerfing your other school of magic skill levels
>convert gave you near infinite mp sustain, sublimation/refresh and penury/parsimony added even more
>refresh was highly coveted resource support for mages
>best dispeler
>had haste and phalanx 2 for buffing which were both very important
>best paralyze/slow/gravity/sleep/bind on a single target

>boost skill level to A- on every magic skill depending on stance (B+ if no af) the only magic red mage beat them on was Enfeebling and barely (A+ on red mage)
>by default had better nuking potential than red mage
>best regen in the game also best enhancing magic meaning all the “magic buffs” that came from them where more potent than red mages
>access to accession and manifestation gave it very unique utility like: aoe phalanx 1, aoe enspell, aoe regens, aoe stoneskin, aoe blink, aoe aquaveil, aoe gravity, aoe bind, aoe sleep 2, aoe cure 4 and -na spells ( could cast on outside parties, white mage could not do this), aoe erase, aoe spike spells, aoe bio/dia, aoe aspir/drain, you get the point. People still preferred red mages for merit parties because Haste tho.
>storm spells and klimaform made them basically the bards of black mage parties

All in all, in a tp burn merit party, haste meant red mage was better. In every other situation scholar was probably better. Generally you only needed one of each for alliance endgame and in low man endgame situations scholar was more versatile. They where pretty equal I’d say.

>mfw my linkshell let me go to sky at level 73 SAM because I was a girl
>First run and Byakko's Haidate drops
>They give it to me for future use

Pretty based LS

Life was easy

Attached: 225.jpg (960x721, 57K)

Game is friendly as hell. Much more than Nasomi in my and few others' experience I heard. Discord server has a new-players channel too.

Seems 400 is the downtime pop and 700 is primetime for Eden. Works well enough when I tried to get parties.

Has anyone asked eden mods if wotg content will ever be “planned”? At least wotg zones, scholar, dancer and campaign?

>sand lizard coughs up a poison breath
>tank gets poisoned
>I was precasting poisona, the poison is removed almost as soon as it was applied
>chu coughs up some poison
>tank is poisoned
>esuna hits the tank 1/5th of a second after they get poisoned
>tank is still poisoned because I didn’t wait a whole server tic first before removing it
checkmate nigger

It's kind of annoying but to make an excuse there probably wasn't a great way to handle it seeing as SE I don't think ever touched a PC game outside of porting FF7. It's a necessary part of the game though because it gives longevity to armor pieces, making content/specific monsters/areas/expansions/endgame have significantly increased longevity.

If you played the game already and want the storylines, yeah just play retail. I don't think server matters too much since you can solo pretty much everything outside of the final Shadows of Adoulin missions apparently.

wtf did they do to SAM? I haven't played in about a year, or before the time of ambu weapons but back then general consensus was SAM was "meh" and it was just better to bring a WAR or DRK for that slot.

>The Goblin Smithy misses Demitri.
It's this line that really makes this whole post. I imagine some dude just staring at the autist caps-locking an epic meme shout, so disappointed that he ignores a goblin actively trying to dismember him with its scimitar.

Nigga are you serious? /dnc soloing as a regular old melee job was never viable. I'm just so happy it existed because I could do stuff like Campaign without getting btfo in 10 seconds.

One day I'll have to try a private server of the game if only to know how is it.
Everytime I watch gameplay videos I don't understand anything of what i'm seeing onscreen

regardless, what server do you recommend? Nasomi has been mentioned itt

You could take step back for a few moments, just had to wait for the monster to die and say brb just before it died. Also yeah the job thing is true for newer players who don't have all their skills capped and don't have a decent weapon to kill monsters fast and more importantly don't know how to manage tp/mp/cooldowns to get strongest effect.

I've played Eden since back when it was still Kupo (character data was transferred after Kupo shut down under unfortunate circumstances). Can confirm it's a good time and better than Nasomi. Good community, good devs. Really the only true era ffxi private server that seemed to give a shit about making sure everything wasn't super janky before releasing it. No donation benefits or dev favoritism that plauges shit like private wow servers. I haven't played it in about 9 months now but I'm not at all surprised to see how big the population is these days. I always figured it was only a matter of time till it overthrew Nasomi, not that there's hard competition there.

Yea Forums was okay today

Nasomi gets more than the 4-700 of Eden though.

I’m thinking of going back and will probably try Eden instead, but I mever had a problem with people on Nasomi. There was one group where our leader got REALLY salty about a Beastmaster camping lizards in the dunes (which was amusing) but otherwise it was great. Everyone was very helpful when I said I was new.

This one user, this one.

XI's expansions really are wonderfully laid out. It feels like the whole game is still one entity, as if all the expansions could be labeled under one mega-expansion. Nation missions and some job storylines, Zilart, Promathia, WotG, the add-ons, and even some base Adoulin lore are all built upon the same lore and naturally interweave with each other.

Attached: 1530589446290.png (800x755, 623K)

If it still existed, I would be playing it right now.

Yeah not trying to bash the Nasomi community, it's more the devs and the server itself that was an issue for people. Honestly you'll find jerks like that on Eden too I'm sure but they're few and far the minority and no one really tolerates it much. I feel like FFXI in general has always been such a challenging and player base focused game that it sort of always has bred this sort of healthy positive community. You really have no choice but to shower new players with help and kindness or the community just crumbles and you can build a bad reputation for yourself quickly on a small server. I think a lot of FFXI players are pretty up their in age too these days. Not really your moba/shooter crowd.

It's not bad, that's probably just the vocal XIV angryposters who are mad for no reason. It's not easy at all like modern WoW instanced-hub instant-teleport dailies/weeklies MMOs, but it's not the sloggiest at all. It actually has a healthy social aspect to the grind, and is nothing like actual brain numbing grind like gook garbage is. However modern retail is definitely WoWified and a husk of the classic experience, so if you're interested, go play on Eden private server. Also no you can probably play most of the game in like 2 years if you don't spend time leveling more than a job or two past 40.

your timing is shit, checkmate niggerer

If anything the server is probably at least open if most people request it. It doesn't seemed to planned at all in any sense of a roadmap though. But yeah the mods aren't hardasses, they just want an era/classic experience, and WotG didn't infringe on that. Abyssea is what will never be touched.

I always wanted to but I assumed at this point it’s not worth it.

Definitely Eden. I don't think Nasomi has changed much in the past few months. It's just so less buggy and is actually era-accurate. Nasomi is a weird hybrid of kinda-era and kinda not because of odd bugs and Nasomi's inability to fix them. For example there are monsters from the Lv99 era still in zones, BCNMs weren't working so he just placed Drakes (for God knows why) in populated routes that would rek newbs. It's weird as hell and I didn't see it as worth investing time in.

>It's got less jank
Fuck that, I miss it when Beastmaster was broken as fuck for ages without many people noticing
>Could charm monsters that weren't beasts (Wyverns, Morbols, Manticores etc)
>Reward had double potency and lesser recast timer
>Jug pets were way tankier and didn't despawn (AKA weren't completely shit)
>Familiar lasted forever

the netcode is shit, checkpoint mt. niggerest

move to the west coast friendo

Crabs from: 10-20, 21-24, 51-60ish
They were mass murdered on a daily basis until Treasures of Aht Urghan came out where we then started whacking our polearms at tiny pink birds everyday and black mages had to play together or alone to reach level 75 which is more fun than joining a regular party anyways.

>old good new bad
Square has been rehashing plots for decades, bub

No, that endgame was literal autist poop-sock tier which is fine because it's really just trophy hunting. The was not necessary at all, and MOSTLY for e-peen. The good endgame was doing sky/sea/znm/bcnm/etc which were ready available to all people after finishing a good portion of expansion storylines.

Thanks namefag.

Don't think so. Too hard to code probably.

I had a friend quit playing PSO with me back in 2002 to go play FFXI and he ended up becoming a NEET. I wonder how many more people did the same.

That's all retail is good for really, and even then there's still some value in trying to do them in classic era first, so you appreciate it instead of just blowing through zones at the speed of sound and only having to see them once with no people inside and never again and never needing or being able to have others with you.

Man Chilicheese was one of the few Gamefaqs peeps that gave good advice and made the FFXI board so much fun back in the day.


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Eh, it's fucking Nexon, don't look forward to it. 99.99% chance of disappointment.

I would play private servers first to get your feet wet, then go to retail when you feel like getting an./all storylines.

asking the question again since no response. Someone a little earlier was saying SAM is now busted on retail, what changed?

I've played a whole lot of 14 and I really enjoyed it for awhile but these days it's honestly a husk of what it once was. Potd pretty much killed fates and emptied every zone so you're left with this beautiful massive online ghost town and a really stale grind until you get to endgame and just grind the same raid a thousand times. Even worse you have to grind days worth of story fetch quests/cut scenes just to get access to new content/zones/jobs. There's little too no community or interaction with players until youre warped into a dungeon that you bang out mindlessly in 8 minutes while no one talks. FFXI retail is even worse. Just a theme park ride these days with 90% of the content irrelevant. Only fun I've had really had has been a FFXI private server which was amazing.


They're all so damn great but:
Prishe > powergap > Arciela (I fucking love armpits holy shit) > Iroha > Lilisette > Aphmau > Lion
To be fair though I still need to go back to retail to finish Shadows of Adoulin and Wings of the Goddess.

Also I just realized you can parse your fetishes like this
>Brown thighs/spats gapmoe tomboy
>Armpits and refined/stoic princess
>miko/submissive/master-student relationship
>flamboyant bellydancer-gypsy
>demure soft-spoken princess
>slutwear thighs and panties
Based Japs truly know the essence of soul.

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>but they were broken as shit
Play Eden. Literally almost 0 bugs (can't recall any in my experience) and the most balanced and set towards actual retail experience.

user, you know it literally won't be the FFXI you played, only on a phone, It will be FFXI re-imagined as mobile, with controls for mobile (yeah, no 101-key keyboard controls), and no connection whatever to the existing infrastructure/servers. And being Nexon, it will have some kind of shit p2w aspect too.

>Dungeons in FFXI were a lot more about fighting as little as possible and metal gear solid’ing the places while dealing with their mechanics to fight a boss at the end or get the super special coffer or the super special key item.
Played FFXI ~ 2008-2015, now I understand why I try to play MMOs by sneaking around instead of fighting. I'm loving playing LOTRO as strict F2P on Hobbit burglar. I just got so used to sneaking around in FFXI because if you didn't, it would take 2x-3x as long to do anything just from fighting all the trash mobs along the way.

That's the way playing healer and bard probably is. It changes for bard if you can sub ninja and start pulling monsters for the party and sleeping them reliably so they're ready to be murdered once the other dies.

user forgot a waifu, now I must end his life-u!

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I never played RNG I can't answer this but I don't think it has the think it has the distance damage-cutoff thing.

t. Asura

I struggled for like 3 hours with that mission, and I barely got a win on my final try which was just a few minutes before maintenance. Fuck that HP-down ability.

Is there a retail server that doesn’t have merc shit? I can honestly tolerate the trust grind but I can’t stand being unable to do group content in endgame without hiring a merc or grinding my ass off in shit like ambuscade VE for a weaker version of the gear I actually want.

Private server is worth it as an actual game. Get on a retail where there's some deal where you can every single expansion/addon with the game for $10 to save when you want to experience the stories more/fully since you can just play it like a casual single player game for the most part.

Basically every server that isn't Asura. I haven't seen a merc shout in weeks.

What server

I can't go back. It wouldn't be the same without my old LS.


It's amazing how organic the game is. You fuck around like a headless chicken but you eventually hit valkurm, and then you stay there and meet more people and then learn about subjobs through those parties, and then you have people shouting in the zone for subjob items, sometimes making a caravan to the Bastok area to get them from an abandoned mine. That's just the beginning. Great shit enjoyed doing that in retail twice, enjoyed doing in private servers twice.

>blue mage
>rune fencer
Find a more interesting set of jobs in an rpg

>leveling is now nonexistant because you’ll get more exp per kill with a party of trusts than a party of real human players
t.never did a book grind to 58 (?) in Crawler's Nest
Back when there were full alliance book grinds, I took every one of my under leveled jobs to 58 in there over the period of about a month. It was much more fun than Abyssea grinds at that level.

Game has fucking awful controls. Feels like wow but with tank controls and turn based

Isn't WoW designed to be used with a mouse? This can't be right but I only played WoW for like 2 weeks 15 years ago.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit furfag

If you use a mouse, you're Doing It Wrong.
I would actually flip my mouse upside-down while playing because it was so annoying. Also started on a PS2 and quickly realized it wasn't worth plugging in a mouse.
Controller play (with the occasional touch-typed command line input) is so comfy.

Nah, you temporarily ascend to godhood along with your evil future self in order to reenact the struggle between Altana and Promathia to balance the scales, then you cut off the intrusion of the void at its source and beat up the Cloud of Darkness, a personified remnant of the void that still taints the mother crystal.

I tried playing on Eden but something's wrong. My game window freezes every 2 seconds for half a minute and it's unplayable. Fuck

Attached: 1.png (500x375, 103K)

That's just the bitcoin miner sending the blockchain to the host.

You're not on Win7 and you literally just downloaded their one-stop zip installer right? Probably have to get your Eden launcher and game configs in order too.

There's a V missing from your post.

anons i got into some xi private servers. Tried to set up controller but it wont work for movement controls? any ideas?

Agree, I actually find ff14 ugly.

WoTG sort of did kill FFXI because the content dripped out for it so slowly. people waited months for patches that put out more story and battle content, and by the end of the arcs most of them had lost cohesion.

A WoW thread just died, brace.

Did you try unplugging and plugging it back in? Also I think you have to set it up using some config tools in the playonline foolder? Idk never used controller.

I am using a pro controller with an adapter so it thinks its a XBX controller. The weird thing was it would not work at all then I added it but forgot movement now it wont add new data lol. I think its a permission error

Fuck no.

Is it worth playing for Blue Mage alone? FFXIV botched it so hard and I really need Blue Mage to get some love.

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i played retail for like a good month, i couldn't get into it the first time i tried it cause of the clunky controls but i switched to controller and i had a blast

i just went through shit alone with trusts but the atmosphere in this game is insane and i thought the combat was really enjoyable after getting my sub job, it seemed like a nice slow comfy mmo and i wish i played when it was relevant

i played DNC/SAM

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I always resub now and then, the game made some strides to go back to its roots with JP parties and gear stopping at 119
Still the problems with people botting for crafting spheres and people 6 boxing for Ambu to make 100mil a day drive me away
Also the meta is incredibly stagnant, my DRG is in literally perfect gear but I can't get invited to content that I'm able to solo because despite how much damage I can shit out, I didn't say WAR/SAM/DRK, and also fuck SMNs

Attached: heavy combos.webm (1280x720, 268K)

Blue mage is great in both retail and private servers where it's coded. Take your pic. If you want an actual MMO start on private server (I will recommend Eden).

It's not worth playing an mmorpg alone.

>the moblins dig up the statue of promathia and revere him as their father, pitting them against the children of altana
>but the truth is all of vana'diels creatures are the children of both altana and promathia
real shit

Attached: 1429152571531.jpg (900x608, 84K)

>abjuration room
>adaman hauberk in the middle
oh fuck
I remember this feel

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Thanks, that's pretty key information I missed.

it works on eden client guess like i am about to get comfy


XI was the best incarnation of Blue Mage of all time
Unfortunately, you're too late

Why? Is it impossible to play for some reason?

I always wanted to try FF XI out, are there any private servers?

Retail isn't the same game and you'll be alone until max level
Unless you don't mind private server autism, but I can't stand them personally
You can at least see it on retail if you really want to though


Plenty but they're all garbage compared to both retail and genuine 75-era FFXI.

It's still fun to collect spells on your own as BLU. It's even easier than the 75 days since you can fight shit your level or higher without having to beg a friend to come along thanks to trusts.

read the thread nigga, try eden or nasomi

Charm's potency is linked you to your main job BST's level.
So if you level BST to 75 then play 75BLU/37BST you will be able to charm and solo just as well as BST main, maybe even better with all the spells available.

>without having to beg a friend to come along thanks to trusts.
yeah that's the bad part

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I don't care about other people, I just want to be a Blue Mage.

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go for it then

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>that absolute kino moment when this starts playing

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>You're not on Win7 and you literally just downloaded their one-stop zip installer right? Probably have to get your Eden launcher and game configs in order too.
well yeah. Ashita wouldn't work no matter what I tried, I ran the eden launcher directly and got to play for a while. Is there an Ashita guide for W10 plebs? A google search yielded very little

>zone into Al Taieu
>get tells from people asking what Al Taieu is like
CoP was honestly the golden age of MMOs

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Solo six-step skill chain ending in the new double light sc type.

i just downloaded the eden launcher and its really just ashita with there own bootloader

Masa SAM is still the god for group play, Fudo spam is unbeatable
When it comes to being the solo DD you'd go Dojiri and Fudo > Kasha > Shoha > Fudo for Radiance, but it hardly even beats Masa Fudo spam

I see your Sky and raise you a pre-finale in Sea.

Attached: promathia in chains.png (634x357, 242K)

he posted sea, not sky

For Chain/Burst Affinity:
Savage Blade > Cannonball = Light > Firespit
Expiacion > Vertical Cleave = Darkness > Eyes On Me

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Nasomi does the same. But if you use any of Ashita's features Nasomi will also ban you.

it's ok user
have some boat

Got to plug in the controller and have it working before each .exe starts up. Also have to enable it in the config programs.
More than a few times I forgot to plug it in soon enough and couldn't use it in POL, but once FFXI started it re-detected it.
Also make sure you've got the DirectX vs classic joypad switch set right on the pad.
Controller test is in the config apps anyhow, so you should get them working there first.
Best is a Logitech F310 or F710, which work as old-school (pre-X360) pads.

its working now that i configed it on eden xi and on other ps one too.

The problem post-75 was that there weren't a lot of charmable mobs where you needed them. I remember in WotG areas if you wanted to use a charmed mob in campaign battles, you would have to go halfway across the zone to charm something, then bring it back. Even then it would barely be 75-80.

Yeah BLU is like a game in itself, you get to go everywhere. Also it's a decently strong job, when I tried to level it solo, I was gaining levels faster than I could charm the appropriate mobs at first.

>comfy music suddenly fades out while relaxing on the deck
>and you know exactly why

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>level 75 tells everyone under 75 to get under the boat
how bout some OTHER BOAT

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Seekers of Adoulin was pretty good, Arciela was a good waifu.
>"I still feel the warmth of your hand"

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I liked Adoulin a lot actually, it just had the WotG issue where we were dripfed the story over so long, plus imprimatur gating was a nightmare is probably one of the best town themes

>I will never be able to play XI during its prime
I missed my chance to have an adventure.

i've always hated this whenever this type of story is being told.

even if we save the world a few times, these worlds are usually still usually 80% fucked on a daily basis

so the light winning a few times = INBALANCE IN THE UNIVERSE

Speaking from old times, BLU is fun and good
>Like previous games you have to "See" and defeat the monster which uses a blue magic spell
>Because of this you'll travel the whole world/expansion areas to find all the monsters
>You can only equip a certain amount of spells, but they combo together giving you different job traits (Auto-refresh motherfucker)
>Mostly a damage dealer but can actually be a multirole class

I have fond memories of dishing out SATA Death Scissors on Colibris, and later on spamming Vorpal Blade/Disservement on Imps.
Shit I remember going into spell parties to learn hard shit like Body Slam at Mount Zhayolm.

>still can't let go of this game
god damnit this game left me with an itch that the rest of the dogshit MMOs we've been getting can't scratch
fuck me man

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We need more comfy.

fuck I love how jobs got together
BLUs had their spell parties
MNKs had boneburns in KRT
BLMs burned flans in Zhayolm
DRG/RNG/spear SAMs would absolutely shit on colibri
BST/SMN/PUP would petburn
Probably more shit I'm not thinking of
Everyone had a place and every job felt so unique, why did everything have to get so homogenized

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Shit I still have to do that expansion pack. I'll have to sub again after the next free login campaign.

You can still have quite the adventure

Can I play on my phone?

I never get people who say it's "too late" to enjoy ffxi. The content is still there, the only differences is that you're not likely playing it like a AOL Chatroom anymore.

Those are all still a thing in XI, 'though RNG is more like PLD/RNG/RNG/RNG/WHM/(Support) since they can't take a hit on their own. 'can probably go PUP/RNG/RNG/RNG/RNG/(Support) if there's only one target

It's pretty great, you really should finish it.

Attached: FFXI February 2014 Version Update Missions.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

I can? Isn't the playerbase deader and the gameplay changed from its original form?

are you retarded?
back then:
>form an 18 man group level 30+ to venture to the bottom of promyvion, capped at 30
>every floor gets harder as it goes
>bottom floor is so difficult you can't actually kill anything
>someone aggroes one of these bad boys
>some people try to save him
>they're lost
>make your way to the boss arena for the actual fight
>break off into 6 man groups and reform with who you have, trying to make two comps that make sense since the third comp is impossible with who was lost on the fourth floor
>begin the actual bossfight

>overlevel the content
>summon 5 npcs
>walk through everything
>kill the boss

Attached: ௵.jpg (249x174, 6K)

You don't know the unkillable awesomeness of a 6-PLD party. One year I started making them so that other PLDs could level their Greatsword skill. So you'd have one main tank with everyone else doing off-heals and DD (in haubergeons and whatnot to boot). People would be like "what are these weirdos doing in caedarva instead of tannking for parties that need them!?" but we were killing it. No downtime ever with all the MP regen. Subbing WHM (which at least one person always had to do for snk/inv) also gave access to that skill that doubles the healing on the next cast and curaga and if he got hate, it never mattered. He's a goddamn tank.

Yeah the XI job system was definitely unparalleled.

>someone aggroes one of these bad boys
meant this

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literally matchmaking was the death of uniqueness in MMOs. the moment you cant fit a class system into a matchmaking system, it gets axed

>this is how you saw the story back in the day
>now you deliver 3 bear asses to some literal nobody and return to the waking sands
MMOs are dead

>>someone aggroes one of these bad boys
>>some people try to save him
>>they're lost
>>break off into 6 man groups and reform with who you have, trying to make two comps that make sense since the third comp is impossible with who was lost on the fourth floor
That shit was more annoying back then, than fun. You are literally pining for a worse experience.

Nah, fuck you, stick to your impossible to wipe content because you can't handle losing

Literally can't go ten minutes without whining about a game you clearly hate thinking about.

I dont really wanna get back into xi for the 90th time whats a good mmo other than xiv or wow to get into these days?

whatever man

>other than xiv
>implying xiv is good

I've heard good things about black desert. None of them are specific but it's what I've heard.

it's been 13 hours and your game is shit
have fun idling in your house


Your only other option is grindy f2p shit or experimental kickstarter stuff doomed to be abandonware down the line

Why do XIV trannies get so upset about people not liking their game?
What does it even have to do with you? Go play it, this isn't an XIV thread

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I like both games for different reasons. I'm here to talk XI, not XIV. You're the one willingly whinging that times have changed and that the new thing doesn't conform to your rigid and jaded standards.
Every thread is the same.
>Woe is me, it was so good back then, I can never go back
>It's not good enough that I had it, I want to keep having it forever, it isn't fair
>Why do things have to change?
Grow the fuck up.

>Echo chamber is disrupted

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Fucking based

based has fun user.


If I've never played it or any mmo really is it still good to go into or is it just fueled by nostalgia?

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mix of both? It's got a lot of ancient archaic outdated choices, but the story is still enjoyable and highly recommended to play through. You'll be playing solo for the majority, but you'll be able to go at your pace and take in everything.

>is it still good to go into
if you cant make it through the dunes then its not for you
working together with other players is what most jobs have to rely upon because most are unable to solo
the valkrum dunes, level 10-20, is the first taste of an experience party and is the core gameplay element
apparently trusts allow you to make your own group when you cant find others but its not the same as playing with real people

>FFXI thread
>Shilling for private servers
>FFXIV shitposters
>the good old days
>No one plays retail

Retail is 1000% better gameplay wise. The only thing old school ffxi had was the community which can never be emulated on a private server.

>Retail is 1000% better gameplay wise.
smn burn all the things

private servers were a mistake
they should just play retail and refuse to level past 75

I'm interested in play this for Rune Fencer since FXIV decided to put GNB (I don't hate it but I wanted a DoM tank).
Any tips for the job?

Attached: Rune.jpg (1135x584, 138K)

Would anyone play FFXI HD if they made the game like pre Abyssa?

learn what element each enemy is

>yfw FFXI Classic is announced

>iOS/Android only

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Think PLD but with no heals
It can't main tank until 45 when it gets Flash
Relies on damage mitigation spells to stay alive
At 75 a merit allows it to cast spells twice as fast
It's main use is magical damage mitigation at a time when people complained that tanks weren't keeping melee alive

That would be cute.
But the devs that made the game left a long time ago, the current devs lost a lot of the source code for the game and they do not even know how most of the formulas and algorithms for the game work.
It is literally impossible for FFXI classic to be a thing.

>pre Abyssa
The Japanese are notorious for not keeping records

>is it still good to go into or is it just fueled by nostalgia?
It's not still good to go.

It's fueled by nostalgia but the game was legitimately unique in what it offered as a mmorpg. It's the only game to get it "rght" imo.

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Unironically cool

Black Desert is good, but don't let the $5~$10 buy to play fool you. You're going to be spending $200~$300 + maintaining value packs* which can be done in game, but lately there's been too many buyers, not enough sellers. My last preorder has been up for 3 months. You'll also never shut the game, or your computer, off. It has a tray mode that makes it take significantly less resources, but just keep in mind AFK activities are a thing.

*: $15/mo for some stuff you frankly need to play the game. Some of which can be circumvented by permenant purchases, and just using the 1 day value pack off of login points when you need to sell shit

He's just mad his XI streams weren't pulling Fortnite numbers.

I heard they can become top tier tanks in endgame, is that true?

I love people that played support in the game.
I could count with one hand the amount of people that actually knew how to play shit like BRD properly.

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PLD will always have better physical mitigation. RUN can keep up for magic mitigation, while putting out more damage. Most groups would prefer a PLD, but they won't complain if they get a RUN. If you're willing to play a tank, healer, or support then you should be able to find a group easily.

>at 99
>all melee have enough -DT to not need a tank
>COR does more magical damage than BLM
>SMN is the ranged class
>and PUP is tank

After COR came around, it was a lot easier to find supports. This way, people were able to support, keep the level interesting AND deal insane amounts of damage.

Also you're never pulling hate from a PLD once he gets his impetus up.

I loved playing COR properly, but most random groups you end up with don't want a proper COR. They want 2 rolls and for you to AFK. I've had people get mad for me maintaining seperate rolls on the backline/frontline even though there's no downside to doing so. They also super don't want you to replace one of the frontline roll with Monk's Roll so you can do the same damage as their precious DD, making the clear faster, without really increasing boss TP gained. Nope. You do the other roll so the DD can do 10% more dps. 10% > 100% afterall.

PUP is only the tank for very specific fights. If you need to generate enmity on even one additional target, you don't bring a PUP tank. SMN isn't the "ranged" class, it's the goto burst class. BLM does more magical damage than COR, without feeding TP, and without being bound to dealing darkness damage (which everything is either resistant to or absorbs). Most melee can not tank, you're thinking of SAM and BLU, and they can't tank most relevant end game encounters. How can one person be so wrong?

PLD currently has no place in endgame because RUN is too good
Battuta with a proper parry set puts you at 100% parry, paired with Turms Mittens you don't even need a healer, your Ergon weapon gives you 25% DT not applied to the cap so you can sit at -75% damage taken, you buff magic damage with Rayke/Gambit and you actually do damage yourself
RUN took the biggest shit on PLD

Holy shit, I had an experience with someone like that.
COR joined the party, and I noticed that he was actually doing shit and being active in comparison to the braindead CORs that joined in average.
What happened? Well, party got mad because of those exact fucking reasons you just mentioned.
I stepped in and crushed the numbers and told the guys to leave the COR alone and fuck off.
We both got kicked out, but we didn't give a fuck, we made our own party, invited people in and claimed the everloving fuck of every single thing we could until they gave up and left the place.

Attached: 1563765572680.png (960x540, 527K)

Imagine thinking Leaden Salute is relevant to endgame in 2019. If you want to do damage as COR it's all about Savage Blade.

oh here are turms mittens btw

Attached: Turms_Mittens_%2B1_description.png (366x200, 70K)

Nah I loved a proper COR. We just always had to have that discussion from the outset for them to ONLY use their WS to finish off the mobs or else we could potentially have a bad time.

only up to 80 cap content matters.


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What's a Roll?

Deal with it.

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Damn, those are neat. Were they a thing when they added Ou to Omen? That's around when I last played. I remember hearing a lot about how RUN is neat, but still only saw PLD used.

COR's whole schtick. They're party buffs. They can maintain 2 on people. If you know your ranges you can set up 2 buffs on the whole party, then once they're engaged you can run back out of range of the melee to put 2 different ones on the ranged/healer/backline.

The power of the "roll" is based on the number you get when you use the skill. You have other skills to manipulate these numbers, but every "roll" has a lucky number (best buff) and an unlucky number (worst buff). Ignoring those two numbers, higher = better buff. Roll above 12 and it busts, clearing the buff and debuffing the COR. It's not as random as it sounds, because you get passives and everything else that heavily tilts the RNG in your favor. Skills to clear the bust, a skill to set your next roll to 1 (useful if you roll 1 below lucky, 10, or the unlucky number which is usually above 6). Combine this with a passive that has a chance of making the roll 11 when rolling above 6 + a passive that makes busts reroll themselves sometimes. It's a neat system.

So retail or private anons?

you can try a free trial and a private server there u go


Don't forget that COR also had several different rolls they could use, and depending on your party composition, these rolls would be better.
Rolling an 11 rogue's roll with a THF in your party would improve critical chance 25%, and 19% without it.

Nah, Su3 gear came after Ou

>people getting mad at COR for doing damage
The fuck?
I wouldn't invite a COR back if they didn't use a Joyeuse and spam Detonator/Slug Shots

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I'd just do retail at this point.

Retail. All private servers are lacking in content, or have weird half assed workarounds for bugs. Classes often don't work properly, or are left out completely due to retardation. They'll tell you it's the original experience, but you can't have the original experience with an unfinished buggy mess and a small playerbase. They tout numbers in the 400s, but retail at 2k~3k players still resulted in people looking for parties past level 30 for over an hour. Some of them refuse to implement level sync, which allows higher level players to sync down to the lowest party member, allowing the higher level players to get exp relevant to their actual level all while in a lower level grind spot with a lower level player. They argue it takes away from the experience, but really it just makes parties slightly easier to find.

Imagine being able to buff the party based on blackjack gambling. You can have a decent roll, a bad roll or a great roll if you push your luck. I believe 11 was the magic number.

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Now-a-days (minus a year or two) it's all about pic related. Then either Fettering Blade for Leaden, or... I forget + the magian gun for Savage Blade. Savage Blade spam is insane on COR.

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Retail, I will never understand how people can enjoy private servers
Nothing you achieve matters, devs are corrupt and will always take cash for gear/currency, they're all buggy messes and they'll all shut down some random day or a new private server will surpass them and everything you did was a waste

Actually COR got the most broken fucking tool in the game
Pair with a TP bonus +1000 Magian gun and spam Savage Blades for more damage than actual DDs can dream of

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I wish XI still did trailers of their new content

Well fuck me they sure did give COR some nice toys. Savage Blade was crazy before this thing, with the one drawback of accuracy. I feel like that fixes that drawback. Is Demersal still the goto offhand for O.A.T?

Pretty sure this surpassed demersal, but demersal is still a good pick?
You can also offhand the dagger version of Naegling because it comes with the same stats, another 40 accuracy and 30 attack for higher end stuff

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>I think a lot of FFXI players are pretty up their in age too these days.
A lot of FFXI players were already up there in age back in 2006. These days we're positively ancient.
Friend of mine was in a LS with some 60-something dude. My weekend Sky LS leader was a late-30-something single father that always had to leave runs early (actually at the set end time) because he had to pick his daughter up from her clubs, but everyone else wanted to keep farming. Another friend fell in love with a woman in her 40s after meeting through the game.

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I'm not disagreeing with you, but
>you literally cannot join any content unless you have bis or extremely close to bis gear
has always been sort of a thing. I can't even begin to count the number of dunes/shitadel/CN/tree pts that I've seen people get reeee'd out of because they didn't have all +1 gear for their crafted equipment. Back in the day the game's progression was:
>start game
>solo shit until you're ready for the dunes
>stop progressing at this point to farm enough beehive chips(competing with swarms of other players and RMT) or other money drops to be able to afford HQ gear
>buy gear, proceed to dunes
>repeat for each new camp
And as ridiculous as it was, you couldn't really fault it since back then getting killed meant losing an hour or more of exp grinding, to say nothing of deleveling and being forced back to a previous camp. Fuck, I saw people get kicked for using NQ food, and told to go farm and come back when they have the proper supplies.

>I can't even begin to count the number of dunes/shitadel/CN/tree pts that I've seen people get reeee'd out of because they didn't have all +1 gear for their crafted equipment
I actually never saw this
Literally never, the only thing close to it is laughing at DRKs for using that scythe that reduces accuracy (barbarians?) while not having snipers rings and a life belt

I think it was a minor difference, but Demersal I could solo farm for on my PUP... whereas that was crafted and stupidly expensive?

Yup, UNMs are easy, crafted +1 shit costs millions

>tfw in the patch that added Echidna's Bow, you bought out the entire AH of gabbrath horns and simian manes, then cornered the market on the bow long enough to make 300m before other people managed to get supplies and undercut, and more importantly before everyone who just blew 10m+ on one of the bows realized that RNG got fucked on damage output that patch so it was a waste of gil

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This weapon is so good. Even on Rdm it's super fun. I wish the other weapons were as good. Rather I wish they buffed the weaponskills associated with the weapons.

There are definitely some other good ones, axe comes to mind, WAR/NIN with this thing absolutely fucks and gives me a boner over the old WAR/NIN Rampage spam nostalgia

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>in ambuscade group with COR
>starts setting up rolls
>dude just stop on 8 or whatever
I thought it was kind of complex or something until I actually tried playing COR and realized that guy just couldn't add.
Also, for anyone on Asura - does Cabbit still play? I love that weird fucker.

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And here I am still waiting for Primal Rend and Cloudsplitter to be worth a shit compared to the likes of Wildfire.

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> I will never understand how people can enjoy private servers Nothing you achieve matters
Nothing you achieve matters in either, it’s an MMO. Some people just prefer the experience. Speaking as someone who never played XI until last year I vastly preferred a private server because there were people to play with. Even having been told to run on Asura I ran into one whole person as I went 1-30 and unlocked DNC. And they too were grinding with trusts. I’ve heard that there’s still groups and stuff at level cap but I wanted to play with people all the way, it’s an MMO after all.

I just spent an hour setting up my DS4 to work with this game, it better be worth it

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>ealots about how XI > XIV and all that, despite history painting a very different picture

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Never knew about hte Eden server. Time to hit that up. Only really heard bad things about Nasomi.

I like retail as it is now and never want to go back to how it was.

anyone in nas want to pt up in garlaig citadel?

How much longer do you realistically think XI will be supported for by square?

Attached: ffxi.png (197x22, 880)

Until it’s profit margin is smaller than it’s maintenance costs.

they've mentioned something special happening for its 20 year anniversary and have no plans of closing the game down
maybe an expac or something is coming? they said they wouldn't do it but it literally wont stop printing money

They said they have plans to do something relatively big for the 20th anniversary, so at least until then.

Is there a free week coming up any time soon? I'm trying to decide if I really want to get back in or not

The big thing with doing another expansion was they no longer have PS2 Devkits to make actual new resources with IIRC.
Which is why for a while now everything they've added has basically just been remixed content.

They've mentioned that it would be possible to get around this issue by redoing backend stuff for the game but SE (probably rightly so from a business perspective) give them the funds and resources to do so since it would be a gigantic under taking.

When the remaining XI faithfuls die off, since who else could possibly be playing? Can't be too long now.

I downloaded Eden and started it up, what am I supposed to be doing here

I started in Bastok and there is no indication of where to go or do, how do I get started?

I just made a free trial to get a feel again and it blows private servers out of water. I never played xi much so I dont know details of bugs.
A lot is missing.
thats why this game is so good its a total adventure. You got look up info or play hours and find on your own.

do you need people to hold your hand?
go explore

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if money is not a issue and you want to do the story

I just made a character on odin ive seen a few ppl in windurst. I dont want to play on asura cuz its full of reddit fagg00ts

>Just started in san d'oria
>Accepted a quest to find some kid's dad
>Have looked everywhere he should be and can't find him
I'll say this, it's doing a good job of simulating the feeling of getting lost in a new place.

I played it a bit without guides about 2 years ago. It's quite fun but pretty much unplayable without guides now because there's no one around to tell you where shit is.

besides some NPC wanting rabbit pelts i didnt bother with quests for a long time
when you are about Lv7 head into ghelsba outpost with a stack of hatchets and farm trees in the opening area
elm logs are used to make the ninja tool for shadows so they should always be in demand

I walked outside, punched a hornet a bit until it started winning, now im not sure how to heal



I wanna be a pupChad but pets not auto attacking seems a hassle.

* key on the keypad will put you into heal mode. HP and MP will recover over time, one tick every 3 seconds. You can also type /heal