How long did you play it?

400 hours
4 months

I will never forget it

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I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

Go to bed, Todd. You're drunk.

0.00 hours
I will never regret it, Todd.

Never got it, coming from a guy who likes fallout 4

its ok user. admit that you loved it. it was good until updates ruined it completely a couple months ago

Lol that game sucks, op.


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i asked myself that question many times. I LITERALLY got hooked

you know that fallout high that fallout games give you?...this provides a drip of that

>400 hours into a walking simulator
>I will never forget it

Who cares?

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No, because bethesda fallout games are shit

What's a fallout high?

The first fallout game that I didn't buy, so 0 hours.

Gamers unite against the haters!

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i love it when us gamers act like gaming is anything more than staring at a screen

That's basically any modern office job

I hope that shit is meant as a joke. Even though I am per Definition of that picture an "Ancient gamer" (started with F3) I acknowledge the existence of the first three Fallout games.

No fucking shit you autist

Yes I am an autist. That is why I am on Yea Forums got a problem with that my friend?

I'd have to say. Worst game purchase I ever made that I was stuck with.

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No. This is my real opinion.

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That's also fine if so.

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i used to do this almost verbatim and it's hilarious to me that someone is doing it right now

what does it taste like? cheap rum?