Underrail Expedition is out!

Underrail Expedition is out!
What do you think so far?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 60K)

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I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

It's good.

Too busy playing fe3h sorry

How's the naval stuff?
And is Temporal Manipulation good?



>How's the naval stuff?
Cool, as one would expect.

>is Temporal Manipulation good?
Very, maybe even too good.

Sounds great, I loved how OP psi was already
Any specific new feats I should be looking out for a psi build?

>Any specific new feats I should be looking out for a psi build?
A few. Look them up in pic related.

Attached: notspam.png (640x400, 7K)

Dilate is so good. It's probably my new favorite psi ability.

>And is Temporal Manipulation good?
Fantastic for pretty much every build.
Temporal Distortion can be easily stacked to deliver a good damage in two turns. This means it won't break enrage immediately and you can set up your force-sealed rooms of death way more effectively. With a feat each temporal distortion you cast has 35% chance to spread to other targets which is hilarious to look at. There's a bunch of fantastic buffs and debuffs too, and if you don't care about Distotion you can use it as a support psi for ranged builds Kiritsugu style.

this only has 3 psi disciplines though?
also, I think it's easier to just format it like
instead of writing it in paint

>this only has 3 psi disciplines though?
Click on the Expedition DLC box.

I had people getting confused when doing this, sometimes.

What's the earliest you can get a spear and how are they so far?
I can't play the game right now cause I'm sick.

>What's the earliest you can get a spear

>how are they so far?

I've heard people praising the spear throw already.

is this a good build?
the stealth is only for walking around stealthed so I can get the first hit in
I'm afraid of dying too much with psychosis

Attached: underrail build.png (1663x880, 115K)

>Average serbian makes $30 a month
>Steam cut
>Income tax
>The four developers get less than $2 a sale
I'm going to pirate is just to deprive styg and the other three serbshits of the $1.48 they need to live.

If you're fine with gimped crafting and no hack/lockpicking, yes.
Generally i would say that 9 CON Lasto Stando builds are better for tranquility now.

Looks ok to me, so far. You won't have to max temporal manipulation tho, so try to drop some points into crafting.

I had a build like that and everyone made fun of me for using tranqulity (which needs full health) with a high HP tank
>If you're fine with gimped crafting and no hack/lockpicking,
well having 4 psi disciplines kind of limits the point I can put into those

>You won't have to max temporal manipulation
Temporal Distortion is really good.

Concidering i couldn't bring myself to play more than 30minutes of the first one i have to say fuck this game. Russians only produce trash games.

I suppose, but not necessary on pure psi build that maxes all other 3 schools. Seems like overkill to me, especially if it's at the cost of crafting.

If throwing still worth throwing 15-30 points into it

>You won't have to max temporal manipulation tho

oh I see
I suppose I could drop psychokinesis entirely, I don't remember it being so good over thought control and fire shit

>I had a build like that and everyone made fun of me for using tranqulity (which needs full health) with a high HP tank
They were idiots.
By the way Last Stand now can be buffed with specialization points to work for 4 turns with 6 turn cooldown. This means 4 turns of non-interrupted Tranquility. On top of that Temporary Rewind can give you back your HP after Last Stand ends.
Imagine the possibilities.

Other abilities like Temporary Rewind also scale with this school, user. You also need a certain number of points to get the perks and they are fucking good.

>see people praise this game all the time
>try it out
>lots of perks and skills
>end up putting everything instr and con
>run around smacking stuff with a sledgehammer
>can't craft
>can't hack or pick locks
>can't steal
>no psi
>just smacking shit up with a literal construction tool

What's the point of all the other stuff?

Attached: 1544866292438.webm (240x240, 845K)

Different builds that focus on different things. Psi is really fun, you should try it out next time
Also, making fun of retards who have never played a proper RPG and try to put points into everything at once

Why would i spend my money on literal garbage? There are many games out there with production value. This shit was made by some basement dweller who couldn't make it in the industry and goddamn it shows. I will never buy amateur pixeltrash because it brings down gaming standarts as a whole. Fuck you and your shovelware.

Attached: 1563578082453.jpg (480x480, 57K)

There comes a point in the game where you're basically the sentient Anomaly in STALKER.

Do you need to start a new game for this?

thank you for opening my eyes fren, i'm going to play fortnite and watch anime

Attached: 1554254728296.png (557x676, 379K)

I like that the temporal manipulation trainer is a young dashing guy despite the fact he mastered this ability and seems to be considerably older.
Looks like you literally become a walking temporal animality with god knows how long lifespan.

Because a lot of it is pure utility that's doesn't scale with skill.

>Other abilities like Temporary Rewind also scale with this school, user.
I didn't use temporary rewind all that often and the entropic recurrence is plenty strong even without maxing.

>You also need a certain number of points to get the perks and they are fucking good.
But not even close to maxing.

>he mastered this ability
He didn't tho, he's just good. His master was an old dude.

You think sometimes, he just sits in a corner and watch the world pass by in fast forward or does he just age slow?

He's a serbian... I'm glad I didn't buy it yet then. East europeans can be very backwards. Is the game inclusive for minorities? Does the game have a diverse cast of racial and sexual minorities?

Shill thread. Kill yourselfes

Attached: 1561552166245.jpg (568x705, 244K)

>Does the game have a diverse cast of racial and sexual minorities?
Yes. There's even racemixing with alien artifacts, doesn't get any more progressive than that.

Well you can now force other people to dilate, at least.

Thank god i bought underrail of G2A so he doesn't get any money. Imagine charging over 30% of your countries average monthly salary for a DLC.

how about this then friends?

Attached: underrail build.png (1664x880, 142K)

user i'll be honest with you i don't know fuck all about build but you seem well rounded and you have my vote of confidence

Finally, fucking based, buying it now

Gonna go shotgunning, what's the build basics I should obey?

>find a spear with great psyker bonuses
>minimal strength: 6
>genocide all the snakefags in frustration

How are swords and shotguns?
Is it a bright idea to take psi empathy just for the fire abilities? I want to pretend I have a flamethrower.


Post stats

no mod, this

I could buy a spear right away from SGS but shops are random.

Man i forgot how ridiculously good the grenades are

I see

Sell me on it.
Also what build should i go with?


The player character is canonically an insect otherkin.

Classic or Oddity?

Oddity or kys

I want to try quad psi, does this look like it could work? The lack of high stealth and initiative makes me a bit wary, but I could probably still make it work right?

Attached: maybe.png (1917x939, 182K)

Oddity on first playthrough of new content
Then Classic

FUCK IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING. I responded to call that asked to come back and defend the base from Swedes. I left my jetski on the same screen as the enemy ships and it disappeared when the enemy ships disappeared. Might have to dig an old save because I'm stuck.

It could have been moved to the side, or maybe the port. If not, would be a good idea to report it.

It's completely gone I checked every corner, talked to people, went back to Core City but it's just disappeared.

I am here to say that I will give my eternal thanks to whoever finds a build capable of cucking Six back into his divine cuckshack. Thank you.

There was one during alpha, but that's fixed by now. Every Six kill is a guarded secret from now.

>already spent like 60 hours beating the game once
>want to start with a new build but don't want to have to replay the entire game
fuck why did it have to be an expansion?

But it's so good. Pick one of the new weapons or time magic, it almost feels like a new game.

any custom portrait packs out there?

Started a new character and haven't gotten to the new content but I'm enjoying the game again.