>character commits genocide
>is still forgiven and treated like a good friend
Character commits genocide
but can she can forgive her tits being so fat
>character is falsely accused of genocide
any doujins where she gets raped?
Reno is the person who set the bomb that blew up Sector 7, killing thousands of innocents.
>acts like this isnt the life of a soldier
> acts like she wasnt ordered to by the Fat Queens
>thinks she enjoyed it
This isnt your first prostitute Op
He killed millions, let's give him superpowers.
FFIX had a lot of things, but a good story was not one of them.
I thought the story in a general sense was pretty great. There are just some details and treatment of characters that are bad.
He was just following orders, dude.
>j-just following orders
Anyone who isn't evil will not follow through on an order like that.
I don't understand how people are not bothered by the extreme slow ass turbo tedium that are the atrocius amount of time it takes to enter a fucking random battle.
How did they fuck this up so much when 7 and 8 before it was perfectly fine? And why does literally nobody care? This made it unplayable for me.
Hated this snivelling little shitehawk
How did they suddenly fade to black after rescuing Hilda and were suddenly in Lindblum?
turn off cinematic battle camera or whatever it's called in the options if you're on the PC version
>character starts a race war for his own unrelated ambition
>turns a lawful good character into a frog after murdering his mentor in cold blood
>repeatedly tries to kill protagonists
>indirectly causes the main protagonist's death
>talks shit about him afterwards
>joins the party but is never trusted or accepted by anyone
>doesn't give a fuck about any of them or their personal goals
>fucks off and does his own thing without a word to anyone after they defeat the final boss
based guile (formerly magus)
brb looking it up
if the PC version actually fixes this crap I'm buying it right now
the PC version still has sluggish battles.
but you can skip the cinematic camera intro for random encounters. it still occurs for bosses.
you can also mod the backgrounds to not look like shit
If I can skip the 20 second long pointless camera moving around every single fucking random battle, I'm good. For bosses it can stay.
It's obvious she was the writer's favorite.
yeah, but muh mother.
Steiner deserved better than her, bros.
That doesn't matter in any inteligent civilization.
But Beatrix was the best girl in the game.
Ugly drunkard
Good damage dealer though
yeah tell that to your fucking government you moron.
FF9? More like FF 9FPS
The whole defeating 1000 Knights thing probably happened before Brahne turned evil, so I can't blame her for that.
Beatrix didn't kill or command the slaughter; the black mages did everything themselves. That was the point of them: the whole thing was a sales pitch by Kuja to show Brahne that he could give her an autonomous army that took orders, then did all the work. She fell for the pitch because she was being controlled. Beatrix only fights the party to keep them from killing the queen.
In Cleyra Beatrix is content to have captured the Kingdom, and is confused when ordered to retreat. She later admits that she didn't know about Odin nuking the Burmecians until the last second, and doesn't care for the black mage soldiers at all.
Her saving the princess and helping to save both Alexandria and the world from Kuja to undo her crimes works for me.
I wanted a one on one duel between her and Steiner or at least Kuja flare/holy her and put her in her place.
As soon as one becomes a soldier they become less than human and carry the weight of the sins of their country, To be a unthinking weapon that enacts the will of another, Deflecting blame to either the soldier or their leader is pointless, As they are both guilty.
Is she a walking nuke or something? How did she become so powerful?
She wears le epic edgy eye patch and isn't afraid of no man.
Its a good looking woman what do you expect?
oh ok, so you are the type who think that war is evil regardless and don't know the finer details that leads to it.
>The whole defeating 1000 Knights thing probably happened before Brahne turned evil, so I can't blame her for that.
Alexandria hadn't been in a war for dozens of years. Unless Beatrix was outright lying or the writers were fucking retarded, the only "knights" she could have defeated were the Losers of Pluto on a practice yard.
yet a citizen funds the army and the blame can go straight on you for funding it. We can go all day with this back and forth but we both know war isn't that simple.
>Implying rats are people
when is Vayne dropping in global OObros?