>it's fucking real
It's fucking real
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.
We know.
jesus fuck when will you retards learn to format screenshot text properly
shit is barely readable
what has been confirmed from that post?
So far pretty much everything concerning the next expansion for WoW. The squish, the new class etc
>Many of us over the last few years have shifted from playing primarily desktop to playing many hours on mobile, ...
What do you expect to happen when you only release your games for Windows and mobile?
Windows is a walking dead.
Go Linux, or go the same way as Windows.
The money from sugar daddy MS will only take you so far.
>overwatch info doesn't mention the new character
yeah totally real
>new class
There is literally a blizzard ffxiv guild
it was already rumour before that post, ion floated a level boost quite early in bfa as on the table
>new class
Do you mean new race? Because vulpera have been hinted as playable by the sheer amount of effort put into their character models compared to sethrak and other NPC only races. They have all sorts of emotes and they can equip and display items properly.
If you see WoW is dying why not just revamp it like Final fantasy 14 did. Fuck me they literally nuked the world for the revamp, turning a dying game into an apocalyptic flashfire that ignited interest in the reboot.
With all the shit in the WoW lore you'd think one of them winning would be sufficiently fucked up enough for someone to say "welp, time to go back in time and prevent this shitfire from even getting started, good luck asshole."
I didn't know it's real
As one user pointed out it's unlikely someone would have this detailed knowledge of every project unless they were really fucking high u[
They are not allowed to mention FFXIV
It's like Bioware with Anthem
Of course it was
Blizzdrones going full buttmad today huh
Could just be the office gossip. In situations as shitty as the posts describe desperate people would look for any outlet. A compassionate Co-worker would hear a lot of shit, especially once it gets around that they don't do back office politic bullshit and actually just want to help.
If said person did get fired then they literally have nothing to lose by telling people how fucked up working for the corporation doing this shit to people actually is.
>Diablo was the good guy all along
Don't know if the pic is all bullshit, but that part wouldn't surprise me. They did the same shit with the orcs and the zerg - why not demons?
>Only play private vanilla servers and Warcraft 3 servers
>don't have to worry about this
honestly, that Diablo game sounds alright on paper, too bad it will be cancer-ridden cartoony shit. probably would have been really good 5-8 years ago though.
Games as a business was always doomed.
What kind of ADHD or autism must I have to take anything from these mass shit shows of collages I see posted on Yea Forums occasionally?
Level squish was being surveyed not too long ago
Couldn't happen to a better bunch of hacks. Same about the folks at ground level getting shit on mind you, but fuck the cunts in charge.
You are happy that people lose money?
so what happened? was the stuff in the OP post confirmed today or something?
t. hasn't played a blizzard game in a decade
Wasn't there some rumor that Disney is going to buy Activision?
Based on what exactly
>Ovulation cycles
Come on
They are trying to imply that those angels are irl well dressed and properly behaving white people who are secret nazis.
get woke go broke
fuck disney
They fucked star wars and while I don't care as much they'll fuck marvel.
Spare the rod spoil the child, and if these assholes only care about money then yes I am happy they lose it because they sure as fuck don't deserve it.
>female employees have to log ovulation cycles
You have to be a special kind of retarded to believe a single word of this.
It's true lol, was confirmed
I would've believed it if it had mentioned the new OW character
>Everything "confirmed" in that post has been soft confirmed for almost a year mostly talked about on wow youtubers and wowhead
>Everything not confirmed is practically Yea Forums buzzwords the post
Where? I don't believe you
>hinted as playable by the sheer amount of effort put into their character models compared to sethrak and other NPC only races
haha o wow. You sound like a smash player
overwatch2 is confirmed though.
it likely will before the end of the year because of Call of Duty alone. but a lot is riding on Classic and next year's blizzcon where they HAVE TO show off Diablo 4.
>Thing confirmed before the leak is confirmed
>tfw you were never a blizfag and don't care watching them burn under daddy acti
>literally ended an entire company
how can one man be so based?
user here, so from what I've read in the OP pic and looked up on google here is what is true
Ovulation shit is real
Overwatch 2 is real
Diablo 4 is real
Aside from that the other stuff is pure rumor and speculation.
>other stuff is pure rumor and speculation.
more importantly, it's based on office gossip, which largely depends on who you're talking to
level squish survey was out before this post, you fucking retard
that's why multiple blizz devs talk about ffxiv on twitter
That would be admitting that XIV did something better and would just be fuel for WoW losing relevance if it has to copy a gimmick from nine years ago. They also already had a shitty time travel expansion.
>first person Diablo
God please no
>Diablo was the good guy all along
This is so fucking dumb but after Starcraft 2 and WOW, I believe Blizzard would do it.
>female employees having to log their ovulation cycles
I assume this company is not located in USA because this is a serious Title VII violation.
I have a friend who works at blizzard. They aren't that high up in the company but know every project that's being worked on. If you've been there a couple of years there isn't much kept from you.
They don't tell me anything major, but I know things they have mentioned contradict stuff in the op.
Doubt it, even the CoD fanbase is at the ropes right now with the micro transactions. Blizzard might save itself with Diablo 4 and classic but at that point it might be too late.
>goddip are wrong
>except when it's about crunch and evil boss vs pure inocent pink haired "dev" (read : community manager)
We also need to collectively apologise to the mid level leaker.
>grown men and women weeping openly as births and a few deaths are missed
>births are missed
What kind of shitskin do you have to be to miss a birth in favor of a shit paying code monkey job
>mfw we thought he was lying
Gomenasai mid level worker user
Not so fast Blizzard. I summon Red Shirt Guy in attack mode.
yea fuck them
A wagecuck aka slave
>Vulpera and Mechagnome are the next Alliance races
vulpera are alliance now? what do horde get, then?
>April 2019
God please let EA and actiblizz go bankrupt
We knew Sigma was coming since last year.
>People realize all this information was out before my RP!
But how much of these informations turned out to be true though?
I can vouch for this guy, by dad works at Nintendo.
OK, that's a lot of text. Legit? Might as well read it.
thats a very meaty pussy. Whomst?
Blizzdrones on suicide watch
Okay, I've seen this post on several different threads. Give me a quick rundown on this meme you're trying to force.
what are your thoughts on the possibility of disney buying activision?
that detail was confirmed
2 seconds of googling cutie
No king rules forever, my son.
That's how all memes here start, just force it long enough until stockholm syndrome takes effect
>FF14 Can no longer be mention in the offices
Who wrote this gay fanfiction? Because this read word for word like the Anthem Article Kotaku wrote.
>Diablo 4 First Person Game Made with a MMO-Engine turned Shooter
Cringe and fake
so all this means is classic becomes more based
atleast they met their diversity quotas
>Did you hear the tragedy of Darth Blizzard the Unwise?
How so?
Blizzard's been doing dumb shit for fucking years now. This is just more of the same.
look at all that diversity
I unironically hope Disney buys out Hacktivision
Does the free version of WoW includes all of the expansions (except for the last one)?
no i sound like someone who knows they added emotes that no other npcs have, added them to the list of playable races rather than NPC races in the game files, and spent huge amounts of time getting all manner of gear to work on them.
i hate vulpera and i hate furfags but unfortunately it is more than hinted that they are looking to make them playable
I feel myself reaching for my phone to give them a call about my computer problems.
imagine the smell
What’s real? Explain.
>Universal acclaim
>No negativity in the dojo
Not even once
What do you think classic is?
What? nothing in here has even come true
Please show bob and vagin
The gaming market will crash and EA/Blizzard will be the start of it
It's all bullshit but I think that part may have gone over your head.
Metacritic never fails to amaze me with every user review being either 10s or 0s. They might as well remove the number system and just do a simple thumbs up or thumbs down.
wtf I love H1-B now
>You are happy that laziness has consequences?
We banned this card year ago.
because it wouldn't make a difference since it would be the same people making the lore and quests. so we would just end up in a shiny new world, that would probably be worse, doing the same shitty rep grinds and time gated content.
they've already done multiple squishes
Not level squishes, like was predicted in OP
Do what FF XIV did. Say everything in WoW was all a dream. Thrall wakes up, walks outside to the still under construction Orgrimmar. And then show the ice cracking in Northrend as the Lich King wakes up. Oh shit it's Warcraft 4 and it's pushing Thrall vs Arthas for the fate of Azeroth. AS A SINGLE PLAYER STORY! as it should've been.
Good. I see an indie revival coming on the horizon
>Thrall vs Arthas
They never knew each other. What a shit rivalry. Thrall is shit and the worst W3 hero.
>next expansion is WoW: Apocalyps
>the gods are sick of the constant ruining of literally everything
>shits fucked yo
>Heroes fight to get Chromie what she needs to send a message back through time warning everyone
>world resets to vanilla
>now we try to do different (and fail obviously)
They would know each other if they'd had prophetic dreams about each other.
Indies have been going strong for a long fucking time. The biggest issues indies have now is exposure and oversaturation. Two things publishers came into being to "fix". And the cycle will begin anew.
What happened with that innocent player ban with the CM?
Thrall is a hero who does what's right. He's meant to be the foil to Arthas even though they never actually met. The payoff of their combined arcs is them meeting and then fighting. Which never happened because WoW had to make players feel special as opposed to their written characters.
Have you never watched Anime, user?
swept under the rug
Thrall is a pussy faggot who does nothing of import in the entire game.
>Thrall is a hero
he's a holier-than-thou asshole that failed garrosh in his time of need and then had the balls to blame him for the things he did
I just want to see Widow giving Tracer some strap on loving
It’s a made-up character, virgin
>had to make the player feel special
>you are just there to keep Arthas busy while Tyrion axes him.
if you think this is real, you retards will literally fall for anything.
I want to browse Yea Forums from the same Thinkpad I was posting from for over a decade, is that too much to ask?
If Blizzard were smart they'd acknowledge flaws in their characters and have them overcome them through character development. But WoW would never let that happen.
Fall for this
*unzips dick*
if you think this is real i probably could convince you to suck my dick.
too bad that costs time, money and having a dev team that actually has a passion for the game to work
Even more flaws with WoW's basic lore delivery inherent in an MMO. MMOs should be like EvE where every player contributes to a freeform sandbox and creates their own stories through diegetic sandbox gameplay with each other. With expanded universe material left to the books. If you can't do that don't make an MMO. WoW should've been Warcraft 4. Blizzard would've made less money though so what do I know.
Didn't they say that they don't care about video games?
Maybe they changed their minds after seeing how much cash they made by allowing EA to make a bunch of shit games.
Hopefully they buy Activision and run it into the ground.
How many hours in mspaint did that take?
I only played base WoW on the level 20 limit F2P a few years back with a friend-group, so can someone spoonfeed me on whats gone wrong with the newer expacs? I know that its something to do with
>microtransactions in a game you have to buy and then subscribe to
>mediocre and thin content thats taking a long time to make
but i imagine that in blizzards state thats the tip of the iceberg
How long until the Disney purchase goes through?
>After Diablo: Immortal, the stocks began to drop
Either those niggers are seething right now or they pushed it out of their mind and are pretending like it never happened. Absolutely pathetic.
They are out of touch. That's what eventually happens to any big corporation relying on fiction to sell what they perceive as mere "products". They fail to grasp what their target audience is.
Too much.
>shopped WOW logo on the wall is a dead giveaway
But I will say it's a legit 9.5/10 in terms of believably. Really well done shop over all. You peeps spend 2000 hours in DOTA, this guy spent 2000 hours in paint, editing it all pixel by pixel.
>most of the class gutted from the last expansion, leveling through the new zones has your character literally become weaker
>rng out the fucking ass, most of the sources of gear have a small chance of titanforging which means the piece you got can be several itemlevels higher, you can see retards who can barely do the easiest content have equipment almost on par with mythic raiders
>story is just a fucking mess, all the time the writers tell people how sylvanas is this super ingenious strategist figure who has some kind of master plan and it'll be a huge shock yet we're shown nothing of it in-game, all players see is sylvanas acting like a standard moustache twirling villain
>two of the main features of the expansion, island expeditions and warfronts are universally disliked by the entire playerbase and the only reason people do them is because one is a piss easy source of heroic level gear and the other is necessary to keep grinding your retarded heart of azeroth neckpiece
latest patch 8.2 made some things slightly more bearable but fixed none of the big issues, expect to see a big drop in players once the current raid enters farm mode
Nah, the monitors give it away almost instantly. You can see that those are shopped screenshots instead of photos of the screen.
Blizzard is the Rome of the game industry. Once the center of prosperity an age ago, has since wasted away into a mediocre joke of its former self. We are at the stage where people convince themselves the "empire" still exists, because how could it be gone if there are still sales? When realistically it died long ago.
Anyone else fucking get beyond mad when realizing that most executives in these large companies literally can't give a fuck about developing small successes anymore?
>What's that? Spend 5 million on a small game and rake in 8 million profit, netting us 3 mil?
It's like all these companies are ran by executives and shareholders who are literally enacting the business card scene from American Psycho every single second of their lives. And people want to pretend capitalism wasn't a mistake. When all you can do is stockpile money for no fucking purpose at all, you've ceased being human.
8.2 also made the gearing issue much worse. 3 raid difficulties are already entirely irrelevant when it comes to character progression, as Benthic gear completely outclasses them and gives you, almost, a full set. What you can't get via Benthic gear, you can get via the Heroic Warfront or the Mechagon lootboxes.
There's so many people who just unlocked flying and then unsubbed. You just do a couple daily quests on Nazjatar and the one Mechagon world quest and then gamble with the fucking not-lootboxes until you get BiS.
>Yea Forums can into the stock market
sure thing buddy
Based, unironically. Can't wait to see EA Bliz and co just crash and burn for their mistakes
>stockpile money for no fucking purpose at all, you've ceased being human
Based, subhuman richfags purge when?
A fucking 425 benthic piece with a socket outsims a 455 mythic titanforge for me at the moment.
More like seeing them cry like bitches thanks to taxes. Day of the Bern can't come soon enough
Azerite traits are also a mess. A 420 azerite pice with the best traits for your class can easily outdps a 450 piece with suboptimal traits even though there's a whooping 30 ilvl difference between them
Why bother with taxing them?
Just dump the bastards into a mass grave and requisition what they own.
It's funny to me that people in the US act like he's some kind of commie boogeyman when he'd be considered merely center-left here.
>just dump them all in graves instead
Well I'm no idiotic and bloodthirsty commie, but thank you
You do know that they are not going to let you get away with taxing them, right?
The only way for them to surrender their wealth is by force, you don't have to kill them, depends on what they've done, some guy like Notch didn't exploit people, I wouldn't want him to be shot just because he's rich, others are scum and I wouldn't shed a tear.
How is greed related to capitalism?
Under communism it would be gathering goods for Party members, since they are defacto owners of companies.
Propaganda and indoctrination. For Americans anything against corporations or rich people is communism.
Right, go fight your sterile gorilla wars against the bourgeois elsewhere, and let the adults vote in your stead.
I think he was talking about how ff14 1.0 was a dumpster fire so bad that they scrapped it, remade the whole game and released it as ff14 a realm reborn, which is the current ff14 2.0
he's saying that wow is at such a miserable state that it should be scrapped and restarted
the lore justification in ff14 was the 7th calamity where dalamud crashed into the planet and caused a hope catastrophy, you can watch a documentary about it here
>Day of the Bern can't come soon enough
Bernie 2016 was okayish, bernie of today is embarrassing. Fuck that senile tard
Doesn't work, time for the next thing, peaceful protests and disobedience, oh turns out that doesn't do shit and you get gassed and hit by pigs, now what?
*huge catastrophy
Please move to Venezuela
That's why they changed the rating system on Youtube from a 5-star system to likes/dislikes back in the day.
Basically no one uses the options inbetween
>vote for some guy
>doesn't do what he promised in his campaign
>can't hold him accountable, gets away with no consequences
>I guess I won't be voting for you next election good sir!
>repeat cycle every few years until your death
I say we eat the rich.
I'd love to be rich, but why would I care about making more money when I'm set for life? I just wanna spend time developing my own skills and spending money on being better at things I like.
These executive scum need to be tortured though.
>those 3+ year old games are dead
Make some fucking new ones
Bernie 16 was different because it was literally him and hillary running, now it's bernie and 20 other retards screaming the same message. He's literally not special anymore. It doesnt really matter, those two women seem to be destroying him in polls.
But your solution will be perfect and never tried before?
Let's hear it.
Ok, homeland terrorist. Now go get yourself killed alone, you are as disgusting as a /pol/tard
>t. just turned 18 and got his voting right
That's a heh for me, user.
>These executive scum need to be tortured though
Let's not do that, throw them in some dirty prison and call it a day.
Isn't the next Overwatch hero some astrophysicist?
Is anything else in this post confirmed as true? Beyond the races for WoW which have been datamined for an eternity, I feel
I'm genuinely not up to date on Blizzard stuff, happy for someone to enlighten me
use desktop mode in your browser then click the filename to see it full size
Are you an amateur gamedev, by chance ? You speak like one
>you can't point out an issue if you don't have a solution for everything
Centrists get the bullet too.
No, I'm just an amateur at everything in general.
>trusting polls
never tried before? we already have this shit figured out bro. you just need a war.
when is blizzcon? I want my out of season april's fool joke
Eat shit and die you filthy mobilefag.
Die in a fire made out of piles of the communist manifesto, you absolute retard. No wonder people believe anything left of center is simply evil thanks to idiots like you.
>if you don't like the status quo you must be a commie
Mutts everyone!
Can't wait for your country to get nuked :^)
Classic will have 10 million subs, easy. We're all going home.
>No wonder people believe anything left of center is simply evil
>caring about the beliefs of braindead burgers
Every idiot can point on problem.
But if your solution is not better than that problem then why people should listen to you?
>Every idiot can point on problem
>still advocates people to vote for change
Reminder that literally every leak posted on Yea Forums is fake no matter what game it's from.
sanders was different because he shared a lot of trumps rhetoric regarding immigration back then, strongly against illegal immigration, reparations and he was a moderate on gun laws. Not anymore, decriminalizing illegal entries and healthcare for illegals and he straight up ignores he ever was a moderate on guns. He's forced to pander because the democrat field is so big now and he needs votes. how long until he sticks pronouns in his twitter bio as every other democrat nominee is doing?
Nice larp
It will just be like 2004 again and I can start over and make my like not a failure like it is now.
Good slave
Your pathetic posts won't save you on the day of the rope.
was WOW always shit or has it actually been a fall from grace?
It was always shit, the competition was just shitter.
Your full of shit post proof
fucking retard
It was the best way to socialize without meeting people irl.
it was shit but then it got worse
About half of it is stuff we new about well before the leak, everything else CAN'T be confirmed because it is all behind the seens bullshit.
>FFXIV is no longer allowed to be mentioned in the offices
legitimately me on the right
They can't afford letting FFXIV live there rent-free.