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Other urls found in this thread:

>believing in platinum after the disaster that was bayonetta 2 and the dissapointment bayonetta 3 will most likely be due to it being trapped in development hell
oh boy, that's cringe

They've really got Kamiya by his little balls, eh?

Bitterness, the post.

seething snoy

have fun having a mediocre game
>implying i'd actually buy a ps4

only reason to buy shitch

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>Can't jump
Goddammit, Kamiya finally got his wish.

Cope, dilate, seethe and get cucked.

Attached: 1317743987329.png (640x480, 49K)

looks pretty shit an generic.
guess good platinum games like nier automata will never be on a nintendo system.

>platinums game

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I'm really excited for the game, but this is such a bad video
>"So, uh, basically this game is like Deus Ex and Zelda because there's elevators, stairs and people to talk to... We are only allowed to use 5 minutes of our footage but we need to stretch it over 10 minutes..."
Christ, who are they picking for these?

>Still mad about bayonetta 2

>30 fps if not worse
>900p average

Attached: remilia.jpg (800x615, 468K)

If you actually watch the video the comparisons to Deus Ex and Zelda are valid. There's a UNATCO-type hub and the game is more of a RPG like the original deus ex, even allowing you to interact with stuff in the world and do side quests. The Zelda part they're talking about are the alternate dimension areas that function like dungeons in the Zelda games, having puzzles and enemies you have to get past. They were complaining about only having 5 minutes of footage because it was making it hard to explain what the game was.

I haven't watched the video but that sounds pretty nice. I'll get it if the reviews are good.

>nier automata
>good platinum game

Attached: brick-lol.gif (272x181, 919K)

Yes. Cope harder.

>30 fps
preorder canceled

>after the disaster that was bayonetta 2
It was good, though.

I own a Switch but I won't even bother pirating the game.

It's confirmed 30 fps? Fuck that, my interest disappeared.

It is sadly.

>after the disaster that was bayonetta 2
Yeah, it's a shame they got rid of "u ded now 8-D"-QTEs and improved on the previous game in every way

So that is the power of the switch


It's a tactical game, user.

can't discuss switch exclusives without falseflags and bitterness out the ass on this board.

The game looks really good, being one of platinum main's project it shows, still one month before release is a long time so i don't expect much discussion about this game unfortunatly.

3's not trapped in development hell, it's just not being developed sequentially, like most games are. Basically, most games have a playable "prototype" that can be shown off early, like a vertical slice. DMC5 had it. This happens because they make chapter 1, then chapter 2, then chapter 3, etc. In Bayo 3, they aren't doing that.

The sequential style of design often leads to front-loaded games if the dev isn't careful, because they simply run out of resources to spend on the later chapters. This happened even to DMC5 to some extent, the rear end was much skinnier than the front end. Doing things non-sequentially means there's less risk of this, but it also means you don't get a "final" version of the product until very soon before release. Where DMC5 could show you final gameplay nearly a year before release, Bayo 3 probably won't be able to do that.

Senpai, being "bitter" about 30 fps lock in a god damned action game shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, and assuming falseflags is just disingenious. It's one thing that the majority of switch owners love to eat shit, but why do you have to go out of your way to expect even normal people to eat shit too?

>Richard: I'm kind of wondering why I'm here.
How can one man be this based?

Attached: Richard-Leadbetter-xbox-scorpio-reveal.jpg (1200x600, 178K)

>the game wasn't an absolute improvement on 1 in every regard therefore it's a "disaster"
holy hyperbole batman

Level-wise I think DMC5 gets weaker but they saved the best bosses for the second half. Dante gets the lion's share of the good fights.

The game needs some sorta co op mode.

What’s the point of making my own character if I can’t show it off to other people?

There are plenty of good games that run at 30 fps

>games come out
>wait a month or two for emulator fixes
>play it on yuzu in 4k60fps
imagine buying a shitch

Attached: 1558550792707.png (640x480, 601K)

None of them are action games.

That is only possible if the game was not written in traditional Japanese ape developer style, linking important game logics to framerate.

>action game
>sub 720p
yeah no

>game with a main focus on combat fails to have good combat
whoa crazy.

Is it seriously 30 FPS? I guess the Switch is legitimately that weak. Platinum is satisfied even with 60 FPS with frequent drops (e.g. The Wonderful 101), so getting Astral Chain to run must have been a HUGE headache.

looks nice. can't wait to emulate since switch emulator make amazing progress

Nah, played it and it's fantastic

Don’t care about the frame rate.

Just want some cool action.

Bayo 2 was almost as good as the first one
I have faith that 3 will combine the best aspects of both games.

>I guess the Switch is legitimately that weak
eh yeah the SoC from nvidia is shit, who would've guessed. the tegra didnt sell good and was literally stockpiled by nvidia to be sold cheap to nintendies
i'd wouldve preffered a goddamn qualcomm chip than that giant tured

Except Platinum is known for aiming for 60 FPS (even if there's a lot of drops along the way), the fact that Astral Chain broke that pattern reflects terribly on the Switch. I think their last 30 FPS game was Vanquish back in 2010, and that game had more stuff on the screen going on at once than from what I've seen of Astral Chain.
Makes me worried for Bayonetta 3. Hell, that might be the real reason the game's development is taking so long.

I still think they didn't do justice to Vergil at all. Frankly, he's a worse fight than both of his previous iterations.

I see what you mean. Apparently the last world in Banjo Kazooie was one of the first ones Rare worked on. Meanwhile in Tooie the last world got cut for time reasons leading to an incomplete feeling finale.

>tfw no Astral Chain on Vita

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>Switch exclusive (later coming to pc)
Nobody believes Nintendos lies anymore after Octopath Traveler.

I think it's just because of Astral Chain's artstyle. Bayo's style is a lot crisper and easier to sacrifice bits and pieces of to increase the framerate. AC's going for something very particular that probably doesn't scale as well.

They locked at 30 fps to avoid drop. especially in portable mode.

Nier Automata was 30 FPS.

On PS4.

Nintendo owns the ip you idiot

Nintendo actually owns the Astral Chain IP though you fucking mongoloid.

Sure honey. Sure.

Ah, yes. Portbeggars are here.

I'll buy this game on release and enjoy it too.

I have a Switch and I would gladly buy it on any other current platform instead if it meant 60 fps.

Jesus christ people 60fps isn't that fucking important.

Bayo 2 was fantastic enjoy not having astral chain faggot

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>I have a Switch
If you say so.
>and I would gladly buy it on any other current platform instead if it meant 60 fps.
Yeah, you'd probably pirate it.

Word. The Cortex A57 "performance cores" are a 2014 design. Literally the same type of processor as the Note 4.
Any modern high-end phone runs circles around the Switch.

No it was 60 you fuckin nintentard

Can't wait to play this on yuzu where it won't look like pixelated garbage.

can you put mods in Yuzu? its easy on BotW with CEMU but have no experience with Yuzu up until now but will pick it up for Astral Chains

>No it was 60 you fuckin nintentard
Oh nonono

Trust me, that does NOT look like 900p at all.
I'd be surprised if the game isn't below 720p most of the time. And of course since it's Shitendo there will never be AA.

No it wasnt, bing bing wahoo fag

yeah it was actually 35-45fps with insane frame pacing. So much better than 30fps

>still salty abot bayo2

>30FPS for a DMC like


>imagine believing that you will be able to play astral chain on your pc at a decent framerate before 2022

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>30 FPS

Attached: 1554146058803.jpg (228x210, 6K)

Even if it was already said, Nintendo OWNS the Astral Chain IP you absolute MONGOLOID.
Octopath is owned by Square, you RETARD.
Wow holy shit must be hard living with a slow brain like yours.

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>If not every game they make is a 10/10 masterpiece then they are complete and utter shit incapable of ever making good games again

Sorry if I want a action game to look and play as smooth as possible. Fuck me for having standards that everyone else will just overlook cause "le platinum is goat"

the sourest grapes in history

>sub 720p
It's 900p-1080p though, did you watch the video

Frame latency is more important for smoothness than fps, a game can run at 60 fps and still feel "laggy", it all depends on how the engine manage ressources.

This is going into my catalog list.

Snoyfags literally make shut up when something doesn't fit their narrative.
Just the way it is.

Bayo 2 was good.
But I'm still kind of salty about buying Wii U just for it.

It looks a bit ugly but I'm completely behind this and Daemon X Machina. They look fresher than your usual game this gen.

I did watch it and it looks horrible, not even 720p looks this bad.

>Bayo 3
>Development hell

The average game takes 3-5 years to make nowadays. Bayo 3 is doing fine, it was only announced a year and a half ago

>forced witch time on every difficulty
>enemies can’t be comboed properly ourside of witch time and will just drop like stones
>somehow improved in every way
Either you’re a shitter that’s only played bayo on normal or you’re just a moron that doesn’t know shit about what you’re playing

This game doesn't look a Platinum game at all and that's why it's going to be good. It would be GOTY if it had Sony trailer visuals.

I've been exited for this game as since the first trailer but man that dude in the video looks like that fucking mutt wojack

>30 FPS
I'm not happy, but if it's a consistent 30 FPS I guess I'll live. It's shit but it's still better than it pretending to be 60 but constantly chugging down to 30 anyway.

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Well that's a damn shame. Hopefully they port this eventually.

Reminder that you can buy DMC5 for a better game at 60fps on ALL consoles.

Back then:
>psuedo 3D
>pushing system limits
>blast processing
>doing things you aren't supposed to be able to do with the hardware
>clever artwork that works around the limits of a system
>dynamic resolution
>30 fps

What the fuck went wrong with game development?

>DMCuck 5
LOL, stop trying to shill the worst game ever made.

Blast processing didnt even do anything due to a glitch in the hardware. Even if it did work it was only useful for static images.

Square owns Octopath. Nintendo owns Astral Chain.

I am aware, but it's still getting the most out of the hardware given, which is a rare thing these days

Because modern hardware and games are both significantly more complex now.

Tfw we could do much more with games. If people didnt care so much about polycount and fancy lighting.

I wish it didnt come out more days before iceborne. There's no way with my life I'd have it beaten by then

And Sony used to own Heavy Rain and Detroit.

They never did, stop being retarded.

It's a shame that we will never get PG games on PC again, but that's how it is. They would be insane to not accept Nintendo's funding.

Quantic Dream owns the IPs you fucking idiot.

>another not bing bing wahoo game trapped on a underpowered tablet in 2020
at lest the emulation is progressing fine

the issue isn't that vergil is weak but rather that the player is much more powerful that he was in 3.

>all these fags only giving a shit about the resolution and fps
The 7th generation really spoiled a lot of these "gamers". Anyways, I'm actually pretty astonished that there's a lot of environment interaction in this game, that's a bit of a rarity in Japanese games

I bought DMC5 and beat it.

What's with the idiots trying to instigate console wars in character action games? There are only two companies that make them, one of them has only made ONE in the past ten years, they're almost all good, and they're usually released 2-3 years apart.

you faggots talk bout frame rate and don’t take no other factors into consideration. you have no clue what you’re talking about. keep parroting framerate framerate framerate

>60fps in a fast paced action game is considered being spoiled
you're the fucking zoomer here. in the ps2 days 60fps was the fucking standard for these kinds of games

I wish Nintendo would fucking buy out Platinum already.

>in the ps2 days 60fps was the fucking standard for these kinds of games
PS2 games used to drop frames like crazy, even action games of this kind. DMC3, Chaos Legion, the list goes on...

Nintendo isn't Disney, Microsoft, or Tencent. They're not a money hungry monopoly. They may be a corporation but they're far from being the most jewish one.

Not him but I don't own a Switch and I have no intention to so Astral Chain may as well not exist

Given how Platinum only makes games for Nintendo consoles, no need to.

You can still watch Let's Play videos of it

Platinum's only good game in the last decade is still not on the Switch.

>Tfw we could do much more with games. If people didnt care so much about polycount and fancy lighting.
Yeah Star Citizen's doing exactly that. Guess how long it's taking

Star citizen is possibly the WORST example you could make when half of the development is just trying to add every little detail into the ships.

It's not that they only make games for Nintendo consoles, it's that their games would be easily overshadowed by other games if they released it on another platform that almost every other company is making games for, especially Playstation. Let's be real here, in the way that this game is designed, if this was a PS4 exclusive, there probably wouldn't be that many people who'd bat an eye at it and it would probably fall deeper into the niche category, the same goes for Wonderful 101. But then again, the fact that there's so many people here losing their shit over this game and being upset that it's a Switch exclusive is telling of just how bored they are with the games they got so I'm probably wrong.

And why wouldn't they? You said they should do more with games, and this is a game about ships.

To be honest I don't get why people want fast paced action games on handheld
I love my 3ds for fire emblem, etrian odyssey and SMT but I would much rather play games like this on home console or pc with a bigger screen, better performance and more ergonomic controls
I would rather nintendo focus on simpler games that don't require complex inputs or quick reactions
I'm not going to pay to play this kind of game at 30fps

>30fps/720p with drops
Save us Yuzu!

are you blind?
arrest yourself,go to bed,and kill yourself

Bayonetta 2 was solid. Not as good as 1 but still a competent action game.

Shut the fuck up and buy it or you won't get a sequel - Nintendo.

Oh god you just reminded me that Platinum already said something retarded like "Astral Chain is planned as a trilogy :D"

yeah good luck with that.

>720p 30fps docked
Yeah I'll pass

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Attached: Quality Bayonetta 2 Game Design.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

No, Sony owns them.

Automata sold more on PS4 than all of Platinum's Nintendo exclusive titles combined lmao
Shitchlets don't buy games unless they have a friendly recognizable bing bing mascot character on the box

Just because Automata sold well doesn't mean all their other games would have if they were PS exclusive

Nope. Quantic Dream. No where does it say on Google or Wikipedia that they're an acquired 3rd party studio. It's THEIR IP. Not Sony's.

Game really needs a good player to show it off. Wasn’t massively excited until the developer walkthrough, and even that wasn’t perfect.

will astral chains be the best jojo game?

>Detroit: Become Human™ ©2018-2019 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Developed by Quantic Dream. “Detroit Become Human” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.

Even pokemon SwSh runs 1080p and 60fps,bock docked and handled mode.

Attached: 1563834880091.png (179x283, 67K)

Bayo 2 was fantastic. Also, it's not even been 2 years since Bayo 3 was announced. If they'd have rushed it out you'd be moaning that they just shat it out and didn't take their time. What a faggot.

You forgot the “have sex”

>Moving picture speed autists will miss out on another great game once again.

>Nier Automata is not a good game
>Bayonetta 2 is not a good game
Good lord

>snoyfags are so cucked even sony bends to the pc masterrace
LOL, how pathetic.

Based Adrianposter

Then why the fuck is it on PC?

They aren't good, they're mediocre.
You honestly think they're good only because they both get your dick hard, brainlet-kun.

Because you really want Astral Chain to look like SwSh.

>a month or two

Attached: 1548846952920.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Their games always sell poorly. W101 was a massively underrated flop that had no marketing and confused braindead reviewers. The only game simple enough with universal appeal is Automata, which is really an anomaly because it had a bizarrely effective marketing campaign.

We all know the reason bings don't shut up about this is because it's the only hack and slash game they have. Just like when BoTW was the only open world game on Switch, despite being dogshit compared to any other open world game out there.

GOTY contender

>1.5 million+ Bayo 2
>400k+ W101
>200k+ Madworld
>~200k SFZ
Nier Automata only sold ~4 million units across PC, PS4, and XB1.
At least 500k of those were on Xbox, and the PC version sat at ~1.1 million units sold as of July 2018, so I doubt Automata sold more than every Platinum Nintendo game combined.

Because it was part of whatever contract Cage signed to agree to make another game for them, I guess.

>We have footage!
>shows some footage
>the dude can't shut the fuck up so I can listen to the footage
>it has no audio
>the fat fuck and the other guy go through a stupid script and makes me shriek and scream

Attached: 1442873084687.jpg (121x243, 12K)

>he says in a thread that already started portbegging
LOL, how pathetic.

So it's basically non-fun non-sexy Bayonetta except between missions you walk around an office building talking to NPCs and rifling through drawers pointlessly?

Hard pass.

Attached: 2019072001465000-DECD6107E5477CFA2919C447E5B68FF0.jpg (1280x720, 242K)

After all these years and you're still seething over Bayo, fucking lmao.

>400K+ W101
This is absolutely bullshit, the only life time sales we have of W101 we have is from usa and is just 59K. W101 was a complete failure, pretty sure it sold less than 200k worldwide.

>the only hack and slash they have
See pic related

>dogshit compared to any other open world game out there
In 2019 you are still seething that hard, aren’t you?

Attached: 57F31FDD-AAFE-40F5-8F4C-70C72A0074B4.jpg (280x433, 55K)

that's what happens when you get five minutes of footage but youtube only likes 10+ minute videos.

Bayonetta 2 was good though
Whether it was better than Bayo1 can be debated but it was definitely a 9/10 in my book, same as Bayo1


No, portbegging is a Switch owner thing.

That looks fun though. Is it that different from vergil's sword ring?

Nice denial, retard.

>NO U!!!!!

>See pic related
Looks shit lmao

I hope UA3 patches the progression so making characters stronger and build-crafting is more varied.
Bosses and enemies are pretty fun, even if the level lay out is kind of boring.
7/10, been having a good time with it

>he says after thousand of snoyfags on Yea Forums were SEETHING about it being an exclusive
LOL, nice try.

Bayonetta is non-fun non-sexy Bayonetta

Literally nobody wants that lmao, it's worse than than its predecessor. We're already getting a proper Avengers game, and it looks like it was made in the current decade.

Check these then, no voice over.

Attached: AC photo mode 2.jpg (1920x1080, 680K)

>he likes cutscene and QTE-filled moviegames
I always forget that PlayStation owners dislike fun

physical or digital, Yea Forumsros?

>NieR/MGR/Vanquish/Bayonetta mashed into one game with a unique mechanic
Its going to be absolutely fucking platinum

Will probably have performance issues though

>cutscene and QTE-filled moviegames
So Platinum's "games"?

Yeah while Switch owners are ADD riddled children that can't sit still without flashing colors on the screen and BING BING WAHOO


>Will probably have performance issues though
According to digital foundry, it's pretty stable for the demo.
Considering most of their games ran at 45ish fps, they should hopefully get it stable.

>Platinum game
>not 60 fps

Attached: 1563315293080.png (576x360, 258K)

None of their games actually are, why are people now pretending they ever had good performance on the system they came out on?

They've made plenty of good games in the last decade and 3 of them are on Nintendo consoles

lol retard

You know how the saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover

Preordered a physical copy from Amazon

Amazon germoney actually had it for 30 percent off for a while, so I did the same.

Imagine being as ass blasted as these guys. Pitiful.

What the heck's the matter with you, user?

People aren't validating his portbegging, and that makes him very upset.

More like decentfps begging

COPE with your portbegging however you want.
Where is this retard now?

Please tell me why the sole fact that this game wont be 60fps is a pass for you. Why is it so important that this game which could very well be a good game for all you know is suddenly off your radar simply because its not 60fps

Why does everything Nintendo bring out the worst in people here? I swear at least 40% of the discussion is about shitting on Nintendo's userbase, 25% is about shitting on it's games, 15% is talking about waifus, and the rest is actual positive discussion of the games (even though it's mostly Smash and Fire Emblem).

Fpbp, bayo 2 is trash
There's a reason style players don't bother with it.

>Why does everything Nintendo bring out the worst in people here?
Because Yea Forums is unironically sonygaf at this point, unless the game is on PS4 the game cannot be allowed to be praised here.

Lmfao don't kid yourself.
The game runs at 30 with drops.

>fire emblem
>taking positively about it
Fire Emblem makes puts everyone's panties in a twist.

snobs, user.

I'm deciding between this and Three Houses to spend the last of my game money on. Thoughts?

>0fps on ps4

Attached: 1399340475519.png (459x338, 436K)

pokemon swsh had a lot of perfomance issues in the e3 demo, and unlike astral chain looks visually awful

astral chain actually looks great for a switch game

hurts so much, bro

I just want one decent exclusive for vita as a proper sendoff.

Sony fanbase is unironically the worst fanbase. They will attack anything they cant have.
A few of them are good though. Gravity rush and P5 (pre smash) were decent.
But most casual Sonyfanboys didnt play those.