Quick reminder that they're all in.
also MH thread
Quick reminder that they're all in
Other urls found in this thread:
Wheres shen gaoren?
Wheres yama tsukami?
Wheres amatsu?
Wheres gogma?
Wheres nakarkos?
Wheres akantor?
Wheres ukanlos?
Wheres lao?
Wheres a living dalamadur?
Wheres jhen/darhen?
Shit thread
>have to wait until august for Brachy footage
Good things come to those who wait.
Do these facts entice you to play GU?
>vastly better roster, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun
>online lobby system is multiple times better and more social, it's the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>insane replayability due to sheer endless amount of weapon+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities
>meowstress sisters which are very cute
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific dlc/event armor like world does
>actually challenging quests and hunts, probably some of the hardest in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
What's the point you are trying to make here? Ok. Lets say hypothetically they are all in. Now what?
and thats a good thing. underwater was a mistake
How would you rework Gobul for a land-only moveset? Maybe have a larger swamp area and have him behave like Jyura?
Copypasting a slightly touched up list of entry points for World players looking to get into Classic MH, but depending on how much of the series you want to experience, start with FU, P3rd, 4U, or GU for the reasons outlined below:
As original flavor as it gets before going into full Gen 1/Dos jankdom. If you enjoy this, you'll most likely enjoy anything afterwards and it'll keep you busy for a long time. Play on Vita/PSTV, PPSSPP, or some other setup with a twin analog controller if you care about not developing carpal tunnel.
Probably the easiest of the classic MH games, which could be needed depending on how accustomed you grew to World's tweaks. Also short so that way you can play through to completion without getting overwhelmed if it doesn't really "click". Only really spoils FU for you and leaves the door to everything afterwards open. Same notes for playing as FU apply, but with added option of an official PS3 version. Play with the v5 translation patch if you can't handle moonrunes. 3U is also an acceptable alternative that similarly has a home console version, but is harder and longer.
Probably the option that I would vouch for the least as an entrypoint into classic MH since it'll spoil the perfectly playable 3rd Gen games for you, but there's still a few things going for it. It's got as much content as FU with a fraction of the jank, a fairly fleshed-out story mode, and fun additions such as the Insect Glaive. Be warned you will have extremely limited options for playing on a home console-esque setup unlike any other recommendations on this list.
The culmination of classic MH. The styles are a bit of a deviation and will mess you up going further back if you get too used to them, but it has even more content than 4U with all of its QOL additions and is playable on the big screen via the Switch port.
You're conflating "aquatic themed" with "fought underwater".
Just go to sleep listfag
Maybe dlc quest or some kind of festival update?
You forgot your list.
I used to post "daimyo hermitaur is cute!" On /mhg/ nearly daily years ago
Bring him back right now
it is sad that Daimyo Hermitaur won't return, Could be co0l if his in wild spire waste but that place already is packed with other monsters.
What is the worst weapon(s) in World? Planning on picking up the game soon.
Maybe Hunt them???? Is that even a sincere Question????
Hunting horn is still the worst
AuL doesnt make up for the shit damage it does compared to a good weapon
Barioth and Narga are cute, CUTE!
But...is he in?
I'm waiting user.
It's complicated weapon but worst weapon dunno user.
If Zinogre's in then he's in too.
Unless they do something about World's shitty gameplay/trash weapon and armor designs in Iceborne I think I'm stuck with 4U for the next 10 years.
tfw nothing will ever come close in design to Rebellion GQ armor
I mained hh in 4u and still use it occasionally in world.
Im talking straight damage
Its the worst
You should be happy to know that the damage of HH in iceborne seems crazy
140 yian garuga
They need to put Lagiacrus first to confirm that. Muzi and Lagiacrus share the similar Skeleton animation right?
Is HH being retroactively buffed or just new HHs?
Lao-Shan is a _____!
Fat boring turd.
Zorah except actually killable.
>Wheres shen gaoren?
>Wheres yama tsukami?
>Wheres nakarkos?
>Wheres a living dalamadur?
>Wheres jhen/darhen?
Where they belong - in the trash.
>Wheres shen gaoren?
Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster.
>Wheres yama tsukami?
Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster.
>Wheres amatsu?
When Leviathans get in. So World 2.
>Wheres gogma?
Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster. A shame though cause he’s actually fun.
>Wheres nakarkos?
Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster.
>Wheres akantor?
Potentially in because his skeleton is and Elder’s Recess is big enough to accomodate him.
>Wheres ukanlos?
Potentially in because his skeleton is and Hoarfrost Reach is big enough to accomodate him.
>Wheres lao?
I’d like to say never because he’s a big boy gimmick monster but Capcom love him for some reason, so probably World 2.
>Wheres a living dalamadur?
Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster.
>Wheres jhen/darhen?
Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster.
>Never reappearing because he’s a big boy gimmick monster.
Did you subconsciously block Zorah's existence from your mind?
retroactively buffed, and the new move is a huge boon for its damage
All weapons are getting new mechanics and moves. I forget HH’s new addition but in general I think they also increased damage on all its existing attacks too.
I wish. Big gimmick monsters rarely return because of the difficulty and time required to implement them. Zorah especially so.
Zorah is also a "never ever", it just so happens that his game is current
How would an underwater Zamtrios fight go?
Actually they frequently returned (in the past), because how easy it was to copy paste them, because they're mostly scripted theme park rides, so they don't need to be adapted for whatever new features the game added, if any.
It's only a big work to port one to a next gen game like World.
They spent an awful lot of effort on his shitty setpiece fight, I wouldn't be surprised to see it get recycled a few more times just so it wasn't all wasted
Goes up to the surface for air to expand, then goes underwater and farts it all out to launch himself at you at high speeds.
I think he meant between gens. The only one who crossed gens iirc was Lao.
Capcom dev team 2 here, the purple slime on Uragaan tease at the end of the trailer was a red herring. It's not Brachy. Y'all got played. His icon on the cookie is old because he's not in Iceborn. old icons monsters on the cookies means they are not in. The slime is now for a new monster that's gonna be revealed during the final trailer.
Here's a screenshot of the new monster, it's blurry because i don't wanna get fired just for you losers.
I doubt it, where you fight him and how you fight him is so thematic I don't think you really just make another Zorah without making an entirely new set piece and make up a reason why we're fighting another Zorah
Reposting to aid discussion in how many monsters people expect in Iceborne.
>MH1 G Rank added 1 new monster, 10 subspecies and 2 rare species for a total of 13 added monsters.
>MH2 G Rank added 6 new monsters, 4 subspecies and added back in Yama Tsukami who was cut from Portable 2nd for a total of 11 added monsters.
>MH3 G Rank added 2 new monsters, 5 subspecies, 2 rare species, 1 variant, 4 returning monsters and added back in 3 monsters cut from Portable 3rd for a total of 17 added monsters. It did, however, remove 6 from Portable 3rd, so the net gain was only 11 added monsters.
>MH4 G Rank added 2 new monsters, 8 subspecies, 2 variants and 11 returning monsters for a total of 23 added monsters.
>MHX G Rank added 2 new monsters, 6 deviants and 14 returning monsters for a total of 22 added monsters.
>MHW Master Rank adds 3 new monsters, 3 subspecies, 1 variant and 5 returning monsters for a total of 12 added monsters (so far, the game isn’t out yet and not everything is revealed).
Right, which is why gore and shaggy never appeared again and the sanctuary was never used as arena for any other monster
I cant believe chameleos made it in
>purple slime
>no picture
So you’re colourblind AND regular blind? How’d you land a job at Capcom?
>Chameleos with slime
>it's zorah but now he has one horn and he's red
>Ashen Lao Shan Lung
>Hallowed Jhen Mohran
>Shah Dalamadur
Zorah's going to get a subspecies in Iceborne, mark my words.
Dahren is pretty much Jhen with a different coat of paint. Also, Amatsu. But it's more of an actual monster fight.
Please forgive me, Yea Forums, but I have to ask, what's the difference between subspecies, rare species and variants?
Gen didn't really give a shit about being thematic because it's anniversary game. Gore and Shaggy are medium sized monsters so they can be put anywhere, sanctuary is just arena so they put whatever monster they felt like in their
IT'S ON!!!
repost my contribution too
Realistically, and traditionally
>we alr hit the quota for actually new monsters, so yeah
>3 more sub for Pao, Tobi and Pukei. maaaaaybe for Jagras like how Ludroth got one. but then Gobul didnt, so yeah
>a final boss
>fatty trio or Ala
thats 5-8 more
and if we take the cookies leak into the equation, there're Valstrax, Gore, Lagi, Steve left (did i miss any)
so we are looking at ~20-24 monsters added
Cursed image.
No way Velkhana, Banbaro and Beotodus are the only new 5th gen monsters. You know there's going to be more.
>meltdown zorah magdaros
>cores are hard/inflict blastblight/added bullshit
>clutch claw parts when he submerges for extra bullshit
the fuck is this
I dun ged id
>subspecies: recolors that live and adapt in another environment. From gen 3 onward they start to carry different elements and abilities. ex: Kut-ku and blue kut-ku of old, or Barroth and Jade Barroth of new
>Variant are stronger, better version of an existing monster, through age, experience, metabolic abnormality etc ie Raging Brach, Savage Jho, and the newest Shrieking Legiana
>Deviants are super strong monsters that survive an encounter with hunters/other strong monsters that attain "god-hood", getting new, strong moveset ala Hellblade glavenus
>Rare species: not much is known except they love the tower. including Lucent narga, metal raths, red tigrex, and (maybe) abyssal lagi
Zorah gets a variant instead where he is shell-less, and redder. His name is Fire Godz-err, Burning Zorah Magdaros
Subspecies are the same monster with a few new moves and/or properties, possibly in a different biome
Rare species are the same monster but souped up to endgame standards with even more new moves and bullshit properties
Variants are the same monster as before but with some aspect tuned up really high so they're way stronger than normal, often functionally the same thing as a rare species if the monster was not already endgame tier
Actual genetically distinct subspecies of a monster, like an actual real life subspecies.
>Rare species
Essentially the same thing as subspecies, the only real difference being that they're rarer.
Genetically the same as the basic monster, but different in some other way. Savage Deviljho is just a regular Deviljho that's starving, Furious Rajang is just a regular Rajang that's 200% mad, etc.
Might as well throw these in, they're similar to variants but they're individuals that specifically survived encounters with hunters and became stronger because of that.
hopefully so, but as per tradition, as i said, there are not that many actually new monster added but recolored/past flagships
im just being realistic, but yeah. ~20 monsters added, 2/3 are actually new to the gen. thats crazy enough
Well, yeah, you're right. Looking back at the old G games, they do not actually add all that many new current gen monsters. Hopefully World breaks that tradition though and adds, say, at least 5 more 5th gen monsters, excluding subspecies.
G Rank games rarely add a bunch new monsters. The fact of the matter is that they don't even have to really. Adding old monsters will have the same effect it's always had - please the veterans, and give "new" monsters to new players.
We might get one or two more, probably with one of them being the final boss monster which is always new anyways.
But what's the thing coming out of his spine?
>subspecies: I'm your half brother from another mother that was raised in a different state.
>variant: I'm you but tired and angry, and I've killed a man just to watch him die.
>deviant: I'm you, but extremely angry all the time, and I've killed hundreds.
That's his wingarms. He's a dragon and those have six limbs. He uses them to carry the rock on his back.
So if this leak is real, Seregios and Gore are basically guaranteed to be DLC, right? I just don't see them being in at launch.
post your
>First game
>Most used weapon
>Favorite monster
Interesting. It seemed a bit confusing at first, but now it does make a lot of sense. Thanks, anons!
The big ones? Those are wingarms but hold up his little tortoise shell instead.
Anyone else think the 4th gen monsters were basically a giant mistake?
All of the new monsters in 4 were basically big flashy tech demos, and nothing else, designed to show off some new features or map verticality gimmicks. Especially monsters like Kecha Wacha and Nerscylla basically can't come back because their entire gimmicks hinge on 4U's map design.
>Longsword, even though Hammer is my favourite now
>unironically Zinny. He may look tacky but god I love fighting him
All the flagships are gotta be in the base game, or base expansion rather, otherwise the whole 15th anniversary tease would be wasted opportunity.
Although Fatalis is probably being reworked into a new siege type fight which will be added in a post-release content update.
I honestly doubt this leak solely because it has Jade Barroth in it.
Variants are the same monster but with some anomaly.
Furious Rajang is a Rajang that has remanifested its power despite losing its tailtip
Savage Jho is a Deviljho that has gone rogue from prolonged starvation
Raging Brachy is a Brachydios whose body has been overtaken by its slime. The slime is linked to a rare organ that lets them produce counterblasts.
Chaos Magala is a Gore Magala that failed to molt due to battle damage from hunters
Shrieking Legiana is a Legiana whose latent power has been unlocked by Velkhana's singing
user, stop pushing this fake shit. The dumb fuck literally made it a day after SDCC revealed Acid and who else was getting subs, then threw in unaltered Khezu, Gore, and Sergios icons. The resolution is tiny on purpose to make sure you can't fact check it.
FU. Didn't get far in that one though.
CB probably. Spent the entire 4th gen using it almost exclusively. Although GS and SA are probably not too far behind.
Gore, more specifically Chaotic Gore, and Zinogre.
He threw in unaltered Khezu, Gore and Seregios icons but made an entirely new Brachy icon?
>GS til gen 3, mostly use Hammer/HH now
>this guy
From World specifically - Odoggo. Overall - Brachydios.
>Tie between Hammer and LS
>Gore Magala
>every monster in the cookie leak is in
>still 3 or more subs to show+final boss assuming it’s not just fatalis
>possibly subs/rares/variants for returning monsters besides acid glav
>jyuratodus is still the only water monster in the game
Subspecies are the first recolour a monster gets. They’re stronger than the original. Rare Species are the second recolour a monster gets. They’re even stronger than Subspecies. Variants are the same mo stew but with a new or altered mechanic, but otherwise are exactly the same as the base species. Deviants are in Gen/GenU only, and they are individual members of their species that through mutations or experience have become far stronger than any other member of the species.
>Generations ( I know I'm a fag)
>Chaotic Gore
Probably Greatsword if we're starting from FU
That Brachy icon makes it even more fake since it doesn't match the cookies that had the new Zinogre and Glavenus icons.
>>jyuratodus is still the only water monster in the game
Aren't you forgetting somebody motherfucker?
>water mon
Is your head okay, user?
This leak is fake just by virtue of never having been removed for copyright from Reddit.
The original MHW leaked list? Removed by copyright notice.
The Zinogre icon leak? Removed by copyright notice.
But this never was, despite being posted over and over.
So it's fake.
Besides, if you think we're actually getting 24+ monsters in Iceborne you're delusional.
I hate people who think games before World are "Classic MH" and think GenU is "Classic"
They are mentally retarded
he's as water as Nibelsnarf
which is plenty
So I guess Brachydios isn't in the game then because the cookies literally just had his 4U icon?
He can waterblight you in world no?
Is the event quest "Triple Threat Showdown" the best way to farm low tier decorations? I need some health up jewels.
>FU but didn't get far with it
>GS, hammer
I never played any MH but i'm easily influencable and you fags keep posting about it
Should I start ?
yes, bring a bandit mantle too for lots of free money as well.
Nibel weapons do water damage, Barroth's don't.
Read the post he responded to, that’s actually MORE than most G Ranks add.
wouldnt be a bad time with the new expansion bringing everyone back, just beware that progression can be a little slow at the start.
Generally when people refer to monsters by their element they mean that their equipment has that element attached to it. Jyuratodus is the only monster in the game with water element on its weapons.
>we will never get the moveset tweaks and well-designed M+KB controls Online had in MHW
>>First game
Monster Hunter World
>>Most used weapon
>>Favorite monster
Kushala Daora/Pukei-Pukei
So why only gen 3 has decent water representatives (and weapons) anyway?
all leviathan, even
That's not enough! I want more monsters! MORE!
>gen 3
Start now if you want to play Iceborne with everyone. While you can start Ice right away its better if you get the hang of the game first (world is basically a huge tutorial)
He's a representative of gen 3, specifically P3rd
well, i should have phrased it better, but yeah
>Besides, if you think we're actually getting 24+ monsters in Iceborne you're delusional.
This, we'd be lucky to even get 20.
You’ll get what you’re given AND YOU’LL DAMN WELL LIKE IT
Listfag, please get help.
What if I like what we're given.
>he hasn't actually looked at the cookies
Some icons are more dramatically changed than others, but Brachy was still altered. Or are you saying Rathalos isn't in the game because he's used the same icon since Gen 2?
Still a dumbass.
You did buy an SSD right, pard?
I've had an SSD in my PC all along, you dumb bitch. Now hurry up with the release.
I intended to grab a better gpu by the end of the year, actually, so I can run the game at anything higher than min settings. Even on my ancient harddrive, the loading times aren't that bad.
pls dont bulli. have another great water monster
I removed it because of you.
>but Brachy was still altered
Point out how. The only differences are some colors, and that's either because of the packaging or because of shitty dye.
>Or are you saying Rathalos isn't in the game because he's used the same icon since Gen 2?
Are you blind or just retarded if you think he has the same icon?
But sure, go ahead and keep jerking off to your fucking cookies and posters. Don't get too disappointed when Iceborne doesn't deliver on your unrealistic expectations though, moron. Or actually, please do, it'll be fun to watch you all fucking cry and bitch that your little theory ended up being a bust.
no cause my pc alr has 1
Unironically a great monster, and also with affinity for water element. Monhan would be 100% better if it had 100% more bug monsters in it.
In all seriousness, my theory is that the cookies weren't supposed to reveal any new monsters so they used old icons for anything not yet shown off in trailers, but they used Zinogre's new icon by mistake. Zinogre is 100% proven to be in Iceborne, but we simply don't know for any other flagship.
>Great Wroggi
Is mhw fun solo?
>lance, sns, Ig
>rajang, brachy, seregios, akantor and gog
Is Illustrations 4 out yet? What's taking them so long
Also, the original Zinogre leak didn't feature Valstrax despite having monsters ordered alphabetically. The only monster whose name starts with V is Velkhana. So unless the leaker just happened to only have access to these specific files for some reason, which were all in alphabetical order, but they skipped over Valstrax for some retarded reason, he's not in. Not in the base game at the very least.
>play female character
>get friend requests and invite
PS4 btw
Because Vaal Hazak doesn't exist, right? Dumbass.
Every mh game is fun solo
>t. "lonewolf"fag
That seems like way too much thinking for Capcom.
Sure, especially early on when you're still figuring out the mechanics. It is more fun with a friend later on, though.
New monsters, idiot. Why would Vaal Hazak need a new icon?
Why would there only be new icons?
>So unless the leaker just happened to only have access to these specific files for some reason
Do you think those three are the only new icons in Iceborne? If the leaker had access to other new icons, why would they not have posted them? It's more reasonable to assume that they did only have those specific files than that they just decided to leave other monsters a secret for no reason.
>wanting the same monsters we've been hunting for 10 years
>That seems like way too much thinking for Capcom.
It's the only thing that makes sense though. Brachydios doesn't have his new icon but he's in. The only thing I can think of is that Zinogre's icon was included by accident.
This is all hype marketing orchestrated by Capcom US
Also Valstrax literally has no chance
They havent released Illustrations X yet
monster hunter
its easier solo but also more lonely, its up to you if thats fun or not.
A cat is fine too.
Nah, dont lie
Most players pick female chars in PS4 and no one expect them to be girls in real life
Read the rest of the sentence. If he only had access to a select few files, what would be the odds of them being the last few monsters in the roster in alphabetical order, but skipping Valstrax even though he's in the game?
I'm not excluding the possibility of him only having access to those files, I'm simply saying that it would make no sense for Valstrax to not be there if he was in. If he got the last 3 monsters, why wouldn't he get Valstrax, Velkhana and Zinogre?
Besides, there's an obviously visible scroll bar on the left side of the image showing there are a bunch more contents in that folder.
Why? Realism isn’t an argument.
R-right. Who'd ever expect something like that? Not me. Ha ha.
*most japanese players
Do you really expect that, user?
>Capcom US released official cookies with new icons at a Japanese event and made just one post on Yea Forums that almost got ignored
This must be the Da Vinci code of video game marketing.
>been farming Zinogre for 3 fucking hours for his Skymerald
>never drops
Well, most players are japanese in PS4
It's just listfag, Valstrax is his waifu (he insist on it being female) and it would be the ultimate NTR to him if they put it in world
>Long Sword
>Daimyo Hermitaur/Shogun Ceanataur
>Tie between Nargacuga and the Magalas
So who do you think might get a rare species, anons.
>It's just listfag, Valstrax is his waifu
>(he insist on it being female)
Was listfag actually the second coming of slugfucker?
AT Nergigante is pushover. No fun, just carting all time just from him breathing in your direction.
If we're talking strictly Gen 5 mons then it's gonna be Bazel
Tigrex got a rare species in 4U, so doesn't necessarily have to be a current gen monster.
>Elder reccess is big enough to accommodate him
Oops, meant for .
If Bazel does get a variant to compete with the likely inclusion of Savage Jho, what new abilities can he even get other than to be always in glowing bombs mode?
Yeah, i know it doesn't have to be strictly from that gen, but i'm having a hard time thinking about which monster would get a Rare Species, maybe Zinogre?
That's a Jasper, I need a Skymerald.
Sticky bombs.
>best boy doesnt have a Deviant
>Or a rare species
>Or a variant
>not even a subspecies
It's not fair.
Proximity mines
And now he won't even be returning in 5th gen despite being an easy inclusion.
He’s the same size as Behemoth.
I doubt Glavenus will be the only returning monster to get a new subspecies so if Steve is in then he'll probably get one too.
Probably Anjanath.
Bazel will get a variant most likely. To get a rare species you need a subspecies and I dunno if they’ll add two new Bazelgeuses in the same game. Only time monsters have gotten sub and rare in the same game was 1G with the Rathalos and 3U with Lagiacrus.
Anja already got a sub, no way he's getting a rare species too.
Anja is too crap to get a second new type for him, I'm betting on diablos
They're both ~3000cm but Akantor stands up
He's WAY too tall for any area in the game currently
He also has his sliding attack, and to have it executed properly, it needs much more space than behemoth's areas can offer
Lagiacrus got a subspecies and rare species in the same game, as did Rathalos and Rathian before them. It’s a very rare occurrence though.
Lagiacrus got a sub and rare in the same game, it's not unheard of. The bigger issue I'd see is the fact he's not enough of an important boy, compared to other stronger monsters that got one.
Akantor can stand up without hitting the roof in all the lava areas and the central outdoor area in the Recess, but the slide attack does throw a spammer in the works.
Supersonic speed
Not him but those two are flagships
I doubt a measly anjanath would get one.
You’re all forgetting who’s truly most likely to get a rare species in Iceborne; Kirin. You know Oroshi is in so he’s a good candidate.
>Biggest reboot of the franchise comes out, first game that genuinely wouldn't run on a PS2
>By the 2nd year you're already asking for a random assortment of monsters from the past 15 years.
Wew lad. Iceborne is already looking like one of the biggest G-rank xpacs, calm your horses.
Stealth bagelgoose that doesn't show up on the map
I honestly doubt it, horsefag.
Fucking Hypnocatrice of all things has a rare species, though
>he gets Chameleos’/Lucent Nargacuga’s invisibility gimmick
Stealth bomber Bagel Juice sounds delightfully awful. That or infantry carrier Beetle Noose who drops several small monsters from the area down on top of you.
From Frontier. He also never got a subspecies first, which is odd. A variant, but no subspecies.
Bazel, but he drops konchus on you instead of bombs.
>That or infantry carrier Beetle Noose who drops several small monsters from the area down on top of you.
Imagine every shell being an exploding Konchu.
And Aubergine too!
His bombs are all Konchus that release dragon energy balls like Stygian Zinogre when they land.
Kirin in the Coral Highlands. Oroshi Kirin in the Ancient t Forest (he was in the Everwood in 4/4U). Dragon element Kirin who invaded all maps during Elder Dragon hunts.
All of the monsters I listed are big monsters
Theyre not a random assortment
Mhw has no true boss fights
Is it Pukei Handler time, pards?
It’ll unironically be Glavenus who gets a rare species in Iceborne. He’s a flagship meaning he’s allowed to get a sub and a rare in the same game, and he’s the director’s pet so he gets preferential treatment.
So what’s rare species Glavenus gonna be, anons?
>Elder’s Recess is big enough to accomodate him.
No it isn't.
Is it weird that I'd be much more tolerant of the cunt if she was a Pukei Pukei?
But it is. It’s a tight fit but it works.
God bless PC's mods, haven't seen her face in a year.
Regular Glavenus is a greatsword and Acidic Glavenus is a longsword. I hope y’all are ready for Dragon element charge blade Glavenus.
not gore
not at launch at least
Not that kinda tight fit, Nerg-user.
all of this are shit
especially daimyo
Leaker-kun here.
I only got those 3 icons. I have many others, and random assets, just not new unknown IB material. For example I had no clue of Acid Glavenus, I don't have major access to anything they're doing. Dont take the alphabetical order as a hint, those are the only files in the folder, doesn't prove or disprove any other monsters.
PS: The scroll bar on the left isn't that folder's scrollbar but rather the shortcuts for other system folders
>It’s a tight fit
If by "tight fit" you mean "has to be reduced in size to give players adequate movement room" then sure it'll work.
If he does get in then it'll either be smaller or have a map to itself.
Is there a Pukei Handler mod yet?
How'd you get a hold of this stuff?
proof? that image is just random shit from the base game.
He takes up about the same size as Behemoth minus the walking room underneath him.
>Glavenus Rare can use GPs into AEDs and even has his own Savage Axe mode
>He takes up about the same size as Behemoth
Behemoth being smaller than both Ukanlos and Akantor.
>Charge Blade Glavenus
>Switch Axe Glavenus
>Bowgun Glavenus
>Hunting Horn Glavenus
>Insect Glaivenus
Capcom dev team 2 here, the purple slime on Uragaan tease at the end of the trailer was a red herring. It's not Brachy. Y'all got played. His icon on the cookie is old because he's not in Iceborn. old icons monsters on the cookies means they are not in. The slime is now for a new monster that's gonna be revealed during the final trailer.
Here's a screenshot of the new monster, it's blurry because i don't wanna get fired just for you losers.
The blade that transforms into an axe.
Dunno, only 6 hours in but the blue electric lizard was tough to beat and so it's the most memorable at the moment.
I'm looking forward to high rank and the monsters from the xpack but it seems like the PC version will only come much later.
Who are these cuties?
>you will never have a polygamy marriage with bunch of monhun asian waifus
>you'll most likely enjoy anything afterwards
>enjoying Wii controls
>enjoying fucking 3ds controls
the psp controls were my limit worse than that is a No
yes. I have PS/AI files for many icons, including old ones. Other types of assets too.
Don't want to say
I'll post 2 different altered versions of MH4U's icon in this post and the next.
You can emulate them all.
What does that prove?
>forget why I haven't played GU much since getting it months ago
>launch it
>"oh yeah, the fucking 2 star berry picker quest that I can't find the berry"
>set out on quest
>no hints
>no scoutflies
>just me and world baby brain against old MH game
>map quadrant loading screens
>about 20+mins of guessing around the map picking at every berry bush thing I see
>grug getting annoyed at berry picker job
>still not one quest berry
>time running out
>"Is the level between world and old MH so big I'm about to fail a berry picker quest?"
>swallow pride
>"Fine! I'll Google it."
>Pull up a guide
>Gotta smack some random basic monster while it nibbles a tree at the beggining of the map
>run through dumb map quadrant loading screens
>wait for long neck monster to nibble tree
>smack it
>get stupid quest berries
>angrely runback to camp just to drop stupid berries in box to complete quest
>annoyed Grug.jpg
Am I gonna need a guide for anything else in this game?
>tfw was one of the two guys who paid for the Nex commission
It's kind of funny to see others still repost her today and even draw their own Pukei Handlers.
One guy said he'll consider it if there were some orthogonal views to go off, other than that no.
Would a young Zorah be a Magala like Gogmazios?
Not an edit you can do without the PS/AI file
anyway here's the last one. Just want to say that zinogre is in and any absence of other monsters in that screenshot is not proof they aren't in. I'm already risking a lot by keeping posting stuff like this so this will be the last time I ever do it. wasn't even a big leak anyway so you guys can speculate whether zinogre is in and others aren't, etc. have fun
>Bherna Husband: My wife has her heart set on eating some Ancient Berries despite them being really hard to get. I heard Larinoths drop them if you "interrupt" them while they eat. Up for some "interrupting?"
i swear you fucks never read the quest description. You are missing tons of hidden kinos
>that princess who want a rajang for a pet
main limbs and neck are too long, "wings" are too short but yeah, might be? or just a distance relative
FU, but really 3U
Longsword until 4U, then Insect Glaive
That quest tells you pretty much exactly what to do in the description.
Monster Hunter yes the Ps2 one
GreatSword Chad
>wasn't even a big leak anyway
Well, big enough to confirm one of the returning flagships and get shit on other sides copyright claimed.
that be a lot of MH games
Hot take: Pukei-Pukei is getting FOUR subspecies based on the seasonal festivals.
Spring Blossom: Ancient Forest
Summer Twilight: Wildspire Waste
Autumn Harvest: Rotten Vale
Winter Star: Hoarfrost Reach
He needs an Appreciation Fest rare species that invades all maps and screams ‘HEY PARD’ every few seconds.
Great idea, pard!
Monster Hunter (PS2) but only a bit. FU was the one that got me in.
Hunting Horn
Thanks, pard!
>You are missing tons of hidden kinos
user, kino doesn't work that way
Freedom Unite
Hunting Horn or SnS
Gigginox or Jho
Anyone else hoping Mizutsune gets in so Lagiacrus can have another monster to share it's skeleton with?
Reminder of all the monsters in Iceborne:
>Shrieking Legiana
>Ebony Odogaron
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Tobi Kadachi subspecies
>Paolumu subspecies
>Pukei Pukei subspecies
>Khezu or Gigginox
>Gore Magala
>Acidic Glavenus
That's around 21. Anyone else?
I hope it gets in exclusively for its armor.
Now try MHFU if you really want a hard MH and not the casual shit from Nintendo
People actually want Shen back? He's one of the most boring seige monsters in the series alongside Lao. Why not ask for the Mohrans or something?
New final boss and probably some variants like Rusted Kushala and Savage Deviljho making the cut. If not at launch as DLC or as their AT versions.
You dont get to talk about difficulty here, gramps.
Is it only the worldshits that think they have to do all the gathering quests?
When I played xx I remember 2-3 quests at most, yet now I see retards saying that there's 2 hours' worth of mandatory gathering, is it because spermies don't know about key quests?
FU GS Rape ape
Gore and Lagi made for some kickass flagship monsters and I'm thrilled to see them in Iceborne
missing barroth
You do need to do all of them fpr the Hayabusa Feather which was extremely good in Gen and still great in XX, iirc.
Monster Hunter
Ancient Greatsword / BDS
>farming triple threat for health up jewels
Haha... just two more to go bros... don't want to be a shitter and get one shot...
>nintentoddler can avoid a single Diablos rush
as expected
I thought he was the worst of the fated 4.
That's already in the base game.
thats not Gammoth
great sets tho
Why not just use a max potion?
in 3U it was lance now i'm rotating through all of them
Freedom Unite
I think playing Tri as the entry point and then going back to FU and then jumping into 4th gen is the way to go
Though I had a couple friends to play with me through the entirety of FU guild hall, only game I ever beat g-rank so far
that's frametrap you larper, Bloodbath is MUCH harder than anything in hitboxUnite.
>b-but adept
Adept is about the same as evasion+2 which is in FU, seethe
valor dodge gets you ohko'd
FU was a shit game, retarded nostalgia glasses will never change that.
>freedom 2
what the fuck i'm almost OG. but the most time i've invested is world so eh i feel like a newfag
Health Up 3 gives you +50 health on top of your food/potion max
stop misgendering my bubbly waifu
>still going to have less than half the content of GU
I'm good.
Set weighs into how much I like a mon. Mizu shit fight shit gear, gamgod shit fight godly gear.
Wow that’s broken
We have been doing that for some time in GU, why eould we want to hunt them in baby's first MH instead?
Try it without lame ass styles and arts.
Why do fans of GU think it's real monhun? Hate world if you want but GU is no better.
Not really but it is the most consistently useful defensive skill
I already play Guild with no arts, so I have.
>literally making up random shit
120 hours in World, 300 in GU. World is a tutorial game that I can't imagine wanting to ever go back to. The best part about it is the endemic life collecting.
Because it is, retard.
It's pretty mandatory for AT stuff so you don't get one hit killed. Just a layer of comfort
>World is a tutorial game
No shit, it's a game lacking G rank. Nobody denies this. But so many trash World for things like mantles while praising "classic" MH like Generations.
As much as world is. FU is last classic 4u is last middle.
>arts and styles galore
>last real monhun!
I remember when people used to shit on gen extremely hard, good times.
>so many
It's been proven to be a single shitposter.
Only on Yea Forums. And just like now, it's just to shit on Nintendo, not because of any real issues.
Just like this guy. 3U is literally the best by far, and I started with FU.
Show said proof, worldfetus.
I'm sure there are other autists who like the small things in previous games too. Enough to shitpost about it.
I don't trash World for mantles of GU for arts and styles because they're all optional. All of the issues I have with World are in other areas.
What has./mhg/ brainwashed you to think?
GU is a classic mh, arts are a very minor changes, 4u's verticallity and mounting is a much more drastic change. Styles are nothing new, only peabrains think they "changed mh"
>Guild, nothing new
>Striker, nothing new
>Aerial, seethe about insect glaive if you hate aerial, other than something 4U introduced, there's nothing new
>Adept, LITERALLY evasion+, nothing new
>Valor, nothing new aside from moveset change and a sheathe that gets you killed in anything above hr4
>alchemy, nothing new, pseudo hh/widerange mushroomancer
On the other hand, it has the best roster of any mh game and is all around the most fun.
Reminder that if anyone says gu ruined mh, they are 100% brainlet drones that cannot formulate an individual opinion.
>for things like mantles
We dislike it for being laughably easier than any game before it, for babying the player with free environmental help and sprinting while healing, for forced ealking and tutorial sections, and for running through corridors being a horrid replacement for simple area changing, among other things (like the worst weapon and armor design in the franchise). Mantles are optional, just like arts.
>and for running through corridors being a horrid replacement for simple area changing,
>he actually likes load screens
>he has no argument and no brain
GU and World are both good in their own ways and have their own faults and strengths.
It's just that /mhg/ and console war faggots ruined Monster Hunter discussion.
World's only good points are MUH GRAFIX and endemic life. That is it.
More like listfag still not being rangebanned.
>GU and World are both good in their own ways and have their own faults and strengths.
Yeah, I own and love both. They scratch different itches; one being a sendoff to the old and one being a new take. This is why I and I'm sure many other people are interested in seeing World's new take on the old monsters, just like it was nice seeing them all back in the old style for Generations. But there's very little ground for an argument that one is shit and the other isn't when they both make a lot of similar changes to the old gameplay, besides the lack of variety and difficulty in World, which is what Iceborne is for.
Third gen was weak. 4u and fu > 3u. I started on the ps2.
FU is THE classic mh. The further you get from there the less classic you are. GU is at least as far from FU as world is is my point. Either neither are "real" monhun or both are. I don't care either way really. I happen to prefer World because I hated the style system but gen was still a fine game.
im not liking the new takes on Narga and Tigrex, tb h. they feel kinda weird and floaty
this lad,, on the other hand, make me hyped
>weeb/10 stance
>shealth attack
>tons of mix up
>shitter crying because muh hitbox
Stop Nintentoddler and play some mario if you find the game too hard
MHF2 is the most comfy Monster Hunter game period. You cannot debate this.
i cant. but why not upgrade to FU too?
literally no response other than "i-its a f-feature"
Also even with the shitshow that is FU hitboxes, gu is still harder. Name a quest if you'd like to refute
you just give the hunter iron boots and some of the plants from MH3U as an excuse of why you can breath and make it play the same but underwater.
>ps4 load times
double Rajan Super Saiyan arena
Well you are wrong, there's no real distance between fu and gu other than what Yea Forums has brainwashed you to think.
I'd like you to name a DRASTIC change (keyword drastic) in gu that is completely absent in fu
The only thing you'll find is thing 4u added and valor dodge, which as I said, get you killed in non low rank quests.
Other than that it IS classic mh.
Did you play the game?
Did you play 4u at least?
hr100s are literally the equivalent of 140s, unless you're going full sperge mode and saying that a fucking arena quest is as hard as a 140, kindly fuck off back to wojak consolewarring.
So, is Valstrax in?
We didn't had any Nintendo Casual shit to fight monsters
Evasion plus 2 is present in mhfu, what are you talking about? you did play the game... right user?
>what are you talking about?
you would know if you played freedom unite
FU is the last classic I said. I don't care about Yea Forums opinions these are mine from playing the series since 2004.
I don't care what gymnastics you do. Styles and arts aren't MH and they're not coming back. GU was fine, but it is absolutely not classic MH.
Can't anyone debunk this? is this really leaker-kun?
>the shitposter is still pushing his "b-but evasion+2" bullshit
>when adept dodges function completely differently from normal dodges
When you dodge normally, you have to align your iframes with the incoming monster attack's active frames in a way that your iframes start before the attack hitbox reaches you, and end after you left the hitbox.
While adept dodge ONLY needs for your iframes to overlap with the incoming hitbox for ANY small amount of time for it to activate the flashy adept dodge animation rendering you completely immune to the remainder of that attack's hitbox AND any other attacks from that or another monster that might also be present in the area until the end of the adept dodge animation.
And that not taking the absolute evasions and other arts into consideration.
>consolewarring shithead doesn't give argument
how shocking, its almost as if resorting to "j-just play it and you'll know what I mean" is an indicator of someone who hasn't played any mh game and is just obsessed with nintendo for some weird reason.
Again evasion+2=adept
other than repeating that like a broken record, you literally have nothing to say other than your nintendo-spite, you clearly haven't played gu and are just seething about how you hate nintendo, , seriously go back to your wojak thread.
monster hunter for the ps2 is the classic monster hunter everything after that is less classic, greatsword charges are not monster hunter.
I suppose it's possible that it could be an asset dump from the games or just a really dedicated photoshopper but eh, I don't take anything posted around here 100% seriously
I hear you on the portables and their control schemes, but you lost me on the wii. You know people played with the classic controller, not waggle right?
>one is easier than the other
evasion+3 is easier than adept.
no one is disputing which is harder, just the fact that "gu bad" shitposters are trying to make it seem like being invincible when dodging is something exclusive to gu
try again.
Tbh the official classic controller was pretty bad still
If I had played Tri at the time instead of skipping it I would've looked for a third party controller
I genuinely hated when GS turned into a hit and run weapon. I prefer it with the tackle added back in.
>Evasion plus 2 isn't mh
what did he mean by this?
Not to get involved in the shit flinging, but there isna differenve between investing like half of what you can squeeze out of an armor set into a skill that you usually can't even enough of until near the end of the game, vs just selecting Adept at the style select
Anyways you're all retards
>its more accesible
Oh no!!!
that still doesn't make it a feature that wasn't in fu.
And I'm retarded anyway, since I meant the pro version. I forgot the basic classic existed.
Evade 2 is mh. Adept isn't. Learn the difference it could save your life.
>Invincible dodge is very different to invincible dodge with run around animation
Again, what did he mean by this?
I frame dodging an attack and then attacking is MUCH faster than having to do the run around animation with adept.
You're splitting hairs, how the fuck did your obsession with nintendo begin? Did a nigga with a mario hat rape you when you were young?
>endgame vs the very beginning
now this is an absolute fucking joke. Adept around 90 frames of invulnerability. The only balanced thing for adept are guarding weapons since they actually get an animation for failing them you have to sit through
Calling evasion plus 2 endgame is a fucking lie
Its early-mid high rank at best and can be tacked on with any set for free in late high rank.
The fact that its more accesible still doesn't change the fact that its not a gu exclusive, when it comes to the fights that really matter (endgame), having adept is a nonfactor since you can also have it in FU
I said 4u is awesome I have nothing against Nintendo. I have plenty against styles and arts. My current top two games are FU and 4u. Iceborne might join them though.
Adept is approximately evasion+2.4, calling it 90 frames just makes you look childish.
>styles bad even though they are present in other mhs
ok so you are just retarded
Gunlance slapstick
Rathian, and not just for providing the best slapstick, I think he's fun to fight with anything
HBG a close second because Zorah cluster and sticky spam is just too funny, I wish HBGs didn't revolve around a single ammo type so the playstyle would be more varied
Reminder that we haven't had a true monster hunter since the PS2 and you are all secondary casual babies that need to git gud shm senpai.
incorrect, when you pull off an adept evade you are safe for the entire animation until your hunter lands. It is more than 90 frames, it is like a superman dive replacing the X button
You right.
Monster Hunter is
>attacks bound to the right stick
Monster Hunter is not
>everything else
>you are safe if a monster attacks you in the .33 seconds directly after he attacks
IMAGINE being this intellectually dishonest
I'll say it again
You're splitting hairs, how the fuck did your obsession with nintendo begin? Did a nigga with a mario hat rape you when you were young?
No. Armor skills are. Those are still in GU too by the way.
The point I believe he's trying to make is that there are attacks that last longer than even the Evade+3 iframe window, such as Rajang lasers, that Adept allows you to dodge directly through and still be safe. But you're just here to stir shit so whatever, listfag.
This guy gets it. The rest of you might as well give up because you're fighting for second place.
I actually started with FU
and worked my way back, then picked up tri some time after it came out
All you have to do is not reply to the shitposts.
How hard is it NOT to do something? It doesn't even require you to spend a joule of energy.
well thinking like that will get you fucked in a lot of endgame hunts, really
if anything people disregard adept cause it locked you into such a lengthy animation, while gutting your moveset
>some other nigger was instigating
>somehow I'm listfag
also see this guy's post
Damn, shame you dont know if valstrax is in. Thanks anyway.
>you don't like genu so you are a nintendo hater!
Yeah, instigating.
Where do you think you are, retard?
The adept roll I-frames last for around 1 second when you pull them off. It isn't nearly 90, it is more like 30 frames+Evasion 2
Hi listfag
I genuinely miss this.
Isn't Gen/XX in theory capped at 60FPS just like 4U? Even if it never actually runs that well.
it runs at
No, it's capped at 30. Despite 4U looking better AND running at up to 60 fps.
Do you know what instigating means?
Nowhere in my posts did I ever say that I dislike mhw, in fact I played behemoth yesterday with some friends
Does addressing the blatant shitposting and lying about GU in a thread make an anti-world shitposter
Holy shit the absolute state mh threads
its... weird
3ds is capped at 30fps, and so is the switch version, all stable
but i swear docked mode make stuffs really smooth somehow, even tho its still clearly the same 30fps
and no, the game logic is locked to 30. thats why 60fps mod breaks tons of stuffs
I just want Monkeys/Crabs back bros. A bit of variety ya know?
Guess I was mistaken then, I blame them going overboard on the particle effects
I need to commission some furry artist to do a newhalf rathian picture just for these occasions.
We'll probably get them in the next game if they aren't added in post-release updates
All the fundamentals for them are present in small monsters though, the crabs in the vale use the basic movement animations and Popos were originally made using the monkey animation skeleton
I bought and played a lot of mhw on the ps4 when it was released up until the kulve taroth stuff. I upgraded my pc since then, so I could probably run mhw on it max settings with an ssd. Should I wait until Iceborn PC, or get mhw now?
Man, hunting horn is actually really fun.
After FU I tried the 3ds one and it was so shit and casualized that I stopped with the demo
It'll probably be cheaper to wait for Iceborne PC and buy the whole package unless the base game goes on sale for less than $20
Or if you don't give a shit and just want to catch up with your console file then yeah pick it up now
>Insect Glaivenus
That made me laugh harder than it should have
Honestly I'd be 100% fucking down for Kamen Rider Glavenus
Hunting Horn in Iceborne is 200% more fun
I want Valstrax in Iceborne
I sure hope it does user.
They keep pushing HH further into a support role, when up until World and Gen they kept giving HH more and more stuff to push it away from that.
Remember that the PC version of Iceborne will be delayed by 3 months minimum, up to 5+ months. Consoles will get it in just about 2 months from now, PC 5~7 months.
Also no one is sure how events and DLC will works with IB. As it is right now it's pretty embarassing on PC as that version gets everything post-release delayed too and mismatched (for the most part) with consoles, even seasonal events which stop making sense when released out of season as they did. You also have 50x the cheaters on online PC, barely anyone bothers doing the same on consoles since it's way more bothersome to do so. PS4 also has more players so quick and varied SoS matchmaking is easier there, also possible in the first place during content droughts when there are less players.
To me performance is nothing compared to having a constantly delayed ~5 month version of the game, not just on release but afterward too. Experiencing content blind & fresh before any established META beats everything.
Up to you though.
>Zorah cluster and sticky spam
Wait until you find out about Deviljho
>His charged spin actually helicopters him into the air
I prefer Zorah, I don't remember why
I'd rather get a game that's responsive, really.
Events are events, they eventually come anyway, but loading screens will never disappear.
fuck zinogre
PC got seasonal festivals at the same time as consoles dumbass.
>Astalos acts as its Kinsect stand-in
Also cheating. I just got EDF on pc and I see at least one cheater every play session. Chaps my ass.
>gotta go with QT Nerg
>lance glavenus
>tail is much longer and thrusts out super fast. >Face is armored up like Urugaan's chin.
>counters you constantly
>To me performance is nothing compared to having a constantly delayed ~5 month version of the game, not just on release but afterward too. Experiencing content blind & fresh before any established META beats everything.
I dunno, user. You don't have to look anything up online before you play the game if you don't want to. And all of the content will eventually be in both versions. But the performance on consoles won't magically improve over time. And when it comes to action games in particular, I'd really like them to run at decently high fps and without input delay. RPGs or adventure games aren't nearly as dependent on performance.
I mean, you could invest $50 into another SSD, or just use one if you have an extra, and cut the loading by half of PS4. Won't be that bad then.
I had Raid0 SSD's on my previous PC and now I have a NVMe SSD and I don't much care about laoding screens on the console version, and I have the OG 2013 PS4 with the standard HDD. Guess it doesn't bother me because I always have a secondary screen to look stuff up or watch videos, the minute long loading is actually as nice break.
I think a Fiddler Crab would work better as a Lance monster
Crab armor has always been heavily defensive oriented anyways
I cant fucking believe Rathlos is in.
SSD doesn't fix framerates
If it doesn't bother you then great for you but I need stable framerates in action games
>put shop mod
>earn all the events shit to get layered
get fucked Capcom
I do for something like dmc but mh is slower and more about positioning. 30 is fine for it.
Lancing duramboros in gu is fun asf
I can't believe they haven't removed him yet too.
Are we cursed to suffer him being in EVERY MH game? Will they ever make Raths sit out a game?
They better never. My nostalgia matters more than yours. All you tribab cunts clamour for boring ass lagi. Well Rath was my nostalgia boy.
That would be like Pikachu not being in a Pokemon game
I'd be fine if it was stable 30 but on consoles it's more waffling between 30 and 50 which is annoying as shit, if I have an option for more stability I don't care about waiting
They kind of did that concept in one of the spin-offs, but it was more like an S&S crab than a Lance crab
Rathalos is immutable tradition.
But at least they finally got rid of Collect The Mushrooms.
Rath (esp silver) is objectively one of the worst mons
As someone who has played MonHun since 2nd gen on a PSP, and and had to suffer through 3DS's 240p period, 30fps on World is the least possible relevant thing for me. It's just the same as every MonHun I played, now with bearable resolution and actual real controls.
I can easily wait 1 year for next-gen to get 60fps on MonHun, not in a rush to get that extra performance.
Delays and cheaters (yes even in MonHun, PSO, EDF, co-op only games) bother me above anything else in the world. People have different priorities I guess. As a fan of the franchise I want my good first experience, playing it later is a whole different story, and I don't like to be absent from the zeitgeist of discussion, which I would need to be if I played it later to avoid spoilers, best practices and meta builds.
Ok you do you. Not even sure why you posted ITT asking that in the first place. If the conclusion was always "I want 60fps above cheaters, less active playerbase and half a year of permanent delays" then PS4 was never an option to you because you already knew it was 30fps and PC is the only consistent 60fps version out there.
I just want lagiacrus to rape my asshole please
How about no. owned.
There was an entire generation of Pokémon where Pikachu wasn't available
I just don't want them to butcher all the themes of returning mons like they did with jho
some of these guys need their OOMPH that shouldn't be subdued by a soundtrack that you can barely hear
I just listen to podcasts to avoid the godawful story. Should I have been listening the entire time?
Nah you could catch him in BW, just in postgame because Gen 5 was about new Pokémon only for the story. BW2 added him to the regional dex alongside another 150 Gens 1-4 Pokémon.
Evasion+ should have never been added to MH.
How can I recover
But seriously I like what they did to him in world by having him fly less, but he's way too easy
Nope. Pikachu is nowhere in either BW or BW2, post game or not. The only way to get one in those games is to transfer it in.
He’s in and there’s nothing you can do about it.
There's something about Frontier designs that makes you instantly recognize them, even if it's the first time you see the monster, or if they're posted out of MH context. They just scream bad design, it oozes out of their every pixel on the screen.
I want to fuck Zinogre's boypussy.
Is this the magnetism dude?
I cant see them adding anyone other than épines
Is that a Frontier design? I thought it was God Eater or something.
go away furry
either you take the real, scary zin or you fuck off
No cutesy transformation is allowed here.
Iceborne gives it a new multihit spinny attack that might make elemental horns usable, and if you have the attack up note you also now get an explosion song that does good damage.
It's looking pretty good.
Designs like this, even if just for a few seconds, make me desire to see humanity wiped out.
I like this Zinogre.
no sadly. Fucking los is effectively the flagship for the franchise itself.
No, he's the liquid metal dude.
What's his magic power
kys zoofag
yourself is one word
ky furry
He controls liquid metal. All the silver parts aren’t actually part of his body but condensed liquid metal he uses as armour. When he dies and all the metal falls off and liquifies again he actually looks pretty plain.
I see your zoophilia shit taste has rotted your brain so much that you lost all sense of phonetics.
>tfw monster designs peaked at 3rd Gen.
Where are these people now? Why did they leave Capcom?
So, he's basically Terminatrix. I.e. bad design.
Does anyone know if it's possible to cancel the new claw hook when mid flight to a monster or will you have to take it all the way to it?
Wtf are you talking about.
There was a nigga fapping to cutesy zin, he should take the manly route and do it to the real zinogre.
I don't see where you got the idea that care about fucking animals
again, ky
Why does Yea Forums always have this mentality?
Nice mental gymnastics, but you're still a zoofag.
They're big AND boring. The latter is their problem, not the former.
Gog is big and fun.
He's pretty similar to Velkhana tbf, they both use "liquid solids"
And honestly aside from his retarded color scheme, they are pretty similar physically
Nigga you literally misunderstood my post, there are no calisthenics here.
how can anyone keep playing mhw with that absolute bore of a '' late game ''
Verticality and jumping.
so what is the pink bazelguese subspecies going to be?
He meant Barioth
All Zinogre is good you faggots
Except for FA anthro OC shit, fuck that.
Blossom Bazelgeuse. He just drops harmless flower petals everywhere instead of bombs.
Poison bombs
What is there to misunderstand? You advocate fucking the "real" Zinogre, which has only been shown to have the biology and mental capacity of an animal, over an anthropomorphized version that would actually be able to consent to your advances.
So basically, you're a zoofag.
You forgot Barioth.
Also there's a high likelihood of Oroshi Kirin and Alatreaon.
The new themes are objectively better.
I disliked 3rd gen artstyle. Too bright and not dragony enough.
Very few pics online of him unarmoured, and the ones I could find were all shit.
>Also there's a high likelihood of Oroshi Kirin and Alatreaon.
Is there really though? Oroshi would be really redundant when Velkhana already fills the Ice ED niche better.
Would you be satisfied with Iceborne if Brachydios, Zinogre, the Paolumu/Pukei/Tobi subspecies, new final boss, and metal raths were the only remaining monsters?
Because that's what you're getting.
>consent of an imaginary animal
holy shit go back
>metal raths
I wish the logic of "just adept or valor it bro" that anti-gufags use would work here
these shits were a nightmare to grind.
>fucking an imaginary animal
You played yourself.
You can't possibly tell me that you actually think World's Jho theme is better than Tri's
We’re probably getting a new monster for the final boss.
Oroshi Kirin and Alatreon were in the leaked roster for the base game but they never got patched in like the other three monsters from the list post launch (Deviljho, Kulve Taroth under the working title ‘Treasure Dragon’ and Lunastra). So they’ve been worked on since at least 2017, but either not finished for some reason or finished but delayed for some reason. Also Oroshi Kirin never actually appeared in any icy areas, just the tower and Everwoods. So if he’s in he’ll most likely show up in the Ancient Forest.
*other three monsters from the list that weren’t in at launch
I said that I am outside the realm of animal fucking, I only made a recommendation.
>consent of an imaginary animal
nigger I said go back
I know that they were leaked, but it's entirely possible they were just scrapped.
Jho is worse because he doesn't bust out of the floor anymore so you usually see him now before you actually hear his theme kick in upon entering the room
Bazel got it right by (usually) just dropping out of the fucking sky
Looks like Valstrax in rage mode
Oops, looks like Ive offended some good folks here, bye!
There were also dummied references to Escadora and Oroshi Kirin armor thay were found but it's unclear when exactly those were added to the game files.
Nobody cares about what you do. You decided to leave a hot take on what animal somebody should be fucking like the retard you are, and now you face your retardation.
I think a lot of the normal monsters in Frontier get a lot of undeserved shit from people who don’t know what they’re talking about, but the Elder Dragon designs are usually pretty fucking dumb I’ve gotta admit.
Where can I find more interviews like this?
>Bazel got it right by (usually) just dropping out of the fucking sky
Bazel is no secret agent either.
Make random monster scream -> Bazel inbound t minus 10 seconds
>Long Sword
>Kecha Wacha
fun seige
MUCH better than arguing about the rights and consent of said fucked imaginary animal
fucking weirdo
>fun seige
Doesn't exist.
That's how Jho generally used to work too but he usually wouldn't spawn into the map at the very start of a hunt if he wasn't a set target.
The point is more the SURPRISE BITCH effect of Jho's theme was lost while Bazel kept it due to the way they enter rooms now.
Look at this dude.
They're fun, until you have to fucking grind them.
You cannot fuck an imaginary animal, god how retarded are you?
Magnet Dragon is cool though, I hope he makes it to mainline.
>pokemon monsters design
>good at all
good equipment too
damn you're weird
What the fuck is wrong with your image?
Hey guys haven't played in months, is Ceanataur in yet?
>normal monsters
yeah I just started frontier and holy shit are the designs bad, the normal mons so far are atrocious
That narga replacement and the deviljho replacement look disgusting
Based Rukodiora
Nope. No (large) bugs until World 2.
Both of those guys are in the game. You mean Hyujikiki and Abiorugu? Cause Hyujikiki sucks I agree but Abiorugu is fine.
Not yet
So if controls liquid metal and controls magnetism, who wins in a fight?
It's possible, though it seems highly unlikely for capcom to pass on a chance to use a recolor they were already working on and that is even thematically appropriate. Alatreon is more complicated though.
the one with more spikes
Here's the Zenith version getting pinned if you want it.
Pearl Bazelguese
As in Pearl Harbor
Which aragami is this?
this guy, also yeah abiourgu is passable but he just pales in comparison to even anjanath in terms of likability
Seregios? Idk this is hard
That barrel is literally the only way to tell that this is Monster Hunter related at all
Not the Stygian Zinogre armor?
To be honest i couldn't even tell where the monster ended and the hunter began lol
>generic dinosaur
Even Glavenus is more likable
Oh yeah Dyuragaua, he sucks I agree. Frontier’s Flying Wyverns are 50/50 either cool and would be perfect in mainline or complete fucking garbage. Frontiers most consistently well designed monster type are their Leviathans, and that’s because there’s only three of them and one was based heavily on a cut design from Tri.
To be fair that’s a Zenith not the base species. Zeniths were COG grasping at straws for new content towards the end of Frontier’s lifespan.
Kuarusepusu is pretty cool. His spikes even serve a purpose since they focus sunlight which he then uses to fire a big ass laser.
I hope none of you shit on disco bird.
>To be fair that’s a Zenith not the base species. Zeniths were COG grasping at straws for new content towards the end of Frontier’s lifespan.
Not him, but to be fair if you replaced it with the original it's not going to make too much of a difference on user's statement.
Disco bird is fine but he ain’t got shit on Toridcless.
True, Toridcless is great. Not a fan of the Zenith though.
What the fuck are these names