Is there a single video game character who could defeat Archie Sonic?

Is there a single video game character who could defeat Archie Sonic?

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No, he's broken as fuck

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Doesn't bass literally drop his ass in seconds

Madara Uchiha

yeah Mario Galaxy

yeah, Comic Sonic during ken penders age made him into a god. It was so stupid too. Like they tried to make leveling up supersonic is what made him turn into modern sonic.

It's funny how the strongest fictional characters ever are lesbian loli's

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Ken Penders

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How good is the comic? Is it like tgt-level with characters dying off and all that or is it just happy go lucky? I went on /sthg/ and found the chart but I opted to start with the beginning and got bored

'Archie' Sonic is essentially reality bending looney toons tier so no.

its like... it takes it self too seriously. Like waaaayyy too seriously.

Mewtwo's power level is so fucking overhyped. A ten year old can take it out with a newborn level 1 ratata with endeavor and quick attack.

Pokemon are fucking bitch tier on the power level scale.

Game mechanics don't count faggot, Mewtwo can just use TK to instantly kill you without any need to aim or move.

Omnipotent & omnipresent gods are cheating

Can we just appreciate comics Eggman instead of having a powerlevels thread?

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>Game mechanics don't count faggot
What are we going off then? The anime? Because OP said a "video game character". Nothing in the games suggests that mewtwo is a gigantic threat. His greatest feat is killing a building full of unarmed scientists and flying away.

>can we just circlejerk about this meme character instead of actually talking about something interesting?

I remember Sally turning into a robot and then something happened to the story that made the universe reset or some shit what the fuck happened

>powerlevels discussion
>thing 8-year olds do of their favorite characters

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Is this from IDW? I thought we were beyond OC like Ken the Opossum.

IDW, yes. And no, we're not off the OC train.

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Is /sthg/ really that bad now that you have to discuss the comic on Yea Forums too? I mean I don't even care if you wanna have your little stealth /sthg/ threads here, but that's just sad.

>complaining about people liking the same things as 8 year olds
>in a thread about the sonic the hedgehog comic

Your point?

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Sonic is exclusively for feet fetishist.
He is a modern treasure. God his feet are spectacular.


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Pretty sure he and basically everything from Sonic Universe have been retconned

Well yeah, Archie comics Sonic isn't a thing anymore. What's your point?

I was gonna say something about him being unable to contest sonic if he's not around anymore until I realized OP asked specifically about Archie Sonic so nevermind I'm an asshole

I'm sure unless Sega flips the table soemthing resembling Scourge will appear. We alreaady have a Dr Finitevus expy.

It's fine.
I do miss him

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At the end of the day Mewtwo is just a Pokemon, is not Frieza or anything in terms of power and compared to other characters such as Sonic Mewtwo isn't that fast.

Sure Pokemon went a bit overboard by making literal gods as the series went on but Mewtwo itself is just a very strong Pokemon that's unique and that's it.

I know just one

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Have you even read the VN? Bern and Lambda may be absurdly strong but they're not even close to being the strongest fictional characters ever.

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he literally defeated and captured sonic though
What are you on about nigger?

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I forgot Nack was in that Sonic fighting game so fair enough

What does him being Sonic the Fighters have to do with what I posted?
After Nack captured Sonic, Robotnik turned Sonic into Mecha Sonic and had a huge Special throw down with Mecha Knuckles.
You need to stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

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The fact OP asked for VIDEOGAME CHARACTER that could beat Archie Sonic?

That still doesn't change what i said

Game Mewtwo doesn't have any feats that'd let him even react to the overpowered fanfic that is Archie Sonic though. The latter could destroy Mewtwo before he could even track him and think about crushing Sonic's brain.