Yo guys this is Athene

>Yo guys this is Athene

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unironically went mad because he played too much video games

Forgot about his fag

the cult rumor is bullshit. If you believe what he says in his thinly veiled ironic streams you're litterally as retarded as the people back then who thought he was serious

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>cult rumor is bullshit

Howdy Athene

That's exactly what people in cults say to people that call them cults.

sandnigger piece of shit

OG Furious > Athene

>furious turns into a wigger arc


I was kinda baffled when I looked at him after years and years, to see what he had become, the place he was in. I felt sorry, but warned.

He looked like a guy who lied too much outside, and inside. At one point he lost some family and cired about it on stream, wich I'm not blaming because maybe he needed any kind of human contact.

No idea where he's at now, I hope trying to fix himself after so much time trying to pretend to be things he is not.

My real interrogation is with his buddy who's always with him. Always wondered why this guy kept rolling with this shit. Benefits? Was Athene influenced when he became weaker?

wow is it 2009 again

what happened to the game he was making?

He was always a nutcase.

>shit at d3
>shit at poe
>starts a cult


>Zoomers cannot tell parody from reality unless told otherwise

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>At one point he lost some family and cired about it on stream
his dad was hospitalized during that stream and he was rightfully upset about it. Didn't even actually cry. No one actually died.

I was watching Athene before you were even born

>starts a cult

Are you sure about that

this guy was such a fucking faggot, holy shit.
I wanted to fuck that bitch that appeared on his videos though.

he's doing better for himself than 98% of Yea Forums adults

>t. bullied highschool nerd upset that chads were following him all the way to his escapist hobbies

Athene haters were always the most pathetic group online

is his girl doing porn yet?

so were his fans, I remember watching some of his vids when he called himself # paladin and he had retards defending him like they were taking bullets for him

>"The whiniest beta on the internet"

i think that you may be projecting just a teensy weensy bit

To be fair everything sounds really shit in a cult unless you are the leader then it's based.

Athene haters had hot girlfriends, successful youtube channels and an ironic, aggravating playground bully attitude?

do you even know what projecting means

So has anyone told him hes not as smart as the thinks he is yet or is that not allowed in that pathetic little cult of his?

I bet plenty of people did, but he's so far up his own ass that he probably thinks it's just some "internet troll" whenever someone mentions a legit criticism of him or TRUE facts

Even before he went fully nuts he would always shrug off any criticism because he was doing it for dem keeds

so what exactly happened to him?
>played WoW
>played LoL
>started some charity program
>got banned for some reason (what was it?)

He got banned for running a crypto scam

Dude did you actually look into what people who visited said about it? There was a long thread on AJ about it, it was pretty fucking creepy.

as long as people like this faggot are showering him with attention and money, I don't think he gives a shit about your opinion and my opinion.

It's not JUST Athene tho.. that sidekick cuck Reese or whatever his name was is just as bad if not worse.

I'm glad Furious got the fuck out of there, he seemed like a decent guy in his normal videos

Athene was like the prototype european WoW nerd though.

Some scientists completely debunked his idiotic theories but he probably just ignored it.

Aye he seemed alright, followed his youtube for a while but he stopped. Quite liked his videos.

More like the eastern european that shouldn't have money for a WoW sub and be stuck playing on private servers but his dad got promoted in the coal mine so now he can play some WoW

first time I hear about him having a cult is someone saying he doesn't have a cult.

>More like the eastern european that shouldn't have money for a WoW sub
Everyone I knew in Vanilla was either eastern European or British. They definitely weren't playing on private alone.

He went way too hard with the charity for Africa shit. Once the original goals were met he should've stopped and just continued on like normal, but ever since OP Sharecraft he never stopped going on about "FOR THEM KIIIIDS". He lost so many fans.

>Everyone I knew on my private server
Djimon, no need to lie to look like a oldfag

what server did you play on?

Spot the zoomer. There's a reason why russians got their own realms. Warsong EU was only russians.

>There's a reason why russians got their own realms.
Yup, several years after launch

pronounced didgee-mon?

i remember that chick being hot asf but in reality she was probably real ugly

Because they've been shitting the EU realms. Keep backpedalling underage b& and tell me how people didn't transfer from Warsong EU asap when they got the option
Neptulon EU also had pretty large eastern europen population.


Didn't he want to want to become some kind of uber scientist at some point?

They killed AJ last year, WoW pvp is just that dead.

Didnt he start a cult?

dii-mon, eastern europeans usually have a lot of unneccessary letters in their name that are silent in pronounciation
Just because you and Athene had ""rich"" parents in the eastern europe doesn't mean that Warsong and Neptulon was full of you guys

>has anyone told him hes not as smart as the thinks he is yet
There's only one man for the job

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AJ still loads wheres the fucking thread you faggot

Just admit that you were in your diapers at launch and fuck off.

Guy got me into wow back in tbc, will always be grateful for that.

Reese seems to be your typical run-of-the-mill yes-man. He doesn't have that much going for himself so he tacks onto Athene, who HAD a bit of charisma and was smart to a certain degree.
From what I understand he makes a living playing poker. With his mathematical skillset he was able to make some decent profits and buy out this old hospital in east Germany and establish his "base" that way.
It's still confusing to see how his ego and mental illness consumed him slowly over the years. Furious and the other guy did well by disassociating from him when he started his poker obession. I don't think their disappearance was bound to money, rather the dependance on Athene for their income.

Just admit you were squatting in diapers outside your grey concrete commie jungle when Vanilla was released

>. Furious and the other guy did well by disassociating from him when he started his poker obession.
why would you cut all contact with a long time best friend because he's going through a reclusive phase

that's beyond sociopathic

no one watched it for him. It was always for the bitch

Keep scratching the bottom underage. Whatever gets you off.

I don't understand your slavic speech slave

Hits to close to home retard?

Not him but just watch Glink's mini doc about it, it covers pretty much everything with solid evidence

reading comprehension buddy.
> I don't think their disappearance was bound to money, rather the dependance on Athene for their income.

Athene pays for your living, but you have to abide by his rules - that is by definition a very cultish and unhealthy relationship to have with someone.

in 2012 Tania was a hot 30-year-old. Now she's close to 40 and it shows. What I am wondering about though, is she still in a relationship with Athene? I don't wanna watch her likely-clickbait shit video.

It's actually crazy how none of the things Athene has ever done have been achieved through legitimate means. I'm glad he's faded into irrelevancy - it seems that most people have enough common sense to avoid him and his content.

Anyone has those Tania nudes? There was even an "artistic" video with her and Reese on youtube where she was walking completely naked but its gone now.

Well thats his thing though - he generates views by making outrageous claims. He's pretty smart when it comes to marketing and poker, I guess.


Yes, and if you haven't noticed Furious is not Athene's relative and probably doesn't want to be dependant on him. Parents invest their resources into their offspring, but also have their demands in return.

The amount of power abuse within families can also not be understated.
