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When did the people destroying videogames switch from soccer moms who get their info about videogames from the church and the news to sjws?

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i wish my mom was christian. i could have been a monk instead of a shut-in autist.

I'm 25, you can't tell me what to do.
Also, who the fuck are you, and why are you in my house?

because we changed socially, so everyone just laughs off christians now days when people cave to sjw twitter mobs in an instant

this happened to me but with ed edd n eddy instead of vidya
now i wish i could've watched it as a kid

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so you would get some company at least once in a while

But that's literally the same thing

>*unzips dick*

Post Christfags being insane about vidya.

They made me more shutined.

that's funny because when i was a kid i wished that you specifically would not watch Ed Edd n Eddy, the fact that you've watched it now makes me think i've been gyped/monkey pawed in my wish and it makes me a little angry

You realize the former is still happening at the same frequency as the latter, they're just now both happening.

You've disobeyed my orders, son, why were you ever born?
Your brother's ten times better than you, Jesus loves him more
This music that you play for us comes from the depths of hell
Rock and roll's The Devil's work, he wants you to rebel
You'll become a mindless puppet, Beelzebub will pull the strings
Your heart will lose direction and chaos it will bring

>"But videogames don't make people violent!"
>Proceeds to get beaten up

I mean, if you're above 105 iq I hope you can see this argument is right, if there was no gun violence in movies and videogames, the first thing that popped into angry incels heads wouldn't be to go on a shooting rampage. But it's still not worth it to ban this just for the few mass shootings.

Not really, sjw are at the forefront of all recent videogame censoring.

I can't believe there's still so many christ believers in U.S.A. why are they so sick of their minds?

>okay mom
>put the shortcut into the trash bin

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But Mom I'm slaying demons in the service of our lord

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*tips fedora*


>im sorry user but you spend too much time on the computer

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You’ve become an adult when you realize that most of the shit your parents told you not to do was for your own good

Thank God my mom was Catholic

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I'm pretty sure it's Dad's genes that make me violent, but I'd rather beat video games than beat you like he did

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>playing Blood Omen 2 as a kid during the weekend
>mom never cared about this stuff
Kinda bizzarely funny in hindsight.

Based Theo.

Why do people feel the need to broadcast their families problems to the world

While some games actually are at fault for being just plain evil in their payment models and shit, imagine being such a shitty parent that you just get your kid some vidya systems, let them play it and fail to regulate play time at all.

>video game bad
>instagram attention whoring good
Well, atleast it was just an Xbox.

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No, they won't, they will just make me more Autistic. Wait that worse, isn't it?

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Apparently he tried, but the kids "hacked it"

>take away controller for a set amount of time
Now how the fuck is he going to hack that unless he is able to just buy new controllers all the time.

But user, that doesn't involve smashing the thing that makes him mad

>it's not my fault as a parent, it's the addictive games'!!!
this is celebrated somehow. guy even paid for a sponsored post Jesus fuck

Lawfags begone

>post deleted
Kek, get fucked /pol/cucks, End of History soon, conservatives will be annihilated and bred out of existence and a eternal era of Herstory shall begin

There are an abundance of boomers who themselves are addicted to social media, while at the same time view video games as the bad thing because it doesn't fit into their values, so getting a sponsored post is sure to bring in all the likes he craves from other boomers who are probably showering him with praise

Overbearing single mothers turn boys into weak beta trannies or violent sociopaths. Or weak betas who have violent tendencies that will probably shoot up a school.

it had a typo, deleting is better than having a post with a typo.

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Man, i can understand pitching a tent at big, hairy, manly muscly bears of bara perfection, but a whole hut?

Not really man, I know a Indie Fundamentalist pastor who has an Xbox One. Times have changed a lot.

Not that guy and not defending the Dad for going full retard instead of just selling it, but you would be surprised how easily kids can sniff that shit out, i taught myself lockpicking to get past the "I LOCK THING YOU LIKE AWAY" maneuver as a kid. Then my parents just went the "IF YOU LIKE IT SO MUCH SMOKE THE WHOLE PACK" equivalent and tied me up in front of the computer and set it up so i couldn't turn it off and then left me like that for like a half a day and a entire night.

That actually worked better since i couldn't sleep due the light from the screen and humm from the speakers and i obviously couldn't eat anything or go to the bathroom, giving clear perspective how "Important" getting computer time really was compared to basic living needs.

Kids are people too, and like most people there is no "simple solution" that suits everyone, gotta find a approach the actually gets the message across to YOUR kid, whether it is "Play less video games" or anything else.

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>Video Juggalos

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>kiss your friends

>that pic
Is he lame because he's holding hands with a man?

update this with a fat hipster calling you a Nazi sympathizer

>yelling for no reason
>implying I'm the one having issues

>avoid heavy metal from the circuits
>wash hands and wear gloves
Bruh, I bet they don't trust vaccines because they cause le autismo

Because SJWs think that "growing up" means not liking anything and being cynical about everything.

>a list of okay to amazing games
Thanks for the recs!

You are becoming hysterical.

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>Kids are people too, and like most people there is no "simple solution" that suits everyone, gotta find a approach the actually gets the message across to YOUR kid, whether it is "Play less video games" or anything else.
But that would require effort and I don't want to do that. Better to just beat my children and make them smash their possessions up and scar them for life.

How would that be any better? Also nothing but yourself keeping you a shut in you nigger, quit trying to pass off blame to someone else.

>not liking anything and being cynical about everything
Is Yea Forums sjw then?

All activities except reading the bible and going to church are wrong. Having fun is a sin.

No. SJWs become cynical because their peers are cynical. Yea Forums becomes cynical about things people should be cynical about

That opinion runs through several different groups. Most seem to think that fun most end at 25. After that, your sole purpose is to stay out of the way and just have a family.

you need to be 18 years or older to post on this website

Tenacious (You)

Checkout my top ten

I'm sure that your idea of what people should be cynical about is not at all informed by your peers