
Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6_20190313015706.jpg (3840x2160, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

why does my wife Marie have a scratch on her face? and why is she so sweaty and muddy?

Sigh alright fucking slut *unzips dick*


Attached: 098c2366a327fc31.png (1570x1609, 2.33M)

> why does my wife Marie have a scratch on her face?
She was killing billions people.

Attached: 1542995356214.webm (700x394, 2.73M)

Dont lewd doa girls, they dont like it!

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Attached: 1552453934682.webm (700x394, 2.96M)

reminder all of these SLUTS got canonically BLACKED

What? No! Helena is pure

At first it looked like she was about to take a shit

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where do you think the ball came from

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Post Kasumi and Ayane instead.

the sisters deserve to be together

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How does he make a thread with no message?

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would DOA lose money or make money if they went the porn route instead of just gravure idols?

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>put Marie in the log so I can put my log in Marie

Rape Ayane!

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I prefer the doll faces on the left

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ah yes, I always forget pure and unironic autism exists on the site. Usually I only remember when I visit s4s once a blue moon.

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>I always forget pure and unironic autism exists on the site.
you'd have to be pretty vapid to do that

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Get those bikinis out of my board you faggot . This is the real deal now .

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reminder fang is a slut

Attached: Sayo_What_Happened_to_You_09.jpg (1258x1814, 710K)

I like this kind of ass

t. Seamus O'Grady

Attached: 838380_20190723101847_1.png (2560x1440, 2.31M)

well she is the inferior sister

Attached: big butt ayane.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

I love those kind of swinsuits for Kasumi, they somewhat fit her

Attached: crop.jpg (806x1069, 70K)

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Go neck yourself with your purple haired wife

>Marie thread
>ayane and kasumi niggers come spamming the thread again

It's literally one unironic autist, you can't do anything about it, it can't be helped

Daily reminder to all that THIS little mother fucking girl can beat the fucking shit out of each and every single one of us, without breaking a sweat for even 12 seconds, WHILE raping our assholes at the same time.
This girl can solo over 30 average built men and survive unscathed, and still have time to rape their asses in between their ass kicking

Marie Rose is THIS fucking powerful. 100% True Fact

Attached: Up yours Mister!.png (1918x1056, 1.43M)

Meh these swimsuits are boring.

Attached: 838380_20190723194847_1.jpg (2560x1440, 576K)

marie is literally like 90lbs lmao no

how can you fight when you are fapping. did you even think before posting

Attached: 838380_20190723194851_1.jpg (2560x1440, 670K)

I don't see you complaining when marie shows up in every single doa thread

True, pretty much every DOA character has superhuman strength and durability

Attached: 838380_20190723194957_1.jpg (2560x1440, 384K)

What's the relationship between these two?
Master and slave or some shit like that?

Micro bikinis never

Mila is Tina's future step-mom. The Spaniard really wants that Bass Dick.

Attached: 838380_20190723194954_1.jpg (2560x1440, 506K)

Daily reminder that following videogame logic everyone here would be powered up to the point of humiliating that bitch

>marie is literally like 90lbs lmao no

Foolish thinking gets you beat up, really hard. Also anally raped by Marie Rose, WHILE beating up a bunch of average men with no sweat at all!!!

Some sort of lesbians I guess, I bet they use to practice with the body of the loser every time they fight
This makes sense too

no because video game logic dictates that best girl is most powerful and that is clearly marie

>I bet they use to practice with the body of the loser every time they fight
So it's just basically Tina raping Mila's unconscious body every single day

>best girl is most powerful
Yeah, makes sense

Just close friends haha

I would literally rape her and forcibly impregnate her multiple times over

she knows kung fu you fat nerd you're not doing shit already shaking behind your computer Hahahahaha

Still can't punch her face in Dead On Arrival 6.

This is why DoA6 is dead . this swimsuits doesnt even come close to DoA5LR swimsuits. I guess they went super safe with this costume so the fag comunity wouldnt get trigger but they did got trigger and the people who wanted skimpy costumes pretty much all agree that this swimsuits are lame as fuck definetly not worth buying.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190614_175552.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

>kills ur franchise

Yeah, they do not do anything strange when they're alone, just good friends, why ask? haha

Her whole fighting shtick is by design, it's to give her a false sense of security aka easy rape bait. I'd rather she know karate than not.


Attached: slut lei fang.png (599x1768, 951K)

Look at Hitomi's toy

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You say this and yet you're playing the gacha.
inb4 "I don't pay anything"
The point is you promote another cancerous practice. It's not like they're being any less lazy with outfits there either.
I wish they would just pool their money together and make something good. Then again, they seem content with doing whatever helps them coast along. Didn't that Ultimate Alliance game that TN did turn out mediocre?

fukken based every time

Attached: 1555094425070.jpg (3000x1500, 846K)

Link for those swimsuit mods?

Lei best.

Why is Jan so gay?

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God damn Tina

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Im surprised no one evee posts Kula or Mai in these threads.

Attached: 838380_20190723205320_1.jpg (2560x1440, 358K)

The only characters that matter are Marie and red Marie

Kula is too pure for these threads.

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That would require someone to actually play the game. There's really only a few people who take screens or make vids seeing how often reposts are made. Funny how all those supposed Kula mains never seemed to stick around.

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Why are they so smug and taunting

Attached: c007_16.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

Noone gives a shit about KOF except mexicans

more lisa pls

Attached: 1563158495469.jpg (600x800, 283K)

Costume collab when?

I do spend money on the gacha hell , why ? because i like what i pay for + i like DoA girls il stay in the gacha hell till the main game gets its shit together . You call it canceriopus , to me is way worse to ruin a game like they did with DoA6 just to please the manchilds (btw not even them bought the game even tho is the safier DoA game ever)

Because beating up little girls is Ethical and Core Values and World Standards.

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Who ?

>Paying for porn
I think you answered your own question.

This. Raping is not okay but this is close enough to the real deal.

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I wanna rape Tina and Lisa.

Something is off about this

I like to lewd Hitomi

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It's the eyes

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>he can't blankpost

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This is what happen whan you get rid of the fanservice , Great job Koei Tecmo.

Attached: DoA.jpg (699x238, 53K)

Nice booty jiggle

That's why they're doing a cross promotion with Venus Vacation. You get a code for SSR tickets for Honkers and Marie if you buy the season pass for 6 or something. I don't care, I just want them to give the girls actual navels in DOA6 Last Round. It's insane that garbage like this was approved. Even the last gen games which were for PS3/360 blow this out of the water. They're literally just dark shaded patches on the model.

Attached: honoka_doa_6_season_pack_2_by_exosanime_ddcbazr.jpg (703x1364, 631K)

You mean Honkers?

Attached: 1556298143404.jpg (399x582, 29K)

I want to anal mating press Marie-Rose and impregnate her through her butthole.

I love my wife Honoka!

This but Hitomi

You can't impregnate a girl by cumming in her butt silly

Attached: 1556162307914.jpg (720x1280, 163K)

That would be the Main Character of DOA to you. And here people thought Marie was going to be the Yumi of this series.

Attached: 1552029154299.jpg (1920x1080, 436K)

Ayane looks tired

She's so pale

Fat girls tend to run out of energy faster

Hitomi is bland and looks like a graham cracker -_-

Beach Paradise for DoA6 when?

My wife is not fat

She's my bland graham cracker though

Attached: For me, it's Hitomi.jpg (1920x1080, 338K)

Yup, that's it.

She's my wife and yes she is and I'm fine with that

Attached: doa_5_last_round_pc_ayane16_by_danytatu_ddc9v5z.jpg (1360x768, 576K)

You can if you try hard enough

Attached: Pervy Birb.png (1920x1080, 3.67M)

100% agree with you user. Il spent those 80 bucks on V stones fuck DoA6.

Attached: Honoka-1.jpg (800x450, 172K)

My wife on top

>F2P game full of SEAmonkey
>Fighting game you have to purchase
Even if I agree with the shitty removal of fanservice, it doesn't change anything. Venus Vacation has 0 entry barrier, any monkey can "play" it as 99% of the gameplay revolves around clicking the same "skip all" button. Fighting games however are another story and most casual players will be bored extremely quick while more competitive players typically don't even bother with PC versions since online community is too small.

DoA6 is free fucking faggot .

It's till funny to me how Venus Vacation has more players on Steam than DOA6 despite the fact that VV isn't even available on Steam.

Core Fighters, user

>Venus Vacation has 0 entry barrier, any monkey can "play" it

Actually it has a pretty huge entry barrier since you literally cannot download it on Steam. It was only available on accident for one day, and then instantly removed. And despite that it STILL has way more players. Imagine how many more players it would have if it was actually available like a normal game.

Closer than never now

Not really, people played Xtreme 3 and VV more than Last Round, even before the whole SJW boogeyman shit begun, and even when 10 million people downloaded Last Round, according to Team Ninja

Attached: Nyo and Miji2.png (1080x1920, 3.25M)

The thing is getting some of those dudes draining their wallets on VV to buy DoA6 content wich honestly i dont see how that can happen right now . We all know DoA5 did decently selling those fenservice DLC i mean it sustained the game for years .

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190609_000940.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

>tfw will never have a threesome with these two

Attached: 20190723101620272.png (720x1280, 1.3M)

Imagine manhandling their tiny bodies

Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything.

Fix your goddamn IBL user, it makes my eyes bleed.

>trying to make sense of a fighting game character
if her kick can down a giant man she can down you that isn't one even easier

that wouldn't stop me from trying on Marie

Attached: 1551945532014.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Christie wants a bimbo toy.

Hitomi can never have enough bratwurst.

>wasting all your cum in her ass instead of shooting it straight into her fertile womb that wants to give you triplets

Attached: 1532388066448.png (1080x1920, 1.62M)

Marie is the yummy of the series.

Attached: 1537109673279.jpg (1152x2048, 371K)

Marie is so fertile she'd be pregnant by the time your fingers are intertwined while consummating your marriage.

She always needs it

Attached: 146 - FQ39dI2.jpg (1080x1920, 226K)

Impregnate the Kraut

Attached: 102 - m3Ii5Ia.jpg (1920x1080, 269K)

God yes

Literally perfect wife material.

Attached: 1538831880623.jpg (1920x1080, 554K)

Attached: 81 - A82VPyn.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Made for marriage and impregnation

that pic kinda makes it look like she has armpit hair, and I like that

How many people would look down on her because she's little?

>tfw im 6.2ft
how can I physically look up at her when she's that short?

>you name it, I can do it.

sauce for xenoblade mod?

Marie is versatile


Attached: Swedish tummy.webm (1500x825, 2.82M)

are there nsfw versions of these?

Attached: 1554821842174.jpg (1920x1080, 257K)


its a game capture from x3 and further (there was a glitch that removes the clothing but nothing beneath it), gonna have to try honey select if you want nsfw or sfm

Attached: ty.jpg (720x714, 41K)

who was this character created for?


Future sex robot designers

Attached: 1537916850002.jpg (562x1000, 72K)

Literally made for me

Attached: 1557329643805.jpg (699x700, 43K)

High IQ individuals

That's not X3 lol

Attached: Swedish presentation.webm (1080x1772, 1.1M)

I need to breed the Swede.

and that's why I added "and further", dunno how that f2p works but iirc x3 had that glitch

although doa5 may have had something too as a guy I follow on twitter post images of the girls uncensored including mai from KOF who was a guest star in the game, the footage you posted is much prettier than doa5 though

Attached: 1542871134376.jpg (533x810, 151K)


2d Marie or 3d Marie?

Attached: 1544359565698.jpg (2048x1536, 670K)


I'd say 3D. This is one of the few instances where the girls are better 3D.

I'm guessing we don't get these codes if we don't live in Nippon.

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pic related proves you wrong

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This is disturbing

Attached: God I wish that were me.png (1920x986, 1.57M)


Attached: bare swede.jpg (1080x1820, 168K)

Me on the right

Does anyone here actually still play this game?

that blender animation where she is crossing her legs making it tighter. Billions

Attached: 1536803117507.jpg (1920x1200, 1.11M)

Sometimes. But I'm shit.

Attached: 1542353503742.jpg (1123x1940, 363K)

I play every now and then


Attached: staring swede.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

I used to but i got tired of waiting for the lewd stuff so move on now i mostly play SFV (Cammy main) and sometimes GGXrd (Johnny).

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190607_011905.jpg (1920x1080, 333K)

Anyone can post shots of Tina in the new bikini?


Attached: 1563341019263.gif (654x480, 3.48M)

Those swimsuits are tame as fuck you're not missing anything .

Is that what they do to you in real life?

Marie loses so many fights...

>tfw my name is very close to Seamus O'Grady
>tfw I was the one to start the 'irishmen hate ass' meme on Yea Forums with my reply to that gymnast
>tfw i do actually hate big asses and do actually like kasumi's ass


Those are the best kind on sensual women.

Kasumi's ass is nice. Never understood the bigger is better meme.
t. Black dude

Coming from 2D fighters I have a hard time getting used to strings and combos in this game. It feels like there's a lot of waiting between the different parts of a combo that I have to just figure out by trial and error and having to input stuff a bit early is also throwing me off. Is there a good way to tell how to time inputs to work with?

The X3 glitch involved the VR. Originally if you moved yourself so the camera was underwater and looked at the girl, parts of the suits would vanish. That's been a thing with Xtreme games going back to I think the original. That game had visors with transparent colored brims. If you angled to look at the suit through the brim of the hat, the suit would vanish.

>The X3 glitch involved the VR.
I just got a ps vr too

Attached: ai chan drooling.jpg (1080x895, 48K)

Oh really?

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-07-22 22-30-38.png (1920x1080, 3.11M)

Her new model have a really crappy ass , she was fine in DoA5 / X3 tho .

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190321_200739.jpg (1920x1080, 540K)

I still do, even though I suck.

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-06-16 00-49-43.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

Ayane's frilly butterfly dress also causes this in VV. The translucent part of her skirt makes the rest of the upper opaque fabric vanish. Funnily enough you can see the holes in place of her general nipple areas if you position it just right, which is ironic because it ends up looking better with tiddy mods that patch it up and put the nipples in.


venus vacation right
isn't it online only

Marie is so cute! But the navels are seriously lacking.

Attached: 20190723124823_1.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

Attached: 20190723125749_1.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

Me taking the picture


Attached: cheerful swede.webm (1300x899, 2.74M)

These types of threads would make you assume only incel skinny whites play this shit series but in reality its all hood niggers and spics for some reason

It's been patched out

>all hood niggers
I just like hot chicks

Attached: 1562705440816.jpg (1069x1834, 186K)

do not lewd the marie

Attached: 324.png (722x1080, 448K)

>reverse psychology

Attached: 1560053773796.jpg (1920x1080, 669K)

She does it herself

If you can and it has a nude mod like doahdm then il gonna """play""" it

was that the one I literally got today?


why would you want fat women with saggy tits in your game user?

I don't but that's the only one i remember
is there some other one?
And can you """play""" the game with one

The patch just prevents the camera from going underwater so technically the glitch probably still exists but you're blocked. Try it out, I guess.

got a recommended pose/position?

the few nice ones don't get me close enough to the water unless I can only do it during event paradise?

There are many but you have to take a dive on loverslab messy threads to find them.

Attached: 1537160027918.jpg (3840x2160, 1.45M)

yeah i don't have the time for that i think
pity as i really want some marie

it didn't even took an hour for me to get most of Marie's mods from there. And the installation is basically the same as DOA5LR

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Attached: 1563604988585.jpg (486x188, 21K)


Tfw I'm a Mariefag now.

She claims another victim.

Attached: 1553523303631.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190616_121108.jpg (3840x2160, 483K)

Attached: nico.png (1280x720, 628K)

how can these bikinis even compete?

Attached: 1555489315917.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

Not my NiCO with that weird ass face

They can't.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190616_121023.jpg (3840x2160, 478K)

>autosaves in casino when placing bet
Is there way around this to savescum? Or another fast way to get owner dollars?

I can get DOA6 on Xbox One X now, or I could wait til I save up to upgrade my ancient GPU and get it on pc later.

Are there any worthwhile mods or reasons to wait and get it on PC? I can't imagine a graphical difference being that large

Just save before gambling and reload that save from the psn+ cloud/usb and you'll be fine


>backup save
>go to casino
>if lost everything restore save from backup
Now gifting tens and hundreds of suits she hates is real pain in the ass.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20170508171540.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

I've seen a fps mod for doa6 from some ryona guy on twitter, christ it was painful to watch the girls getting beat up from that pov but couldn't complain with the ass cam

Normally I'm against cheaters in games but I beaten this already on my vita, why grind again, I just want ps vr goodness

Anyone here use that auto grinder program that uses remote play further more has anyone cracked it, the demo mode goes from running for nearly a whole vacation to just one activity before it stops

Attached: question-mark.jpg (1920x1920, 130K)

default really isn't any better

Attached: nico.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

I like that outfit with the skirt

i wish there was a mod that changed those blue gems into something else

Attached: 1552127734121.jpg (1600x3300, 939K)

Complete 1 vacation Trophy %

Leifang 1.8% (DLC)
Misaki 2.6% (DLC)
Hitomi 25.6%
Ayane 27%
Helena 27.1%
Momiji 27.8%
Kokoro 29.7%
Nyotengu 30.4%
Kasumi 30.8%
Honoka 36.6%
Marie 38%

Ayane 19.3%
Helena 19.4%
Momiji/Hitomi 19.7%
Nyotengu 20.6%
Kokoro 21.1%
Kasumi 23.6%
Marie 26%
Leifang 26.6%
Honoka 30.5%
Misaki 39.7%

Misaki, Honoka and Marie are the most popular girls. Ayane, Helena, and Hitomi fags suck

there isn't enough for us nico fans

>Ayane and Hitomi that low
Ouch. I expected Nyo to be higher.

How are you supposed to do that? Just gift them trivial shit and play games and pray?

I'm a sucker for science characters. Plus the chuuni shit puts a smile on my face. Glassesfag too.

Fuck it im doing it then.
It's doa6 right?

What's the best starting point for this series? Always wanted to get into it for Marie to be honest.

No, i was talking about Venus Vacation

If you want a fighter, 5 or 6. If you want to take pictures and fap, X3 or VV.

Attached: 1544430678646.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

How can these bikinis compete when no bikini exists?

Attached: oh no what happened to the swede.jpg (1080x1919, 344K)

It's DOAVV, the lighting in DOA6 is fucked up, see pic related, it's a comparsion with 5 but it should still hold since VV is jsut an upgraded version of 5.


Attached: DOA kasumi face comparison 2.jpg (1181x700, 631K)

story wise this whole series is shit, but DOA5 or DOA6 have the best fighting aspects. also Marie appeared in 5 for the first time.

Oh i thought it was an always online game so with limited moddability.
Is there some private server or an offline version?

>can't sell in proper stores
Most likely. Once you go that route you either need your hentai shop in Japan or you have to find the game on the internet to know it even exists.

>wrap swimsuit and gift it
>reload save if declined
>or wrap it again, but each wrapping cost 1/2 of swimsuit price
>repeat X times for EACH swimsuit
Marie accepted Fortune swimsuit on 20th-something try.
Half of swimsuits are hated/disliked by all girls. If she hates it, it could easily take 10+ tries before she finally accepts it.
And there's 200+ owner's swimsuits that can't be obtained otherwise. Fuck this game.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20170214002607.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

>tfw haven't played DOA6 in months
Do you guys still play online? I remember it was fun fighting that one Kasumi player.

>the new swimsuits for DOA6 look as bad as R swimsuits from VV


Attached: obama lol.jpg (306x317, 60K)

get x3 and see if you like it, its f2p on the psn store (get the hk store version it has english) and on the nintendo switch eshop (use the jp store, it switches to english upon boot, the game not the store that's another battle), same for doa5 and 6 thanks to core fighters

no, but you can still mod it without getting banned.
this is a step by step guide

Sometimes more is more. I'd take lewd clothes over no clothes any day.

Attached: marie_rose_beach_babe_by_deluwyrn-d8ie4e7.jpg (1080x1920, 1.33M)

Perfect kissable tummy.


thanks i aleready found that in the meantime, im not a newfag
Fuck i didn't want to fuck around with making chink accounts and the ungodly grind

the mods work on the steam version as well

Attached: 1549663046264.png (1300x3000, 2.25M)

What's the best casino game to savescum?

...with a chink vpn
and the grind point still stands

I did blackjack. Fastest, big prize and easy to win. At some point speedrunnig vacation might be more efficient than casino, but you need high affection with all girls.

Attached: 69284180 - マリーがエアボでEVERYBODY.jpg (3463x1944, 523K)

Fair enough.

Attached: sleepy swede.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

what does she says if you try to give her a bikini she doesn't like?

Attached: 1540466278832.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

"I don't want it"

Something like
>Marie don't want this
>Iranai dess

post rachel please

>tfw no voice clip of this

What is that thing?

How many more will it be by the end of this thread?


Attached: swede stand.jpg (1080x1919, 219K)

Many billions user. Billions upon billions

Kanna lewds when?

Here's your voice clips.
>tfw can't watch Nichijou without masturbating anymore

Attached: 1506326607628.png (666x614, 598K)

There are a few already

>give gift
>gift given back still wrapped
what kind of an asshole to you have to be

Fuck you, user. I somehow didn't put two and two together and notice it was the same actress.

>they've finally gone back to fanservice pandering
Have they learned their lesson? Never pander to people who won't even buy your games.

Should I spend all of my food items on my main girls?

I love the raspiness.

It adds up if you want to focus on one or two, but event items are usually worth a lot more, if there are any.

God I wish Marie would call me scum.

Attached: Image1.jpg (1273x657, 173K)

>puffy crotch shit with armpits
It's almost perfect, tits just need to be smaller and bounce less, and give her less ab definition minus a central vertical line

Not really, it's a start but it's still mild as fuck.

At least she's being safe, I guess...

got me

dammit what the fuck kek

Needs more Tina and Mila.

>blue marie
>red marie
What's next?

White Marie.

Attached: 4478064575823.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

Green Marie with brown skin

I want to see Hitomi poop

Attached: 8fb01bf426f3d387f49a5c3cee5e45bf.jpg (562x1000, 107K)

That's weird, user. You're weird.

Chocolate Marie

how long until they add the fucking smell peripheral to DoA so I can sniff their underwear?



>tfw eternal anglo and love compact tight asses but everyone gives the finians shit for it
Rule Brittania

Attached: 1543903064804.jpg (361x361, 15K)

funny enough there was a "vr sense", kinda like a 4d experience, no smelling but you could feel the wind water stuff like that, sadly for all its bells and whistles it was just doax3 running on a ps4 pro using ps vr


WAIT I WAS WRONG you could smell, but perfumes...no bodily fluids

>no bodily fluids

>tfw user doesn't know what perfume is made of

So Marie smells like something refreshing?

Attached: 1540865669182.webm (1067x600, 2.98M)

fuckin mods banning me over that one Marie webm

Attached: swede rest.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

Nice caboose

>Have they learned their lesson?
Given that the swimsuits are all granny panties, no, they have not.

Aparently Marie is too lewd for blue boards
I have gotten warnings for posting her with her tongue out

Attached: 1554560323480.jpg (1920x1080, 355K)

They should do that for all .webms. I have never seen one single .webm that wasn't for either breaking NSFW or just general shitposting.

You should go in more vidya threads then

mods are literal anti-straight homosoyxuals, nothing surprising here

I just got the hilarious mental image of MatPat doing a Game Theory about this "Millions" meme.


For posterity:

>mods are literal anti-straight homosoyxuals, nothing surprising here
If that's the case just post the girls engaging in lesbian sex, I wouldn't complain.

This isn't a theory though, it happens every day.

Attached: 1549986965617.gif (1892x1050, 1.66M)

It's not locked for SEAmonkey which is the target demographic. Subhuman are willing to play (and pay) for pretty much any shit gacha game you throw at them for as long as there are waifus in them. So no, there's no entry barrier in regions the game is supposed to operate. Only people in the West have to jump through hoops.

If you can still see then not enough.

It was more useful during any scripted gravure scene that has a girl in or near the water. For basic poses you could try the raised platform at the pool, which allows you to get more underneath the girl than any other location.

Please post more Kanna

Just gift everything at the hotel. No fuss, no muss, and most importantly no expensive rewrapping. She'll send it back if she rejects it still wrapped conveniently in her favorite color for you to regift the next night. Satisfaction doesn't even matter since there's a percentage chance they'll accept a gift even if their satisfaction is 0 and they have the sad portrait. I've gifted Fortune suits that way. You just have to outlast her while building up cash for the next suit you want to try.

I'd be pretty selfish, personally.

Attached: 71221731_p0.jpg (1280x1829, 325K)

Watch the story mode from DOA Dimensions on YouTube to get caught up one what happened in the early games. Then play DOA5 Last Round.


I prefer this combo.

Attached: 1546691760069.jpg (2396x3328, 614K)

Attached: Kanna.png (986x1920, 1.54M)

Ayane CHADS run this board

The way she fawns over Lu Bu in that game was cute. His bewilderment over her made it even funnier.

I will when she comes out for F2P.

Attached: 1563775551211.jpg (900x450, 74K)

What game is that?

Attached: 1534805055429.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

Warriors All-Stars. Worse than Warriors Orochi in almost every way but at least it has some cute interactions between franchises. Marie, Honkers, Ayane, and Kasumi represented DoA (although the latter two were more like their Ninja Gaiden counterparts alongside Ryu).

Yes boss

God, I fucking love DOA.

Thank you

Pretty nice. Now days i see Marie Rose modded in every moddable game, i thought it was some mod when i saw it

Attached: 1544449690365.jpg (1440x810, 315K)

Are those pubes? Why do people insist on doing that?

>Not liking pubes

Attached: 1553042093325.jpg (284x419, 17K)

If they were attractive, they would be official. Instead, they're officially missing.

Nobody loves sloppy grandmas, you sick fuck.

>all those deleted images

Attached: 1557616250533.jpg (3000x2000, 966K)


Ok so there's either a janny or a snitch monitoring the thread. Whatever, see you in 3 days I guess, I'm out. Feel free to repost my stuff.

Attached: smug.jpg (759x751, 227K)

>If they were attractive, they would be official
I guess Koei is an irish company then given how all the girls have horribly flat asses.

Your sacrifice is appreciated

Mods dont like hot girls

I love Mila

Attached: 1471761040661.jpg (2160x3840, 2.78M)

I heard she loves dogs

Really shows how many play the game around these parts.
I really wish we could go back to those few weeks when DoA6 went f2p on Steam, was fucking best times for the threads in years. VV was a mistake.
I haven't had interest either to really play the game since community is everything and if Yea Forums won't play and I have no friends who play fightan then it's dead zero sum game with a fightan. I still want to see Kula though so maybe I'll muster.

Attached: NiCo butt landing on Nyo.jpg (1920x1080, 814K)

You could've just asked for a no-pubes version normally, you know
>Are those pubes? Why do people insist on doing that?
I for one like the look. That's it pretty much.

Attached: Kanna2.png (986x1920, 1.72M)

Finally an user who knows his shit instead of boogieman spreading faggots.
Just like how most shitposters forgot what the DoA character models looked like upon DoA5 launch with small breasts and all that.

>when you want to sexually assault a girl, but you know she could kill you in 2 hits.
I must train.

Attached: 1542930430859.jpg (3000x1690, 1010K)

I think if lobbies were in from the start, that might have gotten a small community here playing. Even if it wouldn't have lasted long, at least it would have been something. By the time lobbies were finally implemented, the threads were dead or at least it they went back to Marie ERPing.

It adds character. It doesn't have to be amazonian. Even a nice trim-job works just fine.

I'm actually floored by that retarded message SOCIETY sent me during that entire ordeal. Like what the fuck, violence is actually not preferable to titties, but I shouldn't need to tell anyone that.

Maybe, and by the time lobbies did came, VV was already out and half of Yea Forums was fawning over it and that pretty much killed all DoA6 discussion and players.

when's your mom get added as DLC?

It's really only America.

>It adds character. It doesn't have to be amazonian. Even a nice trim-job works just fine.
I think you might've missed a post, user. I said I like the look of pubes.

I was agreeing.


Since the thread is still up and I'm feeling generous.

Kasumi - Pyra
Ayane - Mythra
Hitomi - KOS-MOS
Lei Fang - Poppi
Lisa - T-Elos

Attached: 311730_20190217105415_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.16M)

Honoka is performing her tight hug throw on Marie.

they're like, really good friends

Attached: very good friends.jpg (2560x1440, 1.57M)

Isnt Lisa Tina's friend?

Looks really comfortable

Attached: 1553912101982.jpg (2758x2400, 555K)

What a beautiful, close friendship they have

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-07-22 21-16-47.png (1920x1080, 3.31M)

Reminder that the japanese season pass 2 for DOA6 will include SSR Marie and Honoka tickets for Venus Vacation because it's far more successful than DOA6 (and if KT had balls and made VV available in the west, they would have included them in the western version too).

Attached: doa6.jpg (887x585, 131K)

Yes. Tina has the best friends

I should feel bad about DoA dying, but honestly they deserved it, they haven't improved anything significant over the years besides visuals, and then tried to shit on their audience by removing the only thing that kept them afloat.

And when the SJWs didnt want it anyway, try and backpedal, but actual fans were too pissed by that point

>Mila will never be your friend

Every day I'm closer to ending it all.

they are not backpedaling

guilty as charged famalam

Attached: 2.jpg (2000x2882, 814K)

Now we can post more

>you will never visit mila at her part-time job
>you will never wait for her to finish her shift so you can go to the gym with her and work out together

Attached: mila.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

Go on. How good of friends are they?

People play this garbage after 3? I thought it was just fan service for muh waifu faggots who spend $2000 on DLC outfits.

Attached: 1553214299565.png (768x1366, 2.37M)

This. Even after everything came crashing down around them and 6 was a bust, they still added the censorship toggle that added sports bras and spats under the more revealing outfits. They must have been comparing notes with SE.

VERY good and close friends

Attached: my latin.jpg (1280x1600, 144K)

>Mila is stuck in a series that is rapidly dying
>Mila will never be in a better series that isn't managed by morons
>Mila will never be real

Attached: 1456725160672.png (1280x720, 876K)

I want Rachel to sit on my face

I'm listening. Like how close are we talking here?

Same, but some pleasures were never meant to be experienced, just imagined and theorized.

Attached: dcifvlh-efbd4f9c-9043-4eeb-b771-14ff86acf1c8.png (1280x720, 675K)

Can't backpedal if the game didn't have a direction in mind to begin with.

Attached: aser.jpg (2560x1440, 1.74M)

Is VV even worth it if I have Beach Paradise set up? Nagisa is cute but figuring out chink launchers on my PC to play a fucking gacha seems like more pain that it's worth.

move to spain user
you might just be surprised

Imagine the closest two friends can be. That's how close Mila and Tina are.
The CLOSEST of friends.

Attached: friends.png (1600x1347, 2.76M)

I want to lick her holes after she's raped by orcs.

Helena is fucking thick in this game.
Best part of DOA6.

Attached: thicc.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

it's worrying that there are so many black guys in the audience

Seems about on par with the rest of the promo events, at least in Japan. Reminder that they had reveals for the mousepads and stuff like that over there. The only time they had anything like that for the western audience was when they were involved with EVO Japan and look what happened with that.

Interesting friendship. Care to keep elaborating?

what other kind of audience would a swedish girl attract?

Are you telling me Spain is a land consisting of cute and nice tomboys so cute they even make tumblr hair cute?

Attached: 1528644250487.jpg (350x350, 28K)

They should be real

I bet they go searching for boyfriends together!

mostly Japanese

Attached: 1552128369125.jpg (465x769, 188K)

Marie is very good at teasing my cock.
Honoka too.

In most friendships there are things, that even the closest of friends would consider embarrassing or too lewd.
Applying muscle relief creams? They've done that.
Deep, firm, powerful inner-thigh massages? Done that.
Showering in the gym at the same time, in the same shower, because the rest of them were under maintenance? Done that too.
You name it.

Not according to what I've heard.
But you might just find one, in some well hidden gym.

Attached: 4b01539c4bfb7727d7f2d0e60fdca50f.jpg (3500x2475, 2.86M)

It'd break your mind user.
You would never be able to come back.

Attached: 1533338732156.jpg (1080x1920, 1.12M)

I heard they even practice giving each other CPR.

Attached: 5fdf11749406a2eaf6e06cf9fb4c9b50.jpg (2602x3072, 2.5M)

You're implying that that's a bad thing. Sounds good to me.

That's a perfect example. You think friends would ever do that? No. Too embarrassing.
But they know it's important and since they are so CLOSE, they'll do it. Some might even say they'll enjoy it.

Attached: 1512780223743.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

They do it all the time. Never know when they might need to save a life so they keep themselves up to date.

Attached: 1446292348280.jpg (550x800, 160K)

Sure, they practice way more often that it's really needed, and their technique is sort of unorthodox, but that just means they'll be better prepared when the time comes!

Attached: 1523373930012.jpg (4096x2304, 853K)

You'd be okay of a life where the only thing you can think of is how Rachel's butt felt on your face?

Attached: 1536341017961.jpg (2200x1280, 675K)

you can play the steam version with engish subs

Absolutely. What else would I even nees?

They're very good at physically checking up on each other. I've heard famous doctors try to learn of their secrets.

Attached: 1508295515066.png (2000x1442, 2.02M)

>Tina checking for knots in Milas breasts
What a couple of mindful and health-conscious friends

Yeah it got better after 5

Why are her lips so close to Mila's neck, though?

I love masturbating to the Miji!

Attached: 1551004915692.jpg (3840x2160, 465K)

That poll was done before the European refugee rush and before the EU governments were able to get the lot of them set up with welfare and free psn accounts. Marie would poll a lot higher in her home region now

She needs to have a good view of the breasts she is handling user

The taste of a meal, the feel of sunshine during winter, the bird singing.
Everything would be clouded by the feeling of Rachel's bum.
You'd be an addict. A junkie without his fix.

Attached: 1533330897471.jpg (1080x1920, 945K)

But she's so close.
Could it be that she's kissing her neck??

Attached: 1516779056000.png (1250x826, 1.12M)

What the fuck, Rig is amazing, this dude is just nonstop pressure I love this shit

No.Tina's back is cold and Mila is being a good friend and heating it up with her breath

Attached: 1348593982-1235687084_l.jpg (724x1024, 239K)

Her ass is my meal and it'll keep my face warm. I should still be able to hear the birds too. I'd be a happy junkie.

No, you are imagining things. These two girls are the PEAK, the archtype for female heterosexuality. They are so STRAIGHT that they can train how to kiss boys together and they would still be 100% HETEROSEXUAL.

But anons, look at these pictures I found!
What on Earth could these two friends be doing?

Attached: milatina.png (1024x576, 491K)

She was a new character and pretty much unknown outside japan at that time, she would poll a lot higher in all regions.

Obviously sharing oxygen

You are a brave man user. Truly.

Attached: 1452473928147.jpg (720x1280, 177K)

A heroic sacrifice, a friend doing underwater CPR to save her bestest closest friend from drowning at the cost of the air in her own lungs. That is what I call friendship...

Back off, Tina is mine

Attached: 1503845685447.png (1024x1347, 1.03M)

Right... and what about here?
Quite the daring picture for just friends.

Attached: kiss.jpg (2560x1440, 1.25M)

It'd be worth it

Just making a silly, innocent photo

Here here, to the best of friends!

Attached: dac6hip-0547aede-6ca0-4655-bf57-be836d50c4e7.jpg (600x600, 71K)

Had to get close to be in the picture

The correct answer is threesome.

Dont know what game this is but enjoying the thread. Please give me more pictures.

Now now Lisa, Tina's wonderful friendship with Mila is only matched by her friendship with you. If anything, you and Mila should get along just fine. Tina wouldn't want to see you fight.

I don't know anons. The more pictures I find of these two, the more I suspect they're something more than friends.

Attached: milatina2.jpg (3555x2000, 3.88M)

user pls I dont want to be a accomplice.

Attached: 1544264314022.jpg (3840x2160, 881K)

You seem to not understand basic human interaction.

Attached: niudan_hero_1020000.png (512x716, 475K)

Attached: 1561536132858.jpg (1920x1080, 336K)

Its all in your head user! There is nothing more between then than a close friendship!

Yeah i dont think they are doing that

Built for anal

All I understand is that either these two are REALLY REALLY close, or they're something more.

Attached: milatina4.jpg (2376x1584, 1.94M)

reminder that Tina is the most submissive doa girl

Attached: 1435479842802.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

Attached: i hate this fucking board.jpg (1706x224, 49K)

>Not laying with your friend after a long day of playing on the beach.

They're just tired.

Attached: 1561014908747.jpg (3840x2160, 1.82M)

i don't see the problem

Attached: 1537134393526.png (1080x1920, 2.84M)

A-user, pls stop...

Fine, fine, but I have my doubts.

Attached: milatina3.jpg (2160x960, 493K)

I don't know if this is a healthy relationship for someone to have with their future step-mother.

Let's keep going, then.

Attached: 1560063420809.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

Some people just don't understand the wonders this girl can work.

Attached: 1552100035974.jpg (1080x1920, 258K)

just an average Marie thread what about it?

Attached: 1537480148194.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)


Attached: mila_tina_double_under_hook_by_radianteld_dd8mmc1-pre2.jpg (774x1032, 70K)

Attached: 1558982220372.gif (251x164, 433K)

I told you to stop you fucking nigger.

Attached: 1558971306591.jpg (459x816, 17K)


Attached: swedish girl turns 18 year old and gets RUSSIAN'D.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

is there any 3dpd as hot as Marie Rose?

Gotta have more offtopic liveleak webm threads, right?

Threats will get you nowhere.

Attached: 1561303073517.jpg (2160x3840, 1.67M)

Has Hayate settled on a husband for her yet or has the whole 'her entire clan thinks she's dead' thing put that on hold?

Got a link of that one where she's bouncing on a yoga ball or some shit

>you will never be put in a leg headlock by mila
just put me down already jesus christ
fucking kill me

Probably on sankaku

Attached: 1558798521614.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)


Munroe used to have the same vibe but she lost it by getting old and ruining her body with plastic surgery.

No, but I got this

Attached: 1561584951043.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

Nope, and not 3d nor 2d either

Attached: 1538809397959.jpg (2000x2500, 2.4M)

Fuck yes, I was waiting for this.

>tfw never played these shitty games, just jerk off to the porn of Marie
I dont even know the fucking names of the other chicks, nor do I really care.

Attached: 1561737702968.gif (423x360, 1.08M)

fapped to that one this morning

Attached: 1554900770210.jpg (2485x2114, 725K)

There was another version where she's making a aheago face whole wearing practically nothing.

You should learn them, for porn searching's sake. There's a lot of good stuff

she cute.

Attached: mila_by_screenhunter-d9b49ez.jpg (1920x1080, 769K)

this is the source and i've never seen such version

Attached: 1539440060685.jpg (1920x1080, 269K)

>tfw paddy byt can into big and small asses or tits alike
He was based as fuck
Alright, whose the chick on the right in or the chick in the headlock in fren

I play the games and i still don't know the name of some of them

Attached: 1543616624188.png (1080x1920, 1.76M)

VI failed because it had Kokoro instead of Miji

Momiji and Tina respectively

Momji is the chick on the right and tina is in the headlock

I swear I recall someone linking a version of it but it's far more lewd. From what I recall she was basically wearing something similar to the outfit in your pic.

The girl with the bobcut is Momiji, a Ninja Gaiden character who has appeared as a guest in a couple DOA games. The cowgirl in the headlock is Tina Armstrong, a veteran DOA character since the first game (when she was brunette).

Thanks anons. I'm gonna do some research.

Attached: 1563829211565.jpg (500x425, 30K)

did you watched the full video? she changes her clothes near the end

Attached: 1539144304351.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)