I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.
Do you even Stand Alone?
I only played TTT and that shitty cell shaded reboot game. TTT was okay, but certainly not great. I'd probably give it a high 6 to a low 7. The reboot was terrible.
WW is best PoP game. SoT is worse. Even old PoP is better.
But warriorwhiner was cool
SoT > 2008 = TTT > WW > TFS
TTT is not that good. SoT and WW are superior in every way
TTT is a buggy rushed mess that tried to straddle the lighthearted SOT and WW and failed. WW is better in gameplay, SOT is better in story.
>ww not the best
bait thread WW is the best one
Agree. I was quite disappointed by T2T.
god kaileena was such a semendemon.
This but unironically
Does it even matter? We will never get a new PoP because of AC and Ubishit
Do you want a new Pop made by nu-bisoft? Its better dead than woke
Worse, we're gonna get new PoP that is AC-like open world Ubishit
They extended AC's lifespan for the original planned 3/6 games, and turned it into a middle of the shelf RPG. You really want nu-Ubisoft to go back to PoP?
How can one man be so wrong on so many levels?
It's either
WW>>>>>>>TTT>SoT for fun or;
SoT>>>>WW>>>>TTT for story.
>god kaileena was such a semendemon
Don't forget Shadee (and I'm not even an ass man).
Farah is probably the reason why i have a foot fetish now
This reminds me that I don't want any game remasterd anymore because so far they fuck them all and get them censored, when will this sjw era end bros? do we need to nuke Israel or something?
Nuke Mecca while we're at it.